The Princeton and the Pauper

FVKChica tarafından

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Maria Elena Pitney starts out her new life at Duel Academy, living in the Slifer Red dorm and meeting some fr... Daha Fazla

Author's Note
The First Day
Academy Island Tour
Shower Shock
Duel! Maria VS Wisteria
The Abandoned Dorm
The First Exam
We All Have Our Cross To Bear
A Proposition
Working Together
The Princeton Brothers
Something About Her
They Don't Know About Us

Welcome To Duel Academy

85 1 0
FVKChica tarafından

One warm evening, Maria had just finished packing up whatever she needed. She had passed the Duel Academy entrance exam and now she was preparing to arrive at her new home away from home. Getting her essentials into her suitcase and overnight bag, she looked over at her deck, gazing at her monster cards, Wingweaver among them. She treasured this card ever since receiving it that very Christmas and it was the one Christmas, she would never forget. Looking to her left, her comfortable clothes were laid out for tomorrow, consisting of pastel colours. A sigh escaped her lips as she took a moment for one last look of her bedroom.

A knock on her bedroom door snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Maria, honey, may I come in?" Her mother asked from behind her bedroom door.

"Yes, Mom."

Her bedroom door opened to reveal her parents entering. From the looks on their faces, Maria could tell that this would be the last time, they would see their daughter, although she promised to remember to write to them during her time away.

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling about tomorrow?" Asked her mother.

"Excited and a little nervous combined into one." Maria answered as honestly as she could.

"Maria, listen to us." Her father took both his daughter's hands. "I know being far away from your family might be a new experience for you, but there's something, your mother and I want you to know. No matter the distance, just know that we'll always be there for you in your heart. Just remember this, dear."

"Thanks, Dad." Maria pulled both parents into a hug.

"We're gonna miss you so much." Her mother was on the verge of tears. "Oh, our little girl."

Breaking their family embrace, Maria turned to look at her deck. Placing it in her deck box, she put it in her handbag, which would be her hand luggage. Her Wingweaver was also in her deck, acting like a guardian angel.

"I wonder what Duel Academy holds for me."

Her mother wiped a tear from her eye, putting on a smile. "I promise you, it's such a nice place. I bet you'll make lots of great friends there too."

"Better not be any boys though..." Her father added under his breath. That earned him a slap upon the shoulder from his wife. "What?! I'm looking out for our little girl."

"Don't worry, Dad. I know how to handle boys in case of any funny business." Maria laughed. She knew how protective, her father was when it came to boys, especially if she would befriend them or...find love? Her father meant well but sometimes, she wished he could take it easy.

"That's what I like to hear. Anyway, it's getting late, so you better get some sleep. You've got a ferry to catch tomorrow."

The caramel haired girl nodded, having finished up her packing. Bidding her parents goodnight, Maria burrowed herself under the covers and laid her head upon her pillow. Looking to the moon outside her window, she pictured what would be in store for her at Duel Academy before her eyelids betrayed her and she drifted off to sleep.


Standing on the deck of the ferry, Maria was among the other students, waving goodbye to their families as the boat began to set sail to its destination. She didn't stop waving to her family until the ferry left the docks and was now on open sea.

Duel Academy was a well known and dedicated school, created and owned by Seto Kaiba that would train duelists to a pro level, so they would ideally enter the Pro League. Located somewhere in southern Japan, it was unofficially referred to as Central Academy as it had four main subsidiaries in the north, south, east and west.

Sitting in her cabin, Maria began to admire the view of the ocean and the rolling clouds in the sky. Adjusting her sky blue hat and smoothing out her mint green skirt, she wondered what would lie ahead, after having left her childhood home behind.

"Excuse me? Is this seat taken?"

Maria turned to see a teenage girl about her age with emerald green eyes and dark brown hair, tied up in a ponytail.

"No. It's free." Answered Maria, offering a space for the brown haired girl to sit down which she obliged.

"So, heading to Duel Academy, I reckon?" The brown haired girl asked. "Bet you're excited."

"Excited with a hint of nervousness." Answered Maria, composing herself before introducing. "My name's Maria Elena Pitney. But you can just call me Maria in case my full name is a bit of a mouthful."

"Jolene. Jolene Parton."

With the introductions sorted, both girls settled into their seats during the journey before Jolene spoke up.

"So, what dorm have you been put in?" The brunette asked.

"Slifer Red." Maria answered. "Said to be the lowest rank but at least I'll be able to learn more about duel monsters to rise through the ranks. What about you?"

"Ra Yellow. It's average." Replied Jolene. "The highest rank is Obelisk Blue from what I've heard. The blue dorms are very fancy according to the brochure, I received from leaving the entrance exam."

Maria shrugged. "I don't care for fancy things. That's not for me."

"I understand what you mean. Least, our respective dorms are better than nothing. Very humble though."

Maria nodded in agreement. She was already on her way to Duel Academy and already, she made her first friend, despite being in a different rank and dorm from her.

"How long is it, until we get to the academy?" Asked the caramel haired girl.

"Probably a couple of hours. We're halfway there." Answered Jolene, checking the time. "Won't be too long though."

A smile crossed Maria's face as she continued to gaze into the horizon from her seat on the ferry. Jolene would do the same thing. The breeze enveloped her and brushed through her hair and almost touched her pastel pink sweater.

A couple of hours had passed until something was slowly coming into view.

"Do you see that?" Asked Jolene, pointing onwards.

"That's Academy Island. We're almost there."


After departing the ferry, Maria left the harbour, luggage in hand and took a look around the island. There was a volcano, beach, a lake, cliffs and waterfalls. There was also a forest around the island, the place was definitely surrounded by all the lush greenery of nature.

"Come on, Maria. The main building's not too far away." Informed Jolene as they began to make their way to their destination. Following the students, Maria's sapphire orbs widened at the sight before her. A magnificent building was standing before her. It was so different from other school buildings back home. It looked just like what she saw in the brochure.

"So? What do you think of this place?"

Maria was speechless at Jolene's question. She would be at a loss for words as they went inside.

"Students, please gather with your respective ranks to receive your uniform." A lecturer announced. "Once you've changed into your uniforms, please gather in the classroom for a welcome announcement from Chancellor Sheppard."


In a private changing room, one mirror hung on the wall. In its surface stood Maria, adjusting her Slifer Red uniform, consisting of a black turtleneck sleeveless top under a red sleeveless jacket, held closed by a white band around the shoulders with a button and a white skirt with a grey slit. There was also matching fingerless gloves and boots to match as part of the uniform. Taking a step back, the caramel haired girl began to admire herself. The entire uniform hugged her figure very well and was very comfortable. To top it all off, she was also provided a gym uniform for physical education classes that would take place in the gym building.

Leaving the changing room, she stepped out into the academy's hallway. The large windows giving out a view of Academy Island. The other uniformed students moved all around, barely sparing a second glance.

Approaching a door that would lead to the classroom, Maria took a look around. It resembled the classrooms from colleges and universities as she could tell by the way, the desks and seats are located. In front of them, behind the teacher's desk, there was a huge screen on the wall.

"Looking good in red there, Maria." Jolene complemented, smoothing the yellow skirt of her Ra uniform.

Maria smiled softly before the students turned to the screen. Lighting up, it presented the Duel Academy logo for a brief second before it faded to present a bald middle aged man with dark facial hair, beaming proudly.

"Good morning and welcome, my students. I am Chancellor Sheppard, the headmaster here and you are the best and brightest young duelists in the world. Now please, get yourselves settled in at your assigned dorms, but before you do so, I will have the faculty introduce themselves. They will be teaching you for this semester so make sure to do what they ask."

Standing in front of the students were a group of professors. Among them was a male with blonde hair in a ponytail, wearing a more regal version of the Obelisk Blue uniform and crescent shaped earrings and another who was a stout male with his hair carefully curled and a fancy moustache.

"Greetings, students. My name is Dr. Veilian Crowler. I'm by far the top teacher in the entire Academy. Now, right by me is Vice Chancellor Jean-Louis Bonaparte, school nurse and gym teacher Fonda Fontaine, Professor Sartyr and the workers of the Academy's card store, Ms. Dorothy and Sadie." The blonde male introduced himself and the faculty members. "Now with introductions aside, I'll explain what I expect from you in class. You have class everyday from Monday to Saturday. Class begins promptly at 8am so don't be late. Study hard and you'll catch up in no time."

The students murmured amongst themselves about what their professor had told them. Maria however managed to absorb every detail in her brain.

"Now then, we do hope you'll enjoy your time at the Academy and who knows, you'll grow to become pro duelists. Now we shall have our lecturers escort you to your assigned dorms so you can settle in. I shall see you all tomorrow in class."

With the introductions and welcome over and done with, the lecturers went to help escort the students to their respective dorms. In Jolene's case, Sartyr would escort her and the other Ra students, since he was head of the yellow dorm.

"So I'll see you in class tomorrow." Jolene smiled.

"Yep. Hope to see you there." Replied Maria.

With that, the brunette went to join her fellow classmates, leaving Maria alone with a lecturer.

"If you could follow me please, Pitney."


The walk around the island was very brisk as Maria took in her surroundings. This was going to be her new home for the duration of the semester, so she had to get to know the locations and memorise them.

"Now then, as we arrive, I must advise you that the Slifer Red dorm is in fact, very old so it might not be much for your living arrangements. Also, you will be sharing a dorm room with Blair Flannigan."

Maria nodded in understanding. She wondered what her roommate would be like. They both approached what looked to be like an outhouse with a deck. This has to be the Slifer dorm, hence the red roof.

One of the doors opened and out stepped a girl of twelve with blue hair and chocolate brown eyes, wearing an orange shirt under a Slifer vest, black shorts with a slanted brown belt, long black socks and matching Slifer boots. Upon seeing her roommate, a smile graced her features.

'So this must be Blair.'

"Blair, I would like you to meet your new roommate, Maria Elena Pitney."

Both girls exchanged greetings and pleasantries.

"It'll be so fun to have you here." Blair beamed in welcoming her newfound friend. She was the only girl in the Slifer dorm until now.

"Now then, I shall leave you two to get acquainted and make sure to get ready for the welcome dinner."

Both girls nodded as the lecturer went to attend his duties.

"Well, shall we?" Blair stepped aside to let Maria into her dorm room.

The room looked so different from the other dorm rooms. It was so much larger in comparison and looked like some kind of luxury apartment. Maria didn't care for fancy things but she found her new living quarters rather comfortable nonetheless.

"Looks like we're gonna be roommates." Blair beamed.

"Yeah. After all, it's so nice to meet some new faces." Maria replied before Blair began to lead her to the bedroom where she would unpack her luggage. The beds were very comfortable and very well made, the caramel haired girl sat down on one, taking in the softness and comfort.

"This has a really nice ambience. So cosy too. I think I'm gonna like it here."

Blair smiled. "You're quite an enthusiastic type and yet you only just arrived at the Academy." Checking a nearby clock, she reminded. "Come on, it's almost time for the welcome dinner."


After the welcome dinner had concluded, the students began piling back into their dorm rooms, Maria and Blair among them. With their bellies filled, they headed to the bedroom where Maria began unpacking.

"So, got any good cards in your deck?" Asked Blair.

"Well, there's this one I got one Christmas Day." Maria took out her deck box and pulled out her treasured card. "A guardian angel to watch over my deck. What about you?"

"Indeed I have." Blair pulled out a card from her deck and showed it to Maria. "The Maiden In Love."

The card depicted a beautiful girl with long flowing wavy brown hair and shining brown eyes, wearing a frilly peach and white dress, white tights, matching shoes and pink ribbons in her hair.

"Oh, she's so cute." Maria melted at the sight of such an adorable duel monster.

"Yeah, I'm a bit of a romantic." Blair sighed dreamily, a blush showing upon her face. "There's someone I have fallen for in this dorm."

"Really?" Maria asked. 'I wonder who this someone might be.' She thought to herself, not wishing to pry.

"So, think you'll find someone worth falling for?" Blair asked, beaming.

Maria's eyes widened before she answered. "I don't dad doesn't like the idea of me being around boys, let alone getting a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, he means well and I understand that he cares about me but still, I wish he could go easy with being protective of me."

"Oh, I see..." Replied Blair.

"Don't worry though. I know how to handle boys well." Maria assured her, adding with a wink. "Especially when it comes to funny business."

Blair let out a laugh. "You sound real tough."

Maria laughed too before checking the time. "Looks like I better get myself ready for bed." With that, she moved to the nearest bathroom to get herself ready for sleep. After washing and brushing her teeth, she slipped into her white and blue laced nightdress adorned with tiny light blue dots and left the bathroom.

"Oh and before I forget, I'm just gonna have a dance to tire myself out. I hope my music doesn't distract nor disturb you or anything."

Blair smiled. "No worries. I don't mind. Besides, I bet you'll have a great taste in music."

Maria smiled back before heading to the living area. Case of CDs in hand, she spotted a nearby CD player sitting on the table by the sofas. Placing a disk inside and pressing the play button, she moved to the centre of the room, composing herself before the music began.

Hearing the first bars of the song playing, Maria's body began to move. Her hips were swaying as her feet came to life as a singer's voice began pouring the lyrics out. Her body was becoming one with the music with every spin, twist, bump and shake, she made. She was so graceful on her feet, it would make a ballerina blush. Throughout her life, the caramel haired girl had a deep connection with music, thanks to her family's music collection, dancing to the beat and even singing the lyrics to many songs. She was so absorbed in the music with every move and step, without a care in the world until...

A loud hammering on her dorm room door interrupted her dancing, followed by a husky angry voice yelling.


Ceasing her dancing, Maria ran to the door to open it. She was now face to face with a teenage boy about her age with pale skin, spiky black hair sectioned in two layers and charcoal grey eyes positioned beneath the bangs of the layer closest to his face, wearing a slightly tattered black trench coat adorned with grey trimmings and sharp edges over a dusty purple turtleneck sweater, dark greyish blue pants with a belt and brown shoes.

"Can I help you?" Maria asked, uninterested, her blue eyes scrutinising the male in front of her, hands on her hips and standing her ground.

"Yes!" The male answered. "I was minding my own business but next thing I know, all I hear is this music." A pale finger pointed at her. "Are you the one playing that music?! Because I do not appreciate this upbeat disturbance!"

"Everything okay, Maria?" Blair asked, running to see what was going on, only to frown upon seeing someone at the door. "Oh it's just you, Chazz. Why am I not surprised?"

Chazz folded his arms in disgust. "Just what I need. First you take over my room, then another comes along."

"Hey! That's my new roommate you're talking about!" Snapped Blair.

"No need to be salty about it." Added Maria, speaking in a snippy manner.

"Salty?!" Chazz looked so mad, he looked like he would pop a blood vessel. "Do you have any idea who you're addressing here?!"

"Alright, calm down." Replied Maria. "No need to throw a hissy fit."

The black haired boy got a little more miffed, he didn't notice Blair was watching the whole exchange, stifling her giggles at his reaction. He was trying to come up with a rebuttal but nothing came, only exhaling in defeat.

"Whatever. Just pipe down with your music. I'm going to bed anyway, Slackerina."

"Night night, Salty!" Maria called after him, closing her dorm room door.

"Wow, you really know how to handle people well. I'm impressed." Blair praised. "And you have great taste in music too."

As she left for bed, Maria moved to the CD player and turned the music down.

"I can still hear it!"

Hearing Chazz's voice, she rolled her eyes and turned off the CD player, took the CD out and put it back in the case with the others.

"Boys." She remarked to herself, before letting out a yawn and headed to bed. Laying under the covers and settling down to sleep, she awaited her first day, being at Duel Academy with her new friends.

After all, nothing will break her stride.

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