
By mazecatt

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Peter had never been in a relationship before. It was a new feeling, it was perfect. Until it wasn't. Not tha... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen

chapter three

89 4 2
By mazecatt

"Ughhh, you suck."

"If I suck, you gotta be the worst on the planet," he laughed.

"No one's actually supposed to be good at Mario Kart! It's one of those games that everyone's really bad at for no reason!" Peter complained, having lost for the fourth time in a row.

"Were you even trying?"

Peter groaned again while Harley laughed. "Whatever. Have fun playing by yourself," he said, standing up.

"Come on, don't leave! I'll only play with one hand to give you a chance," he joked.

Peter snorted. "Yeah, sure. I actually have to go though, I'm hanging out with Nico."

He still felt guilty about a few days ago when Harley had helped with his shoulder. When he'd gotten home and thought about Nico... Well, he figured Nico wouldn't have been happy knowing he'd stayed up for four hours in the middle of the night with another guy. Not to mention the fact that for half that time he was shirtless, even if it was because of his shoulder.

Of course, nothing had happened. They just talked for a few hours. Nico didn't know that though and maybe it was better if he didn't. Still, if he wanted to be friends with Harley, he couldn't hide that from him.

"Hey, babe," Nico greeted him with a bright smile as Peter stepped inside.

"Hey. How are you?" They hadn't actually hung out for a few days now.

Nico led them to the kitchen. "Pretty good. Just had practice this morning, but nothing new. My parents aren't here, by the way. They had another flight last night."

Peter knew his parents were never home often. They were both pilots so they were always hopping from flight to flight, but they always paid the bills and sent Nico more than enough money. He said he didn't mind.

"Isn't it cold to be practicing?"

"It's not bad once we get moving. Anyway," Nico sighed, getting snacks out of the pantry. "What've you been up to?"

"Just hanging out at the tower mostly. Mr. Stark blew up the lab again so we couldn't really work."

"So what'd you do then?"

"Just hung out with him and the others. Oh, that reminds me, I have to tell you what happened earlier, it was so funny. Clint went to prank Mr. Stark earlier by moving his coffee a few feet every time he set it down to confuse him..."

He went on to explain how the prank had spiraled out of control until it ended up involving half of the other Avengers too. Nico looked mildly amused and had a small smile.

"...and if it wasn't bad enough that this intern had to bring up six coffees one at a time, then he managed to pull Harley into it. He ended up figuring out it was Clint though and he dumped an entire pot of coffee on him."

Peter was laughing and Nico was smiling, though his eyes told a different story. "That's funny," he commented. Peter felt a pang of disappointment in his obvious lack of interest. "Do anything else today?"

He could feel his mood deflate but tried to ignore it. He looked over at the TV playing in the living room. "Not really. Just hung out with them and played video games with Harley."

"I thought you guys were just working on that project together. I didn't know you were friends," he wondered, frowning and glancing over at Peter.

"Well, yeah, but Mr. Stark blew up a bunch of the parts for it, so we can't start it yet. Anyway, he's always in the lab when I'm there so we're kinda friends now."

It was different after Harley found him bleeding out in his room. Tony definitely seemed to notice the change, even if he didn't know how they'd suddenly become good friends.

Nico didn't reply and he shifted awkwardly. He handed Peter a plate and kept one for himself and they sat in the living room to watch TV.

Peter laughed at the TV and glanced up at Nico, but he didn't even seem to be paying attention. Nico didn't even seem to know what happened in the episode after Peter commented on it.

Peter sat up and set his plate on the table. "Is something wrong?"

"No, why?"

"You seem distracted." He waited, but when Nico still didn't reply, he said, "Is this about me being friends with Harley?"

"I know you said it's not like that or anything, but I still don't like how much you hang with him." Nico got up and sat on a stool in the kitchen and Peter turned on the couch to face him.

"What do you mean? I mean, we're friends, of course, we hang out."

"I know, but it's just kind of weird for me." He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "I mean, a new guy rolls into town and now you guys are best friends or something and have a ton in common."

"We don't really have much in common though. But... well, what do you want me to do?"

"Honestly? I want..." he seemed to think better of it and just groaned. "Nothing. It's fine."

"No, seriously. I don't want it to be uncomfortable for you or anything like that. Tell me."

"I don't want you to be friends with him anymore." He shifted on his stool and looked away when Peter met his gaze.

Peter's mouth was slightly ajar as he muttered, "What?" shocked. He didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't that.

He huffed again and looked back at Peter, though this time his gaze was hardened, his resolve set. "If you want me to be honest, then I don't think you guys being friends will help our relationship at all. I'm not comfortable with it. I mean, just think if our roles were reversed, wouldn't you feel the same?"

The first thought that came to mind was no, of course, he wouldn't make Nico drop one of his friends. But maybe he had a point. He sounded genuine. Anyway, it was Peter's first relationship; Nico had been in a lot so far. Nico would know better what works and what doesn't.

That didn't mean he wanted to just stop being friends with Harley though. "Are you sure that's the only way? He's one of my only friends at the internship. Would you want to meet him or something instead so you can see for yourself that I'm not interested in him?"

Nico's face turned sour. "No way I wanna meet him. And yeah, it'll be best. I don't think this'll work out if he's involved at all."

His shock had faded, but now it returned full force again, leaving him breathless. "You mean you'll... we'll break up if I stay friends with him?"

"I just don't want any problems with our relationship and he's one. I wanna stay with you, Peter, please." His tone was pleading.

Peter looked down for a moment in thought. He liked being friends with Harley, but to lose Nico?

"Okay," he gave in, quietly.

The rest of the day with Nico was a blur, but he remembered him being sweet after that. Nico bought him ice cream and they walked around a park for a while before finally walking him home. It was nice, actually, but he was lost in thought for large parts of it.


"Hey, do you wanna hang out?"

Peter glanced up at Harley quickly but looked back down at his plate. "I can't, sorry. I have to go work on my web shooters. New pair."

Harley just shrugged. "Okay, good luck."

Grabbing his half-eaten burrito, Peter put his plate in the sink and briskly left, leaving Harley in the living room.

That had only been the first of many times avoiding Harley. It would be the easiest way to stop being friends. They couldn't hang out if they were never around each other.

He started going to the internship for shorter amounts of time. Tony caught on of course, but when he asked, Peter simply claimed that he'd been getting more schoolwork than normal. Tony bought it easily enough, anyway.

Harley had been here a little over a week so far. He was supposed to leave in a week, but apparently, he was staying longer. How much longer, he had no idea.

After the next time Harley asked to hang out and the next, he seemed to get suspicious. It didn't help that every time he'd come down to the lab, Peter would find an excuse to go upstairs.

It worked well for a few days, but not for long.

The lab was empty except for Peter; Tony had to go to a meeting for the next hour or so. Just as he finished fixing a new robot he'd built, Harley walked in. He zeroed in on Peter and started walking over.

"Hey, Harley. Sorry, bad time. I've got to go pretty soon here." He made a show of checking his watch, though he knew he didn't actually have to be home for a few hours. Anything to avoid this though.

Peter went to walk past him, but Harley caught his arm. "Peter! What's up with you? Have you been avoiding me or something?"

He sat back on his desk. "I've just been busy." He shrugged and looked away from his steely stare. He tried to think of Nico, how much he didn't want to lose him.

Harley crossed his arms. "Every time I walk in the lab you either go to the other end or leave all together? And every time I see if you wanna hang out you make up some dumb excuse?"

"I told you I'm busy," he repeated, a twinge of panic he disguised as annoyance in his tone.

"Cut the bullshit, Peter. Most of the time all you do is hang out in the lab or go on patrol—God, will you at least look at me?" he said, cutting himself off harshly. When Peter finally looked up, he continued. "What exactly are you so busy with anyway?"

Peter matched his tone; "Look, I stay plenty busy outside of here, not that it's any of your business. What's it matter to you anyway? All you do is play video games all day, you wouldn't get it."

A flash of something took over his features, but it was replaced by anger so quickly Peter was sure he imagined it. "I'm just trying not to be a dick, Parker. You could try it sometime too. And for all I know, you might just go do the same at home. At least, that's the best I can come up with 'cause you won't tell me a goddamn thing!" He threw his hands up in the air, exasperated.

"I don't even have video games at my apartment. And that's not the point anyway," he huffed. "I've just been busy."

"Bullshit, Peter."

"How would you know? You've been here for like a week! You don't know anything about me or what I have to do!"

"Well, you've told me enough that I know that you're lying! Why can't you just tell me why you're avoiding me?"

"Why can't you just leave me alone? Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want to hang out with you?"

Peter regretted it as soon as he shouted it, but he couldn't take it back now. Anyway, wasn't he supposed to not hang out with Harley? Well, no way he would want to now. Mission accomplished, huh? It made him feel sick.

Harley didn't say anything, but his face fell for a moment. His expression was open and raw and Peter hated it. Anger took over again soon enough, but Peter knew he didn't imagine it this time.

"I need to go, just leave me alone," Peter muttered, grabbing his things and rushing towards the door, head down.

"I don't know what the hell I did to you, but fine." Harley growled. Peter didn't look up.

Guilt flooded him like cement. Despite his efforts to convince himself that it was the best way to get Harley to avoid him, he couldn't help but feel bad. It had to be worth it though, for Nico. It had to be.

From there it just got worse. They avoided each other the best they could, but after more and more minor disagreements or rude comments, they really did start to dislike each other. Or at least, Harley started to dislike Peter. Peter was faking it, he knew he didn't hate Harley, and he didn't want to. But for Harley it was real and that was what mattered.


"Did you see Spider-Man on the news again?"

Peter just nodded. The news was playing in the living room right now, but he could hear it from his own room. "Yeah, why?"

"I don't know. Just some of the stuff he does is kinda crazy to me. I mean, what kind of lunatic jumps into a burning building to save a dog?"

"Well, it was a cute one. I mean, it looked cute. On the news. Who doesn't like huskies anyway?"

When he saw Nico glance away from the call, he scrunched up his face in a wince. It was amazing he'd kept Spider-Man a secret from him this long already.

"Yeah, I guess," Nico said, very plainly unconvinced. "By the way, can you hang out later? I was thinking about making that cool enchilada recipe you showed me and we could watch a movie together or something?"

Peter smiled and looking at his boyfriend's face, it was hard to say no. He had to though; he'd already told Tony he'd come over to the tower later.

When he relayed this to Nico, he frowned and groaned. "Come on, again? You're there all the time."

"It's an internship. I have to go pretty often." Peter shrugged.

"What do you do there that's so important anyway?" Nico rolled his eyes. Before Peter could answer, he sighed. "Can't you cancel this time or something? I feel like we haven't hung out in forever," he asked, softer.

"Not this late. I can't tell them an hour before I'm supposed to be there."

"Ugh, fine, whatever. I have to go. See ya."

Peter had hardly said bye when he hung up. He frowned; he knew Nico wasn't actually mad, just frustrated, but it upset him nonetheless.

May was still at work, but she'd told him before she left that she'd be home early tonight. Normally she tried to take as many hours as possible, much to his dismay, so it seemed odd.

When he got to the tower, it didn't get much better either.

Harley immediately left the lab when Peter got there. Of course, he couldn't blame him, but it didn't make the pit in his stomach go away. Tony seemed to be acting odd too.

It was normal for Peter to stay over for dinner on nights like this, but Tony didn't ask him this time. In fact, it was like he didn't want Peter to stay like he wanted him to go home. Normally, Peter might have felt hurt at this, but both Tony and May were acting odd enough that he was more suspicious than anything.

By the time he got home, May was already inside with dinner just about ready.

"Hey, Petey. Hope you like pizza, 'cause dinner didn't go quite as planned," she laughed looking over at the burnt mess of... well something.

"Yeah, that's cool, May."

They ate with idle small talk, but Peter could tell something was different. May hadn't brought anything up yet though, so he had no idea what to expect. He was restless sitting, waiting for her to say something, but she continued on normally. Peter had almost eaten a full pizza before he finally spoke up.

"May, what's wrong? You and Mr. Stark are acting weird and it's driving me crazy. Just... just tell me, please."

She sighed, her grin fading. "Nothing gets past you, huh? Alright, well I got a new job. Now, it'll pay really well and I get a ton of benefits and a big promotion if I go. The only thing is," she paused, looking him over carefully, "it's in Arizona."

Peter's jaw hung open in shock while she waited for it to sink in. Before he could object, she continued swiftyly. "I've talked it over with Tony and, if you want, you can stay here with him at the tower."

Peter paused, speechless. Only after a minute, did he finally respond. "You mean, you'd go to Arizona and I'd stay here?"

"Yes, but only if you want to. You can come with me if you want, too. Or if you really want, I'll stay here and nothing will change. Whatever you want, Petey."

Immediately, Peter knew that the last one wasn't an option. He couldn't make May miss out on such an opportunity. But to leave New York? His friends, Tony, Nico? And he couldn't be Spider-Man in Arizona. And yet he'd have to let May go instead?

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course, take as much time as you need. And you know, I'll support your choice either way, hun."

"Thanks, May."

God, why did the universe hate him?

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