Hope Doesn't Hold Back

By joseph_taylor25

17.5K 367 68

Hope stops holding back who she is and how powerful she is. She ends up deciding to leave the Salvatore schoo... More

Finally Free
Leaving the School
New Orleans
New Adventures
In Love

Dark Josie

1K 25 11
By joseph_taylor25

Josie is making her way to the compound after dropping Kai off at an abandon warehouse. Once she gets to the compound Lizzie runs over to her and hugs her tightly. They catch her up on whats happened since they have been back in New Orleans including the fact that Hope and Penelope are engaged. Most of the people in the room catch the anger that flashes across Josie's face when she hears about the engagement. They all look at each other when they saw it confirming that everyone else saw it as well.

Klaus does not trust Josie, he can something isn't quite right with her and he can also tell Hope isn't that big of a fan of her either. Freya is thinking the same thing as Klaus and she can also feel the dark magic all over Josie and she knows Hope can feel it as well. She also notices that Josie casted some kind of concealing spell on herself to hide the dark magic uses.

Josie is trying to wait for the perfect time to execute her plan but she can't catch this person alone. That is until a couple of hours before dinner and Freya and Keelin put Nik down for a nap. Josie goes to his room and siphons the spell keeping her from entering and picks Nik up and leaves the compound to go to the warehouse where Kai is waiting.

Nik wakes up and looks around he notices he isn't in his and he starts to panic before he remembers what Hope told. He is a first born Mikaelson witch so he shouldn't be afraid he can do anything. He is also waiting for the right time to use the spells Hope has taught him if he was in a situation like this. He is saddened when he sees that Josie is the one that took him. She is Lizzie's sister and he really likes Lizzie she is really fun and nice.

Everyone in the house feels the magic coming off of Freya in waves when she went up to get Nik for dinner and he wasn't there. Everyone noticed Josie was missing as well and when they did a locator spell they were both in the same place.

Once they got to the place where Nik and Josie were at they see Kai holding Nik and Josie standing right next to him wearing all black with her eyes blacked out clearly over taken by dark magic. "Josie what the hell are you doing?" Lizzie asks shocked.

"Well kidnapping Nik was my leverage to get you and Hope here so  can do the merge with you and kill Hope." Josie says with a smirk as she pulls out the red oak stake.

Hope rolls her eyes and ignores the stake for now because the priority is Nik. She also knows that yes Josie my have the red oak stake but she won't be strong enough to actually kill her. She looks at Nik and sees his questioning eyes, knowing what he is asking she nods at him telling him to go ahead. Nik knowing that they aren't really paying attention to him since he is only 5 hits Josie with a blasting spell just hard enough to knock her out while at the same time Hope magically rips out Kai's heart. She then speeds up to Nik and lifts him up holding him tightly.

"Don't scare me like that again Nikky." Hope says.

"I'm sorry Hopey. I didn't want scare you. But did you see my spell I did?" Nik says.

"You did great with that spell there Nikky, very impressive. I'm proud of you." Hope says. "Thank you Hopey. You are the best teacher ever." Nik says while has bright smile on her face before she starts laughing at the offended look on her aunt Freya's face after rushing over to her son.

"Hey what about me? I'm your mother." Freya asks feigning offense.

Nik gets out of Hope's arms and runs into Freya's arms. "You are the best teacher mom but did you see what I did? Hope taught me that spell." Nik says excitedly.

"Yes I did see and it was very good baby. I'm so proud of you. But aren't you scared?" Freya asks confused at how relaxed Nik is after what happened.

Nik shakes his head "No cause I'm a first born Mikaelson witch." Nik says proudly and everyone laughs. Keeling ran up to Freya and took Nik from her so she can hug him as well.

"He is his mother's son." Hope says cheekily earning a small glare from Freya and a laugh from everyone else.

"When did you teach him spells like that?" Freya asks Hope who looks at her aunt sheepishly.

"I taught him a couple spells like that in the past couple of months but I told him to only use them if I am there or another family member." Hope says and Freya nods.

After everyone checks on Nik and Hope burns the red oak stake they head back to the compound with Elijah carrying an unconscious Josie back with them. They get back and put Josie in a cell and puts anti magic shackles on her to prevent her from using magic. Hope put a spell on the shackles and cell to prevent Josie from being able to siphon any magic.

"So how are we going to get Josie to overcome her dark side and stop being Lord Josiemort." Lizzie says trying to forget the fact that Josie just kidnapped a 5 year old.

Hope rolls her eyes with a fond smile at Lizzie "She needs to take back control over her darker alter ego. It seems almost like a vampire turning off their humanity, so we need to trigger strong emotions from her to take back control." Hope says everyone nodding in agreement or understanding.

Hope turns to Lizzie "I might have a plan but I'm not sure it you are going to like it. I know you are planning to become a heretic in a couple of years but do you think you are ready to become one now?" Hope asks.

"How does this help my sister?" Lizzie asks confused.

"My dad is known to be paranoid and kill happy, no offense." Hope says while the family is laughing at the mock offended look on his face. "So we could stage a fight where my dad is assuming you worked with Josie and helped her with her plan. You will drink my blood before hand and at some point when is yelling and accusing you of working with Josie, he will snap your neck making Josie think you died." Hope says

Hope hears Josie wake up so she goes down there to see if she can get her to take back control without Lizzie becoming a heretic. "Hello Josie. That plan kind of sucked huh? We left unharmed within 5 minutes." Hope says.

Josie rolls her eyes "So these shackles stop me from doing magic but did you forget that I am a siphon witch and I can just siphon from these." Josie says changing the subject not wanting to talk about how easily she got taken out.

"Go ahead and siphon from them then." Hope says smugly which confuses Josie. She starts to siphon and immediately screams in pain. "You see I put a spell on them to make it painful if the wearer tries to siphon from them." Hope says with a smirk.

"So why don't you take these off and we can fight one on one? Unless you are scared." Josie taunts.

Hope rolls her eyes "You just got knocked unconscious by a 5 year old, a very powerful 5 year old but he is still just 5 years old." Hope sasses back as she walks out of the room and back up stairs.

They get the plan all agreed upon and they can hear that Josie has woken up. Klaus starts accusing Lizzie of working with her sister. He is getting more and more loud and aggressive with his threats. Josie hears Hope and a couple members of her family trying to calm Klaus down and telling him she has nothing to do with it. She can hear the fight getting closer to her and her dark alter ego can feel Josie's nerves and fear for her sister. Klaus and Lizzie get to a spot where Josie can see them.

"I am not risking my daughters life if you are betraying us and are teaming up with you sister." Klaus yells right before speeding to Lizzie and snapping her neck. Most of the family starts yelling at him and Hope starts crying over losing her best friend.

As soon as Josie hears and sees her sisters neck snap the real Josie took back control and started crying hysterically.

Hope runs over to Josie "Josie, Lizzie is coming back. She isn't dead for good. She will be a heretic now but she is alive." Hope says trying to calm Josie down.

Josie just looks at Hope confused. "It was a plan for you to take back control over Lord Josiemort as Lizzie called it." Hope said with a fond smile and rolling her eyes. This comment did what she wanted it and calmed Josie down and got her to laugh. "She has wanted to become a heretic in a couple of years anyway so she just moved up her timeline a little to get you back." Hope says.

They talk for while they wait for Lizzie to wake up. Once she does they get her some blood and then give them some privacy to talk. Josie went back to Mystic Falls the next knowing that most of the family would be really uncomfortable around her especially with Nik.

Hope speeds up stairs when she hears that her mom just gave birth to her baby brother with Penelope right behind her. When she gets into the room she sees a baby that looks just like her dad and even has the same eyes as her and her dad. "Mom he is so cute. Can I hold him?" She asks excitedly.

Hayley laughs at her daughters excitement and hands her, her baby brother. "You are going to have the best big sister ever. I will never let any harm come to you. You are going to have the happiest most carefree childhood ever. I love you so much already." Hope says to her baby brother who is staring right at her the whole time. "Whats is name?" Hope asks not taking her eyes off of her brother.

"Henrik Finn Mikaelson." Klaus says as he walks into the room.

"Perfect name. Can Penelope hold him mom?" Hope asks noticing how much Penelope wants to hold him. When her mom nods she hands her brother to Penelope who stares at him with love in her eyes. Penelope loves him as much as she does her own brother and can't wait to be the fun sister in law.

Penelope still can't believe how accepting the Mikaelson family has been of her. They treat her no different than anyone else in the family. She gets along best with Freya, Rebekah, and Kol but she loves everyone in the family. Nik is like a little brother to her and they are always doing magic together. She never imagined being apart of such a big family coming from a family who wanted almost nothing to with her. Her parents did try to get in contact with her when they heard she getting married to Hope but she knew it was just so she could try to form an alliance between her coven and the Mikaelson's. So she shot her down when she asked to meet them.

Penelope still can't believe how she ended up here after leaving the Salvatore school. She never thought she would see any of them again especially not Hope. But she couldn't be more happy that Hope happened to be in that bar that night and ran across her and invite her to travel with her. She honestly didn't think she would love someone as much as she loved Josie and she didn't think she would find someone else to love and love her. But she loves Hope with everything in her and Hope makes her fall even more in love everyday. Now she has a baby brother just born and she can't wait to spoil him and give him anything he wants. Her and Hope talked more about the kids thing and decided they will revisit the conversation like every decade until they are ready since they have eternity to have and raise kids.

A three year old Henrik is sitting in between Penelope and Hope on a couch in the living room and Klaus, Hayley, and Lizzie are in the kitchen and can hear every word. "Penny why don't you call mom and dad, mom and dad?" Henrik asks curiously looking at Penelope.

Penelope looks down at Henrik "Well buddy that's because they aren't my actual parents. They are yours and Hope's parents." Penelope answers softly.

Henrik looks at Penelope with a confused frown on his face and Penelope smiles at how cute he looks. "Then how are you my sister if mom and dad aren't your mom and dad?" Henrik asks innocently.

Normally a question like this would hurt to hear but Penelope knows he is just trying to understand and is curious. "I'm your sister because I married Hope before you were born. So I am your sister by marriage not by blood." Penelope explains.

Henrik nods "So if you are my sister by mawiage then wouldn't they be your mom and dad by mawiage?" Henrik asks innocently no one hearing the intake of breath coming from the kitchen by Hayley and Klaus.

Penelope's eyes widen looking at Hope whose eyes also widened in shock. They look at each other silently talking and Hope just lets her know to answer honestly. Hope knows that her parents are in the kitchen listening but she doesn't think Penelope has noticed. "I don't know but what I do know is that they have been better parents to me then mine ever have and I love them dearly." Penelope says honestly not realizing that Klaus and Hayley have heard every word. Hope smiles at Penelope knowing her parents heard and are walking out here now.

Henrik seems satisfied with her answers and cuddles more into Penelope. "You both are the best big sisters ever." Henrik says causing Hope and Penelope to smile softly.

"And you are the best little brother ever." Hope says lovingly.

Klaus, Hayley, and Lizzie walk out into the living room. "Hey little guy why don't you and me go play in your room." Lizzie says while picking up an excited Henrik.

Penelope's face goes red when she realizes Klaus and Hayley heard everything she just said. Hayley sits next Penelope and Klaus sits next to Hayley while Hope is holding Pen's hand for comfort.

"Penelope if you want to call me mom you can. I see you as a daughter just as I do Hope." Hayley says softly looking at Penelope.

Klaus then speaks up "You can call me dad as well. I mean I like you more than Hope anyways so might as well." Klaus adds to lighten the mood. Hope pouts at her dad as they all laugh.

Penelope has tears in her eyes and she quickly wipes them away. "I would love to call you guys my parents." Penelope says seriously before a mischievous look enters her eye and she smirks. "So mom does this mean I am sleeping with my sister then?" Penelope asks and Hope laughs.

Klaus and Hayley groan "How did I know you were going to say something like that?" Klaus asks.

"Because you know me so well dad." Penelope says. Klaus and Hayley chuckle and nod before getting and pulling Penelope into a hug.

Henrik who is 18 years old now is sitting across from Hope and Penelope in their room. They had just told Henrik everything from the families past now that they believe he is old enough for all the stories. He has heard some things growing up but they wouldn't be to graphic or in too much detail until a couple of days after his 18th birthday which is the same time any other kid in the family was told everything. So he just found out that his parents had died and been brought back to life by Hope with Penelope's help.

"You had such a hard time growing up Hope. With only mom and aunt Freya being able to be around and then mom and dad dying. I'm sorry you had to go through all that." Henrik says sadly looking a his beloved older sister.

"Ya it was really hard growing up and having mom and dad die but we have eternity to make up for lost time. I might not have gotten with Penelope if none of that happened and you might not have been born either. Henrik I could not possibly be happier with the way life turned out for me so there is no use being sad about whats in the past." Hope says sincerely.

Henrik gets up and hugs both of his sisters before bringing up the other thing he wanted to talk about, becoming a full tribrid. He triggered his werewolf curse last year when he was 17 when he saw an older man roughly grabbing his 15 year old cousin. His cousin is Rebekah and Marcel's daughter from a witch surrogate. He pushed him back with his magic harder then he meant to and killed him.

"So I actually wanted to talk to you about something else as well. I wanted to become a full tribrid and I wanted one of you two to do it." Henrik says.

Hope and Penelope both blink in shock. Penelope realizing Hope is in too much shock to speak takes this. "Okay are you sure? Why do you want to become a full tribrid now?" Penelope asks her younger brother.

"I'm ready for the amount of power that I will be getting and when I triggered my curse it felt like I got a part of me that was missing back and I know I will have the same feeling when I activate my vampire side. Also another very small part of it is I want to still look like the younger sibling. It would feel weird if I start to look older than you guys." Henrik says scrunching his face up at the last part.

Hope and Penelope chuckle "Okay if you are sure then I will do it but we should get mom and dad for it as well because they hated that they missed seeing me transition." Hope says before they get up and get their parents and tell them. 

When Klaus and Hayley were convinced that he was sure that this is what he wanted to do Hope magically stopped his heart. When he woke up and drank blood the same red skies and thunder that happened when Hope completed her transition happened for him as well. They spent the next couple of months training him with his new powers and he could give Hope a decent fight now. She wins all of the spars but he puts up the best fight of everyone in the family.

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