Lithium 2: Revive

بواسطة angelsavontic8890

229 16 0

Boogie most powerful than before. However, wild beast wants to attacks innocent humans المزيد

Profile 1
Profile 2
Thirteen part a
Thirteen part b


16 1 0
بواسطة angelsavontic8890

A/N: I don't know this chapter is short or not, happy reading ^^

Warning: Gore, strong language, bisexuality, mature themes, dead characters and many typos

Recommended songs

- Zubi, Anatu, Andrew - Before

- JILUKA Songs

- Evanesce songs 

- Peter Grundy  Vampire Themes songs

- Brunuh Ville Vampire Themes songs 

- Hyde - Shining Over You

- Hyde - Fake Divine

- Hyde - Nostalgic

- Vamps - Vampire 's Love

- Hyde - Secret Letters

- Hyde - Sweet Vanilla

- Hyde - Horizon

- D-  Der Konig Der Dunkelheit



Cadebury Town is in great danger. Wild beasts are really attack innocent humans. And it is Gack't evil plan to rules the world. Boogie finished eat dinner with corn crème soup. He said he will take the medicine later.

"I still feel feverish, but I will okay," Boogie said.

"I believe because our secret is same with Hitomi's secret," Arisu said.

"About self-healing?" Boogie whispered.

Arisu just nodded as answer. They are gathering with others in second living room. Rainy day again, about 09.00 pm. Because cold weather, Mayu making cups of hot chocolate.

"Cadebury Town is really in danger. We have to protect innocent humans from wild beasts,'" Boogie said.

"Yes, Gackt is most evil. He wants to rules the world. His dark aura is most strongest than before," Eloise said.

Arisu near falls the cup hearing Eloise's remark. The chocolate still hot. She waits the chocolate till little warm.


Arisu fixed Boogie's knitted sweater, she worries about Boogie can't stop coughed. She gives him hot chocolate and Paracetamol tablet. Boogie is so thankful has loyal girlfriend like as Arisu. After gives him medicine, she continues knitting scarf one of them turned on TV. Cazqui and Boogie just stunned because Kanta get knocked of his head. They controlled their laughter.

"It's needs a long time to finishing it," Arisu said.

"Oh really?" Boogie asked

"Maybe till early winter," Arisu said.

Boogie grunted of pain on his back. Makes Arisu so worried. She seen Boogie's symbol mark changed color to broken purple. And the scratch most burst. And the girl gives her a warm hug. The young man feels calm and like a cocoon.

"Thank you, calming me down," Boogie said.

Arisu smiled and Boogie says the pain is gone now. She remembers she gave him Paracetamol. She fixed many things of Boogie. Socks, boxer shorts and so more.

"Many victims of wild beast in Tokyo especially in Cadebury Town" Ricko said.

"So horrid," Boogie said.

Eloise got vision what will happens next. About the future. She feels her had so heavy. And her eyes blurred. Faint. Her body carry up by Uruha to her room. Actually, others need clues and explanation from Eloise, but not the time.


Therefore with Eloise's vision, can be completing with Elena's record book. Elena is very helpful. Elena often more recording. Boogie knows Elena is a key of successful in the team and alliances. It's not a joke about attack from wild beast. They needs idea for strategies against villains.

"The beast type is like Gorilla, because they have black fur," Arisu said.

"And their eyes are red," Boogie said.

"Is a rare type," Arisu said.

"Tomorrow is last of April," Boogie murmured.

Yes, the young man with long black hair is right. Arisu really can't blame her boyfriend. They against bittersweet truth, about attack of beasts. Arisu surprised and she whipping his sweats.

"Sorry," Boogie said.

"Don't blame yourself, "Arisu said.

"Other corpses found nearby Tokyo tower," Ricko reported.

"Headline news?" Zyean asked.

Boogie gives resign sighs. In his mind the security and safety are very important. Need strong strategies.

"Sorry I don't have any idea for this time," Sena murmured.

"It's okay , don't push yourself harshly," Boogie said.

Sena nodded, he is seriously watching news at night on TV. The case is very serious about humanity and society.

"You need totally rest, " Arisu said worriedly.

Her worriedly like as a mother. She brings his body with her energies to their shared room. And lock the door. She takes \ thermometer and sighed

"Your still in fever, the temperature is 38,2 degrees" Arisu said.

Boogie sighed and he lied on the bed. Heavy rain at night without thunderstorm. Because cold, Arisu wearing her thick jacket. She changing bedspread on the couch. She takes compress with warm water and compressing her boyfriend's forehead.


Next day, last April on April 30, Arisu worried because Boogie still in high feverish. Hitomi making new medicine for mild scarlet fever. She also makes hot honey lemon tea for Boogie. The young man got herbal porridge, corn cream soup and honey lemon tea for breakfast.

"I watched headline news today, still about case wild beast's terror in Japan. The beast not only attacks Tokyo but also another cities in Japan," Sena said.

"Especially the victims are innocent babies and kids," Sena explained

"Gackt and Oniba are so malicious and they are unforgivable. They are completely bastard," Boogie said.

"I have to test your temperature today. Now is 37.9. The fever is little low," Hitomi said

"Are you feeling so dizzy?" Arisu asked.

"No. I never feeling dizzy or even have a stomachache," Boogie said.

"Ah, so horrible. If the beast attacking us, we have to more be strongest than them," Zyean fretted.

Today king Hyde are comes visiting them. Kamijo, Meguri, Teru, Masashi , Yuki and Hizaki are greeting their father.

"I still had regret about your mom's death. I failed safe her. She killed at the tragedy," Hyde said.

"It was a past. And it wasn't your fault, father. Don't forget about Edward, Aiko and Rondo, they lost their parents too," Kamijo said.

Kamijo was right. Aiko, Boogie and Rondo are still their cousin. Kamijo knew their father, King Marian is his uncle. Prince Alexander also killed at the tragedy on July 26, 1625.

"We can find about the traitors. They are be Gackt's followers, I detected them. They lived in Shinjuku," Eloise said.

"And we find another evidences," Kazuno said.

"I nearly killed by wild beast, and I can escape from it. Gackt was my best friend and he dare to betrayed me, betrayed our friendship," Hyde said.

"They are in Shinjuku, live in huge condominium, separated from Gack'ts mansion and his pent house," Sena said.

"The condominium located in Shin-Okubo," Eloise said.

Arisu and Boogie thinking so hard. Cazqui comes from first living room because he find out a letter but from anonym. Who is sending a letter?


Hana finds out the writing fonts of the letter. The letter wrote "Traitors are unforgivable and have to die," . The girls'hand are trembled. At seems she recognized about the type fonts. She is alone in the someplace and she is shocking seeing something

"Long time no see, Hana. The traitor," Arisu said.

Surprise. Arisu comes to her with Zyean, Sena, Ricko and Muha. Hana is angry wants to slaps Arisu but Sena stopped her. Arisu shows off her hidden power to hurting and tortured Hana.

"I found you betrayed me, I can't forgive you," Arisu said.

Hana laughs and tries to tricks but she doesn't know Arisu doesn't foolish girl. Arisu is really smart and can avoids Hana's attack.

"So, do you want to feels the greatest pain of torture? Here is," Arisu said.

Arisu gives ice nails and Hana are fell to the ground. Takamichi comes late and surprised seeing Hana fainted.

"I thought you are my siblings but in fact you two are my sworn enemies. And you, Fujikano Takamichi, you often manipulating everyone's mind. Manipulative and malicious," Arisu said.

"We have no time for talking with these bastards. King Kamijo wants you to arrested and send you two to the prison," Sena said.

"Traitors of the past can' be unforgiven. We have to give them execusion," Arisu said

"Shut up!" Takamichi yelled angrily.

"You are shameless," Arisu said.


Arisu hit and attacks Takamichi and unconscious Hana. And brings them to the prison of underground. In short moment, Hana and her lder brother are arrested and locked in underground prison in basement dungeon.

"Don't try to escape from this place. The guards can't let you two escape from this place," Sena said.

"We have to go, left them boys," Arisu said.

Sena, Zyean, Arisu, Ricko and Muha left the underground prison of the basement dungeon of Arcane Orde. They are back to inside of Arcane of Orde

"We successful arrested Fujikano Takamichi and Fujikano Hana," Sena reported.

"It's good," Kamijo said

Sena nodded and he helps Mayu to making tea and desserts for lunch. Boogie really glad because Hana and Takamichi are arrested.

"Another traitor of the pasts will be arrested next time," Boogie said.

"Yes, it will be happens," Arisu said.

Thanks to Arisu because she helps them to arresting Hana and Takamichi. She can't erased her memories with Hana because the bittersweet truth. Boogie lets Arisu goes to Kitchen to cooking lunch.

Aiko comes from library, she lends some books from there with Rondo. They are maybe a little nerd. Boogie said he can't exercise during he feels unwell. Arisu can understand and she decides to care of him.

"You can't push yourself and take a rest," Arisu said.

Boogie nods and he sits in fronts of TV. He closed up his Adidas Jacket about the zipper. He is little lazy to tied his long hair, and let his hair straight down. Little hair light around his long bangs. White light.

"Your majesty, it's your time your have your couple as destiny of your life," Boogie said

"Are you reading my mind? I already have woman who I like,"Kamijo said with laugh.

Boogie gulped and enjoy honey lemon tea for himself. Blowing the tea because still hot. The little steam still can seen.

"Yes, you can't be single forever," Boogie said.

Kamijo giggles and he enjoys sweets on the table.


At the day, found five pigeons and three doves at backyard. Marusou found them after cutting many wood blocks. She reported about dead birds to Kamijo and his siblings of Royal Family Kingdom.

"Strange phenomenon in this year," Boogie said.

Boogie tells about the curse of himself. He surprised about he got cursed since he was childbirth. Arisu is very sad knows about the fact.

"We're going to break the curse," Arisu said.

Arisu can't imagine if she lose Boogie. She wants to help her boyfriend about break the curse. She is near be wild.

"Boogie told me he got curse," Arisu said.

"Curse? What a curse?" Zyean asked.

"Curse from his mark. The mark changed of colored as ominous or bad omen," Arisu said.

Sena and Ricko shocked with the remark. They tries to help Boogie for break the curse. Kamijo, and others also trying to help Boogie. Arisu really can't forgive himself, really. That's in her minds now. She doesn't want to makes any mistake anymore.

"We have to find out solution to break the curse. I don't want to Boogie most suffer than before," Arisu said.

They nodded and makingplans. Boogie had pale face and wants drinks blood. He's bloodthirsty. Fortunately, blood pouches still available. After drinks blood, Boogie gave resign sighs.

"Or we have to make bait for the beasts," Boogie murmured.

"A bait?" Ricko said.

Boogie remembered about dead birds at backyard and made the dead bird's corpses as the bait. They looking for about the source of the curse afterwards.

"My parents didn't make mistake in the past, and this is Dada's evil pan for killing my parents," Boogie said.

Boogie multiple sighed. He felt drained and suffocated on his throat. Arisu panic and gives him warm water.

"Thank you, my dear," Boogie said.

Arisu gave sad smile. Her eyes wrote sadness.


Afternoon, Boogie eat is very little made Arisu so worried. The young man drink medicine after eat corn crème soup made by herself. The girl continues knitting and sewing. Her hands are so creative.

"You are very thankful has girlfriend like as Arisu," Ricko said with grinned

Ricko smiled because Sien fell asleep on his shoulder . Eloise gasps because she finds out something

"In this Arcade there is secret place for ritual in basement," Eloise said.

"Secret place in basement for ritual?" Arisu asked.

"Yes. It's so surprising," Eloise said

In the time Eloise talking about the past

Eloise's Past

The little girl wake up from coma. She shocked about she got long scar from her right neck to her right hands. Her mother is so worried about her. She was toddler at 4 years old.

Eloise doesn't have siblings. She is really beloved by her parents.

A few years passed, Eloise lost her parents in age 9. She found her parent's died corpse on the backyard. They died unjustly. Eloise can't hide her sadness and she is bawled on her parent's corpses. She runs and disappeared.

She had been living in the cabin on the woods. Alone.

End Eloises' Past

"I still don't know how I get my powers," Eloise said.

Lizabeth and another minister member are there as lunch guests. Boogie never talks to the woman. He is talking to Marco, Lizabeth's husband.

"I feel bit better know because of Arisu caring of me," Boogie said.

"She is very loyal to you," Marco said.

"I really love her and she loves me. We love each other," Boogie said

Lunch time,  Lizabeth is very jealous of them. She is bloody hate their relationship. The bouquet of lunch reserved.

"Today we arrested Fujikano Takamichi, Fujikano Hana, Grisha Brown, and Im Bang Guk," Kamijo said.

"Early May, we have to event," Kamijo said

"What specific date? Boogie asked

"On 4th May, we have to formal clothes. For women wearing dresses and for men wearing tuxedos" Kamijo said.

"Is that a gala event ?" Boogie asked again.

"Bingo! You're right. Gala party event. The event starting in the evening," Kamijo said,

Boogie gulped and he tries to swallowed the food on his throat with warm water. And he reliefs. He looks pensive.

"We will sending invitations to other and I can give the location," Kamijo said.

They hate Lizabeth and Nana. Two women are so terrible. Problematic women. Boogie keep his stare from his ex-girlfriend. Now, he focus on Arisu. At the time, Arisu little feel dizzy. Eloise and Boogie shocked knew that. Lizabeth gives dirty look and flat face. Boogie can read situation

"Your body still hot, drink Paracetamol," Hitomi said

Lunch time in short time, from 12.00 to 13.00 pm. Aoi found something in backyard. He found baby flying dragon. With Thorn Dragon. Sien afraid of the baby dragon. He hidden of the little cupboard. Ricko just chuckle to his little companion.

"We can be this dragon as pet," Aoi bubbled

"Is it dangerous?" Ruki asked.

Aoi shook his head means the baby dragon isn't dangerous. Sena called the baby dragon "Mukku". The unique name. The baby dragon doesn't flashing fire from its mouth. And fall asleep.


Zyean visit Hana in prison of basement. Disappointment and anger wrote on his eyes. Hana shocked seeing Zyean in there. She gulped seeing the guy that betrayed by herself. Hana wants to tell something, but she can't. She can seeing Zyean's wrath without saying bad words to her.

"Traitor of the past must be disappear forever," Zyean said with cold voice

After from prison of basement, Zyean back to the inside of Arcane of Orde. No meeting at the day. He sighed. After lunch the other eat the dessert. Mayu is special for baking. She is a baker. Professional baker.

"Sakiya, I hope you can forgive your father. I don't understand what his mind for selling your soul to the Lucifer," Aguro said.

"I had forgive my father already, uncle. It just a past and unfortunately his rituals are failed. But why just me as sacrifice? Hitomi isn't be chosen one," Zyean bubbled.

"You knew your father is my youngest brother but I still hard to believe what his done to you," Aguro said

ZyeaN sighed again. He wants to erases pain of the cruel past. Hitomi is out from Hinako's room. The girl is changed bandage of Hinako's wounds.

"Hinako-chan need intensive care because she got fatal wounds. The recovery will take for a long time," Hitomi said.

"Your job is so important. Save many souls. And your vitalikensis ability is very useful," Zyean said.

Hitomi just smiled. She never looks tired because of her jobs. Her jobs as Cleric healer and guardian knight. Zyean doesn't want to talk about his encounter with Hana in prison of basement.

Arisu let Boogie taking a nap after lunch and eat dessert. She leaves alone. The minister leaves Arcane after lunch time is over.

"I still remember Lizabeth with bad attitude," Arisu murmured.

"Yes, she is with bad element" Eloise said

"What's your element, Eloise?" Arisu said

"My element is so rare. Seal. Seal can control another elements," Eloise said.

"I see. My element is ice. I have weapon frozen arrows," Arisu said.

Eloise tells she doesn't weapon yet to attack enemies. And Arisu said the girl will now about that.


"I read newspaper, our village totally damaged," Cazqui said.

"What? Marusou said

"How come? Daichi asked.

"We can't back to our hometown. Our hometown is vanished," Cazqui said

"It's so sad," Marusou said.

Cazqui, Marusou, Daichi's past..

July 26, 1625 at the evening

Ursberg Village attacked by thousands of men Villager killed many of houses burning down. Kosuke remembers about his parents. He looked for his parents , Kosuke realized his sister disappeared. He didn't find Hinako. Their parents are died. Killed by a mysterious men with a mask. And he disappeared.

"Nooo! Papa.. Mama.., Wake up!" Kosuke cried

"It's too late. They are died . We also can't find Hinako-neesan" Marusou said.

When they are run away, they find Daichi with long face

"My grandfather, my aunt and my uncle .. They got execussion," Daichi said.

"What? We have to go. Escape," Marusou said.

Daichi want to cry and he hold tears. Three kids are protect themselves from chaser of men.

"Where should we go?" Daichi said

"I don't know." Marusou said.

Kosuke near lost his breathes. Daichi seeing three naughty kids who bullied him, they lost their family members. Daichi avoid his eyesight from them.

"I'm starving," Kosuke said

Daichii brings white breads for them. They hiding themselves and eat bread. Daichi and Kosuke eating with dried tears. They be orphans with deepest grief and sorrow.

Next day, three kids immigrated to another place still in Romania. Another federal state with another resident of the Ursberg village.

End of Cazqui, Daichi and Marusou's Past

"Our hometown can't be back," Daichi said.

"In my mind, I can't erase what happened in the past," Cazqui said.

"Puppeteers of the tragedy arrested and they are in prison of basement in this Arcane now. It's a great news," Marusou said.

"Yeah, they will get their karmas," Daichi said.

Marusou take a rest after she continues cutting blocks of wood with axe. She relaxing with strawberry -lavender tea made by Sena.

"So delicious," Marusou said.

"I made the tea with more five kettles. Mayu is speciality making desserts. She loves baking," Sena said.

"I see. She is best baker," Marusou said.

Sena laughed and his stares focus on the newspaper read by Cazqui. Eloise and Uruha is backed from hospital. They visit Nana. Nana is still have intensive care in there. Nana crossed her coma conditions after she abducted by Gackt. Nana is very shocked hears the news about her father imprisoned.

"Im Bang Guk, Grisha Brown and others now are imprisoned. Just need His Majesty's next decisions," Uruha said.

"I have signal, Gackt created new demons to against us," Eloise said.

"New demons and monsters?" Uruha asked

"Yes. I get a sign," Eloise said.

"I can wonder what will happens," Uruha said.

"I think so," Eloise said.

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