Bratayley Story

De jonneavitali

1.5K 1 9

A family who vlogs about their daily lives Katie Leblanc and her husband Billy Leblanc and their kids Jonne'a... Mais

Who Falls Asleep at their first Movie? {WK 1}
Cinnamon Bits! {Wk 1.2}
Mommy, Stop the camera! {WK 1. 3}
Six Year old puts make-up on her sister {WK 2}
Pie in the face for 50 subscribers! {WK 2.2}
Pie in the face {WK 2.3}
Crazy kids eat Spicy Tuna Rolls {WK 2.4}
Chapter 8
Because I like his chicken nuggets {WK. 4
Whipped Cream Slip' N Slide {WK.5}
The Big Move {WK.6
The Big Move part 2
The Big Move Part 3 {WK 8}
Silly String War {WK 9}
Elephant Face {WK 10}
Chubby Bunny {WK 11}
Squinkies Squinkies Squinkies {WK 12
Music to your ears {WK 13}
Kids Get Soaked by Water Balloon {WK 14}
Painted in pudding
Super Soaked Kids Get soaked by Water Guns {WK 15.2}
Pie in Annie's face turns into food fight {WK 16}
Bratayley kids do blindfolded makeovers {WK 16.2}
How to turn the lights out with your feet? WK 17}
The Popped Balloon {WK 18}
Digging for candy {WK 18.2}
21 questions about my daddy {WK 19}
Egg Race {WK 19.2}
21 Question About My Mommy {WK 20}
Pie in 2 year old Hayley's face? WK 20.2}
3 frogs and a monster {WK 21}
Potato Sack Race {WK 21 .2}
2 Year Old Hayley doing ballet dance [WK 22}
Mr. Donkey {WK 22.2}
Lost Blankie, Lost Tooth {WK 23}
Pillow Fight {WK 22.2}
21 questions about my brother [WK 24}
A Contest With Bratayley ''Closed'' {WK 24.2}
21 Questions About My Sister {WK 25}
Whipped Cream Fight {WK 25.2}
21 Questions About Hayley {WK 26}
Contest Results {WK 26.2
We Went to the Moon? {WK 27}
Human Sundae {WK 27.2}
Bratayley Goes On Vacation {WK 28}
Chocolate Milk Water Gun Fight [WK 28.2}
I'm So Strong I Can Lift Up Air {WK 29}
Cheese Face {WK 292}
Can We Go Peek? {WK 30}
Bratayley's Got Talent {WK 30. 2}
Bratayley gets smurfed
Room Tour {WK 31.2}
I think I'm clumsy {WK 32}
M&M Makeup {WK 32.2
Hayley Goes to Gymnastics [WK 33}
The Caleb the Annie and the wardrobe {WK 33.2}
Bratayley Answers Your Questions {WK 34}
KittiesMama Back to School Tag {WK 34.2}
Hooray, Yippee, You're 3, You're 3! {WK 35}
Gymnastics Leotards Fashion Show {WK 35.2}
Parties, Presents and Violins {WK 36}
Bratayley invitational gymnastics competition {WK 36.2}
Everybody Freeze {WK 37}
Cheaters Never Win {WK 37.2}
Annie Vs. The Bike {WK 38}
Crazy Epic Obstacle Course
bratPhone {WK 39}
Stupid Clone! {WK 39.2
A Day in the Life of Hayley {WK 40}
Monster Toes-Halloween Recipe for kids {WK 40.2}
No Offense, Pumpkin {WK 41}
Mommy Left Us! {WK 41.2}
New Beds and Dead Spiders {WK. 42}
Mario Vs. SpiderGirl {WK 42.2}
I'm Not a Bad Person, Okay? {WK 43}
A Very Bratayley Halloween {WK 43,2}
That's What You Get for Throwin' a Fit {WK 44}
Is It a French Word or Something {WK 44.2]
Blast from the Past! {WK 45}
Toilet Paper Mummies {WK 45.2}
Homemade Pizza [WK 46.2}
You Just Got Burned {WK 47}
What I want for Christmas {WK 47.2}
Walking in the Woods {WK 48}
You Think of the Things you Can Think {WK 48.2}
No Birthday? {WK 49}
Yeehaw! {WK 49.2}
I Hate You! [WK 50}
Louis the Christmas Tree {WK 50.2}
Dr. Hayley {WK 51}
A Very Bratayley Christmas {WK 52}
Christmas Presents {WK 52.2}
Earthquake {WK 53}
An American Girl Fashion Show {WK 53.2}
Picnic {WK 54}
It's Raining Popcorn! {WK 54.2}
100th Video! WK 55}
We're Rich WK 55.2}
Fancy Hayley {WK 56}

You Just Called your Mother Fluffy WK 46}

4 0 0
De jonneavitali


Annie: Can I tell em?

Katie: Yeah where are we going? Hayley where are we going today?

Hayley: I can't tell 

Katie: You can't tell us? Why not

Billy: And how will we know where to go?

Jonne'a: We are going to movies to see puss in boots 

Katie: Who's excited?

Caleb: Me 

Jonne'a: I am 

Caleb: Mommy me I feel car sick 

Billy: The car's not moving 

Caleb: I know I just always feel car sick when I get in the car 

Jonne'a: Wow Caleb 

Billy: What about the car that makes you sick 

Jonne'a: Yea I wanna know 

Caleb: Uh the smell Toshi 

Hayley: Cats 

Katie: Toshi is not in here right now 

Caleb: I'm new here 

Jonne'a: laughs you're new here since when?

Katie: You're new here you new to this family Caleb are you adopted 

Caleb: Yeah 

Jonne'a: Wow Caleb I didn't know you were adopted giggles 

Billy: I would have chose better 

Jonne'a: shocked Dad that was so mean and mess up 

Katie: Aw that was  mean 

Annie: Daddy 

Hayley: Daddy 

Katie: I would have chose you Caleb 

Billy: Now tie your shoes 

Caleb: This is my third time tying these dumb shoes 

Jonne'a: Welcome to my world Caleb I had trouble tying my shoes too and I'm the oldest 

Katie: Do you think our family is weird Annie 

Annie: No I think he is weird 

Jonne'a: laughs I wouldn't say weird I would say more crazy 

Caleb: Thank you 

Katie: Caleb sit up correctly 

Caleb: I knew that 

Katie: Thank you 

Jonne'a: Yea sure you did Caleb rolls her eyes 

Billy: And tie your shoes 

Caleb: Oh daddy my dumb shoes I'm thirsty 

Annie: Here 

Jonne'a: Aww how sweet of you Annie to give your water to Caleb 

Caleb: I'm thirsty 

Annie: Here 

Caleb: But I'm thirsty 

Annie: I'm passing you a drink 

Caleb: Oh thanks Annie you're the best 

Annie: Oh my gosh 

Jonne'a: laughs hits him playfully really Caleb 

Caleb: Who you looking at?

Katie: I don't know yet 

Annie: It's pretty cold 

Jonne'a: It is cold 

Annie: Hayley look at me look at me 

Hayley: What?

Annie: I'm a barbie 

Katie: She has your sunglasses on 

Caleb: No I just had them on my bed for my candy I choose butterfingers 

Hayley: Butterfingers 

Jonne'a: Oh you choose Butterfinger I don't like butterfingers 

Caleb: How sare you Jonne'a butterfingers are so good 

Billy: You're not getting candy 

Caleb: Meaning 

Hayley: Meaning 

Billy: Popcorn and a drink that's it 

Caleb: Oh I love drinks 

Jonne'a: Me too 

Billy: We're are not getting a drink either though 

Caleb: No 

Jonne'a: Dad why 

Billy: Just popcorn how do you feel about that?

Caleb: Horrible 

Jonne'a: Oh god you're crazy Caleb 

Katie: Maxwell you're home 

Caleb: Oh thank you who knows what commercial that is comment down below 

Katie: So I'm reading a email here that says a comment that says uh you guys should do a pie in your dad's face 

Caleb: And the other comment says that I should sing hallelujah 

Jonne'a: Oh gosh Caleb 

Caleb: Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 

Hayley: What are you doing Caleb?

Jonne'a: Good question Hayley that's what I like to know 

Katie: What are you doing Caleb what did you throw at him?

Caleb: Oh a treasure box 

Jonne'a: Uh what?

Katie: What is it?

Caleb: A treasure box he threw treasure box at him 

Katie: Don't throw it back at him he's driving 

Katie: Don't 

Caleb: I feel like it 

Jonne'a: Too bad Caleb 

Katie: Caleb Logan 

Caleb: You forgot the d

Katie: Don't say your last name 

Caleb: I was gonna say M 

Katie: The M 

Caleb: Yes because you say Caleb Logum 

Katie: Not Logum 

Jonne'a: laughs Logum 

Katie: Logan 

Caleb: Oh 

Katie: You thought your last name was your middle name was logum 

Caleb: No 

Billy: Like a birthday cake 

Katie: No Annie let Jonne'a tell the story she's older she remembers it Mary cake like a birthday cake 

Billy: Like a birthday cake 

Katie: Like a birthday cake 

Jonne'a: I do all right one time when Caleb was little I remember this so well Caleb said we have a cousin named Mary-Kate and Caleb he was young and he said Mary cake 

Katie: Like a birthday cake that's what he said he said Mary cake like a birthday cake 

Annie: But really it was Mary-Kate 

Caleb: It was embarrassing 

Katie: It was what?

Caleb: Embarrassing 

Jonne'a: It was cute though don't be embarrassed little bro 

Katie: You changed your shoes

Hayley: Yeah 

Katie: Oh those are beautiful 

Hayley: Thank you 

Annie: Oh I know I know it's hyper 

Katie: Yeah 

Caleb: Hallelujah 

Annie: Don't sing 

Caleb: I won't my throat has weaken 

Katie: That's true where is it?

Caleb: Right over there 

Katie: Oh it's right down by his feet 

Billy: It's almost has mommy as next time 

Caleb: Cause she's soft 

Katie: What I'm soft 

Caleb: that's embarrassing to me or you?

Katie: I don't know I think to me because um 

Billy: She looks pretty soft 

Jonne'a: laughs they think you're soft mom 

Katie: I'm not soft I'm very toned and fit 

Caleb: And fluffy 

Jonne'a: laughs fluffy oh my gosh 

Katie: I'm what? Caleb 

Caleb: The one thing about you i was looking for was fluffy 

Katie: Instead of soft you meant to say fluffy 

Caleb: I meant to say songs but I meant to say fluffy 

Katie: Hmm you just called your mother fluffy 

Jonne'a: Yup he sure did 

Caleb: I know cause you're fluffy 

Jonne'a: Oh Annie that song about Caleb was cute 

Annie: Thank you yea sure Caleb oh Caleb Annie banana to my Caleb 

Cale: Woo 

Katie: Was it good Annie? You didn't get enough for the movie you had to eat some more 

Jonne'a: She is gonna eat all the butter 

Katie: No she's gonna share right?

Caleb: All the butter ones she's eating the butter ones 

Annie: My favorite part of the movie was when Puss and the other cat were dancing 

Jonne'a: Yea that scene was cute 

Katie: Yeah I think her name was Kitty right 

Jonne'a/Annie/Caleb: Kitty Softpaw

Jonne'a: Mine was the same as Annie I really enjoyed the movie 

Katie: What was your favorite part of the movie?

Hayley: Nothing 

Katie: Oh are you grouchy today?

Caleb: So I guess she didn't like the movie mommy 

Katie; You didn't like it 

Billy: I guess we won't take her to another one then 

Hayley: Yeah but 

Katie: Yeah but what

Hayley: Yeah mommy on Annie's birthday 

Katie: It's not Annie's birthday yet 

Hayley: Yes it is 

Billy: Annie is not allowed to have a birthday 

Annie: My birthday is on December 5th 

Jonne'a: Yeah just like Ross cause his birthday is December 29th 

Katie: Her birthday is December 5th 

Hayley: Yeah but daddy said no 

Katie: Daddy said no what are you gonna get Annie for her birthday?

Hayley: Um 

Annie: Uh a American girl doll 

Hayley: No you got american girl doll 

Jonne'a: I got some American girl doll I got like five I think 

Annie: I'm gonna get three 

Katie: You're gonna get three American girl dolls 

Hayley: No I'm gonna get three American girl 

Katie: You're gonna get three American girl dolls 

Caleb: Okay where is my Pokémon cards?

Hayley: Hm-mm 

Katie: For Annie's birthday?

Hayley: No to mine 

Katie: On your birthday 

Hayley: Yeah 

 Katie: You want American girl doll for your birthday when you turn four 

Hayley: Mommy can't pick my American girl 

Katie: She can't pick yours 

Hayley: Yeah but only pick three or a whole million store 

Katie: Okay how many do you want?

Hayley: Three like Annie 

Katie: Three like Annie 

Annie: No no wait I changed my mind I want ten 

Jonne'a: You want ten that is a lot 

Hayley: No I like three of mine 

Annie: And I get ten of mine 

Katie: Okay we'll 

Hayley: Have curly hair 

Katie: You want some with curly hair 

Hayley: Yeah which one has curly hair?

Katie: I don't know we can pick one that has curly hair 

Billy: Hey who has curly hair?

Hayley: Um the one in the back 

Katie: The one in the back 

Hayley: Yeah 

Billy: Is her name Hayley?

Hayley: Yeah 

Jonne'a: That is so cute 

Billy: Does Caleb have curly hair?

Hayley: No Caleb gets a haircut 

Katie: He did 

Hayley: Yeah 

Katie: He needs another haircut actually 

Hayley: Maybe I could use my scissors to cut Caleb's hair 

Jonne'a: Oh gosh no 

Katie: I don't think that's a good idea 

Hayley: Yeah that's a good idea 

Katie: I don't think I think you would get in big trouble if you did that 

Annie: What?

Katie: If she got her scissors and cut Caleb's hair 

Annie: Oh my gosh no 

Jonne'a: That's what I said 

Katie: Annie did cut her own hair once 

Jonne'a: Oh yea she did I remember that 

Hayley: Those are my baby cuts 

Annie: Caleb made me 

Caleb: No I didn't 

Annie: Yes you did 

Caleb: Didn't 

Annie: Did 

Billy: Tell us the story tell me the story of what happened?

Annie: I was in my room with scissors and Caleb told me to cut my hair 

Caleb: nuhuh that is a big lie here let me tell the truth story

Billy: You tell the story 

Caleb: The true story 

Billy: Okay 

Jonne'a: Okay what happened?

Caleb: Okay what happened 

Annie: Is that you liked fried chicken 

Jonne'a: Annie let Caleb tell the story 

Billy: Okay no let Caleb tell the truth story go ahead 

Caleb: But when Annie was in her room with scissors and I grabbed the scissors and she took them out of her hand and 

Katie: Out of your hands

Caleb: Yes thank you 

Katie: Yeah 

Caleb: After she took them out of her hands I'm just kidding she took them out of my hands and she's and we started getting in a fight and she said I bet you I can cut my I bet you I can cut my hair with my own scissors and I said do it she did 

Jonne'a: Wow I actually remember now I was there when that happened  

Katie: So I think it might be best Hayley if you don't get your own scissors and cut Caleb's hair 

Caleb: Definitely Caleb's hair 

Hayley: But scissors are too small to cut 

Katie: Yeah they're too small 

Hayley: But they're too big 

Katie: They're too big what's too big 

Hayley: My scissors 

Katie: Yeah you don't have any scissors that would cut his hair 

Hayley: Yeah I have scissors I can buy 

Katie: You can buy some?

Hayley: Yes 

Katie: With what money?

Annie: Remember 

Hayley: I I guess 

Caleb: Don't cut my hair 

Jonne'a: Yea don't cut Caleb's hair okay Hayley?

Katie: Yeah you don't know huh?

Annie: Hayley this is what you should remember don't cut anybody's hair except for Caleb 

Billy: Sure that's a good thing to remember 

Katie: No we're not cutting anybody's hair 

Jonne'a: Exactly mom 

Billy: Make sure we use them 

Katie: No 

Jonne'a: laughs man I love my family   



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