Ghostbusters (Male Reader Ins...

נכתב על ידי Fredbot

32.3K 920 714

Y/N L/N is a down on his luck college student. Looking for a place to belong, his luck turns around when he j... עוד

1.1 Tough Luck Kid
1.2 Fixer Upper
1.3 We Got One!
1.4 He Slimed Me
1.5 Cleaning Up the Town
1.6 On the Job Training
1.7 Out of Business
1.8 Mass Hysteria
1.9 Gozer the Traveler
1.10 Marshmallow Man
2.1 Five Years Later
2.2 Friends Over Coffee
2.3 Day in Court
2.4 Back in Business
2.5 Christmas Creeps
2.6 Vigo 101
2.7 River of Slime
2.8 Scaring the Straights
2.9 Tenth Level of Hell
2.10 Lady Liberty
2.11 Countdown to Vigo
3.1 Dirt Farmers
3.2 Egon's Last Stand
3.3 The Other Side
3.4 Down the Mine Shaft
3.5 Legacy
3.6 The Band's Back Together
3.8 Home Again

3.7 The Return

927 28 37
נכתב על ידי Fredbot

Ecto-1 screeched around the corner and quickly drove up the driveway. It crashed through the metal signs put up near the entrance. Trevor quickly swerved and hit the brakes, parking in front of the old farmhouse.

Phoebe and Callie ran out of the back of the hearse. Phoebe held the trap with Zuul inside it. Trevor stepped out and made his way to the gunner seat. He got inside where he and Podcast waited for the signal.

Phoebe and Callie walked up to the porch of the farmhouse. The storm had followed them from the mountain and was beginning to form above their heads. Phoebe looked out towards the field in front of them.

The barley brush moved as the disembodied figure of Gozer stepped into view. With only one of its minions available, it was having a hard time holding onto its form. The spirits within it were pulling and tugging as it tried to maintain shape. 

Phoebe noticed the god and stepped in front of the porch. She held up the ghost trap, taunting it into stepping closer. The figure hobbled through the open dirt field.

When it was about halfway across the field, Phoebe told her mom to flip the lever. Callie pulled up the large knife switch and the silo generators turned on. Sparkes flew between the capacitors as the traps beneath the Earth turned on. Gozer was momentarily distracted by the sparks. 

On cue, Lucky kicked open the front door to the farmhouse. She was wearing Spengler's old proton pack. She flicked it on and fired a proton stream at Gozer. The god was wrapped up in the capture stream of the device. 

The side door to Ecto-1 flung open as Trevor activated the gunner seat. He pointed his particle thrower at Gozer, intending to add to the capture stream. He pressed the ignition button, but was only met with a few sparks from the nozzle. He tried again, only to be met with nothing. 

Podcast: Come on! What are you waiting for!

Trevor: I'm waiting for this thing to work! It's not working!

Podcast began trying to fiddle with the control panel inside the car. Trevor heard an odd cuing sound from behind him. It sounded like a little baby. He looked back and was shocked to see miniature marshmallow men with sailor hats tearing apart the pack. They were chewing on the wires and causing the system to lose power.

Podcast tried looking at the control panel, but noticed one of the marshmallow minis had made its way up his sleeve. He screamed in a panic upon seeing the small minion. Phoebe heard screaming from Ecto-1 and knew something was wrong. They had to act fast.

Phoebe: Mom, hit the pedal!

Callie looked down and saw the steel pedal. She slammed her bare foot down on it. The traps within the dirt began to power up. However, they were cut short when the capacitor blew. All the power drained from the trap field.

Gozer smirked upon seeing this. It wrapped its arm around the proton stream. It then proceeded to pull on the orange beam like a lasso. Lucky was yanked forward and hit the ground close to Gozer. Her proton pack fell off her back as she landed.  

Trevor: Lucky! Podcast, what are you doing?!

Podcast: I've got my own problems!

Callie and Phoebe ran forward, both to save Lucky and recover the equipment. Phoebe bent down to get the pack, but was scared away by Vinz Clortho. It put its large claw down on the pack and roared at her. 

Gozer quickly grabbed the trap containing its other minion. Callie grabbed it as well as the two wrestled over it. It ended with Gozer yanking the trap away from her. The Sumerian deity ripped the trap in half, freeing Zuul. Needing another host, Zuul quickly flew into Lucky, possessing her and instantly transforming into its terror dog state.

The storm around the farmhouse became more intense. Bolts of lightning shot down from the sky and into Gozer as the god regained its full form. It petted its terror beasts before looking back at Callie and Phoebe with a sinister grin.

Callie: Oh, no.

Callie used herself to shield her daughter. Gozer brought up its hands and proceeded to summon purple bolts of energy from them. Just before the bolts could touch Callie, Gozer stopped as it heard a voice call out to her.

Ray: Hey. flat top!

Peter: Have you missed us?

Everyone looked over to Ecto-1. The original Ghostbusters had arrived. The four founders stood side by side in their uniforms and wearing their proton packs. Grace was also standing next to her husband and was wearing a proton pack and uniform with L/N written on the name tag. 

Imagine Y/N and Grace next to Winston

Ray: Gozer the Gozerian, in the name of the county of Summerville, Oklahoma, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, all the members of Ducks Unlimited, the Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons, I command you under the National Invasive Species Act to depart this world immediately. 

Peter: Bravo.

Gozer looked at the five comrades. It growled at them along with its minions.

Winston: I think she remembers us.

Gozer looked over at Y/N. Recognizing the man from the ghost world who shot it, it snarled at him.

Y/N: Oh, yeah. She definitely remembers me. Sorry about heating you up earlier.

Grace: Yeah. I'm the only one he's allowed to do that to. 

Y/N looked over at his wife who gave him a cheeky grin. Gozer redirected its attention towards Ray.


Ray had to think for a moment about the correct response. The others looked at him impatiently.

Winston: Ray?

Y/N: Jeez man.

Peter: Oh come on, Ray.

Ray: Yes.

Winston: Yeah, we're all gods.

Peter: Yeah, I mean, we're all pretty dang special down here. On a personal note, I thought that we had busted up for good. I mean it wasn't really working for me. My friends didn't think so. I know yours didn't.

Zuul growled at Peter but was held back by its master.

Winston: Okay, play time's over. Let's toast this muffin. 

All five drew out their particle throwers and pointed them at Gozer.

Peter: Light 'em up.

All of them switched on their packs. The lights began to flash on the accelerators. The system kicked in with the familiar chirp.

Winston: Man, I love that sound.

Y/N: It's great to have you guys back.

Ray: It feels great to be back.

Peter: On the count of three, go on two. 1... 2!

All five fired their proton streams. They instantly wrapped around Gozer. The god was held by the orange ropes.

Ray: Yeah! Nothing stings like a billion electron volts!

Not wasting anytime, the five got closer and crossed their streams. The energy began to build up in a white light before shooting forward. Just as the light was about to hit Gozer, it was stopped by the deity holding the streams. 

Imagine Y/N and Grace joining in.

Winston: You feel that?

Ray: Yeah.

Peter: Uh oh.

Grace: Should this be happening?

Gozer proceeded to pull on the streams like rope. It untwined them as the bright light travelled back down the crossed beams.

Ray: She's uncrossing the streams!

Just as it had done with Lucky, Gozer flung the streams like a whip. The Ghostbusters were sent flying back, hitting the hood of Ecto-1. The others looked at the five laying on the ground.

Podcast: Are they dead?

The original Ghostbusters all let out large groans. They all pulled themselves up as they recovered from their injuries.

Ray: I don't remember this job being so painful.

Winston: I do.

Grace: You guys made this look easy last time.

Y/N: It wasn't. 

Gozer walked slowly towards the five. Venkman decided to try and taunt it.

Peter: You've got a lot of nerve coming back here, crawling back to me. We could have been the most spectacular power couple, you know, my sense of fun and your personality. But no! You always had to vanquish, or conquer, or always had to maim somebody. And that's probably the number one reason why we-

Winston realized what Venkman was doing in trying to distract Gozer. Zeddemore fired up his pack and tried to shoot at the deity again. He was stopped when Gozer shot out a bolt of lightning and knocked the thrower out of his hand.

Peter: Well, good try anyway. No, we're finished babe. We're finished.

Gozer was about to finish them off when a proton stream flew by its head. It turned around to see Phoebe Spengler wearing her grandfather's old proton pack. She had the thrower pointed right at the conquering god. 

Gozer turned around and tried to shoot her with its energy bolts. Phoebe quickly responded and fired her proton stream. The two engaged in a beam lock. Despite the strength provided by the pack, Phoebe was clearly outmatched. She was starting to lose her grip and was being pushed backwards. 

Just as it seemed like she was going lose, a transparent hand held on to the particle thrower, reaffirming her grip. Phoebe looked over to see the source of the spiritual aid. It was her grandfather. Egon Spengler had returned from the grave and was aiding his granddaughter in battling Gozer.

Callie: Holy shit.

Distracted by the appearance of Egon, Gozer didn't notice the other living Ghostbusters stand back up. They all fired at it, wrapping it in a capture stream. Phoebe's stream was immediately redirected as Gozer lost the beam lock. It joined the others in wrapping around the god, keeping it contained.

Grace: Yeah! That's what you get, bitch!

Egon began directing Phoebe over to the others as they continued holding on to Gozer. The deity was powerless as the five proton streams contained it. Egon and Phoebe joined the others in line firing upon Gozer. 

The original Ghostbusters all looked over at their comrade. Grace was in shock. Y/N looked at his friend with big eyes and an equally big grin on his face. Winston looked over with a puzzled look. Peter had to take a second look. Ray simply smiled at seeing his friend again.

Imagine Y/N and Grace standing with them. 

Inside the Ecto-1, Podcast found the PKE meter. He switched it over to stun mode and attacked the mini marshmallow men. He let out a war cry as he exploded them all into puffs of marshmallow goo. While trying to hit one of the minions, the electrical current hit an open wire. The system to the gunner seat rebooted as the lights flicked back on.

Podcast: We're on!

Trevor fired up his particle thrower again. He was about to join the others in holding Gozer when he noticed something. He looked over at the silos and got an idea. It was a Hail Mary of an idea, but it just might work. He pointed his thrower and fired at the silos. The proton stream hit the capacitors and gave them energy.

All the traps buried in the dirt turned back on with a low hum. Callie noticed the traps turning back on and ran up to the porch. She slammed her foot down on the pedal. At that moment, every single trap within the field opened up. 

The storm began to swirl as spirits within the cyclone were sucked down into the ghost traps. Two of those spirits were Vinz Clortho and Zuul. Their physical bodies were turned to stone as their spirits were entrapped.

With its anchor to this world cut, Gozer began to tear apart into the Shandorian spirits and wisps that constructed it. They tried to flee, but were all caught in the traps' vortex. Howling and anguished souls were sucked down into the metal boxes as the lids snapped shut. Gozer was officially destroyed.

The trap doors closed and the Ghostbusters stopped firing their streams. Phoebe quickly ran over to check on the traps. The others were left standing there, taking in the spectral form of Egon. They were silent for a moment before Peter spoke.

Peter: I thought you might turn up.

Ray: I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

Winston: You should have called. I missed you, my friend. 

Egon simply nodded at all of them. Y/N wanted to say something. He wanted to apologize for not being there for his friend. For letting down his promise. But he realized that, despite Egon dying, Y/N hadn't let down his promise. Spengler was reunited with his family and he was at peace. Y/N smiled at his friend with tears in his eyes.

Y/N: We did it.

Y/N put his arm around Grace and the two walked over to the Ecto-1. Y/N rested by leaning against the hood of the old Cadillac.

Grace: We did it.

Y/N: Yeah, we did.

Grace: I guess I can expect you back at home soon. Your side of the bed has gotten really cold.

Y/N chuckled before looking at his wife.

Y/N: Listen. I'm sorry about leaving you. I just wasn't sure that we could actually hold it back. I lost Egon. The last thing I wanted was to lose you too.

Grace put her hands on his face and pecked him on the lips before reassuring him.

Grace: It's okay. I understand. But from now on, we do this together. You got it?

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Y/N kissed her again before looking over at the field. He noticed Callie helping a man step out of one of the terror dogs. He looked closely and recognized the man. He got up and started walking quickly towards him.

Y/N: Gary?

Gary: Dad?

The two walked up to each other and embraced in a bear hug. Grace joined them and stood by Y/N's side.

Y/N: What are you doing here, boy?

Gary: What do you mean? When I heard you went missing, I came looking for you.

Y/N: I guess you went under the alias as a salesman then.

Gary: Summer school teacher, actually.

Callie: Um, excuse me. You're his son?

Gary: Yeah.

Callie: But, your last name is Grooberson.

Gary: Well, that's my biological last name. My adopted last name is L/N. 

Callie: I see.

Y/N brought his whole family close to him. He held each of them in his arms.

Y/N: Five years. Dang. Guess I missed a lot of birthdays. You guys haven't aged a day.

Grace: You got greyer.

Gary: And I grew a beard.

Y/N: Like I said, not a day. 

Y/N eventually pulled away from his family and walked up to his colleagues. He noticed Egon readjusting Trevor's collar. Y/N walked up to his spectral friend and smiled at him.

Y/N: My friend, it has been an honor serving with you.

Egon smiled back at him before turning to one last figure. His daughter was standing there, looking at her deceased father. Neither spoke any words. Callie simply ran up to him and embraced him in a hug. Egon smiled and hugged her back.

The others looked as the father and daughter finally reconciled. Y/N and Ray had tears in their eyes. Then, they all watched as Egon's spirit began to fade away. Blue particles lifted from his body and ascended towards the sky. A faint silhouette of a figure with outstretched arms could be seen before fading away.

And with that, Egon Spengler finally ascended into the afterlife. Colleague, friend, father, and Ghostbuster. He was all of them. Now, he could finally rest in peace.

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