BLACK ICE, jon snow

Autorstwa Thiamstan

8.9K 339 20

๐๐‹๐€๐‚๐Š ๐ˆ๐‚๐„ โ ๐™ž ๐™–๐™ข ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฆ๐™ช๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™—๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ข๐™š! โž IN WHI... Wiฤ™cej

๐๐‹๐€๐‚๐Š ๐ˆ๐‚๐„
๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š โ–ฌ winter is coming
๐™ž. the north
๐™ž๐™ž. falling slowly
๐™ž๐™ž๐™ž. sworn protector
๐™ž๐™ซ. pretty girl
๐™ซ๐™ž. we have jamie lannister
๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ž. king and queen of the north
๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ž๐™ž. under the covers
๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ฌ๐™ค โ–ฌ until the end of my days
๐™ž๐™ญ. queen taliana
๐™ญ. another woman?
๐™ญ๐™ž. the end of us

๐™ซ. women can't rule

567 28 3
Autorstwa Thiamstan

❝ women can't rule ❞
act one . winter is coming

     KING ROBERT BARATHEON IS DEAD. Taliana reads, her heart almost breaking. But that's not the reason she's was upset.

The letter Taliana was reading was from her mother while in another room Robb was reading a letter from his sister, Sansa. Queen Cersei wrote, "My dearest daughter, our king Robert Baratheon had passed, his succession will live on, with Joffrey as king, While the dying king laid on his deathbed, he had wrote a letter speaking that he wants his son, Joffrey on the throne... I shall see you soon my sweet daughter.

– Queen Cersei Lannister."

See you soon? her brain kept repeating those words over and over again.

"No..." Her voice broke, it couldn't be, sadness filled her body, not because her father died, no. Her father was a terrible man, she felt sadness because her throne was getting passed onto her younger brother.

Anger was the next emotion she felt. Taliana felt hot tears fall down her face, she threw the letter away from her, and pushed one of the many chairs in her chamber away, the sound of the chair being thrown made a loud bang. Taliana was supposed to be queen, since she was the first daughter of king Robbert, the true heir to the throne, the first real child of Robert Baratheon.

      Her chamber door swung open, "Explained this?" Robb entered her chambers holding a letter in hand, his eyes met her angry ones.

      "Now is not the time Robb," Taliana spoke and Robb started looking around at the mess, Robb shook his head and walked up to her and handed her the letter, "What is this–?" She starts but then stops.

   I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert's brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and providing me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King's Landing, swear featly to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.

– Sansa."

      Taliana finished the letter and put it down, "Sansa's writing but your mothers words," Robb says, "I–" Taliana was speechless, she had forgotten all the anger from her throne being passed on to her brother.

     "I'm starting to wonder if you have anything to do with this..." Robb spoke softly, Taliana looked shocked that he would ever say such things, "I mean it makes sense, you pretend to be all innocent because your in winterfell, but you secretly write to your mother and help her take down house Stark one by one, at the hour of the owls, while the whole keep is asleep," Robb accused.

     "Robb where is this coming from?" Taliana stepped forward, "I've defended you against my mother! I told you I trusted you even though I knew I shouldn't of!" Robb argued, "Robb, I swear I have nothing to do with this!" Robb shook his head, "I don't believe you."

      Taliana stepped forward to Robb, she took his hands in hers, "Robb, I swear to the old gods and new, that I have nothing to do with this!" Robb looked into her eyes, "I got a letter, from my mother. It spoke that the throne is going to Joffrey. My father replaced me, he put my younger brother on the throne, my father always used to favourite my brother over me, somehow I didn't see this coming."

      Taliana didn't have anything to do with her mother plans, she hasn't even written to her, but with everything going on Taliana wasn't surprised about her mother doing this. Taliana knew never to cross her mother, she was a very cruel woman when she needed to be. She was Queen after all, she had all the power she needed.

"Joffrey puts my father in changes and now he wants his ass kissed," Robb says going back to the letter wrote by sweet Sansa.

Taliana shakes her head, "Robb, I'll stand by your side no matter what. I'm with you until my end.." Taliana spoke softly, Robb didn't expect Taliana to say such things, "Taliana. I appreciate that."

"His Grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing. But not alone, we will bring all of the banner men. We'll head out at nightfall."


      ROBB HAD HELD A FEAST WITH ALL THE BANNER MEN, Taliana sat by his side, she was picking at the side of her nails, it was a nervous habit she had. She would pick the raw skin until it bled.

    "For 30 years I've been making corpses out of men, boy. I'm the man you want leading the Vanguard," Lord Umber says to the lord of Winterfell, Theon who's sitting at the table smirks, while Bran is eating his food, "Galbart Glover will lead the Van."

     "The bloody Wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover. I will lead the Van or I will take my men and march them home," Lord Umber speaks loudly, Taliana looks up at the man who has been raising his voice at Robb, "You are welcome to do so, Lord Umber–" Robb stands up, "And when I am done with the Lannisters I will march back North, root you out of your Keep and hang you for an oathbreaker."

    "Oathbreaker is it?" Lord Umber yells standing up and throwing his cup in the process, "I'll not sit here and swallow insults from a boy so green he pisses grass," Taliana stood up, "Watch your tone when your speaking to Lord of Winterfell!" She shouts and Lord Umber laughs, "A little girl must defend you?" He reaches for his sword about to draw before Gray Wind, Robb's direwolf jumps on the table and attacked Lord Umber ripping two of his fingers off.

      In the process all the men in the room stand, ready to defend Robb, "My Lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your Liege Lord. But doubtless the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me," Lord Umber then kicks his chair, "Your meat..." He stops looking around at all the men, "Is bloody tough," He then reveals that two of his fingers are gone.

      Lord Umber starts to laugh along with Robb and the rest of the men.

    ROBB SAID HIS GOODBYES TO BRAN, Taliana and Robb's men were all heading out in the middle of the night, to go to Kings Landing. Robb had to leave Bran in Winterfell since they're always must be a Stark in Winterfell.

      Taliana brought along her lady, lady Cerella, as she knew her lady was more then just her lady. She was her best friend. She needed her best friend.

They had set up camp, and Robb was planning a way to get to Kings Landing, Taliana was standing beside Robb as always and Theon on Robb's other side, "The River Lords are falling back with Jaime Lannister at their heels. And Lord Tywin is bringing around a second Lannister army from the South. Our scouts confirm it's even larger than the Kingslayer's."

     Lord Umber speaks up, "One army or two, the Kings in the North threw back hosts 10 times as large," Taliana looks up to see Lord Umber looking behind her so she turns to see Lady Catelyn.

     "Robb, look who it is," Robb turns, "Mother!" Lady Catelyn had been away from her son so long she smiled softly, "You look well, as do you Princess," Lady Catelyn speaks looking at his son and the princess, Taliana just smiled at Lady Catelyn.

     "Lady Catelyn, you're a welcome sight in these troubled times," Lord Umber speaks to Lady Catelyn, "We had not thought to meet you here, My Lady," Lord Theon says as well, "I had not thought to be here. I would speak with my son alone. I know you will forgive me, My Lords," She apologized.

     "You heard her! Move your asses! Come on, out," He ushered his men out, Taliana and Theon stood still, "You too, Greyjoy, and Princess. Are you two bloody deaf?" Taliana looked at Robb and he nodded telling her she can go, "You know Lord Umber, you should watch your tone when speaking to me, you don't want to lose anymore fingers," Taliana joked which made Lord Umber smile at the princess.

      Taliana and Theon both walked out, while walking she heard Lord Umber say to Robb, "I like her..." Before Taliana couldn't hear anymore since they were gone.


      IT WAS MID-DAY WHEN ROBB GATHERED EVERYONE TOGETHER, Robb was discussing how to get to Kings Landing without being seen.

       Taliana was at his side again with Theon on her side, Lady Catelyn sat in front of them, with all the men standing around listening to the plan, "The scouts report Lord Tywin moves north.We need to get him on broken ground, put his Knights at a disadvantage," One man says, "No, we need to get around him and break Jaime Lannister's siege of Riverrun. Do that and the River Lords will join us," Lord Umber makes known, "To do either we need to cross the river and the only crossing is at The Twins," Robb speaks up, "Lord Fray owns that bridge," Taliana says.

     "Your father's bannerman," Theon pipes up to Lady Catelyn, "The late Lord Frey" my father calls him. At the Trident, he didn't appear until the battle was done. Some men takes their oaths more seriously than others," Lady Catelyn says looking around the table.

"Robb's right we need that bridge," Theon says, "So what's it going to be? Do we move against Jaime or Lord Tywin?" Lord Umber asks, Taliana looks down at the mention of her uncle and grandfather, "No offence princess," Umber says again which makes the princess just nod.

Two men enter the tent with one of Tywin's spies, "Your pardon, my lords. We've captured, a Lannister scout," Theon then flips the map over, "Don't worry, lad. He won't be leaving this tent with his head," Lord Umber says with a smirk.

Taliana looked at the men, she's seen him before, in Kings Landing, "Where did you find him?" Robb asks.

"In the brush above the encampment. He looked to be counting," The guard answered, Robb slowly walked over to the men who's Tywin's counter, "How high did you get?" Robb asks, "20,000. Maybe more."

"You don't have to do this yourself. Your father would understand..." Robb then interrupted, "My father understands mercy, when there is room for it. And he understands honor... and courage. Let him go," Robb says which makes Lady Catelyn stand up, "Robb," Everyone was shocked.

"Tell Lord Tywin Winter is coming for him. 20,000 Northerners marching south to find out if he really does shit gold, and that Princess Taliana is on our side as my wife," Taliana looked up to see Robb turning slowly to look at her, "Yes, my lord. Thank you, my lord."

The man looks at Taliana before he gets walked out by two guards, "Are you touched, boy?! Letting him go?" Lord Umber yells, getting in Robb's face, "You call me boy again. Go on," Robb says and Lord Umber eyes go from Taliana who is glaring at him, his eyes move to Lady Catelyn's then to Theon's.



"Technically yes, but we aren't wed yet!" Taliana stressed, "Oh princess," Taliana give her a stern look, "Oh Taliana... he obviously in love with you!" Cerella laughed, "No, he was just accusing me of helping my mother take down House Stark and putting his father in changes!"

Cerella watched as her friend paced around the tent, "Well he now knows you have nothing to do with that!" Taliana sat down on her bed with a sigh, "Why would he tell Tywin's men that i'm his wife?" Lady Cerella smiled, "Because he wants to marry you."

Outside her tent Robb was walking up to hers, "Princess?" Taliana heard his voice, Lady Cerella smiled and winked then stood up and opened her tent allowing Robb in and Cerella walked out.

Taliana stood up, unsure what to do, "I shouldn't of say that, they're were other ways of handling what I had said," Taliana was shocked, "Handling what? That we're going to be marry soon?" Robb then shakes his head, "It's not that simple–" Taliana cuts his him, "Not that simple? What's not simple? We have been engaged for months now! How awful do you find me? That you're scared to tell others that we are going to wed!" Taliana raised her voice, getting annoyed.

"It doesn't matter, what matter is what's right for my house, house Stark isn't as strong as it used to be, with my father being charged for Treason and all, and a marriage between House Stark and House Baratheon could be the end.." Robb tells Taliana which makes her realize, "You don't want to marry me? You don't want this at all..."

"Things could change," Taliana laughed, "Well it isn't your decision! It's my fathers!" She mentioned her now dead father, "Well he's dead!"

"So what now, you send me back to Kings Landing? And all of this would be for nothing?" Taliana yells, from outside the tent men could hear the two arguing, Theon and Lady Catelyn look at one another while passing by.

"So you won't love me? You won't let yourself?" Taliana asks, "Love is irrelevant to people like us, we are so privileged in so many ways. All i'm asking is for you to wait, to see how–" Taliana cuts him off, "To see how things go for House Stark... I guess it is simply after all, but your not the only one with their house to think of."

Robb stares into Taliana eyes and he realizes that she was clearly upset, "Go," Taliana speaks looking away, "I'm sorry princess..."

𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜...
soooo... this chapter
was definitely interesting,
i honestly love my oc! she's
such an amazing part of the story.


Czytaj Dalej

To Teลผ Polubisz

250K 8.4K 117
๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ˆ๐œ๐ž ๐ƒ๐ซ๐š๐ ๐จ๐ง| โ ๐…๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ž๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌ, ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ˆ๐œ๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐๐ฌ; ๐ฌ๐ก๐ž ๐œ๐ก๐จ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐ž๐ญโž In whi...
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Alana Baratheon is the eldest child between King Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. When Alana turned 9 she was promised to Robb Stark, the eldes...