Aspen Holiday

נכתב על ידי starsintheuniverse

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Ace and Caleb are determined to give Jodee the Christmas Winter Wonderland of her dreams. Join these three si... עוד

Chapter 2 - Tree
Chapter 3 - Excursion
Chapter 4 - Sledding
Chapter 5 - Sweet Treat
Chapter 6 - Ice Skating
Chapter 7 - Antagonizer
Chapter 8 - Snow Activities
Chapter 9 - Gifts
Chapter 10 - Phone Call
Chapter 11 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 12 - Christmas Day

Chapter 1 - Trip

1.2K 44 44
נכתב על ידי starsintheuniverse

Twelve days until Christmas.

My family and I's Aspen trip was only one day away!

Since my brothers surprised me with our Christmas Break trip they have kept their mouths pretty shut tight about what we were doing and anything about that. I did manage to get a little bit of information out of them. We were leaving tomorrow the 14th and coming back on the 28th. So exactly two weeks spent in Aspen! And yes, that was the only information I got.

Caleb and I did some research — which included me looking up a bunch of stuff about Aspen Christmas and asking him what we were going to do and him just repeating "I don't know" over and over again. But Aspen looked super cool! Some of the pictures looked like they were straight out of the movies and I was very excited about that.

They did, however, tell me enough about the place and I got information from my vast internet searches to know it was going to be very cold. Cold and snowy. Meaning that I had to pack layers!

Cal and I went out yesterday to do some shopping because if the environment is a movie I need to look Like I can be in a movie! So, I picked out some super cute winter clothes and lots of sweaters and warm outfits. He said that we'll get snow jackets and that sort of real heavy things there if we were going to go skiing or snowboarding. So I just got some regular clothes.

I've never been skiing or snowboarding so I would like to do that, but at the same time I don't know if I'd like it and I don't know if we're even going to do that. I have a hunch we are, however, because Caleb is always boasting about his killer snowboarding skills so I can't imagine he'll pass up an opportunity to show up the skills he always brags about.

Packing is what I'm doing right now. I forced Caleb to come into my room to help me pack so he's currently sitting on the bed doing something on his phone and looking up every once in a while when I ask for his opinion. Unfortunately, Ace said he had some work to catch up on because he's planning to take most if not all of our trip off so he needed to tie up some loose ends.

I don't mind at all, however, because I'd rather my brother be absent during stupid packing than have him have to stay home and do work while we're trying to have fun in Aspen. And I know that he'll stay true to his word and not work on the trip because he said he wouldn't.

"So let's think. I need 14 pants, 14 sweatshirts..." I started to list off the things that I would need to pack in my suitcase.

I don't remember going on planes all that much even though I know I've been on some of them, so I don't really know how a lot of things work. But my brothers said that you got one backpack carry on and one suitcase that would go in the upper bins. They said that they were going to check one bag with stuff I wasn't allowed to know what was inside. That meant I needed to fit all of my clothes into one suitcase. That wasn't a huge deal for me, however, because I don't think I need that much stuff.

"Slow your roll!" Caleb cut me off before I could continue listing out my list. "We have a washer and a dryer there, you don't need to pack clothes for every single day."

"I need my options, Cal!" I admonished.

"Seven days worth of things is more than enough, I think." He sassed back.

"Fineeeee. I need seven shirts, seven pants, three pj's plus sweatpants and lounge clothes, three jackets, five sweaters, plus my puffer, socks, that sort of thing ... ummm. Two beanies. Is that it?" I asked.

"That should definitely be enough." Caleb nodded at me, chuckling slightly. "We can also get stuff there, if you're missing anything. Don't overpack."

"I'm not going to overpack!" I stressed back, going into my closet and pulling out multiple things.

First on my list ... shirts. After a little bit of deciding, I think that I need to bring three short sleeve shorts and four long sleeve ones. I grabbed out a couple random ones; some with logos on the front, the back, and some just plain ones.

Next I moved onto my pants, making sure that each of them matched a good amount of shirts. I chose four pairs of jeans — three blue ones of different shades and one pair of black ones, making sure that there aren't too many rips in them because it's gonna be super cold. Then I grabbed three leggings; one flare, one plain black, and one that was a maroon color.

I also grabbed two pairs of sweatpants and a couple flannel pajama bottoms with some random t-shirts that I always wore to sleep in.

Then I got to move onto my favorite part! Sweaters. I absolutely loved fall and winter because I loved wearing sweaters and that's all I wore during those times of the year. You could say I was in my Rory Gilmore phase!

The first thing I chose was a Patagonia fleece because it's super cute with the colorful pattern and super warm. Next, I packed a dark blue hoodie — this was originally Ace's but one winter I literally wore it every day because it was so warm and so cozy and cute oversized, so now I just wear it and it's mine. Lastly I packed one of my own light pink crewnecks with some embroidering.

I finally got to move onto my sweaters after that! Choosing a super cute color blocked one, an oversized brown one, a chunky knit handmade sweater that Cal got me last year for Christmas, and a cute gray one with some buttons at the top.

Placing everything that I had already picked out on my bed I also choose some socks and underwear and that sort of thing including two beanies before turning back to Caleb, a grin on my face.

"What do you think!?"

"I think that I don't know how this is going to fit in your luggage." He drowned.

I rolled my eyes, coming to sit next to him on the bed before flopping back onto his lap exaggeratedly, my brown hair spilling everywhere.

"Don't be dramatic." I told him. "It'll all fit and if it doesn't I'll just have to use your suitcase!" I ended with a wink.

Caleb couldn't help but laugh at my antics, rolling his eyes playfully. "Then I better help you get packed."


Eleven days until Christmas.

Today was the day!

My brothers and I were currently in the car on our way to the airport. In just a few short hours we would have already been on the plane and we were going to be in Aspen! I was beyond excited, but I was also nervous.

I don't remember being on a plane or what it was like but I've definitely seen the memes of how strict airport security is so I'm kinda scared of that. Cal says that he and Ace have some sort of security plus type thing so it's easier for us though, which I am very happy about.

I'm naturally an anxious person so being yelled at when I'm just confused will not go well for me!

"Ready?" Ace turned towards me from the front of the car, a slight grin playing at his lips.

I nodded my head a little timidly, offering my brother a weak smile before sliding on the seat towards the car door. I opened the door and headed to the trunk where Caleb was unloading all of our luggage.

Both him and Ace had a suitcase to go in the overhead bins and a sort of mini suitcase to go under the seats. I had a suitcase to go in the overhead pins and my school backpack that had some extra clothes inside and things to keep me entertained on the flight — even though it's only about 2.5-3 hours. We also had this huge bag — the one my brothers were checking and not telling me what's inside of it.

"Here, ya go, Jodee Fay." Caleb said, handing me my suitcase.

"Thanks." I muttered, grabbing the suitcase handle from him and swinging both of my backpack straps around my shoulders.

"Ace." Caleb said, also handing Ace his suitcase along with his bag which was on top of the suitcase.

Cal also grabbed out his own suitcase — a duplicate to Ace's just in a different color. Then he told this guy who had been previously awkwardly standing there that he could take the car and park now. The guy looked a little scared as he assured Caleb the car will be in pristine condition when we get back and then scurried off to jump into the driver's seat and start the engine.

Although most people are afraid of my brothers — those who know and don't know them. I don't think I will ever get used to it. It's just weird for people to be drop dead scared of other people who are so nice to me which is why I was fixing the driver with an incredulous look.

"Alright." Caleb declared, watching with narrowed eyes as the car vanished from our view. "I'm gonna go check this big boy" — he hit the huge bag rather harshly — "and then I'll meet you guys at security. Good?"

"Great." My brother responded, clamping a hand on my shoulder.

"Bye, Cal." I told my brother's best friend sweetly, flashing him a dimpled grin.

He leaned forward, grabbing the back of my head so that he could lean my head down to kiss it roughly. Then he grabbed the handle of the checking bag and started to walk away, only turning for a second to flash us a dimpled grin and wave exaggeratedly.

My stoic brother scoffed, because you couldn't miss the gleam in his eyes at Caleb's antics. "C'mon, Joes." He muttered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I nodded my head, allowing my brother to more or less pull me along as I dragged my suitcase. My free hand was nervously twitching with my backpack strap. Up and down, wrapped around, grab my shirt, up and down, wrap around, grab my shirt — continuously on repeat. All I was trying to do was calm my nerves as we walked into the airport.

We walked into the sliding doors, choosing one out of the many that I could see from this side of the building. I recognized the rush of stressed people, angry people, annoyed people, tired people, and many others as my eyes began to take in everyone in the airport.

First, there were the people at the counters and in line. Most of them had family that were milling around while one person was harshly talking to the counter, their phone or a piece of paper in their hand as they waved it around. I assumed those were people with troubles on their flight.

Gosh, that better not happen to us!

Then there were the stressed people who were either in the line to the counters or practically running through the airport with their family following close behind, laughing at the running. I noticed one single mom with three kids, she looked to be on the verge of tears, screaming at her children even though they were being fine.

One thing that very much pulled my focus was what looked to be the security line. There were huge archways that looked like people with collared shirts directing while everyone else was stripping outer layers and anything on them that couldn't go through the security scanners.

Everyone in that line looked stressed and rushed — that was where I had to go.

"Calm down." Ace's settling voice broke through my sound barrier as his huge hand engulfed my own, pulling it away from my backpack strap.

My head snapped to my big brother, my lips pulled in between my teeth and my eye's frantically moved around. I gulped, peeling my eyes from him to look at the rest of the airport, once again attempting to complete my scan of all of the people here.

"Jodee." He called me again, helping me sit down in one of the million of blue seats attached to each other. "Calm. down." He practically demanded, his hands pulling both of mine into them.

"I'm scared." I squeaked out. "Everyone looks stressed here!"

"Normal. It's an airport." Ace assured me. "Look." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, drawing me into his body so what he was seeing is now what I am seeing. "Parents are stressed." He pointed towards the lady with three kids I was looking at earlier. "Not kids, not you." Ace whispered in my ear. "I worry. I'm the big brother. Not you." I should worry because I'm the big brother, not you.

I snuggled myself even closer into my brother's body, allowing my muscles to untense and take a deep breath. "Thanks." I muttered.

His fingers found themselves woven into my hair, delicately rubbing my hair back. I don't know what it is, but whenever someone does that — especially my brother — I am always immediately calmed down.

I leaned into Ace's embrace, continuing my look of the airport. I observed some of the people, but mostly I focused on the mom and her three kids that both my brother and I had pointed out.

She, surprisingly, made me feel better because even though she was freaking out, once she had boarded the plane and was in the line for boarding she seemed to have calmed down. She even took a second and just gave one of her kids a great big hug. I guess things can be good at the airport.

"Alright, guys." Caleb said, swinging his hands in front of his body before running one of them along his hair. "Ready to go to security? What's wrong?" His eyes zeroed in on the way Ace and I were sitting so close together.

"Nothin'" Ace supplied, standing up. "Good?" He whispered in my ear, his eyes trapping mine.

"Yeah," I whispered back. "I'm ready!" I turned to tell Cal. "I've got it, Ace." I turned back to my brother, grabbing my backpack out of his hands that he attempted to take from me.

"Aspen, here we come!" Caleb swung an arm around my neck, roughly and playfully pulling in as he hollered.

My cheeks almost immediately turned red the second a bunch of people turned to stare at us.

"Cal!" Ace scolded. At least someone else thinks Caleb is crazy loud.


I change my mind. Flying is amazing.

We have only been in the air for about thirty minutes and I already love it.

The views are incredible! At first we flew right into a huge cloud so I couldn't see anything and that was a bit of a bummer. But after that it turned out to be amazing. It's just extraordinary to see everything from high up.

I can recognize big things like lakes or schools that obviously have a huge football stadium but everything else is so small. Houses, that for sure are in a very rich area and rich neighborhood look tiny as a button from way up here. It's also super interesting that from the air our society looks like it's just a bunch of squares due to the roads. Oh! That reminds me, seeing huge freeways from above is my favorite!

My body was fully leaned over onto Ace's as I tried to get even closer to the window to be able to see everything. I tried to get a window seat myself, but apparently because I'm the smallest I am forced to take the middle cause that's only fair. So I settle for trying to annoy Ace the most — who got the window seat — so he thinks about his actions and lets me have the window another time. Preferably on our flight back.

Security wasn't even that bad. Ace and Caleb have this thing called TSA Pre which is where we pretty much skip the huge line, don't have to take off our shoes, and don't have to go through the huge metal scanners, just the little ones. So everything went very smoothly for us and the security people were very nice and let my brothers take time to tell me what to do before they yelled at us.

After security we went to go get some Starbucks in the airport since Ace and Cal wanted coffee and I'll never turn down a chocolate croissant. And we headed to our terminal. It was only a short wait from there because my family got pre-boarded before we boarded the flight.

Walking through the tunnel connecting the airport to the airplane was also super cool especially when you could see how far the ground was through the little gap when the tunnel and the place truly connected.

Take off ... wasn't my favorite. It was fun when the place pushed back and you felt that pressure and then you felt the plane lifting off the ground at its obviously fast speed. That whole part was very cool and at that point I really liked take off, but then it turned for the worst. Then my ears started to hurt a lot and Cal and Ace had to teach me how to pop them which also hurt. So that kinda ruined all of take off for me. Caleb says that also happens at landing, which I am not excited for.

"Almost there." Caleb told me, leaning in to place his head on my shoulder, annoyingly.

"Mmmhmm." I muttered back absent mindedly, shaking him off of my shoulder but choosing not to peel my eyes away from the window. I heard Cal chuckle at my response.

Cal was true to his word. In just a short time — that was really an hour or so — my ears were hurting again and the plane was starting its descent. The landing was good and some people even clapped at the end — I wasn't sure if I should or not.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Aspen, Colorado." 

A/N - Another book ... I know! But I felt like there was a lot left out between then ending of Jodee and then just switching straight to Lost. So I decided to give you all insight onto what happened on the Aspen Winter Trip — especially because it's almost Christmas season for us as well. Hope you enjoy! :)

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