Happier with you- Charlie Wea...

Від SEHopeM

116K 2.4K 109

Charlie Weasley and Aurora Potter This is a rewrite of my 'In love with a Weasley' but I've added extra chara... Більше

My Characters
POA 10
POA 11
POA 12
POA 13
POA 14
POA 15
POA 16
POA 17
POA 18
POA 19
GOF 10
GOF 11
GOF 12
GOF 13
GOF 14
GOF 15
GOF 16
GOF 17
GOF 18
GOF 19
GOF 20
GOF 21
GOF 22
GOF 23
GOF 24
GOF 25
GOF 26
Wedding Aesthetic
HBP 10
HBP 11
HBP 12
HBP 13
HBP 14
DH 1
DH 2
DH 3
DH 4
DH 5
DH 6
DH 7
DH 8
DH 9
DH 10
DH 11
DH 12
DH 13
DH 14
DH 15
DH 16
DH 17


3.8K 67 5
Від SEHopeM

Rory wakes with a start from her usual nightmare. The faces of her dead parents permanently in her mind as she looks over at her younger sibling fast asleep.

It was the next night and Harry was muttering spells under his cover.

"Lumos Maxima" Harry mutters. 

"Harry you should be sleeping not trying to do magic you know it's against the rules you could get in trouble with the ministry" Rory whispers to him just as they hear footsteps, they quickly pretend to be asleep as Vernon opens the door to check on them.

"Right sorry Ror" Harry says once Vernon shuts the door again.

"Night Harry" She smiles at him before rolling over and closing her eyes.

"Night sis"

They all wake up early the next day waiting for Marge to arrive. The doorbell rings as Rory sends Harry a smile.

"Well one of you get the door will you" Aunt Petunia shouts to Rory and Harry.

"I'll get it" Rory says smiling at the Harry.

"Thanks Ror" She walks to the front door. As she opens the door Marge barges in with her horrible little bulldog called Ripper followed by Uncle Vernon carrying her large suitcase for her before dropping it in front of Harry.

"Marge. Welcome how was the train?" Petunia greets her.

"Wretched. Ripper got sick"

"Ah how unfortunate" Petunia says looking down at Ripper.

"I would've left him with the others, but he pines so when I'm away. Don't you, darling?" Marge puckers her lips at Ripper and leads him down the hallway. Harry follows with Vernon. As Rory heads back upstairs. Harry walks through the bedroom door after a few minutes.

"What did he say when you asked him to sign the Hogsmeade form" Rory asks once she see his face.

"He'll think about it if I behave"

"You behave has he met you. Sorry Harry looks like you'll be missing out this year"

"Thanks for the confidence Aurora appreciate it" Harry says as Rory mock salutes him.

"Anytime baby brother of mine"

"Shut up" Harry glares at her.

After dinner Rory helped Harry with the dishes so they could hurry up and get back upstairs and away from the Dursleys. Vernon walked over and grabbed a bottle of brandy before going back over towards Marge.

"Can I tempt you Marge?" He asks as if she would turn down brandy.

"Just a small one. A bit more a bit more.  That's the boy. Aah. Excellent nosh, Petunia. It's normally just a fry-up for me, what with twelve dogs" She says as she lowers her brandy and lets Ripper take a slobbery lap out of the glass before turning and catching the Potters looking at the scene before them with disgust and amusement at the same time. "What are you smirking at. Where is it that you send them again, Vernon?"

"The boy goes to St Brutus's. It's a first rate institution for hopeless cases and the girl goes to the all girls school just down the road" Once Vernon's stopped talking Rory looks at Harry and notices the frown on his face at those words.

"Just ignore them" She whispers to them.

"I see and do they use the cane at St Brutus's boy?" Marge continues.

"Oh yes. I've been beaten loads of times" Harry answers as the Potters try not to laugh.

"Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not hitting people who deserve it. Still. Mustn't blame yourself for how they turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out. What is it that their father did, Petunia?"

"Nothing. That is he didn't work. He was unemployed" Rory starts glaring at her as she answers Marge.

"Of course and a drunk as well I expect" Rory looks at Harry knowing exactly whats about to happen.

"That's a lie" He shouts as Marge narrows her eyes at him.

"What did you say?"

"Our dad wasn't a drunk he was a great man and so was our mother they were both worth 10 of you" Rory answer her trying to contain her own anger as the glass in Marges hand explodes causing Petunia and Vernon to panic.

"Not to worry Petunia I have a very firm grip"

"I think you two should go to bed now" Vernon says looking at them.

"Quiet, Vernon. It doesn't matter about the father. In the end it comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Harry shouts and as Marge starts to reply a button on her dress sails into the air and the seams start to groan as the threads snap. Everyone's eyes widen as she begins to inflate like a balloon. As she rises, Vernon leaps for her as Ripper growls and fixes his teeth into Vernon's trousers. Harry, frightened by what he'd done, watches as Marge bounce across the ceiling and into the conservatory whilst Rory tries not to laugh, this is the least she deserves for what she said. As Marge starts to float towards the back door Vernon races after her gripping her hand as she floats out of the door and into the garden.

"Don't worry I've got you" Vernon shouts to Marge as she starts to slip from his grip.

"Vernon don't you dare" As she says this she fully slips from his hand and he falls to his knees unable to do anything except watch her float away.

Harry runs up the stairs followed by Rory to their room before the Dursleys come back in. Harry grabs his trunk first as Rory does the same. Rory calls Atlas to her and picks him up whilst she places her wand in her pocket and grabs her trunk before they all make their way to the front door. They find Vernon waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He glares at Harry.

"You bring her back. You bring her back and put her right" He shouts

"No she deserved what she got and you keep away from me" Harry says holding his wand up to Uncle Vernon who starts to grin at him.

"You're not allowed to do magic out of school. They won't have you now. You've got nowhere to go" Harry realises what he's just said is true and looks at Rory but she just smiles back at him not bothered by Vernon's words.

"Well anywhere is better than here" Rory answers him before pushing past him and walking out the door with Harry following behind her. They walk for a while before stopping by an empty playground. The wind gently blowing the swings causing them to creak. They put their trunks down well Rory does whilst Harry just drops his with a thud.

"So now what's the plan. This was your clever idea" Rory says looking at Harry.

"I'm sorry Ror. You shouldn't of come with me I haven't got a clue what to do now" He says looking down at his hands.

"If you honestly think I'm going to let you run away on your own whilst I stay in that hell house then you are an idiot. Don't worry I'll think of something okay" He nods at her.

"I'm glad you're my older sister" Harry goes quite and stands raising his wand at something across the road. Rory looks at what's startled him and sees a large black dog.

"Padfoot" She whispers as the dog tilts his head at her before disappearing.

"Who's Padfoot" Harry asks lowering his wand and before Rory has a chance to answer him a loud bang echo's through the air and a large purple bus comes to a sudden stop in front of them. The doors open to reveal a man who looks about 18 in a conductors uniform.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening. Come on get one" They go to grab their trunks but Stan speaks again "Don't worry I'll get them just get on" They start walking through the bus towards the front. There were no seats just beds some of which had wizards asleep on them. "Take 'er away Ern" Stan says as he appears next to the Potters again. As he says this the bus starts rocketing away as the beds start sliding around. They take a seat on one of the beds whilst Stan leans against the front of the bus. "Whereabouts you heading?" He says eyeing them.

"The Leaky Cauldron in London" Rory answers him.

"Is it now? Get that Ern? The Leaky Cauldron that's in London" Stan says to the driver.

"Isn't this a bit dangerous?" Harry finally speaks.

"Naah. Haven't had an accident in what? A week is it Ern?" The driver nods at this.

Stan takes out a copy of the Daily Prophet. On the front is a picture of an escaped prisoner Sirius Black. Rory looks at the picture closely ignoring the conversation between Harry and Stan trying to figure out why she recognises him. Then she remembers, Sirius Black was one of her parents best friends except he looks so different now from what she remembers. She's pulled out of her thoughts as they arrive at the Leaky Cauldron and the doors open.

"Mr and Miss Potter at last" Tom the innkeeper from the Leaky Cauldron says as they grab their trunks and climb off the bus which speeds away the moment the doors shut behind them. Tom takes the trunks and ushers them inside before walking ahead and waving his hand for them to follow. They follow him up to a room and find Harrys owl Hedwig sat inside.

"Hedwig" Harry says smiling at her. Rory just strokes Atlas who was sat in her arms still, purring.

"Right smart bird you've got there. Arrived only minutes before yourselves" Tom says as a man clears his throat. They look over to him and see the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge stood looking out of the window.

"I should tell you, Mr Potter, earlier this evening your uncle's sister was located just south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched and she's been properly punctured and her memory modified. She has no recollection of the incident whatsoever" Fudge says before turning around to look at them. "So that's that and no harm done"

"But I don't understand I broke the law. Underage wizards aren't allowed to do magic at home"

"Oh come now Harry. The Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts. On the other hand running away like that and dragging your sister with you given the state if things is very, very irresponsible"

"He never dragged me anywhere Minister I went willingly can't let my little brother run around the streets alone" Rory says.

"As a good sister would" Fudge says smiling at her.

"The state of things sir?" Harry says looking directly at Fudge.

"Oh nothing. Now I'd prefer if you were all to stay here so I've sorted you a room out. I think you'll be very comfortable. Just one thing, and I'm sure you'll understand, I don't want you wandering off into Muggle London, all right? Keep to Diagon Alley. And you're to be back here before dark each night. Sure you'll understand. Tom will be keeping an eye on you all for me."

"Thank you sir" Rory says. Fudge clears his throat loudly and picked up his pinstriped cloak.

"Well, I'll be off, plenty to do, you know"

"Have you had any luck with Black yet?" Harry asked. Fudge's fingers slipped on the silver fastenings of his cloak.

"What's that? Oh, you've heard well, no, not yet, but it's only a matter of time. The Azkaban guards have never yet failed and they are angrier than I've ever seen them." Fudge shuddered slightly. "So, I'll say goodbye" He held out his hand and shook hands with the Harry and Rory. And with a last smile Fudge left the room. Tom now moved forward, beaming at them.

"If you'll follow me" he said. "I've already taken your things up" They followed Tom up a handsome wooden staircase to a door with a brass number eleven on it, which Tom unlocked and opened for them. Inside were three very comfortable-looking beds, some highly polished oak furniture, a cheerfully crackling fire. "If there's anything you need don't hesitate to ask" He gave another bow and left.

"Right I think it's time for you to get to bed" Rory said looking at Harry. He nodded as he grabbed his pajamas and headed to the bathroom to get changed before getting in bed.

"Night Rory" He mumbles before falling asleep. Rory grabbed a book from her trunk before sitting on her bed and reading with Atlas curled up on her lap. Tomorrow they could go get their school things and then they would have two weeks before they were to return to school.

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