Chaos - Loki x Fem!Reader

By lucywhitee

84.6K 2.9K 1.4K

After both Y/N and Loki take the tesseract, they're both arrest by the TVA for Crimes Against the Sacred Time... More

Agent Mobius
Distraction attempt
The Variant
Love is hate
Love is a Dagger
something like care
Time Cell
He Who Remains
Two choices
In Every Timeline, Multiverse, Till the end of Time.
Appearing through time.
Close Call
Brad Wolfe
What Were You Made For?
Too Late
Chicago 1893
Victor Timely
An awful ride.
A Plan of Action.
Deja Vú
Time To Be Brave
Back To The Beginning
Don't Stab Your Boyfriend.
'Queen Of Asgard'
We're All Selfish
It's About Who
This Is It...
A Break That Lasts Centuries
Doomed To Failure
The Hard Thing To Do, Is The Thing That Has To Be Done.
Alone In The End
Finding Your Path
A Familiar Timeline
The New Finale
Final A/N - The End

End of file

2.8K 90 54
By lucywhitee

You and Loki appear in some random area you don't really recognise, the feeling of teleporting making your stomach drop. "Jesus, I don't want to get used to that" you groan.
"Lucky you that was your first time" Loki scoffed, looking around confused.

"You think the guy at the desk earlier still has the tesseract?" You ask Loki.
"Well he's currently walking away" you point towards the same guy you both saw at the desk, walking away with a stroller full of stuff.
"Come on" Loki gently pulled you along to follow him.

You both walk quickly, following the smaller guy and opening the door slowly. You saw him behind a desk, silently working. "I think this is the most depressing work space I've ever seen" you say.
"Did you not see the flying cars earlier?!" Loki asks you.
"Yes I did. That was cool. This tiny room filled with tiny desks is not."

You both walk over to the guy, startling him.
"Hey.. I know you guys!" He says loudly. "You're the criminals with the blue box-"
"Shh!" Loki forces him to crouch behind his desk, along with the two of you.
"Ow" the guy looks at you both, offended.

"Whats your name?" You ask him.
Loki thinks for a moment before giving Casey an angry look. "Give me a tesseract or I'll gut you like a fish, Casey!"
"What's a fish?!" He says, making you shush him again. "Sorry," he whispers. "Whats a fish?"

"How do you not know what a fish is?!" You ask him.
"I've lived my entire life behind a desk."
"What difference does that make?!"
"I wanna know what exactly I'm being threatened with before I comply.."
"Death, Casey!" Loki whisper yells, startling him. "Violet, painful death!"

"Okay! Okay.. I comply. I comply, jeez!" Casey says, standing up and opening the draw on his trolley. He took out the tesseract, handing it to you. "Is this it?"
"Don't hand it to her! Hand it to me!" Loki yells.
"Will you quite being so annoying!" You yell back, keeping the tesseract out of reach from the God.

Loki scoffs, looking back down in the draw before going completely silent. "What.. infinity stones?" He asks Casey, grabbing your attention and making you look too.

"How do you have these?" You ask Casey, seeing his face light up.
"We actually get a lot of those! Some of the guys use them as paperweights."
You and Loki exchange glances. You slowly stand up, as does Loki who starts walking out to look around.

"Is this the greatest power in the universe?" He asks himself as you walk to stand next to him.
Suddenly, you hear the elevator ding and B-15 run out towards with both, a prune stick in hand.

You look over at Loki, alarmed, but he's already fiddling with the Time Twister and teleporting you both away just in time.
You both appear back into the same interrogation room, Loki falling back onto the floor since the chair wasn't there.

"You like it down there, don't you big guy" you laugh, seeing his eyes roll as he throws the Time Twister onto the table.
"Shut it, Asgardian."

Loki stands up, looking over at the big screen which was still focused on the image of you and Loki in his cell.
"Total rubbish" you point at the screen, Loki watching you.
"Agreed. I'd never date a pip-squeak like you."
"Come again? You're not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself. Not compared to your brother."
"Don't compare me to that outrageous scum!" He yelled at you, getting a laugh from you.

"Stop acting so tough. I saw you earlier when we were being taken to die. You were scared!"
"Oh, and I suppose you weren't?" He asked, sitting down on Mobius's chair.
"Of course I was but I don't lie to myself!"
Loki scoffed, turning back to the screen. You take a seat opposite him as he fiddles with some of the controls, stopping on an image of Odin, Thor and Loki sitting on a rock. You were seen standing somewhat behind the trio to give them privacy.

'I love you my sons' Odin says. 'Remember this place, home.'
Odin's body slowly turned to dust, both the brothers standing to watch their father slowly fade away.

You look over at Loki, seeing tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He was good at hiding his emotions, but you had never seen him this vulnerable.

'Loki I thought the world of you' Thors voice was heard.

You turned your attention back to the screen, seeing an image of Loki and Thor alone together.

'I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever.'

The image changed to you, Thor, Loki and another girl you didn't recognise standing on rainbow bridge, fighting Hela. The goddess of death. For a moment your heart sunk, making you think you might die here. However, the next clip showed you three alive.

'You know, maybe you're not so bad after all brother.'
'Maybe not' Loki smiled.
'If you were here I might even give you a hug.'
'I'm here.'

You heard Loki's light chuckle beside you and decided to stay quiet instead of make fun of him. He looked like he needed to hear all of this.
The screen changed, showing you sitting along on the ship while looking out into space. There were tears in your eyes and Loki came from behind you.

'You ok, Darling?' Loki asks, sitting beside you.
'I had just got her back' you croaked. 'My mother, I finally got some family back. The only family I had and now shes gone again, Loki.'

You felt your heart leap into your throat. You thought your mother was dead. But you get her back. But you loose her again?!
Loki turned to you, seeing the tears slowly start swelling into your eyes too now.

'You still have a family, darling.'
'I just wish I had done something to stop Hela from murdering her. It's my fault-'
'Y/N, look at me' Loki gently cupped your face, turning you to him. 'There was nothing you could have done. She may be gone, but you still have a family. When my mother died I thought I'd have nobody ever again but then you came and.. brushed my hair. Okay now it sounds weird.'

You laughed, whipping the tears of your cheeks and slowly leaning in to kiss your boyfriend. You knew what he was trying to say.
'I wanted to give you something' the God tells you, slowly opening to palm to reveal a small ring in his hand. 'Maybe it's not the right time, but I thought I was going to loose you earlier and I don't want to ever miss the chance of doing this. Y/N, I love you.'

You smile, taking the ring from his hand and gently pushing it onto your finger. 'You're such a douche bag.'
'How rude' Loki says, pretending to be hurt.
'And I love you too. I'll love you until the end of time, in every timeline, in every multiverse. I love you.'

You and Loki remained quiet, only the almost silent sound of each others gently sobs could be heard as the screen skipped to Loki pointing a dagger at Thanos. You turned to see his face drop instantly, slowly rising from his seat.

'Undying? You should choose your words more carefully.'
Loki was lifted by Thanos's hand, choking and struggling against him.
'You.. will never be.. a God..'

Both you and Loki heard the daunting crack couch fill the room, Loki looking down at his feet as the screen showed both Y/N and Thor crying over his limp body.

You shake your head, walking over to the machine and fiddling with the buttons. You had to find out what happens to you afterwards.
Loki backed up, seeing the screen change to Thanos kneeling before you and Thor, a cold expression on your face.

'You should have gone for the head' Thanos snarled, snapping his fingers.
'What did you do?!' You screamed, your eyes widened as he disappeared using the space stone.
Thor looked up at you as your body slowly disintegrated. 'Y/N?'

Your eyes opened, a second later, yet Thor wasn't there. You were still in the woods, confused. You saw a few others but not nearly as many that you came here with. 'Thor?' You yell out.

"He won" you think out loud, yet he didn't. You were alive, you thought you died.
Confused, you fast forward, the screen stopping with you running towards Thanos from behind him on a different war field.

As Thanos was about to snap, you quickly used your powers to reach into his head.
'Where am I?' Thanos asked.
'In your own head.'
You cut the titan off as you swing a punch. When your in someones head, you're always stronger no matter what as long as you have full control. You knew, however, you wouldn't have control for long.

You stalled him in there long enough for your physical form to run and grab his hand, taking out an infinity stone before he could wake up and blast you away.
You felt your hand instantly start to ache as the power stone was held in your hand alone, your magic trying it's best to protect you. As much as it hurt, you knew you couldn't let go.

You struggled for a while, running as fast as you could with Thanos and his entire team trying to reach you. You blasted Thanos a few times, but he blasted you too. Your hand felt as if thousands of knifes her jabbing into it all at once. It bled from every inch of skin, shaking for you to let go. But you didn't.

You saw Tony, who nodded for you to hand it to him. You knew his plan, and secretly handed it to him before running further away.
Eventually, Thanos blasted you with every stone, hitting you straight through your stomach and tumbling to the ground.

The screen changed to see Tony snapped, allowing you to see that you guys had won before you let yourself slowly drift off into sleep.

End of file.

You let the tears fall, hearing Loki laugh from his seat almost painfully. He hung his head down in defeat.

"What's so funny?" You hears B-15's voice behind you both.
"Glorious purpose" Loki scoffed at himself, turning to the TVA agent and approaching her. You did the same thing, swinging the first punch across her face.

Loki went to punch her too, only to be blocked and pushed down onto the table.
You acted quickly, picking up the Time Twister and freeing your neck from the restraint.

"Don't-" B-15 started but you quickly dragged her off Loki, who stood and felt that his collar was also now gone. He picked his up, running to the Agent and placing it around her neck. You let the Agent go, quickly teleporting her away before she could land the punch in your face.

"Someone has anger issues" you scoffed, actually making Loki laugh.
"I have an idea, hand it to me" he says, and you comply.
He uses it to send the Agent back to you guys, sending her away again instantly. You smirk.
He does this over and over again, faster and faster as the Agent begged him to stop.

Eventually, he did, smiling at his work as he threw the Time Twister back onto the table.
You pick the tesseract back up, slowly sitting against a wall and Loki joins you.

"Your death didn't look very pleasant" he breaks the silence. You let out a small laugh.
"I guess not. There was literal blood in my mouth it was actually quite disturbing."
"Looked like one of those Midgardian movies.. horse movies? Or whatever-"
"Horror movies?" You raised a brow. "Do you not watch movies in your palace, prince?"
"I guess not."

"Your death didn't look too peaceful either" you shrug. "I would crack a joke but.." you turn with a smile, only to see his look of concern down at you and you clear your throat quickly. "But.. uh.. it's too soon for that."

The door opener and Mobius slowly walked in, prune stick in hand. "Loki.. Y/N.. no place left to run.." he walked slowly forwards, almost as if you were both dangerous.

"We can't go back, can we?" Loki asks him. "Back to our timeline."
Theres a moment of silence as Mobius gave you both some pity look. Loki sighed.
"I don't enjoy hurting people" he says, making you look up at him too. "I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because I've had to."

"Ok, explain that to me" Mobius says.
"Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear" he points to himself.
"Desperate play for control" you say, suddenly understanding him.
"You do know yourself" Mobius says as if he finds it interesting.

"A villain" Loki looks at him.
"That's not how I see it" Mobius tells him, before seeing you holding the tesseract. "You tried to use that?"
"Oh, several times. Even an infinity stone is useless here" you say, making you feel sick after remembering how you had died. "The TVA is formidable."

"That's been my experience. Listen, I can't offer you guys salvation, but maybe I can offer you something better. A fugitive variant had been killing our minute men."

"And you need the God of Mischief and his little assistant here to help you?" Loki asks, gently shaking you by your shoulder. You slap his hand away.
"Watch you tone, Prince" you snap.

"That's right" Mobius says.
"Why us?" You ask.
"The variant we're hunting is.. you" he points are Loki, who's eyebrows instantly raise.
"I beg your pardon?"


A/N - I KNOW HOW Y/N'S DEATH LOOKS IN MY HEAD BUT I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO WRITE IT OUT. I hope you all understand what I'm trying to say!!

Basically, she holds an infinity stone for too long and it kills her eventually but Tony still dies I'm sorry. She did it to stall for time and to stop Thanos from snapping, does that make sense?!
And the power part, when you're in someones head its either a memory or its just plain white, which is why Thanos was confused.

Also, episode 1 is officially finished.
I hope you're enjoying this story!
Thanks for reading.
Bye <3

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