who the universe connects

De valentinebylaufey

704 218 687

Celeste is a 22 year old college student who is the textbook definition of a hopeless romantic, from the mus... Mais

☆Seventeen ☆
☆Aesthetic Update☆
☆Aesthetic Update pt. 2☆


49 13 48
De valentinebylaufey

September 1st continued

This is terrifying.

I'm honestly starting to regret this whole thing. I look over and see Lucette typing up God knows what in my notes app to send to Royal.

"Almost done?" I ask anxiously as her fingers continue to type at a quick pace .

She answers back with a quick "Mhm" and keeps typing. " I understand why you didn't send me any photos now, I would probably be too excited and forget also."

I look at her sympathetically," Oh sorry, yeah it totally slipped my mind."

"Don't worry about it" she says with a smile and hands the phone in my direction. I look at her fearfully, not sure what exactly I got myself into, and take the phone.

Lucette is much better with talking to guys than I am, so I'm not sure why I'm so scared to see what she wrote.

I look at the phone, I'm shocked by the amount of words she wrote, I mean it was practically a God Damn essay.

"Jesus Christ, I thought you were just going to write a 'hey how are you doing' type thing, not my frickin life story."

She gives me a knowing look, " Oh don't be dramatic, I separated it by paragraphs. Each paragraph is a different potential response. I know how you like to be over prepared, so I just planned out something's to say to him before hand. The first little paragraph is what you are going to send first."

"Oh, well you could have told me this before you typed all this up!" I say slightly frustrated.

She rests a hand on my back , " Wow, you're really freaking out about this, huh?"

Of course I'm freaking out about this. I've never done anything like this before, and I really don't want to mess it up. I promised myself, if I ever got a love life I wouldn't fuck it up. I say to myself.

" Yeah, I am. First impressions are everything, and even though we talked in person, over text it just feels different." I say, resting the phone on the couch and placing my elbows on my knees, having my hands cup my cheeks.

After a moment of silence, I sit up and look at her, " I appreciate you thinking ahead for me though, you know me so well." I say sympathetically.

She gives me a reassuring smile in return, "Of course Ce, and don't think of it as a first impression, think of it more as a simple conversation, because that's exactly what it is, a conversation."

She's right, it's a conversation. A conversation with a cute guy who could possibly impact my love life in a positive way, but a conversation at that.

I pick back up the phone and actually look at what she wrote.

"Hey, it's Celeste from the art gallery."

I stare in confusion at the sentence " Is this too short?, What if he doesn't remember who I am?"

Lu replies cheerfully "It's a good length, and don't worry he's going to remember who you are, you're a pretty hard person to forget."

I open my contacts, "I hope so" I say as I type his number into my phone.

"Should I add anything after his name?" I flash the phone in Lu direction.

A cheeky smile spreads across her face " No that's good, but you can add a heart if you want though."

I quickly answer with " Um, I think just the name is fine" and save his number in my contacts.

I hesitantly open his contact and am met with the empty messages' box. "Here goes nothing" I say and type up the message Lucette had previously wrote.

I stare at it in the message's bar for a while, waiting for the confidence to just send it, to jump out of me.

Lu stares at me gently "Do you need me to push send?"

"No, no I'm good. I'm going to send it myself, just give me like", I over at the clock, it's 7:30pm already, "10 minutes" I say sheepishly.

"10 minutes!, No way!, you need to send it sooner than later. The longer you wait the more anxious you're just going to get and then it will just be a never ending cycle."

Ugh, I hate when she uses my own advice against me.

"Fine, two minutes."

"No, send it now" she says sternly.

I give her a look of annoyance "I hope you know that I hate you" I say as I hover my finger over the send button.

With a quick tap of my finger, I send it.

"I can't believe I just fucking did that!" I yell as I throw my phone on the couch and run to my room, closing the door behind me.

I flop on my stomach, onto my bed and dig my face into my pillow. I really hope I'm not going to regret that, I say to myself.

I hear a soft knock on my door and then hear the door open and close again. " Good job Ce, that wasn't so hard was it."

"That was terrible" I muffle into my pillow. Rolling over I see that she has my phone in her hand.

I scoot over so she can sit on my bed also. " Don't worry, boys usually take ages to respond, plus he is probably eating dinner or something so he is most likely distracted by something else." She says sitting down and passing me my phone back.

I take my phone back. I'm not sure if her comment makes me feel better or worse to be honest.

I open the notes app and read the other reply options she wrote for me. Honestly they're pretty accurate to what I would say, so there's not many revisions that I have to make.

"Now what?" I ask looking her curiously.

" Now we wait"

" Ugh, I hate waiting, especially for text messages."

The waiting always makes me feel anxious and like I'm about to throw up.

Lu gives me a soft smile, " How about you go take a shower, it will help clear your mind. I will watch your phone and tell you if he texts back."

"Yeah, maybe that's what I need, thank you."

Lu gets up and heads for the door.

I go over to my drawer and pick out a pair of pink silk pajamas from Victoria Secret that Lucette gifted me last Christmas.

"These truly are the cutest pjs ever, thank you again." I say holding up the top and admiring it.  She doesn't say anything "Lu?" still no answer. "Lucette, I'm talking to you" I say turning back to face the door.

She awkwardly stands at the door. " Holy shit, he replied."

" He what?" I say as I drop the pajamas onto my bed and run over to her.

I grab my phone back from her and look at his reply.

"I was hoping that you would text, did you get home safe?"

"Holy shit!, quick what do I say back?" I ask Lu excitedly.

She looks at me with the same excitement "Um, did I write anything in the notes to respond to this?"

I flip over to the notes app and look. "Yeah, you did. 'yeah I did, thank you, you?' is what you wrote."

Proudly she says "Cool, send it."

I see her walk past me and flop onto her back, on my bed, "Wow, it feels so nice being prepared for situations, is this how you feel on a daily basis?"

I laugh and turn to look at her "Sure, I guess." I sit on the bench in front of my bed and finish typing the message.

"Should I send it so soon?, I don't want it to seem like I have been waiting for his message, even though I have been."

She sits up on her elbows " Up to you really. I personally like to match the time it takes for a person to respond. So for like if a guy leaves me on delivered for 5 hours, I do the same to him."

Her response gives me all the answers I need and I send the message.

"If I was left on delivered for 5 hours by someone I really liked I would probably cry." I say looking at her.

She sighs "You unfortunately get used to it after a while, for some reason that's just how men operate, I guess."

"That sucks."

"Tell me about it."

"Should I take my shower now? or see if he responds?" I ask playing with my curly hair.

A small smile spreads across her face "Go take your shower, a boy shouldn't keep you from doing that."

I nod in agreement and put my phone on the night stand beside my bed. Lu heads for the door "Tell me if he replies."

I give her a smile "Of course."


After my shower I put on my skincare and then sit on my bed and grab the remote.

I turn on Gilmore girls, it's my go to background show and then pick up my phone on my nightstand.

"Lu, he replied!" I shout as I open the message.

"I'm glad you got home safe, I did as well, thanks."

"Are you free tomorrow? I know it's short notice so no worries if you're not, but if you are I know this great place for lunch."

Lu bursts through my door " I came as quick as I could" she's says still rubbing in her moisturizer. "What did he say?"

I face the phone in her direction and try to read her face as her eyes follow his typed words.

"Wow he double texted and he asked you out."

I stare at the text message " I don't think he asked me out, he just asked if I was free tomorrow."

"Girl, that's how you ask people out." she says adding a chuckle at the end.

"Oh" I say slightly disappointed. " But I'm not free tomorrow."

"Oh right, you're not" she says with the same disappointment.

My dumbass decided to sign up for classes on Fridays and I can't miss tomorrow's class because it is the first one of the semester.

Not to mention Lucette and I need to go shopping for our apartment. The apartment is extremely undecorated, just a few plants here and there and the basic furniture placed. It's so plain that it's to the point that it's depressing. Plus I previously set up some type of private shopping assistant to help us, so I really needed to be there.

And at the end of the day I need to call my parents to tell them how my first day of classes went.

" What do I say now, I don't want to disappoint him." I ask Lucette.

Lu ponders for a second " You're free Saturday right?, see if you can move the lunch til then?"

"I am free Saturday, that could work." I say feeling a little bit better.

I quickly type up a response.

" Unfortunately, I'm not free tomorrow, but I am free Saturday, does that work for you?"

I hit send and wait for his response.

"So what are you going to wear to lunch?" Lu asks glancing in the direction of the closet.

"No clue, but let's see if he is even available on Saturday first before we start planning outfits."

She shrugs her shoulders with a smile " Fair enough."

We watch tv in the meantime and Lu even makes popcorn for us while we wait.

She climbs into to bed next to me. " Rory is low key getting on my nerves" she says throwing a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

I laugh, " Same, not gonna lie."

My phone flashes and I look down to see his message.

I put down my bowl of popcorn and pick up my phone on the nightstand.

I read his message.

"Saturday works for me, can I pick you up at 3?"

I smile " 3 is perfect." I reply.

In a matter of seconds he replies by hearting my message telling me that it's a plan.

" Saturday works for him and he's picking me up at 3." I say cheerfully.

Lu shakes me excitedly "Looks like someone has a date on Saturday!"

Huh, I guess I really do have a date.

Hey everyone, I hope y'all enjoyed chapter 3. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I am loving the dynamic between Celeste and Lucette.

Have any thoughts or theories for what is going to happen next?

Until next time pretty people

kisses, valentine 💋

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