𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 |𝐋𝐞�...

De Tweedllee

2.9K 164 20

•When you're immortal time seems to pass by in a blur, and the people you cherish, pass with it. Alnirŕ stand... Mais

-Quick Debrief
𝟙 °Novelty
𝟚 °Prelude
𝟜 °Remembrance
𝟝 °Snow upon the Mountaintop
𝟞 °Birds Song

𝟛 °The Suns Secrets

321 20 3
De Tweedllee

•Alnirŕ had slinked away the minute Elrond had halted his inquiries. Thorins eyes held such deep, scalding mistrust that he'd decided it was best for both parties if he left, if only momentarily.

Gandalf had told him that it would be necessary for him to join the company later on when Thorin showed Elrond the map. Until then, the vampire would entertain himself with certain a rendezvous.

His steps where almost completely silent as he walked leisurely down Rivendells halls, everything seemed perfect, not one thing looked to be out of place. It was rather eerie, seeing as it was such a stark contrast to Beorns company, that it left him feeling a little disoriented.

Beorns place had been filled with random nick-nacks and small trinkets that had littered various countertops, none of them having a definite place anywhere. That, and the solid cabin theme that the Skin Changer had going, left the place feeling homie. A warm fire was almost always lit and the smell of food was constant.

He was most definitely home sick, Alnirŕ had come to think of the other man as something akin to family and his cabin as some sort of home. He never stayed in one place long, but he had also never stayed in a place for as long as he had stayed at Beorns.

His connection to the small residence was strong, he wouldn't stay away for long.

Alnirŕ's legs had carried him all the way outside, his busy mind had left him completely ignorant of his surroundings, it took him a solid minute to figure out where he was.

He sighed, it sounded heavy even to his own ears and he could hear the trees heave one of their own as a harsh gust of wind tugged at their branches. It was peaceful, horribly so. Peace had a nasty habbit of lulling you into a sense of tranquility, to make you feel at ease, just to bolt away in the blink of an eye.

He had lived long enough to learn to never trust peace, and had decided to never reconcile with the idea of it. He did not believe in such tranquility, everything was only a small calm to yet another big storm, and he had seen quite a few storms.

The moment of quite didn't take to long to pass, he had slowly made his way deeper into Rivendells woods, his breath bated. He could hear her approaching him, her steps graceful and cautious.

He turned his head, awaiting her approach. A few long, silky strands of black hair flew into his vision, impatiently, he swatted it away and out of his eyes, and tucked it behind his ear. He really needed to get his hair under control. 'Perhaps I should braid it?'

Arwens pale skin practically glowed under the beams of light that filtered through the leafy canopy. Her hair, in all its midnight colored glory drifted back as the wind dipped and flew beneath the trees.

He nodded his head in greeting, feeling a sudden joy spark alive in his chest,

"Arwen." he acknowledged.

This meeting has happened on more than one occasion, as the she-elf drew near, memories flashed at the forefront of his mind. He could remember the day they had met, when he had asked her if they should make this a usual occurrence.

In short, they had clicked, perhaps they knew each other in a different life. The first time he'd said hello, It was as if meeting an old friend.

Her smile was soft, as was all of her features, her eyes, the color of dark, burning coals where round, doe shaped, and the scent that accompanied her was as familiar as his own face. She smelled of life, like new flora springing into existence after the first rain of spring.

"Alnirŕ, how have you been." Her voice was feather light, like velvet.

"As well as I can be in my current predicament."

She nodded, understanding. "Have you been traveling alot as of late?

"Believe it or not I've settled down recently."


"You think?" He laughed.

He used to bring stories of his adventures for her without fail, now, seeing as he'd been dormant at Beorns abode, he wouldn't be able to supply the she-Elf with any fantastical tales.

"Do you have anything interesting for me?" His eyes studied her curiously. She looked very much the same as she did the last time he had seen her, yet.....she seemed to carry some form of tension in her shoulder. He couldn't help but ask, and he knew that she was aware about what he was actually asking. 'What's wrong?'

Leisurely Arwen shrugged her shoulders. I casual, mundane gesture.

"Things have been tense,"

Her eyes flashed, as if contemplating on how much to reveal. Alnirŕ wasn't all that trusted in Elronds relm, especially, with his constant aversion to the security surrounding Rivendell.

Her rose tinted lips parted in a sigh, "Orcs have been increasing in number around these parts, it is unknown as to why they have suddenly multiplied in the area."

She turned her head looking of into the distance, as if the setting sun would reveal some hidden truth.

"My father, Lord Elrond, believes that Gandlaf knows something of this anomaly."

He tilted his head, curiosity burning, itching beneath his skin, like termites eating a dying Elm from the inside out.

He wouldn't necessarily say the increase in Orcs was an anomaly, in his life time, they had constantly been up to something, increasing and decreasing in numbers, walking across Middle Earth and causing havoc, usually directed by some higher power of sorts. Yet it was definitely a cause for concern.

The vampire huffed, following Arwens gaze, looking at the glowing sun in all of its fiery glory, the sky was painted in a myriad of colors, ranging from red to blue, gold streaks swimmed across the fast expanse of sky.

It was truly a sight to behold.

And as he felt himself drift of, indulging in one of the world's many delights, he wondered, what secrets the sun held, and of all the things it had witnessed in its ever lasting rule.


He was standing off to the side observing the proceedings.

Thorins eyes resembled a furnace, or more accurately a hurricane.

Alnirŕ flinched subconsciously as he heard Thorin grate his teeth. He wouldn't be surprised if the Dwarf chipped a tooth.

"Our business is no concern of Elves," Thorin glanced in his direction, "Or strangers."

"For goodness sake Thorin, show him the map." Gandalfs patience was wearing thin. It was well known that Dwarves where stubborn, immovable beings, like the mountains they reside in.

Alnirŕ wasn't one to judge, but this was getting ridiculous. Regardless, he could quite obviously see Thorins resolve waning.

"It is the legacy of my people," Alnirŕ glanced at Bilbo, seeing the Halfling was just as akward and out of the loop as he was.

"It is mine to protect, as are its secrets."

"Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves!" Gandalf grumbled, exasperated.

Alnirŕ observed his nails, the sides curved inwards, naturally creating sharp points that could easily slice through skin. He picked under one in specific, trying to dislodge a small grain of dirt.

"Your pride will be your downfall." The Wizard stated.

The Vampire looked up, cautiously glancing at Thorin.

"You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle-Earth that can read that map," Gandalf continued "Show it to Lord Elrond."

His tone was harsh, commanding, leaving no room for an argument.

Elronds eyes observed Thorin calmy, waiting.

With his shoulders stiff and his face set into a disapproving frown Thorin reached into his inner coat pocket and retrieved it.

Balins hand flew forward, his face showed he was in disbelief. "Thorin, no." His efforts in dissuading the other Dwarf was in vain.

With reluctance the map was given to the Elf Lord, and Elrond, delicately, opened it. The scent of old paper, ink, and dust filled Alnirŕ's nose and he suppressed the urge to sneeze.


"What is your interest in this map?"

Bilbo shuffled slightly, as if on edge. Alnirŕ already had a solid idea about Thorins plan, yet it was still a mystery to him what significance the map held.

Now, as he listened to them converse, it was starting to make sense.

The Dwarf opened his mouth, he was thinking hard, contemplating about what to say or how to say it, perhaps even coming up with an excuse.

Yet, if the look in Thorins eyes was anything to go by he'd think he was about to tell Elrond to piss off.

"It's merely academic."

The air grew tense.

"As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden....text."

Thorin and Gandalf shared a look, a mutual understanding passed between them, the emotion in the Dwarf's eyes where enough to convey he was grateful.

"You still read ancient Dwarvish, do you not?" The Wizard asked.

Elrond glided leisurely across the room, turning his back to the company as he observed the map.

The Elf Lord sighed, a few words passed between his lips, none of which Alnirŕ himself could understand.

"Moon runes, of course."

Bilbo's head turned slightly as he looked inquisitively at Gandlaf.

"An easy thing to miss." The Wizard smiled.

"Well in this case, that is true."

Elrond flipped the map casually inspecting more of it. "Moon runes can only be read by the light of a moon of the same shape and season, as they day of which they where written."

Alnirŕ was filing away the discovery, he had never come across such a thing as these 'Moon runes' and couldn't help but soak up the information.

"Can you read them?" Thorins voice and expression where intense.

Elronds figure started to retreat, leading them to a different area, the company followed, Alnirŕ's steps slow and cautious. It still felt as if he was intruding on something private.

The hallway they where following cleared into something marvelous, they where beneath the overhang of a solid piece of rock, it was a huge pocket of cleared stone that sat behind a waterfall.

The area was bathed in moonlight, the slightly chilly puffs of air from the waterfall bit at Alnirŕ's nose and he scrunched it up, the unpleasant feeling of cold air nipping at his skin annoyed him.

"These runes where written on a Midsummer's Eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly 200 years ago."

They all approached a small stone in the clearing, Alnirŕ looked down and curiously traced the detailed carvings in the floor with his eyes.

Elrond spread the map out delicately until it layed flat across the small stone, it seemed to serve as a table of sorts.

"It seems you where meant to come to Rivendell, fate is upon you, Thorin Oakenshield." The Elf said.

"The same moon shines upon us tonight."

The Vampire glanced up, streaks of glowing moonlight peaked behind the clouds as they parted, revealing a crescent moon.

As the beams of moonlight hit the map, luminous letters came into existence, ones that Alnirŕ himself couldn't read, but without a fault Elrond had started to translate.

"Stand by the grey stone as the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durins day, will shine upon the keyhole."

"Durin's day?" Bilbo questioned.

"It is the start of the Dwarves' new year, when the last moon of Winter and the first sun of Autumn appear in the sky together." Gandalf answered.

"This is I'll news." Thorin stressed "Summer is passing, Durin's day will soon be upon us."

"We still have time." Balin commented.

"Time? for what?" Bilbo asked.

"To find the entrance."

"We have to be standing at exactly the right spot, at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened."

"So this is your purpose? To enter the mountain." Elrond stated.

"What of it." Thorin growled.

Alnirŕ's shoulders had tensed significantly, it was no secret that a dragon had desecrated Erebor, one that might still dwell in the mountains halls. He had only been told about the part where he'd have to help the company get to their destination. Yet things turned out to be alot more serious, and alot more dangerous.

"There are some who would not deem it wise." Elrond responded.

Thorin rashly tugged the map back, stuffing it into his inner coat pocket.

"What do you mean?" Gandalf questioned.

"You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle Earth."

A/N: :)

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