The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

Von Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... Mehr

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences

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Von Kinky_BabyGirl14

Klaus has set up a dinner table is set up in the courtyard to celebrate his return to leadership over New Orleans and his repossession of the compound from Marcel. Marcel and his closest friends are seated around the table while Klaus and I are seated at each end.

Klaus calls for everyone's attention to give a speech by tapping his glass with his fork while I regret getting that fucking car.

"Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift: immortality. After a thousand years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows do diminish with time. But, as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine." Klaus starts with which makes me roll my eyes as Klaus gestures towards a group of waiters and waitresses to have them join us at the table.

The servants lift up knives to slit their wrists but before mine can I grab his knife and pull him down to me, biting into his neck.

Klaus shoots me a glare at my behaviour but I smirk at him with my face covered in blood as I realise my guy to the floor.

Klaus raises his glass in a toast to the others, "...To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow..."

Marcel lifts his glass and finishes Klaus sentiment , "...and the party never end!"

Diego flows and raises his glass, toasting, "To New Orleans."

"To New Orleans!" Everyone follows, toasting with him.

"To this dinner ending." I toast which makes the table fall into silence and look towards me.

Klaus shoots me another glare while I just look a him bored look in return. Klaus clears his throat and they all look back at him.

"I understand that some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, and I invited you here tonight to assure you that you are not defeated. No, my intentions moving forward are to celebrate what we have. What Marcel, in fact, took and built for this true community of vampires." Klaus announces to them.

"What about her?" Diego asks as he points to me.

I give a fake pout as I ask, "Your feelings still hurt from our last meeting?"

Diego goes to stand but Marcel shoots him a look and Diego huffs, sitting back down which makes me smirk.

"Still taking orders I see. Speaking of which." I turn my glaze from Diego to Marcel.

"I can clear up a few mysteries for you, Marcel. I have killed...." I pause for a moment as I try to count but just end up shrugging, "a lot of your guys." I tell him with a smile.

I see a twitch in Marcel's jaw which lets me know I am getting to him.

"Phoebe." Klaus lets out a warning growl which makes me roll my eyes.

Klaus moves from where he stand and walks over to the other end of the table where I sit. He stands next to me with a hand on my shoulder before he addresses the table.

"As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect."

"Or don't." I say with a smirk.

Klaus digs his fingers into my shoulder and I give him a dirty look while he continues to talk.

"However, I understand that some of you are concerned by this vicious rumour that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you I do not."

I roll my eyes while the rest of the table look unconvinced.

"It appears I will have to earn your trust. Very well. We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. You see, how I can I sire any hybrids if there are no more werewolves alive in the Bayou to turn?" Klaus says, frustrated at the luck of trust.

As I hear the words leave his mouth, I look at him horrified.

"Klaus, no!" I protest.

Klaus ignores me as he says, "So eat, drink, and be merry. And, tomorrow, I suggest you have yourselves a little wolf hunt. Go ahead, have fun. Kill them all."

I slip the knife that the waiter off the table and hold it in my palm under the table. The rest of the table eats and talks amongst themselves. 

I could still feel Marcel's eyes on me but I ignore him as I stand from seat.

I turn my body so the rest of the table doesn't see as I stab the knife into Klaus stomach, twisting it as I do. Klaus winces but moves one of his arms around my waist holding me in place.

"You leave the wolves out of this." I whisper harshly at him.

"I have said has been said. There is no taking it back." Klaus says in a low voice back at me, just as harshly.

Klaus lowers his head into my neck so to anyone else it would look like and intimate moment between us but in reality, he bites into my neck, pumping me full of his venom.

I let out a quiet moan and smirk at him, leaning close to his ear, "Biting me during sex has conditioned my body to find pleasure in the pain of your venom."

I take a step back and Klaus grabs my arm, giving me a serious look as he says, "You are not to interfere against my orders."

I give him a devious smile.

"We will see." I say with faux innocence.

I walk away from Klaus, taking the knife with me as I do. Marcel gives a questioning look to Klaus as he looks from my bite wound to Klaus bloody shirt. But Klaus is watching me as I lick the blood off the knife and walk to the room I claimed when we got here.

I walk downstairs into the empty courtyard but I could feel eyes on me. I take a guess that Klaus has put guys on me to make sure I don't try stop this hunt of his but they won't stop me.

I head for the side door where I had come in before the fight but before I reach the door I get stopped by Diego as he cuts in front me.

"Going somewhere?" Diego asks me.

"Yeah, that is the plan." I say with a plain smile.

"I don't think so." Diego says as he takes a step towards me.

"And you plan to stop me?" I question, finding the humour in this.

Diego smirks and moves towards me but before he can do anything, Elijah appears behind Diego and breaks his neck by throwing him in the wall.

I smile down at Diego's body than back at Elijah.

"Oh, how I have missed you." I say which makes Elijah grin at me.

I run to Elijah, wrapping my arms around him as I fling myself into his arms. Elijah catches me with one hand and puts the other to the back of my head as he buries his head into my neck.

I hear people being thrown into the wall behind us but I don't move, just enjoy this moment. Elijah places me back onto my feet after a moment and I turn to greet Rebekah.

"Sorry, Beks. About the dagger." I apologise to her.

"Water under the bridge." Rebekah waves her hand at me in dismissal.

"Where are you off too?" Elijah asks which makes me turn back around to face him.

"Klaus has ordered the werewolves in the Bayou to be killed. I can't let that happen. They have risked their lives to keep me and this baby safe, I won't let them be killed to soothe the questions of some vampires." I explain to both of them.

"Phoebe!" I hear my name being called from upstairs and swear under my voice.

"I did a stupid thing that night and now he wants to have an eye on me constantly." I mutter out.

"What did you do?" Rebekah asks me curious.

"I stabbed him with a steak knife." I say with a shrug which make Rebekah smirk at me in amusement.

"I need you two to please help them. I can't have their deaths because of me." I plead with them.

"PHOEBE!" I hear the yelling getting louder.

"We will protect the wolves." Elijah agrees which makes me smile and pull him into a kiss.

I turn back to Rebekah and she rolls her eyes before relenting and agreeing to help Elijah.

I go to thank her but I hear footsteps coming in our direction, "You need to go." I tell them.

Elijah nods before they both take off which leaves me surrounded by unconscious bodies.

Marcel walks into view but his eyes stay on his unconscious vampires before he looks over to me with a questioning look.

"They were being dicks and I have enough of those in my life." I tell him.

"Klaus is calling for you." He states to me.

"I heard." I tell him before walking past him and up the stairs.

As I find the room, Cami comes storming out with anger written all over her face. I give her a warm smile as she sees me and when she sees it, the anger seems to dissipate and gives me a small smile in return.

I walk into the room and find Klaus with drink in hand with his head tilted back.

"I called for you." Klaus says to me.

"I know but I don't appreciate my every move being watched again so I had things to take care of." I tell him as I sit down next to him.

"How are you and the baby?" He asks me, with an almost awkward sense to it.

"I am tired and sometimes I think I can feel her move but it's nothing definite has come from that. All of which you would know if you ever came to bed." I tell him as I lean to the side, looking at him.

Marcel joins us soon after I say that which makes Klaus sit up straight and a sad feeling comes over me, sitting on my chest.

"As I was saying before you left, I want to keep Davina close at hand. She's a powerful weapon. I think we should have her move in to the compound here with us." Klaus decides out loud.

"She can't leave the attic. I already tried to move her once." Marcel tell Klaus.

"Yes, about that..." Klaus look towards me than back to Marcel, "Turns out, your little witch is quite the actress. She made a deal with Elijah while he was in captivity, tricked you into letting her stay put in exchange for some spells from our mother's grimoire." Klaus explains to Marcel.

Marcel nods bitterly, clearly not happy about this but he asks, "How do we know she won't pull such a stunt again?"

"Because we have a friend of hers here who will be able to convince her to come here with no fuss." Klaus says before smirking at me which makes me roll my eyes and sigh.

We get to the church and like every time we come here, I light a candle as Marcel wonders off to convince Davina to come stay with us.

Klaus walks up behind me and watches as put out the light stick, watching the candles flicker.

"Why do you light a candle every time we come here?" Klaus asks me quietly.

"Old habits die hard, I guess." I say.

Klaus places a kiss on the crevice of my neck before vamping away, probably to Davina.

"The church is closed to the public." Someone says from behind me.

I turn around to face him and he seems to be the revenant of this church.

"I am not the public." I tell him before showing him my vampire eyes.

He nods his head in understanding, "You are here for the meeting than?" he asks as walks towards me.

"Probably. I was under the impression I was just here to move Davina but with my new prisoner rules I guess I will probably be staying for this meeting." I say with a sigh at the end.

I walk into Davina's room as Davina asks Marcel, "Was this his idea?"

"No, it was mine." I say which makes Davina look over at me.

Davina smiles at me and I give her one back.

"Imagine. A room with an actual view and a really comfortable bed." I say as my smile grows wider.

"Pack your stuff. We have matters to deal with downstairs and then I will come back to take you to the compound. We can work on your magic there." I promise her and she nods at me.

Klaus gestures to the door with his head to me and Marcel before leaving out the door. Marcel and I both leave the room soon after with Marcel walks in pace as me.

"How did you do that?" Marcel asks me, with an almost intrigued look as he watches me.

"Do what?" I ask back.

"How did you get Davina to trust you so quickly?" Marcel clarifies his question.

I smile as I think of my response, "I am not a raging bitch to everyone."

Marcel doesn't seem to find humour in my response. We stop on the balcony of the second floor overlooking the pews that people seemed to be filling.

"Me and Davina have more in common than you even know about." I tell him before leaving him there and vamping downstairs to Klaus.

I link my arm with Klaus and he moves to the first row of the pews, sitting me there. I click my jaw at this as being dismissed annoys me.

The Father from earlier gathers a bunch of humans on the pews next to us before he walks to the front and starts to talk.

"Klaus, Marcel, thank you for coming. We are aware of the change in the leadership in your community, and we thought it was time to make the appropriate introductions." He says to them.

The Mayor and the Sheriff stand up to introduce themselves to us.

"We wanna be sure you understand how things work around here." The mayor says to Klaus but his eyes linger on me which makes me raise my brows at him.

"Is that so?" Klaus ask, amused by it but I could see the anger light up in the back of his eyes. I place my hand on his, "Hear them out." I say soft enough that I know only he and Marcel can hear me.

The Mayor nods confidently obviously not realising the magnitude of what he is getting into.

"What the Mayor means is that we just want some insurance that this new development isn't going to endanger our city or its inhabitants." The father says as he has the brains to be nervous about this.

"Look, you freaks do your thing, and we'll look the other way." The sheriff says to us which makes me sigh and sit back with my hand on my belly while Klaus looks at Marcel in disbelief.

"As long as our pockets stay full, we won't have a problem." The sheriff ends with.

The Father's eyes bounce between the three of us obviously reading us properly because I can smell his anxiousness from where I am. Obviously fearing a violent confrontation that is coming and he tries to backtrack.

"More importantly, there are rules. No feeding on the locals. Don't bring any unwanted attention to the city. History has proven that we can co-exist peacefully. However, if you cross the line..." he says but is interrupted by the sheriff.

"You answer to us." He says to us.

Klaus and I burst out laughing at them which makes them glare at me.

"I haven't listened to rules since my father." I say amused.

"What happened with him?" the Father asks.

"My brother ripped his throat out with his teeth." I say with a smile.

"You are all delusional if you think for a second that we care or will listen to a word you say. I will do as I please and if you get in my way, I will skin you. It's that simple." I put simply before looking at Klaus and Marcel.

Marcel looks annoyed at me but Klaus smirks at me in amusement and an almost proud look.

"I am going to take Davina home. When you are done playing pretend with these fucks then come find me." I tell him.

As I rise from my seat, Klaus grabs my arm and gives me a look before saying, "You aren't going anywhere especially after your little stunt yesterday."

I roll my eyes as I was thinking that would be my out to go to the Bayou but instead, I sit back down and forced to listen to Klaus talk to the humans.

"Let me get this straight. I'm to play supplicant to this pompous ass and his ridiculous group of petty thieves?" He questions before sighing dramatically as walks to towards the Sheriff and Mayor.

"Here are my terms. You will take whatever scraps I see fit to leave you, and you will be grateful. If that doesn't suit you, I may decide you've outlived your usefulness." Klaus informs them.

Marcel groans quietly next to me while I try to hide my laugh, smirking.

I sit at a table next to Marcel in a bar room that seems to be built for Marcel's nightwalkers as Klaus comes over with a bottle of bourbon in his hand. Marcel continues to whine over our behaviour at the meeting but I try to tune him out.

"I think it was far more gracious than they deserved." Klaus says to Marcel as he starts to pour the bourbon into glasses.

Marcel just glares at Klaus in response before pushing one of the glasses towards me but I roll my eyes at his action and shove it right back to Marcel. Marcel looks over at me but Klaus takes my glass and drinks it all in one gulp.

"You're disappointed by my lack of diplomacy. You out of all people should need no reminder of the human capacity for cruelty." Klaus adds as he slams my glass onto the table.

Marcel remains silent. I am actually starting to miss my house arrest because being stuck with these two many be the most bored, I have been in my life.

Klaus' phone buzzes, and he smirks at the screen before he rises from the chair and answers it.

Marcel looks over at me as Klaus takes a step away.

"What did you mean when you said that you and Davina had more in common than in know?" He asks.

I let out humourless laugh as I raise a brow at him.

"Straight to the big questions than." I say as I give him a smile.

Marcel says nothing and continues to look at me. I smile at him but as I open my mouth to answer an explosion is heard from outside. 

I stand to investigate when automatic gunfire pierces through the walls and windows of the bar.

I shield my body as the glass scatters across the room. When I unblock my head, I see vampires being burnt by the daylight. 

I stand up again and throw a shield up between the bar and the walls that the bullets were streaming into the room which allowed the day walkers to get the others out of the sun.

I see Marcel next to me and I gesture to the two remaining vampire that are in the middle of the room in the middle of the sun. Marcel seems to get my message as he vamps to them grabbing them both into the side of the room.

The gunfire moves and my shields drop as I get hit by a bullet. But before I can even react to the pain, I am on the ground as Klaus covers my body with his as wooden bullets rain into the room again.

The bullets stop and the vampires left in the room leave through the back but I stand in the middle the broken glass as I look down at the burned body of one of the vampires who we couldn't save with a sad smile.

I hear furniture being destroyed behind me and when I look over my shoulder, I see Marcel flipping the only table that hadn't been destroyed. 

As I watch Marcel throw around furniture, I feel a hand press into my bullet wound.

"I am fine. It was just one bullet and it's to my shoulder." I reassure Klaus but wince slightly as he presses his fingers into the wound and pulls the bullet out.

"You shouldn't have put yourself at risk like that." He says to me as he places the bullet in my hand.

I whip myself around to face him.

"I wasn't going to let them die because we pissed people off." I tell Klaus.

I am distracted as I see blood seeping into his shirt by his shoulder. I walk around Klaus and see his back riddled with wooden bullets that were meant for me.

"These need to come out. Sit on the chair." I instruct him as I look over each wound.

Klaus goes to protest but I shove him forward towards the chair as I say, "It wasn't a question."

Klaus grumbles but goes over to the chair as my attention goes back to Marcel.

"Hey, Drama Queen! You have any bullets in you?" I shout out over to Marcel as I walk behind Klaus.

Marcel stops destroying things and looks over at me where I stand with brows raised as I wait for an answer.

"No" he mutters out as he walks to us as I nod my head at him and start to stick my fingers into Klaus wounds to pull the bullets out.

I pull the first one out and lean over the bar to grab a glass to put the bullets into.

"This is on you! Now that you're in charge, these are your guys laying dead. Your guys. You're gonna run this city, that better mean something to you, otherwise no one worth a damn is gonna follow you. No one!" Marcel shouts pointing at Klaus as the pull the fourth bullet from Klaus.

Marcel glares at Klaus but Klaus merely smiles at Marcel. He winces slightly as I pull on a bullet.

"Sorry. It's stuck in the bone." I mumble as I use more of my strength to get it out.

"I was beginning to worry about you. I don't think I could've taken any more of this differential nonsense. I mean, clearly, I underestimated the faction. That won't happen again. Tell me. Now that we've arrived at this point. Now that they have come into our home, visited this upon our people...How would you counsel me to respond?" Klaus asks Marcel and smirks as though he already knows the answer.

"Let's go kill them all." Marcel says determined.

I pull the last bullet out and put it into the glass as I smile, saying, "Now that sounds fun."

"Not you. You go back home and stay there." Klaus tells me as he stands up from the chair and turning to me.

"Great. So, I spent the whole day doing boring crap with the two of you but as soon as something fun happens I am sent home." I say with a frown and a dirty look.

"I am serious, love." Klaus says as he gives me a look but I roll my eyes at him and grumble an agreement under my breath.

Marcel and Klaus vamp out the trashed bar while I stare at the cup full of bullets and Klaus's blood.

I walk into the compound when I hear voices coming from garage of the compound and being the nosey person I am, I follow the voices.

"It's okay. You can trust Marcel. And if Klaus tries to hurt you-- I'll hurt him." I hear Davina say as I get to the door of the garage.

"If you could actually stop Klaus, you would've done it already." I say which makes them both jump and makes me smile.

"Don't worry Josh. I will protect you from the big bad hybrid." I reassure him.

"What are you doing back? Is Klaus and Marcel back?" Josh asks as he starts to spiral.

"Calm down. I have been benched. I feel like since I got pregnant, I have been kept out of doing all the fun things." I say with a sigh but shake out of it and look over Davina, "but it does mean I have time so I can help you with magic if you want."

"Really?" Davina asks excitedly.

"Question." Josh asks and I look at him expectantly.

"What's with the shot glass half-full of blood?" he asks, pointing to it in my hands.

"Gathering ingredients for a spell and let's just say, getting this one is awfully difficult to get." I tell him.

I turn and start to leave but as I do, I call out to them, "Davina, I will meet you in the courtyard in a few. Josh, try not to get killed."

I walk upstairs with the shot glass and into my room where I transfer the blood into a vile, capping it and hiding on one of my shelves with a cloaking spell.

I pick a few grimoires with more basic spells and head back down to the courtyard.

As I walk downstairs, I see Davina pacing in the courtyard and constantly looking around her. I look in the directions she does and realise why she is so anxious as vampires seem to be crawling out of every nook and cranny, watching Davina.

I walk to her and give her smile as she spots me.

"Do you want me to get rid of them?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and smile at her before gesturing to the chairs and tables. We sit down and set the grimoires out in front of us.

"What spell do you want to start with?" I ask her.

Davina looks at me shocked at my question which makes me slightly concerned.

"Any spell of my choosing?" She asks, getting more excited.

"Yeah. As long as we have the items needed to do it." I say with a smile as her exactment makes me slightly excited to teach her.

"So, daylight ring spell?"

"We can't do because we need the stones. But I will track some down and then you can make one for Josh."

Davina grabs one of the grimoires and start flipping through it.

"There are so many spells. How am I meant to remember all these?" she asks as she reads through some.

I laugh a little at her question and place a hand on the page of the book, "You don't need to know all just the important few."

I take the book out her hand and place it back on the table.

"Let's start with an anti-track spell that way you can go exploring out in the quarter." I say to her as I open the grimoire closet to me to that spell.

I push the book in front of her and point to the spell.

Davina nods her head as she reads over the spell a couple of times, before repeating the words over and over. She sighs eventually when it seems as though nothing has happened.

"How do I know if it has worked?" she asks.

"Normally you can feel the slight change but I can check for you if don't feel anything." I tell her before relaxing my eyes as look over her aura.

As I look over the layers, I can see each harvests girl magic layered on top of each other but surrounding it is the spell.

"It seems to have worked perfectly." I tell her with a smile before we move on.

We spend time going through basic but important spells such as location tracking and protection. Eventually, I show her some spells that could be of some real use to her. I teach her many defensive and offensive spells in case she ever finds herself in trouble, using the vampires that are lingering as practise dummies.

She catches onto each spell rather quickly only needing two or three tries before doing it perfectly. After every spell she wants another one as it seems she is actually enjoying herself and I am enjoying myself as I have never meant someone so eager to learn spells.


My name echoes through the courtyard and Davina looks up from the next spell with wide eyes.

"I think that might be all for today." I say to her softly before gesturing her to leave before Klaus comes storming into here.

Davina seems to understand my head nod and makes her way up the stairs as Klaus does indeed come storming into the courtyard with anger written all over his face.

He spots me and comes storming towards me, roaring, "What point of don't interfere with my order of a wolf hunt did you not understand?"

I bend and start to pack my books up, "I did nothing of the sort. I was with you all fucking day." I remind him.

"You may not have done anything but you did have a hand in sending Elijah and Rebekah to interfere." He says over me.

"I said I would not go against your order but I did not say anything about enlisting help from others." I tell him as I stand with my grimoires in hand.

As I turn around, I am blocked by Klaus with my face meeting his chest.

"Move." I demand.

"No. I am not done with this conversation." He says to me.

"You did what you wanted so I did what I wanted as well." I state before I walk around the other side of the table and upstairs, leaving Klaus in the courtyard.

I walk through the hall towards my room when I walk pass Davina who is frantically searching through boxes for something. I stop and step into the room.

"What are you looking for?" I ask her curiously.

"My violin. It must be left in the attic." Davina sighs out as she stops searching the boxes with turn down shoulders.

"So, just go get it." I tell her confused by why this would make her sad.

"I can't. It's not safe for me out there." she says as she turns to face me.

"You have the anti-tracking spell in place. You can go if you want to."

"But the witches are still after me." Davina says and everything clicks about her worriedness.

"Agnes is dead. She tried to kill me and Elijah killed her for it." I inform her.

Davina shakes her head in disbelief, "But Agnes was the last living Elder. If she's dead, then I'm safe. Marcel would've told me. You're lying."

"Why would I lie to you? I spent the day teaching you magic and anything you can do; I can do as well and probably better." I say with a sigh.

Davina looks conflicted by what I have just told her.

"If you don't feel safe here, Davina than go. No one should ever have to be somewhere that isn't entire safe for them. It you need help, just let me know. I have many friends around the world who would be happy to help." I tell Davina before leaving her room and heading to my own.

I pick up my phone and make a call that I feel I desperately need to make. The call rings and rings but with no answer. I phone one more time and the call is answered almost immediately.

Stefan! Finally! Do you know why Damon isn't answering?

Phoebe. My sister.

Yes, that is me. Stefan, is something wrong?

No. Not really. Unless you count the fact, I no longer have any of memories.

Right. Right. Where is Damon?

He stepped out for a moment and told me not to do anything but the phone just kept ringing.

I hear a door being slammed shut before talking happening on the other side of the phone.

Guess what he is back.

I hear rustling until Damon's voice comes through the phone.

What's up Bea?

What's up?!! Stefan has lost his memory!

I have it under control. Wait. Stefan! I have to go, Bea.

The call ends and I am left in shock.

I set my phone to the side of me and head to the balcony in my room, needing some air. The wind shifts around me and I feel a person behind me.

"Are you okay? I heard about the shooting." Elijah asks as he stands just behind me.

"I don't know what I am but okay is definitely not it." I mutter back as I watch the people below us.

"What are you feeling?" he asks as he places a hand on my arm.

"I feel like I am drowning. I am now surrounded by vampires all day yet I feel alone constantly. Everyone wants to kill me or this baby or both and all I feel is useless to that. Not to mention the only two people I actually want with me, are either keeping me at arm's length or treating me like a prisoner." I say as tears start to stray and fall down my face but I quickly wipe them away before Elijah notices them.

"Phoebe.... It was never my intention to make you feel as if I am keeping you at arm's length." Elijah says as he tries to soothe me.

"I know but it doesn't change the fact that I do." I turn around to face him, "I mean we haven't even spoken about how you feel about the fact I am pregnant and if this changes things between us." I say to him, my voice becoming louder as I speak.

Elijah steps forward and grabs the injunction where my neck meet my face, making my sole focus him.

"This pregnancy, this baby-" he place his other hand on my belly, "changes nothing between us. She is the hope to bring our family together and make us a whole family. You are still mine."

"And you mine." I whisper back to him as he leans down capturing my lips with his.

I take a step back and Elijah follows as I lean against the railing which turns out to be a mistake.

One minute Elijah is deepening the kiss as I try to strip his jacket off him, the next the railing seems to give out and I am falling. 

I grab a hold of the other rail as I dangle three stories up over a very busy street. I scream out in a panic as my finger begin to slip.

One two hands grab my one arm and another two grab my other, pulling me up with one yank. As I make it back onto the balcony floor, I scurry back away from the now hole in the railing with wide eyes.

"What the hell happened?" Klaus demands as Elijah holds me against him.

"It just gave out." I rattle out.

Elijah helps me up as Klaus inspects the broken railing.

"It seems the welding was melted which caused it to break." Klaus tells me as I get back on my feet.

I get closer to the broken railing and look over what Klaus had pointed out and see the magic signature. 

I look into the crowd below us and spot a familiar face staring towards us in the distance.



Not sure what to say about this chapter.

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