Tiny Hands, Sad Eyes

By mrwwow

1K 14 6

Jim Kirk gets shot by an automated weapon while on an away misson. Instead of injuring or killing him, it dea... More

Fearful Child
Caring for Young Jim

Searching for Solutions

182 4 0
By mrwwow

McCoy poured over the newest scans of Jim's body. He compared them to the previous ones, searching for any change, any clue.

In comparing the scans, it looked like there might be a minute drop in temporal energy weaving around and through Jim's body. Maybe. It was so small that McCoy couldn't really be sure it was there at all and not just his wishful thinking.

McCoy rubbed his eyes and laid his head on his desk. He had a splitting headache. There was no point in trying to push through right now. It would only serve to exasperate his headache. He would get some new scans and some new blood from Jim when they came for lunch.

He had to admit it was cute how attached to Spock little Jim was. McCoy had often thought that there might be some feelings of the nonplatonic varity going on there. And while there had never been any conclusive evidence, Jim evidently trusted Spock more than anyone else on board, including him.

He'd be slightly annoyed if it wasn't so damn cute! Jim was an adorable child. McCoy had had to restrain himself from cooing at him when Jim threatened him over his "insult" to Spock.

His train of thought led to Spock. Spock seemed more emotional than usual. McCoy found this concerning. Meditation was essential to Vulcans. He suspected that Spock had not been able to properly meditate since Jim became young. It would be difficult to do with Jim always connected to him.

He groaned, thumping his head on the desk. He really needed to figure out a solution fast. He needed to fix this before Spock lost his shit, or whatever it was that happened to Vulcans when they didn't meditate. He stood up and began running different tests on the blood samples he already had. He had to find a way to fix this. They were all depending on him.


Spock worked on his padd for the next few hours while Jim played quietly on the bed with his new toys. Spock listened with half an ear to the child's mumbling and soft giggles. The sounds brought a surge of protectiveness up in him.

How could anyone, much less his own mother, treat him the way she had? And from what Jim had said, he wouldn't be surprised if things were actually worse at home than he was aware of.

A growl escaped Spock before he could stop himself. He needed to meditate badly. His emotional control was starting to slip.

Jim's head shot up. "Spock?" He whimpered. "I'm sorry! Was I being too loud? I'll be quieter! I promise! I'll be quiet! Please!"

He clutched the stuffed bear to his chest as if he were afraid it would be taken from him. His blue eyes began to fill with tears. Spock cursed himself internally. He immediately dropped the padd and rushed to the child's to reassure him.

"No, Jim. I am not unhappy with you. You were not being too loud, and I promise I will never take your toys away from you. They were a gift. They are your property and, therefore, not mine to take. They belong to you. Do you understand?"

Jim nodded timidly, desperately trying to hold his tears back. Spock continued.

"That being said, I am angry. However, I am not angry with you. I am simply angered that you have been treated in an unkind manner. It was not right. You deserve to be protected. I wish you had never had to experience such unkindness at the hands of those who were supposed to protect you."

He couldn't hold back anymore, and the tears in Jim's eyes spilled over. They rolled down his cheeks as his chest heaved with heavy sobs.

"Do you really mean it?" He gasped out. He struggled to catch his breath between sobs, trying, in vain, to stop crying.

"Yes. I do. With all my heart."

And with that, Spock gathered the crying boy into his arms. What little control the child had left dissolved at the comforting contact. He wailed loudly, dropping the stuffed bear in favor of clutching at Spock.

Spock simply sat down on the bed and held him. He rocked back and forth while rubbing Jim's back soothingly as he remembered his own mother doing for him when he was very young.

It took a long time before Jim calmed down enough so that his wails turned to hiccuping little whimpers. Soon, those too died away to soft snores. He had completely exhausted himself.

Spock felt completely out of his depth. It was a feeling he was not accustomed to. He had no idea what to do, so he carefully laid back in the bed with Jim still pressed up against him. It didn't take long for the rise and fall of Jim's chest to lull him into a light slumber.

He awoke some time later to Jim stirring in his arms. Spock found himself surprised that he had fallen asleep as well, not having meant to. Jim sat up and rubbed at his face.

"Spock?" Jim mumbled sleepily.

"What can I do for you, Kan-bu?" Spock answered kindly. The reason for their little nap still fresh in his mind.

"I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat, please?"

Spock immediately sat up and checked the time. It was indeed lunchtime, a little past it actually.

"Of course, Jim." He smiled, running his hands gently through the child's loose curls in an attempt to fix his hair. "Give me a moment to make myself presentable after our impromptu rest, and we will be going. After all, we did promise the doctor that we would have lunch with him in sickbay."

With that, he stood up and walked quickly over to the bathroom. He fixed his tossled hair quickly and returned to the main room where Jim was waiting, teddy bear in hand.

Spock crouched down to be on his level. "Would you like to walk or be carried?"

Jim thought for a moment, hugging his bear. "Walk?"

"Very well. Let me know at any time if you change your mind and wish to be carried."

Jim nodded.

Spock held out his hand to Jim. Jim grabbed it, clutching it tightly as they left Spock's quarters.

Jim pressed close to Spock as they walked through the corridors to the mess hall. Spock was thankful to see, when they reached it, that most of the people had already eaten and gone, leaving it fairly empty.

Spock led them over to the food replicator. Once there, he knelt down next to Jim.

"Jim. What would you like to eat for lunch?"

Jim considered for a moment. "A burger?" He finally whispered.

"What type of burger would you like?"

After another moment of thought, he answered definitively. "A cheeseburger."

"If I get you fries and an apple as well, will you eat it?"

Jim nodded happily.

Spock stood up and programmed it in along with his own meal. He made sure to get them in containers so they could eat in sickbay as promised. He then took the food and led Jim from the mess hall to sickbay.

Jim seemed slightly more relaxed than he had at breakfast time. Even so, he still stuck close to Spock. He trotted alongside him, gripping his hand tightly.

When they reached sickbay, they found McCoy exactly as they had left him that morning. He was sitting at the desk pouring over Jim's medical records. Spock approached the desk.

"Doctor. Have you made any progress towards the nature of the captain's condition and how to reverse it?" He questioned.

McCoy jumped with a startled squawk. Obviously, he had not seen them enter.

"What in tarnation?!" He shouted. "Damn it, Spock! Warn a guy next time! Damn sneaky Vulcans! I oughta make you wear a bell!"

Jim let go of Spock's hand and walked over to McCoy. Once in range he kicked him in the shin as hard as he could.

"I already told you. Don't be mean to Spock!" He growled. "It not his fault you weren't paying attention."

"Jesus, kid! Ok, ok!" McCoy exclaimed, rubbing his leg. "Fuck! For a little kid, you sure have strong kick! That's definitely gonna leave a mark! Oww!"

Jim walked over to the chair he had occupied that morning and plopped down into it. He looked very smug. Both Spock and McCoy couldn't help but smile. That was definitely a look they both recognized. He looked just like the Jim they knew, just younger. It really was very cute. This small blond child lounging in the chair looking very satisfied with himself.

Spock set out the food for Jim, who immediately began devouring it. Then Spock set out his own lunch while McCoy did the same. They discussed Jim's deaging while they ate, being sure to couch it in titles and medical terms so that the child hopefully wouldn't realize they were talking about him.

Unfortunately, McCoy didn't really have anything new to report. He thought there might be a slight lessening in the temporal energy weaving through the kid's body, but he couldn't be entirely sure. Spock listened attentively and added suggestions here and there. But unfortunately, they were just as far from a solution as ever.

After everyone had finished eating and the dishes had been cleared away, McCoy pulled out his medical equipment. He spent the next few minutes taking some more scans of Jim, as well as a few new blood samples. Once he had all he needed, he sent them on their way.

Before they left, Spock turned to McCoy.

"Doctor. We will be eating supper in another part of the ship. Therefore, we will not see you until tomorrow morning. I believe it might be beneficial for you to take a break. As important as it is to get this issue fixed as quickly as possible, exhausting yourself will do no one any good. I therefore advise you to take the evening off."

"Yeah, yeah, Spock. Stop pontificating. I get the picture. Once I go over these new scans and blood samples, I'll take a break. Happy?"


"Fantastic. Now get out. Shoo!"

After they left, McCoy looked over the new data he had collected. This time, there was a noticeable difference in the amount of temporal energy his equipment picked up. He was unsure if this was good or bad, but it was, at the very least, a change. He could work with change.


Spock took Jim around the ship like he had when he first came aboard. They checked up on the various science experiments going on on board Enterprise.

Jim had gone back to wanting to be carried after lunch. After all, the ship was large, with many decks and corridors, and they were doing a whole lot of walking. It really was no surprise that Jim grew tired of it quickly.

Jim was very interested in all the different science projects happening around him. He chattered away at Spock whenever there was a free moment, asking question after question. Spock answered each one patiently.

Given Jim's reaction when they inspected the science experiments the previous day, he had expected nothing less than endless questions. It made Spock happy. It it reminded him of the person Jim would become in about twenty years. Adult Jim. His T'hy'la. The man he loved and desired above all others.

Jim seemed a bit more at ease today, though he still shied away from everyone except Spock and, to a lesser extent, McCoy. At least he was now confident enough to voice his questions in a tone more audible than the whisper of the previous day.

They eventually moved on from the labs to check up on the botanical studies. Jim was in awe of all of the plants. He got excited every time Spock allowed him to touch one. He was ever so gentle with each plant. Softly caressing the leaves and petals being very careful not to injure the plants. All the while telling Spock how pretty each one was.

After a few hours, they turned their steps back to the mess hall to grab supper before everyone else flooded in to eat. Spock typed in their food order and they took it with them to the mostly deserted observation room.

There were only a few people in the observation room, and they all made sure to give Spock and Jim a wide berth.

News of what had happened to the captain had spread like wildfire throughout the ship. But while everyone was curious, they were also smart and respectful enough to keep their distance. After all, it was obvious just from looking at them that young Jim did not want the attention.

So Jim and Spock sat on the floor in front of the window. They were left entirely alone by the handful of others in the room. Jim curled up in Spock's lap as he asked questions about anything and everything in the way that four year olds do. Spock answered every question as best he could with seemingly endless patience.

They ate their evening meal there, staring out at the stars. Jim looked down at the planet below them without a scrap of recognition. He began to ask questions about it as well, which Spock answered to the best of his ability. Finally, when Jim began to yawn, Spock picked him up, and they returned to Spock's quarters for the night.

Spock helped Jim get dressed in a soft shirt and pair of pants that he deemed suitable for bed. They washed their faces and brushed their teeth side by side in the bathroom. Then time came for them to get into bed.

Spock tucked the child into bed and read him a traditional earth bedtime story from his padd. It brought back memories from his own childhood. Of his mother reading to him before bed too, when he was very young.

When the story was finished, he turned out the lights. He left only the bathroom lights on, and those he dimmed, before laying down on the cot beside the bed.

After a few moments of silence, Jim spoke up.

"Spock?" He whispered.

"I am here, Jim."

"Please, Spock. It's scary. I don't want to sleep alone."

Spock bit back a sigh.

"Very well, Jim. I will sleep in the bed with you. Will that help ease your fears?"

Jim nodded.

Spock got up off the cot. He then picked it up and moved it to the end of the bed so that it would be out of the way. That done, he climbed into his bed beside the child. Jim immediately snuggled up next to him and sighed contentedly.

"Goodnight, Spock." He mumbled into his side.

"Goodnight, Kan-bu." Spock replied. As he ran his hand through Jim's hair soothingly. Soon, the room was filled with the sound of the child's soft snores as they both drifted off to dreamless sleep.

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