Bangtan Sarang || KTH - Book 2

Writeria29 द्वारा

699 258 221

Author Note: This book is a sequel to Bangtan Sarang ||JJK If you haven't already read that, I suggest you re... अधिक

~ Chapter One ~
~ Chapter Two ~
~ Chapter Three ~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Seven ~
~ Chapter Eight ~
~ Chapter Nine ~
~ Chapter Ten ~
~ Chapter Eleven ~
~ Chapter Twelve ~
~ Chapter Thirteen ~
~ Chapter Fourteen~
~ Chapter Fifteen ~
~ Chapter Sixteen ~
~ Chapter Seventeen ~
~ Chapter Eighteen ~
~ Chapter Nineteen ~
~ Chapter Twenty ~
~ Chapter Twenty One ~
~ Chapter Twenty Two ~
~ Chapter Twenty Three ~

~ Chapter Six ~

21 11 5
Writeria29 द्वारा

Jia sighed as she watched Tae walk up to her.

One hand in the pocket of his trousers, his hair falling over his forehead and onto his eyes, the top button of his white shirt undone. Her breath hitched. Why did he have to be so fucking gorgeous? she cried to herself.

How was she even supposed to try to resist him?

It wasn't fair that he should affect her like that. She wasn't some inexperienced virgin who blushed at winks and broke out in goosebumps at every touch, she reminded herself. She was lethal. She devoured men like they were brunch and spit out their bones.

She straightened up as he came closer. Determined not to show any weakness.

"I think we should leave now. I'll drive. I don't like the colour the sky is turning" he said holding his hand out for the keys.

Jia looked up at the sky. She had completely missed how dark it had gotten. It was turning a dull, threateningly grey colour which indicated an incoming storm. She handed the keys to him and walked around to the other side of the car, quickly getting in. Tae had gotten in on his side already and started the car.

He drove down the road they had come from. In less than fifteen minutes of driving, they were hit hard by the storm. The car seemed to sway from the force of the wind and the rain poured down so hard that it left the visibility to almost nil.

Tae reduced the speed of the car and the drove ahead for another half hour. The storm seemed to get worse and worse the further they went.

"I can barely even see anymore. I'm going to pull over." Tae spoke, his voice barely reaching her through the roaring sound outside. She simply nodded gripping her seat.

Tae slowly pulled over to what looked like the side of the road. He couldn't be sure though. It had turned dark and the rain formed a thick curtain around them.

They stayed there for some time, trying to distract themselves with music and small talk but the storm kept raging around them.

Tae looked around through the windshield.

"I think we need to get out of the car and find shelter" Tae remarked.

"Wouldn't that be opposite of safe though? At least we are dry and warm in here" Jia said, not wanting to go out and get drenched.

"No, seriously. I'm not even sure if we are off the road. The visibility is so poor someone could come crash into the car. Also the car is completely electronically controlled. The water seems to be pooling around us. If it gets too high, the car could shut down and we'd be stuck inside. Either option doesn't work for me. I very much want to live." He said nervously.

"But where would we go?" She asked.

"I think I see a light up ahead. Right there. Do you see it?" He asked pointing out towards the right side of their car. "We could run" he looked at her tentatively.

She stared down at her heels and then back up at him with wide eyes. He looked at them too. "Will you be able to?" He asked again.

"On a road, yes. But if we run on soft ground, I doubt I'd get too far in these." She looked back down at her stilettos.

"We should still try Jia. We are at serious risk just sitting here." Tae tried.

She nodded. "You are right."

"Let's go then. Grab the flashlight from the glovebox" He instructed, unbuckling the seatbelt. "Do you need your purse?" He asked glancing in the back.

"I should take it. Its waterproof." She grabbed the purse "Do you want to put anything in? Maybe your phone?"

He quickly handed her his phone, wallet and his watch. "Be careful please and don't let go of my hand. I'll come around the car and get you, okay."

She nodded.

He opened the door and the interior of the car was immediately flooded by the pouring rain. She tried to see him outside but couldn't even find a silhouette.

A few seconds later he opened her door and held out his hand. She grabbed it immediately, holding on to it fiercely. He was drenched and she could barely see his face. Once she was out of the car, she was completely drenched before she could even take a single breath. Tae tugged her hand and she moved with him as he led her across the road and towards the light they could see in the distance. Once they were off the road her heels started digging into the damp earth, slowing her down.

"Come on" Tae shouted over the roar of the wind and rain, tugging on her hand again.

"I'm trying! My heels are sinking in the mud" she whined.

Tae stopped. "You cannot walk without them you might hurt yourself"

"You think?" She asked sarcastically. The rain had plastered her hair to her head and the water was running down her face making it difficult for her to keep her eyes open.

"I'm going to have to carry you then" He said.

"What? No!!" She yelled but he pulled her closer.

"Climb on to my back." He turned around and bent his knees. "Hurry!" He yelled when she didn't move.

"My skirt" she said in frustration.

Tae looked down at the contraption that was supposedly a skirt. The wet garment looked like it was glued to her skin. He reached down grabbing the hem between his fingers and ripped.

She gasped "Yah! That is Armani" she cried.

"I'll buy you a new one! Now come on!" He turned and bent again.

She hesitantly slipped her hands over his shoulders, not failing to notice how strong and firm they seemed beneath her fingers. She hopped on to his back and he reached around to tuck his hands beneath her knees and hooking her legs around his waist.

"Hold tight" he yelled, taking off towards the light in a dead run.

Jia tucked her head into the crook of his neck trying to avoid the rain from hitting her face.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, coming to a halt and she raised her head to check what had happened.

They had reached a small open shed. It was just a roof held up with a few poles, used to store some farming equipment. The light was from a small lantern that hung from a corner.

Jia climbed off his back and looked around. The wind was howling around them. And though there was a roof, the shed was open on all sides and the rain was heavy enough to still hit them under the roof. Tae was looking around wildly. His hair was stuck up at odd angles, his clothes plastered to his body.

Jia couldn't suppress a giggle that bubbled to the surface. When he whirled around to look at her with a shocked expression on his face, she burst into a full bodied laughter, grabbing her waist and bending over as she was overcome with mirth.

She laughed uncontrollably and a few moments later, he joined her. They were both laughing until their bellies hurt. Tae was squeezing his middle still unable to stop laughing.

He finally came up for air after what seemed like hours but couldn't have been more than a few minutes. He looked up at the roof and huffed. The tears of laughter in his eyes mingled with the rain water trickling down from his wet hair.

"Ah! Fuck!" He grunted clutching his sides, bending backwards to relieve the pain and lost his balance. This lead to a new fit of giggles as Jia reached out to grab him before he fell and ended up falling into a puddle with him.

They couldn't stop laughing. The movement from laughter caused their bodies to settle against each other as she lay on top of him.

When the laughter finally settled into soft chuckles, Tae looked down at her lying on his chest. He reached up to brush a wet tendril away from her cheek and she looked up at him. The humour was still sparkling in her eyes and he knew then that he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

He pulled her up against himself bringing her face level with his own. She was straddling him, looking down on him with a mixture of fear and desire on her face. He parted his lips but waited for her to decide.

She hesitated for a moment but then threw caution to the wind as she bent down and crushed her lips against his. She didn't want to fight it anymore.

His world stopped, rocked and spun faster than it ever had. She tasted of rain and something sweet. He felt drunk as his head spun. He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close. She parted her lips and he deepened the kiss.

He kissed her with such passion and wild abandon that she felt like she was drowning in him. If this was what drowning felt like, then she never wanted to breathe again.

Their chests rose and fell in a desperate attempt to get some much needed oxygen but they were beyond caring. The only thing that mattered in that moment was the feeling of their lips dancing with each other and their hands grabbing at whatever piece of flesh they could reach.

His hands slid lower down on her body. One hand slid down to her thigh, where it rested against the bare skin exposed through the rip in her skirt. The other found the rounded softness of her behind.

She bit down on his bottom lip and he groaned squeezing her ass. The storm raging around them seemed tame compared to the storm raging inside him. His hips instinctively bucked up against hers, desperate for friction as he pressed into her softness.

A bright flashlight shone on to them through the rain making them break apart and stare at the offending source.

Tae saw an old man looking down at the two of them in confusion. He was wearing a heavy duty raincoat with boots and held a huge umbrella over his head in one hand and a the offending flashlight in the other.

Tae wondered how they must look, lying in a muddy puddle and making out in the middle of a storm.

The man cleared his throat and pointedly looked away from the two of them. Jia scrambled to her feet and tried to straighten her clothes.

Tae stood too. He noticed how Jia's now soaked silk blouse was glued to her skin making it look almost sheer exposing the bra she wore underneath. Though it sizzled his blood again, he ignored it for now. He swiftly shrugged off his wet jacket from his shoulders and draped it around her.

"Yah! I only came to check because a few minutes ago, it sounded like some animals were dying here." The old man said to them.

Tae met Jia's eyes and saw the recognition in hers. He bit his lips to hold back the laughter that wanted to break out.

"Yeah that was probably us" he said as steadily as he could manage.

Jia giggled and then quickly covered it with a soft cough.

The man stared at the two of them for a moment.

"You want to stay out here in the storm?" He asked.

"We weren't planning to but we didn't know where else to go." Tae answered patiently.

"Come on. I have got a cabin back there. I have a spare room you two love birds can share. But I must warn you, dry shelter is all that I can provide. I don't have any food here and the firewood is all wet due to the rain." The man said.

Tae bowed to the elder in gratitude "Ghamsamnida"

Jia bowed too "We would gladly accept whatever you can easily provide without much hassle"

The man grunted in acknowledgement and motioned them to follow him.

A few steps out and Jia got stuck in the mud again "Aiishhh" she cursed. The men turned around to look at her.

Tae jogged back to her with a grin "Sorry I forgot" he said, smoothly picking her up in his arms, princess style.

The older man held the umbrella over them with a smile as the three of them trudged up the trail to the cabin.

Jia stared up at Tae as she wound her arms around his neck. He stared straight ahead at the path they were walking on, giving her an unobstructed view of his strong, angular jaw. The man was beautiful, even drenched, he looked like he had stepped out of a fashion magazine. She looked down at herself, drenched with splotches of mud on her ripped skirt, she probably looked like a half drowned cat.

When they reached the cabin, Tae lowered her softly on to the floor. He straightened his jacket on her and made sure she was properly covered and tucked her behind himself as he turned to talk to the old man.

"There is a room on the right you can use. There isn't a washroom in there but there's one out back if you need" the man explained.

Tae bowed. "We just need to wait out the storm for a few hours."

The man nodded and waved them to the room.

The two of them walked in together. It was a small room with a bed and a tiny fireplace.

"At least its dry" Jia said walking towards the fireplace and holding her hands out to the warmth.

"You should get out of those wet clothes" Tae said.

Jia turned around to look at him. He had already shed his shirt and was shaking the water out of his hair. She gulped at the sight of his bare chest and washboard abs. He was sculpted.

She got up off the floor and shrugged out of the jacket, moving towards the bed. She turned towards the corner of the room and unzipped her skirt. Sliding off the wet garment off herself was harder than she thought. She hobbled and pulled until she was free.

Tae was still bent down shaking the water out of his hair with his hands. Jia watched in fascination as the muscles in his biceps bunched and flexed with every movement. She shivered as a few droplets landed on her heated skin.

The fire wasn't big enough to warm up the entire room. It would probably die down soon.

"Are you just going to stand there?" He asked looking up at her through his wet lashes.

"I'm not going to strip down in front of you." She answered.

"Feel free to leave Aein" Tae smirked.

Again with the sweetheart.

"You could at least turn around" she snapped.

"What? And miss out on the opportunity to admire the goods? Never!" He teased.

When she stared at him with an irritated expression, he chuckled.

He watched as her expression changed like turning on a switch. She slowly peeled her wet blouse away from her body, her eyes not leaving his, not even blinking, her gaze dark with unspoken emotion. She was standing covered only in her wet underthings that didn't leave much to his imagination. When she heard him gasp she smiled and unhooked her bra.

He whirled away from her. Another moment and she would have seen him drool.

She chuckled silently and quickly took off all her wet clothes and laid them on the table to dry. She pulled the blanket from the bed and wrapped it around herself. It wasn't very warm but a few minutes near the fire and she would be fine.

She heard the faint sound of a zipper and her gaze whipped to him. She watched him push down his trousers over his fine ass. He turned around wearing just his boxers and faced her.

"You look very warm" he said. "Care to share?" He asked as an involuntary shudder passed through him because of the cold.

"Nope!" She shook her head "Find your own"

He pouted. It was so cute. She almost said yes. Almost.

Her eyes twinkled with laughter. He looked at her and groaned. "I don't think I can do it anymore" he whined, looking at her with such longing in his eyes.

"Do what?"

"Hold back" his eyes glittered with desire.

"I never asked you to" she shrugged.

It took him a moment to realise what she had said. When he did, he strode towards her.

Two long strides and he was in her face. "Are you sure?" He whispered. The heat in his eyes threatened to engulf her whole.

In answer, she simply opened her arms and the blanket wrapped around her to welcome him.

He stepped in without hesitation and slipped his arms around her bare waist. She shivered at his cool touch but when he pulled her roughly up against him and his mouth descended on hers, it was anything but cold.

She closed her arms around him enveloping him inside the cocoon of the blanket with her. He devoured her mouth, rekindling the fire that he had lit just a little while ago.

"You should take those off too" she said wriggling against his wet boxers.

He captured her mouth again and slid out of the wet underwear and kicked it away. His hands grabbing at her waist again.

She tightened her arms around him, pulling him closer and pressing their naked bodies together.

"I love how we feel together like this" he mumbled breathlessly as he trailed kisses down her throat.

They devoured each other with desperate and hungry kisses. His hand came up from behind her and cupped a breast, his thumb rubbing circles around her throbbing bud. It wasn't enough she need more, so much more. She raked her nails across his back to pull him closer and his breath left him in a soft hiss.

He slowly lowered her to the ground in front of the fireplace.

"There's a perfectly good bed right there" she remarked.

"It's warmer here" he replied. Pulling her down with him and laying her on top of the blanket.

He was also glad for the light from the fireplace. He wanted to see her. He gazed down at her in wonder. She was exquisite. All peaches and cream. He bent his head placing wet kisses on her shoulder and headed down to pull a taut nipple into his mouth.

She moaned in pleasure that shot through her at the feeling of his hot mouth on her breast. His hand kneaded the other mound giving it equal attention.

"It's too much.... So good" she said breathlessly.

She couldn't take it anymore. She had to touch him. She reached down between them and wrapped her fingers around him. He groaned. She was pleasantly surprised by how big he felt.

She rubbed a thumb lightly over over the tip, enjoying the feel of him. Hard and heavy and slick with his arousal. As her fingers trailed along the length of him, she felt him get even bigger in her hand.

He moved lower trailing his tongue down her flat abdomen. He gave a sharp bite on her pelvis as he slid even lower. She hissed in anticipation, curling her fingers in his silky hair. She was already close.

With the first brush of his tongue against her silky folds her hips buckled and a shudder passed through her.

He loved how she responded to his every touch.

He looked up at her, locking her in his stare, his fingers intertwined with hers. He bent lower not breaking the eye contact as he licked again extracting a desperate moan from deep within her.

"So hot" he whispered with her still locked in his gaze.

"You are killing me Tae" she begged.

"I won't kill you but I will ruin you tonight" he promised.

He bent down to find her core. He brought his fingers down to explore her depths further.

Just a few thrusts from his fingers, with his tongue on her clit had her coming undone. Her orgasm broke through her making her cry out.

The thunder outside drowned her cries.

"I need to.... fuck!" He said getting off of her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, not liking the brush of cold air she felt from his lack of physical contact.

"I don't have any protection with me" he said brushing a hand through his damp hair in frustration.

She was quiet for a minute as the wheels turned in her head. She was always safe. But she was also very desperate at this moment, she needed to feel him inside her. She would surely die otherwise.

"Are you clean?" She asked him.

"Yes. Are you?" He asked.

She nodded. "I'm also on the pill"

"Oh thank God." He breathed, moving swiftly between her legs.

He pulled her knees up and lined himself, looking into her eyes, searching for any sign of regret. He didn't find any. She gripped the hair on his nape, pulling him closer. He didn't need anymore confirmation.

He thrust into her right up to the hilt in one swift motion. She gasped out loud in surprise. She had realised he was big but she probably hadn't grasped how big he really was.

The burn was hot as much as it was sweet. He had stretched her out so much she was afraid he would rip right through her.

"You weren't kidding when you said you would ruin me." She panted as he moved roughly.

"I wasn't. I will ruin you for every other man. You will never be quite as satisfied with anyone else" Tae smirked.

She slapped his ass.

"Ooh kinky" he said and they both laughed until he pulled out and buried himself in her again. Killing the laughter and making her gasp.

He had never ever had sex without protection before. In a way, she was ruining him too. Now that he knew, sex would never feel as good with it on again.

She grabbed his ass and squeezed as he gained momentum. Thrusting wildly, searching for the mind blowing release they both so desperately craved.

"Come for me baby" he whispered against her ear, his deep voice finally sending her over the edge.

She convulsed around him as he slowed his movements letting her ride out her orgasm, lengthening it even longer.

She clung to him panting and shaking. He kissed her deeply before starting up again. Her eyes widened and he grinned devilishly at her.

Within seconds, she rose again. Matching him thrust for thrust. The tension built to unbearable heights before they fell over together in a tangle of limbs and passionate kisses. His orgasm hitting him hard and he groaned loud as it shattered his world.

He lay spent on top of her, trying to catch his breath.

"So did I?" He asked his voice turning even huskier from the lack of oxygen.

"Did you what?" She managed.

"Ruin you?" He smirked.

She pinched his ass making him squirm. The movement made her moan again.

His eyes twinkled.

"Maybe I'll let you try again sometime" she said.

"Give me a few minutes and we will Jaagiya" he winked.

Her eyes widened and he laughed at her. She pushed him off herself and he fell beside her.

He laughed again when she tried to scoot away from him. He didn't let her get far, pulling her close and tucking her into his side.

He pulled the blanket around them, cocooning her in his warmth.

He placed a soft kiss on her cheek. "Jal jayo"

She snuggled into his chest enveloped in his musky scent and closed her eyes finally letting sleep pull her under.


Author Note:
Hello peeps 🙋🏻‍♀️ I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Please don't forget to vote.

Also a small bit of clarification here for those of you who are confused. The story from the introduction of Do Jia's character is based in the past. That is a year ago from when Eunji calls Tae asking about Jia.

We will see the story build from the past and then circle back to the present.

I hope it makes sense 🙈

Also Jungkook's SEVEN released today! How amazing is that. Barely 12hrs and already at 200M views on his MV. Love him to death 💜

Sorry I missed out on the translations from the prologue I will cover them all here, you can skip ahead if you don't need them.

Nae Sarang - My Love
Yeoboseyo - Hello
Anneyeonghaseyo - Greetings
Unni - A term used to address an older sister.
Jaagiya - Baby
Je-bal - please
Samchon - A term used to address ones maternal uncle
Mianheyo - Sorry
Sajangnim - Sir/Boss
Ghamsamnida - Thank you
Aein - Sweetheart
Jinjja - Really
Jal jayo - Sleep well

Any and all characters in this book are fictional, any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is purely coincidental.
Pictures/Audio/Video Credit goes to the original source/artist/owner.
BTS and its members belong to themselves and Bighit/Hybe. They do not belong to me. Their names and characteristics are used only for entertainment purposes.


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