It's not always Black and Whi...

بواسطة bea-reads

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It's not always Black and White. Two potential lovers, who never realised how much they needed each other unt... المزيد

Bea's life
Making plans
His house
Pj pics
Pj pics cont.
Tears dry on their own
Mistakes were made
Rise and shine she's back
Never have I ever...
The realisation
Rise and Shine
"Omg! Same!"
"I promise..."
"No- no we can't"
Forbidden Love
"Fuck off."
Love is difficult, but we find it.
New chapters
"I froze."
When things change around you, things change inside you.
What a fucking night.
Trust is hard to gain
They're back!
Can things get worse?
"I feel like we left on the wrong foot."
She hides all her problems behind a smile
A heart left unravelled
A vunerable reunion
Rekindled Relationships
The Hug Swerve and the Misunderstood Relationship
The Awkward Silence and a Hilarious Revelation
Spin the Bottle Drama
Tears and Confessions
A Fake Boyfriend Dilemma
What a day.
The Morning After
Awkward Encounters and Shady Whispers
A slap of reality
Winning me Over
The unexpected
The one who took Bea away
How funny.
Unexpected Revelations
Drama. Drama. Drama
Unexpected Goodbyes
Love, Laughter, and Unexpected Twists
Love lessons
Vodka therapy is the best kind...
Weekend Plans
She's not as innocent as she seems...
Love is in the air.
Who's it going to be?
Spain. Here we come!
Pretty little lies.
Unanswered Questions
Christmas Eve
Making Moves
Moving Day
Girls night
New Years Eve
Happy New Year?
Last night was...
Left unsaid.
"I'm not sure, but I wanna do this."
Goodbye. For now.
Thank you.

Back to School Shenanigans

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بواسطة bea-reads

Bea's POV

The end of summer break was upon us, and a feeling of familiarity settled back into our lives. Josh was back at my house full time, and everything seemed to be falling into place. The drama and chaos of the previous months had turned into something more manageable, even amusing.

As we gathered in the car, ready for our ride to school, the atmosphere was light. Josh had taken on the role of chauffeur, and we all piled in. Ryan and Jess were all smiles, officially an item now. Steph, ever the independent spirit, was relishing her single journey, much to our amusement. Grace surprised us all by embracing her newfound single status, determined to enjoy it.

The drive was filled with banter and laughter, a testament to how far we had all come. Ryan turned to Grace, mischief in his eyes. "So, Grace, any boys at school caught your eye yet?"

Grace smirked, her reply loaded with humor. "Oh, you know, just any boy who remotely looks like Theo."

Laughter erupted in the car, and even Theo, who had once been the center of so much drama, joined in with a chuckle. Jess chimed in, adding her own quip. "Yeah, and any tall, brunette guy seems to have potential for Grace."

Steph playfully rolled her eyes. "And here I thought you were embracing the single life, Grace."

Grace laughed, shaking her head. "Well, I am. But a girl can still appreciate the view, right?"

Ryan leaned forward, addressing Jess with a dramatic sigh. "Ah, young love. Isn't it just beautiful?"

Jess rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "Yeah, yeah, don't get all sappy on me."

As we stepped out of the car and into the school grounds, I couldn't help but notice the change in atmosphere. The drama that had once consumed us seemed distant now, replaced by a sense of normalcy that was almost refreshing.

Grace turned to us with a playful grin. "You know what? I'm actually looking forward to being single for a while. No drama, no complications."

Steph raised an eyebrow, her tone teasing. "Give it time, Grace. You'll see."

Ryan winked at Jess. "Who knows, maybe she'll find her man sooner than she thinks."

Josh, always quick with a quip, chimed in. "Yeah, Jess, better get used to saying 'I love you' before Grace."

Jess laughed, a hint of mock annoyance in her tone. "Hey, I'll say it when I'm ready."

Ryan chuckled. "Yeah, well, just remember, I love you."

Josh raised an eyebrow, a sly smile on his lips. "And Jess still isn't saying it back."

Chemistry class was always an adventure. The teacher had a tendency to pair us up with random partners, and today was no exception. As I settled into my seat, I glanced around to see who fate had chosen as my lab partner this time. Two girls, both blonde and bubbly, slid into the seats next to me.

One of them turned to Josh, who was conveniently seated in front of us. "So, do you really like Bea?"

Josh grinned, leaning back in his chair with an air of nonchalance. "Yeah, of course I do. Otherwise, why would I be with her?"

They exchanged knowing glances, clearly unimpressed by his straightforward answer. I stifled a laugh as I watched their expressions. Chemistry was about to get a lot more interesting than the periodic table.

Lunchtime rolled around, and our group gathered in the cafeteria, ready to catch up on the day's drama. Steph kicked it off with a triumphant smile. "Guess who I got seated next to in math class? The boy I've been crushing on since forever!"

Jess nudged her playfully. "Oh, come on, spill the details! How did it go?"

Steph's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, let's just say I nailed the quadratic equation and maybe, just maybe, we made some plans to study together."

Laughter echoed around the table as we celebrated Steph's small victory. Jess shifted her attention to me. "How about you, Bea? Any chemistry sparks in your day?"

I rolled my eyes, not even trying to hide my smile. "Just the regular chemistry class kind."

Ryan chimed in, a mischievous grin on his face. "Yeah, but the real question is, have you two mastered the chemistry of love?"

Josh leaned back in his chair, looking completely unfazed. "Oh, absolutely. We even threw in some physics for good measure."

Laughter erupted once more, drowning out the noise of the cafeteria.

Theo sighed dramatically, drawing our attention. "Well, my day was a bit lonely. Melanie's been busy with her own stuff."

Grace raised an eyebrow, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Oh no, poor Theo, feeling left out?"

Theo shot her a mock glare. "Hey, I'm entitled to some companionship too."

Ryan grinned. "Well, you could always join the Steph and Bea Study Club."

Steph leaned in, her grin wicked. "Oh, I'm sure we could find you a suitable study partner, Theo."

Theo shook his head, his expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Thanks, but I think I'll stick with my loneliness for now."
Josh's POV

After dropping off our friends, Bea and I headed back to her place. As we parked outside Grace's house, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. I glanced at the screen to see my parents' names flashing. "Hold on, Bea," I said, grabbing my phone and stepping out of the car. "I'll be right back."

I answered the call, trying to sound nonchalant. "Hey, Mum, how's it going?"

My mother's voice held a mix of concern and suspicion. "Josh, don't you dare lie to us. Where have you been?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, well, well, look who's suddenly interested in my whereabouts now that you're back in the country."

My father's stern voice chimed in. "Cut the sarcasm, young man. Tell us where you've been staying."

I leaned against the car, rolling my eyes playfully. "Relax, Dad. I've been crashing at Bea's house."

There was a pause on the other end, followed by my mother's surprised voice. "Bea? Who's Bea?"

I grinned to myself, feeling a surge of excitement. "My girlfriend."

I could practically hear their jaws dropping. "Your girlfriend? Josh, you never mentioned her."

I shrugged, even though they couldn't see me. "Well, I guess you're getting the grand introduction now."

My father's tone was a mixture of curiosity and seriousness. "Listen, bring her over tomorrow night. We want to meet her."

I nodded, forgetting for a moment that they couldn't see me. "Sure, Dad. Tomorrow night sounds good."

Bea's voice floated over from the car. "Who was that?"

I hung up and walked back to the car with a grin. "My parents. They want to meet you tomorrow night."

Bea's eyes widened. "Your parents? Tomorrow night? Are you serious?"

I chuckled and opened her car door for her. "Dead serious. Looks like you're getting the official parental inspection."

Bea playfully nudged me. "Well, I better start preparing for the inquisition then."

As we settled into the car, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Meeting my parents was a big deal, and I knew they had a knack for asking the most unexpected questions. But I also knew they were genuinely interested in getting to know the girl who had captured their son's heart.

The idea of introducing Bea to my parents filled me with a strange sense of pride, as if I was showing off a piece of my life that I held close to me.

As we pulled up to Bea's house, I turned to her with a grin. "You ready for tomorrow night?"

She laughed, her eyes sparkling. "I guess I'll have to be."

I reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, they're going to love you."

Bea's smile was warm and genuine. "Well, I hope they're ready for some Bea charm."

I laughed. "Oh, they have no idea what they're in for."
Bea's POV

"What the hell!" I practically shrieked in the hallway of our school, drawing the attention of my friends. Panic surged through me, and I couldn't keep the distress out of my voice.

Grace, Jess, and Steph all turned to me with concerned expressions. Grace was the first to respond. "Bea, what's wrong? Why are you screaming?"

I ran a hand through my hair, feeling utterly overwhelmed. "I'm freaking out about meeting Josh's parents."

The girls exchanged glances, and then Jess stepped closer. "Bea, calm down. Meeting the parents can be nerve-wracking, but it's not the end of the world."

I groaned. "You don't understand. I don't know what to wear. I don't want to look too overdressed or underdressed. I don't want them to think I'm weird or not good enough for Josh."

Steph chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "Girl, take a deep breath. Josh likes you for who you are. Parents can be intimidating, but they're just people too."

Grace nodded in agreement. "Bea, listen to Steph. Just be yourself, and don't stress too much about the outfit. We've got plenty of stuff for you to borrow."

I looked at them with wide eyes. "You do? But what if it's not good enough?"

Jess rolled her eyes playfully. "Trust us, we've got you covered. Literally. We'll make sure you look amazing."

I let out a sigh, feeling a bit of the tension ease. "Okay, fine. But what if they don't like me? What if I say something stupid?"

Grace put a hand on my shoulder. "Bea, you're an awesome person. Just be genuine and friendly. Josh likes you, so there's no reason why his parents wouldn't."

I nodded, taking in their words of encouragement. "You guys are right. I just need to calm down."

Steph grinned. "That's the spirit. And hey, remember, you've got the Bea charm. No one can resist it."

We all laughed, and suddenly, the situation didn't seem as daunting. Maybe meeting Josh's parents wouldn't be as terrifying as I thought.

As the bell rang for the next class, Jess put an arm around my shoulders. "Come on, let's head to class. And don't worry, we'll help you prep for the parental encounter."

I smiled, grateful for my friends' support. "Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Grace nudged me playfully. "Probably still be hyperventilating in the hallway."


I was practically vibrating with nervous energy as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My carefully selected outfit for meeting Josh's parents lay draped over the bed. A cropped turtleneck that said "smart and fun," or so I hoped.

The clock was ticking, and I had just one hour left until the moment of truth.

The doorbell rang, and I practically jumped out of my skin. It was Josh. He was here to pick me up. I took a deep breath and glanced at the mirror one more time, making sure I looked as composed as I could manage. "I wonder" by Kanye West played softly in the background, somehow both soothing and energetic at the same time.

I opened the door to see Josh, looking handsome as ever. He flashed me that trademark smile that could melt my worries away. "Hey, you ready?" he asked, offering me his arm.

I looped my arm through his, taking a deep breath and trying to inject some courage into my veins. "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied with a nervous chuckle.

We walked to his car, and he opened the door for me with a flourish. As I got in, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. "You've got this," he whispered, his voice reassuring.

The car ride to his house was filled with small talk, but I could feel my heart racing with each passing minute. This was it—the moment I had been dreading and anticipating in equal measure. We pulled up to his house, and I took another deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come.

As we walked up to the front door, my nerves reached a new level. Josh opened the door, and there they were—his parents. They stood there, looking me up and down with expressions that were hard to read. Were they assessing me? Judging me?

Josh's mum broke the silence, her voice polite but guarded. "Is this Bea?"

I nodded, my smile perhaps a touch too bright. "Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you."

His dad cleared his throat, his tone equally cautious. "Nice to meet you too."

I felt like I was under a microscope, every move and word scrutinized. I extended my hand, hoping my handshake was firm enough to convey confidence. "Thank you for having me over."

His mom's eyes softened a bit as she shook my hand. "Of course, dear. Josh has told us a lot about you."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me at her words. Maybe Josh had managed to paint a good picture of me. I could work with that.

We moved into the living room, and the conversation flowed more smoothly than I had anticipated. I shared stories, they shared stories, and it was almost like a regular conversation. Almost.

As the evening progressed, the tension in the room seemed to ease. His parents began to open up, and I started to feel more at ease as well. Maybe they weren't as intimidating as I had imagined.

Just as I was beginning to relax, his mum turned to me with a warm smile. "Bea, would you like to stay for dinner?"

I glanced at Josh, who seemed genuinely pleased. "I'd love to," I replied, my nerves now tinged with a new kind of excitement.
Josh's POV

As the dinner continued and the conversation flowed, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, my parents were starting to warm up to Bea. After all, they had invited her to stay for dinner, which was definitely a positive sign.

But as the evening progressed, my mum suddenly turned to me with a knowing smile. "Josh, would you and your father join me in the kitchen for a moment?"

I shot Bea an apologetic look before getting up and following my mom and dad to the kitchen. My heart raced. What could they possibly want to discuss in private?

As soon as the kitchen door closed, my dad folded his arms and leaned against the counter, looking serious. My mom stood nearby, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

"So," my dad began, his tone heavy with implication, "that's your girlfriend, huh?"

I nodded, trying to gauge his reaction. "Yeah, that's Bea."

My dad's brow furrowed as he leaned in closer, his voice lowered as if he was sharing a secret. "I didn't know she was... well, you know."

I exchanged a puzzled glance with my mum, not quite sure where he was going with this. "What do you mean?" I asked cautiously.

My dad let out a sigh, his tone tinged with an air of exasperation. "I didn't know she was black."

I blinked, taken aback by his unexpected observation. "Dad, what's that got to do with anything?" I asked irritated.

My mom chimed in, her voice laced with annoyance. "What does her race have to do with her as a person?"

My dad's response was a nonchalant shrug. "You can tell by the way she talks, and she's wearing a crop top to dinner, for Christ's sake."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mom was right. What did her race have to do with her choice of outfit or her personality? I shook my head in disbelief. "Dad, that's not fair. You can't judge someone based on their race."

My mom crossed her arms, fully ready to challenge my dad's opinions . "And what about Stephanie? She used to come over in short skirts."

My dad's argument seemed to lose steam as he realized the double standard he was perpetuating. He let out a grumbling sigh, his shoulders slumping. "Yeah, but that was Stephanie."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his feeble justification. "Dad, you're being ridiculous."

My mom stepped forward, her tone firm. "Josh is right. It's unfair to make assumptions about someone based on their appearance. You should give Bea a chance."

My dad seemed to relent, his expression softening. "Fine, fine. I'll give her a chance."

I nodded, feeling relieved that at least he was willing to consider it. "Good. Just get to know her for who she is."

As we returned to the dining room, I exchanged a glance with Bea, who was engaged in conversation with my mum. I had a feeling that things were going to work out just fine.

But it wasn't. Because my Dad asked Bea "Is Bea your real name..." and she told me it was her nickname her real name is Beatrice and-

I watched in disbelief as my dad's words hung heavy in the air. "Is it a black thing or...?" His question trailed off, leaving an uncomfortable silence in its wake. My heart sank, and I could see the hurt and frustration in Bea's eyes.

Before my dad's insensitive question could linger any longer, I couldn't hold back any longer. "Dad, stop!" I snapped, my voice sharper than I intended. My mum looked at me, her expression a mix of concern and disappointment. I ignored her gaze, my attention solely on my dad.

My dad's eyes widened, taken aback by my sudden outburst. "Josh, I was just curious—"

I cut him off, my frustration boiling over. "It doesn't matter if you were curious, Dad. You can't ask someone something like that. It's offensive and inappropriate."

Bea sat there, her posture tense, as she tried to control her emotions. I could see the effort she was making to hold back tears, and it fueled my anger even more.

My mum intervened, her voice calm yet stern. "Josh is right, dear. You can't ask someone such insensitive questions. It's disrespectful."

My dad looked somewhat remorseful, but his pride seemed to be getting in the way of a sincere apology. He set down his glass of whiskey, seemingly realizing the gravity of his words.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, directing his apology toward Bea. "That was uncalled for."

Bea nodded, her eyes still a bit watery, but she managed a small smile. "Thank you," she said softly.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "Dad, we're here to have a nice dinner and get to know each other. Can we please just focus on that?"

My mum's voice softened as she reached out to Bea. "Bea, I apologize for his behavior. Please know that not everyone here thinks that way."

Bea nodded, her smile now more genuine. "Thank you."

As the tension in the room began to subside, we all made an effort to steer the conversation in a more positive direction. We talked about our interests, hobbies, and experiences, and slowly but surely, the atmosphere lightened.

By the end of the evening, we were all laughing and sharing stories. It wasn't a perfect dinner, by any means, but it was progress. I could see that my parents were starting to warm up to Bea, despite their initial missteps.

As the night came to a close, I walked Bea to the door, feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. "I'm sorry about my dad," I told her, genuinely apologetic for his behavior.

She looked up at me, her expression softening. "It's okay, Josh. People make mistakes, and I appreciate that you stood up for me."

I sighed, wrapping my arms around her. "He'll come around. I promise."

Bea leaned into the hug, resting her head on my shoulder. "I hope so."

We stood there for a moment, finding comfort in each other's presence. Despite the rocky start, I was determined to make things work with my parents and Bea.

As we pulled away from the hug, I looked into Bea's eyes and smiled. "Let's not let this ruin what's been a great day."

Bea grinned, her spirit resilient. "Agreed. And hey, at least it makes for an interesting story."

I chuckled, feeling a renewed sense of optimism. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

We said our goodbyes, and I watched as Bea walked down the path toward her own home. Despite the challenges we had faced that evening, I couldn't help but feel hopeful about our future together.

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