Benley:One Shot Collection

By BenleyFicWriter

4.5K 117 16

A collection of 20 Benley one-shots More

4 In The Bed
A New Nickname
He Had It Coming
A God Amongst Men
Fake Love?
Not leaving you
If You let Ben Shenan Once
He'll Shenanigan
Time Travel
Still Mine
Opposites Attract
Space Love
Doctors Make The Worst Patients


554 12 0
By BenleyFicWriter

"Baby" Ben walked into the house with the boys "Do I smell cookies"
They walked into the kitchen and Miranda and Pru were making a mess of the kitchen

"We're baking cookies" Pru smiled "Try" She pointed to the cookies sitting on the baking sheet. Ben grabbed one and smiled. They were soft and the chocolate was nice, warm, and a bit messy. He grabbed a few more and leaned against the counter. Tuck and Joey also grabbed some cookies

"I will ignore your dirty hands on those cookies" She glared at them

"They're not dirty" Joey looked at his hands

"Mhmm" She just added more cookie dough to another baking sheet

"What's the special occasion" He asked

"Happy place" Pru smiled

"I quit" Miranda wiped her hands on her apron and put more cookies in the oven
Ben nearly choked on his cookie and looked at his wife.

"You quit" Tuck stared at her

"As in you quit being chief or you quit doing surgery" Joey asked

"I handed in my keys to that office and don't plan on stepping back foot in that hospital any time soon" She happily mixed more cookie dough

"Are you serious" Joey asked

"Yup" She nodded "I refuse to let that hospital kill me. I need to think about my health and my family so I quit" She looked at Pru "And now I'm baking cookies with my daughter"

"So what you're just going to be a stay-at-home mom" Ben asked

"I'm not sure what I'm going to do. So far all I had planned was bake cookies with Pru" She took the next batch out of the oven and set them on the counter

"Good first step these are delicious" He reached for more but she tapped his hand shooing him away
"These are for Pru's preschool"

"Well no matter what you plan on doing. I support you" He kissed her cheek

"I could make good use of my treehouse" She smiled

"Yeah you could" He nodded "I have some ideas"

"That tree house is for reading Ben Warren" She pointed at him sensing what his ideas entailed

"And I was going to suggest what you could read" He chuckled lying through his teeth but wanting to be appropriate since their kids were standing there.

"After this get ready for dinner" She looked at them

"All we see are cookies. What's dinner" Tuck asked

"I'm ahead of you, it's on the way" She smiled "So wash up"

"Yes ma'am" The boys went off the wash their hands for dinner

"Come on you let's get this dough off you" Ben picked up Pru

Miranda cleaned up the kitchen and opened the door for the delivery. Once she got the food she set the table and laid the food out. Her sons soon joined her

"Smells wonderful" Tuck looked at the food spread out. Steak, broccoli, and potatoes

"We're going to eat like royalty" Ben walked in and put Pru in her highchair

"Yummy" She smiled

Ben cut up some steak and gave it to Pru along with broccoli and potatoes.

"I got the grace" Ben nodded. They all bowed their heads "Dear Lord, thank you for my beautiful wife and my beautiful family. and thank you for this delicious-looking and smelling food. Amen" Forks immediately hit the plates as the boys dug into their food as soon as Ben was done

"So you'll be home more" Tuck asked

"Yep" She nodded

"You going to do like PTA meetings and stuff" Joey asked

"May volunteer at the schools. I still want a hand in medicine so I may volunteer at some clinics"

"But you're just done with Grey-Sloan," Joey asked

"I'm done" She nodded

"Good" Ben nodded "That hospital never deserved you"

"Well that hospital made me so maybe don't be so quick to bad mouth it"

"Made you" He laughed "You made that Hospital, you could've gone to any program and you know it. You deserve a break Miranda" He kissed her hand

"I think I'm going to like having you home more often" Tuck smiled "Ben can't touch me in trivia but you are a worthy opponent"

"Whatever, I go easy on you" Ben laughed

"You were a doctor and now you fight fires, you were the chief of surgery and you quit" Joey looked at them

"Do not let our experiences change your mind about medicine Joey. You were so excited about med school" Miranda sighed "Ben still loves medicine he just also loves being a firefighter. Remember he tried to mesh the two with the PRT but that's another story for another time"

"And any time I'm on aid car my heart flutters a bit because I'm back to my first love. Medicine"

"I didn't leave because I don't love medicine anymore. I wasn't even really practicing medicine at that point. I was doing damage control and fighting for a program meanwhile Meredith Grey got to do whatever she wanted and then jump ship. So I figured hey why don't I jump ship too"

"So would you work at another hospital" Tuck asked

"How about we let her relax a bit? Just enjoy having her home. She can make career decisions after health decisions. I am happy to have my wife around" Ben smiled

"I know you all have a lot of questions but I don't know the answers to any" She shook her head "But Ben is right, let's just enjoy this time"

"Sounds good" Tuck nodded

"Alright" Joey nodded

"Want to watch a movie" Ben suggested

"Scifi" Tuck and Miranda said at the same time

"Jinx" Tuck laughed

"Pru what would you like to watch" Ben asked her

"Umm" The toddler tapped on her chin. They all sat in anticipation. She just kept tapping and saying umm. Miranda looked at her husband wondering why he even asked her.

"Think about it while we eat" Ben smiled. She happily nodded and ate more of her food. Miranda was sure she still wouldn't have an answer by the end of the dinner but she let her husband have his fun.

They finished up dinner and ate some more cookies before sitting down to watch a movie together.

"I want to sit by Randa" Pru climbed between Ben and Miranda and settled right under her arm. Miranda smiled as she threw a blanket over them.

Tuck and Joey got their blankets and laid them out on the floor. Joey moved the coffee table and the teens sat down.

"Alright Pru what are we watching" Tuck asked

"Ummm" She tapped her chin again

"Ben she doesn't know" Joey looked at him

"Give her time" He looked at Pru "Want to watch a cartoon"

"Yeah" She nodded

"Which one" Tuck asked

"Give her a minute boys, she's 3" Miranda rubbed Pru's head "Take your time baby girl"

"Pru want to watch something we've already seen or something new" Ben asked

"umm" She played with her hands

"It's okay not to have an answer baby girl. I don't have all the answers either" Miranda smiled "Want someone else to pick"

Pru nodded and pointed to Ben

"You want me to pick" Ben asked. She nodded.

"Okay we'll watch a favorite movie of mine" Ben got up and put a DVD in the player before sitting down and pressing play

"Your wedding video does not count as a movie" Tuck laughed

"What's that saying you kids say? That night was a movie" Ben laughed "So hush we're going to watch it"

"Is this before or after you were late" Tuck looked at his mother

"After. and I was late for a good reason"

"Why were you late" Joey asked

"I was doing surgery"

"And that's when I knew I made the right choice in who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with" Ben smiled

"Really" Joey asked

"She put her wedding on hold to try and save a life. Do you know how admirable that is? Some idiots may think she put surgery before her family but not me. The way I see it, my wife goes to that hospital and she does surgeries that save lives. Sure there are other doctors there but my wife is the one I care about not those other ones. And I am so unbelievably proud of her and in love with her"

"Aww" Miranda smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss

"Look" Pru pointed to the screen "Randa pretty"

"You like my dress baby girl"

"You are a princess" She clapped her hands

"Man I want to look at my wife the way you look at Miranda" Joey pointed to the screen

"You find the right one and you will" Ben chuckled

"This was worth quitting my job for. Moments like this with my family that was being robbed from me. Right under my nose. I want to be around to watch our boys grow into fine young men, I want to go to their weddings, hold their children. Watch Pru grow up into a fine young lady, go to her wedding, hold her children"

"We want that too mom" Tuck smiled

"Yeah Miranda, I'm glad you think we're worth quitting your job for. Means alot" Joey smiled

"I raised those fools at that hospital now let me be around to raise my own kids" She laughed

"And be around for your husband too" Ben raised an eyebrow "cause if I remember correctly you don't want to give through life without me well baby I'm not trying to go through life without you" He pulled her closer almost forgetting Pru was in between them until she pushed him

"Sorry baby girl"He chuckled but she just pouted

"What's wrong"

"I'm watching a movie" She pointed

"Oh we're talking too much" He covered his mouth
They all laughed. Ben hit rewind so Pru could watch the parts she missed and they went back to watching the wedding video without talking until it ended

"What happens next" Pru sleepily asked

"They lived happily ever after with their kids" Ben picked her up and carried her to bed

"Night boys" Miranda kissed her sons' cheeks

"Night mom"

"Night Miranda"

"Yall sleeping down here or something" She asked

"Yeah" Tuck nodded

"Why not"

"Alright" She walked away. When she got in her room. She climbed in bed and was about to doze off when Ben pulled her closer to him

"Hello Handsome"'She smiled

"I took the day off from work tomorrow" He smiled

"And what did you plan to do" She asked rubbing his arm

"My wife" He laid his head on his pillow

"Ben Warren" She laughed

"Miranda, did you see me laugh after I said it" He asked with his eyes slowly closing

"No I didn't"

He kissed her forehead "then I wasn't joking"

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