Big Hero 6:My Muse

Από LaceyStrode5

3.6K 86 61

male Gogo x oc Tadashi and Hiro have an older sister that was adopted by there Aunt Cass. She's not a major s... Περισσότερα

Chapter 2: Nerd school/meet the gang
Musa Hamada/Sound Clip
Chapter 3:SFIT acceptance
Chapter 4:Loss

chapter 1:Jail

724 13 0
Από LaceyStrode5

A loud thudding comes from an alleyway, getting louder as you go further into it.
A light flickered above, shining over two bots that battled in a ring. The pink bot slams its claw into the other's head, causing it to stumble back before catching itself.
It turned towards the pink, putting it's Shield in front of it protectively.
The pink bot charges, ready to strike a major blow but is blocked.
The pink bot is then body slammed into the floor and tossed far away.

A girl with neon pink hair stares at the pink bot before narrowing her eyes in concentration as she pushes a few buttons on the controller in hand. The bot stands up, walking menacingly towards the black boy.
They continued to battle on, people cheering in the crowd.
The pink bot finally lands a major blow, watching as the other bot twisted and slammed into the floor.
The pink haired girl smirks, moving her bot to make the final blow, only for the other bot to catch its claws.
A buzz saw is revealed from the black bot's other arm and it cuts the pink bot into pieces.

The pink haired girl looks at her destroyed bot in sorrow.

People passed money around from their previous bets, making new ones as they go.

"The winner for total annihilation….. Yama!" A girl announces to the crowd, gesturing to the man named Yama who stood up and started taking his betted money from the pot the woman held. "Who is next? Who has the guts to step into the ring with little Yama?" He shouts in confidence.
Everyone who has a bot either hides or breaks it. The crowd chanted Yama in the background.

"Can I try?" A voice asked, causing Yama to glance back. The crowd separates to reveal a boy with fluffy black hair, working at Yama innocently with a bot in hand. "I have a robot. I built it myself." He gave a small smile, holding up his bot to show everyone.
Yama laughs, the crowd joining in causing the boy to shrink back a little. "Beat it, kid. House rules. You gotta pay to play." The woman from earlier told him.

"Oh, uh, is this enough?" He questions, bringing out a wad of cash from his pocket.
"What's your name, little boy?" Yama questions.
"Hiro. Hiro Hamada." Hiro introduces.
"Prepare your bot, Zero."

Yama puts his cash in the bucket, Hiro doing the same, adding a few coins before the woman closes it harshly.

Yama puts his bot in the ring, standing tall.
Hiro puts his bot in the ring, slouching to the ground.

Yama crossed his legs and sat, the ground shaking from him plopping down.
Hiro does the same except having a softer landing. He stares at Yama with wide eyes.

Yama cracks his neck, trying to be intimidating to the kid.
Only for Hiro to tilt his head and make the sounds of him cracking his neck.

The woman puts down the umbrella, twirling it between the two. "Two bots enter, one bot leaves." Yama smirks evilly at Hiro while Hiro just tilts his head.
"Ready? Fight!" The woman yells and takes the umbrella away.
Yama's bot makes a fighting stance while Hiro's bot clumsily gets up, waddling towards the big boy. Yama's bot takes only a few steps before tossing Hiro's bot in the air before separating it into pieces. Yama laughs in amusement as Hiro crouched down near his destroyed bot.
"That was my first fight. I… Can I try again?" Hiro stammers, still pulling the innocent act.

"No one likes a sore loser, little boy " he chuckled, going to collect the money. "Go home." He grumbled with a frown. "I've got more money." Yama raises a brow, looking over to indeed see Hiro holding up another wad of cash, except much more put together.
Yama smirks with a raised brow, allowing another match.
They both put new cash in the pot and the woman closes it.

"Fighters ready?" The woman referee asked, twirling her umbrella. She lifts it "Fight!"

Yama's bot gets into the same fighting position as last time. Hiro's pot puts itself back together and looks up at the big boy.
"Mega-bot, destroy." He commanded, furrowing his brows and extending his controller. The bot's face turns from a happy face to an evil face, causing Yama to look at the bot in confusion "Huh?"
The bot starts to twist parts of its body rapidly as it charges at Yama's bot, giving the man no time to think of a strategy.

Yama's bot tries to saw it in half but misses as the bot breaks apart to go around it. It puts back together and flips over Yama's.
"What? Huh?" Yama questions in confusion and frustration as he starts to look down at his controller to figure out a way to win.
Yama's bot continues to miss, Hiro watching boredly as he watched the scene in front of him.

Hiro's bot breaks apart and surrounds Yama's, crawling up it. The bot encircled the bots arm and broke it off, using it to smash the other arm off. Once the arms were off the tiny bot went around it a few times before sitting in front of its face and hitting it over and over. Realizing that wasn't working the bot encircled the bots head and squeezed until it popped off.
Yama looked in shock as his bot dropped, completely damaged.
The crowd gasped as Hiro's bot layed in front of Hiro, changing its face back to happy, before bowing in respect.

"No more little Yama." Hiro told him smugly as he took the money from the pot. "But, wha…. This is not possible!" Yama yells in anger as he holds his bots head.
"Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck." Hiro started to stuff his pockets with the money, not realizing the people behind him backing away in fear.
"Do you want to go again, Yama?" He looks up with a smile, only for his expression to turn into fear as he gazes up at Yama.

Hiro is then thrown against the wall. " No one hustles Yama!" Yama yells, taking Hiro's bot from him before walking away.
"Whoa. Hey.." Hiro mutters, watching as Yama walked away.
"Teach him a lesson." Yama orders the men that he passed. They smirk and hit their fist against there palms, ready to beat up a kid.
Hiro backed away nervously "Hey, fellas. Let's talk about this." He tries to persuade, trying to get out of this situation.

'I'm starting to regret not taking Musa's offer.'  he gulped.
Suddenly an engine revving pauses the gang, watching as a moped stopped in front of Hiro.
"Hiro! Get on!" The man on the moped yells quickly.
"Tadashi!" Hiro yells in relief, quickly getting onto the moped.
"Oh, good timing!" Tadashi ignores him, reaching and putting a Helmet on Hiro's head.

Tadashi revs the engine, rushing forward down the alleyway.
Yama frowns before looking down at the bot with success.
"A-ha!" He yells.
Suddenly the bot's face turns evil causing Yama to gasp. "Oh, mama!" He screams as the bot attacks his face. He falls onto the ground, watching as the bot follows the moped and hops onto Hiro's awaiting hand.

"Are you okay?" Tadashi asks.
"Are you hurt?"
"No." Tadashi slightly turns and hits Hiro's arm. "Then what were you thinking, knucklehead?"  Hiro groans in pain from Tadashi'd hits.
Tadashi hits the end of the alleyway and turns.
"You graduated highschool when you were 13, and this is what you're doing?" Tadashi questions him, only to follow Hiro's widened eyes to the front to see Yama and his gang.
"There they are! Hey!"

Tadashi spots a ramp and narrows his eyes. "Hold on!" He yells, swerving towards the ramp. They ride up it. "Whoo-hoo! Yes!" Hiro yells in excitement.
"Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested, then Musa's gonna have your head!" Tadashi scolds fear in his tone, mentioning the wrath of Musa.
Hiro rolls his eyes at Tadashi. "Bot fighting is not illegal." Hiro reminds him, "Betting on bot fighting, that's… that's illegal. And you're just jealous, because I'm Musa's favorite." He tells the last bit proudly, causing Tadashi to roll his eyes. "Yeah right." Tadashi mumbles.

Hiro then brings out the cash from his pockets, "I'm on a roll big brother!" Hiro leans on Tadashi's shoulder before putting his hands in the air "And there is no stopping me!" He yells in excitement, only to pull forward with cash in hand as Tadashi stops abruptly. Red and blue lights flashed in their vision. "Oh, no. Musa's gonna kill us."
Tadashi stares at the cop cars in front of the alleyway In fear.

Cops put handcuffs on the two.

The screen shifts to inside a jail cell.

Hiro nervously waves to Tadashi who was held in a cell with the other gangs that were caught. Tadashi just glared at him.
"I'm telling Musa this was your fault."


... Not gonna lie I got really interesting in this story (especially cause I just made an of for it)
And I'm loving it so far.
I'm probably gonna do one chapter of Hercules and one chapter of this each day.

So don't worry! I'm still doing my other book, I just couldn't wait any longer to do this one.

Anyways by guys!

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