Fixation ∣∣ Tom Riddle x Read...

By qatbell

23K 526 325

❝She, the enigmatic force that has stirred my very soul, has driven me to the brink of madness. Her presence... More

Part 1: Discovering His Dark Secret
Part 2: Exchanging Touches
Part 3: Unintended Desires
Part 4: Interesting Study Session
Part 5: Stealing Her Kiss
Part 6: Scream His Name (Smut)
Part 7: A Glimpse of Darkness
Part 8: Bye Virginity (Smut)
Part 9: A Fragment of My Darkness
Part 10: Twist of Hearts
Part 11: Stitched Hearts (Smut)
Part 12: Yule Ball (Smut)

Part 13: Unexpected Tragedy

613 10 9
By qatbell


I stand within the confines of the circle, my gaze fixed upon Y/N with a mixture of anticipation and affection. A playful smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I beckon her forward. "Come on, my sweet," I say, my voice a velvety whisper. "Step into the circle."

Y/N lets out a sigh, her gaze meeting mine. "Are you sure you want me to be your horcrux?" she asks, her voice tinged with a hint of doubt.

I raise an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. "Are you questioning my decision after we've already talked about this countless times?" I retort, my tone teasing yet firm.

Y/N rolls her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, you can't blame me for wanting to double-check. Creating a Horcrux isn't exactly a walk in the park, you know."

I chuckle softly, stepping closer to her. "True, but you've proven yourself time and again. Your loyalty and dedication are unmatched."

Y/N's gaze softens, and she takes a step forward, joining me in the circle. The atmosphere crackles with an otherworldly energy as the ancient spell inscribed on the floor comes to life. The lines begin to glow, pulsating with a deep crimson hue. The room seems to come alive as if it's holding its breath in anticipation.

We lock eyes, our voices blending as we recite the incantation, our intertwining words resonating through the room. Y/N's voice is steady and unwavering, a testament to her familiarity with the dark arts. She has memorized the spell, having assisted me in creating Horcruxes before.

As the ritual progresses, I can't help but steal glances at Y/N, my affection for her shining through. She's the most loyal person I've ever met, always by my side regardless of the dangers I've put her through. Despite everything, she remains steadfast, her unwavering support a source of strength for me.

"Are you sure you're not just using me for my spellcasting skills?" Y/N quips.

I chuckle, my gaze meeting hers. "Oh. You're just a means to an end," I reply sarcastically, unable to hide the fondness in my voice.

Y/N feigns offence, placing a hand over her heart dramatically. "Well, I never! Here I am, helping you achieve immortality, and this is the thanks I get."

I playfully roll my eyes, reaching out to touch her hand. "You know I couldn't do this without you, right? Your presence in my life has given it purpose and colour. You've shown me what it means to be... loved."

Y/N's expression softens, her eyes filled with warmth. "And you've shown me a side of you that few others see. Despite your flaws and the darkness within you, I see the vulnerable person you try so hard to hide."

I squeeze her hand gently, a tender smile gracing my lips. "I don't deserve you, Y/N. But I'm grateful every day that you chose to be by my side."

The ritual reaches its climax, the energy in the room reaching a crescendo. The lines on the floor seem to bleed, the room pulsating with otherworldly power. As the final words of the chant leave our lips, a surge of energy envelopes us, binding our fates together.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

The bell above the door tinkles cheerfully as a group of customers enters our cosy bookstore. Y/N, adorned in a crisp apron, greets them warmly, ready to serve their favourite coffee concoctions and delicious pastries. The inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the scent of old books, creating a unique and comforting atmosphere.

I stand behind the counter, organizing the shelves and arranging the dark magic books meticulously. A customer approaches, their eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Excuse me," they say, their voice filled with a mix of intrigue and caution. "I'm looking for books on dark magic."

I meet their gaze, my eyes sparkling with knowledge. "Ah, you've come to the right place," I reply, gesturing to the section filled with ancient tomes and forbidden knowledge. "We have a selection of dark magic books that delve into the darker side of the magical world."

Y/N, intrigued by the conversation, joins us, wiping her hands on her apron. "And while you peruse the books," she chimes in, "may I interest you in our signature Dark Enchantment Latte? It's a blend of rich, dark flavours that perfectly complement the mysterious tales you'll uncover."

The customer's eyes widen with anticipation. "That sounds intriguing," they say, glancing at the menu board before ordering the latte. Y/N artfully prepares the drink, expertly crafting delicate latte art on the surface. As the customer takes their first sip, a look of pure satisfaction crosses their face, the taste of the latte blending harmoniously with the ambience of the bookstore.

Meanwhile, at a nearby table, a group of friends flips through the pages of the history of the magical world books, engrossed in tales of ancient wizards and legendary battles. They sip their coffees, exchanging excited whispers and animated discussions as they uncover the secrets hidden within the pages.

One of the friends looks up from their book, catching my eye. "This place is amazing," they say, their voice filled with wonder. "Where else can you find such a unique combination of great books and delicious coffee?"

I smile, appreciating their enthusiasm. "We wanted to create a haven for book lovers and coffee enthusiasts alike," I reply. "A place where you can lose yourself in captivating stories while savouring the perfect cup of coffee."

As the day unfolds, more customers enter our bookstore, each seeking their literary adventure. Some gravitate towards the dark magic section, their expressions a mix of intrigue and caution. Others peruse the shelves of history books, their eyes lighting up with fascination.

Conversations fill the air, blending with the soft murmur of turning pages. Customers share recommendations, engage in spirited debates, and forge connections over their shared love for literature and coffee. The cosy reading nooks tucked in corners become sanctuaries of imagination and contemplation.

Throughout it all, Y/N and I move gracefully through the bustling bookstore, tending to our customers' needs. We share knowing glances and affectionate smiles, our shared love for books and each other evident in every interaction.

As the sun sets and the last customers bid their farewells, we lean against the counter, a sense of fulfilment washing over us. Our bookstore is more than just a business; it's a sanctuary where people find solace, inspiration, and connection. And in the warmth of our cosy space, we know that we have created something truly special—a haven where magic and literature intertwine, leaving an indelible mark on all who enter.

As I grabbed a broom and began sweeping the floor, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that Y/N and I had embarked on together. Our relationship had been filled with tumultuous moments, but through it all, we had managed to build something remarkable—a bookshop that housed not only a vast collection of knowledge but also a cosy coffee shop.

The sound of Y/N's laughter echoed through the room as she wiped down the countertops. Her infectious joy never failed to lift my spirits, even on the darkest of days. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her, my heart swelling with affection.

"You know, love," I said, joining her by the counter, "sometimes it feels like we're living in a dream. Hogwarts feels like a distant memory, and now we have this beautiful place to call our own."

Y/N grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I suppose we're destined to make our magic, Tom. Who would've thought that the two of us, with our complicated pasts, would end up here?"

I chuckled, reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Indeed, it's quite remarkable. And that's why I can't help but be grateful for your unwavering support, Y/N. You've seen the darkest parts of me and still chose to stand by my side."

Her expression softened, and she leaned into my touch. "You're not alone in this, Tom. We're bound together, remember? Our souls are intertwined by a blood oath. I'll always be by your side, no matter what."

I nodded, acknowledging the weight of her words. Y/N's presence had become an anchor in my life, grounding me and reminding me of the connection we shared. Together, we were unstoppable.

"Alright, sweetheart, let's finish cleaning up," I said, breaking the momentary silence. "Tonight, we have a plan to set in motion."

Y/N's eyes widened in realization, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Oh, that plan. How could I forget? Let's make sure everything is in order."

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

As I adjusted the black robe, its fabric cold against my skin, I handed Y/N their robe, prepared for the task that lay ahead. We both covered our faces with the intricately designed metal masks, concealing our identities from prying eyes. Tonight, justice would be served, and the darkness that plagued society would be eradicated.

We walked in silence through the dimly lit alley, our steps purposeful and determined. The weight of our mission pressed upon us, a heavy burden we willingly carried. The man we sought was a vile creature—a child kidnapper and tormentor. Our research had revealed his true nature, and the fact that he had evaded the grasp of justice within the Ministry of Magic only fueled our resolve.

The Ministry's inaction was a bitter pill to swallow, a testament to the corruption that ran deep within its ranks. But we knew that our actions, however dark, were morally just. The man had caused untold suffering.

As we neared our target, our footsteps muffled by the cloak of night, we prepared ourselves for what had to be done. The dagger in my hand felt cold and deadly, a tool of justice and vengeance. Casting the Killing Curse, 'Avada Kedavra,' would only draw attention from the Ministry, so we opted for a more discreet method.

With swift and precise movements, I took his life, silencing him forever.

But just as we were about to retreat into the shadows and clean everything up, a familiar voice pierced through the night. It was a voice that sent a chill down my spine—a voice that held both familiarity and danger. We froze, our senses on high alert, knowing that our actions had not gone unnoticed.

The voice grew louder, drawing nearer, and I exchanged a glance with Y/N. We had prepared ourselves for many possibilities, but this encounter was unexpected. We steeled ourselves, ready to face whatever or whoever stood in our path, knowing that our commitment to justice and each other would guide us through the darkness that lay ahead.

"I swear I heard Y/N and Tom's voices here," Erika's voice exclaimed to someone, or a few people, her voice filled with curiosity and suspicion.

My eyes locked at the entrance of the alley, I could see Erika and Noah spotted us, our faces concealed by metal masks, still wearing the robes of our covert operation. Erika, feeling playful in the moment, approached Y/N and playfully removed her mask, unaware of the gruesome scene before them. "I knew it was you! I recognized your voice! Y/N, why are you wearing such a mask and robe? And who is this?" Erika inquired, her tone filled with intrigue.

Noah's eyes widened as he realized the severity of the situation. Panic surged through him as he witnessed Erika engaging in casual conversation, oblivious to the murder that had taken place. "Merlin's fuck! Did you kill him? What the hell, Y/N? What have you done?" Noah blurted out in a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Noah, calm down-," Y/N gesturing him to lower his voice.

Erika's expression changed as the reality of the murder scene sank in. She began to panic, her voice trembling with fear. "God, did you murder him? Who made you like this? Are you being forced? Wait... don't tell me Riddle forced you to do this...? Y/N... Y/N! The blood is everywhere!" Erika's panic escalated into tears and gradually turned into screams, drawing the attention of passersby who started to wonder about the commotion emanating from the alley.

"Please, let me explain," Y/N voiced out again.

"No, What the fuck, Y/N? You murdered a person! What the hell is wrong with you???," Erika said with anger building up inside her.

"For the love of Salazar, please listen to me first-" 

"No, you're a murderer, Y/N! a Murderer!"

I sighed, it wasn't exactly Y/N who killed him. It's me, I'm the monster of this crafted game.

"Could you please listen to me first, Erika? If you don't listen, how would you understand-"

"Shut the fuck up, Y/N. Don't say my name as if we're friends. You killed him!!!"

Realizing that Erika's escalating panic threatened to derail our mission, I knew I had to make a difficult choice. With a heavy heart, I turned to Y/N, my voice gentle but firm as I instructed her, "Honey, please close your eyes." It pained me to involve her in the brutality that was about to unfold, but there was no other option.

Steeling myself, I approached Erika from behind, my movements calculated and swift. As I whispered a wordless apology, the weight of my actions settling heavily upon me, I silenced her with a single decisive motion, my hand closing around her throat. Blood erupted in a grim tableau, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked within me.

Noah, overcome with shock at the sudden violence, moved to retaliate, his eyes ablaze with fury. But I was prepared, my reflexes honed by years of training and experience. With a deft manoeuvre, I evaded his lunge, the blade in my hand finding its mark with lethal precision.

As Noah crumpled to the ground, his lifeblood staining his mask in a grotesque tableau of death, I stood there, my chest heaving with exertion and remorse. The echoes of my actions reverberated through the silence, a grim testament to the lengths I was willing to go to achieve my goals.

At that moment, as the weight of what I had done settled upon me like a suffocating shroud, I couldn't help but wonder if there was any redemption left for a soul as tainted as mine. But amidst the carnage and the chaos, one thing remained clear: there was no turning back.

I heard a footstep.

Nathan stumbled upon the grim scene, his voice pierced the heavy air with a tremor of disbelief. "Erika? Noah? Where are you—?" His words faltered as his eyes fell upon the tragedy before him.

"Ah, another one," I murmured, my tone devoid of remorse as I regarded Nathan's arrival with a cold detachment that belied the chaos swirling within.

But amidst the horror and the blood, there was Y/N, her cries rending the night as she threw herself before me, her desperation palpable in every sob that tore from her throat. She begged and pleaded, her voice a symphony of anguish as she implored me to spare Nathan's life.

"Tom, my love, please, I beg you," Y/N pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. "Please spare Nathan. That's my request, my utmost humble request! Please don't hurt him, dear. Please."

"He saw everything, darling," I responded. "Allowing him to know about this mess could put both of us in danger. We need to eliminate him."

"Obliviate him then? Don't kill him, please. I'm begging you, Tom."

"No, I don't think obliviating would be enough."

"Without Nathan, I would've been dead by now, Tom!" Y/N's voice cracked.
"He was there with me when I was at my lowest when I was contemplating ending my own life because of what you did behind my back! How much more are you going to torture my soul? How much more do you want me to be on my knees, wishing I was dead? Spare him, Tom. Spare him!"

"Listen, darling," I began.
"As grateful as I am that you're still breathing because of him, remember that he touched you before. The mere thought of him breathing freely in your presence boils my blood. It's unbearable."

"I've never been intimate with him, or anyone else but you!" Y/N's voice lashed out.
"Damn you, Tom! Damn you for being so selfish and forgetting what you did to me, what we went through! I've always placed you above everything else, above myself. God, you're so incredibly selfish, Thomas! Don't make me regret staying by your side all these years!"

The weight of Y/N's words hung heavy in the air as I gripped the knife tightly, the blade reflecting the moon's sinister glow. Nathan's trembling form stood before me, his pleas and Y/N's tears threatening to unravel the carefully constructed facade I wore.

"I swear I will never breathe a word to anyone," Nathan stammered, his voice trembling with fear as he appealed to my self-preservation. "And if you kill me, the torment will haunt you forever, My people, my kingdom will find the both of you. I don't want to put Y/N in danger. Please, let me live."

"If you kill Nathan, consider me dead," Y/N's voice interjected.
"If you dare to come searching for me, I will end my own life and curse you to have everything you desired but never enough. Never."

For a fleeting moment, I hesitated, torn between the darkness that consumed me and the glimmer of humanity that dared to resurface in the face of Y/N's agony. And then, as if a revelation had seized me, I reached out and grasped Nathan's trembling hand, my voice a low whisper that echoed in the stillness of the night.

"The only way," I began, my words deliberate as I spoke of the binding curse, a ritual that would tether Nathan's fate to mine inextricably. I called out to Y/N, her name a prayer on my lips as I beckoned her to bear witness to the solemn pact we were about to forge.

"So you're going to bind him..." Y/N said in a low voice, but enough for me to hear.

Through her tears, Y/N nodded, her resolve trembling but unwavering as she stepped forward to stand by my side. Her presence, a beacon of light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume us both, lent me a sliver of strength as I prepared to bind Nathan's destiny to my own.

And as the ceremony commenced, as the words of the binding curse fell from my lips like a damning prophecy, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope stir within me. For in Y/N's tear-stained gaze, I glimpsed the possibility of redemption, a chance to defy the shadows that had long haunted my soul.

As the incantation spilt from my lips, the words danced upon the air, weaving a web of dark energy that enveloped us both. Nathan's eyes widened with dawning realization, the gravity of the situation settling upon him like a leaden cloak.

Beside me, Y/N stood silent witness, her tear-stained cheeks a testament to the turmoil raging within her.

With each syllable uttered, the magic surged, binding Nathan's fate to mine with unbreakable chains forged in the depths of despair. The air crackled with electricity, a tangible manifestation of the power coursing through us, intertwining our destinies inextricably.

And then, as the final words of the curse echoed into the night, a palpable stillness descended upon the clearing, broken only by the sound of our ragged breaths. The deed was done, the pact sealed in blood and magic, a testament to the darkness within me.

As Nathan staggered back, his eyes wide with disbelief, I could sense the weight of his new reality settling upon him like a crushing burden. And yet, despite the terror that gripped him, there was a glimmer of resignation in his gaze, a silent acceptance of the fate that awaited him.

"If you dare to defy the laws set forth, revealing even a whisper of what has transpired this day, endangering both my existence and that of Y/N Scamander, your flesh shall be rent asunder. Not even the most potent elixirs or enchantments shall suffice to knit your fractured form back together, condemning you to a slow and agonizing demise. And as you wither away, surrounded by the futile attempts of those around you to offer aid, let it be a stark reminder of the consequences that await those who dare to cross me, Nathan. Let this knowledge weigh heavily upon your conscience."

Turning to Y/N, I met her gaze with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow, for in her tears, I saw reflected the cost of my actions. But even as the guilt threatened to consume me, I knew that there was no turning back.

"Now that our business here is concluded, I have no desire to endure the sight of your countenance any longer, particularly in the proximity of Y/N. Depart from my presence before I reconsider my leniency and revert to a less hospitable disposition."

Nathan hurried and vanished from my sight.

I took a look at Y/N once again, she was on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

Great. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong did. I've extinguished the lives of two of Y/N's close companions. Their demise, though, is largely of their own making. Their incessant noise upon discovering the scene was intolerable. Y/N implored them to quieten, but their disregard proved fatal. Perhaps I should have subdued them with Petrificus Totalus, but my emotions clouded my judgment. I was not the calculated and composed individual I strive to be; I allowed myself to be swayed by distraction.

Now, I fear the consequences. Y/N witnessed the events unfold before her very eyes. I am the one responsible for extinguishing their lives. She will despise me, shun me. The weight of her disdain is a heavy burden to bear. I must find a way to divert her attention from this grim memory, but where to begin eludes me.

Despite my remorse, I cannot deny that those two individuals brought this fate upon themselves. If they had not stirred up such a commotion, I would not have been compelled to act. And Nathan, always hovering around Y/N like an unwanted shadow. The mere thought of him fills me with an intense desire to rid myself of his presence, yet I cannot subject Y/N to such violence.

No, I must tread carefully. To cause her further pain would be unforgivable. I must find a way to ease her suffering, to reassure her that I am still the man she knows, despite the darkness that consumes me. It will not be easy, but for Y/N's sake, I will endure.

I enacted a dark incantation, causing the deceased to disintegrate into fine dust, which then danced gently upon the air. With a subtle gesture, I directed the remnants into a glass vessel, intending to employ them in the creation of another Horcrux. Now, I find myself able to fashion two more, inadvertently claiming the souls of both a Mudblood and a Pureblood in the process.

After meticulously erasing any trace of our presence from the scene, ensuring the Ministry would find no evidence of our deeds, I approached Y/N, still huddled in tearful distress. There is a phrase I know I should utter, though I am loath to do so, for this catastrophe is not solely my doing. Yet, I recognize the necessity of my words, however reluctant I may be to speak them. To withhold them would only deepen Y/N's animosity towards me.

"I offer my sincerest apologies, Y/N. Truly, I do," I forced the words from my lips, grappling with the weight of my guilt. "Shall we return home? Remaining here any longer would be unwise." My voice carried a note of urgency, a silent plea for her to acquiesce.

Y/N's response was merely a nod, her sobs unabated. With a heavy sigh, I lifted her gently, cradling her form against my shoulder as we departed through a portal I had conjured, leaving the scene of our misfortune behind us.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

To be honest with you, I have writer's block after quite some time of not writing anything, so this may come off as a short chapter, and I'm not sure how should i pick up my phase of writing again. Due to my assignments and projects haunting me like shadows, my creativity disappeared throughout the process. I am thinking of writing other one-shot fics first, not sure if I want to combine everything in one book or make it separately. 

I'll be stopping this book for a while, and I am not sure when will I pick up this masterpiece again. Those who adore this book, thank you! I appreciate your comments and silly goofy remarks, and I do notice sometimes my writing doesn't make sense, and I am thinking of fixing the chapters in the future. I am sorry if my writing put you off from reading this book, i know tropes like cheating, and triangle love aren't everyone's cup of tea, but that is what I've planned on doing for this book from the start. About this book not true to the Harry Potter lore, I've done my best to fit MY story to the franchise, if you're not interested, feel free to drop this book, no need to bring me or everyone else who enjoys it down, kay?

Thank you for reading, I hope you have a great moment throughout this chapter. love you guys! With that, I'll put this book on hiatus. 

Qat signing out, bye-bye! <3

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