Blowing In the Wind

VannahMontannah tarafından

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In her world full of trauma, entrepreneurship, loyalty, and insecurities, she finally decides to disappear fr... Daha Fazla

Welcome Home...Or Not
Stuck on Stupid
First Impression
Priorities Are Not Checked
The Lies You Tell
Trouble in Paradise
Down in the Deep
Making Up the Bed
Turn of Events
Key Exchange
Unexpected Run In
Blowing In the Wind

This Is It

2 0 0
VannahMontannah tarafından

They got closer and closer to Kourtney's uncle's house and the closer they got, the more terrified they became. Ryder knew his time was coming, Lola knew Tyren would be more than mad, Kourtney was scared, and Monti was nervous. It would only take about 15 more minutes just to get to his house. At this point, all of their phones were turned completely off to prevent their location from being found.

"We can't go near his house," said Lola.

"Why?" Asked Monti.

"Because there's a chance he may be there. Look, we go and find a good hiding space, right? And we can shoot them with these," Lola said, pulling out two silencer guns from her purse.

"What you doing with those?" Asked Ryder.

"For times like these. Look, when we get a good hiding space, we can shoot them with these. Me and you," Lola said, giving one gun to Ryder.

"But he just gone know it was us!" Yelled Monti.

"We gotta get him too," Lola said.

"What do you mean we?" Ryder asked.

"You signed up for this mess with Ryder and now you wanna be a scary lil bitch?" Lola said.

"I 100% agree," Monti said.

"I just never kill nobody before,"

"Today is your day,"

For the next 10 minutes or so, the car was dead silent. They began to cruise slowly on Kourntey uncle's street with the lights off. Ryder parked his car in an empty parking lot. There they were, four of Tyren's home boys watching the house.

"What do we do now?" Asked Kourtney.

"Okay, me and Ryder will go behind these houses here and prepare to shoot those two guys right there. You and Monti will sneak in the back of the house and find a way in. Once we shoot the two niggas, me and Ryder will and hide," Said Lola.

"But we don't have any weapons," Montis said.

"I have two smiths in the back. Reach in the back and grab it," Ryder said.

"Okay," Monti said, bending over the seat to get the guns.

"You guys are killing Tyren too?" Kourtney asked.

"We have too," Said Ryder.

"But what if you guys get caught?" Kourtney asked.

"We'll try our best. This is our only shot," Lola said.

The car became quiet and everyone was scared. They didn't know what they were gonna encounter. No one knew who was gonna die, who was gonna live, or if they all were gonna make it or not. But they were doing this for Kourtney. They all began to slowly leave the car and go to their positions.

"If you guys need anything, shoot us a message and it will vibrate. When you guys get there, text us. When you guys are inside, text us. If anything goes down, text us. Basically, text us all the way," Ryder said, putting on his ski-mask.

"I'm kind of scared, guys," Said Kourtney.

"I am too," Monti said.

"We all are...but we can't keep hiding. He took everything you had Kourtney. Ryder, he's already out to get you. Might as well get him first. And Monti, you were dragged in this. And me? He's been tryna break me down and use me as his puppet. I'm tired of it. And most importantly, this is for your uncle. Of course this wasn't your uncle's fault at all. Now we're gonna go to this house and see what we can find," said Lola, as she pulled her ski mask down. "Let's go,"

And with that being said, they all went their separate ways. They all walked the opposite way of the neighborhood from the guys to take the other street around to go behind the houses and set up. Once they were at the corner, Lola and Ryder went to the right and Kourtney and Monti went to the left. From there they were headed to the back of the house and Lola and Ryder were headed to the back of some houses to get ready to shoot.

"...are you still mad?" Kourtney asked.

"Now is not the time to talk about that," Monti said.

"Okay but we might as well talk about it before we die," Kourtney said.

"Look, we said what we said and that's final. Leave it. I'm literally just here to help because my brother and my mother dragged me in this shit. That's it!"

"I'm really sorry Monti. I am. I'm sorry I left you behind and I'm sorry for what I said. I'm sorry-"

"You don't get it. Sorry is okay but at this point, it's not gonna helo. You know my experiences with these niggas and the struggles I've had with my weight since high school. And I'm not even that big as I was in high school. But still it leaves me with insecurities cause we all know how men can be. Will love a big girl in private but will literally dog you in public. Sometimes even leave you for other people who look nothing like you," Monti expressed.

"I know,"

"If you knew you wouldn't have said what you said. But it doesn't matter anymore. I have no one. I only have my brother, my mom, and Ms. Maria,"

"What happened to Jayson?" She asked.

"We've been broken up for 2 months. I caught him talking to Gabby again. His ex-girlfriend. He's been tryna get back with me for the past couple weeks and I don't know if I can take him back. I just hate that I'm the one always getting treated like crap and the other girls don't," Monti said.

"And he wants you back?"

"Yes he does. I don't know what to do. And I don't know if he's been messing with her over the breakup and maybe that's why he's tryna come back. Maybe because he's tired of her. I told him to call me back later and we can talk more. He's working really really hard to get me back and I don't know if that's a trick or not. Maybe I'm too damaged," Monti expressed.

"No, you have every right to feel how you feel. Niggas know exactly what they be doing. People say niggas are dumb and that men are dumb. But in all reality, they know what they are doing. He knew being with another girl was wrong and he did it again and had the nerve to want you again? He disrespected you. Taking you back to those dark times. You do not have to take him back because you are not obligated to. But if you do, that's your decision,"

"I'll see about him later. What about you and Brandon? He is with other girls?"

"Actually we've been together for these 3 months,"

"You and Brandon?"

"Yeah. He's a really good guy and I really like him. But I still have that fear that Tyren may catch us together one day and do something. Tyren is an extremely jealous man. He turns into a monster. And I don't trust Lola. I know her ass. That's the bitch the Tyren was cheating on me with. And here she is trying to help out. She thought Tyren was gone be good to her ass. If he treated me bad, what the fuck you think he gone do to you? Stupid bitch!" Kourtney expressed, rolling her eyes.

"I should have known from the day I did her nails and she was getting in my personal business,"

"You did that bitch's nails? Yeah, she was definitely plotting!"

"And look at her now. Tryna take him out. She took everything I had away from me! Now she wants sympathy? Yeah something is up," Kourtney said.

"The only way to prove it is to wait until everything is over with and see what she does later. She's already here now ain't much we can do,"

"I guess you're right. Hey...there's the house," Kourtney said, stopping in her tracks.

They began to slowly walk behind the house that was in the back of the uncle's house in order to get to his house. The yard looked fine, like someone was keeping up with the house. The grass was cut, the patio was clean, the chairs looked brand new, the plants grew tall, the pool was a bright blue, and it was peaceful. Someone else is living here or Tyren has his boys keep the house together.

"Looks like someone is keeping this house together or someone else is living here," Monti said.

"I just wanna know where my uncle is. What did they do to him? He couldn't have just up and left like that. Something had to happen. They probably killed him by now," Kourtney said.

"No, don't say that. We don't know that for sure. We just have to find what we can find. Make sure your gun is off safety. We need to be ready. I never used one of these before but if I had one, I would have used it on my old niggas cause they all stressed me out,"

"Uh-uh," Monti said, chuckling.

"I promise you. Lemme text Ryder and Lola,"

Monti added Lola, Ryder, and Kourtney in a group chat. She texted the chat and Lola responded with "okay". Monti and Kourtney slowly entered the house through the back door. Things started to really get creepy. The inside was clean and spotless. Someone was most definitely living here and keeping this place up.

"If the house is this cleaned, maybe there's no evidence in here. What if they gathered everything already?" Kourtney said.

"We just have to go on ahead and see. Let's check his room first. Maybe they have him hiding in there," Monti said.

"Okay let's go,"

As they were heading up to his room, they heard commotion outside. They hurried upstairs and to the nearest window to check it out. Two of Tyren's boys were laid out on the ground dead. One of them got shot in the shoulder and the other got shot in the leg. They were yelling all types of curse words and trying to take cover. The one who got shot in the shoulder tried running in the house but he was shot again. This time he got shot in his back...he didn't move again.

"We better hurry up and get out of here,"Monti said.

"Yeah. Uh, his room is just down the hall,"

"It's locked. Does he have a key around here he uses?" Asked Monti.

"A key? I don't know. He'd only lock his door if he was in there. We gotta bust this door down," Kourtney said, taking a few steps back. "This is probably gonna hurt but I mean it's worth a shot,"

And as we all guessed it, the door didn't break and now she's hurt.


"A fucking shame. A goddamn shame," Monti said, shaking her head. "Let me try. But Imma kick the door down though,"

It took a couple of tries, but the door had met its match and finally broke open. They rushed inside...but he wasn't there. However, the room looked like a teenage boy had been staying here. The bed wasn't made up, there was trash everywhere, glass all over the floor, the mirror was broken, the windows were dusty.

"Imma text the chat and let them know we're here," Monit said.

"Okay...what happened here?"

"Looks like there was a huge fight before they took him. Look at this room. It's a huge mess!" Monti said.

"Monti, what if he's dead? I mean he isn't here and he could be anywhere," Kourtney panicked.

"Calm down, Kourtney. We're gonna figure something out. They locked the door from the inside because they didn't want us to see this mess. We have to check every room together before we can call it a day. What about the basement? That's where a lot of evidence is hidden as well. He could be down there,"

"Hey, look," Kourtney said, pointing to the floor. "This is Tyren's ring. He's been up here and possibly fought with my uncle before kidnapping him. I remember when he bought this ring," She said as she picked it up.

"We have to leave that here for evidence though. So they can know he was here,"

"...there's blood on the ring. He probably beat him badly,"

"Now that you mention it, there's blood on the isn't even dry yet,"

"Oh my are the copies of the property deed. With him and Lola's name. What the hell were they doing up here? Look, let's go to the basement and get out of here. Something isn't right," Kourtney said.

As they were about to leave the room, they heard someone come into the house.

"Look, forget her ass alright! Her, Ryder, his sister, and Kourtney are dead! All my boys outside are gone and I know they had something to do with it! Hold on, hold on...yo somebody is here! The back door is open! Hurry up and get here now!" said Tyren.

"We have to hide," Kourtney whispered.

"Under the bed,"

They quickly shut the door and hid under the bed as they heard Tyren's footsteps approaching the room. They were both nervous, anxious, and scared. As he got closer, the fear kept rising.

"The fuck happened to the door? What the fuck? I know it's them. I know they're here!" He said getting his phone out to make a call. "Yo come to Devon's house...yeah somebody knows what's up...come to the room and the door is broken...imma meet you halfway right now..okay. Shit!" Tyren said, running out the room.

"How did he even get here so fast?" Monti asked.

"Probably caught the plane,"

"Come on, we have to go to the basement. We have to make a run for it."

"Okay, let's go,"

They both had left the room and ran downstairs and to the basement. But the basement door was locked.

"Oh no! The door is locked! Why the fuck is the door locked? The door is never locked!" Kourtney said, trying to kick the door open.

"It's probably locked from the inside,"

"This door doesn't even lock on the inside unless he changed it or they put a lock on it,"

"I mean if we break this door down he'll try and look for us again," Monti said.

"Oh well this is our only choice. We have to find out where my uncle is so I can see why he gave up all my shit and what the fuck is going on," Kourtney expressed. "Imma grab a hammer from the closet. He always keeps on in the closet and in the kitchen cabinet,"

She grabbed the hammer and proceeded to hit the doorknob until the doorknob came off. It took a lot of hitting but it got the job done. Kourtney rushed down the steps and started looking for her uncle.

"Darnell! Darnell! Where is he at?" Kourtney asked.

"Is he even down here?"

"He has to be. I mean you saw it. The blood was fresh, it wasn't even dry yet. He has to still be here. Maybe he's in one of these rooms,"

"This basement is big enough to be another house ain't it?"

"Yeah, I know. I remember when he first got this house. It was around 5 years ago when he finally decided to make a big purchase. He wanted a home to come home too that would be comforting. It was him and his wife's dream before she died. He didn't let her death stop him from doing anything though. He held his head high and bought their dream house...and never looked back," Kourtney explained.

"What happened to his wife?"

"She got shot. It was an accidental shooting. She was in the grocery store and it was being held hostage. The man was supposed to shoot at someone else but that person ducked and his wife was shot in the neck. The man still went to jail though. My uncle was hurt. He was supposed to go to the store that day but he didn't have time due to him being stuck in traffic that night. She actually survived the shot but she succumbed to her injuries a few days later,"

"Wow...that's horrible,"

"Yeah but I can't blame yourself for that. It wasn't like no one knew what was gonna happen you know?"

"Yeah but it still hurts to know that something could have been prevented if you would have stayed home,"

"I guess. Where is Lola and Ryder at? They haven't updated us on anything yet!" Kourtney said, rummaging through the rooms.

"I don't fucking know. Let me text them right now. Where the fuck is ya at?" Monti said. "She said they are fine but I wanna hear from Ryder. Imma text him separately,"

In the midst of all their quietness, there were two thuds heard from the wall.

"What the hell was that?" Kourtney asked.

"I don't know,"

The banging continued. But this time it was louder.

"Oh my God girl! What is going on?"

"Who's doing that?" Kourtney yelled.

"It may be another door down here or maybe it's coming from the walls,"

"Darnell is that you? Darnell? Unc? How the fuck do we get to him?" Monti asked.

"Sounds like it's coming from this closet!" Monti said.

Monti opened the closet but didn't see no one. She moved the clothes to the side and discovered a door.

"There's a fucking door in the closet. Did you know anything about this?"

"If I did, I would have looked here first! Darnell! Shit, we need to get this door open. I don't think kicking it open will do the work this time. I don't even think the hammer will work. I don't even remember him having this door!"

"Look, we gotta try, gotta try the hammer at least one more time. Hurry and go get it," Monti said.

Monti tried to open the door, but of course it was locked. She tried to kick it open but it didn't do much damage.

"Here, let me try,"

Instead of banging, it was groans and mumbling coming from the other side.

"We're coming, Darnell!" Kourtney yelled.



"Yes it's me!" Said Darnell.

"What the fuck happened? How do we get you out?" Kourtney asked.

"There's a spare key in my Versace jacket. Hurry and get it to open the door,"

"Okay...uh, I got it. I'm opening the door right now!"

"Come and untie me. I had already taken the tape off," He said.

"How?" Asked Kourtney.

"I pushed it away with my tongue. These kidnappers gotta do better than just tape. But ian gone give them nmo ideas," He said.

"What happened to you!" Kourtney asked as she cut away the tape.

"Tyren's goons showed up and tortured me. Just a few hours ago, they tried to get me to go and hide but they wouldn't tell me why. So I got mad and me and one of his dudes started fighting and I was knocked out and I woke up in here," He explained.

"What about the copies of the property deed we saw on your bed?" Monti asked.

"He wanted to add someone else on it and I denied it. That's another reason why me and the nigga started fighting. Tyren thinks he can run everybody!"

"Why did you give my shit away Darnell?" Kourtney asked.

"I was forced too. He came on Juna's death anniversary too. He came with like 6 different niggas a girl. He threatened to have everything be signed over to him and they both signed off on it. I said no but he had his niggas beat me bad. And I still said no, but this time he threatened to kill me like my the same area too. I hesitated and I gave all of it up. After that night, I didn't know how I was supposed to go on with my life. He kept having his people stop by and see what I was up to. They were spying on me. I couldn't even leave the house some days without them following me and it's been going on for months now. How did you guys know they were here?" He asked.

"We left this morning because I haven't heard from you and I needed answers. At first I didn't bother to see you because I thought you gave my shit away on purpose but now that I know the whole story, we can scratch that. So we drove these 6 hours to find you. I guess Tyren and his boys got the memo and he sent his niggas over here to come and hide you and possibly kill us. We just saw Tyren too so I think he flew down here. He's meeting someone right now but we need to go before he gets back," Kourtney said.

"Yeah come on, It's a secret way out from here," he said.

"How come I never heard about this?" Kourtney asked.

"I just never told anyone. This secret room, I kept private. But now I know to tell people for emergencies now. Come on we ain't got much time,"

As soon as he said that, they heard footsteps and voices upstairs. Darnell quickly went to the back of the room and opened a wall that led to a stairway upstairs.

"Yo! They're here! Shit! Who's down here?" Tyren said, running downstairs.

"He got away! Go find him! Fuck! Imma get they asses soon I promise to God!" He said as he stood in the middle of the closet.

Meanwhile, Darnell, Kourtney, and Monti were already upstairs standing behind a bookshelf. They can see the outside but no one can see from the outside. As they were looking outside, they could see that Tyren had got a phone call.

"Yeah? You got him? About damn time. I was starting to give up on yo ass... I'm just tryna look for the other ones. I know they got Darnell cause he is not even here any more...So what you're saying is, they're still in the house?...Bet...Ight Lola imma catch you in a little bit," He said, hanging up.

Lola had set them up and now they're trapped.

"I knew it was a bad idea to trust that bitch" Kourtney said.

"That bitch got my brother. No wonder why he wasn't responding in the chat!" Monti said.

"But why would she give us these guns?" Kourtney asked.

"Wait a minute...there's no bullets in here," Monti said.

"That bitch,"

"I got an extra set of guns under the TV stand. We can use those. We just have to wait until the coast is clear," Darnell said.

"If Ryder would have just stuck with his original dream plan, we wouldn't be in this predicament!" Monti said.

"No, no, no, it's my fault. If I left Tyren earlier, this would not be happening right now. Should have left him a long time ago," Kourtney confessed.

"Look, there is no time for the blame game. We have to get out of here quick!" Darnell said.

There was no more talking and the house was quiet. Darnell slowly opened the door and he didn't see anyone. They left the bookshelf and made their way to the TV stand.

"I haven't had to use these in a while. I hope you girls know how to use these," He said.

"My parents were both in the military. They taught me and my brother how to shoot," Monti said.

"Good. Okay let's go,"

They were about to head to the back but they saw them out on the back patio. They hurried and hid behind the wall. There they were, holding Ryder and two mystery men.

"I finally caught yo no good ass. Did you really think–did you really think you could escape me? Huh? I will give you props for trying though. Never had a nigga make it this far before. I usually catch them before they flee the country. Hm...where's Monti and Kourtney? Hm?" He asked.

"I don't know man. I don't know," Ryder said.

Tyren punched Ryder across in the face twice in the same spot. His lip was busted and his mouth was bleeding. He then kicked him between the legs and let him fall to the floor. Ryder was coughing up blood and groaning. Tyren then removed the skub cabs from the two mystery men's heads. There standing was Brandon and Jayson.

"What the fuck are they doing here?" Monti asked.

"Oh my God.." said Kourtney.

"Who are those guys?" Darnell asked.

"Brandon with the locs is my boyfriend and that's his brother. But what are they doing here?"

"Something ain't right," Monti said.

Tyren caressed the gun across Brandon's face as Brandon closed his eyes tightly begging to go home.

"Look, man, I'll go home and never say anything. Just please let me go," Brandon pleaded.

"Hmph. You think Imma let a snitch go? You snitched on one of my niggas, man,"

"I didn't know. I didn't know that was your dude fighting. I swear I didn't know," Brandon said.

"Oh no, no, no, that's not gonna work. Now the police on my ass tryna see what type of dealings I got going on. He was fighting dude because he owed me money. He owed me $1,500! That's a lot of money missing from my pockets. If you were me, you'd understand. Now, I brought you here, not only to kill you, but for you to tell me where Kourtney is. Because I know you're her new boyfriend or what not. I mean she got taste, I'll give her that. So where is she?" He asked, waving his gun around.

"I haven't spoken to her all day. Not since yesterday night. I don't know where she is. I tried texting her but she didn't reply,"

"I already know where she is anyways. I'm really upset over the fact that you were fucking my girl before she left me. Ha! You got some balls, I'll tell you that!"

"She said you left her," Brandon said.

Tyren hit Brandon across the face with his gun.

"Nigga, shut the fuck up! That was my girl! You think I didn't know? I can tell when a bitch fucks another nigga! Then I left her ass and took everything she owned! Now as for you!" He said, walking towards Jayson. "I know you and Monti are close. I never thought someone like her would get swooped up. I mean she's not exact;y anyone type...I mean...she's dark skin. I think that speaks volumes,"

"Don't talk about my girl like that," Jayson said.

"Oh! You got a lil base in your voice! Okay! I respect that. Imma leave you alone for a minute. Now...what do you say about an agreement? You say you never saw anything, my boy is free, this all just ends, and you have to move out of town. If you disagree, then you'll simply die. Just being honest. I ain't kidnap ya and sent ya out here on a jet for no reason! All ya are fucked!" Tyren said to Brandon.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it," Brandon said, coughing.

"Hmph...Ryder. Call your sister! Now!" Tyren Demanded.

Ryder got his phone and started to call Monti. Monti's phone started to vibrate.

"Oh no!" Monti said.

"Answer it. This is our only chance," Darnell said.

After hesitating, she decided to answer.

"...Hello?" Monti answered.

"Wassup Monti. Hey, I got your brother. Oh and you won't believe who else I got. I got your lover boy here. Jayson. I also have Brandon here. I know Kourtney's next to you so I know she's hearing all of this,"

"What the fuck do you want, bitch?" Monti said.

"Feisty, huh? Well, let's get to the point. I want you two to release Darnell and you, Kourtney, Ryder, and Jayson, will all go free. But if not, Jayson and Ryder die. So what do you say?"

"You're just gonna kill us all anyway," Monti said.

"Oh, no Monti don't think like that. Now, Imma give you 2 minutes to think this through. I'll call back," He said, hanging up the phone.

"Kourtney, I need you to call 911. This would be the smartest thing to do right now," Monti said.

"Okay," she said, getting out her phone.

"I'll go out there," said Darnell.

"No, he's gonna kill you. Let's not be dumb. We have to shoot these niggas and by the time the police gets here, they will already have a seen to come too if they don't come early enough. We can't do this battle by ourselves. We have our phones, might as well take these niggas down while we can. Now we have to shoot these niggas!" Monti said.

"We can't just shoot them yet because there's a man standing behind each one of the boys and what if we don't aim right?" Darnell said.

"We don't have to hit Tyren first. We can hit Lola first. Then they will come rushing in and we just hit them as fast as we can," Monti said.

"If we had better protection that would be a good idea," Darnell said.

Monti's phone rang again.


"Made up your mind yet?"

"...Darnell will come out," Monti said.

"That's cool and all, but I need you to come out with him"

"...okay," Monti said, hanging up the phone.

"We need to cause a distraction. I know our skin color says otherwise, but we have to split up," Monti said.

"What?" Darnell said.

"Yes we do. Look, when we split up, we cause distractions in different areas and then we have them idiots trapped and we just shoot them. We have to hurry up,"

They all looked at each other before agreeing.

"Okay, I'll hide in the bookshelf. Kourtney, you go downstairs. Monti you hurry upstairs. I will shoot out the front window and it will cause them to come in,"

"Okay. I'm counting on you guys. Let's do this," Monti said, before they parted ways.

They all went to their positions. Darnell went into the bookshelf. But before closing it all the way, he shot through the window and quickly closed the shelf.

"What the hell is going on in there? Ya come with me. Lola, watch these cats while I see what's up," Tyren said, going in after the noise.

Lola had loaded up a shotgun and pulled the magazine back. She then aimed it at them in case they tried anything. Ryder was still sore and was on the ground in pain. Brandon and Jayson were sitting on chairs with their hands tied behind their backs.

"All I wanted to do was make everything up to Monti...that's all. Now I may never get to tell her," Jayson said.

"I'm sorry Jayson. If I knew this would have happened, I would have never said anything," Brandon said, crying.

"I just want her to know that I love her. I am deeply sorry for what I did. I just wanna tell her I love her," Jayson said as he got teary eyed.

"Yo, Lola, why are you doing this? Why?" Ryder asked.

"I do what my man tells me to do. Especially since he just raised my salary," she said smiling.

"I thought you hated how he treated you!" Ryder said.

"I did but I talk,"

"Are you serious Lola? Come on, you have to have a heart! You said you lost your sibling to this same type of shit and now look at you, in the same thing he's in right now? You think they'd be proud of you right now? Huh?"

"Just shut the fuck up,"

"He's just gonna do you the same way he did Kourtney. Can't believe we actually trusted you," Ryder said, shaking his head.

"Look, I was with ya at first, but I gotta do what I gotta do to keep up with my lifestyle. This is what my brother wanted. To live a better life and have all the money in the world," She said.

"You're a sick individual. Any brother with sense wouldn't want their sister to follow in their footsteps that took them down a dark path and bad one. And I know for a fact he wouldn't,"

"You don't know what my brother wanted!" She yelled.

"Oh, come on Lola. All the stuff you told us in the car about how your brother told you to live your life the best as you can and don't ruin it. You told us your brother died in your arms and said that to you! Did you or did you not say that?" Ryde said, frowning.

Lola went quiet and didn't say another word after that. She didn't say anything else. Meanwhile inside the house, Tyren and his 3 dudes were in the house looking for Kourtney, Monti, and Darnell.

"Kourtney! Baby! I know you miss me baby! Come on out! We can live a happy life together again. I'm about to let Lola go and we can get your property deed back! Baby I just want it to be us! So please come on out," He said looking through the rooms. "Aye, go downstairs,"


Tyren looked in the bathroom, he looked in Darnell's room, and he looked in two of the guest rooms upstairs.

"Damn! Where the fuck can this bitch be! Fuck!" He said.

Before he knew it, Monti came from out the closet and pulled Tyren in by his neck causing him to drop his gun. Monti shot the first hitman in the face. Tyren headbutted Monti and attempted to get his gun back but Monti kicked it away. The gun fell from upstairs hitting one of Tyren's hitmen on the head and knocking him out. Tyren tried to hit Monti in the face, but she ducked and punched Tyren in the nose. She ran downstairs and Tyren ran after her. She pulled her gun out and shot Tyren in both legs.


"Tyren?" Lola screamed.

Lola got up but she dropped the gun. Ryder had kicked the gun in the pool.

"What the fuck!" She said, kicking Ryder in the face.

Monti picked the gun up from the other hitman and put it in her pocket. Meanwhile there were two shots from downstairs.

"Kourtney!" Monti screamed.

"Kourtney" Darney yelled as he left the bookshelf. "You go outside, I'll go downstairs," He said.


As Monti was about to go outside to the back, Lola kicked her in her chin and Monti dropped the gun and fell back. Picked the gun up and hit Monti across the face three times with the gun.

"Yes baby, get that bitch," Tyren said.

Monti tried to get up but Lola kicked her back down. She kicked her in her side twice. Monti grabbed both of her legs and pulled them causing her to fall and also drop the gun.

"Nah, baby get up!" Tyren yelled.

Monti slowly got up and crawled towards the gun but Lola grabbed it right before Monti could.

"Get up!" She yelled.

"Is this really what you wanna do?" Monti asked, coughing up blood.

"Yes it is. Before I kill you, I just wanna say thank you for trusting me so I can help my man out on his mission. And for the record, you do some nice makeup," She said as she cocked the gun and placed her finger on the trigger.

The gunshot rang through the house.

But it wasn't from Lola's gun.

It was from the shotgun Ryder threw in the water. Ryder had gotten free from the tape, got the shotgun out of the water, and shot Lola in the back. She fell to the floor and was bleeding all over.

"NO! NO! NOOO! NOOOO!" Tyren cried. "FUCK MAN!"

"Are you okay," Ryder asked Monti.

"Not really. I'm all bruised. I am weak right now,"

"Hang tight, Imma get the others free," Ryder said.

Darnell and Kourtney came upstairs but something was wrong. Kourtney couldn't walk right.

"Kourtney what's wrong? What happened?" Monti asked, slowly getting up.

"She's been shot!" Darnell said.

"What?! Kourtney!"

"Ah!" Kourtney screamed as her uncle sat her on the couch.

Kourtney was shot in the abdomen. Luckily the police and ambulance were on their way. The sounds of the sirens had filled the entire neighborhood.

"Help is on the way, Kourtney," Monti said.

"Kourtney, baby! No, no, no, the baby!" Brandon screamed.

"What baby?" Darnell asked.

"Our baby! She's already three months along!" Brandon yelled. "I got you, baby. We gone get through this. I promises,"

"Looks like someone didn't get through it," Darnell said looking over at Tyren.

Tyren had lost a lot of blood from both of his legs and succumbed to his injuries. He had died...

"He had it coming," Kourtney said as she groaned in pain.

"Kourtney help is here. Help is here," Monti said, holding her hand.

"It's over?" Kourtney said, tearing up.

"Yes it's over," Monti said, getting emotional.

Both had held hands tightly until the police came and barged in.

Okumaya devam et

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