Oshi no Ko: The Maestro

Por Lighningtzzz

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Hiroshi Shirotaka, a brilliant young genius, finds himself trapped in a world that fails to challenge his int... Más

Prologue: The Bored Genius
Chapter 1: Youtou High School
Chapter 2: Hoshino Sibling
Chapter 3: Hidden Motives
Chapter 4: Lala Lie Theatrical Company
Chapter 5: Blossoms of Destiny
Chapter 6: Dreams and Determination
Chapter 7: Running Towards Trust
Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounters and Sinister Intrigues
Chapter 9: Unveiling the Enigma
Chapter 10: Unscripted Chemistry
Chapter 11: A Little Adventure
Chapter 13: Shadows of Deceit
Chapter 14: Confrontation and Allegiance
Chapter 15: The Fierce Rivalries
Chapter 16: The Phone of Secrets
Chapter 17: Blossoms of Love: A Night of Enchantment
Chapter 18: Enigmatic Constellation
Chapter 19: Shadowed Pursuit
Chapter 20: Stellar Intrigues: Echoes of Enigma
Chapter 21: LoveNow !
Chapter 22: Unveiling the Unexpected Contestant
Chapter 23: Beneath the Charisma
Chapter 24: Akane's Heartfelt Resolve
Chapter 25: Unraveling the Enchanting Lie
Chapter 26: A Candid Connection
Chapter 27: Algebra, Acting, and Almost a Getaway
Chapter 28: Romantic Rumble on the Love Bus
Chapter 29: An Date in Osaka?
Chapter 30: Jealousy's Hidden Embrace
Chapter 31: Entangled Hearts Beneath the Fireworks' Glow
Chapter 32: Dancing Shadows and Hidden Motives
Chapter 33: Aqua and Hiroshi's Malevolent Symphony
Chapter 34: Maze of Hearts: Navigating the Love Triangle
Chapter 35: Tangled Hearts and Trusted Confidants
Chapter 36: Clarity Amidst Complexity: Akane's Dilemma
Chapter 37: A Web of Ambitions and Intrigue
Chapter 38: Unexpected Twists and Midnight Conversations
Chapter 39: The Strategic Dance of Akane and Hiroshi
Chapter 40: Echoes of Akane's Heart
Chapter 41: The Grand Finale of LoveNow
Chapter 42: Revelations in the Shadows
Chapter 43: Hiroshi's Enigma
Chapter 44: The Audacious Pursuit
Chapter 45: The Perils of Hiroshi's Mischief
Chapter 46: A Starlit Serenade of Friendship and Fans
Chapter 47: Dramatic Dynamics

Chapter 12: Whispers of Deception and Desire

845 27 0
Por Lighningtzzz

The school library buzzed with the sound of hushed whispers and pages turning. Students sat at various tables, engrossed in their studies or buried deep in the world of literature. In one secluded corner, tucked away amidst the rows of bookshelves, a girl sat, her attention focused on a book open in front of her. This was where Frill sought solace from the noise and chaos of the outside world.

As Frill continued to read, a shadow fell across the pages of her book. She looked up to find a mischievous grin on the face of Hiroshi, the guy who often came there to spend time with her. She blinked, momentarily taken aback by his sudden appearance.

"Hey there, Shiranui-san," Hiroshi greeted, plopping himself down in the empty seat opposite her.
"Fancy running into you in this secret haven of yours."

Frill's eyebrows arched in surprise, not quite sure how to respond to Hiroshi's unexpected arrival. "Shirotaka-san, what brings you here today?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and scepticism.

"Ah, well, you see," Hiroshi leaned back in his chair. "You know I like to come to the library to relax and paying you a visit is a must."

Frill's surprise melted away, replaced by a warm smile that reached her eyes. She closed her book gently, placing it on the table before speaking.
"Well, I must say, Shirotaka-san, I'm glad to be someone you find solace with," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your company is nice."

Hiroshi chuckled softly, his mischievous grin widening. "I'm honoured to be your companion, Shiranui-san."

As their conversation continued, Frill couldn't help but recall a piece of news she had heard recently. Leaning in slightly, she said,
"By the way, congratulations on becoming a new member of the Lala Lie theatrical company. I heard about it from one of our classmates. That's quite an accomplishment, Shirotaka-san."

Hiroshi's eyes sparkled with excitement as he leaned forward. "You heard about that? Yes, it's true! I auditioned a while ago, and they accepted me."

Frill nodded, her smile growing. "That's wonderful, Shirotaka-san. I do not doubt that you'll excel in your acting endeavours. You've always had a flair for it, and joining Lala Lie is a brilliant choice to further develop your talent. They have a great reputation and produce incredible performances."

Hiroshi's grin turned into a mixture of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Shiranui-san. Your belief in me means a lot. "

Frill leaned in closer, her eyes shining with anticipation.
"So, Shirotaka-san, I couldn't help but wonder if you have a role in the upcoming drama play I heard about. Is that something you can reveal, or will it be a surprise for later?"

Hiroshi chuckled playfully, tapping his finger against his chin as if deep in thought.
"Well, Shiranui-san, I could tell you, but where's the fun in that? I think it would be much more exciting to keep you guessing."

Frill arched an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Oh, is that so? Trying to keep me on the edge of my seat, are you?"

Hiroshi's grin widened, and he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms casually.
"Of course, Shiranui-san. After all, is a famous girl of your calibre showing interest in me? I might just have to work even harder now."

Frill couldn't help but chuckle at Hiroshi's teasing words. "Smooth talker, aren't you? But I'm afraid I can't give in so easily. You'll have to work a little harder than that, Shirotaka-san."

Hiroshi chuckled softly. He looked at Frill as he leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"So, Shiranui-san, what have you been up to these days?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Frill's smile widened, and she leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand. "Oh, I've been quite busy, actually," she replied.
"I'm part of a popular TV show 'Scarlet Secrets'."

Hiroshi raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Oh, really? Do tell me more. What kind of show is it?"

Frill's surprise turned into amusement as she realized Hiroshi had no idea about the TV show she was involved in. She tilted her head slightly and said,
"You haven't heard about it? That's surprising. Everyone seems to be talking about it lately. It's a romance drama."

Hiroshi blinked, taken aback. "A romance drama? Huh, I guess I must have missed all the buzz."

Frill couldn't help but tease him playfully. "Are you a bit of a shut-in, Shirotaka-san? It's been the talk of the town for weeks now."

Hiroshi chuckled, shaking his head.
"No, I'm not a shut-in, Shiranui-san. I just happen to have different interests. Romance dramas aren't really my cup of tea."

Frill listened intently as Hiroshi spoke, her curiosity piqued by his unexpected response. She leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Romance dramas make people have delusions and remove them from the harsh reality of love in this world," Hiroshi stated, his voice tinged with a hint of seriousness.
"They make your heart weak."

Frill's eyebrows furrowed in surprise at his profound statement. She hadn't expected such a deep perspective on the genre. She took a moment to absorb his words, contemplating their meaning.

"I see," she finally replied, her voice soft and contemplative. "So, you believe that romance dramas can create unrealistic expectations and shield us from the realities of love?"

Hiroshi nodded, his expression serious. "Exactly. Love isn't always a fairytale. It's important to stay grounded in reality."

"I understand where you're coming from, Shirotaka-san," she said, her voice gentle.

Hiroshi's eyes lit up with appreciation at Frill's understanding. He leaned forward, a small smile playing on his lips.

"But don't get me wrong, Shiranui-san," he continued his tone lightening.
"That doesn't mean I don't enjoy other genres. Thrillers, mysteries, and suspenseful stories can keep me entertained just as much. They offer a different kind of excitement and engage my mind differently."

Frill nodded, her smile returning. "Of course, Shirotaka-san. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to entertainment. It's wonderful that you appreciate a variety of genres. It shows a well-rounded taste."

Hiroshi chuckled, his mischievous grin reappearing. "Well, I do like to keep things interesting, Shiranui-san. Life would be quite dull if we limited ourselves to only one type of story, wouldn't it?"

Frill's laughter joined his, filling the secluded corner of the library with warmth and camaraderie. As their conversation continued, the two friends delved into a discussion about their favourite genres, sharing recommendations and exchanging playful banter.
His words had offered her a glimpse into his perspective, revealing a thoughtful and insightful side to him. She valued his every word, and his presence in her secret haven became even more meaningful.

Frill gazed at Hiroshi, a sincere expression on her face. Her eyes held a mixture of gratitude and admiration as she spoke.

"You know, Shirotaka-san, even though I just know you to a certain extent, I have to say, you're one of the few guys I've encountered who is sincere and unafraid to share your honest opinions with me," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "It's refreshing to have someone like you around, especially in a sea of individuals who often resort to foolish antics just to gain my attention."

Hiroshi's expression softened, a warm smile spreading across his face. He leaned in slightly, his eyes meeting hers.

"Thank you, Shiranui-san," he replied, his voice gentle.
"But you should know that everything goes through a metamorphosis."

They continued their chat and seemed to enjoy it.
After some time Hiroshi's expression turned thoughtful as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes focused on Frill. After a brief moment of silence, he spoke up, his voice filled with curiosity.

"By the way, Shiranui-san, do you happen to know a certain producer?" he asked, his tone laced with intrigue.

Later at night...
The famous bar was cloaked in shadows, its dimly lit interior providing an atmosphere of secrecy and exclusivity. The clock on the wall struck midnight, signalling the late hour, as the producer, Masaya Kaburagi, and his trusted colleague found themselves nestled in a corner booth, away from prying eyes.

Masaya sat with an air of calculated confidence, his sharp features accentuated by the soft glow of the candlelight on the table. Dressed in a tailored suit that spoke of wealth and success, he exuded an aura of power. His eyes, sparkling with ambition, scanned the room, occasionally lingering on the patrons who revelled in the hushed conversations and clinking glasses.

"The industry has changed," Masaya began, his voice smooth and commanding. "We used to rely solely on our connections, our ability to charm and sway. But now, with the advent of technology, the landscape is shifting. It's become a game of algorithms, analytics, and social media trends."

His colleague leaned forward, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and concern. "We've certainly achieved success, Masaya, but I can't help but feel that our recent projects lack the passion and originality we once had. Our focus on profit margins seems to overshadow the artistry."

A flicker of annoyance flashed across Masaya's face, but he quickly regained his composure. "Profit is our lifeblood, my friend," he stated firmly.
"Without it, our dreams would crumble. But you're right. We must strike a balance between commercial success and artistic integrity. Our audience demands novelty, innovation, and a touch of magic."

Masaya stood up from the booth, feeling the need to stretch his legs and clear his mind. As he walked towards the bar, his eyes swept across the room, taking in the various faces and conversations that filled the air. The haze of cigarette smoke hung in the dimly lit space, adding to the clandestine atmosphere.

As he approached the bar, Masaya noticed a man standing a few feet away, leaning against a pillar. The man's back was turned towards him, his face concealed in the shadows. A thin trail of smoke curled upwards from his hand, indicating that he held a lit cigarette. Intrigued, Masaya slowed his pace, his curiosity piqued by the mysterious figure.

He discreetly listened in on the man's conversation with another individual standing beside him. The words drifted towards him in fragments, but Masaya managed to catch phrases that ignited his interest.

"...the most captivating drama play I've seen in years," the man said, his voice tinged with excitement. "The way they seamlessly merged classical storytelling with cutting-edge technology is nothing short of a masterpiece."

Masaya's ears perked up, and a spark of enthusiasm ignited within him. The notion of a drama play that combined tradition with innovation resonated deeply with his creative instincts. It was the spark of originality he had been seeking, a chance to break free from the formulaic productions that had consumed his recent projects.

"Tell me more," Masaya whispered under his breath, barely audible to himself. He leaned in, straining to catch every word.

The man continued, his voice filled with admiration. "The cast... each actor brings a depth and vulnerability that brings the characters to life. They are all talented and some of them are newbies. We can snatch them for ourselves if we want. It's like nothing I've ever seen before."

A smile tugged at the corners of Masaya's lips. He could feel his passion reigniting, a surge of excitement coursing through his veins. The prospect of discovering a hidden gem, a new treasure that could captivate audiences, thrilled him to the core.

"I've found it," Masaya whispered, barely containing his excitement. "A new chapter, a new venture that will reignite a spark."

The mysterious man carefully stubbed out his cigarette, the glow fading to darkness as he dropped the butt into an ashtray nearby. With calculated steps, he turned away from the pillar, revealing a mischievous grin that danced upon his lips. It was clear that he relished the secrecy and the game he played.

As he made his way towards the exit, his gait exuded confidence and a hint of swagger. The dimly lit bar seemed to part ways for him.

Reaching the door, he pushed it open, revealing the cool night air that kissed his face. He stepped out onto the lit street, casting a final glance back at the bar, now a distant silhouette behind him. With a quick flick of his wrist, he removed the hat that had concealed his features, allowing his face to be bathed in the soft glow of the streetlights.

His red eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and satisfaction as he pulled the trench coat from his shoulders.

None other than Hiroshi himself stood there, his voice laced with a touch of irony.
"Good grief," he mused, his smirk growing wider. "How easy can the people who love money be deceived."

With a flick of his wrist, he sent the coat soaring through the air, gracefully arcing towards a nearby trash can. It landed with a muted thud, the discarded disguise crumpling amongst the refuse. Hiroshi's laughter echoed through the night.

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