True Grit

Da TwelveNoobLordX

88 0 0

On a mission to find her father's killer and uncover the truth behind a web of deceit, a resilient 14-year-ol... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

3 0 0
Da TwelveNoobLordX

In the early hours of the morning, while Grandma Turner's snores filled the room, Mattie busied herself with preparations for her imminent departure. The air was filled with anticipation as she unfolded her father's old traps, relics of his adventurous spirit. With determination etched on her face, she retrieved a weathered, big-brimmed fisherman's hat from a dusty corner. As she placed it on her head, she quickly realized it was too large, threatening to obscure her vision and hinder her quest.

Undeterred, Mattie's resourceful nature kicked in. She sought out scraps of newspaper, meticulously lining the hat's interior in an experimental process. Carefully adjusting the quantity of paper, she gradually transformed the oversized hat into a snug fit, ensuring it would shield her from the elements without impeding her progress.

Next, she reached for her father's coat, a garment imbued with memories of their shared outdoor escapades. Mattie slid her arms into the sleeves, relishing the familiarity of the fabric against her skin. Yet, acknowledging the difference in their statures, she deftly rolled up the sleeves, giving them a confident cuff. With each adjustment, she symbolically absorbed her father's spirit, ready to carry on his legacy.

Her gaze then fell upon the Colt's Dragoon, a weapon of both protection and retribution. She scrutinized its craftsmanship, familiarizing herself with its every detail. The weight of the firearm in her hand solidified her resolve, reminding her of the purpose that drove her forward—bringing justice to her father's untimely demise.

As the final step in her preparations, Mattie gathered a selection of ripe apples, carefully placing them inside a sturdy sack. The fruits served not only as sustenance for her journey but also as a token of gratitude for those who might aid her along the way. Their presence within the bag, a symbol of goodwill and appreciation, provided a glimpse into Mattie's thoughtful nature and her understanding of the importance of fostering alliances.

Finally, with her physical preparations complete, Mattie turned her attention to a handwritten letter she had composed. With ink-stained fingers, she deftly folded the parchment, sealing her emotions within its delicate creases. The words contained within the letter echoed in her mind, for they were more than mere correspondence; they encapsulated her unwavering determination. In a voice-over, the audience is privy to the contents of her heartfelt missive, addressed to her dearest mother:

"Dearest Mother, as the first rays of dawn illuminate the horizon, I stand at the precipice of a remarkable adventure. Nay, dare I call it a mission, for the weight of our family's grief weighs heavy upon my shoulders. Until Papa's tragic demise is rightfully avenged, no respite shall find us. My meticulous inquiries in Fort Smith have provided leads, guiding me toward the elusive figure of Tom Chaney, the perpetrator of our suffering. Fear not, for I have made necessary arrangements to pursue him relentlessly and ensure justice is served. Rest assured, dear mother, that my resolve shall not waver until the scales of righteousness are restored. Once I have seen this pursuit through to its rightful conclusion, I shall return to your loving embrace. The burden of our shared sorrow shall be lightened, and the solace of closure will be ours to cherish. With every fiber of my being, I vow to honor Papa's memory and secure a brighter future for our family. Hold me close in your thoughts as I depart, for your unwavering love will be the flame that guides me through the darkest of nights. Until our reunion, I remain your steadfast and devoted daughter, Mattie."


As the final words of her letter resonated in the air, Mattie fastened her equipment securely onto her loyal steed, Little Blackie. With practiced movements, she cinched the saddle, ensuring a snug fit for their shared journey ahead. A sense of anticipation hung in the air as she gracefully mounted the horse, her determination radiating from her every pore.

With a gentle nudge, Mattie urged Little Blackie forward, their synchronized movements a testament to the bond they had forged. As they embarked on their expedition, her voice carried through the wind, sharing her sentiments:

"But do not worry about my account. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. The author of all things watches over me. And I have a fine horse." The unwavering faith in her words echoed her unwavering spirit and unyielding determination.

Leaving her beloved family behind, she sent a message of affection through the ether, urging her mother to bestow kisses upon Little Frankie, a cherished pet, and to playfully pinch Violet's cheek, a gesture of love and remembrance. These heartfelt requests served as a reminder that despite the distance, Mattie's affection remained steadfast, anchoring her to the world she temporarily left behind.

Her destination, the Choctaw Nation, lay ahead, promising encounters with unfamiliar landscapes, daunting challenges, and potential allies. Undeterred by the perils that awaited her, Mattie rode forth, her resolve bolstered by her unwavering faith, the support of her family's love, and the strength of her steadfast companion, Little Blackie. Together, they embarked on a quest that would test their mettle and define their legacy, intertwining their fates with the untold mysteries that lay in wait within the vast expanses of the Choctaw Nation.


Pressing onward, Mattie's determined path led her toward Rooster's rope bed, a place where she anticipated finding the grizzled Marshal. As she approached, her senses heightened, detecting the faint waft of smoke permeating the air. A figure reclined in the bed, a hat obscuring their face, creating an air of mystery.

Growing increasingly apprehensive, Mattie drew nearer and decisively removed the hat, revealing the unexpected presence of the elderly Chinese grocer. Startled but resolute, she wasted no time and confronted him, her voice laced with urgency.

"Where is Marshal Cogburn?" she demanded, her tone betraying her mounting concern.

The grocer, lost in a haze of dreams and smoke, reached for his pipe before responding, his manner tranquil and detached from the immediate reality surrounding them.

"He went away," he murmured, his words carrying a sense of ambiguity.

Mattie's anxiety intensified, her determination unyielding as she sought answers. She pressed the grocer further, desperately seeking clarity.

"Away? Where did he go?" she implored, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and desperation.

With a slow and deliberate movement, the grocer retrieved an envelope hidden beneath his robe, placing it in Mattie's hands. Closing his eyes, he appeared to drift away, lost in his musings.

Mattie wasted no time and hastily extracted a scrap of paper from the envelope, eager to decipher its contents. Her eyes scanned the words etched upon it, her face contorting with a blend of conflicting emotions—disappointment, determination, and an indomitable spirit.

"Here inside is a train ticket for your return home. Use it. By the time you read this, I will be across the river in the Indian nation. Pursuit would be futile. I will return with your man, Chaney. Leave me to my work. Reuben Cogburn," she read aloud, her voice betraying a mixture of resignation and resolute determination.

Mattie's jaw clenched tightly, her resolve hardening as she crumpled the paper abruptly. The weight of disappointment and realization settled upon her, but it did not deter her quest for justice. With a resolute gaze and unyielding determination, she steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead. Though the path had taken an unexpected turn, Mattie remained undeterred, her spirit unbroken as she prepared to forge her path toward the redemption she sought.


With determination fueling her every stride, Mattie urged Little Blackie forward, galloping down the embankment until they reached the edge of a formidable river. Before her, at the near-side ferry station, a sturdy raft enclosed by protective railings awaited, its guide rope stretching across the width of the waterway. On the opposite bank, she noticed two figures, small but mounted, ascending the opposing incline. Drawing the reins, Mattie brought her steed to a halt in front of the waiting ferryman, their presence marking the final barrier between her and the continuation of her pursuit. Her eyes met the steady gaze of the pilot, who idled on the near shore, ready to assist in transporting her across the river. The sound of rushing water mingled with the thumping of her own heart as she considered the crossing before her. The wide expanse of the river posed a challenge, but Mattie's determination burned bright, undeterred by the obstacles that lay in her path. A moment of silent exchange passed between Mattie and the ferryman, a mutual understanding forged through unspoken determination. With resolute determination, Mattie leaned forward and addressed the ferryman, her voice steady and filled with purpose. "I need passage," she declared, her eyes reflecting her unwavering resolve to continue her quest. The ferryman, recognizing the fire that burned within her, nodded in acknowledgment, preparing to guide the raft across the river's flow. Mattie's heart surged with anticipation as she prepared to embark on the next leg of her journey, propelled by an unyielding spirit and the knowledge that every step brought her closer to the justice she sought.

Mattie's gaze remained fixed on the two distant figures on the far shore, a surge of hope mingling with her curiosity. Her voice carried a mix of determination and urgency as she addressed the ferryman once more, seeking confirmation of the identities before her. "Is that Marshal Cogburn?" she inquired, her voice tinged with anticipation, her heart yearning for the sight of the legendary lawman. The ferryman's response carried a sense of certainty, affirming her hopes. "That is the man," he replied, his voice holding the weight of experience. Mattie's brows furrowed as she scrutinized the figures, her mind racing to comprehend the implications of the unknown companion accompanying the Marshal. A flicker of concern danced in her eyes as she sought answers from the ferryman. "Who's he with?" she pressed, her voice laced with a mix of urgency and determination. With a shrug of uncertainty, the ferryman admitted, "I do not know," leaving Mattie's questions unanswered. Without hesitation, Mattie made her decision, her resolve unwavering. Locking eyes with the ferryman, she spoke with unyielding determination. "Take me across," she commanded, her voice carrying a resolute edge. Recognizing the unwavering spirit that radiated from her, the ferryman nodded, understanding the urgency that propelled her forward. He prepared to guide the raft, securing it to the guide rope that stretched across the river's expanse. Mattie's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and trepidation as she stepped onto the vessel, ready to embark on the perilous journey that would carry her closer to the truth she sought. With each stroke of the ferryman's oar, the raft began its voyage across the river, bridging the gap between uncertainty and resolution. The churning waters mirrored Mattie's own turbulent emotions, but her determination remained unshakable as she propelled herself toward the unknown, propelled by an unwavering pursuit of justice.

As Mattie's firm grip on the reins of Little Blackie tightened, the ferryman reached out to claim control of the horse, his intentions clear. He addressed her, his voice carrying a mix of recognition and duty. "So you're the runaway. The Marshal informed me of your impending arrival. I am to present you to the sheriff," he declared, his grasp on the situation seemingly unwavering. Mattie, however, refused to relinquish control, her determination flaring once again. She resisted the ferryman's attempt to lead her horse away, her voice cutting through the air with a firmness that brooked no argument. "That is a story. Let go of my horse. I have urgent business across the river," she asserted, her words carrying the weight of her purpose. Undeterred, the ferryman persisted, leading Little Blackie back up the hill, intent on fulfilling his orders. Mattie, craning her neck to keep the figures on the far shore in her view, sought to reason with him, her voice taking on a tone of warning tinged with confidence. "Listen here, if you don't turn around and take me across, you may find yourself standing in a court of law, a situation I assure you wouldn't be in your best interest. I have a formidable lawyer," she warned, leveraging the power of her connections to protect her rights. The ferryman remained stoic, unresponsive to her plea. Mattie, observing his indifferent back, shifted her gaze across the river once more, her determination unbroken. The two mounted figures, their curiosity sated, resumed their ascent up the bank, their attention diverted from Mattie's steadfast resolve. A battle of wills unfolded on both sides of the river, as Mattie's determination clashed with the ferryman's adherence to duty. The outcome of their confrontation hung in the balance, but Mattie remained resolute, refusing to allow obstacles or opposition to hinder her pursuit of justice.

In a bold act of defiance, Mattie swiftly retrieved an apple from the bag hanging around the saddlehorn. Gripping it tightly, she hurled it with all her might toward the ferryman, aiming for the center of his back. The apple connected with precision, striking the ferryman squarely on the back of his head. Startled and momentarily stunned, he instinctively reached for the source of impact, inadvertently releasing his grip on the reins. Capitalizing on the opportune moment, Mattie lunged forward, seizing the reins in a swift motion. Without hesitation, she leaned into the saddle, urging Little Blackie into a spirited gallop towards the river, their escape set in motion. "Run, Little Blackie!" Mattie exclaimed, her voice laced with determination and adrenaline, as they thundered towards the water's edge. The ferryman, recovering from the surprise attack, called out in protest, his voice filled with indignation and surprise. "Hey!" he shouted, his words echoing behind them, but his plea fell upon the windswept landscape as Mattie and her trusted steed charged onward, their resolve unyielding. The exhilarating rush of the wind, the pounding of hooves, and the beating of her own heart melded together as Mattie and Little Blackie closed the distance between themselves and the river. With unwavering determination, they would conquer this last obstacle, crossing the treacherous waters that lay before them. Their flight signaled a declaration of independence, as Mattie boldly pursued her mission, propelled by a spirit that refused to be shackled.

With unwavering determination, Mattie urged Little Blackie to charge forward, plunging into the river with full force. The thundering hooves and splashing water drew the attention of the two men on the opposite bank, their curiosity piqued by the commotion. As the horse ventured deeper into the river, its galloping pace began to slow. The resistance of the water impeded their progress, the horse's rhythmic up-and-down gait gradually giving way to the challenging currents. Meanwhile, the ferryman, having raced down to the bank, stooped to pick up a rock and hurled it in a desperate attempt to hinder their escape. However, his aim fell far from its mark, the rock missing its intended target by a considerable distance. Undeterred by the futile attempt, Little Blackie pushed onward, transitioning from the river bottom to a determined swim. The swift current tugged at them relentlessly, carrying them downstream, fighting against their progress. Across the river, the two men, having twisted in their saddles to observe the unfolding spectacle, pivoted their horses to face the action. However, instead of charging forward, they rested their forearms on the pommels of their saddles, choosing to watch the unfolding events with a passive yet intent gaze. The currents carried Little Blackie further downstream, his powerful strokes battling against the unyielding force of the water. Mattie clung to the horse's back, her grip resolute as she braved the daunting challenges that lay before them. The pursuit for justice continued, fueled by an unwavering spirit that refused to be deterred by the formidable obstacles that nature and man placed in their path.

"Good, Little Blackie!" Mattie exclaimed, her voice filled with gratitude and admiration as the determined horse fought against the current. Little Blackie's head dipped as he regained his footing, trudging through the water with laborious effort, inching closer to the now nearer shore. Unfazed by their arrival, the two men positioned higher up the bank maintained their stoic demeanor, their eyes fixed upon Mattie and her steed. Their passive observation served as a testament to their unwavering resolve, silently acknowledging the audacity and determination displayed by the young girl and her loyal horse. Emerging from the river, water dripping from their saturated forms, Mattie and Little Blackie showcased their triumphant resilience. Mattie gently tapped her heels against Little Blackie's flanks, urging him to move forward, albeit at a slow and deliberate pace. With calculated caution, she halted their progress several yards away from the two men who revealed themselves to be Rooster and LeBoeuf, the characters she had long sought on her arduous journey. In this moment, a charged atmosphere hung in the air, the convergence of their paths sparking an unspoken recognition of their shared pursuit. Mattie's eyes locked onto the figures before her, brimming with determination, for she knew that she stood on the precipice of crucial developments, where her quest for justice and her unwavering determination would intersect with the paths of these seasoned men.

The tension between Mattie and the two men reached a boiling point as they stood in a silent standoff, Little Blackie breathing heavily, a testament to the arduous journey they had just undertaken. The figures of Rooster and LeBoeuf remained stoic, their expressions revealing little if anything at all. Finally, breaking the silence, Rooster's voice pierced the air, his words laced with a hint of admiration. "That's quite a horse," he remarked, acknowledging the remarkable steed that had carried Mattie so bravely through the challenges they had faced. A lengthy pause followed, the weight of the moment hanging heavily in the air. Mattie assessed Rooster's offer, her gaze unwavering, her mind calculating the worth of her loyal companion. She understood the value of Little Blackie, not just in monetary terms but also as a steadfast companion on her journey. But her determination and loyalty prevailed, and with resolute conviction, she responded, her voice carrying the weight of her resolve. "I will not sell him," she declared firmly, her words a testament to her unwavering bond with Little Blackie. The standoff continued the unspoken tension and underlying dynamics between the characters palpable. Each party held its ground, its unyielding spirits poised for the imminent clash of wills and the unfolding of their intertwined destinies. The stage was set for a confrontation that would test their mettle and shape the course of their shared adventure.

Mattie's words cut through the air, her voice resolute and unwavering. She confronted Rooster head-on, reminding him of the money he had taken from her, her tone laced with a mix of accusation and determination. "From the money you stole from me?" she challenged, refusing to let him dismiss or evade the issue at hand. Her insistence on holding him accountable mirrored her tenacious pursuit of justice for her father. Rooster, though initially unfazed, recognized the weight of Mattie's accusation. He sought to justify his actions, his voice carrying a hint of conviction as he responded. "That was not stolen," Rooster retorted, his words firm but measured. "I'm out for your man," he added, emphasizing his commitment to their shared goal of pursuing justice for her father's death. Mattie, however, refused to be swayed by his justification. She reminded him of the original agreement, asserting her agency and the terms that were initially agreed upon. "I was to accompany you. If I do not, there is no agreement, and my money was stolen," she insisted, her voice unwavering in its demand for fairness and adherence to their original pact. A brief pause hung in the air as Rooster contemplated Mattie's words, his tongue briefly darting out to moisten his lips. The wheels turned in his mind, weighing the implications of Mattie's argument and the necessity of their collaboration. Their confrontation marked a crucial juncture in their journey, where trust, loyalty, and the pursuit of justice converged. The outcome of their negotiation would determine the course of their shared endeavor and set the stage for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the tension continued to simmer, LeBoeuf, who had remained silent until now, interjected with a pragmatic suggestion. He addressed Rooster, referring to him as "Marshal," emphasizing their shared professional title. "Marshal, put this child back on the ferry," LeBoeuf urged, his voice tinged with impatience. "We have a long road ahead, and time is slipping away." However, Mattie refused to yield, her determination unyielding. She met LeBoeuf's gaze with a steely resolve, prepared to defend her position. "If I go back, it is to the office of the U.S. marshals to report the theft of my money," Mattie countered firmly, her voice unwavering. Her words carried a sense of justice and accountability, reminding them of the responsibility they held as law enforcement officers. She didn't shy away from challenging Rooster's previous statement, calling out his misspelling and emphasizing the seriousness of their pursuit. "And futile, Marshal Cogburn—' Pursuit would be futile?—is not spelled f-u-d-e-l," she declared, her words laced with a mixture of frustration and determination. In her defiance, Mattie showcased her unwavering determination and unwillingness to be underestimated or dismissed. The confrontation between the three characters intensified, each with their own motives and convictions, setting the stage for a test of wills and a crucial decision that would shape the course of their collective journey.

A heavy silence enveloped the scene as Cogburn fixed his gaze on Mattie, his eyes filled with contemplation and a hint of resignation. The weight of the decision hung in the air, the unspoken tension palpable. LeBoeuf, sensing Rooster's hesitation, observed the exchange between the two with a keen eye. Recognizing the need for action, he made a calculated move. Sliding off his horse, he stepped forward, his intentions clear. Mattie watched intently as LeBoeuf approached Little Blackie, extending a gentle hand for the horse to sniff and nuzzle. The gesture offered a glimmer of respite amid the mounting tension, momentarily diverting Mattie's attention. However, in an abrupt turn of events, LeBoeuf swiftly seized the reins with one hand and grabbed hold of Mattie's ankle with the other. With a forceful push, he momentarily unstirred her foot, causing her to lose balance and tumble to the ground. The unexpected act left Mattie sprawled on the ground, her senses momentarily disoriented from the sudden fall. The swift and decisive maneuver demonstrated LeBoeuf's determination to assert his authority and maintain control over the situation, even if it meant resorting to forceful measures. In this pivotal moment, the power dynamics shifted, leaving Mattie vulnerable and grappling with the reality of the situation. The path ahead grew uncertain, as the actions and decisions of those around her threatened to reshape the course of her quest for justice.

LeBoeuf's demeanor shifted, his actions veering into the realm of unacceptable behavior as he sought to impose his authority through physical punishment. Ignoring Mattie's pleas for help, he persisted in his misguided attempt to discipline her. "Little sister, it is time for your spanking," LeBoeuf declared with a stern and misguided sense of authority. In a misguided belief that he was acting in her best interest, he began to administer the punishment, his hand striking against her with force. Feeling a mix of fear, confusion, and indignation, Mattie's distress intensified. In her desperation, she called out to Rooster, hoping against hope that he would come to her aid and put an end to this unjust treatment. "Help me, Marshal!" Mattie's voice quivered with a mixture of anguish and pleading, desperately seeking support from the one person she believed might intervene. However, Rooster remained passive and unmoved, his stoic figure on horseback a stark symbol of his indifference. His inaction sent a chilling message, revealing a disheartening reality where authority figures turned a blind eye to the abuse inflicted upon a vulnerable child. LeBoeuf continued his misguided disciplinary action, his hand striking Mattie's body. His words carried an ominous tone, threatening further harm and promising to escalate the punishment with a birch switch if she did not comply with the demands of the "grown-ups." The gravity of the situation deepened, as Mattie's pain and helplessness merged with her resolve to overcome the unjust treatment. She grappled with a mixture of emotions, fueling her determination to find a way out of this distressing ordeal and seek justice for herself and her stolen agency. In this scene, the stark contrast between the callousness of LeBoeuf's actions, the indifference of Rooster, and Mattie's unwavering spirit shines a light on the hardships faced by those who confront abuse and strive to retain their autonomy in a world marked by unequal power dynamics.

Mattie, overwhelmed by the physical and emotional torment inflicted upon her, couldn't contain her anguish any longer. Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her dirt-streaked face as a result of both the pain and the emotional strain she endured. Despite her best efforts to remain strong, her vulnerability became evident as her tears mingled with the dirt on her cheeks. LeBoeuf, unaffected by Mattie's visible distress, callously dragged her across the ground, leaving behind a trail of dust and grit. Their journey came to an abrupt halt as LeBoeuf forcefully guided her towards a mesquite bush, snapping off a switch with menacing intent. "Now we will see what tune you sing!" LeBoeuf's voice dripped with a cruel and vindictive tone, showcasing his complete disregard for Mattie's well-being and emotional state. Mattie, soaked and covered in filth, desperately attempted to defend herself, futilely swatting back in a feeble attempt to ward off the blows. Her cries for help echoed through the air, directed at Rooster, who remained an impassive spectator, unmoved by the distressing scene unfolding before him. In a voice laced with desperation and disbelief, Mattie pleaded with Rooster, her words tinged with both hope and accusation. "Are you going to let him do this, Marshal?" she implored, her voice trembling with a mix of vulnerability and the underlying strength that had propelled her this far. The palpable tension in the air reflected the stark contrast between Mattie's pleas for intervention and the cold detachment exhibited by Rooster. The scene underscored the stark realities of abuse and the anguish experienced by a young individual who sought protection and justice from those entrusted with upholding the law. It is important to remember that this fictional scene portrays a distressing situation, and it is crucial to approach such themes with sensitivity and respect for those who have experienced similar trauma.

Rooster's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, his tone carrying a sense of finality and authority. In a calm and resolute manner, he made his stance clear, refusing to condone the continuation of the brutal punishment inflicted upon Mattie. "No, I don't believe I will," Rooster's words held a quiet strength as he stood firm against LeBoeuf's aggression. His refusal to endorse the violence sent a powerful message that he would not allow further harm to be inflicted upon the defenseless girl. LeBoeuf, momentarily taken aback by Rooster's unexpected intervention, turned to face him, his expression reflecting a mix of surprise and defiance. Despite the interruption, he remained determined to assert his authority and complete what he believed to be necessary disciplinary action. "She has not got the best of me!" LeBoeuf's voice rang out, his resolve undeterred by Rooster's words. Ignoring the plea for compassion, he resumed the beating, his actions driven by a misguided sense of superiority. However, Rooster's calm demeanor did not waver. With a measured and unwavering tone, he reiterated his command, his words piercing through the chaos. "Did you not hear me? That will do, I said." In those few words, Rooster made it clear that the abuse would no longer be tolerated. His intervention marked a turning point, a glimmer of hope for Mattie in the face of adversity. It revealed a flicker of decency within Rooster, hinting at the potential for redemption and the possibility of a partnership that could protect and support Mattie on her journey toward justice.

LeBoeuf's determination wavered as Rooster's words hung in the air, filled with an undeniable warning. Rooster's gun, now drawn and pointed directly at LeBoeuf, added a weighty significance to their exchange. The tension escalated as the sound of the gun being cocked reverberated, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. LeBoeuf, momentarily paralyzed by the imminent threat, ceased his relentless assault on Mattie, his gaze fixed on Rooster and the gun pointed in his direction. With an unyielding resolve, Rooster held his ground, his gun serving as a stark reminder of the consequences LeBoeuf would face if he persisted. Rooster's unwavering determination to protect Mattie from further harm and stand up against LeBoeuf's aggression became unmistakable. Feeling the weight of the standoff, LeBoeuf cast the switch aside, his anger and bravado giving way to a begrudging acceptance of the situation. Frustration mingled with resignation as he strode back to his horse, muttering under his breath, yet loud enough for his words to carry through the air. "Hoorawed by a little girl," LeBoeuf muttered, his voice a mix of bitterness and disbelief. The reality of being outmatched by a young girl challenged his pride and forced him to confront the limitations of his own actions. In this revised version, the scene retains the intense confrontation between Rooster and LeBoeuf, showcasing the pivotal moment where Rooster's intervention takes a decisive turn. The inclusion of Rooster's drawn gun and the subsequent surrender of LeBoeuf adds an element of tension and highlights the power dynamics at play.

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