I will survive (naruto fanfic)

Door keiramm11

294K 12.5K 1.9K

I was reincarnated as a random Uchiha in Naruto, oh hell nah I'm not gonna die I will do what ever I want an... Meer

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Door keiramm11

"I thought you wanted to take a back seat?" Kabuto and I were getting ready for the Chunin exams.

"I do, but that doesn't mean I can't observe from A VIP seat," I was really excited to go back to Konoha.

Obito could try to kill me all he wanted, I didn't care.

"She just wants to see some old faces," Orochimaru said, but I could tell he meant it for himself too. His was more malicious than mine of course.

I nodded, "that too."

I had my own team and everything too, but they were just so that I could actually do the exam. Genin must enter as part of a three-man team, but we'll leave at the same time Kabuto does.

"How should I appear?" I muttered, more to myself than them.

"Just be yourself," Orochimaru commented.

"Arrogant," Kabuto said jokingly, I would like to think he didn't mean it.

"Arrogant, or arrogant arrogant?" Kabuto smirked, "be insufferable."

I laughed, "got it."

And we were on our way.

////( - -)////(- -)////(- - )////

"Why are we just standing here, let's just go in?" Sina said. She was one of the sound ninjas that Orochimaru gave me. The other one's name is Konotsu.

"Just watch," I smirked as I saw team Guy getting smacked around by Izumo and Kotetsu disguised as genin. Most were just standing around watching in confusion.

"There they are~" I turn to team Kakashi as they make their way through the crowd.

"Real nice speech," Sasuke said, walking forward.

"Now both of you step aside and let me through," he moved closer to them, showing indifference.

"While you're at it, reverse the genjutsu, we can see through your illusion anyway. We're going to the third floor," many genin start to talk amongst themselves in confusion to what Sasuke said.

"Well well," Kotetsu said, "so you noticed the genjutsu huh?" Izumo finished. Sasuke smirked "go ahead, tell them Sakura," Sasuke turned to Sasukra who was confused, "huh?"

Sasuke turned his attention back forward, "you have the sharpest eyes and the best analytical skills on our squad. You must have seen this coming a mile away."

Sakura finally got what Sasuke was doing and smirked herself, "I must have? Oh sure, of course! Sure I spotted it right away, this is only the second floor."

Naruto pitched in, "right!"

I smiled warmly in my head, he's grown up.

The genjutsu was broken and reverted back to its original form.

"Well, aren't we the smart ones, so you noticed an illusion," Kotetsu mocked.

"Now let's see you deal with this!" He went in for a kick. Sasuke noticed and also went and tried to kick him. But Rock Lee caught both their legs right before they made contact.

He is fast, he could rival me if he was a little faster than me though.

"Hey, what happened to the plan?" Neji and Tenten walked over to Rock Lee. "I thought you were the one who said to keep a low profile."

Rock Lee started to blush, "I know, but..."

He looked at Sakura blushing. "Oh no..." Tenten shook her head in disappointment.

Rock Lee went over to Sakura, "My name is Rock Lee, you are Sakura right?"

Sakura tilted her head, "huh?" Rock Lee gave her a thumbs up, blushing, "please be my girlfriend, I'll protect you with my life!"

Sakura looked dumbfounded, "definitely...Not."

Rock Lee gave her the same look, "why..?"

They both looked uncomfortable, "because you're a weirdo." Naruto laughed at the situation.

"Hey you, what's your name?" Neji walked over to Sasuke with Tenten.

"When you want to learn someone else's name, you should give yours first" Sasuke slightly smirked, showing his arrogance.

"You're a rookie right? How old are you?" Neji was curious about this new genin.

"I'm not obliged to answer," Sasuke walked away. Neji sneered, he didn't hide his annoyance.

I chuckled in amusement, drawing attention to me. Rock Lee, seeing me, immediately went over to me.

"Pretty lady, may I take you on a date?" He held his hand out. I smirked at him and gave him my hand.

He kissed it.

"I'm going to have to turn you down sadly," Rock Lee looked sad but nodded his head. "I will retread for now, but I will win you over!"

I chuckled and patted his head, "I only date those stronger than me."

I nodded to my team, and we went to the third floor. But not without me smirking at all those on the floor.

On the way to the real room 301, I saw Kakashi leaning on the wall. He was waiting his his students. I smirked and walked right past him, not giving him a glance.

Sina went to open the door, "how does it feel?"

I turned to Kakashi, "excuse me?"

I changed my voice to a more soft and sweet kind. Plus I was wearing an eye mask, and my hair was white.

"How does it feel...to be back?"

It was silent.

Everyone stood still.

And in the silence, was my laughter.

My genuine laughter.

"Like a dream," I smirked and walked inside room 301.

There were quite a few people here. All of them turned to the door to see who else was here. Who else they would have to fight.

I chuckled at the room, smirking in all my glory.

I saw Kabuto who was leaning against the wall to my left.

We made eye contact.

Time to start acting insufferable.

"All genin in the room, may I have your attention!" I announced.

Everyone gave me their attention. Some weren't happy about it. Some were curious. And some were dying, but that was just Kabuto.

"Good luck, and may the best win!"

It was silent.

No one said anything or moved.

This is awkward.

I rolled my eyes and bowed mockingly.

I went to Kabuto who was cringing. "Insufferable enough?" I teased.

"Please never do that again," Kabuto couldn't even look in my direction. "You put attention on us, I thought you were just going to be annoying when you talk."

I chuckled, "Kabuto my dear, I don't do things half heartedly."

I looked around the room, finding 6 of the rookie 9. Everyone else didn't matter to me. But it seemed like I made an impression because everyone was taking glances at me. Most looked at me like I wouldn't last. But some looked at me like I was strong.

I shrugged at everything, I didn't care.

I caught Shikamaru looking my way and I smirked, Shikamaru smiled and looked away.

It seems the gig is up.

I heard the door opening and saw team Kakashi enter. Before they had the time to gock at the big crowd, Ino jumped on Sasuke.

"Sasuke!! You're late!" I raised a brow at the situation.

"Boy, you have no idea how much I was hoping you'd show up here. I've missed those brooding good look of yours!"

If you don't like that Sasuke, throw her.

"Hey you porker, he's mine!" Sakura yelled, she was mad.

"Hey forehead, they let you in. Still got those frown lines on your billboard brow I see," Ino mocked.

"Leave my forehead out of it!"

I sighed, "children."

Kabuto snorted, "your not much older than them." I snapped my neck in his direction, "how dare you!"

I ignored him and went back to watching the rookie 9.

"Oh, it's you guys. I knew this was gonna be a drag, but I didn't know it was gonna be this lame," Shikamaru, lazy as always.

"So all three stooges are here," Naruto said.

I nodded in satisfaction, a good insult is everything.

"Hey! You know what pipsqueak, aw forget it you're a waste of time." I rolled my eyes at this, it's even more cringy in real life.

I love it.

Choji's just eating this whole time. He's got his priority.

"Sorry, but Sasuke's all mine," Ino stuck her tongue out at Sakura.

"Well well, what do you know. It looks like the whole gang is back together again," Kiba came with the rest of team 8.

"Oh, hi Naruto," Hinata, my baby.

All these kids are back together, I wanna hug them all.

"Geez, you guys too? Man everyone's here for the same stupid thing." Shikamaru sighed in annoyance.

"Yep, here we all are. The 9 rookies," Kiba laughed, "this is gonna be fun!" He turned to Sasuke, "at least, for those of us good enough to make the cut, right Sasuke?"

Sasuke smirked, "Kiba, careful you don't get over confedent." Kiba just rolled his eyes, "just wait, you're gonna blow you guys away! We've been training like crazy."

Naruto took offence to that, "what do you think we've been going. Sitting around picking daisies, you don't know what training means!"

Hinata blushed at Naruto, "don't mind Kiba, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it."

Hinata, my angel.

But they are drawing attention to them.

"They are loud," Kabuto muttered. I nodded, "go have your fun," I motioned in their direction.

"I thought you wouldn't want me to," Kabuto smirked. I frowned, "that's only if you hurt them."

He chuckled and walked over to them.

"Hey you guys, you might want to keep it down a little. I mean no offence, but you're the 9 rookies right? Fresh out of the academy? I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourselves. Just cool it, this isn't a class field trip."

Ino frowned at the newcomer, "who do you think you are?"

Kabuto smiled, "I'm Kabuto, but really, look around you. You've made quite an impression."

It's true. Everyone was glaring at them. They even took the attention off me.

"See those guys, they're from the rain village. Very touchy, they all are. This exam makes everyone tense. And you don't want to rub them the wrong way right now."

Rain village, I need to go back there.

"Uhh..." Sakura felt nervous.

"You can't help it, I mean how could you know how things work? You're just rookies. You remind me of myself a while back."

Bullshit, this man is speaking out of his ass.

"Kabuto, is that your name?" Sakura asked.

"Ya," a nonchalant answer.

"This isn't the first time you've taken the exam?"

Kabuto shook his head, "Nope...My seventh time."

Shikamaru looked surprised, "huh?"

I snorted.

"Well, it's held twice a year, so this will be my fourth year." Sakura looked amazed and concerned, "wow, a veteran. You must really be an export by now." Kabuto smiled, "ya sort of." Naruto was happy, "cool! You could gave us all the inside tips."

Anything to make it easier, eh?

"Ya, some export, he's never passed."

Shikamaru's telling the facts, and nothing but the facts.

"Well, seventh time the charm. That's what they always say," this guy's putting up a nonthreatening front. He tricked me the first time I watched Naruto.

"So, I guess all those rumors about the exam being tough are true, oh man, I knew this was gonna be a drag."

Not if you know all the inside scoop.

"Hang on, don't give up hope yet. Maybe I can help you kids out a little. With my..." He pulled them out, "ninja info cards."

I hate those damn cards.

"What the heck are those?" Best question.

"They are basically cards with info burned onto them with chakra," I need him to tell me how to do that.

"I have 4 years of info in these cards, over 200 of them. So you see, I haven't been completely wasting my time."

In the world I came from, office workers would love this guy. His coworkers would probably hate him though.

Tell me I'm wrong.

"They look blank to the naked eye," I turn on my sharingan. I smirked as I saw the contents of the cards.

"But to see the info on the cards..." He started turning the cards with his finger, "what are you doing?" Sakura asked. "I'm using my chakra to reveal their secrets."

He is more emo than Sasuke I swear.

"Like this for example," with a proof, the card wasn't blank anymore. "Awesome, a map! Of what?"

That card is cool, but how did you get that info?

"This is the number of those taking the exam and the breakdown of what country they are from. Why do you guys think they all come here to take the exam together at the same time? It's to foster friendship between nations of course international, international brotherhood and all that. And it's true enough as far as it goes."

That is a mouthful.

"There's another reason," Sasuke stepped in.

"Yeah, you see the important thing is that this way they can carefully regulate the total number of Shinobi that end up in each village, thereby maintaining the balance of power."

Classic Konoha.

"Oh ya, balance of power." Naruto, we need to have a talk after this.

"Balance of power, big deal, it's all a drag." True words.

"If the balance isn't maintained then one nation could end up with many more shinobi than its neighbors. And it might be tempted to attack them." Kabito informed them.

I'm never getting into politics.

"So they try to maintain the status quo. Makes sense, I suppose." Shikamaru seemed a little interested.

"Do those cards of yours have any info on the other candidates? Individually?" Sasuke asked.

"They might, you have someone special in mind?" Kabuto smiled, interested. "I might." Sasuke got serious.

"Of course, the info on all of these exam participants isn't perfect. But I do have it. Including you guys, of course. So which one is it, tell me anything you know about them. A description. where they're from, whatever. Anything at all," Kabuto was ready.

"He's Gaars of the desert. And there's Rock Less of the leaf village while you're at it." Sasuke lists off.

"Man that's no fun, you even know their names. That makes it easy," he got his cards ready.

"Fine, then who's that girl over there," Sasuke pointed at me. I smirked and looked they're way.

"Oh her too?" Sasuke nodded as everyone looked at Kabuto. He swiped his hand over the cards and held three of them.

"Here they are." Sasuke looked seriously at them, wanting to know what info was on them.

"Show 'em to me," Naruto nodded alongside him. Rock Lee was first. Then gaara. Mine was last.

"Last but not least..." A card with me on it came up.

"Her name is Hitori and she is 4 years older than you," I sighed a little when he didn't say my real name.

He did say my age, but that's fine.

"You don't have a pic of her face?" Sasuke asked. "No, she always keeps that eye mask on."

I rolled my eyes, Kabuto and Orochimaru have seen my face plenty of times.

"She's from the Sound village. Other than that I don't have anything else on her, but she's strong," thank you for saying that.

I'll not kill you for another day because of that.

"Leaf, Sand, Rain, Grass, Waterfall, Sound. From the looks of it, they all sent exceptionally good candidates to the exam this time around. Of course, the hidden sound village is small. It has sprung up recently, and no one knows anything about it. Those guys are a mystery."

Nah, it's just sadistic children.

"Well you get the point, the competition is going to be intense this year."

Hinata was nervous, "M...Makes you lose your confidence."

No my angel, you'll be fine.

"It's a fine time to start talking like that!" Ino is also nervous.

"Do you really think it's going to be tougher this time?" Sakura asked. "Oh ya, in the 4 years I've been coming I've never seen a crop of candidates with as much potential as this bunch."

Naruto seemed nervous too.

Don't be.


I just want to come out and say that I'm here for them!

"Hey Naruto, don't worry it will be fine," Sakura tried to comfort him.

Naruto's not nervous, he's just fine.

Can't wait for the outburst.



He screamed and pointed at the crowd, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! And I'm going to beat every one of ya! Believe it!"

Ino screamed, "Hey!! What's that idiot trying to do!? Get us killed!!" Sakura was dumbfounded into silence.

"Ya, I feel a lot better now," glad you do.

Sasuke smirked in response. It was dead silent as everyone glared his way. But I couldn't help it.

I burst out laughing. I held my stomach in pain as I keeled over laughing.

"That's the same kid from before, isn't it?" Kankuro said. "He yaps like a dog," Temari commented.

They turned to me to which I promptly ignored them.

"What a jerk," Tenten frowned. "Well, he sure hasn't lost any of his spunk," Neji looked amused. "He has passion," Rock Lee didn't appear to be happy or sad. "I guess you didn't intimidate him as much as you thought, huh Lee?"

They both looked at me, who was still laughing. "At least she's enjoying herself," Rock Lee smiled a little.

"You heard what he said about the hidden sound village. He called us a little. A mystery."

These sound ninja piss me off.

"I heard." They were all mad.

"I say, we teach these guys some manners." And wanted to show it clearly.

"Ya, time to clear up some of the mystery for him. Update his information. Let him know that if you insult the Sound shinobi you better be ready for the consequences."

They glared at me. I was supposed to be from their village but here I was laughing.

They know I'm with Orochimaru, but they don't respect me one bit.

I'd kill them if they weren't going to get destroyed in a few hours.

"Can you say that again a little louder, I didn't quite catch that," Kiba mocked.

Though he was right.

I had stopped laughing, but was completely enjoying myself.

"You moron, are you trying to get everybody in the place to hate our guts or what." Shikamaru looked dumbfounded.

Naruto laughed happily until he was put in a chokehold by Sakura.

"Naruto! You jackass! Why'd you go and have to say stuff like that! You obnoxious little-"

Everyone was glaring at them.

"Oh hi everyone, don't mind him sometimes he says these stupid things he does really mean then it just kinda comes out. He's got this condition you know. Kind of a psychological thing. He really should be on some medication. Now see what you've done Naruto! You've hurt their feelings!"

I snorted in response.

"You ready..." I narrowed my eyes at team Dosu, "don't go overboard." They ignored me and went for the attack.

Speeding through everyone. Kabuto noticed, but he was also in on it.

At least I think he was.

One of them jumped in the air and threw 2 kunai at Kabuto. He jumped back and dodged them.

I turned on my sharingan.

Another guy went for a punch, but I saw through it. His arm was full of chakra, sound chakra.

Dangerous jutsu.

Kabuto also dodged the punch, but not the jutsu. His glasses broke but the effects of the jutsu didn't kick in yet.

"Oh I get it, it was that kind of attack," he took his broken glasses off.

"Hang on, I saw it all he dodged the attack, how did that happen."

Sasuke, use your sharingan.

Use it to find out.

"It must have come closer than it looked, look at them acting like it was nothing. Real tough guy," Shikamaru scoffed.

Use your brain. They are from the Sound village. Sound? You ever heard of it?

Then it hit him. The jutsu finally hit him. Kabuto dropped to his knees in pain, wide eyed and gasping for breath.

He also threw up.

I sighed in annoyance. They went overboard.


If they try that to me I'm going to kill them.

Everyone voiced their confusion at what was happening.

Naruto and Sakura went to Kabuto's side and saw if he was ok. "Hey Kabuto..." Naruto was concerned. "Are you ok?" Sakura asked.

"Ya, I'm fine," Kabuto sat up. "Not such a tough guy after all, I guess. Figured that's why you're on your seventh try," I glared at the sound ninja.

"Write this on your little card, punk. The genin from this village will be chunin by the end of this, guaranteed."

Now I'm hating the idea of being from their village.

But what got me concerned was how not planned this was.

My teammates told me about them doing this, did Kabuto actually not know.


Everyone was now on edge.

"Get them back here," I ordered my teammates. Before they went a big cloud of smoke appeared, causing everyone to be shocked.

"All right you baby faced degenerates, pipe down and listen up!" came a rough voice.

I smirked, I love this guy.

"It's time to begin, I'm Ibiki Morino, your examiner. And from this moment on, your worst enemy."

A/n Part 1 of Naruto!!! I'm so excited!!! Thank you all for reading! And for those who have been here since the beginning, I love you!! Enjoy~

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