My Saviors

Da LunatotheAlpha

498 40 1

Since she was a young girl Rose Duvall had been on her own. From the time that she was just six years old all... Altro

The Girl in the Woods
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Update: Rewrite in Progress
Archer's Arrow
Ace's Armor
Archer's Broken Arrow
Trauma that Follows

Ocean Blue

10 2 0
Da LunatotheAlpha

Rose's P.O.V

I had awoken in an unfamiliar area, in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by two unfamiliar people. I was terrified, and a part of me wondered if it was just another bad dream. I've been having a lot of those since being out here.

It was then when the events that unfolded previously replayed themselves. The mountain lion, the cliff, the water, then the large form of a muscular, tanned man with longer blonde hair scooping me up from the depths.

Looking closely at the two men before me I was met with not one but two sets of the most dazzling orbs. They were as blue as the ocean itself. It was worrisome just how much they drew me in. It was like I was drowning all over again, but this time toward a much more pleasant demise.

The two strange men were obviously brothers, identical twins. They were by far the most god-like men I had ever seen in my entire life. They made even the handsome actors that I had seen on the television in my younger years look like puny runts.

The both of them had the same slightly tanned muscular build, their defined six packs on full display as they stood shirtless in front of me. Only clothed in a pair of low waisted jeans, the visible v-line near the hem of their waste was on full display. Their height exceeded anyone that I had ever seen before. I knew that even when I stood they would tower over me like the skyscrapers that I used to see in movies. It was embarrassing, how their bulging arms almost made my mouth water. They were easily thicker than three of my arms combined.

Regardless of them being identical it was easy to set the two apart. The one closest to me, Ace, had long dirty-blonde hair, shaved on both sides of his head. It remained slicked back from the water it had absorbed, only a strand falling loose. His beard was neatly trimmed against his strong jawline. He looked gruff and gruesome, but his eyes looked warm and inviting. He looked un-belonging to what I remember the modern world being like. A true Viking.

His brother Archer, was just as jaw dropping. His hair, though the same color, was cropped short on his head. His chin, covered with blonde scruff. Something about him seemed dangerous, his piercing blue orbs so intense that goosebumps pricked my arms.

Why had these gorgeous men taken the time out of their day to save me? A part of me wished that they had just let me go.

I felt uncomfortable in their presence. I could only imagine what I looked like right now. I was wet, filthy, wearing only a rag to cover myself with, and I hadn't been able to properly brush my hair or wash my body in about two years.

Even if I appeared groomed and clean it wouldn't change the fact that I would appear as nothing more or less than a little ugly duckling.

"Where am I?" I asked, quietly.

"You're in our home." Archer said. It felt like there was more that he wanted to say, but stopped himself just before the words made their way out.

Sitting up on shaking arms, I finally felt the comfort of the soft bed I was laying on.

I would have stayed there forever enjoying the feeling, but the cold was setting in now, and I uncontrollably began to tremble. Becoming hyper aware of the state that I was in and held my knees close to my chest, pulling them in with my arms. My once white nightgown was most likely see-through now that it was sopping with water, the ends of it had torn on the bottom after years of wear and tear.

"Here." Archer said, coming over and quickly draping a warm blanket over my shoulders. The material caused a sense of relief, but strangely enough it was his fingertips lightly grazing my shoulders that caused an unexplained amount of warmth. I shook my head, writing it off as an after effect of being isolated for so long. "Maybe that was what human touch felt like after being deprived of it for so long." I thought

"Why don't you change out of those clothes and borrow something of ours. They might be a little big, but they'll at least keep you warm." Ace said as he presented me with a pile of thick fabric. I gladly took them, inhaling sharply when I felt the same type of warmth spreading up my hand the moment that his hand brushed against mine.

I attempted to sneak a glance up at him to see if there was a sign that he too had felt the same spark I had. There was no hiding as his ocean blue eyes were already locked on mine, staring deep into my soul.

Out of surprise I retracted my hand, but happily took the clothes. My head shifted back to the ground as I felt the heat of embarrassment flooding my cheeks.

"We'll give you a little privacy if you wanna get changed in here. There's a bathroom to your right too if you need to use it." Ace told me, motioning to the door not far from me.

He retreated from the room, waiting for his brother to follow. Archer stayed for a moment longer, his eyes not once leaving me. By now my face was on fire as I felt like I was going to burst from his gaze.

"Archer." Ace called to his brother, but still he didn't move a muscle. Maybe he was angry that some girl from the woods was dirtying up his home. I didn't blame him. I could only guess what he was thinking.

"Archer." Ace repeated, his voice more stern than before. This time he managed to get his brother's attention.

Every move he made was calculated, by the way in which he slowly turned his head away from mine, to the way I counted his three clear strides away from the bed to make it to the threshold. I could bet anything that he was counting them too, determining exactly how long it took to get to me if need be. The sound echoed the room, creating a large lump to form in my throat.

Ace grabbed the handle, closing the door, but not before I was brought with a clear view of Archer's face, his eyes returning to me as expressive as a thousand words, his jaw clenching. One thing was clear, he took orders from no one.

"We'll be right in the other room. Take your time." Ace told me, before the clicking of the door sounded.

Only then did I swallow the lump in my throat, quickly taking the clothes they had given me before heading to the bathroom.

It was strange how the numbing coldness had returned only when they had shut the door. Maybe it was temporarily forgotten due to the wave of undecided emotion that Archer had produced. I couldn't quite tell if it was fear or something else. I waved it off as being just that, because that was one of the only emotions I had ever known.

Locking the door of the bathroom behind me I encountered the first large scale mirror that I had seen in quite some time. A scream threatened to escape my lips as I stared, horrified at what stood before me.

Despite the dive in the water my naturally ginger waves that cascaded down my back were still matted with mud and twigs. They resembled long, unkempt dreadlocks. My pasty skin, splattered with purple and blue splotches, was covered in scrapes and scars. My nightgown, the only object I still had with me from my previous life, was stained a murky brown, unraveling at the seams, and almost transparent from the water it retained.

Without a second thought I discarded the shards of clothing, happy to throw it in the wastebin in the corner. I felt like a snake shedding old skin as I took off the fabric. I had worn it for so long that the last remaining strands broke free as I lifted the garment over my head.

Turning away from the mirror, unable to look at just how bad of shape I was in allowed my gaze to fall onto the giant stone wall in the bathroom. It made it feel as if nature still surrounded me, but in a much more luxurious way. Not one but two sinks sat at the helm of a wooden countertop, two adjacent mirrors hanging above. I turned to the holy grail, setting my sight on the largest shower that I had ever come across. It took up the entirety of one side of the bathroom, glass doors caging it like a safe haven.

Steam began to fog the glass as I turned on the hot water, an unexpected sigh leaving my lips as the hot water hit my back. My eyes darted to the bottles of shampoo and conditioner in the corner, a variety of body wash next to it. I nearly moaned at the feeling of the soap on my skin, the smell of rosemary and mint parting the mud from my hair. Slowly I worked out the painful knots in my hair. I would definitely owe them a brush after this as the twigs, mud, and tangled hair were now stuck in between the bristles.

When the murky water began running clear I found myself looking at the unopened floral scents of the products I was using . Was it just the two of them? I found it hard to believe that the two toughest looking men I had ever seen would be bathing themselves in lilacs and rosemary. I shook my head., stupidly. It was none of my business. Who was I to judge?

Relief filled every pore as I got out of the shower after God only knows how long, wrapping the table around my body. I finally felt a little less like a wild animal.

Looking back to my reflection I finally began to recognize a version of myself. After quite some time of detangling and trimming, my ginger locks had returned to their natural waves, the matted bunches virtually forgotten, with the exception of clumps I had thrown into the trash. My skin, though scattered with cuts and bruises, was free of muck and grime. My appearance still was still a sullen shadow of what it once was. My body was scarcely thin due to lack of nutrients, my legs bony, my arms weak.

Before giving it much thought I threw the hoodie that they had given me over my head. A strong aroma of pine and evergreen worked its way up my nostrils, filling my every sense. Subconsciously I rose the warm material to my face, taking in a large deep breath before letting it fall at my sides.

If it had not been for what I had been wearing before I would have laughed, as the black material ended below my knees, making the shirt look like an ill-fitting dress. I attempted to throw on the shorts they had given me, tightening the strings with all I could, but realized it would be useless when they had fallen clean off of me. My cheeks were pink from embarrassment but seeing no other option I threw on the pair of boxers that were thrown into the bundle of clothes. The elastic band was the only reason I could get them to stay on my hips.

I wondered who's clothes I was wearing. Ace's, Archer's or a mix of the two? Whoever it was had to have what had to be the world's most intoxicating cologne.

Hours could have gone by and I would have been completely oblivious, but it was much needed. When I was finally done, I walked out of the bedroom, walking towards the two deep voices coming from the room over, that quickly stopped as I entered.

I looked around the cabin, to the tv and couch, the brown wooden walls and floors to the small kitchen only feet away that was letting off a mouth-watering fragrance. It looked comfortably cozy, like the home I never had.

Both of their heads snapped to my direction, once again feeling the flush of cheeks from the attention.

"Th-thank you. For-for saving me, and for letting me use your shower." I muttered. I wasn't sure if they had heard me as my voice sounded like a wisp in the wing, but the both of them nodded their heads in acknowledgement.

"Are you hungry? We made you some food. We weren't sure what you liked so we made a little bit of everything." Ace mentioned, my eyes traveled back to the kitchen. I nodded my head, afraid if I were to answer that I would leave a puddle of drool.

Archer motioned me to the table, and with great hesitation I obliged as he held out a chair for me, pushing it in once I sat down. Ace placed the plates of food on the table, the growl of my stomach could be heard from miles away, but neither of them chuckled at the noise.

All of this food reminded me of the thanksgiving that I always dreamt of having.

Pots and pans lined the table filled with food of all kinds; mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken and rolls, casseroles and vegetables. They filled my plate with heaps of it all.

How savage I must have looked as I dug into the delicious food. It took an insane amount of self control to even force myself to use utensils. I was starving, as I had been for over a year. I had almost forgotten what real food had tasted like.

When my plate was clear, my stomach finally full, I leaned back in the chair, looking over to the two men across the table. How long had they been looking at me? Did I disgust them? Have I overstayed my welcome? They too look like they had a lot of questions floating around in their mind.

"How long have you been out there?" Archer asked. I roughly knew how long it had been, but it was grueling to keep up with the days.

"Wh-what month is it?" I asked.

The question seemed to annoy Archer as he didn't answer, his jaw clenching. "I must be overstaying my welcome." I thought. "Or maybe he just doesn't have very much patience." I thought of them sending me back into civilization, something that I had been longing for since the day I had been abandoned. After being in their company, under the warmth of a blanket, I now found the idea terrifying. "Where would I go anyway? I had no one, nothing. I would escape from the wild only to take on the streets. I wondered if I was better off defending myself against wild animals or modern day people.

"It's April 14th, 2023." Ace answered. I swallowed a lump in my throat. It was my eighteenth birthday.

"Two years." I muttered, looking down at my plate. My stomach was full, but my gut felt like it was twisting, threatening to expel everything that I had just eaten.

Silence stilled the room as both of the men went quiet. I wondered what they thought of me, of the situation. Did they pity or revolt them? If I had to guess it was split down the middle.

"Why were you out there in the first place?" Ace asked, again I went quiet. "How much should I say? How much should I tell them? I guess it didn't matter as I more than likely wouldn't be with them for very long. For some reason the thought of never seeing them again pulled at my heartstrings. It was ridiculous to feel such a way over two men I had just met. Again, I deemed it as coming from the fact of being deprived of human contact for so long.

"Rose." Archer's voice turned low, almost in warning. He wanted me to answer his brother, but I didn't know how. I didn't know where to start. I never once said the words out loud. A part of me wanted to dissociate from what had happened all together. I was ashamed. I was unwanted. The last thing that I wanted was for them to realize just how broken I was.

I was prepared to say nothing at all, but it felt as if something inside of me was plucking the words together, rearranging them for me, working themselves to the surface. Maybe it was the huskiness of his voice, the flutter in my chest when he had said my name. Or maybe it was just fear.
"Wh-when I was sixteen, m-my parents' kind of dumped me out here. I-I tried to find my way out, but I got lost, and..." I didn't know what else to say. It was devastating what had happened, all the more so the fact that it had been two years and I was unable to find the way out on my own. After a while, I think I had given up without quite realizing it. I had no one to go back to. No home. No family. No one.

Archer abruptly stood up, the dishes on the table rattled as he brushed against it. Wordless he turned away, walking back over to the kitchen, leaning the counter, his back turned away as it heaved up and down.

Something I had said angered him, but I wasn't sure what. They had asked me a question and I stupidly answered.

The unprovoked action reminded me of how my father used to be. I found myself retreating back to my shell, head down, afraid to make another peep.

After they had helped me so much, the least I could do was leave them out of my problems.
Ace glanced between me and his brother before making his best attempt at brushing off Archer's outburst. Maybe this was normal behavior for him. The thought unsettled me. In my experience people that were so prone to random outburst had the worst tempers. If the past had taught me anything it was that I was usually the one on the receiving end.

"Don't mind him. He's just a little sensitive when it comes to certain things." Ace's voice tempted me to soothe my worries, but my eyes remained on Archer's rigid back, still leaning up against the counter as his hand hung low toward the sink.

It was hard to believe that men like them could be sensitive to much of anything. Maybe it was the kind version of his brother saying that Archer had anger issues.

"Why did they leave you out here?" It seemed that Ace wasn't done asking questions, but I no longer had it in me to answer. Honestly, I it had been two years and I still wasn't quite sure of the answer myself.

Leaving him without a response, he leaned back in his chair, exhaling a quiet sigh.

Archer turned around, my eyes falling to the floor. The two of them shared some silent conversation in which only they understood. It must have been a twin thing.

"Are you tired? You're more than welcome to sleep in the guest room you were in if you want." Ace spoke, but still I remained quiet, only answering him with a nod.

He led me back to the room when my knees buckled. I lost my balance, but before I hit the floor I was scooped up in the strong arms of Archer. It caught me by such surprise that the breath felt like it was knocked out of me. We were so close that his minty breath fanned my face. The fear I had felt a moment ago was gone, and it seemed so was his anger. I was lost to the sea in a wave of unexplainable emotion as I stared into his eyes. Lifting me up higher, draping my arms around his neck, he carried me to the guest room.

If exhaustion wasn't taking over I would have given more thought to how those blue eyes darkened. It was the first time in years that I was surrounded by warmth and comfort with a full stomach, even then the feeling was never this great.

I yawned, my eyelids feeling heavy as Archer placed me gently under the covers, tucking me in.

If I had been more awake, I would have been taken back by the softness in his gaze, how gentle he was despite those large, calloused hands.7 

"My room is on the left besides yours, Ace's on the right. If you need anything, anything at all don't hesitate to ask. No matter what time it is. Okay." His voice was calming in contrast to what it had been moments ago.

"Goodnight." They both said before leaving the room, each of them hesitating before closing the door.

I took a deep breath in, now knowing exactly who's clothes I had been wearing. Archer's enticing cologne soothing me to sleep.

"Happy birthday to me." I muttered, before drifting off into a comfortable dreamscape.

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