Divine. | Countryhumans rusame

Von Junoisnotok

39.7K 955 2.8K

Soviet Collapsed, Soviet's kids kept his death a secret until the organizations accidentally found out. After... Mehr

Soviet's Children (Prologue)
The two main Families
A usual day
At the store
The states
Going to the park
Fighting in bed
Russia's memory zone
Bloody Gift
All powers activated
groceries before plans
"Is this not a date?"
Flowers for you
The lady
In different places
SPECIAL CH: blue + red = purple
Bailing out of jail, forcefully
Japan, the mastermind
Handmade gift
Overwhelming emotions
A lot can happen in two days
(Almost) forgotten memories
Thrown into it all


786 18 188
Von Junoisnotok

The picture above is the realist. But I only hate my book because of my past chapters that have bad grammar and such, though I'm editing one of them very thoroughly each day.


^ Third POV ^

America's eyes shot to the person who called out his nickname.

He gasped, "JJ?!"

Japan ran towards them with great speed before tackling them to the ground. They all laughed despite not knowing why they were laughing; it just felt right.

Needless to say, Russia was surprised yet glad to see Japan. Since she's here, they only have to find three more of their friends.

And perhaps if Japan is here, the others might be close as well.

After their laughter died down and a few hugs were shared, they got up. Russia ushered them to get inside the hotel room before any of the workers came and saw them.

The door led into the small kitchen that was to the left. The living room and kitchen were connected, with only a bar separating them. The tiles turned into carpet once reaching the living room. There was a very worn-out-looking couch with a TV in front of it and a coffee table in between; papers that belonged to Russia were scattered on the coffee table.

To the left of the living room, a hallway leads to multiple doors. On the right side of the hallway was the room Russia claimed yet didn't sleep in. Further down and to the left was a guest room. And at the end of the hallway was a bathroom.

"I'm so happy I found you guys! I knew at least one of you would be in New York," she happily chatted. "Also, nice dress, Ame."

America flushed while Russia barked out a laugh. "Shut up! Don't laugh, you did this to me," The star-spangled country whined.

Japan gave a glance. Russia said, "I will explain it later. But no funny business right now, we need to find the others ASAP," He took out the map from his bag and walked to the kitchen with it.

The Japanese woman followed the Russian, interested in what the map was for.

America looked down at himself and grimaced, "Hey Russia! Are there any extra clothes I can change into?" He called. "Да (yes), Go down the hall and into the first door on the right. There's some clothes in the closet."

He beamed and walked to the door. The dress was starting to get more uncomfortable, and he needed it off him pronto.

America went into the room and closed the door behind him. He noticed the sheets on the bed looked untouched, a clear sign that Russia didn't sleep whatsoever last night. It concerned him a bit.

However, the Russian did seem to be in a better mood when forcing him into the dressing room, probably because he was amused at the time. But at the end of their little trip, it didn't end so well, the slight sting in America's cheek made it quite obvious.

He will need to go out without Russia so he can get something as an apology. Now that Japan is here, she can accompany Russia while he is away.

America opened the closet and picked out some clothes that were simple and looked reasonable to him. A gray long-sleeved shirt and green baggy jeans.

As soon as he put the clothes on, he sighed in relief. The dress was way too itchy and revealing for America's taste.

He stepped out of the room and joined Russia and Japan in the kitchen. They were looking at the map that was plastered on the bar separating the kitchen and living room.

Both have exhausted expressions on their faces. America frowned as worry started to build up. He also didn't get that much sleep last night, but he did have a small nap, and that was enough for him.

As the day went by, Russia and Japan slowly started to get more and more tired by the minute. which one minute felt like an hour of their lifetime.

"You two should rest," America started, earning exasperated looks from the two parties. "I'll handle it from here, you two. go sleep."

Japan shook her head, "Nonsense, I just got here!" America raised a brow and said, "Exactly, and now you should rest."

Russia was the second to protest, "I'm fine, really! Besides, it's only 7:45 PM (19:45)."

America groaned, "Get your workaholic asses to bed, you're starting to be like Germany," he huffed, "And I'm not taking no for an answer! Go, now."

Japan lazily nodded, "Fine, you win this time.." she said. Russia made a sound of agreement, "Mhmm, the guest room is the second door to the left."

The Japanese woman smiled, "Thanks, and thank you, Ame, for being a mom right now." Russia couldn't help but chuckle a little.

America rolled his eyes, "Haha, very funny, now shoo. I don't wanna see either of you awake until at least more than two hours."

Japan walked past America, with Russia trailing behind her.

Russia shot America a glance. Though he was still slightly mad after the whole mall incident, he felt his face warm up knowing that America did honestly care for his health along with Japan's.

Once both sleepy counties left and went into separate rooms, America examined the map.

There were plenty of markings on the paper, no doubt made by them. America shook his head when noticing most marks being in the USA border.

Although Japan was here, there was no way another one of their friends would be here. There were already three of them, therefore, the others had to be elsewhere.

No one could be in South America, if someone was, Japan would've heard the static increase. But she didn't. America crossed out the continent of South America with a Sharpie.

America decided from there that they would go into Canadian borders quickly. Most people lived further down, so it wouldn't be hard to find anyone if they were there.

If someone's there, great, if not, not so great. Either way, they'd then take a flight to Europe. It was easier said than done, but it was possible.

Tomorrow, they'd catch a flight to Ontario, Canada. America would have to book a flight, but that shouldn't be that much of a problem for him.

Russia and Japan could've easily figured this out in a span of seconds if they weren't so tired to begin with. After all, tiredness can interfere with work.

America rolled up the map and carefully placed it near the end of the bar. Though he realized Russia still had his phone, He didn't want to accidentally wake the man up, so he opted to use the phone attached to the wall near the door.

This might take some time considering booking a flight on short notice is not excellent, but America knew how to persuade someone with either reasoning or cash.

South Korea sipped his tea and read the book that rested in his hands.

He was in a local library, all the way in the back, and drinking the black tea he got from the café across the street.

The book was a historic one, he was seeing if humans got the facts correct. So far, they have, besides the personal things that only the countries themselves knew.

In all honesty, South Korea was making no moves to find his friends. That was the leader's job, not his, therefore, he decided to just be a foreigner sightseeing in Canada.

Canada was extremely pricey... but South Korea got around. He wasn't that broke yet.

The Korean man was quite content living a carefree life, however, many people were going crazy about the ROA and it was hard to find places that weren't closed.

If only they knew that six figures would be fighting against them.

He wonders how the organization will handle it after they defeat the ROA. He had a feeling that the organizations would probably use their "magic" to make the whole world forget it ever happened.

That would use up a lot of their energy, and they'd be weak for months afterward. But there is a price to pay for everything.

"I wonder when they'll look in Canada," He whispered to himself, slightly cringing when saying 'in Canada.' All of them really should get human names, so it won't be this awkward to say what country you're going to.

Anyway, South Korea wouldn't be moving until 3 days later. If they still haven't found him in 3 days, he'll go to Europe.

He pondered about many things, yet did nothing but estimate to find the answer to them. He was a lazy man, admittedly.

They'll probably scold him when they see him calmly reading a book that has nothing to do with their mission.

South Korea gently laid down the old book and zoned off, letting his thoughts amuse him. 'Russia would like this library,' he thought. He remembered Russia telling him about a library he visited a while back, where he read a good fantasy book that South Korea had yet to read.

Mark his words, South Korea will get to read that book once the mission is over. If Russia recommends a book, he instantly knows it's a good one.

The Russian always finds magnificent books. The plot, setting, characters, and just everything are absolutely perfect. South Korea doesn't know how he does it.

Germany also caught on to Russia's good taste in books, he asked Russia for some book recommendations, which Russia happily provided.

South Korea was quite picky with his books, therefore, he never read often. But now, thanks to Russia, his reading skills will increase greatly.

Too bad Russia isn't here to scavenge some good books around the library.

The Korean sighed and stood up with the book In hand, he placed the book back in its original spot before walking towards the exit.

He didn't know where he would go, but he'll find something that'll catch his eye eventually.

When he walked outside, he was hit with a cold breeze that made his hair stand on end. He shivered, and then he overheard a news lady going on about the ROA.

This perked South Korea's interest, and he squeezed through the buddle of people who hovered around the TVs.

"—seems this group is up to no good as they slowly move towards Russia's capital city, Moscow!" The new reporter said as multiple images above the capital of Russia were being shown.

South Korea grumbled, "Jeez, what did Russia ever do to you, ROA?"

"The explanation is still unknown of why this group continues to terrorize Russia, though some have speculated that they want to gain more power, and fast."

"The Russian Government has put Russia on lockdown, citizens are to remain home or someplace safe as Russian soldiers line up near the border of Moscow."

"Countries have not provided Russia with weapons or medical help, as far as we know, as they are reluctant to do so and are staying radio silent."

South Korea frowned even more, he understood why countries were cautious of Russia considering some of Russian history wasn't pretty. But not even medical help? That's outrageous, in South Korea's opinion.

However, South Korea couldn't control his country on earth, and neither could others. That job was left with humans after the incident.

He gulped at the thought of how many people died during those dark times of terror and bloodshed. It was something no one wanted to go back to.

Alas, history does repeat itself. South Korea can only hope countries have learned their lesson the first time.

He tuned out the lady as she continued to ramble on about the ROA. South Korea was done hearing about it and decided to go explore somewhere else. Somewhere nice and peaceful.

He needed a bit of a breather. He didn't like remembering the incident; it gave him bad memories, therefore he'd like to distract himself from those memories for now.

It was heartbreaking what happened, but South Korea got over it, sorta, he still didn't like thinking about it too deeply.

Perhaps he should explore some shops nearby. Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea.


The woman sighed dreamily for the 10th time today. Her goal was so close to her grasp, how long has she been waiting for this moment? She can't recall.

Her fantasy was cut short by a knock on the door. "Come," she ordered. A man slowly peeks his head inside before walking into the room.

"Ma'am, the organizations have fixed the earpieces, and we no longer have access to them," Ancient Greece spoke lowly.

The woman's eye twitched in irritation, "Can't you just hack them again?" She asks with a snappy tone. Greece shook his head, "No, organizations have put extra security on them, making it impossible to hack."

With a grunt, the woman turned to the vast window behind her, "I suppose we'll have to wait to meet them personally—a shame really, I was looking forward to hearing more of my grandson's voice."

"I can tell he's grown quite a bit by the deeper voice, he used to have a high-pitched voice long ago that made him sound like a mouse," the woman smiled at the memory. Simple yet perfect times indeed.

Greece shifted in place uncomfortably, not sure whether or not he should leave. "Ahem, I see. Well, I should get going. Egypt might need my assistance."

The woman nodded, "You go do that."

The man bowed and left the room swiftly. The atmosphere always remained tense around her for some god-awful reason.

He strolled down the hall, taking longer strides to get to his friend faster.

Egypt had an injury a few days ago. He got shot in his lungs, causing him to tumble to the ground by the instant lack of air.

Thankfully, they healed him. Well, Greece healed him. Their boss could care less about their well-being, as she always had something up her sleeve if one of them died.

Good thing Greece's power always came in handy for them, otherwise, the two of them would be dead by now.

His stone-cold face morphed into a gentle one as he was now in front of the clinic door. He opened the door quietly, in case Egypt was asleep.

Though Egypt was not asleep but rather was about to leave the room.

Greece sputtered, "What are you doing?"

Egypt groaned internally. Greece was going to lecture him for being up already, he knew it but it wouldn't hurt to try to work his way around the lecture, "Hey my friend, I was going to go out and—"

"No, no, no, get back in bed. I may have helped you but it doesn't mean you can't tear something in there again!" He lightly pushed Egypt onto the bed, and the man only made a noisy sigh in protest.

"What have I told you about getting up? If you need anything, ask me, and I'll do it for you."

Egypt mumbled, "What I need to do is get out of here."

Greece raised a brow, "Huh, What was that? I didn't quite hear you," he asked curiously. Egypt shook his head, "Oh nothing, just talking to talk," he lied.

The blue and white country nodded, believing what Egypt said without a second thought. "Mmm, why don't we do something fun to pass the time? Boss orders you to be up and ready for tomorrow anyway."

Egypt perked up, "Oh? Like what?" He inquired. Greece grinned, "A game of chess, how about it? I'll be kicking your ass this time, though," he teased.

The Egyptian scoffed, "Oh yeah? We'll see about that, you're on."

Greece walked over to a cupboard and pulled out the chess pieces, making Egypt tilt his head. "If I knew there was chess under there I could've entertained myself."

Greece chuckled, "With yourself? Sounds pitiful." Egypt narrowed his eyes, "Shut up, at least it would be something instead of nothing."

"Hahaha, okay okay, no need to get all defensive about it. Just seems boring to do it alone is all," Greece sat crisscrossed on the bed and set up the game.

Competition sparkled in Egypt's eyes fiercely, "Prepare for defeat, my rival." Greece smirked, "I think I should be telling you that."

As their game began, their boss started writing in her book. The book was a summary of what she did the entire day.

She would write in this book every day before she went to sleep. The book was very old, and there was a huge time jump in it.

The time jump was because she got stuck in a certain fiery place and couldn't write in the book until she crawled her way out of that hellhole.

═══════ ⋅ ✦ 2795 words ✦ ⋅ ═══════

Something that I feel like would happen with America and Russia:

"Why do you always get jealous when I'm talking to someone else?" -Russia

"You call it 'jealousy,' I call it 'fear of losing you to someone uglier than me'" -America

Spell checks: 3/3.


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