The Alpha Centauri Expedition

De doctorandrian

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In the 25th century, following the discovery of the ancient city of Atlantis in the Sunda Strait and the cons... Mais

Opening Page
1. Prologue: The Twenty-Fifth Century
2. The New City of Atlantis
4. The Valley of Grief
5. Antasena's Tomb
6. The Dimension Gate
7. The Interstellar Masterpiece
8. The Space Garden
9. Dilemma of the Heart
10. The Full Moon Stone
11. The Flight of Bimasakti
12. The Europa Tragedy
13. The Ganymede Calamity
14. Arjuna and Srikandi
15. Two Skies
16. Three Suns
17. The Orange Sky
18. The Celestial Belt
19. The Light Beyond the Horizon
20. The Divine Words
21. The First Touch
22. Epilogue: The Return of Bimasakti

3. The Palace of Awakening

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De doctorandrian

"Ma'am, please pray for us," Gayatri said. Suddenly, a feeling of sadness arose in Aini's heart. The girl and her son would be going four light-years away. There was a sense of worry that she felt. No one knew for certain what would happen there. No one knew for certain if they would return.


On Monday, June 17, 2458, 8:35 AM, at the Presidential Palace, Professor Handoyo and Aini walked towards the entrance for guests. The beautiful and majestic Palace stood not far ahead of them. The white Palace with its classical ornamental design and large screw-patterned pillars was truly amazing. The Presidential Palace and the city of Atlantis were inaugurated in the same year, 2302, 156 years ago. The founders of Atlantis named it the Palace of Awakening, to mark the awakening of the Indonesian nation. Three kilometers ahead, the Monument of Awakening stood tall. As they walked, Aini could admire the beauty of the monument from a distance. The nine curved shape gave it a magical aura, resembling that of a mystical heirloom keris. Despite having seen it many times, the uniqueness of the monument still filled her with wonder.

At the entrance, a queue of guests could be seen. In order to enter, everyone had to follow the security protocols. Several fully-armed security officers stood guard around the entrance. Deadly laser rifles hung from their shoulders. Bioscanners detected the identities of the guests one by one, allowing them to immediately identify anyone who was not registered. Each guest also had to pass through a scanner installed there. The scanner was connected to the officers' UVAs, enabling them to instantly know what items the guests were carrying. Professor Handoyo observed the security officers, and he recognized one of them as a type B android. It was difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish the android from a human. The only hint was that the android was the only officer not wearing a UVA and not carrying a weapon. The android was equipped with a bioscanner and various other sensors in its eyes and ears. Military androids were usually equipped with various weapons on their bodies as well. The presence of the android indicated the tight security measures at the Presidential Palace.

As Handoyo and Aini approached the entrance, the android suddenly looked towards him.

"Good morning, Professor Handoyo. Please enter," the android said abruptly. Handoyo nodded his head in its direction. He was someone who had an important position in STA, so the android recognized him immediately.

They were directed to a spacious meeting hall. The guests sat on the North side, while government officials and special invitees occupied the South side. The back seats were reserved for journalists. Professor Handoyo and Aini sat in the front row. In that section, the families and relatives of the crew members of the Bimasakti spacecraft were present. Some of them appeared to be foreigners, as there were two foreign members in the Alpha Centauri expedition team.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, which meant that the event would start in another hour. They sat back and patiently waited for the program to begin. Small tables appeared in front of their seats, adorned with refreshments and light snacks. Similar to the tables, the chairs they were sitting on emerged from the floor and could be retracted if the room needed to be cleared.

Aini helped herself to the provided snacks and, while enjoying them, she admired the beauty of the meeting hall. The hall was truly spacious, capable of accommodating 4000 guests when fully occupied. Beautiful crystal chandeliers adorned the ceiling, casting a shimmering glow. Various traditional ornaments and decorations from the archipelago adorned the walls. Moreover, the elegant combination of white and ivory yellow colors dominated the ceiling and walls, adding a touch of cultural richness and beauty to the surroundings. In the background, soft, melodic traditional music played, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere for all who listened.

Professor Handoyo and Aini spent their time chatting while enjoying the dishes in front of them. It didn't feel like almost an hour had passed, and more guests were seen arriving. Journalists from both local and international media had gathered at the back, preparing to cover the event. Suddenly, the music stopped, and the voice of the MC was heard.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the event is about to begin... Mr. President is entering the room. Please stand up."

Simultaneously, everyone stood up as they witnessed the charismatic President Abdulgani walking firmly into the hall, accompanied by several of his ministers. President Abdulgani took his place on the front stage of the hall.

"Singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya...." The voice of the MC resonated once again, and immediately the patriotic national anthem, Indonesia Raya, began to play. The majestic melody and powerful lyrics remained unchanged for over 500 years. With solemnity, the guests joined in singing, following the rhythm of the song.

After the anthem concluded, the guests resumed their seats, and President Abdulgani stepped forward to the lectern. All eyes were fixed upon him. At the age of 71, he still possessed a vigorous physique. President Abdulgani was known for his wisdom, fairness, and firmness, earning him the respect of the people and the reverence of his political opponents. He had been leading Indonesia for the past ten years, bringing significant progress to the nation, including the successful accomplishment of space missions beyond the solar system.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...."

"Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh... may peace be upon you all and the mercy and blessings of Allah...."

"Peace and blessings to all of us...," President Abdulgani began his speech with greetings. The audience responded in unison to his greeting. The journalists started capturing the moment with their UVAs. Some rose from their seats to get a better angle of view. Each UVA was equipped with a camera capable of recording high-resolution videos. Several journalists immediately sent the video coverage to their office to broadcast the event live. Their millions of subscribers around the world could watch the live coverage on their UVAs or holographic screens at home.

"Ladies and gentlemen, whom I deeply respect... Alhamdulillah, we are grateful to Allah that our nation has achieved remarkable progress in space technology. As we can witness today, with the permission of Allah, we have become a world leader in this field. Over the past ten years, we have successfully built magnificent spacecraft, and our scientists have been tirelessly working to create new innovations that will enable us to venture even further, reaching the stars and even other galaxies."

President Abdulgani commenced his speech with great enthusiasm, evident in the tone of his voice. He looked at everyone present and continued with his address.

"At this moment, we have embarked on a new era, inshallah, where we will journey to other stars beyond our solar system. This achievement is a milestone for humanity, which has been a dream for all of us for thousands of years. Inshallah, we can now realize that dream. We are about to embark on a new chapter in the history of human civilization, searching for other worlds beyond our solar system, and ultimately, inshallah, discovering the existence of other intelligent beings out there," President Abdulgani continued with his passionate tone. He paused briefly to catch his breath, then continued with an inspirational speech that reminded the audience of Indonesia's struggle for prosperity and technological advancement over the past 500 years, resulting in its current position as a superpower that leads the world in the 25th century. He also highlighted the success of the Indonesian people in developing space technology so that they were finally able to build the world's most advanced spacecraft, the Bimasakti spacecraft.

"Ladies and gentlemen... Inshallah, approximately two weeks from now, on July 3rd, 2458, we will launch the Bimasakti spacecraft for an inaugural expedition to the Alpha Centauri star system. This moment has been eagerly awaited by people around the world. It is our contribution to the world in addressing the profound question of the existence of sentient life beyond humans on Earth. Therefore, the entire world is watching us, and everyone hopes for the success of this mission," President Abdulgani continued his speech.

"The success of this mission relies heavily on our collective cooperation. It starts with the professors who first designed the Alpha Centauri expedition, followed by the engineers and technicians who built the Bimasakti spacecraft, the scientists working at the Mission Control Center in STA, and the entire Indonesian and global community who have supported and prayed for...." President Abdulgani paused briefly before continuing.

"However, the spearhead of the success of this mission lies with the astronauts who will crew the Bimasakti spacecraft. They are the ones who will bravely venture beyond our solar system and risk their lives for the success of this mission. It is upon their shoulders that all our hopes rest. Therefore, on this auspicious occasion, I would like to formally introduce them to all of you." President Abdulgani paused for a moment. Then, he turned towards the door located to the right of the stage and signaled for the astronauts to enter. One by one, they began walking into the hall with confident strides. Spontaneously, the audience applauded as they stepped in. The astronauts took their positions in a row behind the President. They were all dressed in orange astronaut overalls. Professor Handoyo and Aini immediately recognized their son, Rizki, as he entered the hall. Rizki had spotted his parents sitting in the front row as well. The family exchanged glances and smiled at each other. Aini felt a profound sense of happiness to see her son once again. They had rarely had the opportunity to meet since Rizki was selected to be part of the Alpha Centauri expedition team.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these are the 25 astronauts who will, inshallah, soon embark on the journey to Alpha Centauri. They are the ones who will become the heroes of human civilization in search of new worlds beyond our solar system," he continued. The audience applauded once again.

"Allow me to introduce them one by one." President Abdulgani activated his UVA to read the data of the astronauts. Instantly, information about each astronaut appeared before his eyes.

"The first is the commander of the Alpha Centauri expedition mission, First Marshal Haris Abdullah. He will lead the entire mission from within the Bimasakti spacecraft." Marshal Haris took a step forward and gave a military salute. He is 48 years old and a one-star general in the Space Force. After the discovery of anti-gravity technology, the Air Force operates not only in the air but also in outer space, so the name was changed to the Space Force.

"Marshal Haris already has a lot of experience in space missions. Previously he was the commander of several spacecraft. The last one is the Pasopati spacecraft which conducts expeditions to the most distant objects in the Kuiper Belt," said the President. Then he continued.

"Next is the commander of the Bimasakti spacecraft, Space Colonel Adi Iskandar." President Abdulgani pointed his hand at Colonel Adi who also took a step forward while giving a military salute. He is now 42 years old. Formerly he was also a spacecraft pilot.

"Colonel Adi is also very experienced in space expeditions. Previously he was the commander of the Nagasasra spacecraft which carried out routine missions to the outer planets of the solar system, namely Uranus and Neptune," the President explained. Then he continued.

"Ladies and gentlemen, within the Alpha Centauri expedition team, there are five female astronauts. Two of the most senior among them are Medical Colonel Doctor Amalia Assegaf and Science Colonel Doctor Fransisca Tan." The two mentioned female colonels also stepped forward and gave a military salute. Colonel Amalia, of Arab descent, is a 46-year-old military doctor specializing in space medicine, while Colonel Sisca, of Chinese descent, is a 45-year-old science officer with a Ph.D. in astrophysics.

"Doctor Amalia and Doctor Sisca were selected for this team due to their expertise and experience as medical and scientific officers in previous space missions. They have also served on the Pasopati and Nagasasra spacecraft. In this mission, Colonel Amalia will serve as the medical officer on board the spacecraft, while Colonel Sisca will act as the science officer to provide guidance on all matters related to astrophysical phenomena," added the President. He paused for a moment and then continued.

"Next is the deputy commander of the Bimasakti spacecraft, Space Major Vincent Silalahi." Major Vincent stepped forward with a firm stance and gave a military salute. He held the rank of senior major in the Space Pilot Corps. Previously, he served as a spacecraft commander on missions near Mars and Jupiter's moons.

"Major Vincent is the second-in-command of the Bimasakti spacecraft. He will assume command of the spacecraft when the commander, Colonel Adi Iskandar, is off duty or unavailable. Therefore, he also carries a great responsibility. Major Vincent has extensive experience as a pilot. Previously, he was the commander of the Jatayu spacecraft," continued the President. Then he turned to two foreign astronauts who were also standing in the row.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Alpha Centauri expedition is a space mission that marks a historic milestone, not only for Indonesia, but also for all mankind. Therefore, we have a duty to embrace all nations of the world, so they feel that this mission also belongs to them. For this reason, we have invited two scientists appointed by the World Council to represent the international community as observers in this team. These two scientists will work together with the science officer, Colonel Doctor Sisca, to observe and study all natural phenomena that occur during the mission. They are Doctor Paul de Hoop from the American space agency, NASA, and Doctor Carlo Pusone from the European Federation space agency, ESA. Doctor Paul is originally from the Netherlands but is now a naturalized American citizen, while Doctor Carlo is from Italy." The two foreign scientists took a step forward and bowed.

"How long have you been in Indonesia, Doctors?" asked the President to both of them.

"It's been almost a year, President," replied Dr. Paul. Both of them were fluent in Indonesian, although language differences were no longer an obstacle at this time because UVA can translate all languages perfectly in real-time.

"Do you feel comfortable living in Indonesia?" asked the President again.

"Very comfortable, President... Our family also feels at home living in Indonesia," replied Dr. Carlo. President Abdulgani smiled as he looked at the wives and their children who were sitting in the row of guest chairs. Their foreign appearance distinguished them from other guests. Before leaving for Alpha Centauri, the two foreign scientists had to stay in Indonesia long enough to undergo training for the crew of the Bimasakti spacecraft.

"Next, I would like to introduce the AI officers who are part of this mission. They are AI Major Arjuna and AI Major Srikandi," President Abdulgani pointed his hand at the two AI officers. They took a step forward and gave a military salute. The two AI officers were type D androids, which were androids with the highest capabilities usually made only for space missions. It is extremely difficult to distinguish type D androids from humans due to their physical and behavior resemblance.

"What is your role in this mission, Major?" the President asked the two AI officers. They were given the rank of major to have the authority to take command of the spacecraft in emergency situations. For example, if there were critical circumstances where the human pilots were incapacitated or lost, the AI officers would take over to ensure the safety of the spacecraft and its contents, and bring them back to Earth.

"We are responsible for mission safety and assisting the crew in any necessary tasks, Mr. President," Major Arjuna replied.

"In normal conditions, our routine tasks involve assisting the commander and other officers, especially in technical matters. In emergency situations, our duty is to rescue the crew and safely return the spacecraft to Earth. That's it, Mr. President," added Major Srikandi, the female-gendered android, with her soft yet firm voice. All eyes were fixed on the two androids. Although everyone present had often seen androids before, the type D androids still captured their attention. They possessed extraordinary abilities and intelligence that far surpassed humans. Physically, they were flawless. Their faces were made handsome and beautiful, while their bodies were enveloped in fleshtic, a synthetic flesh and skin with the same texture and softness as the real thing, yet incredibly strong and fire-resistant. They also possessed strength tens of times greater than an ordinary human.

"Thank you, Majors, for your explanation. I entrust the entire team and spacecraft to both of you. Please take care of them to the best of your abilities," said the President.

"Affirmative, President," they replied firmly while once again giving the military salute. The President then continued.

"Ladies and gentlemen, next I will introduce the core team who will pilot the Bimasakti spacecraft towards its destination in Alpha Centauri. They are the officers with the ranks of captain and lieutenant." The President paused briefly, glancing at the team behind him, before proceeding.

"The first pilot, Space Captain Rizki Handoyo. The second pilot, Space Captain Bagas Aditya. The first copilot, Space Lieutenant Gayatri Dewi. The second copilot, Space Lieutenant Azis Alim. The first navigator, Space Lieutenant Hilman Zulkarnain. The second navigator, Space Lieutenant Eva Adelia. The first technician, Engineering Lieutenant Ridwan Gutomo. The second technician, Engineering Lieutenant Bobby Ismail." President Abdulgani mentioned their names one by one. The officer whose name was mentioned immediately stepped forward and gave a military salute. Then the President continued.

"This team consists of two groups, namely the first team and the second team, who will work in shifts for 24 hours. Within this team, we also have two female astronauts, Lieutenant Gayatri and Lieutenant Eva. Ladies and gentlemen, although they are young and beautiful, their abilities should not be doubted," the President said half-jokingly.

"They have passed the selection for the Alpha Centauri expedition team with great confidence. In fact, Lieutenant Gayatri is the officer with the highest score in the pilot selection test on the Bimasakti spacecraft simulator." The President smiled at the two female astronauts.

"Lieutenant Gayatri is the daughter of the legendary space hero that we all know, the late Colonel Indra Cahyadi... Like father, like daughter," he said with a wide smile. Then he continued.

"The first pilot of this team, Captain Rizki, also happens to be the son of one of the scientists who designed the Bimasakti spacecraft, Professor Handoyo Seto. I see that he is also present here." President Abdulgani gestured towards Professor Handoyo, who then nodded his head to the President from his seat. Captain Rizki also appeared to be smiling from where he stood. He was delighted that the President mentioned his father's name. He knew that his father was often invited by the President to come to the Palace to explain about the Bimasakti spacecraft.

"This is qodarullah, the will of God, and it is truly extraordinary that both the father and the son have significant roles in this mission," added the President.

"And I assure you that Captain Rizki was chosen not because of his father's connections, but because he is indeed a great astronaut," the President joked again, smiling broadly. Professor Handoyo and Captain Rizki appeared to be smiling in response to the President's joke. However, what the President said was indeed true because Rizki was the second top graduate after Lieutenant Gayatri in the selection test for Bimasakti spacecraft pilots.

"The last thing I would like to introduce is the marines squad on this mission, which numbered eight people. Even though they are the last ones I mentioned, they are the first to explore on land whenever the spacecraft arrives on a new planet. Their task is to explore and ensure the environmental safety there. They depart equipped with weapons and full gear to anticipate any possible occurrences, such as dangerous animals or even unfriendly aliens," the President explained.

"The commander of this squad is Marine Lieutenant Yusuf Hatta, and its members are Marine Sergeant Iwan Bharata, Marine Sergeant Danny Leimena, AI Sergeant Bima, Marine Corporal Ahmad Sentani, Marine Corporal Budi Hendratmo, Marine Corporal Dadang Wardhana, and Marine Corporal Nyoman Artha." The mentioned marines came forward one by one and gave a military salute.

"This squad is space marines at their best. They have experience in many exploration missions in space, such as missions on Jupiter's moons, Europa and Ganymede," the President continued.

"This team also has an AI member, Sergeant Bima," the President pointed at the android.

"Sergeant Bima, please explain your duties," the President ordered.

"Yes, President. My task is to carry out all orders from the squad commander and assist all team members, especially in operations that cannot be performed by humans," replied the android confidently. Sergeant Bima is a type C android with capabilities and intelligence below that of a type D android. However, it is specifically designed as a marine android and equipped with various military equipment integrated into its body, such as laser weapons and anti-G machines that enable it to fly. Due to these built-in equipment in its body, its stature was slightly bigger than that of an ordinary human.

"Very well, Sergeant. Carry out your duties well and maintain the safety of all team members," said the President.

"Affirmative, President," the android replied, giving a resolute military salute.

After the President introduced all members of the Alpha Centauri expedition team, he still delivered several other explanations before finally closing his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us all join in prayer for the success of this historic mission, and may all the crew members of the Bimasakti spacecraft return safely. Thank you, and may peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you all. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh," the President ended his speech and the MC immediately took over the program again.

The MC announced that the event was over and after that the guests were invited to have lunch at the Palace. Not long after, the sound of the noon call to prayer echoed and the audience, most of whom were Muslims, rushed to the magnificent mosque on the West side of the palace. The mosque was named Masjid Alsahwa, which means the Mosque of Awakening.

After performing the noon prayer in the magnificent mosque, the guests started entering the dining hall of the Palace. The dining hall was located opposite the meeting hall and was equally beautiful. Dozens of large round dining tables filled the hall. The guests made their way to the tables and chose seats around them. Right in the center of the room, a large crystal chandelier hung, adorned with thousands of clear crystal pieces that refracted the shimmering white light. Aini and her husband sat near the chandelier, and they couldn't help but look up in awe, admiring the beauty of the sparkling light.

Shortly after, Rizki approached his parents. He kissed their hands, and Aini embraced him. On that afternoon, the astronauts took the opportunity to catch up with their families and have lunch together. Sitting around the table were also Lieutenant Gayatri and her mother, as well as Colonel Dr. Amalia with her husband and their three teenage children. They greeted each other and exchanged warm greetings. For Aini, it was her first time meeting them.

A few minutes later, all the guests appeared to be seated and ready to enjoy the lunch spread. The MC announced that there were plenty of menu options available, and each person could make their selection using the UVA. Everyone activated their UVAs, and the lunch menu appeared before their eyes. The virtual screen projected by the UVAs displayed a list of delicious and appetizing food options. They began to engage in choosing their preferences. Their hands and fingers moved, sliding and scrolling on the virtual screen to examine the available menu choices.

Professor Handoyo was not tempted by the delicacy of the various foods and chose what he thought was the healthiest, namely salmon steak with garlic sauce, baked potatoes and a mixture of various vegetables. Aini also chose to eat healthy but not too filling, which was a plate of salad with Greek yogurt dressing, grilled chicken, cheese slices and garlic bread. Captain Rizki was more concerned with his energy needs, so he opted for the full Argentinian beef steak menu. The other guests at the table had also chosen according to their taste. They touched their selection on UVA's virtual screen and it was immediately sent to the AI in the Palace kitchen for immediate processing. After that they just wait for the order to come.

The palace kitchen was equipped with an advanced, large-scale replicator capable of producing food that tasted even better than the original. Within ten minutes, the food would be ready, and within fifteen minutes, it would be served at the guests' table. While waiting, they engaged in conversations, catching up with one another.

"How are your preparations, dear?" Aini asked her son.

"Alhamdulillah, everything is going well, ma. Inshallah, we are almost ready. We just need to have one final training session with the simulator and one flight to the Moon for testing. After that, we'll have two days of rest before departure," Rizki replied.

"Thank God, dear. Mama can only pray for your success. Always perform your prayers on time and recite the Quran every day, wherever you may be," Aini reminded her son.

"Of course, ma. Inshallah, I never forget your advice," Rizki responded. Handoyo also advised his son to be meticulous in carrying out his duties because, for a pilot, there is no room for even the slightest error.

"Remember, Riz, the space is a vast place, but there is no room for error," Handoyo said. Hearing that, Rizki smiled and nodded his head.

Shortly after, the MC announced that the food was ready to be served. The guests who were standing were asked to return to their seats. On the kitchen wall, a wide window could be seen, and from within, a swarm of anti-G drones emerged, flying into the dining area. These were small drones designed as delivery carriers. Each drone was controlled by an embedded AI and flew with mini anti-G engines. Hanging from their legs was a box containing the guests' food orders. Every drone flew towards its designated table, delivering the food to the respective diners. They never made a wrong delivery as long as the customer wore the UVA, because they would go to the location where the UVA was. Dozens of drones emerged from the kitchen to deliver the meals and then returned to distribute the remaining orders until the task was completed. Each drone flew swiftly and agilely, never colliding with one another, thanks to the precision of the controlling AI.

At the table, five drones approached and landed in front of Aini, Captain Rizki, Colonel Amalia, one of her children, and Lieutenant Gayatri. The boxes they carried contained their respective food orders. The drones released their cargo and quickly flew back into the kitchen through the window. Within seconds, another set of five drones arrived to deliver the orders for Professor Handoyo, Lieutenant Gayatri's mother, Colonel Amalia's husband, and her two other children. The drones worked so efficiently that in less than two minutes, everyone in the room had received their lunch orders.

Professor Handoyo opened his luxurious and sizable food box. The box and the cutlery inside were made of eco-friendly synthetic ceramic material that would biodegrade within a week after use. Inside the box, his ordered meal was neatly arranged, enticing to the palate, complete with dessert and refreshing vitamin-infused drinking water. Everyone seated around the table had also opened their respective boxes and appeared satisfied with what they received.

The guests began enjoying their meals while engaging in conversations. The women at the table seemed to grow closer. Lieutenant Gayatri, her mother, Dr. Amalia, and Aini were seen sharing stories. Aini knew that Lieutenant Gayatri was an orphan, which was why only her mother was present at the event. Gayatri's father was once an astronaut who frequently went on space expeditions. However, eleven years ago, he lost his life during an expedition on Titan. This tragedy fueled Gayatri's determination to follow in her father's footsteps and become an astronaut herself. It turned out that her dream came true, and she even had become one of the best astronauts selected in this very important Alpha Centauri expedition.

Aini had been captivated by Lieutenant Gayatri from the first time she saw her. She sensed that Gayatri was a girl with a unique personality, unlike other girls her age. Gayatri appeared to be a smart, beautiful, and gentle young woman, but beneath that exterior, there was a hidden strength and extraordinary courage. It was this combination that allowed her to excel in her military training and become one of the best astronauts.

Aini was aware that in the Alpha Centauri mission, Gayatri would be the copilot, accompanying her son Rizki, who was the first pilot of the team. This meant that they would always meet and be in close proximity throughout the mission. Aini wondered in her heart if there could be a deeper connection between them. She looked at Rizki, sitting next to his father. He was a young officer, handsome and inheriting his father's intelligence. However, Rizki seemed too absorbed in his role as an astronaut. Aini sighed inwardly. As a mother, she hoped that Rizki would meet his life partner soon. Could it be Gayatri? She speculated. She glanced at the girl again. Gayatri was a Muslim female astronaut who, at first glance, seemed to meet her criteria. She radiated a soothing aura from beneath her orange overall that blended with her hijab. But her daydreaming was abruptly vanished when she remembered the military service protocol that prohibited romantic relationships among astronauts on the same mission. The consequences would be severe if such a situation arose. The Space Force would immediately remove them from their duties and replace them with other astronauts. Aini knew that neither Rizki nor Gayatri would allow that risk to happen. For them, nothing seemed more important than the mission. They wouldn't jeopardize it just for the sake of romance. Ultimately, all Aini could do was pray silently in her heart. She could only beseech for the best path for her son, Rizki.

Unconsciously, they had reached the end of the gathering. They had enjoyed the delicious meal. The warm atmosphere had to come to an end as well. The astronauts had to return to the space base to continue their training. The astronauts bid farewell to their families. There was a sense of sadness in the air as they would soon be separated for a long time. Rizki hugged his parents and kissed their hands. Gayatri also approached Aini and kissed her hand.

"Ma'am, please pray for us," Gayatri said. Suddenly, a feeling of sadness arose in Aini's heart. The girl and her son would be going four light-years away. There was a sense of worry that she felt. No one knew for certain what would happen there. No one knew for certain if they would return.

"Of course, Gayatri. I always pray for the safety of all of you," she said softly.

Finally, the astronauts left the dining hall. The other guests also started to make their way outside. Aini and Professor Handoyo soon followed them. Before long, they were outside the Palace. The Monument of Awakening stood tall before them, as if bidding them farewell. Aini held her husband's hand. They walked hand in hand towards the anti-G car with its AI waiting in the Palace parking lot.

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