Total Drama preferences

Galing kay NoahsWittyTales

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Romantic scenarios of some of the characters from total drama! Since preferences are a bit complicated to wri... Higit pa

Request page [Open]
Character list
How you met
What dating them includes
The first date
When you're sick
The first kiss
When they get jealous
New characters (Updated Scenarios)
How they hug you
The type of couple you are
When you get jealous
How they ask you to be their girlfriend
Movie nights
When they walk in on you changing
When they see you upset
Annoying couple things you both do
Going to a dance
Would they kill the spider?
When you see them upset
New characters (Catchup chapter)
When you are on your period
Their love language
They wake up first
The little things they do for you
A day at the carnival
Height difference?
How they react to you having a pet
Who made the first move?
How they celebrate your birthday
When the girls are on their period
How they would help/react if you struggle with mental illness
How they introduce you to their family PART 1
When you're upset with them and they notice - PART 1
Beach days with them

They react to you drawing them

1.7K 23 15
Galing kay NoahsWittyTales

Requested by: yasouls
Note - Like we discussed, it's random characters now :) Since it's hard to write preferences.

If you want to have your favorite characters still, you can always request a scenario on TD scenarios, which is my other book.

  Noah took a look at the drawing and raised an eyebrow. He smirked, "Well, well, I must say you've captured my unparalleled handsomeness quite accurately. It's almost as if you channeled the gods of art themselves just to do justice to this face. But I must say, you've underestimated the sheer magnitude of my eyebrow game. It's a force to be reckoned with."
   "Shut up!" You chuckled, handing him the drawing. "It's the thought that counts!"
   Noah would likely feel a sense of flattery and appreciation deep down. He finds it adorable that you took the time and effort to draw him. However, Noah might not readily admit these feelings or show a lot of outward enthusiasm.

   Cody had mixed emotions upon discovering that you drew him. On one hand, he felt flattered and thrilled that you took the time and effort to create artwork revolving around  him. It made him feel special knowing that someone finds him worthy of being the subject of their artistic expression.

However, he also would feel a bit nervous and self-conscious about the drawing. He might worry about how he is portrayed in the artwork so he would likely seek reassurance from you about your intentions and opinions regarding the drawing.

"Babe." You chuckled, kissing his forehead. "Stop thinking too much. You look cute."

  Duncan is the type to pretend he doesn't care that you drew him, but he does. He might make a remark like, "Not bad, babe. You managed to capture my rugged charm and undeniable awesomeness. But you forgot to add the tattoos, the six-pack, and the constant aura of badassery that surrounds me."
  He would also use the opportunity to playfully tease you by pointing out humorous details in the drawing or make sarcastic comments about his own appearance. However, you know that's his way of showing affection. He is a tough guy, but he does have a soft spot for you.

   "Hey, babe," Courtney called out nervously. "I heard you've been working on something for me?"

You turned around, smiling softly. "Yeah, I wanted to show you. But, uh, I'm not sure if it's good enough."

  Courtney's competitive instincts kicked in, but she pushed them down, reminding herself that your feelings were more important than any artistic critique. "I'm sure it's amazing. I can't wait to see it."

You showed her the canvas, revealing a portrait of her. Courtney's eyes widened, and she felt a mix of emotions surge through her. "Wow," She whispered, her voice filled with awe. "You... you drew this?"

You nodded, still nervous. "I wanted to capture your strength and determination. I hope you like it."

Courtney traced a finger over the lines. "It's... incredible," She admitted, her voice softening. "You captured me, not just physically, but something deeper."

A wave of relief washed over you. "I wanted to show you how much you mean to me, Courtney. Your drive and ambition inspire me every day."

  Alejandro gets flattered whenever you draw him and he would carefully observe all the details. He knows how to make you feel special, no matter what you do.
  Alejandro smirked, "Ah, mi amor, you've been hiding your artistic skills from me? I'm flattered."
  You blushed and avoided his gaze, "Well, I wanted to surprise you. Here it is."
  Alejandro took the drawing from your hands, "Impressive. You've captured my dashing features quite well, if I do say so myself."
   You blushed deeper, "You think so? I wasn't sure if it was good enough."
  "My dear, you've truly outdone yourself. The attention to detail, the way you've captured the essence of my charm... It's remarkable. I'm fortunate to have such a talented girlfriend."
  Then afterwards, he would most likely take you on a romantic date and shower you with kisses.

   Heather would initially display a guarded and skeptical reaction upon discovering that you have drawn her. However, deep down, she would likely appreciate the gesture as a sign of admiration and affection.
  Heather examined the drawing with a critical eye, "Hmph. Not bad, I suppose. You've managed to capture some resemblance."
  You smiled, "I'm glad you think so. I wanted to show you how much you mean to me."
  Heather softened her tone slightly, "Well, I can see you put effort into this. It's...nice."
  "Thank you, Heather!"
  Heather smirked, "You know, maybe there's potential in you yet. With more practice, you might even be able to do justice to my stunning beauty."

  Emma recognizes the symbolic value and the effort you have put into the artwork. She sees it as you showing how important she is to you and since Emma is definitely the romantic type, she would most likely get excited over it and try to find the underlying meaning in it.
  Emma blushed, "Well, then. I must admit, this drawing is a reminder of how far we've come together. It serves as a symbol of our partnership and the support we offer each other."
  You leaned closer to her, "I'm glad you see it that way, Emma. You inspire me every day."

  "Oh my gosh! Is that me? That's so amazing!"
    You looked up with a bright smile. "Yep, it's you, Kitty! I wanted to capture your energetic spirit and adorable smile."
  Kitty's eyes widened with delight, and she rushed over to get a closer look. "Wow, you've got some serious artistic talent! I love how you've brought out all the little details, like my signature bow and my favorite sneakers. It's like I'm looking in a mirror!"
    You blushed at the compliment, grateful for Kitty's enthusiastic response. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted to create something special for you because, well, you mean the world to me."
    Kitty pulled you into a tight hug. "Aww, you're the sweetest! This is the best gift ever. I'm so lucky to have you in my life!"

   Mike would be flattered and would take a genuine interest in your drawing. If you ask to draw him, he would say yes without hesitation because he loves trying your hobbies with you.
  Mike's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, Y/N! This is amazing! You've captured me so well. It's like looking in a mirror, but better!"
  "I'm glad you like it, Mike. I wanted to capture your true essence, and I'm happy that I did well."
  Mike leaned in closer, examining the details of the drawing. "You know, Y/N, this means a lot to me. It's not just a drawing; it's a representation of the connection we have. Thank you for sharing your talent with me."

  Mal's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the drawing. His lips curled into a sly smile, a mix of satisfaction and intrigue. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little artist in our midst, hm?"
  You tried to push down your irritation, knowing Mal always tried to hide his feelings. If he even had any.
  "Not bad," He remarked, trying to hide his smile. "You've managed to capture my essence quite well. I must say, I'm impressed."
  "Admit that you like it."
  "Never in a million years."

   Scott would initially react with skepticism or curiosity when you reveal your artwork to him. He would playfully ask if you're trying to capture his rugged good looks or his strategic genius.
  If the drawing is amazing, he definitely would show it off to his friends about "Having a hot girlfriend who draws." He's that mischievous and arrogant.
   If you're drawing sucks, he would still be flattered but he won't show it off as much.
"Scott, put that painting down!"
  "No way! It reminds me of why you're so special!"

  You opened your sketchbook, revealing a drawing of Trent sitting on a park bench, strumming his guitar. He was always playing his guitar, so you decided to draw him just like that.
   Trent's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the drawing. "Wow, Y/N, this is amazing!" He exclaimed, a warm smile spreading across his face. "You've really captured the essence of my music. It's like you've painted a moment from my soul."
   You blushed, grateful for Trent's positive reaction. "I'm so glad you like it. I wanted to create something special for you."
   "This is more than special, Y/N," He said sincerely. "It's a beautiful gift, and it means a lot to me that you put so much time and effort into it."

"You know," He began with a playful grin, "I think this drawing could become more than just a personal piece. How about we collaborate? I'll write a song inspired by this drawing, and we can create something truly unique together."

"That sounds incredible, Trent! I'd love to work on a project like that with you."

Gwen would likely react with a mix of surprise and appreciation if you drew her. As someone who values self-expression and creativity, Gwen would likely have a deep appreciation for her your artistic talent and the effort you put into capturing her.
  Gwen scanned the lines and details, "Huh... This is... pretty amazing."
  You smiled, "You think so?"
  Gwen paused before giving you a small smile, "Yeah, I do. You captured the essence of me, the real me. It's like you see through all the layers and get to the core."
  "That's what I was aiming for. I wanted to capture your uniqueness, Gwen."
  Gwen pecked your cheek, giving you an appreciative nod, "Well, you definitely succeeded."

  Sammy stared at the drawing her girlfriend had made of her, her eyes widening in surprise. She traced her fingers gently over the lines, her heart fluttering with a mix of emotions. She had always struggled with comparing herself to her twin sister, Amy, and had never felt truly seen or appreciated for who she was.
  You put your hand on her shoulder, as a silent way to comfort her.
  As she looked at the drawing, a wave of self-doubt washed over her. "Is this really me?" She whispered, her voice barely audible. Sammy's mind filled with the familiar voices of her past, taunting her with doubts about her worthiness and uniqueness.
  You gently took her hand and spoke softly, "That's you, Sammy. That's the person I fell in love with." You leaned in, planting a tender kiss on Sammy's cheek.
  Sammy looked into your eyes and whispered, "Thank you... Thank you for seeing me."

  Jo's eyes narrowed as she observed the drawing you made of her. She studied it intently, analyzing every detail.

"Hey, you're not half bad," Jo remarked, her tone laced with a hint of surprise. She appreciated the effort and talent you had put into the drawing, but her competitive nature prevented her from showing too much vulnerability.

"Do you like it?" You asked, grinning mischievously.

Jo blushed, trying to hide her feelings, "Um.. No?"

"Admit it."

"Fine! I love it. But don't tell anyone, okay?"

Jo would likely keep it tucked away in a safe place where she could occasionally glance at it in private. It would serve as a reminder of the connection she shared with you.  Jo might express her appreciation and affection through actions rather than words. She might plan a special outing or surprise you with a thoughtful gesture to show her gratitude for the drawing.

   Brick is known for being humble and modest. He might not be used to receiving personal attention or admiration, so he might downplay his reaction initially. He could express modesty and say things like, "Oh, it's really nice, but I'm not that special."
  "You are special!" You laughed. "That's why I drew you."
  Brick would show his support by encouraging your artistic talent. He would praise your skills and express admiration for your creativity, boosting your confidence and encouraging you to continue pursuing your passion.
  "Don't ever give up on your dreams, Y/N!"

  Eva's gaze lingered on the sketch, and a small smile formed on her face. "Well, I'll be damned. I never thought I'd see myself in a drawing."
   You chuckled, "I wanted to show you how much I admire you, Eva. I thought this might be a unique way to express it."
  Eva closed the sketchbook and handed it back to you. "It's... different. But I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. Thanks."
  Eva might initially react with surprise and skepticism upon seeing that you drew her because she is not used to receiving artistic attention or being the subject of someone's creative expression. However, deep down, Eva values loyalty and genuine care from those close to her.
  Eva might not express her emotions openly but she secretly feels touched and flattered by your efforts. She may become more curious about your artistic talents and engage in conversations about it, just like you do with her athletic abilities.

  Geoff exclaimed in excitement, "Whoa, dude! This is amazing! You really captured my vibe!"
  You chuckled, "I tried!"
  "You've got some serious skills! This is like a masterpiece!"
  Geoff loves sharing his passions with others. He would suggest displaying the drawing prominently, either in his room or in a common area, so that everyone can see it. He would even take a picture of the drawing and share it on social media, tagging you and expressing his pride in your talent, even if the drawing isn't that good.
  Afterwards, he might write you a badly written poem, plan a surprise date, or even create his own artwork as a token of his affection.

  Justin is so self absorbed because he's a male model. So, if he sees that you drew him, he would have a very exaggerated reaction.
  "Ah, my flawless beauty captured on paper. Of course, it's a masterpiece. You've truly captured my stunning physique and chiseled jawline. You have quite the eye for beauty."
  "Of course, your majesty." You said, playfully rolling your eyes.
  He might take the opportunity to show off the drawing to as many people as possible, seeking their compliments and praise. He would carry it around with him, proudly displaying it and saying, "Admire Y/N's artistic skills. She knows how to capture perfection."

  Dj smiled warmly and said, "Wow, thank you so much! This means a lot to me."
   "Well, you deserve it." You told him. "You just.. You're amazing Dj. I'm lucky to have you."
   "And I'm lucky to have you, Y/N. You have such a gift! Keep drawing, and you'll amaze everyone with your talent."
  Afterwards, Dj embraced you in a heartfelt hug and made sure you knew how much he appreciates you.
  DJ values sentimental gestures and would likely find a special place to display the drawing. He might hang it on his wall or keep it in a prominent spot in his room as a reminder of your artistic abilities.

  "Oh my gosh, babe! Is that me? That's so amazing!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. She couldn't contain her excitement as she rushed over to you wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug.
  You blushed, hugging her back. "I'm glad you like it."
  "Like it? I love it!" She peppered your face with kisses, expressing her affection and gratitude.
  Throughout the day, Lindsay proudly showed off the drawing to everyone she encountered, gushing about your artistic skills. She would likely hang the drawing up in her room, making it a centerpiece and a constant reminder of the love and creativity that you brought into her life.

  Izzy's face lit up with a mischievous grin, and she let out a laugh. "Whoa, babe! You captured my crazy side perfectly! This is amazing!"
  Without a moment's hesitation, Izzy grabbed your hand and started dragging you around, showing the drawing off to everyone you both encountered. She would likely come up with wild stories and exaggerated tales about the artwork, entertaining and bewildering everyone around them.
  "Izzy, you're such a doofus." You laughed, kissing your girlfriend's cheek.
  "It's what I do!" She chuckled, pulling you into a kiss.

  "No way! You drew me?" He exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement. He took a closer look at the drawing, noticing every detail you had captured. "Wow, Y/N! This is amazing! Look at how you got my hair just right, and the shape of my glasses!"
  "You're so cute, Harold." You chuckled.
   He scratched the back of his head. "Aw, come on now. I'm not that great. But seriously, this means a lot to me. Thank you, Y/N. You've got talent!"
  Harold's analytical side kicked in as he couldn't help but notice a small detail that could be improved. "Hey, Y/N, this is fantastic, but I think you could try shading here to bring out the contours more. But honestly, it's already incredible as it is!"
   You nodded, grateful for Harold's feedback. "Thank you for the suggestion, Harold. I'll keep that in mind for my next drawing. Your feedback means a lot to me."

   "Hey, Chris! I've got something for you," You said, holding up a sketchpad.
   Chris's eyes lit up with excitement. "What's this? Another gift for the great and handsome Chris McLean?"
   You chuckled. "You could say that. I drew you, Chris!"
   Chris's ego soared at the thought. "Oh, you know how to make a guy feel special! Let's see it!" He exclaimed, eagerly taking the sketchpad from you.
  "Typical Chris," You thought.
  "You know what? This drawing is too good to keep to ourselves. We should display it during the next challenge and let everyone bask in its glory. The Chris McLean gallery, coming soon!"
You nodded, enjoying the playful side of Chris. "Sounds like a plan. The contestants won't know what hit them when they see the masterpiece you've become."

  Vito would flirt with you the moment you even show him the drawing and he would be intensely flattered by it. He loves displays of affection, especially if they're physical affection. However, he also appreciates sentimental gestures.
  Vito smirked, as he examined your drawing. "You sure know how to make a guy feel like a million bucks."
  "Oh stop it."
  "Well, it's safe to say you've succeeded in stealing my heart once again, Y/N. I can't wait to show off this artwork to everyone and let them know who the lucky guy is behind such a breathtaking piece." Vito winked, pulling you into a kiss.

  Jacques had just returned from another day of ice dancing. He noticed a piece of paper on the table with a drawing on it, which was a portrait of him with his signature pose. A smile stretched across his face as he realized it was your handiwork.
    "Y/N! Look at this!" Jacques called out, holding up the drawing.
     "Oh, you found it! I wasn't sure when you'd see it," You said, blushing slightly.
   "This is incredible! You captured my essence perfectly, mon amour. Look at those muscles! Magnifique!" He exclaimed, striking a pose.
  You laughed, "I'm glad you like it. I wanted to show my support for your ice dancing competition."
  "Well, you know, I've got some artistic skills of my own. Maybe I should draw you next and show you how it's done." Jacques winked, playfully competing with you.
  You smirked, accepting the challenge. "Oh, really? I'd love to see you try. Let's have a little competition then. We can see who captures the other's looks better."

  Josee's gaze softened as she examined the artwork with a small smile. "Hmph. Well, I must admit, your artistic skills are quite impressive. You've managed to portray my best features accurately. It's almost as if you've captured my essence on paper."
"I'm glad you think so, Josee. I wanted to create something that showcased the fierce and determined side of you that I admire."
   Josee's competitive nature kicked in, and she couldn't resist a playful challenge. "Well, I suppose this drawing will serve as a reminder of my greatness. But don't think for a second that I won't strive for even greater heights in the future!"
   You chuckled and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I know you will, Josee. Your ambition is one of the things I love about you. This drawing was just a small tribute to your incredible spirit."
   Josee smiled, hugging you back. "Hmm, well, maybe I can find a place for this drawing in my collection of trophies and medals. After all, it does capture a different kind of victory."

   Crimson's lips curled into a faint smile as she examined the artwork. "Interesting. You've managed to convey a semblance of my essence in this drawing. It captures the shadows that surround me and the intensity in my eyes."
  "I'm glad you see that, Crimson. I wanted to create something that reflects the unique and intriguing person you are."
  Crimson nodded. "Your artistic talent is commendable. This drawing will serve as a reminder of the connection we share, a bond that transcends words and is reflected in your art."
  Crimson may not have the most emotional response but deep down, she feels things deeply. She just expresses it in her own unique way. She would most likely keep your drawing on her wall or a folder. 

    "Oh my gosh, you drew me! That's amazing! I love it!"
   Bridgette would be genuinely interested in the artistic process behind the drawing and would ask you about the inspiration and techniques used. She would love to hear about the emotions and thoughts that went into capturing her essence in the artwork. She might even want to display the artwork proudly, whether it's on her wall or as her phone background.
   Bridgette would likely treasure the drawing as a special memento of your relationship and ask your permission to share it on social media, proudly showcasing the talent and love that went into creating it.

   Manitoba would most likely react similarly to Vito with flirty comments and teasing. He would keep the drawing somewhere safe, where no one could find it, since he considers it very valuable treasure. He might also keep it for emergencies just incase you go missing, such as using it as a clue during searches.
  "You really like that drawing, do you?" You teased, nudging Manitoba playfully.
  Manitoba chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, "It's treasure, my love. I have to protect it."

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