Demons The Series

Bởi gothicangel92

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Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Continuing Story
Chapter 3: Dark Days Ahead
Chapter 4: With my last breath
Chapter 5: Luca Returns
Chapter 6: Alberto's dark secrets revealed
Chapter 7: Luca's parents find him
Chapter 8: Luca's parents arrive
Chapter 9: Luca's Secret
Chapter 10: Romantic Moments
Chapter 11: A Change for Alberto
Chapter 13: Talks of Divorce
Chapter 14: Divorce Drama and Puberty Blues
Chapter 15: Puberty Problems
Chapter 16: Luca Graduates High School

Chapter 12: A Night to Remember

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Bởi gothicangel92

The next day came by quicker than anyone had planned.

As he said he would do, the doctor came in and gave clearance the day before for Alberto to go home. Today was the day that he got to go home!

Daniela dropped Luca off at the hospital around 9 am and told him she would pick both he and Alberto up at their normal place with Laurel.

Both Luca and Alberto agreed that when they got home they would pack and get ready to be picked up.

Daniela said that she had a surprise waiting for them when they got to her apartment.

Just the sound of that made both boys jump up and down excitedly. They both loved surprises and couldn't wait to see what it was.

Luca hugged his mom goodbye and then chatted with Alberto to pass the time away.

It was 12 noon when Alberto was discharged and boy was he happy to finally be out of the hospital.

He was still somewhat weak but nothing different from how he normally felt.

He had dark shadows around his eyes, somewhat due to lack of quality sleep and the fact he was freshly changed into a demon. Luca said the dark shadows would eventually go away but for now, he would look sleepy all the time.

Alberto scoffed when he heard Luca say that he would look tired all the time.

Due to the fact he had epilepsy, Alberto never really got quality sleep unless he took a pain pill or was knocked out by anesthesia, or got really, really high.

Alberto always had somewhat dark shadows around his eyes. That was just how it was. So no one really noticed the difference this time around.

It was roughly 12:15 when Alberto was wheeled out to the car. When they reached the car and Luca opened the back door, Alberto could barely contain his excitement. He stood up from the wheelchair he was wheeled outside in and climbed into the car. He sat down in the back seat and then buckled up. Luca sat in the back as well and buckled up beside him.

The whole ride home, Alberto dozed in and out. It felt good to not be hooked up to machines and not have nurses come in and out of his room. And it ultimately felt good to not have a catheter anymore and to be able to use the bathroom on his own.

Alberto enjoyed his independence the best he could.

There were days that he couldn't do things for himself and those days sucked, but ultimately, Alberto was able to do things on his own with minimal help; although Luca always helped him anyway.

After going to the pharmacy to get Alberto's prescriptions, they went home where Alberto woke up to the sound of Barley sitting in his car, arguing very loudly with someone on the phone.

This was very upsetting to Laurel, as she knew it woke up Alberto.

When he noticed everyone was home, he waved and nodded and then went back to spouting off and arguing on his phone.

Luca helped Alberto into the house and then they both headed toward their room where Alberto passed out shortly thereafter, hanging half on, half off the bed.

It was so funny looking that Luca had to take a picture before helping his exhausted boyfriend climb onto the bed the right way.

Once on the bed, Alberto sprawled out and got comfortable.

Luca helped him put his oxygen mask on and then got out Alberto's suitcase and began to help him start packing. He honestly didn't know what Alberto wanted to take so he put in the things he knew he would definitely need such as miscellaneous diabetic supplies and oxygen tubing etc.

He placed the suitcase on the floor by the bed and then climbed onto the bed next to his sleeping lover and cuddled up next to him and joined him in his slumber.

He wrapped his arm around Alberto's slim waist and gently pulled him in closer toward him, feeling his body heat next to his body. It warmed him up and Luca wanted to make sure they both remained warm so he covered them both up with a comforter.

He sat back and then just stared at his sleeping lover for a moment. He was so handsome and it made Luca's heart full of joy every time he saw him.

He gently caressed Alberto's hand and then gently pressed his lips against Alberto's forehead and gave him a gentle kiss.

Alberto didn't move a muscle when Luca kissed him so that let Luca know he was definitely out for the count.

Luca rested his head down on his pillow and then wrapped his arm back around Alberto and fell asleep.

They both lay like this for a good 2 to 3 hours, getting some much-needed rest, something both of them didn't quite get due to the stress of being in the hospital and not being at home.

Alberto was surprisingly the first to wake up. He woke up and took off his CPAP mask and turned off the machine. He looked over and saw Luca snoring away.

He smiled and gently pressed a kiss on his forehead before getting up and packing his suitcase. He knew they would eventually have to come back and get more supplies but for now, he wanted to make sure he had what he needed for a while.

He packed his CPAP machine and other medical supplies and then some clothes and whatnot and then dragged the suitcase to the bedroom door and put it down.

Shortly afterward, Luca woke up. He woke up to Alberto's smiling face staring him in the eyes.

"Hello, sleepyhead. Sleep well?" Alberto said, grinning from ear to ear.

Luca laughed as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hey, you don't have room to speak, buddy. You passed out first. You hung off the bed and fell asleep and I had to help you get into bed the right way. I have a photo to prove it."

Alberto laughed as Luca showed him the picture of his tired ass hanging halfway off the bed, sawing logs.

Luca sat up in bed and then stretched.

He stood up and then walked over toward Alberto who remained smiling. That was when he noticed Alberto's suitcase was by the bedroom door.

"You finished packing? I helped you start. I didn't know what all you wanted to take clothes-wise so I just packed some of the necessities and waited till you woke up."

Alberto pulled Luca in for a hug, catching Luca off guard, and then said, "Awe, thank you, babe! Your so sweet!"

Luca paused for a moment, realizing what Alberto just got through calling him, and then melted into his boyfriend's arms.

He leaned back and that was when he looked down and realized he was laying in Alberto's lap. Luca quickly blushed when he noticed this and then hid his face so Alberto wouldn't see him blushing.

Too late for that.

Alberto gently touched Luca's cheek, turning his face around to face him. That was when Luca noticed Alberto was blushing too.

Luca looked into Alberto's eyes and blushed again.

Alberto gently lifted up Luca's face so that way their eyes were at the same level. He then gently yet slowly rested his forehead against Luca's and then said, "This is where we left off earlier when I was in the hospital and Mom caught us."

Alberto slowly closed his eyes and then pressed his lips against Luca's lips. Luca slowly closed his eyes and melted into the kiss.

He loved when Alberto kissed him. It always gave him butterflies in his belly and made him feel all warm and tingly all over.

Since Alberto was sitting up, Luca moved to sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around Alberto's neck and then let Alberto continue to kiss him.

Alberto gently yet slowly ran his fingers through Luca's curly brown hair with his left hand and then gently rubbed Luca's shoulder with his right hand as he continued to make out.

This made Luca feel even more calm than he already was; leaning into the kiss even more.

Minutes passed and the make-out session continued. Just when Luca was starting to get into the motion of making out, he suddenly felt Alberto's tongue slip into his mouth, wildly beginning to explore the inside and not missing a single crevice of Luca's warm, wet oral cavity.

Luca stiffened up only for a second as it caught him off guard and then he relaxed again as Alberto began to softly moan, grabbing Luca's head and slowly pulling him closer towards him to deepen the kiss even more.

Hearing Alberto moan made Luca start to feel a certain way and think certain things.

Luca gently removed his arms from around Alberto's neck and then gently held Alberto's face as he too attempted to slide his tongue into his lover's mouth.

This made Alberto moan in a slightly higher octave than before, letting Luca know that what he was doing was making him feel excited too.

Luca began to softly moan as both his tongue and Alberto's tongue fought together in each other's mouths, exchanging spit and drooling at the same time. Their skin turned the color of their sea monster skin tone as drool slid down their faces from the corner of their mouths.

Suddenly, both teens began to pant and breathe heavily as the kiss slowly started to progress into something more than just making out. Alberto pushed Luca back and he landed on his back and Alberto's thin frame landed on top of him. Luca moved his hands back to brace himself so he wouldn't fall off the bed and when he did, not even missing a beat, Alberto pinned Luca to the bed, moaning and panting wildly before shooting up and holding himself up with his arms; his legs straddling Luca's sides.

His eyes shot open wide, looking straight into Luca's eyes as he tried to catch his breath.

Luca opened his eyes and gave a confused look to Alberto before asking why he stopped.

Alberto sat up on the bed and sat down next to Luca who propped himself up on his left arm and tried to catch his breath.

"Luca, I'm sorry. I..I...I got a little bit sidetracked. My apologies if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way." Alberto said as he nervously scratched the back of his head and turned to face the wall in front of him. He couldn't look Luca in the eyes as he was too embarrassed.

"You didn't, Alberto. Quite the opposite actually. I started getting butterflies in my belly and feeling warm all over. It felt...."

Luca's voice trailed off and Alberto turned his head to see his boyfriend dreamily staring off into space.

Alberto looked straight at Luca and then said, "Yes? How did it make you feel?"

Luca snapped back into reality and then said, "Oh, uh, it made me feel really good, warm all over, in fact."

Alberto breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled.

"Sorry about that. I just had a moment of weakness. I didn't mean to make you feel a certain way and all. I mean, you and I were alone and I started to think about things. You were available. One thing led to another and....oh God, Luca! The things I was thinking and feeling at that moment!"

Luca looked at Alberto with a confused look on his face as he sat up in bed next to his boyfriend who was trying his best to rationalize why he suddenly got aroused and why he didn't mean to come on so strong.

He wasn't doing a very good job at it, though because Luca saw straight through what he was trying to say or in this case, not say.

"I don't get it though. Why did you stop? I mean, you're saying that you felt good and I'm sitting here saying that I felt the same way. I don't understand. Why stop if you enjoyed it?" Luca asked Alberto who sighed and then closed his eyes. He opened them and then said, "Luca, I was afraid of what you would say or do if I continued. I mean, yeah it felt good and yeah I didn't want it to end, but Luca, do you not get it? We almost started to have sex. I didn't know if you wanted that or not as I remembered you telling me earlier you were scared to have sex because you were afraid it would hurt since you were a virgin and all."

Luca scratched his neck and then looked at Alberto and said, "Alberto, I did say that. And yes, I know it will hurt the first time I have sex, but there isn't anyone else in this world I'd rather lose my virginity to than you. I wouldn't have cared if you continued and it progressed into more. I wouldn't have minded one bit because I knew you would take care of me when the time did come and I did lose my virginity."

Alberto smiled and then reached out and held Luca's hand and then said, "You know me so well, don't you? I love you, Luca. Thank you for not being upset with me."

Luca smiled and then said, "Your welcome and I love you too." Alberto reached out his arms to Luca for a hug and Luca fell into his boyfriend's arms and wrapped his arms around Alberto who rested his head into Luca's curly hair and sighed contently.

Luca's hair was so soft and Alberto loved rubbing his face and burying his nose into all the bouncy curls.

After the hug was over, both boys leaned back and then smiled at each other. Afterward, Alberto stood up and headed for the door and said, "Hey Luca, let's go see what mom is doing. It's almost 5:00 and your mom should be here in a half hour or so to get us."

Luca said okay and then followed Alberto out the bedroom door and upstairs to the kitchen to see Laurel making the boys a snack before Daniela got there.

The whole kitchen smelled heavenly and Alberto's mouth was watering as he hadn't had good food that smelled like that in over a week due to the fact he was in the hospital and all the food there smelled like seasoned cardboard.

"What are you making, Mom?" Alberto asked Laurel who smiled and handed both boys a saucer with a ham and cheese sandwich on it with a side of potato chips.

"I made y'all a snack. I knew y'all would be hungry after practically not eating much all day."

Both Alberto and Luca said thank you while Alberto gave Laurel a hug and told her he loved her. They sat down on the couch and then Laurel followed them into the living room and said, "Daniela texted me and told me she should be here around 6:15 to get y'all. She gets off at 5:30 today and then she has to go get Lorenzo from work and then she will head here. Have y'all packed yet?"

Luca wiped his hands on his pants leg and then said, "I threw a few extra pairs of clothes into a bag for me and Alberto already packed. Most of my stuff is already at my parent's place."

Laurel walked back into the kitchen and then said, "Alberto, come into the kitchen with me when you are finished with your food and help me fill the portable ice chest with your medicine. I'll send you about three weeks worth of pain meds as well as insulin and other meds you will need. You can pack the box of needles and dressing in your suitcase."

Alberto quickly finished his sandwich and chips, licked the plate clean, and then headed into the kitchen to put the plate in the sink and wash his hands. He helped Laurel load a small ice chest with dry ice and then put his meds on top. Afterward, he grabbed the first aid kit full of needles and dressings like bandages and such and put it on the couch. Luca went downstairs to their room and grabbed his duffle bag and dragged Alberto's rolling suitcase behind him as he made his way back up the stairs with the stuff they were taking.

Alberto helped Luca with the bags and then put them by the front door.

Laurel placed the ice chest down on the floor next to the luggage and then went to clean the kitchen.

Then, Luca and Alberto both ran into the kitchen to help Laurel with the cleaning.

The cleaning went by very quickly and before they knew it, Daniela was texting and telling Laurel she was on her way. The boys jumped for joy and then got ready to leave.

Luca followed Alberto out to the front porch, dragging their luggage along with them as they made their way outside.

Alberto took a seat on the edge of the porch and closed his eyes, feeling the cool breeze against his face.

Luca wondered what he was doing and sat down beside him, swinging his legs back and forth on the edge of the porch.

"You feeling alright?" Luca asked Alberto who nodded and then said, "Yeah, I'm fine, Luca. It just feels so good to be able to sit outside and actually feel the cool breeze against my face. It's been a week since I was truly able to do that and it feels nice. Being cooped up in a hospital bed really sucks. Nothing beats the good outdoors."

"Yeah, your right. I enjoy the outdoors as well. I really missed spending time with you outside. I felt really bad you got so sick."

Luca reached over and held Alberto's hand as he continued to talk.

Alberto looked down and noticed Luca's hand was holding his hand. He looked up at Luca and then smiled.

"About what you told me in the hospital. I'm not upset at you about changing me into a demon. I'm not angry in any way. I figured one day it would happen. The only downside to it was the pain. It was so excruciating I wasn't sure I was going to make it, but I did and I'm glad too. I'm not ready to die....not yet."

Luca smiled and then looked at Alberto who smiled back. They leaned closer and then kissed each other gently on each other's lips just as Luca's parents came pulling up into the driveway.

Daniela was driving and Lorenzo was sitting on the passenger side. They both smiled and Daniela honked the horn, setting Luca and Alberto off guard.

They jumped and opened their eyes to see Luca's parents waiting for them to make their way to the car.

Luca helped Alberto carry the bags to the car and put them in the trunk.

Luca closed the back end and then jumped into the back seat next to Alberto who was already buckled up.

Luca leaned over and then gave Alberto another kiss as Daniela pulled out of the driveway, waving to Laurel as she drove off.

"Awe. You two lovebirds I swear are just too much." Lorenzo said, looking at his son and Alberto smooching in the rear-view mirror.

Luca and Alberto continued to cuddle up next to each other, leaning their heads against each other as they looked lovingly into each other's eyes and sighed happily. They held each other's hands and smiled. Alberto kissed Luca's nose and then Luca blushed and giggled.

Daniela watched the two smooching lovingly in the back seat as she drove. She gave a small smile as she watched.

Minutes passed before Luca noticed his parents were watching them.

He looked at his dad and then said, "Hey, quit it."

"It's kind of hard to, son. Y'all are less than 3 feet away from me and show up easily in the rear-view mirror. Y'all are just so sweet. I rarely say that about gay men and I never thought I would be saying this about my son, but Daniela was right. In our conversation we had with Luca last night, we talked about you two and how we felt about your relationship." Lorenzo said towards Alberto who blushed and smiled. He was so happy Luca's family accepted them.

"Daniela said that at first, she was nervous and iffy about it because she wasn't sure if Alberto wanted to have kids with Luca and that was one of her dreams. We all talked about it a little and came to the conclusion that we will just deal with that situation as it comes. All of this is very new to your mother and I,

Luca. We weren't expecting you to become gay but now that you are, we understand that we need to accept you for who you are and that means accepting your boyfriend as well.

That is why your mother and I agreed to let Alberto come stay with you each summer here at our apartment. We knew you loved each other and felt it wrong to separate y'all for three months. We accept you for who you are; we accept Alberto as well.

All we ask is that you don't disrespect anyone here at the apartment. Please let your mother and me know if you two need privacy. We don't want to knock, not get an answer and open the door and see something we shouldn't."

Luca and Alberto's faces turned beet red and then Luca said, "OKAY DAD! We get it! That's embarrassing."

Daniela and Lorenzo busted out laughing and then Daniela looked at Alberto through the rear-view mirror and then said, "I take it you know about my son's secret, right?"

Luca slumped over in his seat and tried to avoid the conversation. Even though he was born intersex, it was still a tricky subject to talk about. He knew what he had but he didn't like it when people called him a girl just because of what he had between his legs.

Alberto raised an eyebrow and then said, "What secret? Luca is harboring a million dollars worth of Monopoly money?"

Luca chucked. He knew Alberto knew about his secret and that he said what he did to de-escalate the whole situation as it was an uncomfortable one to talk about on Luca's part.

Lorenzo looked at Daniela and then back at Alberto and then said, "Alberto, Luca is intersex, which is another word for a hermaphrodite. He has both male and female parts. He wants to be a boy and had expressed himself quite clearly when it came to talks like this that he doesn't want to be called a girl or referred to as a female. We haven't done any strict reproductive testing so we don't know if he is able to become pregnant.

We do know, however, that internally, he has a womb and one ovary, which is part of the female reproductive system. I mentioned that to you because you two are growing boys. Soon, you both will hit puberty, and around this age is when boys your age get curious.

It's natural and you shouldn't be ashamed of it; instead, embrace it. You two are young right now, but soon, your bodies will begin to develop and mature and you two will become men.

Things will be different for you, especially with you two being sea monsters and male sea monsters at that. It's a known fact that when male sea monsters hit puberty, they may become slightly dominant and aggressive. They also have a higher drive than female sea monsters.

And with Luca's situation hormonally, we are unsure if he will have a regular male puberty or if he ends up having a female puberty and go into heat as a female would. Until he gets a little older and we have done further testing on this situation, both Daniela and I would feel more comfortable if Luca went on birth control just to be safe. It's unrealistic to say that you two will not get curious and initiate into sexual situations. Monday morning we will go to the health department and get you a birth control implant. For now, Alberto, Daniela, and I would like to play it safe and ask if you wouldn't mind starting to use protection, like condoms until Monday."

Alberto sighed, holding his face in his hands and then looked at Luca, whose face had turned a bright shade of red from embarrassment, and then said, "Are we all having this conversation right now? I mean, we took the class in school. We know what's gonna happen to us and I seriously doubt it would ever include fist fights or male domination between us. You're steadily giving us the talk and it's making Luca and me nervous and uncomfortable."

Lorenzo stopped talking and noticed both boys were nervous in the back seat.

"Is there a problem, son?"

"Yeah, we are just uncomfortable about this whole conversation you are having with us. Alberto just told me he is getting weirded out by it and quite frankly I don't much blame him, to be honest. We know what's gonna happen to us eventually and we aren't scared. We just feel weird that you chose now to tell us."

"But son, it's important that you know about this. You two are growing and are in a relationship and it's important to know certain things. With the way you two were looking at each other a while ago, you cannot sit here and tell me without lying that you wouldn't try something out of curiosity. Your mother and I are prepared."

"OKAY, DAD! It's okay. I'm still a virgin and I'm pretty sure Alberto isn't ready for something like that. Thank you for telling us." Luca said, getting frustrated because Lorenzo steadily kept going on and on about male sea monster puberty and being safe during relationships.

Daniela smiled and then pulled into the driveway of the apartment complex where she and Lorenzo lived at.

"We are here you two. Make yourself at home and Luca can show you the apartment where everything is. Luca's nana is there to watch y'all so just be okay."

Luca and Alberto got out of the car. They opened the back end and then helped each other carry in their bags inside of the apartment.

Daniela unlocked the front door and then everyone walked inside.

The refreshing feeling of the cool a/c blew against his face and Alberto couldn't help but mention it.

"This place is nice. Pretty good size."

"It is nice. Follow me. I'll show you to our room to put the bags down and then I'll give you a tour of the place."

Alberto followed Luca to their room and Luca opened the door. "This is our room where we will sleep and whatnot. The bed should fit us both. It's a full-sized mattress. It was slightly too big for me and I'm slightly large myself." Luca put Alberto's bags down beside his on the floor. As he was about to turn around, he felt Alberto's hands around his waist. He turned around to see Alberto smiling at him with kind eyes.

"It'll fit us both, trust me. It will be perfect. I wouldn't care if we had to sleep on a blanket on the floor, as long as I was with you I'd be fine. I can't wait till tonight."

Luca gave Alberto a confused look and then said, "What's going on tonight besides sleeping?"

Alberto rested his forehead against Luca's and stared into Luca's eyes with his half-massed ones and then said, "You'll see."

Luca began to feel a knot forming in his stomach. What did Alberto mean by 'you will see?'

Luca nodded and then said, "Come on, follow me and I'll show you around."

Alberto followed Luca around the apartment as he continued to show him where everything was. Afterwards, they both made their way into the kitchen to grab a snack. When they got to the kitchen, they saw Nanna, Luca's grama, making lunch. She whacked Luca's hand as he tried to reach into the fridge to grab things to make a PB and j sandwich.

"Hey, lunch will be ready soon. Leftovers or chicken alfredo with mozzarella cheese."

"Both sound good. Maybe leftovers would be okay." Luca said smiling.

"News flash. There are no more leftovers I just checked. Chicken alfredo it is."

Luca's nana warmed up three bowls of food and then put them on the table. Alberto nudged Luca in the arm and told him he needed his suitcase to get his insulin out before he ate anything. Luca nodded and went into the room he and Alberto shared. He grabbed the small ice chest and brought it into the kitchen. Alberto sat down next to Luca and then grabbed his insulin and a needle out of the ice chest and proceeded to search for gloves.

Luca ran back into the room and grabbed the gloves. He put them on the table for Alberto to grab a pair to put on. He administered his own insulin and then Daniela put the contents of the ice chest into the fridge to keep it cool.

Lorenzo looked at Alberto and then said, "I didn't know you had diabetes, Alberto."

"Yeah, Type II as well as epilepsy and a partially collapsed windpipe. They all suck but that's okay. I've made it this long. I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

Luca wrapped his arm around Alberto and then smiled.

Soon, everyone started eating and then Nanna broke the silence and said, "So Luca, my daughter was telling me you came out a couple of days ago? Is this fine man your boyfriend?"

Alberto blushed as he took a sip of his unsweetened tea, his lower lip turning a light shade of purple from tea moistened it.

Luca nodded and then held Alberto's hand and said, "Yes, it's true. Alberto is my boyfriend. I love him and he loves me. We both love each other very very much and are super close."

Nanna smiled and then said, "I could tell, Luca. So could my daughter and Lorenzo when we all three heard you on video a few nights ago. We all know what's up, Luca. But don't worry, it's all good. I explained to Daniela that you two are curious and love each other. Both she and Lorenzo weren't sure how they felt about how you were interacting with another boy. I explained to them that they need to keep their stories straight and either accept you or not. The result was the fact Alberto gets to stay with you here each summer."

"And that long lecture he gave us in the car on the way up. He was steadily going on and on about male sea monster puberty and shit. Making me and Alberto nervous and uncomfortable."

Nanna laughed and shook her head and then said, "I knew he would do that. You need to know it anyways."

"Yeah, that's what he said. He said I couldn't tell him and not be lying that Alberto wouldn't try something out of curiosity this summer while we were here but not to worry as he and mom were prepared. I don't know what that meant but okay. I shrugged it off and left it be. He told me to tell him and mom if we needed privacy because he didn't want to walk in on us doing something he didn't wanna see."

Nanna continued to laugh. Daniela tried to hold back laughing and Lorenzo chuckled under his breath.

"No mom is prepared to hear her son being intimate with someone else. It just happens. Hopefully we won't have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy of any type anytime soon, right? I take it you are going to use protection? Alberto is a good boy for you, Luca. I'm happy you found someone who will be there for you."

Daniela collected all the dirty plates and what not and then began to wash the dishes and then said, "Mom, Lorenzo and I told Luca that come Monday, we are going to get him started on birth control, just to be safe."

Luca looked at Alberto and smiled and Alberto did the same. They leaned over and smooched and then Nana smiled and said, "That will be good. One day we can get some testing done to find out what Luca is internally capable of." Nanna turned to leave out and then that was when she saw Luca and Alberto smooching.

She began to laugh and then said, "Okay you two. Help your parents and me clean up. It's almost time for my medicine again. I can't miss a dose."

Luca and Alberto got up and helped Nanna, Daniela and Lorenzo wash the dishes and put them on the rack to dry. "Lunch was good. Thank you." Luca said happily.

Daniela and Lorenzo smiled and then Lorenzo gave Luca and Alberto a hug before placing the towel on the rack to dry.

Nanna walked into the room she shared with Lorenzo and Daniela and then closed the door.

Just as Luca and Alberto got ready to head to their room and before they did,

Daniela stopped them in their tracks and said, "Hey boys? I have a surprise for you. Both of y'all have been tired and stressed out here lately so my husband and I wanted to get together and get a little surprise for you. It is in the back yard."

Luca and Alberto looked at each other and then back at Daniela who motioned for them to follow her to the backyard. Alberto and Luca obeyed and then followed Daniela. When they got to the back yard, their surprise was waiting for them. A huge swimming pool just big enough for both of them to get cool and have fun in. Luca and Alberto jumped for joy and then gave Daniela a hug before running out towards the pool.

"This is so cool. Thanks mom! We were totally not expecting this. But it is definitely an awesome surprise." Luca looked at Alberto who was grinning from ear to ear and then they both ran inside to get their swimsuits. "Hey you two, where are you going? Aren't you going to enjoy the pool?"

"We need to get our swimsuits first then we will go outside again." Luca said happily as he and Alberto ran to their room to get dressed. Surprisingly, Luca remembered to bring his green and pink two piece swimsuit with him just in case he was able to go to the lake or something and go swimming. Alberto, on the other hand, had no swim shorts so he wore a pair of purple shorts that he did bring and called it a day.

After they both got dressed, Luca and Alberto ran back outside. Luca was the first to jump into the pool. "Hey Alberto, get in. It feels amazing!" Luca said as he popped his head up out of the water, his entire face appearing as his sea monster form. Alberto excitedly ran towards the pool and then jumped in. The water felt so good; it felt good against his skin. It felt good to be in the water again. Alberto popped his head up out of the water; his exposed skin was his purple sea monster color.

"Your mom was right. This is a totally cool surprise. It feels so good to be in the water again. I'm really enjoying this pool. It is even better, however, with you in it with me." Alberto swam over towards Luca and then gave him a kiss on the lips. They embraced before Daniela came outside and gave them both some cool lemonade to drink. She remembered Alberto was diabetic and gave him a sugar free lemonade so he could still enjoy the festivities. Lorenzo brought out a CD player and turned on the radio, thinking that the boys might like some music to listen to while they enjoyed their time in the pool. And he was right! Daniela and Lorenzo smiled at each other as they looked at the boys jumping and laughing and playing in the pool, just having fun and being themselves. They told each other that the money they spent on the pool was well worth it, seeing how much the teens enjoyed themselves in it. Soon, an hour or so passed.

The boys were having so much fun but Alberto was starting to get tired so both he and Luca decided to get out, get into something dry and relax. So they both got out and went inside to dry off. Luca grabbed a white crop top and a pair of blue shorts. Alberto grabbed a sea foam green tank top, a pair of metallic green shorts and some grey calf-length socks. Both Alberto and Luca agreed that they were definitely going to go back into the pool again before the summer ended. They just couldn't wait to hit the water again!

After they got dressed into some dry clothes, both Luca and Alberto made their way into the kitchen to tell Daniela that they were going to relax a bit. Once they got into the kitchen, Daniela was making her and Lorenzo a snack before heading back outside to relax before it got too hot outside to even do anything substantial.

When she saw the boys, she smiled and then asked them again if they enjoyed the pool. Luca beamed ear to ear and told her that both he and Alberto had a blast and that the only reason why they went inside was because of the fact Alberto was getting tired, which wasn't a lie.

Daniela smiled and then said that she was glad that they both had a good time. Luca said that he and Alberto couldn't wait to be back in the water again, but for now they needed to rest a little.

Daniela smiled and then said okay and that she would talk with them later.

Luca and Alberto followed each other to their room after helping Luca's parents clean up and then closed the door behind them. They took their shoes off and then climbed up onto the bed, reclining against the pillows and cuddling each other as they watched YouTube on Alberto's phone.

It felt so good to have Luca in his arms again. He wrapped his arm around Luca's neck and then kissed him on the forehead as he continued to watch the phone screen. Luca felt Alberto's arm around his shoulder and looked up at him smiling. He went back to watching the phone screen and had a small chuckle. Alberto couldn't help but stare at Luca and smile. Suddenly, Luca noticed Alberto was staring at him and turned his attention to his lover, and smiled. "What you thinking about Berto?" "Just thinking about you. I love to hear you laugh so much." Alberto kissed Luca on the nose and then said, "I enjoy it when you are happy and laugh too. You're my world. Without you, I find it so hard to survive. I simply exist." Luca blushed and then said, "Awe! I feel the same."

"You do?" "Yeah, I do. When I first met you that day, if someone were to have told me we would end up falling in love I would have called them crazy. Now I can't imagine my life without you." Alberto paused his video and then put his phone down on a pillow nearby and wrapped both his arms tightly around Luca. He buried his face into Luca's curly, brown hair and then sighed happily.

Luca smiled and sighed as well, feeling his eyes slowly close as he lay in Alberto's arms; feeling as if at that moment, nothing else mattered and it was only them. Luca and Alberto lay there in each other's embrace for what seemed like forever. Just feeling each other's hearts beating and knowing everything would be okay felt like just enough.

Alberto looked down at Luca and smiled as he watched Luca smile back at him and then hugged him tightly.

Oh what a sweet sight to see!

Suddenly, Alberto broke the silent moment both boys were sharing and then softly spoke into Luca's ear, saying, "Luca, do you remember that video chat session we had together before I went into the hospital?" Luca smiled and then leaned back a little to look Alberto in the eyes, nod and then say, "Yeah, I remember. It was really nice. I was nervous at first because I never did anything like that before, but I slowly got used to it as time went on. What about you?" Alberto rubbed Luca's shoulder, his arm still somewhat around his boyfriend and then said, "Yes, I remember. I had fun too. I won't lie, it took me a lot of courage and strength to take off all my clothes and show you my naked body. You know, with my past and all, it makes it really hard for me to do anything with someone or towards someone. I'm slowly coming out of my shell around you, Luca. You make me have courage and strength to do anything."

Luca blushed and then gave Alberto a small peck on the nose and then nervously laughed and blushed as he scratched the back of his neck. This made Alberto blush too. Both boys laughed and blushed and then held hands; smiling as they hugged each other tightly. Luca laid back against his pillow as Alberto began to nervously scratch the back of his neck once again, sitting up in bed abruptly.

Luca raised an eyebrow and tilted his head sideways, confused as to why Alberto was acting strange. "What's wrong, Alberto? You were fine just a minute ago. Is something bothering you?" Alberto shrugged and then said, "Naw, I'm not upset. Just deep in thought about something is all." Luca could tell Alberto didn't really want to talk about what was bothering him, so he dropped it and then said, "Hey, why don't we get washed up and then finish up the YouTube binge we started before we eat dinner. Afterwards, we can go to sleep." Luca said as he got up to get his pajamas from the bag he brought with him that day from the house.

Alberto nodded and then got up and grabbed his favorite black and red spider web pajama pants and his red and black skull pajama top. He also grabbed a pair of socks and then asked Luca if he was going to shower first. Luca grabbed his pink heart pajama pants as well as the matching heart pajama shirt and a pair of ankle socks and then turned to face Alberto.

He said he was going to go first so Alberto nodded and then followed Luca into the bathroom. He sat on the toilet lid and waited patiently for his boyfriend to finish his shower, all the while, thinking about what he wanted to do that night. Was he ready? Was Luca ready? How would Luca respond to this and was either of them ultimately ready for this big step in their relationship? Only time would tell.

Luca wrapped a towel around his waist and then stepped out of the shower to let Alberto go in next. Alberto put his clothes on the toilet lid where he was sitting and then climbed into the shower. He took his clothes off behind the curtain and then threw them onto the floor outside the shower and then turned on the water.

Luca got dressed and then gathered up all of their dirty clothes, took them back into their room with him and then separated them into whose was whose. He set up Alberto's CPAP machine on the bedside table and then got everything set up and ready.

Suddenly, just as he was about to sit down on the edge of the bed and surf his phone while waiting for Alberto to finish with his shower, Alberto came in, fully clothed in his sea monster form. He walked in, closed the door behind him and then walked over towards the bed he and Luca shared. He then sat down next to Luca and that was when he noticed how Luca had arranged the room. Alberto smiled and told Luca thank you for arranging everything so well. He gave Luca a big hug and kiss and then squeezed him tightly. He leaned back against the wall and then held Luca's hand and smiled.

Luca could still tell Alberto was still nervous but he didn't want to bother him about it by bringing it up. However, what Alberto was nervous about was tugging at Luca's thoughts. What exactly was bothering Alberto? Luca looked at Alberto and then said, "You sure you are okay? You have been really quiet the past hour or so. You know you can talk about anything with me, right?"

Alberto nervously fidgeted on the bed and then he gave a nervous smile. He took a deep breath and then said, "I was just thinking about us that night on video chat. All we did and what not. I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed watching you. You have a cute body. I want to do it again but this time, with both of us together in person. However, I'm not sure how you feel about it, with you being a virgin and all." Luca chuckled and then said, "Like you aren't either? We both are virgins, Alberto. Both of us haven't had sex before. Sure I am nervous. I want this moment to be special and perfect, but I don't wanna rush things because I know with your past you might not want to do anything. I'm cool with it but I want to make sure you are as well. All I know is that I'm tired of being horny and not doing anything about it. It's frustrating and I'm tired of it. I wanna do something about it, but that is only if you want to as well."

Luca watched as Alberto's cheeks turned beet red. He knew that Alberto was thinking about the whole situation just by looking at his face. It was silent for a whole minute. Luca looked through his phone, waiting for a response and then Alberto cleared his throat and the sound broke the silence that had filled the room. "Luca, you know I want to do things with you. However, I don't want to do anything that will make you feel uncomfortable in any way. This is a big step in our relationship and I want it to be a special one."

Luca looked nervously down at his feet and then over at Alberto sideways and said, "I want it to be special too. It's just...I don't know. I am just a little nervous about it is all. I know it's gonna hurt and I'm not looking forward to that part. However, I am looking forward to being intimate and close with you though. I hope that doesn't make me look or sound like a slut. I've just been thinking about it a lot here lately but I wasn't going to say anything though. I know that talking about things like that is known to make you nervous and what not."

Alberto leaned back and tried his best to relax a little. He pulled Luca closer towards him and then wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder. He turned Luca's head towards him and then gently caressed his cheek. He slowly closed his eyes and leaned over to kiss Luca on the lips. When Luca noticed Alberto was moving towards him to kiss him, he leaned forward as well for the kiss, meeting Alberto half way. He felt Alberto's soft lips against his as he kissed him. The soft breath coming from Alberto's mouth was warm and seemed to calm Luca down a little.

Luca slowly reached up and caressed Alberto's cheek as he continued the kiss. Luca could feel his body start to heat up and his face begin to flush and he knew that Alberto was feeling the same way. Luca always loved when Alberto would kiss him.

For being a virgin, he sure did kiss well in his opinion. Suddenly, Luca could feel Alberto reaching over and holding his hand as the kiss continued. His thumb rubbed the back of Luca's hand.

After 7 minutes of kissing, Luca broke the kiss and began to pant. Alberto gave Luca a strange, confused look and then asked why he stopped. Luca said nothing but moved quickly. Since Alberto was leaning up against the wall, his lap was an easy target. So, without missing a beat, Luca climbed onto Alberto's lap and then began to take off his pajama shirt. He threw it onto the floor behind him and then saw Alberto's face turn a deeper shade of red and a shocked look appear on his face.

He gulped hard as his heart began to race in his chest, going ninety to nothing.

It was then that Luca felt a growing bulge in Alberto's pajama pants. It throbbed and twitched and it made Luca curious. However, he didn't get off Alberto's lap just yet. He moved closer towards his flustered boyfriend and then wrapped his arms around his neck and closed his eyes as he began to kiss him again. He could feel Alberto's heart pound in his chest as he continued to kiss him and Alberto could feel Luca's heart pound as well. Both of their bodies continued to heat up and the bulge in question in Alberto's pajama pants grew bigger.

But this time around, however, Alberto wasn't the only one who had a bulge growing. Luca was starting to get aroused as well and this made him frustrated as he basically didn't know what to do to get rid of it. He had all these different feelings swarming around and he was confused.

All he knew at this point was that the more aroused he got, the more uncomfortable it was.

Due to the fact that Luca was a hermaphrodite, he had not only a penis but a vagina as well that got aroused. This doubled the intense feeling he was getting as the seconds passed. His penis was sensitive, but his vaginal area was even more sensitive and grinding himself up against the front of Alberto's pajama pants seemed to release some of the tension he had. However, as it was helping Luca, it was driving Alberto insane. It was almost too much for Alberto to take between the making out and Luca grinding himself against him. Without thinking twice, Alberto broke the kiss, pushed Luca onto his back and then quickly took off his shirt and threw it to the floor alongside Luca's.

He looked at Luca straight in the eyes and bit his lip as he straddled Luca's lap. He leaned forward and then softly breathed into Luca's left ear, making him gulp and fidget a little. He leaned back and looked at his young lover in the eyes and in a low voice, he said, "Luca, I don't know if you know this but you are really turning me on and it's driving me crazy. You are making me feel all different sorts of ways and I've never had sex before. I'm starting to have thoughts I've never had before and it's making me want to rip your pajamas off right now and attempt to take you right here and there. It's literally taking everything in me not to do just that right now. You know what this means, right?"

Luca gave a smug look and then said, "That you SHOULD rip my pajamas off and take my virginity right here and now? Oh come on, big boy," Luca said, looking down at the front of Alberto's pajama pants and the rapidly forming bulge that was growing in the front and then back at Alberto and smirked.

"You know you wanna make an honest man out of me. And yet you keep postponing."

Alberto gulped hard. As the seconds passed, it became harder and harder to control himself and making love to Luca, even though he had no clue what to do, seemed more and more appealing, as was getting them both naked as well.

Alberto gulped hard and then gritted his teeth as he panted. A look of desperation written all over his face. Luca could tell Alberto was deep in thought and he wanted to know exactly what he was thinking.

Suddenly, just before Luca could open his mouth to say something else smug, Alberto pinned his hands above his head and then said, "Luca, I'm warning you. Quit the teasing. You know I can't resist you right now and it is taking every single ounce of strength in me not to give in and take you right now. I don't know how to have sex but that isn't going to stop me from trying my hardest to figure it out. Oh God give me strength!"

But Luca wouldn't take no for an answer. He gave Alberto a pleading look as he shifted in bed. The uncomfortable feeling in his pants continued to get worse and he was desperate for any sort of release of tension. That was all Alberto needed to push him off the edge. He sat up and pulled his pajama pants off and threw them to the floor. He reached down and pulled Luca's pajama pants off him and they landed in the pile of clothes on the floor. Both boys now were in their underwear and the bulges in their underwear were now visible. The only thing separating their throbbing genitals and the cool air was the thin fabric of their underwear.

Alberto got on his knees and looked down at Luca who was on his back, looking up at him with a pleading look. One hand was on his chest and the other hand was trying to cover up the front of his purple and pink polka-dot briefs.

He was so horny, so hard and so wet and it was starting to get more and more uncomfortable as time went on. Alberto bit his lip as his eyes trailed down Luca's slim body. Alberto could sense Luca was uncomfortable but he didn't know why.

However, he didn't hesitate to find out the answer. He quickly got up and then straddled Luca's lap. He leaned over and then began kissing him again, both his hands slowly rubbing the soft, sensitive skin from his neck all the way down to his navel. Luca began to moan slightly as Alberto slightly squeezed his hardened nipples, twisting and twirling them between the pointer finger and thumb on both of his hands.

Luca slowly started to let his hands explore Alberto's body. He gently caressed his stomach and chest, not letting one square inch of soft skin go untouched. He slowly caressed Alberto's belly, his hands slowly trailing down to the waistband of his black and olive green patterned boxer briefs.

Alberto began to moan as Luca continued to move his hands closer and closer towards his throbbing privates. He stuck his tongue into Luca's mouth and began to French kiss him. He let his tongue explore every single square inch of Luca's warm, wet mouth and tongue.

It wasn't long after that Luca did the same back. However, he didn't let up on the action he was doing with his hands. The boys continued to passionately tongue kiss each other, panting and feeling each other's bodies heat up and their hearts pound in their chests.

Everything was silent. The only sounds heard in the room was the small pants and moans of two horny teenagers passionately making out. At least that was the case until Luca managed to trail his left hand up one of Alberto's boxer brief legs and let his soft hand caress his testicles. He gently and slowly caressed Alberto's testicles around and around in small circular motions with his soft, warm hand one at a time; feeling Alberto's throbbing pecker twitch excitedly against his hand.

It was hard to the touch and just feeling it harden against his hand made Luca feel extremely horny and curious.

Suddenly, Alberto broke the kiss and then let out a big moan, panting wildly as he bit his lower lip and leaned back up to where he was now kneeling in front of his boyfriend. He looked down at Luca whose right hand had now made it's way up his boxer brief legs along with his left hand.

Both hands now were gently caressing Alberto's aching testicles, making Alberto release small, uncontrollable moans and groans as Luca picked up the pace. Suddenly, Alberto couldn't take it anymore. He yanked his boxer briefs off and then threw it to the floor with the rest of the clothes and watched as Luca's eyes widened when he saw his throbbing cock spring up and salute him after he removed his undershorts.

Luca stopped doing what he was doing and sat up in front of Alberto. He was now face to face with Alberto's aching cock that was twitching In front of his face. The look of shock on Luca's face made Alberto smirk. He slowly arched his back slightly, pushing his penis closer towards Luca's face. "What do you think babe, do you like it?" Alberto asked Luca who sat in shock just staring with wide eyes at Alberto's penis that continued to twitch excitedly In front of him.

He had never seen another penis up close before. He had only seen it in pictures. It was both intriguing and shocking at the same time. "It's so big!" Luca said nervously, his eyes still widened at the sight of Alberto's big manhood no more than 2 inches away from his face, twitching out of excitement from Luca looking at it.

Alberto looked down at Luca with half lidded eyes and then said, "Why don't you touch it, Luca. Stroke it a little up and down with your hand."

Luca looked up at Alberto, hesitant to reach up at first, but quickly changed his mind as a sudden pang of hormones surged through his system, making it extremely uncomfortable in his briefs as they stretched to the max from his erection.

Luca remained silent as he kept eye contact with Alberto. He slowly reached up and held Alberto's penis in his hand, making Alberto's hips jolt slightly forward and making him moan slightly. He slowly stroked Alberto's hard shaft up and down in his right hand, all the while still keeping eye contact with his boyfriend who was enjoying every single second.

"It's so hard. It's throbbing so much. Doesn't that hurt?" Luca asked Alberto who shook his head and then said, "No babe, it doesn't hurt. It is tight and uncomfortable but not painful. Your hand is so soft and warm around my weewee. It feels so good. Do you like how it feels in your hand? Tell me what you are thinking." Luca shifted on the bed, his genitals throbbing in pain as his briefs could no longer stretch to accommodate his member. Alberto noticed this and reached down to touch the waistband of Luca's underwear. Luca stopped jerking off Alberto and looked up to his boyfriend with pleading eyes. Alberto smiled and then reached down and slowly removed Luca's briefs and threw them to the floor.

Luca quickly blushed and covered himself with his hands. He never exposed himself to anyone in person before. On the video chat that one night was the first time Luca ever showed Alberto his privates. He was hesitant to show him his privates in person for fear of what he would say.

But Alberto didn't seem to be a bit upset at all. In fact, he seemed curious and gently caressed the inside of Luca's right thigh. He gave Luca a reassuring smile and then continued what he was doing. This made Luca relax and become less tense.

He slowly removed his hands off of his privates and then looked up at Alberto who nodded and gave a small smile. He slowly leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against Luca's. He then leaned back and sat on his knees.

He reached down and gently held Luca's penis in his left hand. He slowly began to jerk him off, steadily at first up and down; timing his movements with his young lover's raspy breathing.

Luca quite frankly showed no intentions of holding back his emotions. He slowly let out a few moans as he continued to pant and breathe heavily. He propped himself up on his elbows and then his head fell backwards and he let out a long, raspy moan of arousal and approvement.

"You like that babe?" Alberto asked Luca who smiled and nodded, his eyes half mast and the look of pure pleasure covering his flushed face. Luca slowly spread his legs apart a slight bit more, feeling his vagina begin to quiver as the cool air gently caressed it and made it contract slightly.

Luca arched his back, continuing to feel the pleasant sensation course from his penis down through his groin area and then down into his vaginal region. That was when Alberto noticed Luca's soaking wet pussy between his thighs.

He bit his lip as he watched a small bit of fluid leak from the slight opening of his vagina. Luca gulped hard as Alberto slowly reached down and gently stroked his swollen vulva. The brisk touch made Luca excited and he couldn't take it anymore. He moaned, spreading his legs all the way this time and arching his back, exposing his throbbing, leaking cunt to Alberto who just sat that in shock. He knew that Luca was a hermaphrodite, but he had never seen a vagina up close before, and definitely not on a boy.

Luca gave Alberto a concerned look and then said, "You look disgusted and disappointed, like you don't like what you see. Does seeing my naked body make you uncomfortable?" "No, Luca. I'm not upset at all. I'm actually in shock. I've never seen a vagina up close before. Only in school in health books. You are so swollen and wet. Does it hurt?"

Luca shrugged slightly and then said, "It's uncomfortable but not painful like it was earlier. My briefs were getting so tight I couldn't stand it." Alberto looked down at Luca's pussy once again, noticing he was leaking more than before. "May I touch it?" Alberto asked Luca who hesitated at first and then nodded. Alberto reached down and then gently caressed Luca's pussy.

He gently touched either side of Luca's vulva and gently pulled his delicate lips apart to expose his virginity. His opening was so small and tight. His hymen was intact and Alberto could definitely tell Luca was a virgin. He was so pink, warm and wet and Alberto was getting excited just looking at it leaking cum. He gently pressed his pointer finger against Luca's tiny, tight opening, making Luca squirm and moan softly.

Luca continued to moan as he started to stroke his cock. Alberto touching his pussy turned him on so much he couldn't take it. He had to masturbate. Noticing Luca's reaction of pleasure towards his actions, Alberto continued to press his finger against Luca's tight, virgin pussy hole.

He suddenly got curious and gently and slowly slid his pointer finger into Luca's tight opening, making Luca sit still with a shocked look on his face. He looked down at watched as Alberto continued to finger his slick, wet hole.

In and out, all over his face. "What you are doing feels so good. I'm so horny and I want more. I loved how your hands caress my pussy, especially when you put your......" Luca's voice trailed off as he stared blankly ahead; pleasure overcoming him again as Alberto continued to finger him over and over, this time with three fingers.

Luca loved the feeling of being slightly stretched and it made him leak arousal fluid again. Alberto knew what Luca was going to say, he didn't even have to say anything. Luca continued to blush wildly as he looked down at Alberto's hands and then back up at Alberto and then said, "I was really curious about your dick at first. That was why you saw me stare at it first off very intently with a shocked look on my face. It was really big and I started to think about what I wanted to do with you. I don't know how to have sex, I just made up thoughts of what I knew felt good and thought you might like as well. My heart is racing and I got all excited just thinking about, ya know, stuff like that."

Luca acted weird yet nervous when he talked to Alberto, his behavior almost bordering on being shy. Alberto never heard Luca talk how he did just then before. He liked it a lot and it started to make him feel excited when he started to wonder what Luca could be thinking about.

Alberto slowly leaned closer towards Luca's pussy till it was right in his face. He opened it up gently with his fingers and then gently pressed his lips against the opening.

Luca gasped and then moaned loudly as he felt Alberto's tongue and warm breath on his pussy lips and opening. Getting overly excited, Alberto reached down and started to jack off with one hand and open Luca's throbbing cunt with the other. Luca continued to masturbate, moaning this time wildly as he felt Alberto's warm, wet tongue slide up and down his opening. Feeling a sudden surge of horniness come over him, Luca slumped over and pulled his knees closer towards his chest. This opened his legs wider and gave Alberto more access to his vagina.

"Do you like when I lick your pussy, babe? I hope that I am not making you uncomfortable." Luca smiled faintly and then shook his head as he said, "I love it, Alberto. You don't make me uncomfortable at all. I've just never felt a tongue down there before. It feels so good I don't want you to stop."

Alberto leaned up and then gently pressed his lips against Luca's lips and kissed him gently. Afterwards, he went back down and gently pulled apart Luca's vagina and went down on him.

Due to the way Luca was laying, Alberto had full access to his genitals. Luca continued to hold his legs up in the air, slowly moving them backwards and slowly slipping them behind his head.

Alberto was shocked at how limber and flexible Luca was. Luca's wet, throbbing pussy was wide open now and was contracting out of excitement ever so often. Alberto gently caressed Luca's thighs as he slowly licked from Luca's but thole all the way up to the top of his vagina opening.

Up and down, over and over, making Luca feel all sorts of ways as he moaned and cried out exactly how he felt. It was turning Alberto on with all the language Luca was speaking and Alberto got side tracked.

He had no idea that Luca knew such language before but wasn't surprised as half of the teenagers at the high school they went to spoke like sailors. He leaned up and grabbed Luca's dick, inserting the tip slowly into his mouth and bobbing his head sloppily up and down.

Half of Alberto's face and half of Luca's lower half were sea monster colored as they were soaking wet. The second Luca's tip hit the back of Alberto's throat, he cried out words of pure pleasure as his back arched and his hips thrusted forward. His head fell back into the pillow as Luca tightly gripped the bed sheets and his toes curled; his legs still behind his head.

He let out a loud moan and then told Alberto not to stop but to keep going. Due to the fact he learned when he was about to cum from the video chat session with Alberto, he knew he was close and Alberto could tell he was as well as Luca contracted around his fingers as he fingered him and sucked him off.

He continued to bob his head up and down and sloppily suck Luca off as he fingered him rapidly over and over. This made Luca feel like he was about to explode. Soon, after a few minutes, Alberto could tell Luca was about to nut and he sped up the pace. This drove Luca crazy and after a few short minutes, he cried out sounds of pure ecstasy and came all over Alberto's face just as he pulled Luca's dick out of his mouth.

Luca panted after his orgasm ended. He stretched his legs out and then relaxed his arms. He continued to pant as he tried to catch his breath. He noticed Alberto was looking at him and smiled. That was when he noticed that Alberto wasn't hard much anymore. "Alberto, why aren't you as hard as you used to be?"

Alberto gulped hard and then looked at Luca and said, "I came shortly before you did, Luca. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin your orgasm for you." Luca gave Alberto a disappointed look and then sadly looked away. Alberto knew something was wrong and he asked Luca what happened and why he was sad so suddenly. Luca looked at Alberto and then sadly spoke saying, "I wanted to see your nut face. You got to see mine. It's not fair that I didn't get to see yours. I bet it is so sexy."

Alberto gulped hard and tried to quickly figure out what he was going to tell Luca. He was afraid to tell him the truth for fear of what he would say, but decided quickly that Luca deserved the ultimate truth and told him the reason why he looked away when he came. "Due to the fact that I was forced to watch porn and watch my dad get off to it at a very young age, I grew up hating porn and all things sexual. I told myself that seeing someone else cum in front of you is dirty and shameful because of being forced to see my dad do it In front of me. I told myself that I'd never ever let anyone see my face when I came because I don't want to feel shameful and dirty like he made me feel. I honestly didn't know it was so important to you, babe. I'll try to show my face to you next time I cum."

Luca sat up and then gave Alberto a hug. He looked into his eyes and said, "Alberto, it's not bad to show others your naughty side. I understand why you feel this way and I understand if you don't want to show me your face. I love you and respect you on whatever you decide. I just want you to be comfortable."

Alberto smiled and then gave Luca a hug and kiss before laying down next to Luca and trying to catch his breath. He held his lover's hand with one hand and with the other ran his fingers through his boyfriend's soft, curly hair.

It was such a joy to play with Luca's hair! It was always so soft and it always filled Alberto with such joy just to get to rub his fingers through Luca's curly locks of hair. Luca slowly started to relax at the touch of Alberto's fingers running through his hair.

He looked up at Alberto whose eyes were half mast. He had a small smile on his face. With Alberto's other hand, he let go of Luca's hand and gently caressed his lover's cheek and smiled. Luca leaned back on the bed and Alberto laid down next to him with his back resting against the wall. Luca looked at Alberto and then said, "Thoughts about what we just did and what I want to do are spinning around in my head. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart is pounding in my chest. It feels like....."

Alberto gently touched Luca's chin and gently moved his face upwards to face him and then softly said, "Sounds like to me you are still turned on. You're still hard and wet aren't you?" Luca started to act all nervous and shy and blushed before nodding slightly, still making eye contact with Alberto. Luca knew what getting turned on meant.

Alberto had told him once before. Alberto gently lifted Luca's face up to meet his once again, leaning forward and then closing his eyes and gently pressing his lips on Luca's soft small ones. As he kissed him, Alberto ran his fingers through Luca's hair and held his lover's hand, rubbing the top of his hand slowly with his thumb. Luca gently closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, feeling his body continue to heat up as well as Alberto's body as well.

Alberto broke the kiss and then with half mast eyes, looked at Luca and then said, "Well, we will have to fix that, won't we?" Luca gulped. He knew what Alberto meant and he knew it would hurt the first time. However, at this point, he was too horny to care about the whole loss of virginity pain situation. All he wanted at that moment was to feel Alberto's penis inside of him and he feel stretched out, just like he felt earlier when Alberto was fingering him.

Alberto leaned in and gave Luca another kiss, his eyes closing as he leaned forward. He had no idea on what was about to happen either. Suddenly, Luca gave in to his curiosity. He slowly reached down and held Alberto's half hard penis in his hand. In feeling this, Alberto stopped making out and his entire body abruptly stiffened up as he gulped hard with wide eyes. He looked down at Luca who was curiously examining Alberto's rapidly growing dick in his hand.

He slowly slid his hand up and down Alberto's long shaft, feeling him begin to throb and twitch as he jerked him off. All the while, Luca had a hungry yet curious look on his face as he stroked Alberto. This made Alberto curious as to what exactly Luca was thinking about.

Suddenly, Alberto sharply inhaled and bit his lower lip as he felt Luca tighten his grip on his cock and stroke him up and down as he saw Alberto do to him. Alberto's heart pounded hard in his chest and his breathing became rapid as his body heated up from the pleasure of being stimulated. He got on his knees and then reached forward to try and grab Luca's fully erected cock. Luca got on his knees for easier access and that was when Alberto grabbed Luca's cock firmly with his hand and then stroked him up and down in rhythm to Luca's movements.

Luca gasped as he felt Alberto's hand firmly grasp his manhood. His mind began to spin as he felt all the feelings of being intensely horny. He looked intently at Alberto's throbbing, twitching manhood and then said, "Your penis is so soft. It's bigger than what I saw on the phone when we video chatted. I like it but I'm kinda worried though." "Why are you worried?" Alberto asked Luca, his breathing becoming heavy as he spoke. "I mean, you are so big and I'm so small, will your weewee fit inside me?" Alberto's heart raced harder in his chest at the thought of penetrating Luca's vagina and taking his virginity.

Luca could tell Alberto was deep in thought and this made him wonder exactly what he was thinking. He looked up at Alberto and then said, "Alberto, what are you thinking about?" Alberto looked down with sexy bedroom eyes to Luca who smiled and bit his lip as he continued to jack Alberto off and look up at him.

At this point, Alberto was extremely horny and was ready to make love to Luca, or attempt to anyways. He looked down at Luca and then said, "I'm thinking about making love to you. I want to be inside you so much and feel how tight you are. I also want to feel your warm, wet mouth and tongue on my dick too. Can you slide it into your mouth please? Give it a little suck."

Luca licked his lips and then slowly moved his head closer towards Alberto's dick. He opened his mouth wide and then slowly slid Alberto's hard, throbbing dick into it. He closed his mouth tightly around Alberto's manhood and then twirled his tongue around the tip over and over again.

This made Alberto moan in ecstasy as he put his hand on Luca's head, pushing his dick further into Luca's mouth and down his throat.

"Bob your head up and down baby. Suck me like I did you." Alberto pleaded. Luca obeyed and then sloppily bobbed his head up and down over and over, making Alberto a horny mess. He moaned over and over as he gripped Luca's hair in his hands. Alberto placed both hands on Luca's head as he pushed Luca's head further towards his dick.

Suddenly, he heard Luca gag and choke on his dick and he cried out in exstacy at the amount of pleasure he was feeling with his dick down Luca's throat. He tightened his grip on Luca's dick, making Luca stop sucking and pull out Alberto's dick out of his mouth as he moaned in ecstasy. He panted to catch his breath, a few tears rolled down his face, leaving behind green sea monster skin as it moved along down his cheeks.

His skin around his mouth was also green as he had drool go down the sides of his mouth as he gave his lover a blow job. He slipped Alberto's dick back into his mouth and then began to suck again, bobbing his head up and down as Alberto's hips thrusted from the pleasure.

"Oh God this feels AMAZING!" Alberto thought to himself. "I swear I am going to nut if he keeps this up. I don't want to finish yet. Not just yet." Alberto suddenly stopped thrusting and pulled his dick out of Luca's mouth mid suck. Luca looked confused as he sat there on his knees and looked up at Alberto who had an extremely horny look on his face. The only thing on his mind at that moment was taking Luca's virginity and feeling his lover's tightness around his manhood. Alberto looked around for a condom. He knew he couldn't make Luca pregnant but he didn't want to take a chance, just in case he was wrong. Luca asked Alberto what he was doing and Alberto told him he was looking for a condom.

Luca grabbed the box off the floor and handed it to Alberto who searched for what he thought was his size and attempt to put it on himself. Luca helped him take the condom out of the package and put it on his boyfriend's cock.

It felt strange, having something snug on himself, but he didn't complain about it. He didn't want to have anything bad happen so he followed along with Luca's parents rules. Luca knew what Alberto was wanting and he wanted it himself. He laid on his back against a pillow and then gently spread his legs apart to expose himself entirely to Alberto.

He heisted his legs in the air and spread his vagina open so Alberto could see better. Alberto knelt down on his knees and then leaned over to gently touch Luca's vagina. It was soaking wet and his opening was very small and tight. It turned Alberto on as he continued to think about making love to his young lover. Alberto leaned down and gently caressed Luca's inner thighs.

His hands trailed down to Luca's groin area and then towards his throbbing pussy. Luca gulped hard as Alberto began to gently pull apart his pussy and open him up. He watched as Alberto leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to Luca's vaginal opening. He slowly opened his mouth and then slid his tongue into Luca's vagina, making Luca moan his name. "ALBERTO, ALBERTO,MMMMMMMMMMM, IT FEELS SO GOOD. KEEP DOING THAT, OH OH." Luca moaned.

Alberto slowly licked up and down Luca's vagina, feeling it contract around his tongue as he licked him. He slowly slid his pointer and middle finger into Luca's throbbing warmth and fingered him as he continued to lick Luca's vulva.

At this point, Luca was a panting, moaning mess and his toes curled from the pleasure. His pussy throbbed and his cock twitched and throbbed as well and his hips buckled as his mind began to spin around and around. At this point, all he could think about was sex and getting penetrated. Feeling Alberto's throbbing manhood inside of him was all he wanted and his virgin body ached for it.

He yanked Alberto's face closer towards his throbbing cunt and told him to go faster. Alberto obeyed and rapidly thrusted his tongue in and out of his boyfriend's vagina, making Luca moan and practically scream Alberto's name. Suddenly, Luca could take no more. He shot up, grabbed Alberto's head and looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I can't take it anymore. I want you to stick yourself inside me. I don't care how much it hurts, I'm so horny and I can't take it anymore. Just take me, please? I need to feel you inside me."

Alberto nodded and then helped Luca onto his back. He gently spread his legs apart wider and then positioned himself closer towards Luca's entrance. His breathing began to speed up as well as his heart pound in his chest as he held his throbbing penis in his shaky hand. He gently opened Luca's vagina up with one hand and with the other, rub the tip of his condom covered penis against Luca's tight opening.

Luca looked down intently as Alberto's shaky hand gently pressed his penis against Luca's vaginal opening, slightly stretching him in the process. Luca gulped, feeling the pressure of Alberto's dick against his virgin opening. He looked up at Alberto with pleading eyes, his eyes practically begging Alberto to completely ravish him and pound into him with all the strength he had inside of him.

Just take all the pent up sexual frustration and throw it onto him. Alberto understood Luca's pleading and began to proceed with taking Luca's virginity. He gently pressed the tip of his penis against Luca's opening, feeling the tension as he continued to press the head of his dick against his lover's opening. Luca could feel pressure as Alberto tried to push himself into Luca's vagina.

The pressure continued to increase and intensify the more Alberto would try and push into him. Suddenly, Luca's head swung backwards into the pillow as he groaned in pain, feeling the tip of Alberto's penis enter him. His legs trembled beneath him as Alberto's hardness continued to push into him.

Now Alberto was not at all small, roughly the length and girth of a large, average sized banana. Luca gulped hard and Alberto pulled out, flipping Luca onto his stomach and bending him over. Luca's butt was now in the air and Alberto could get to Luca better.

He positioned himself into the entrance of Luca's vagina once again and pressed into him, the tip sliding in barely the first time. Then, that was when Luca felt the dreaded pressure again. He buried his face into the pillow and griped it tightly as Alberto pushed into him again, gently at first, feeling the tension as he continued to push into his boyfriend's right, wet hole.

By now, Luca could feel the intense pressure of his vagina stretching to conform to Alberto's immense size. It hurt so badly but he was so horny, he didn't care. He buried his face deeper into his pillow and griped it tightly, screaming with each thrust Alberto made. The pain was intense and Luca began to regret saying he didn't care if it hurt or not. His legs trembled and shook underneath him as he cried into the pillow he was gripping tightly. He begged and pleaded for Alberto to go slowly but feeling how tight Luca was made Alberto fall into a trance like state and he couldn't stop pushing himself into his boyfriend's vagina.

This went on for roughly 10-12 minutes before Luca felt intense pressure and something snap deep inside of him. He told Alberto about it and asked him if he felt it too and Alberto said he wasn't sure what Luca meant and apologized. Luca gulped hard, feeling Alberto's hard, throbbing cock deep deep inside of him.

Luca was incredibly tight and wet and Alberto couldn't control himself. He lunged forward, gripping Luca's waist and began to thrust in and out of Luca, slowly at first until he was going at a steady pace.

At this point, the pain was still there but it was just a numb pain as Alberto began to pick up speed. He flipped Luca onto his back again and then swung his legs into the air and continued to rapidly penetrate his boyfriend's vagina. By this time, Luca was full blast feeling ecstasy. The pain he felt was numb and it didn't seem to bother him that much. Luca continued to moan over and over, feeling waves of pure pleasure as he was continually pounded over and over by Alberto, who was in a pure state of bliss.

Both boys were on cloud nine as they continued to make love with each other. Soon, Alberto could feel his climax approaching and Luca could too. Alberto leaned forward, wrapped his arms around Luca and then began to French kiss him as he continued to thrust in and out of Luca's tight, throbbing cunt. Both boys moaned in ecstasy as they made out, reaching their peak. Suddenly, Alberto shot up and looked Luca straight in the eyes, his hands above Luca's head. He cried out, a look of pure pleasure as he panted over and over, moaning Luca's name repeatedly as he pounded Luca with all his might. His mouth opened wide as he moaned. "LUCA, LUCA OH LUCA! IM COMING! IM COMING! OH GOD OH OH!!" Alberto moaned as his orgasm flooded his system.

This made Luca climax as well, leaving both boys screaming and moaning in pure bliss as their orgasms collided with each other. Just as soon as their orgasms ended, both boys panted on top of each other for a moment and then, once he caught his breath enough, Luca sprung up and began to make out with Alberto again, this time, sitting on his lap and pinning his arms down to his sides. He broke the kiss and then looked straight into Alberto's eyes and then said, "It's my turn now. Ready for my dick, babe?" Alberto gulped hard, knowing that Luca meant he was going to take his butt now. Alberto gulped again and then nodded his head, his eyes wide from shock.

Luca climbed off of Alberto's lap after giving him one last kiss on the lips. He grabbed Alberto's legs and then slid him onto his back. He spread his legs wide and then spread his butt cheeks open to take a look at his but thole. It was super tight and it turned Luca on just looking at it.

Luca gulped hard and then bit his lip as he jacked his cock off a little and then positioned the tip at Alberto's entrance. Once the tip was at the entrance, Luca pushed in slightly and then hissed as he felt the tightness of Alberto's anal cavity around his penis.

Shortly afterward, Alberto moaned, feeling Luca's penis inside of him. Luca pushed in further into Alberto's but thole, making Alberto moan in pleasure. "Oh Alberto, you're so tight around my weewee. It feels so good." Luca moaned as he began to pump in and out of Alberto's tight but thole. Alberto looked at Luca with pure pleasure written all over his face and then bit his lip as he panted. "Luca, it feels good. You know how to hit the spot. Mmmmmmmmmm, so good!" Alberto reached down and grabbed his aching cock and then started to jack off as Luca continued to pump in and out of his rectum. "This feels AMAZING! I didn't know it would feel this good to make love, but I was wrong. Oh God, Mmmmmmmmmm. Ahhh, shit. You are so tight around me."

Luca pumped a little bit more then swung forward and tried his best to wrap his arms around Alberto's shoulders as he continued to thrust in and out. When Alberto noticed Luca was cuddling with him, he wrapped his arms around Luca's neck and then spread his legs apart further so Luca had more room to move around. Both boys were in a state of pure ecstasy and bliss. Every single ounce of their bodies felt like they were in heaven as pleasure coursed through their systems. Luca gulped hard, looking into Alberto's eyes as he continued to thrust harder and faster. His movements were sloppy as it was his first time, but he tried his best to hit Alberto's sweet spot every time, and by the looks of things, he was doing pretty well. Minutes passed and Luca felt close to his climax.

He panted and bit his lip, his breathing speeding up as his body heated up. He leaned up and grabbed onto Alberto's hips and then moaned loudly as he felt his orgasm approach. Suddenly, his hips buckled and he locked eyes with Alberto as he bit his lip. "ALBERTO, I'M COMING, IM COMING!! OH GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD AND TIGHT!" Suddenly, Alberto's orgasm approached. He looked at Luca straight in the eyes the best he could and then let his climax flood his system. Luca smiled as he watched Alberto cum in front of him. As Alberto has promised, Luca got to see his nut face and Luca thought it was so sweet. "OH LUCA, OH GOD FASTER, FASTER! AHH, AHHH, OH GOD OH GOD, YES! YES! YES! MORE!" Alberto cried out as Luca gave it all his might and strength and pounded Alberto's ass senseless.

Just as Luca lifted his head up, Alberto's warm, wet seed spilled all over his face. It was sticky and sweet and some of it got into Luca's mouth. This caught him off guard as he was nutting inside of Alberto's behind. He swallowed the semen that landed into his mouth as he gave one last thrust before pulling out as he panted repeatedly.

He looked over at Alberto who was sprawled out on the bed. His scrawny legs were up in the air and he looked like he was in pure ecstasy. He looked at Luca and then smiled and laughed as Luca looked at him, cum dripping from his lower lip and cheek, turning it green where the moisture was.

"What's so funny?" Luca asked Alberto who stopped laughing and gave a quick chuckle before speaking. "Babe, you have my nut all over your face. That's why I was laughing. You look funny."

"You taste funny. You taste like sweet and salty had a baby and it was in the sun for a long time. It was warm and gloopy and I gagged as I swallowed." Alberto smirked and then said, "I tasted it once. Wasn't too far off from what you described but eh, it is what it is. Anyways, how did you like my nut face? I tried my best to show you as I came. It was so difficult at first because I felt vulnerable but I remembered how much you wanted to see it so I pushed through." Luca laid down next to Alberto and snuggled up next to him. He wiped his face off with his arm and then Alberto turned his head around to face Luca.

He gave his small lover a kiss on the forehead and then wrapped his arms around him. Luca looked up at Alberto and then said, "I really enjoyed it. It turned me on even more when I saw you cum in front of me. Thank you for letting me see you at a special moment." Alberto blushed and then said, "You are welcome, babe. I'm glad I made you happy. Now let's rest a bit. I'm worn out." "He he, me too." Luca said, snuggling up even closer to Alberto who held Luca tighter.

Suddenly, Luca shot up and this scared Alberto. "Babe! What's wrong?" "Oh shit, we forgot dinner. Mom is probably furious we missed out eating with the rest of the family." "Or incredibly scared. We both were making sounds neither your mom or dad heard before and you were screaming pretty loud even with your mouth covered with the pillow." "She heard me scream before. As for her caring, I'm pretty sure she would act like she was worried but didn't really mean it. I was her slave on the goatfish farm for God knows how long and don't get me started about the fact that she lied to me about my body and sheltered me from the world for 13 years with no remorse but a simple 'I know what's best for you so don't backtalk me' attitude. Dad would always have a 'listen to your mother, son.' or a 'Don't question God's plan for you. It's his will that this is happening.' type of attitude every time I would ask him for help. It made me so mad! So no, I seriously doubt she cared if I hurt or not. She only cares if I am protected during sex and uses caution so I don't get pregnant."

"Sounds like you and your parents don't get along very well, huh?" Alberto asked Luca as he motioned for Luca to lay back down next to him. Luca obeyed and then said, "Nah. Mom and I butt heads over petty crap a lot. She can't stand the fact I do a lot of what I do and it makes her angry that I'm not like the rest of the family. You see, both mom, dad and my Nanna are all strong Catholics and believe that God comes first before everything in life and all that stuff. I never really understood the Bible and it made no sense to me. I hated going to Mass and many Sundays they would force me to go against my will. They would tell me it was for the well-being and safety of my soul. Pffffft, who cares about that? I never truly believed that God existed throughout my life, but the final straw of my not believing in God hit when he didn't intervene when my parents tried to force me to live with my pedophile uncle, Ugo, in the deep.

I hate my uncle. He gives me the creeps and I know he wants to do sick things with me no adult should do to teens or kids.

Growing up, I was always told that God would have your back during bad times in your life. But seeing that nothing happened to protect me when my uncle tried to take me to live with him in the deep to do God knows what with me just further proved to me that God didn't exist. So my parents hate me for being an atheist. Oh well. Like I care?"

Alberto got silent for a moment and then said, "I have to admit that I feel the same way on the whole God situation. From age 3 up to 14, that last time when I was at my dad's place, when all of that bad stuff happened to me and I could verbally be in her and suffered tremendously, not once did anyone intervene or try to save me. My dad and his brother were not Christians at all of any sort and God was never mentioned at all in any context in the house when I was growing up. But I was always told from neighbors or other people that when things happen to you it's God trying to test you and what happens to you is for your own good to make you stronger. How was being starved, beaten, ridiculed, and tortured in all forms supposed to make me stronger? It didn't make sense to me that some invisible guy in the sky that is supposed to be all knowing and so kind and loving and wanted what was utmost best for me could send someone into my life other than my dad to treat me so badly for my own good when I did nothing wrong to deserve it.

So on the few occasions that I would go to town I would be honest and tell people that I didn't believe in God and didn't believe that he existed. Everyone stood in utter shock when I told them that but I didn't believe in God because I saw proof and witnessed firsthand in my life that he didn't exist. No one was there to comfort me when I was growing up. No one was there to tell me it would be all right and to love me and to cherish me like a normal child should be treated.

I didn't choose to come into this world why would anyone want to try to brutally abuse me when I did nothing to them? I'm glad I'm out of that abusive situation now but the aftermath affects of what long-term abuse did to my body haunts me everyday. It's a constant reminder that someone in this God-forsaken world hated me so much that they would want to try to end my life."

Alberto sniffled and his his face as he stared to cry. Luca held him in his arms and comforted him as he bawled his head off. Talking about his past always triggered PTSD for Alberto, so this situation was no different.

"I'm here for you, Alberto. Laurel loves you and more importantly, I love you and no matter what happens to you, health wise or otherwise, I will be there for you and I'll never leave you. It will be all right. I promise." Alberto sniffled a little bit and then leaned up, drying his eyes as he looked at Luca. "You really mean it? I know I can be a problem sometimes. I honestly try not to be. It's a coping mechanism I guess. I feel the same way about you too, Luca. I promise I will never leave you and now that I have taken your virginity, I want to make an honest man out of you and I promise you this, when we graduate high school, I am going to marry you. But for now, I plan on getting a promise ring for you as a reminder that you are mine and one day we will make our love official."

Luca sat up in shock. Did Alberto just say he wants to marry him? "Alberto, I don't know what to say. I mean, I'm shocked. I didn't know you felt that way about me. I knew you loved me but not this much. I'm honestly out of words. I love you so much." Luca leaned forward and gave Alberto a huge hug. Alberto wrapped his arms tightly around Luca and then gave him a kiss. Alberto leaned back and then smirked and said, "That is, if you want me."

"Of course! I love you so much Alberto! You know what I also love?"

"What is that?" Alberto asked Luca who smiled and then said, "To eat. I love to eat. Let's go see if mom left us any leftovers. What do you say?" "Sounds good to me. But let's get dressed first." Alberto said, laughing. Luca blushed and then said, "Oh yeah. He he." Both boys got up and then got dressed and then hobbled into the kitchen. Nanna was in the kitchen, making herself a cup of coffee when she saw Luca and Alberto walk into the kitchen behind her.

"Daniela left you two a plate in the fridge, you guys. It just needs to be reheated." "Sorry for missing dinner. Alberto and I kinda got busy and lost track of time." Luca said as he scratched the back of his neck. "It's okay, you two." Nanna said, sitting down at the table with her cup of coffee. "Daniela first heard y'all getting it on and made a comment over dinner about how she hoped protection was used blah blah blah and that started a fight between Lorenzo and her. Lorenzo went off about some petty stuff about how it seemed to him that she only cared about you using protection and not getting pregnant and whatnot and not about if you were hurting when you lost your virginity.

He went on to tell more stiff lies about everything and anything and that pissed Daniela off and she started crying and yelling and saying how dare he tell such lies and that she did in fact care about you and didn't want anything to happen to you yadda yadda yadda. She stormed out of the kitchen and to her room and as she was storming back, muffled some stuff under her breath and that pissed Lorenzo off even more. He stormed back to the room where she was and continued to argue and fight with her; edging it on and making the whole situation even worse than it already was. He told her to get over herself and to quit getting so bent out of shape that you and Alberto had sex and to quit crying and to grow up because he wasn't going to sit there and listen to her sob story and lies all night. She told him that she wasn't lying she was telling the truth and that he needed to quit treating her like crap and then things got quiet for a whole minute.

Daniela stopped crying and tried to regain her composure as she thought everything was starting to settle down. Little did she know that Lorenzo was packing a small bag and getting ready to leave to go to a motel. When she asked him why he was packing he told her that he wanted a divorce. After he packed his bag he stormed to the front door leaving my daughter to come sobbing behind him, pleading with him not to leave her and to just stay there and she would sleep in the living room to give him space. Needless to say it didn't work out that way and their relationship is hanging by a thread. So here I am and as it stands, Daniela is silently sobbing in her room trying to figure out how she's going to make ends meet and pay the rent and Lorenzo is in a motel more than likely fixing to get the divorce papers tomorrow. But don't feel bad now, you hear? This argument was planned for a long time and this whole situation with your private life just happened to be the final straw that pushed it off the edge."

Luca gasped in horror and covered his face. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he let the whole situation sink in. He couldn't believe that something like this would ever happen in a million years, and to make matters worse it made him feel bad because the whole situation at hand started because of him. Luca sat down at the table and slumped over in his seat. A look of utter shock and disbelief written all over his face. And now due to the fact that he was underage, he had to worry about whether or not his parents actually did get a divorce and if it went through who would have custody of him. If his dad got custody of him, 9 times out of 10 he would end up staying with his dad who would more than likely go to live with his uncle which would start a whole shit storm.

He would never see Alberto ever again and he didn't want that to happen. However, if his mom got custody of him then that would mean nothing will change except the fact his dad wouldn't be in picture. Then the whole situation of joint custody came into play. A whole other shit storm that Luca mentally wasn't ready for. Alberto took a seat next to Luca at the table, a look of concern written all over his face. He reached over to console his boyfriend and Luca pulled away.

He stood up and then started to walk back to the bedroom. "Babe, where are you going? I thought you were hungry. Aren't you going to eat dinner with me?" Luca looked back and then said, "I'm not hungry anymore I'm going to go lay down. This whole situation has me really worked up. It's not your fault. I just need to be alone to think for a while, that's all."

Luca walked to the room and then fell onto the bed, crying into a pillow. His whole mind was spinning and he couldn't stop crying. This whole terrible situations started because of him and he couldn't help but feel like he was the reason why his parents were more than likely going to split up after 13 years or more.

Thoughts of being forced to separate from Alberto spun around and around in his head and the fact that he may never see Alberto again and be forced to live with his dad and uncle made him feel sick to his stomach. He had made the whole situation that was at hand but didn't know how to fix it. All he could do is cry and cry and cry as his mind continue to spin around and around in circles.

Minutes passed. Luca stop crying and passed out on the bed. Little did he know that 30 minutes had passed and Alberto had already eaten and was laying down next to him and he didn't even know it. Luca looked up at Alberto who looked down at him with a sad look on his face. He was out of words to say and all he could do was try his best to comfort his distressed boyfriend the best he could. He didn't want to leave the one he loved so much either. He didn't know what was going to go down and what would happen but he did know that no matter what, he would always be there for Luca and never leave him.

Luca looked up at Alberto and then said, "How long have you been laying here? I thought you were going to eat dinner."

"I did. I already took my night meds too. I couldn't handle all the screaming and crying so I came in here. Besides I was really really worried about you. The whole time I was eating dinner, I could barely swallow because I was thinking about you and all the stuff that you're having to go through. If it weren't for the fact I was diabetic I wouldn't have eaten dinner at all but I had to have something or else it would have gotten bad. I'm here for you, Luca. Please don't ever forget that no matter how rough it gets, I'll always be there for you, right by your side and you know that."

Luca nodded his head and then gave Alberto a kiss. He hugged his boyfriend tightly, not wanting to let him go as he buried his face into his chest and shed a few more tears. He pulled back and then said, "What do you mean screaming and crying? Who is doing all of that? I thought dad had already left to go to the motel. Did he come back?"

Alberto shifted on the bed next to Luca. He tried his best to figure out what he was going to tell Luca about what he heard and what was going on. He knew he had to word it the right way or it would make things a whole lot worse than it already was. He looked at Luca and then said, "Not exactly, Luca. Your dad called your mom on the phone and told her that he was going to go through with the divorce papers tomorrow and she started crying, telling him something to the effect of how was she going to make the rent without him as he paid half and she paid the other half and that her mother couldn't afford to help out due to the fact that her income was limited due to medical bills. I guess your mom's hand slipped or something because her phone went on speaker and I heard him say that 14 years were long enough to deal with her bull crap and that he wasn't going to take it anymore. He also said that she would have to find a way to make ends meet because after the papers were signed he wanted nothing more to do with her. That's when the screaming as well as intense sobbing commenced. Other things were said but when it all boiled down to it, she knew that there was no saving the marriage. But she did tell him that she was going to fight for full custody for you and that he was going to pay child support for the remainder of your teenage years. After that I couldn't quite hear what she said to him or what he said to her. When I came in here after I got through eating all of that took place over 5 to 10 minutes. It was really quick." Luca turned over on his stomach and cried into a pillow once again; his head pounding in pain from all the crying. Alberto gently rubbed and caressed Luca's back and then proceeded to tell him that he was there for him and that he wasn't going anywhere.

That only eased some of Luca's pain. The rest of the pain just made him feel so numb and dead inside that he felt like a walking corpse with a shell of a body. Alberto felt so bad for Luca. He wished he could change the whole situation and make things better, but he didn't know how. All he knew how to do is comfort his distressed boyfriend and try his best to make things better for him emotionally the best he could.

Minutes passed. 25 minutes actually. Things were silent as both boys laid and braced each other not wanting their embrace to end because they didn't know if it would be their last. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Luca said come in and and Daniela opened it. Her face was tear-stained. Her cheeks were green where the tears landed on her cheeks and her eyes were red. Her voice cracked as she spoke. She looked at both of the boys who were laying on the bed hugging and said, "Boys, we need to have a family meeting it's urgent and I'm sorry that it's so late at night but it can't wait until in the morning."

Luca sighed and Alberto sat still, his eyes closed as he felt the tension in the room. Luca knew what this meant. His mom is going to have the whole 'your father and I are divorcing it and there's split custody and all of that blah blah blah blah blah' conversation; a conversation that Luca wasn't ever ready to hear but had no choice but to participate in. Luca and Alberto sighed and then both got up off the bed and followed their mom into the living room where Nanna was already sitting on the couch. It was going to be a long night and neither boys were ready for what was about to happen.

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