The Illusion Of Us

بواسطة KLastella

363K 6K 2K

In "The Illusion of Us," Ava and Ethan are the embodiment of a perfect love story. Celebrating six years of s... المزيد

A Note to Readers
...Let Me Know...
It's Done!


14.2K 313 34
بواسطة KLastella

In the heart of her quaint shop, Ava called a meeting with her close friends - Amy, Carlson, Tony, and Jasmine. She had a sparkle in her eye and an excited tremor in her voice as she shared her plan for Ethan's surprise birthday party.

"Okay, everyone," Ava began, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Ethan's birthday is coming up, I've been brainstorming and I think I have the perfect idea," Ava began, her enthusiasm infectious. "I want to rent out this amazing rooftop venue I found. It has a stunning view of the city skyline, perfect for a memorable evening. We'll have a classy, elegant theme, with a live band playing Ethan's favorite music. I'm thinking of a night under the stars, where everything is about enjoying good food, great music, and the best of company."

Amy was the first to respond, her face lighting up. "Ava, that sounds incredible! Ethan will love it. And the rooftop setting? Absolutely perfect!"

Carlson nodded in agreement. "The view will definitely make it special. It's like something out of a movie."

Tony, with his usual enthusiasm, added, "Count me in for the distractions! Carlson and I will make sure Ethan has no idea what's coming. We'll come up with a convincing way to get him to the venue without suspecting a thing."

Jasmine, always attentive to detail, chimed in. "I can help with the decorations and setting up the place. We can make it look magical with the right lighting and decor."

Ava smiled, relieved and grateful for her friends' support. "Thank you, everyone! I knew I could count on you. Let's make this the best birthday Ethan has ever had!"

The group spent the next few hours discussing and refining the details, their excitement growing as the plan came together. It was a mix of great ideas, teamwork, and the shared joy of creating something special for Ethan. Ava felt a warm glow of happiness, knowing that with her friends by her side, the surprise party would be nothing short of spectacular.

Ethan was waiting outside Ava's shop, looking sharp in his winter gear. He wore a gray overcoat that was both stylish and practical for the cold, paired with a snug white sweater that made him look like he just stepped out of a winter fashion catalog. His scarf, a checkered pattern of dark and light grays, was draped casually around his neck, and he wore it like a natural accessory. The winter air seemed to highlight his striking features, making him stand out even more.

"Babe!" Ava couldn't hide her surprise and joy. She ran over and gave him a tight hug, feeling the warmth of his coat against the cold air. "This is a surprise!" Ethan's laugh was muffled by the scarf, a happy sound in the chilly evening.

"Got off early today and thought why not grab dinner with my favorite person?" he said with a smile. "It's cold out, and I bet you're starving."

Ava stepped back, beaming up at him. "Starving and freezing! You read my mind, Ethan."

They shared a quick, warm kiss before Ethan playfully nudged her towards his car. "Come on, I know just the place."

They strolled to his car, and Ethan held the door open for her, the gesture as warm as the kiss they shared before she got in. The drive to the Japanese restaurant was filled with their usual banter, discussions about mundane things like the latest series they were watching and Ethan's humorous anecdotes from the hospital.

As they sat in the warm glow of the restaurant, enjoying the array of sushi and sashimi, Ava remembered to lay the groundwork for her surprise. "You know, with all the appointments I've packed into next week, I almost let your birthday slip my mind," she said with a slight chuckle, hoping she sounded convincingly distracted. "With my schedule, I can only manage something low-key in the evening. How does that sound?"

Ethan nodded, swirling his ramen thoughtfully. "Low-key is good," he said, a little too quickly, and then added, "Honestly, just winding down with you would be great. No big celebrations needed."

Ava nodded, her secret grin safely tucked away behind her bowl. "Quiet dinner it is, then," she agreed, trying to match his casual tone.

Ethan smiled, but Ava caught a fleeting look of disappointment in his eyes—a look that vanished as quickly as it appeared.

She turned her attention back to her ramen, her mind racing with anticipation. When the weekend arrived, she knew the surprise she had planned would light up his world like the first snow lights up the winter sky.

It was a special day for Ethan, marking another year around the sun, and fortuitously, his work shift ended early. He and Ava had made plans to celebrate his birthday at 6 pm in a simple yet intimate manner. However, with a few spare hours before their meeting, Ethan decided to catch up with his buddies at a local bar. Mindful of his evening plans with Ava, they kept the drinking session lighter than usual. Amidst the casual ambiance, Ethan, Tony, and Carlson shared a few beers, toasting to another year of life's journey.

As they exited the bar, the afternoon sun casting long shadows on the street, Tony, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, proposed an impromptu plan. "How about another round at a different spot?" he suggested, his voice laced with excitement.

Ethan glanced at his wristwatch, its hands inching towards the latter half of the afternoon. "Guys, I'm not sure about this. It's already past four, and I need to pick up Ava," he replied, a tinge of regret in his voice for having to decline.

A knowing look passed between Tony and Carlson, their eyes communicating a shared secret. Tony, with a persuasive grin, said, "You've got plenty of time, dude. Just an hour more, that's all we ask." His laughter was light, but there was an underlying earnestness in his tone.

Carlson chimed in, his face struggling to hide a brewing surprise. "Yeah, Ethan, come on. Just one more round. We promise, then you're free to go."

Ethan, feeling the pull of friendship and the unspoken promise of a special occasion, let out a resigned yet amiable sigh. "Alright, but just one," he agreed, his decision reflecting the warm bond he shared with his friends.

Their destination was The Aerie, a newly inaugurated edifice renowned for its luxurious top-floor room, which boasted a private balcony offering a panoramic view of the city - an idyllic setting for a memorable gathering.

Ethan's curiosity piqued about their choice of The Aerie, yet he refrained from questioning, trusting his friends' intentions. They ascended to the top floor, the elevator's smooth glide signifying their rise to an evening full of surprises.

Tony, leaning casually against the elevator wall, remarked, "You're going to love this place, Ethan. It's got the most lavish bar and the finest wines. Been wanting to check it out since it opened."

As they reached their destination, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The door to the exclusive room opened to reveal a heartwarming scene - a chorus of "Surprise!" filled the room, echoing with warmth and affection. There, gathered in the elegantly decorated space, were Ethan's closest - his family, friends, the Greenwood family, and most importantly, Ava, radiant in her chic cutout mini blazer dress and sleek black stilettos.

Ethan stood, momentarily stunned by the outpouring of love and affection, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Happy birthday, Ethan!" the room resounded, a symphony of well-wishes and joyous exclamations.

Ava stepped forward, the embodiment of grace and affection. "Happy birthday, babe!" she repeated, her voice soft yet filled with excitement, as she planted a tender kiss on Ethan's cheek. "Were you surprised?"

His response came in a playful scoff, a blend of disbelief and heartfelt gratitude. "You really had me there. I honestly thought you were too busy to organize another surprise birthday party," he said, his voice tinged with admiration and surprise. As he spoke, his arms enveloped Ava in a warm, loving embrace, conveying the depth of his appreciation and affection.

Ava's smile was radiant, her eyes sparkling with the success of the surprise. "Anything for you, babe. Always," she said, her gaze briefly flickering towards Tony and Carlson, who were now reveling in Ethan's astonished reaction. "Thanks, you two," she added, acknowledging their crucial role in the surprise.

Tony's laughter was hearty and genuine. "Anything for a friend," he said, his eyes crinkling with mirth.

Carlson, joining in the laughter, added, "Happy to help, man. Enjoy your day!"

As the evening progressed, Ethan and Ava mingled with their guests, each interaction filled with laughter and stories, the room buzzing with the energy of a truly vibrant celebration. 

The party was a lively affair, filled with the hum of music and the buzz of conversations. Ava mingled with her girlfriends, laughing and chatting away, while other guests enjoyed the wine and savored the catered delicacies.

Suddenly, Amy nudged Ava, a reminder lighting up her face. "Hey, Ava, I think it's time for the cake," she said, her voice a mix of excitement and gentle prompting.

"Oh, right," Ava laughed, a hint of embarrassment in her tone for almost forgetting the centerpiece of any birthday celebration – the cake. She scanned the room, looking for Ethan, but he was conspicuously absent. "Amy, could you guys get the cake ready? I'll go find the birthday boy," she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of urgency and amusement.

"Sure, of course," Amy replied, her enthusiasm for the upcoming cake-cutting evident.

"Thanks!" Ava said, her gratitude genuine. She then set off in search of Ethan, her eyes scanning the room. Spotting Carlson and some of the other guys engrossed in a game, she approached them. "Hey, guys. Have you seen Ethan? It's time for the birthday cake," she inquired, her voice carrying a note of playful impatience.

Carlson paused, scratching his head as he tried to recall. "Uhm, I think he was out on the balcony with Tony earlier, but that was like half an hour ago. Want me to go check?"

Ava offered a grateful smile. "No, it's alright. I'll check. Thank you," she replied, her tone appreciative.

Stepping out onto the balcony, Ava was greeted by a chilly breeze that made her hug herself for warmth. The balcony was deserted, likely due to the cold. However, the breathtaking view of the city skyline momentarily made her forget the chill in the air.

"It's so beautiful..." she whispered to herself, captivated by the panorama.

Just as she was about to head back inside, a voice caught her attention. It was coming from not too far off, and as she moved closer, the voice became more familiar – it was Tony's.

Curious, Ava edged closer, her footsteps quiet. She found Tony, cigarette in hand, deep in conversation with Ethan. They seemed engrossed in a serious discussion. As Ava drew nearer, intending to call out to Ethan, his words halted her in her tracks.

"I've never loved Ava. For the past seven years, I've never learned to love her," Ethan confessed, his voice heavy with an emotion she couldn't place.

Ava's breath hitched, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. Tears welled up in her eyes, each word from Ethan piercing her heart like shards of ice. She stood there, frozen, the joy of the evening shattered by the weight of his words.

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