See You Again


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2.3K 77 4

A flock of a variety of owls streamed into the Great Hall carrying the latest editions of the Daily Prophet. Soon the whole hall began to fill with surprised murmurs and great baffled gasps as they read the latest front page news. 'Bloody hell!' James whispered under his breath in shock. 'Explains why Dumbledore's not here, doesn't it? Think he ran?' questioned Sirius as he continuously read the prophet in his hands. 'Did you know your father was gonna expose him?' Remus questioned, anxiously squirming as people kept looking over at them and murmuring. James just numbly shook his head, 'No...' He crumpled up the prophet in his hands and stood up, making a hasty escape from the Great Hall. Sirius and Remus locked eyes before quickly getting up and following James. 'Where are you going?' Sirius puffed out of breath, once they finally caught up to him in the corridor. 'Home.' James said swiftly as he continued his way to the one eyed witch passage. Remus and Sirius stopped momentarily in shock, 'Well, we're coming!' Sirius stated, Remus nodding along with him as they once again sped up to catch up with James.

He held the latest edition in his hands with a menacing smirk of amusement, 'I'd like to see him weasel his way out of this one...' he hissed under his breath. His amusement came to a quick end as his clumsy pathetic excuse of a follower fumbled his way into the room. He narrowed his red eyes at Orson Lestrange, 'M-My Lord,' Lestrange stuttered out as he bowed deeply. 'I dug as much as I could on th-the girl.' 'And?' inquired Voldemort, curiosity peaked. Lestrange grimaced as he hesitated to continue, 'Not much is known, My Lord. Apparently she turned up out of the blue one day... as if she survived some attack of sorts. She supposedly has amnesia and has been going by the name of Ara Lovella.' Silence filled the room as he pondered over the information in his head, he wasn't pleased. 'Crucio!' he bellowed out, Lestrange collapsed and began flailing around as he screamed out in agony. Voldemort smiled vindictively as he watched him suffer before finally releasing the spell, 'That's not enough! I need more! Find me more!' he bellowed out furiously. Lestrange clumsily pulled himself up as he continuously twitched from the aftermath of the spell and managed to croak out painfully, 'Y-Yes, My-My Lord!' He bowed as best as he could before quickly stumbling his way out of the room.

Fleamont and Abraxas paced nervously as Orion sat in the chair staring at the clock. Euphemia watched on amused at the boy's antics while she sipped on her cup of tea. 'What is she like?' Euphemia suddenly questioned. The two stopped pacing and turned their gazes to Orion, who in turn looked caught off guard by Euphemia's question. He pondered over the question before sitting up straighter, 'She... um... She's brave.' His mouth stretched into a small fond smile as he continued, 'Kind... I believe she's the most selfless person I've ever met. Definitely a Potter, especially with how reckless she tends to be.' Fleamont sat down next to a beaming Euphemia, with a proud smirk as he listened. Abraxas studied Orion once again as he continued to describe her. 'She underestimates herself, a lot! And she's possibly the strongest person I know. Beautiful but completely oblivious to her own beauty...' On and on Orion continued describing her to them, anything he could think of. Abraxas cleared his throat, putting an immediate stop to Orion's retellings as he mumbled, 'It's time! I'll walk you to the Floo.' Euphemia and Fleamont sent Orion a thankful nod and wished him luck as he stood up and made his way out the room. 'You care for her a great deal.' Abraxas suddenly stated, as the two silently walked through his manors halls. 'I do,' Orion whispered back. 'As a daughter... correct?' 'Yes... What are you getting at Abraxas?' Orion questioned as they came to a stop in front of the fireplace. 'You realize, if we do manage to save her... the Potter's will take claim of her... she'll no longer be your ward.' Orion clenched his jaw as he looked out the giant windows, 'I'm aware. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Necromancer to meet.'

'Deep breath..,' Ara whispered to herself, 'You've done this once before, you can do it again!' Slowly she made her way through Diagon Alley, invisible. She wasn't sure if the cup was in Gringotts but she had to make sure either way, so here she was... Honestly, she preferred the Basilisk over the Goblins, but she'd never be that lucky! She paused momentarily as she almost crashed into a cart of goods, trying to avoid a group of running little tykes. As she stood waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip back into the crowd and resume her maneuvering to Gringotts, she happened to spot Orion. To her immense surprise he suddenly stopped and began looking around with a furrowed brow, instantly panicking, she accidently bumped into the cart behind her sending the goods splattering everywhere. At least she managed to make a spot amongst the crowd and she slipped away, distancing herself far from Orion and the mess! Following behind someone entering the bank, she finally made it inside. Quietly she made her way around the Goblins desks until she came to the entrance of the vault's rail carts. She pulled out her shrunken broom and quickly sized it back to normal, before applying a disillusionment spell on the broom and hopping on.

'How are we gonna get there, we can't apparate yet?' Remus questioned as they stood at the edge of Hogsmeade. James smirked at them as he suddenly held out his wand, the two tilted their heads confused until they heard the popping noise in the distance. 'Bloody hell!' Sirius whispered. 'That's a deathtrap on wheels...' muttered Remus. James smirked, 'Ara took the Knight Bus and was perfectly fine!' His smirk dropped as he began thinking about Ara again. The three stepped onto the bus and found their seats, making sure to grab a hold of a bar to keep themselves steady. 'Where to lads!?' the conductor asked. 'Godric's Hollow, please.' James mumbled. 'Eleven sickles each but thirteen sickles and you also get hot chocolate!' The conductor voiced. Remus being the chocolate fiend he was whenever chocolate was mentioned, immediately took him up on that offer. Though he soon regretted this decision, as soon as he was handed the hot chocolate, the Knight Bus took off and his hot chocolate had as well. When they arrived at their destination, it was three hot chocolate drenched boys who stepped off the bus. Remus grimaced sheepishly as the other two sent him glares. 'You're supposed to be the smart one!' Sirius muttered angrily as he pulled a tiny marshmallow from his hair.

He continued his way through Diagon Alley and reluctantly turned to enter Knockturn Alley; he was supposed to meet the Necromancer at The White Wyvern. But he couldn't get the feeling that he had off his mind, for a moment he could have sworn he felt her magic... Quickly pulling out his pocket watch to make sure he wasn't running late as he finally entered the secluded little pub. Not exactly his cup of tea, but it's where the Necromancer chose... beggars can't be choosers! He narrowed his eyes as he looked around from one patron to another, before settling on the woman in the farthest back booth. The only one with the red scarf... he made his way over and cleared his throat, 'Obrilen?' he asked, hesitantly. The hairless, dark skinned cat-like woman with a dark red scarf wrapped around her head and neck, looked up at him. Her amber eyes reflected the dim lights as she tilted her head slightly, observing him. 'It is I... Sit, Lord Black.' She whispered out as she gestured to the seat across from her. Swallowing nervously as he took his seat, he opened his mouth to speak only for her to hold up her hand stopping him. The waiter came over, dropping two pints of some black liquid with dark green froth. Once he disappeared and they were alone, 'You may speak,' she whispered, eyeing him warily.

She glided through the tunnels on her broom, she was going mostly off memory through the maze of twisting passages. Several times she had to swerve, narrowly missing an oncoming cart with a Goblin and the people going to their vaults. Gliding around the thief's downfall, thankfully she didn't get splashed, even a little bit and the whole of Gringotts would be informed. Eventually she finally managed to find her way to the Dragon that was guarding the vaults. Quietly she hopped off her broom, removed the disillusionment charm and shrunk it back down before putting it back into her pouch. Letting out a small calming little breath, she made herself visible again. Hesitantly she took a step forward towards the dragon, she never had tried speaking Parseltongue with a dragon before... didn't think it would work. But Death had told her otherwise, it just would be like two people with very different accents having a conversation. Same but different. ~Hello, I come in... peace.~ The dragon raised its head curiously as it huffed out a breath of smoke, ~Who are you!?~ Huh? Guess Parseltongue does work on dragons... the more you know! ~My name is Adhara, and you?~ ~Alzren!~ The dragon stood up and tilted its head as it observed her. ~You smell different then the others, child... who are you, really?~ She inhaled a sharp breath, before chewing her bottom lip nervously. ~I... I am the goddess of Death...~ The dragon came closer to her, ~We shall see!~ and he suddenly released a great big fiery breath down on her.

'Mom? Dad?' James called out as he entered Potter manor. 'Monty? Ephy?' Sirius and Remus followed suit with their own calls. An elf suddenly popped in front of James, 'James! Yous should be at school, yous should!' the elf chastised. 'Hey Fefe! Is mom or dad home?' 'Nope! They bes over at Lord Malfoy's!' The three both looked back at the elf incredulously. 'W-what do you mean there at Lord Malfoy's?' questioned James. 'Been there for a while!' beamed Fefe, 'Theys been busy translating the book!' 'WHAT!?' the three chorused, wide eyed. 'D-does that mean that they know about Ara?' Sirius whispered to James. Fefe narrowed her eyes at James as she held up a finger and began shaking it at him in disapproval, 'How dare yous not tell Fefe about the littlest Potter! Monty and Ephy were all in a tizzy! Fefe was too, I was!' 'Well, that answers that!' mumbled Remus. James suddenly beamed as an idea popped in his head, 'Fefe! You're an elf!' he suddenly stated. The three looked back at him as if he suddenly lost his marbles, 'Fefe is...' she mumbled, worriedly. 'A Potter elf!' he clarified. Seeing as the others still looked at him as if he was off his rocker, he let out a little huff. 'A Potter elf can sense all the Potters... meaning it's possible -' 'She could possibly sense Ara!' Cut in Remus, finally understanding what James was getting at.

The flames filled the rotunda as the rocks trembled from the dragons roaring fiery breath. She felt the heat touch every inch of her body as she was engulfed in the flames. You rude fire breathing arse! She spat in her head, angry. It felt like ice was rushing through her as her mismatched eyes glowed fiercely matched with glowing veins that spread out beneath. The flames around her slowly turned black and the temperature dropped, the dragon closed its mouth as it watched its flames dissipate. He stared hungrily curious and to his immense surprise, there she stood. The rocks began to tremble once again as ice began to spread around the floor, she looked at him angrily. ~That was rude!~ she hissed out. The dragon blew smoke out its nose in an amused manor, ~You lived... I believe you now.~ ~My turn!~ She hissed back, the ice spread faster and faster towards him. He backed up anxiously eyeing the ice as it began circling him and wrapping around the chains restraining him. ~What are you doing!?~ he roared! She smirked, and suddenly raised her hands before clamping them shut into fists. The chains then shattered apart before dissolving alongside the ice. ~Freeing you!~ She whispered amusedly, as her eyes returned back to normal. ~If you'll wait a moment I need to check something first!~ She hissed as she crossed the room to the stairs, leading to an upper level of the vaults. Finally she stopped at vault 724, the Lestrange's vault. She closed her eyes and stretched her magic through the small and narrow vault door gaps. It isn't there... She opened her eyes and pulled back her magic, letting out a sigh of disappointment. 'Well then... time to go back to the drawing board, I guess.' She whispered under her breath. Joining Alzren in the rotunda once again, ~You ready to make an exit?~ ~Get on!~ She smirked as she climbed on his back, holding tight as she activated her cloak making her invisible once again.

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