Lean On Me (Phil Fanfic)

By Abbles10123

316 17 6


part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5

Lean On Me (Phil Fanfic)

125 3 0
By Abbles10123

                                              Aubrey P.O.V.

           "MAE!... LILLY PEED ON MY BED!!" I screamed.

           "OH THAT SUCKS FOR YOU!" she snapped.



          I got dressed in my pink tank top with a flowered blouse on top with pink skinny jeans and white flats. For my long blonde and blue hair I made tight curls that came down to my waist and pulled my bangs back with a little black bobby pin. I put a little bit of mascara on my eyelashes to make my bright blue eyes pop. I put on a thin white coat and went out the door.

          I ran up to my black Denali and hopped on in. I turned the music on loud opened the window and put my seat belt on. I started the car and went out of my driveway onto the the open road.

          I was about five minutes away from Old Navy when  I saw a... llama? run right in front on my car. I swerved out of the road like a maniac I felt my car do about three flips and felt sharp pains until everything went pitch black.

          I slowly opened my eyes open not knowing where I was, the walls were all white and I had two people that I didn't know in the room. I tried to get up but everything hurt I made a small whimpering sound. I guess I startled one of the two boys because he looked straight at me and smiled.

           He tapped the other person's shoulder and said "Dan she's awake".

They brought the doctor in and he asked the boys to leave. As soon as they left the room the doctor started asking me questions. I didn't know how to answer them because it hurt to talk. He must have noticed this and said he would be back in a few days.

           The two boys came back into the room and sat down. then the first one I'm not sure the name of said " I bet you are wondering who we are"

            I slightly nodded then winced at the pain. The first one told me not to move or else it will hurt. Then the one I'm guessing is Dan said "I'm Phil Lester and my friend here is Dan Howell".

            I immediately lit up with happiness then realized it was weird because I stalked them almost every day of my life. But I was still confused about why they were here in my hospital room. Phil saw I was slightly confused and decided to do further explaining.

           He said Dan and him were going to go get some coffee and they were at a cross walk and waiting for about ten minutes. Dan eventually got tired of waiting and wanted to run across the street. I told him he could but I was staying so he ran and you swerved. He ran back and saw your car flip he called 911 and the ambulance came and we rode in a police car. We told them we would buy you the same exact car for you.

            I fell asleep shortly after the story but it was hard because my hair would go in my face and I couldn't move so Dan got up and move my hair to one side. I think it was the next morning when I woke up and I saw Dan laying on both of the plastic and poor Phil on the floor. I was feeling a lot better so I stood up proudly and gave a blanket to Phil.

            I turned around and saw I was a mess so I went to the bathroom as fast as I could. I found a hair brush of mine probably from my car. And brushed my hair, but it was still a mess.

           I went down the hallways and asked for a paper bag I received one from a red headed lady in heels. I went back to room and grabbed the bag, my clothes and a towel. I took my shower and dried myself off. I put on my spare set of clothes Purple tank top, jean jacket, and white skinny jeans with purple dye on them.  

            I brushed my hair once again and ripped the paper bag into strips and wrapped small groups of hair around them. I tied the ends and looked like freak but it was only for a few minutes as they dried.

            I walked back into the my room with Phil and Dan still sleeping so I went over to the bed and read a book on the desk next to me It was The Hunger Games. Yay ! Later my hair dried so I took it out and as soon as I was done Phil woke up.

" Good morning sunshine!" I said to him quietly so Dan didn't wake up.

" GOOD MORNING!" Phil yelled.

Dan flinched and slapped the closest thing to his which happens to be Phil's face. Phil screeched with pain. Dan kept on saying  he was sorry over and over. I told them I would get Phil some ice and check out. I went to the front desk and got an ice pack and a popsicle.

I gave them both to Phil and Dan they pouted  at me and I said ''YOU SLAP, YOU SIT!".

Phil was amused by that and got up to leave we went out the front door and I think we all thought the same thing...How do we get home?

         I was startled when I heard yelling I looked over to my left to see Dan screaming. I started to panic I asked him if he was ok and made him sit then he asked

 " why?"

" I thought you were having a seizure of some sort!" he started rolling on the floor laughing so hard he could barely breath.

" I was trying to get a taxi to come over!" he exclaimed. he continued I wandered over to Phil and sat down. And with just my luck right when I was about to sit down some fat chick butt bumped me out of the way and sat next to Phil. Phil got really creeped out and scooted over then she inched towards him. They repeated this until Phil was on the floor next to me. I laughed at him and the big lady looked furious. Then Dan finally got a taxi to stop.

      We got up to the taxi and Phil said

" Ladies first!" with a smirk on his face.

then I said " Ok Dan go on get in the car" Dan wasn't happy about being called a girl but he got in. We told the driver my address  and he started off going the wrong way but we didn't say.

He slowed down to a stop at an abandoned gym. He opened up his door then started sprinting to Phil's. He opened it up and grabbed the collar of Phil's shirt and yanked him out of the car.

Dan and I didn't want to be forced so we got out quickly. The driver came over to me and grabbed my hand and started pulling me.

Phil followed close behind and grabbed my hand. You could tell he didn't want to hurt me and thought I was fragile. The driver let me go and tried to punch Phil. I quickly grabbed his fist in my

hand and said

 "You couldn't think of something better?" I quickly pinched his shoulder really tight and he fell asleep. Dan, Phil and I looked at each other really fast and ran for our lives.

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