Fall Of The Saiyans

Od _Alex-san_

120 6 7

The Tuffles were a highly advanced civilization that shared Planet Plant with the Saiyans. Until one day, the... Více

EP. 1 - Visions of Genocide
EP. 3 - Your Hand Or War

EP. 2 - The Cunningly Foolish Saiyan

25 1 0
Od _Alex-san_

Miyako quickly grasped the Red Jewel. It burned in her palm again. "Vegeta, you say? Hasn't your line bred rulers?"

"Ah, so you aren't completely clueless about us," Vegeta observed her. "But yes, it has. I am Chief Vegeta III."

"I see your line does not breed creativity."

He was so taken aback by her comment, he laughed. "My name," he started. "It is such a great name, it cannot stand for just one generation."

Miyako chuckled. "You are quite funny, Chief Vegeta. You have the audacity to be so arrogant in front of a Princess."

"You insult my name," Vegeta smirked. "But you made one mistake."

"And that is?"

He yanked her by her hair and neared her face once more.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she snapped.

"I do not care if you are a Princess or not," Vegeta glared. "It is you who has such audacity to come here and insult me! You are so naive to come here on your own, little girl."

Miyako glared back. "I wanted to get a rise out of you. To see if you really are just a savage like everyone says you are."

He gripped her hair tighter. "You were testing me?"

"Call it what you want. I believe I have seen enough."

Vegeta noticed the dark glint in her eyes. "You too have placed us below you," he concluded. "The dwarf Rambutan has that same look."

Miyako's expression softened. "So, he really has treated you inferior?"

He scoffed. "Of course. He always has. They always have. Those weakling Tuffles hiding behind their fancy machines!"

She winced as his grip tightened in anger. "I understand. I... don't think King Rambutan is as great as he appears to be."

"Oh? You're trying to play nice with me now that I have you cornered?"

Miyako frowned, "Just to be clear, you never had me cornered."

Vegeta's eyes widened as her eyes and the Red Jewel glowed an iridescent crimson. In a moment, she had slammed him into the ground with an arm she made from ki.

He struggled in its grip. "What is this?!"

Miyako let out a breath. "Can you calm down so I can let you go?"

The other two Saiyans watched in awe at the scene. Vegeta was their strongest warrior! And he was taken down by a young girl?!

Vegeta hid his flushed face from her. "Fine. I am calm. Release me."

The Princess obliged, and he quickly stood.

"Why did you come here?" Vegeta composed himself.

"I wanted to confirm my suspicions," Miyako replied, adjusting her hair. "King Rambutan and his predecessors have been treating you unfairly. It's as if you're second class citizens. Maybe worse."

The Chief clenched his fists. "Exactly."

"Although I think you are a bit...rough around the edges," she cut him slack, "I understand where your frustrations are coming from."

Vegeta crossed his arms. "Understanding from some girl means nothing to me."

Miyako smiled. "I told you; I am not just some girl—I am a Princess," she crossed her hands over her lap. "I can help you."

"What's in it for you?"

She glanced away. "I want to help you. Your kind."

Vegeta studied her. He had handled her disrespectfully—even threatened her—and she still wanted to help them. The look in her eyes was different. She seemed embarrassed to be even saying such words.

He smirked. "How do you plan to help, Princess?"

"As of right now, no one wants to help you except for me, so it will take some time," Miyako admitted. "But, I have this for you. It could be useful."

She held her hand out to reveal a device with a ear piece and a small screen.

"What is this...?" Vegeta accepted it, inspecting it.

"It's a device called a scouter," Miyako replied. "You put it on over one of your ears, and the screen will detect your target's position and battle power."

He seemed to not understand how to put it on.

She gestured for him to lower his head. When he did, she grabbed the scouter and placed it over his ear, setting it in place. She pressed a button to turn it on and stepped back.

"Well? Can you see my battle power?" Miyako asked.

Vegeta was astounded at the yellow marks. A circle formed on the Princess and numbers began to rise. "It says 1500."

"My battle power is 1500," Miyako explained. "Meanwhile, the Tuffles' battle powers range in the hundreds. Sometimes even less."

He took keen notice of this and scanned the two Saiyans behind him. Below 1000.

"I know you must be curious about your battle power," she said. "It's about 2000."

Vegeta turned to her. "You faced me alone knowing I was stronger than you?"

"I'm not alone," Miyako held the Red Jewel in her palm. "But yes. I suppose I took a bit of a gamble on you. Your kind."

He laughed once more. "You really are quite something, Princess."

"I know," she agreed shamelessly. "I hope the device could be useful to you meanwhile. It can help you find those...Kimbit you were mentioning earlier."

"Really?!" the fat Saiyan questioned.

"Yes," she smiled.

"Alright!! Gimme that thing, Chief!!" he demanded.

Vegeta knocked him down. "As if I would let you use this."

"What about me?" the woman pointed to herself.


"You're too cruel, Chief...," she sulked.

Miyako chuckled. "I'll take my leave now," she bowed her head. "Until we meet again, Chief Vegeta."

He turned his attention to her. "Yes," he said. "Until then, Princess Miyako."

She smiled and flew off.

Vegeta stared after her. She was truly something.

"Chiiiiief, I'm hungry!!" the fat Saiyan whined.

He sighed. Life had to be better than this.


That night, Miyako snuck back into her room. All night she tumbled and turned to fall asleep, but her mind continued to drift to Vegeta and the Saiyans.

He is not a bad man, she thought. He is cautious, intelligent, perhaps a bit emotional, but he is not a savage.

Grabbing her by the hair was truly insulting, but she could see how a hurt ego and an insult would lead to anger.

He just needs to be properly civilized, she concluded. He already is articulate. Just some etiquette could do him good. And of course, less violence.

Miyako rubbed her face. But no one will believe me, she realized. It will take ages to convince anyone...

She sighed and closed her eyes. "Perhaps when I am Queen, I really can help... Vegeta."

With that last thought, she fell asleep.


In the morning, Miyako was urgently awoken.

"My Lady," Tatsoi pulled down the covers. "We must leave."

It took a few moments for the Princess to gather her bearings. "Why? What is happening?" she stood.

"There's been an attack," the governess helped her dress. "There was an assassination attempt on His Majesty."

"King Rambutan?"


"By whom?"

Tatsoi lead her out of the room with the guards following. She glared ahead, "The savages."

Miyako's stomach dropped. "Chief Vegeta?"

"Yes, that fool. He has crossed the line this time."

She clenched her fists. "Yes. He is a fool."

As Tatsoi was ushering her towards their ship, she turned to see a chunk of the castle had been destroyed.

"No!" Miyako cried out.

"I'm surprised it didn't awaken you, My Lady," Tatsoi remarked.

She shut her eyes and turned away. "Let us return home."

Vegeta, she thought. You complete fool.



Miyako blushed as she departed the from the ship with her governness. "Father, please. I am not a little girl anymore..."

She was taken aback by her father's tight embrace.

"My Mi-Mi," Kayno held her. "I should have never let you go on your own. Those savages could've killed you!"

"Father," she patted him. "I am fine."

"No! This is unacceptable!" he pulled her back. "I don't think it was just a coincidence that once my Princess arrives on the planet, those savages decide to attack!"

Her brows furrowed. "Do you think the Saiyans tried to assassinate me?" she questioned. "But Father, the assassination attempt was on King Rambutan."

Kayno put his arm around her and led her back into the castle. "You are not to go back there. I will deal with King Rambutan and the savages on my own."

"Father, please," Miyako started. "I think you are wrong. The Saiyans were after King Rambutan."

"Mi-Mi," he started sternly.

She frowned. This was the moment to bring up the true cause. "The Tuffles are treating the Saiyans unfairly."

Kayno scoffed. "The Tuffles are keeping them in their place."

"Father!" Miyako ripped away from him. "This is not the fairness you have taught me!"

He studied her. "Daughter," he started in a darker tone. "You have seen for yourself. Rather than using their words, they simply resorted to violence, causing the loss of innocent lives. Think thoroughly. You are too smart."

With that, he left her.

Miyako looked after him. He was right. Vegeta was foolish enough to attack Rambutan after receiving the scouter. Things would only get worse for the Saiyans, as he was further establishing everyone's prejudice of them. Everyone would continue to call them savages.

Why, Vegeta? she wondered. Why did you do this? Didn't you know what everyone would say about you? How am I supposed to help you?

"My Lady?" Tatsoi gently questioned. "Let us return to the castle so you can rest."

Miyako composed herself. "Very well. Tomorrow, I wish to study more history. Have it prepared."


Age 720 - One Year Later
17 years before the fall of the Saiyans

Princess Miyako had grown to be sixteen years old. It had been about one year since she was last on Planet Plant. She pulled out a thin, rectangular device. As she pressed a button, it revealed an irridescent blue screen. She tapped to read the day's news.

Chieftan Vegeta has united all of the savage tribes. This can only mean the worst. The savages' next move is surely a declaration of war against the Tuffles...

It went on and on, recapping all the damage the Saiyans had done to the Tuffles. Intercepting and stealing supplies, migrating closer to the Tuffle cities, harming Tuffle citizens.

Miyako threw the device against the wall. "I won't let you do this, Vegeta!" she gripped her head. "The man in my vision... It is you!"

Everyday she regretted seeing Vegeta and giving the scouter, filling his head with reasons for him to act.

"It's all my fault!" she realized. "This war... is because of me!"

She furiously threw her chair and flipped her desk over in frustration.

Miyako clenched her fists. Her power was spiking in anger, even making the Red Jewel glow in anticipation. "Vegeta!" she grit her teeth. "I will stop you, no matter what!"

Her eyes glowed crimson with a determined fury.

"Your Highness?" a knock rang at the door. "Your presence is requested."

Miyako took a deep breath to compose herself, I am fine. With that thought, she left her room.

A servant bowed their head to the Princess. "An audience awaits you in the garden, Your Highness."

"With whom?"

The servant hesitated. "It was requested I not tell you, Your Highness."

Miyako thought. No, she glared. That man has the audacity to show his face in my home?!

She quickly stormed towards the garden and burst the door open. "Listen closely, you must be terribly arrogant to think you can--!"

"My my, what an entrance."

Miyako's eyes widened to see a lavender-shaded feline man sitting with his legs nonchalantly crossed. Behind him, a tall man with light blue skin and tall, white hair stood with a long staff.

The man glared his narrow, yellow eyes at her. "Is that any way to treat the God of Destruction?"

She froze. He was the God of Destruction, also known as Lord Beerus. He was the one man you could not afford to be at odds with. This can be repaired, she thought, composing herself.

"My Lord," Miyako bowed deeply. "I unfortunately imagined a rather distasteful person seeked an audience with me. I would never wish to disrespect you, and I sincerely apologize."

Beerus studied her. Not a single tremble, he noted. It is just as the King described her to be. He smiled, satisfied. "Apology accepted, Princess. Please sit."

She obliged. "You have honored me with your presence," she started. "Might there be a reason?"

"There is," he replied honestly. "Tell me about the Saiyans. Are they really going to war with the Tuffles?"

Miyako blinked slowly. Why would Lord Beerus care about something so insignificant in the grand scale of the entire universe?

"Yes," she answered. "I believe they are."

"And who do you think will win?"

"I do not know."

"Oh?" Beerus rested his cheek on his knuckles. "Do you not want your Saiyan bretheren to win? The Tuffles are too boring. They hide behind their technology, claiming to be grandiose. I'm not fond of them at all."

"You want the Saiyans to win?" Miyako dared to ask.

"I must remain neutral," he smiled, not playing into a direct answer. "This war needs to run its course on its own.

No, Miyako pressed her tongue on the roof of her mouth. This God can destroy the Saiyans once and for all! I need to convince him. I can.

"My Lord, may I speak freely?" the Princess asked.

He eyed her closely. "You may."

"I also believe the Saiyans will defeat the Tuffles," she admitted. "The Tuffles are too weak. But once the Saiyans take over, do you really think they will show you respect, My Lord?"

"Hm," Beerus leaned back into his chair. "You bring up a fair point, Princess."

"I have met Chief Vegeta in person before," Miyako confessed. "He roughly handled me by my hair. If I had not been quick enough, who knows what he and his people would have done to me."

He swung his tail in place. "That Vegeta. How abhorrent of him to handle you in such a way. You are a child, and a Princess no less."

"He did not care, My Lord. He has no etiquette."

"In time, he will learn."

She tensed her lower back. "My Lord? What do you mean?"

Beerus grinned. "A war involving the Saiyans will be exciting to watch. After all, your kind are the fiercest warriors in the universe. I want to see something...grand."

Miyako couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Has my father told you what he will do?"

"Yes," he answered with an amused glint in his eyes. "You are siding with the Tuffles. So, you will be fighting your fellow saiyans. Another war for the history books."

The Saiyans and the Ayatan Saiyans had fought each other time and time again. Now it would happen once more.

She dared to meet his eyes directly. "I will not lose to Vegeta. I have something he will never have," she wrapped her hand around the Red Jewel.

"Has she emerged yet?"

"Lady Ayata?"

"Yes. The supposed Goddess."

Miyako let go of the jewel. "No, My Lord. I am not her chosen either."

Beerus sighed. "How unfortunate. She still makes me wait."

"...Is there a reason why you wish to meet my ancestor?"

"I am certain she will offer me a worthy battle," he responded. "Who to fight a God but another God?"

She kept her breathing steady. This man does not care about anyone but himself. I need to make him care...for me.

"You wish to be challenged, My Lord?"

He crossed his arms. "No one has ever had the gal to do so before."

Miyako put on a pleasant smile. "Then I propose a challenge to you, Lord Beerus," she said. "Once I defeat Vegeta, I shall fight you."



<3 Alex-san

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