[Book 1] Star-Crossed Enemies...

Door JacexSalv

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"We are Hunter's, Emma.." Dean says, looking down at his baby sister, "You know what our job is-" "Yes!" She... Meer

Hiya Sammy!
The Woman In White
Mystic Falls
Tyler Lockwood
Her Name Is Emma
The Night of the Comet
Blackwater Ridge
The Mines
Disappearances At The Lake
Officer Devins and Sheriff Forbes
The Truth
Leave Town, Winchester's
Car Wash
Miracle Worker
Sue Ann
The Truth About The Salvatore's
The Halloween Party
1864 (Part 1)
1864 (Part 2)
Beacon Hills
The Hale House
The Argent's
Give Me The Truth
The Bus
Grey Eyes and Rain
Kate Argent
Dead Wolf Walking
Tell Me Everything
Come With Us, Derek
Crime Scene
The Alpha
Jackson, Lydia, and Allison
Halliwell Manor
Somethings Wrong

The Impala

159 5 0
Door JacexSalv

The next night, we arrived back in Mystic Falls. I had just texted Elena that we were here, and we were on our way to the school. We arrived about 15 minutes ago, and had just pulled into the school parking lot.

As soon as Dean parked the car, the three of us instantly climbed out of the car. Sam glanced over at Dean, "Do you think we made it on time?"

We then saw a fire pick up over the football field.

The three of us looked over to see a large group of students surrounding the fire. They were all huddled together as they cheered and hollered.

Dean looks over at us, shoving his hands into his pockets, "I think we did."

We started to walk over to the large group. They all held up signs, as they surrounded the fire. We stood outside of the circle, as we watched the fire pick up.

Once we got closer to the ground, I saw Couch Tanner in the middle of the circle the group had created. He began to calm the crowd down, "In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town, and roll right over us!" The crowd of students began to boo, "But that is about to change!"

The crowd began to cheer again.

"We have new talent this year." Couch Tanner shouted, "Starting tonight on the offense line, and let me tell you now. It's been a long time since I saw a kid with hands like these. Let's give it up for Stefan Salvatore!!"

Everyone's eyes shifted over to Stefan, and they began to clap and cheer for him. My brothers and I clapped for him.

"One thing I've gotta say, your Timber Wolves are hungry!" The couch exclaims.

Everyone cheered, hollered, and clapped.

As I clapped for Stefan, I saw someone pushing their way out of the crowd. I furrowed my brows as I started to slow down my clapping, whenever I saw Tyler. He seemed irritated, as he walked up to Vicky.

Sam and Dean noticed my gaze was on Tyler. Sam furrowed his brow, "What is it?"

I didn't answer him. My eyes was on Tyler, as I watched him start to march over towards a black truck. Vicky was trying to stop him.

My brothers and I turned around to see Tyler marching himself over to Jeremy. My eyes widened a bit, "Oh shit." I then took off speed walking over towards them.

"Em!!" Dean called out, as him and Sam followed after me.

"Why are you so down, Jeremy?" Tyler smirks, looking Jeremy up and down, "You can have her when I'm done."

"Tyler-" I said, soon reaching them, but I was cut off by Jeremy punching him in the face.

I instantly stopped where I was. My eyes were widened, as my brothers ran up and stood next to me. Tyler instantly grabbed Jeremy and shoved him against the truck they were by. Whenever Jeremy hit the truck, it caused him to drop the bottle of Jack Daniels onto the ground.

The bottle broke in two pieces, now causing class and alcohol to be on the ground.

"Tyler, stop!" I shouted, I started to run towards them again. Dean's eyes widened, "Emma!"

Everyone that surrounded the fire, soon began aware of the fight that Tyler had started. They started to slowly walk over to the truck and began to watch the fight.

As soon as I got close to them, I grabbed Tyler by his jersey and tried to pull him off Jeremy. But, Tyler quickly turned around and instantly pushed me to the ground. I landed on my ass, as he quickly turned and looked at me, "Stay out of this, bitch!" He growls.

Sam and Dean ran over to me. I saw the angry look on Dean's face as he glared at Tyler. Sam pulled me up to my feet, while Dean clenches his fist, "Oh, he's going to regret that." He murmurs. He then walks over to Tyler, and pulls him off of Jeremy, "Alright, that's enough!"

Tyler then turned and punched Dean in the face, getting loose of my brothers grasp. Anger rose through me, "That bastard.." I muttered under my breath.

Just as I was about to run over there, Sam started to hold me back, "Emma, no-"

"That jackass just hit our brother, Sam!-" I shouted, trying to get out of his grasp.

He held me close to him, tightening his grip on my arms, "I know, but Dean's got it handled."

Tyler then grabbed Jeremy, pushed him to the ground, and started to punch him over and over again. Vicky was standing there yelling at them, as Dean was trying to get Tyler off of Jeremy.

Stefan then came running over to us. He stands next to Dean, and helps him pull Tyler off of him, "Hey stop, he's down!"

Tyler pushed Dean and Stefan off of him, punching Stefan directly in the stomach. However, Stefan didn't react. It didn't even phase him. A confused look rushed over Tyler, as Dean runs up and pulls Tyler's hands down to his sides, hugging him from behind, "Hey now, easy tiger-"

Tyler tried to get out of my brother's grasp, "Get off of me!!"

"No, I don't think I'm gonna do that." Dean replies, shaking his head.

My eyes shifted to Jeremy, Sam let go of me, and walked over to him. He started to pull him up to his feet, "Hey, it's okay, I got you." Sam mumbles to him.

"Let go!" Jeremy exclaims, pushing my brothers off of him.

Sam stumbled back a bit, and fell back into me. Jeremy fell back on his knees, and began to crawl towards the broken bottle. My eyes widened whenever he picked up the glass, "Jeremy, no!-" I exclaimed.

Dean's eyes widened when he saw him walking over towards him and Tyler. Stefan saw him running over towards Tyler and Dean with a glass bottle. His eyes widened, and quickly got in front of them.

He held his hand up in front of Dean and Tyler, but whenever Jeremy went to strike and hit Tyler with the glass. He ended up cutting open Stefan's hand.

As soon as the glass hit Jeremy, a panicked look came over him. He dropped the glass onto the ground, as he stared at Stefan's hand.

Elena soon came running up next to Stefan, Dean and Tyler. A confused look was on her face, "Jeremy, what the hell?" She exclaims. She runs over and pushes him far away from Stefan.

Dean lets go of Tyler, and pushes him back a bit, "Are you okay?"

Tyler didn't say anything. He continued to glare at Jeremy. Just as he was about to walk past my brother, Dean pushed him back, "Nope, you aren't going over there, kid."

Tyler's dark eyes shifted to my brother, as he shook in anger. He then turned and walked off. Dean nods, "Yeah, that's right, walk it off."

My gaze shifted over to Elena and Jeremy, "What was that all about?" She asks him. He instantly pushed him off of her, "I'm fine!"

She scoffs, "Yeah, you smell fine." She says, with sarcasm in her voice. He glared down at her, "Would you just stop." He then turns and walks off.

Sam eyes shifted over to Dean, Elena, and I, "I'm gonna go after Jeremy."

Her gaze shifted over to him, as she crossed her arms. She gave him a nod, "If you wouldn't care to, Sam. It would be appreciated."

Sam's hazel eyes turned to her, and gave her a light nod. He then turned and took off after Jeremy.

Elena then approached Stefan. A worried look was on mine, hers, and Dean's face. My eyes shifted over to him, "Hey, is your hand okay, Stef?"

Stefan's eyes shifted to me, and he quickly hid his hand behind his back. He gave a quick nod, "Yeah, It's fine."

"Like hell, let me see!" Elena exclaims, she grabs his hand, but Stefan kept his hand clenched shut. She tried to pry his hand open, "Stefan, open your hand."

He didn't listen, until another two seconds later, he opened his hand up. His palm was completely fine.

A confused look came over the four of us, "What the hell?" Steve mumbles.

My eyes shifted to Elena, as she looks up at Stefan, "But, I saw-"

"He missed." He quickly said, giving a very light smile.

I cocked my brow as my eyes shifted to him.

Dean lightly shook his head, "No, dude, I saw the glass cut your hand."

Elena nods, "I agree with Dean. Him and I both saw the glass cut your hand." She looks over at me, "Emma, you saw it too, right?"

I looked at her and nodded, "Yeah, we saw it." My eyes shifted back to him, "I watched Jeremy swing that glass at your hand. The glass cut you, Stefan."

Stefan shakes his head, "It's okay, I'm okay." His eyes glanced between the three of us. His eyes then shifted back to Elena, "I'll see you after the game."

She gave him a light nod, before he turned and walked off.

The three of us turned, and started to watch him walk away towards his team.

I crossed my arms, "I don't believe him." I said, I squinted my eyes a bit at him.

Dean glances over at me, "I agree with you on that one, Ems."

Elena looks over at us, "How was his hand clean? There was no cut, I watched it.." She trails, running her hands through her hair.

Dean and I looked over at her, "But are you sure you saw the glass cut him?"

Her brown eyes stared into my brother's green ones. She lightly shook her head, her gaze fell to the ground below us, "..Or maybe I didn't.."

I shook my head, "No, we saw the glass hit him, Elena."

Her eyes shifted to me, she didn't say anything back. She then forced a bit of a smile onto his face, "It's good to see that guys are back from your trip. Did everything go okay?"

My brother and I looked over at each other, before looking back to her. Dean took a breath, "Yeah, everything went fine." He nods, shoving his hands into his front pockets.

She crossed her arms, "Was your dad there? Did your dad come in for the family thing?"

A bit of a sad look came over Dean and I. He lightly shook his head, "No, he didn't."

The same expression washed over her, "I'm sorry, guys." She glances over at me, "Whenever Emma told me that you guys were leaving for some family business, I was hoping that your dad would be there. So that way you four wouldn't be by yourself anymore."

Dean and I didn't say anything at first. A light smile came over me, "Thank you, Elena."

She gave me a light smile, and nodded. She then takes a breath, "I'm gonna go find Bonnie, okay?"

Dean and I nodded to her, "See you around."

Her smile never faded, as she turned and walked off, leaving Dean and I to stand there. My eyes shifted over to my brother, "Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks that somethings off with Stefan."

He shakes his head, "You're not the only one who's starting to think that." He looks over at me, "Emma, don't take this the wrong way, but if something's off with Stefan, then there's probably something off with Damon."

I rolled my eyes, "Again, with the Damon thing, Dean-" I mumbled, running my hands through my hair.

"I'm not gonna let that go, Emma." He quickly said, shaking his head, "It's too weird that he showed up in Black Water Ridge, and knew exactly where we were. I'm thankful that he saved your life, but it's still too weird how he just magically showed up."

I didn't say anything. I crossed my arm as I stared at him.

"Look, you're sure that you saw the glass cut his hand, right?"

I nodded, "Yes, Dean, I'm 100% sure."

He nods, "Alright, I'm gonna talk to Sam about it."

I didn't say anything. My eyes shifted to the ground below me, as I sighed, "I'm gonna go sit in the Impala." I turned and stared to walk off to the car.

Dean's gaze followed me, "Are you ready to leave?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

I shook my head, looking back at him, "No, I'm not. I just wanna sit down at the car for a few minutes."

He stared at me for a moment, before giving a light nod. He takes a breath, "I'm gonna go find Sam."

I nodded, before turning and walking towards the car.

People ran or walked past me to get the football field to watch the game. I wanted to be alone for a few minutes to think. I needed to think about what happened with the glass and Stefan's hand.

I wanted to kind of make sense of it all.

Once I reached the Impala I opened the door to the backseat and climbed inside. I slammed it shut behind me, and took a loud and long sigh.

I pulled out my iPod, and turned my music on shuffle. The first song that came on was "When We Die" By Bowling For Soup.

"..I know that it's early, and it's too hard to think, and the broken empty bottles are a reminder in the sink. But I thought that I should tell you, if it's not too late to say. I can put back all the pieces, they just might not fit the same~" I sang.

"Well, that's depressing." I heard a familiar voice say.

I jumped a bit whenever I heard their voice. I turned the music down, and looked over to see Damon standing by the car window. He leaned against it, as he looked in on me.

I furrowed my brows, "Damon, you scared the shit out of me."

He smirked in response, scoffing quietly.

I began to lean against the door. I cocked my brow, as I looked up at him, "When did you get back in town?"

"A few minutes ago." He answers, "I was going to go straight home, but then I remembered it was Stefan's first game. I couldn't miss that." He says, smirking.

I nodded, "Okay.." I trailed, my brows beginning to furrow, "So what are you doing over here by me?"

"I'm hiding from Caroline." He mumbles.

"Hiding?" I scoffed, a bit of a confused look coming over me, "Why are you hiding from Caroline?"

He takes a breath, "She talks way too much." He says, rolling his eyes, "It's getting to the point where it's hard for me to listen."

I nodded a bit in response, as I tried to hide my smile.

Damon then looks around the car, "Where's your brothers?"

I sighed, my gaze shifting to the football field, "Sam went after Jeremy, and Dean went after Sam."

He looks over at me, "Why aren't you watching the game with the others?" He asks, furrowing his brows.

I scoffed, smiling a bit, "I don't do sports." I stated, looking over at him.

"Then why are you here?" He smiles.

"Elena told me that it was Stefan's first game, and I wanted to be here for him." I stated, smiling a bit, "I kind of see him as a friend."

"Like how you see me as a friend?" He asks, smirking.

I stared into his light blue eyes, as a light smirk formed onto my face. I lightly shoved his arms, "Don't push it, Salvatore."

Damon chuckled quietly.

It then began to go quiet between us, before he spoke up, "So, is it just you and your brothers?"

My smile lightly faded, "As of right now, yes, it's just my brothers and me. My dads supposed to get here at some point." I take a deep breath, starting to lean my head against the palm of my hand, "We just don't know when."

A bit of a serious look came over Damon, "Has he got into contact with any of you?"

I took a breath, running my hands through my hair, "Nope, the only thing he's left us so far was the coordinates to Black Water Ridge."

He nodded, "What about your mom?" He asked, a bit of a curious look coming onto his face.

I took a breath, my green eyes stared into his, "My mother died in my nursery when I was a baby. It was a house fire. She died on the ceiling."

A bit of a sad look started to come over him, "I'm so sorry to hear that, Emma."

I nodded a bit, as my gaze fell to the car door in front of me.

I then let out a breath, "Damon, can I ask you something?"

He nods.

"You never answered my question back at Black Water Ridge."

"So, what's your question, Winchester?"

I stared at him for a second, "Are you a Hunter?"

After I asked that, a slight smirk began to form onto his face, "What makes you ask that?"

"As I said, you never answered my question back at Black Water Ridge. You magically appeared out of nowhere-"

"I told you that I was visiting some friends in Colorado, Emma." He says, sternly.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "You seriously think that I'm gonna buy that?" I asked, smirking.

A small smirk began to form onto his face.

I take a breath, "Also, you know the difference between a Wendigo and Windigo."

He stared at me for a second, "I'm not a Hunter." He smirks, shaking his head.

I furrowed my brows, "You're not?"

He shakes his head once again.

"Then, what are you?"

He smirks, scoffing quietly, "I can't tell you, Winchester. It's a big secret."

I scoffed, a light shaking my head, "Oh come on, Damon. You've gotta tell me."

"I can't." He smirks, "As I said, it's a secret."

I smirked, "I'm not gonna stop bugging you about it." I said, lightly shaking my head.

"Well, if you're going to bug me about it, then I might not tell you just so you will talk to me." He smirks, resting his head on his hand.

I playfully rolled my eyes, as I scoffed. I looked up at him, "I'm gonna find out one way or another." I stated, smirking.

He stared at me, a light smile formed onto his face. He watched me raise my brows. He then sighed, looking around the area before looking back at me, "If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't tell anybody. You can't even tell Sam or Dean, and you can't tell Stefan that I told you."

I stared at him, scrunching my nose up a bit, "But, Sam and Dean are my brothers. You can't expect me not to tell them."

He smirks down at me, "Emma, it's a very big secret, and considering that you and your brothers are Hunters it can be dangerous."

I furrowed my brows after he said that.

Just as I was about to speak up, I was cut off by a scream off in the distance. Damon and I quickly looked over into the direction that it came from.

"What was that?" I asked, a worried look coming over me.

Damon didn't answer me.

He and I watched as a huge group of people started to run over towards the field. A few minutes later, the sounds of police sirens and ambulances began to draw closer and closer towards the school.

My eyes shifted to the driveways of the school to see police cars and an ambulance pulling into the school.

A confused look came over me, "What the hell is going on?"

Damon still didn't answer me. Instead, he backed up and opened the car door for me. I climbed out of the car, as he shut the door behind me. My green eyes shifted to him, "Come on."

He looked down at me, "Lead the way, Winchester." He smirks.

I nodded a bit, and the two of us began to walk towards the football field.

Just as I was about to sped into the bus loop, Damon grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back into the school parking lot. As soon as my feet stepped back into the parking lot, police cars, an ambulance, and animal control vehicles came speeding by.

As they drove by Damon and I, my green eyes followed after them. My eyes widened a bit whenever I saw the animal control, "Oh shit.." I murmured.

Damon slowly let go of me, as I looked up at him, "Thanks for saving me again.." I said, forcing a smile onto my face.

He looks down at me, "You should really watch where you're going, Winchester." He smirks.

I playfully rolled my eyes, as I scoffed.

Just as I was about to say something else, my phone began to ring. I pulled it out of my jean pockets, and looked down to see that it was Dean. I answered, "Emma, where are you?" He quickly asks.

I glanced up at Damon, "I'm with Damon, we're on our way back from the Impala. We're by the bus loop."

"You're with Damon-" He quickly stopped himself from talking, "Just get your ass over here."

I scoffed quietly, "We are, but where exactly is here?"

"Just follow the police cars." He then hangs up the phone. I scoffed quietly once again, as I shoved my phone into my pocket. I looked up at Damon to see a serious look on his face, "Was that Dean?"

"Who else would it be?" I mumbled, I glanced over to the football field, "Come on."

He nodded.

The two of us walked across the bus loop and over towards the football field. We walk through the grass and over the vehicles surrounding the entrance of the football field.

My eyes widened a bit, "..Shit.." I muttered under my breath.

We soon saw Sam and Dean running over to us, causing Damon and I to stop where we were. Worried and panicked looks were on their faces, as they ran over and stood in front of us.

"Emma, are you okay?" Sam asks me, panting quietly.

I looked over at him, and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine.

Damon's light blue eyes glanced between my brothers, "What happened here?"

Dean's eyes glared into him, "They're not saying, but it seems to be another animal attack." He takes a step closer to him, "Do you believe an animal could do this, Damon?"

Damon's light blue eyes stared into my brother. It took a second for him to answer, "I'm not for sure, Dean." He says, smirking.

My oldest brother nodded, as he lightly grabs my arm and pulls me away from Damon. A confused look came over me, as I looked up at Dean, "What are you doing?" I asked, shoving him off of me.

"Nothing," He quickly says, lightly shaking his head, "I just think you shouldn't stand too close to him."

An annoyed look began to come over Sam, "Dean-" He tries to say, sighing loudly.

A confused look came over me, "Why is me standing by Damon an issue?" I asked, crossing my arms as I stared up at my brother.

His green eyes shifted to me, "It's not an issue, Em." He says, lightly shaking his head.

I scoffed, "Well, clearly it is." I stated, raising my brows.

He stared at me for a moment, before he could say anything we heard footsteps walking over to us, "There you are!" We heard Caroline exclaim, we looked over to see a huge smile on her face, "I thought you went home after you visited your friend." She smiles, hugging onto the side of him.

He chuckled, as he wrapped his arm around her. Her eyes shifted over to me, "I can see you've made friends with the Winchesters."

Damon nods, "Yeah, they're the best." He says, smiling. His light blue eyes shifted over to me.

Caroline's smile slowly began to fade whenever she noticed him look over at me. She began to glare at me, before forcing a smile onto her face, "Emma, can I talk to you for a second, please?"

I furrowed my brows a bit, "Sure?" I looked at the boys, and gave them a light nod. She smiled, as she grabbed my wrist and quickly drug me away from my brothers and Damon.

As soon as we got a couple feet away from them, I spoke up, "So, what are you wanting to talk about, Care-"

"Just what do you think you're doing?" She quickly snaps.

A confused look came over me, "What are you talking about?" I asked, scoffing quietly.

"Like hell you don't." She snaps, an angry look on her face, "First you tell me I can't have Dean-"

"It's not in your best interest to have Dean-" I stated, raising my brows as I crossed my arms.

"And now that I have Damon, you're trying to take him away from me." She snaps, crossing her arms.

I scoffed, "I'm not trying to take Damon away from you-"

"Bullshit, Emma, I know you are." She snaps, causing me to raise my brows, "Just stay away from my boyfriend."

I scoffed quietly, my expression not changing. Before I could say anything, she turned and walked back over to Damon and my brothers.

A surprised look came over me, as I lightly shook my head and walked back over to the Impala.

As soon as I got to the Impala, I climbed into the backseat, slamming the door shut behind me.

I was so angry with Caroline. Why on Earth would she think that I was trying to steal Damon from her? The last guy I would ever want is Damon Salvatore.

I wonder now if Caroline was going to say anything Elena. What happens if she tries to twist the story, to make me seem like the asshole. I doubt it, but if she did, what happens if Elena takes her side or won't even attempt to hear me out.

My eyes then shifted over to see Sam and Dean walking over to the Impala. I sighed loudly, I started to pull my iPod out of my pockets.

I then pulled out my earbuds, as Sam and Dean drew closer and closer. I put the into my ears, and as soon as they opened up the car door I shuffled my music. Anti-Flag instantly started blasting into my headphones, as I continued to lean my head against the car.

My brothers then climbed into the Impala, slamming the door shut behind them.

Could've they been trying to talk to me? I have no idea, and nor did I care. I was too pissed at Caroline to care. I was kind of irritated at Dean for pulling me away from Damon, like he was going to do something.

My gaze stared out the window, as Dean turned the car on and drove us back to the motel.

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