Adorabella: A new life awaits


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Today is the day Rainbow Dash meets a pony faster than her. She was expecting them to be an existing member o... Еще

Meeting Her Match
Small Steps
Learning To Trust
The Incident
Slowly Branching Out
Helping Out
Venturing Out
Returning To Fillydelphia
Back Home Safe
Down To The Post Office
Overcoming A Massive Barrier
A Birthday To Remember
Adorable Rocks
A Shaky Afternoon
Quiet Solid Friendship
Going On A Date
A month and a bit later (Summary)
Lead Up To A Birthday
Putting It Behind
The New Home
Nightmare Night
Another Month And A Bit Later (Summary)
The Best Hearth's Warming Ever

After A Week Of Work

47 6 0

TW: I am going to give a small spoiler, Rock and Catch's charges are revealed in the later parts of the chapter. The reason I am doing this trigger warning is because of the types of charges they receive are very serious ones and the type of charges may be triggering for some. I've been trying to make it as least triggering it could be when the charges are mentioned, which is why the chapter took so long to come out. At least Rock and Catch get a lengthy sentence though, I made sure of that.


Over the week, Adorabella slowly improved her sleep schedule. She now tries to get in at least 5 hours instead of the measly 1 hour as usual. She is in a safe place, so she doesn't have to fear anything quite so much. She still got a long way to go, but her sleeping is getting much better.

On the first day at work, Adorabella delivered much more than just 12 letters. With her wanting to keep wearing the cloak as she felt safe, she wore the mail coat and cap on top of her cloak. She had done the same throughout the 5 work days, wearing the cloak with her mail uniform. Over the 5 days, Adorabella and Derpy became friends. On the 5th day, Adorabella had delivered over of 300 letters. The boss, who was very impressed, payed Adorabella 85 bits, which Adorabella put all in her backpack. Adorabella brought the heavy bag back to the Cloudominium after being given a spare key into the Cloudominium as Rainbow Dash, as well as Rarity, are at the trial against Rock and Catch.
(End of time-lapse)
(Next day)

It is a nice dry morning, a nice start to the weekend. Adorabella is at Sugarcube Corner, waiting for Ralph, sitting on the same bench they sat at last week. Adorabella is wearing her cloak and necklace as usual. She is done working for the day. She is aware that ponies start and finish at different times.

"Oh hey Adorabella!"

The white pegasus flinches and flaps her wings, hovering above the bench. She looks around, seeing where the voice came from.

"Down here silly!" The voice cheerily chuckled. Adorabella looks down and partially relaxes. It is Pinkie Pie.

"H- hey..." Adorabella sheepishly said as she gently lands on the ground.

"I'm so happy that you're coming to Ponyville more and more- Soon we can do the welcome party which would've been a late welcome party which will now be a laaaaate late welcome party- you get it," Pinkie Pie said cheerily, speaking at a fast pace.

"M- maybe... maybe once uh- once uh... Rock and Catch are dealt with-then uh we can uh- do a uh- a um uh a- a uh- a welcome and celebration in one party." Adorabella thought of a reason to delay the party. The thought of hundreds of strangers knowing who she is, still terrifies her.

"Oh a great and amazing idea!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, getting right close to Adorabella. The white pegasus steps back while extending out her wings.

"Y- you're g- getting to close..." Adorabella stuttered. Pinkie Pie steps back.

"Sorry, I can be a bit over-the-top," Pinkie Pie apologized, now feeling a bit down.

"I wanna be honest, that's partially the reason I don't want a party in my name. What if somepony hiding in Ponyville is like Rock or Catch? What is somepony are like the bullies from my school in general? I want to not feel fear but just blindly putting my name out there just feels insane..." Adorabella explained while looking down. Adorabella sits on the ground, and Pinkie Pie sits next to her.

"Oh why not? What if we have a private welcome party? With me and my friends, and anypony you wanna invite along? I just want you to feel cared for, which I do for everypony new to Ponyville," Pinkie Pie thought of a solution. She just wants Adorabella to feel she does matter to other ponies.

"I appreciate the thought... I just... I just wanna make friends at my own pace... it is all so new still. I wanna work it out," Adorabella sheepishly responded.

"I get that and I understand. If we were to do a private party right now, who would you invite?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Ralph and Muffins," Adorabella replied.

"Muffins, as in Derpy? Yeah she's really nice. So too is Ralph," Pinkie Pie nodded.

"Calling her Derpy or Ditzy just doesn't sit right with me, so I call her Muffins," Said Adorabella. Pinkie Pie nods, respecting that.

"I also heard you got a job as a mailmare, how is that going?" Pinkie Pie curiously inquired.

"It was good, because... because I didn't have to interact with anypony all too much," Adorabella replied.

"But if you never interact with anypony you'll miss out on meeting good ponies," Said Pinkie Pie.

"I know, and even though I'm much better... that bit of anxiety still worries me... I'm scared I'll go back to where I was..." Adorabella murmured. Pinkie Pie gently gives Adorabella a hug. She flinches, but quickly relaxes. Pinkie Pie then lets go.

"Hey you two, what's up?" Ralph suddenly arrives.

"Hi," Adorabella sheepishly smiled.

"Hi Ralph! What you doing down here?" Pinkie Pie asked out of curiosity.

"Me and Adorabella are going to be meeting here every week," Ralph said to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie smiles at hearing this.

"Hmm, alright..." Pinkie Pie nodded whole grinning.

"What are we talking about?" Ralph asked.

"We haven't done a welcome party for Adorabella yet," Said Pinkie Pie.

"What's wrong?" Ralph asked Adorabella. The stallion notices the pegasus mare's anxiousness.

"I'm just worried how such party would turn out," Adorabella shook.

"Don't worry about what can go wrong. Look at what can go right," Ralph gently said.

"I have met truly genuine faces... I'm just scared I'll lose them..." Adorabella fears she would be alone again.

"You'll never be alone again, that's a promise, a pinkie promise," Pinkie Pie reassuringly said.

"Pinkie, can you get both of us some cupcakes? Me and her will sit on the bench," Ralph requested.

"Sure thing," Pinkie Pie nodded as she bounces her way to Sugarcube Corner's open door, while Adorabella and Ralph goes to sit on the nearby bench.

"Hey," Ralph gently said. Adorabella weakly nods.

"What makes a party scary? New faces?" Ralph asked. Adorabella weakly nods.

"Well, in a party, it's much easier talking to new faces than it is not at parties. When Pinkie has most ponies in town know about a new townspony, they'll know mostly who's who. That's why Ponyville is one of the safest places towns in Equestria. Yeah sure... the odd bad guy shows up here and there. But overall, crime in Ponyville is really low, because mostly everypony knows each other," Ralph reassuringly said.

"Here are your cupcakes! I got the best, triple chocolate chip cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie yelled cheerily from Sugarcube Corner's door, lobbing a paper bag all the way over to Ralph, who catches it with his left forehoof, despite the 2 ponies being roughly 10 metres apart. In the paper bag are 8 triple chocolate chip cupcakes, which he splits between him and Adorabella. They start eating their cupcakes.

"So, you don't like the idea of parties? Why?" Ralph asked Adorabella. If Ralph knows why, maybe he can convince Adorabella to give a very delayed welcome party a chance.

"W- well... I n- never had a- a party... I h- have always been b- bullied a- as a filly b- before fleeing from home at twelve... I was only found after R- Rainbow found me a d- decade later last week... I'm sc- scared th- that this... town-wide party w- will have some of those bullies from school joining..." Adorabella stuttered whole shuddering.

"Wait- you fled from home at twelve, and lived in the Everfree Forest... for a decade?" This caught Ralph's attention. He can remember Adorabella saying something about fleeing home, but hearing Adorabella fled home at 12 and living there for a decade is extreme and definitely hits Ralph hard. Adorabella nods, confirming that. Ralph can better understand the hesitancy, he now knows Adorabella is going off instincts that were forged by herself, alone, from a young age.

"Y- yeah... b- but I- I had nowhere else to go... I got abused at home daily... school was made tough because of bullies... then you got the colts trying to do you know, especially Rock and Catch... and I feared everyday that I'd get snatched off the street for simply walking to and from school... so I fled into the Everfree Forest... where nopony could hurt me..." Adorabella murmured. Hearing this make Ralph understand.

"I uh... I'm sorry to hear that. I just wanted to try help you to be more outgoing. But because you told me this... I now understand, I didn't realize I was pushing you too far," Ralph apologized. He felt he made his new friend feel uncomfortable. He likes Adorabella as a friend, and he worries that he started to jeopardize that friendship.

"It's o- okay... b- but I- I am getting th- the help, from my friends. A- and if an- anything, you helped. So you don't need to apologize," Said Adorabella.

"That's good, because living in fear for a decade is... I have no words, I don't know how it feels. But it must be so horrible," Ralph nodded, having a much better understanding of the stuff Adorabella went through when she was young.

"You're from Fillydelphia right?" Ralph asked, double checking. Adorabella nods as she finishes her last cupcake.

"Well, give Ponyville a chance. It's a good place. Living here are some of the nicest ponies you'll ever meet. You meet the majority of them in the welcome parties," Ralph reassured.

"I- I need to think about it... you seem nice, Derpy seem nice... I'm just not used to receiving kindness... I've been shunned for so long... I never knew what it was like to be liked..." Adorabella sighed.

"I understand. But whatever happened back then, don't let it control the present you. You only get one life, so you gotta make the most of it. It may be difficult, but no matter what, never give up. Let the past no longer hold you back, alright," Ralph gave his words of encouragement.

"I- I'll try... I w- would prefer a.. a- a p- party with p- ponies I know th- though," Adorabella sheepishly stuttered, and weakly nods. She feels safe with her current friends. She wants to take it slow with meeting new ponies.

"Here, have my last cupcake," Ralph gestured his friendship, giving Adorabella the last cupcake.

"Y- you sure? Let me get my bits back at Rainbow's," Said Adorabella, taking the cupcake with both of her forehooves as she flaps her wings, hovering up.

"If it makes you feel better, you can pay for the food the next time we meet up if you want. I'm happy to pay today," Ralph responded, reassuring Adorabella that this is out of kindness. Adorabella nods. Ralph knows Adorabella likes to do something in return, because it makes Adorabella feel better.

"You going back to the Cloudominium?" Ralph asked.

"I'm going to Fluttershy's. She wanted me to come over," Adorabella replied.

"Alright. Also, on Mondays and Thursdays, I finish at five. Wanna start meeting up on those days as well?" Ralph asked.

"I would like to... yes," Adorabella nodded. Both smile at the idea. They high hoof each other, Adorabella using her left forehoof while Ralph uses his right. Adorabella winces and retracts her left forehoof, shaking it, groaning. She then covers it with her right forehoof and the bottom of her jaw.

"Oh my goodness- I'm so sorry-" Ralph didn't mean to be as firm when doing his high hoof. He doesn't use much force in doing one anyway, only a normal amount of force, as he always does. But it clearly still hurt Adorabella, and Ralph feels really bad.

"It's okay- I'm just weak-" Adorabella winced.

"It still doesn't make it okay. It was an accident, yes, but it still hurt you. I'm sorry," Ralph apologized again. Adorabella lets go of her left forehoof and flips it about.

"Is your hoof okay?" Ralph checked.

"Yeah... I'm just m- more fragile than most," Adorabella nodded, lightly chuckling. With her friends, she has come to terms she isn't physically strong, and she may never be. But she has other things going for her, which she only just recently not too long ago understood, and acknowledged. Being physically weak didn't bother her so much now, but it is still a pain reminding her of the past.

"No worries. If you're heading off, I'll see you later," Ralph nodded as he and Adorabella wave at each other.

"And if you're ever worried, you don't have to just talk to me, but also your other friends. They too, care about you more than you think," Ralph reassured.

"Th- thanks," Adorabella sheepishly smiled before zooming off. She is already in the clouds and continues to accelerate, putting her 4 hooves as far out as they could. She accelerates, and different shades of pink starts pulsing from the front of her forehooves that go down the sides of her. Sparks also start appearing at the side of them. Then, a loud boom is created as Adorabella's speed drastically increases. Behind them they create a ring-shaped burst that has multiple shades and different types of pink and starts leaving a trail of different shades of pink behind them.

"Yeah you're definitely gonna be a successful mailpony." Seeing Adorabella do something similar to the rainboom greatly impresses Ralph. If she can go fast enough to do that, she'll be delivering letters left right and centre.

"Heya Ralph, how's it going?" Ralph gets taken by surprise and looks back to in front of him. It is Rainbow Dash, accompanied by Rarity.

"Oh hey! Me and Adorabella were just chatting," Ralph nodded, looking back down to face the 2 mares.

"It better be just chatting," Rainbow Dash said sternly, pointing her left forehooves at her eyes and then Ralph's eyes.

"Yeah it is only chatting. We were just talking and were also talking about meeting up more after work on some days. Two workers meeting up after a week of work, y'know, that sort of thing," Said Ralph.

"One thing I am concerned about is... she told me she ran from home when she was young," Ralph added.

"Oh," Rarity slowly said. Adorabella must have shared her past with Ralph. But that is a good thing, because it shows that Adorabella is starting to trust others more.

"So... she opened to you about everything?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

"She said she was bullied and harassed by colts in school, as well as facing abuse at home," Ralph shared with Rainbow Dash what she told him.

"There's more, but that's all you need to know. The poor darling went through so much," Rarity responded, sounding a bit sorrow. She still felt she shouldn't just share somepony's past when the pony may still not be completely comfortable themselves to share it all.

"Where is she now Ralph?" Rainbow Dash asked. She wants to know where Adorabella is. She is worried that Adorabella is feeling really down as she brought up her past up with somepony. Rainbow Dash just wants to look out for Adorabella.

"Hey! Where did Adorabella go?" Pinkie Pie asked aloud. She is back outside Sugarcube Corner.

"Oh, she flew off, saying that Fluttershy wants her over or something," Ralph replied to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

"Oh okay- I also need to go back inside," Pinkie Pie said as she turns around starts walking back to Sugarcube Corner.

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash said aloud. Pinkie Pie turns around.

"Adorabella's birthday is on the Sunday, not this week or next week, but the week after," Rainbow Dash stated.

"Oooooooh!" Pinkie Pie's eyes widen.

"And... I want to make her birthday really special. I want this birthday to be one that Adorabella will look back on. We're going to make this birthday very special. That can be how we'll truly welcome her to Ponyville, and well... you're the best party pony ever! Can you do that for me?" Rainbow Dash explained, giving the best party pony a very important task.

"I... LOOOVE that idea! I will make her birthday party special! Time to plan!" Pinkie Pie nods while massively grinning, bouncing back to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hey, are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked Rarity, turning back around to face her. Rarity is yawning greatly.

"That trial got me tired out of boredom and it's not even the afternoon! I may go and have a nap later," Rarity replied whole yawning. She wants to drop off to sleep now.

"Which trial?" Ralph asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Rock and Catch decided to confess everything in the end, so they get a shorter sentence. But they still got twenty five years each behind bars. Eight for breaking a restraining order and twelve for... hmm, I'm not sure if it's my place to say about this other charge..." Rarity explained.

"Did these two try to hurt Adorabella?" Ralph questioned. He felt his forehooves shake in anger. Rainbow Dash felt it is unfair to not tell Ralph the exact charges, as Adorabella is Ralph's friend too.

"If Adorabella wants to share with you about the sentences Rock and Catch got... then she can. But I don't want to just share them openly because... it's really sensitive. But know that... the two that did try to do harm to her... they ain't getting out anytime soon, that's for sure," Rainbow Dash replied. Even though Adorabella knows Ralph and trusts him as a friend, Rainbow Dash felt it was too insensitive to share the exact charges Rock and Catch got, because Adorabella may not be comfortable sharing them herself.

"Well, with anything that did happen... please look after her. Maybe convince her to seek therapy if you can as well. I thought she was just shy but since discovering this and looking back... she definitely shows signs of complex PTSD," Said Ralph. He now fully understands now why Adorabella is so skittish and has badly ingrained shyness. After hearing the stuff he heard about Adorabella's past today, it just makes Ralph want to help her even more.
(Fluttershy's cottage)

Discord is sat on the sofa near the window on the completely opposite side of the door. Fluttershy is sat next to him on the sofa. The yellow pegasus can tell Discord feels anxious.

"How do I talk to Adorabella if she's scared to even approach me?" Discord asked Fluttershy for advice. He remembers when he was teaming with Tirek he tried taking the magic from a cloaked pegasus that was just too fast for them to catch, which was Adorabella. Luckily she got away from them before they could take her magic and scarred her even more.

"I went back to her past to understand and... after seeing her past and... I feel even more bad. How can I make it up, after the whole me and Tirek teaming up thing? That's why I... I said I- I actually lied when I said I was... 'too ill' for last week's tea party. Something... something in the back of my head told me that Adorabella was going to come to the cottage a week ago and... she probably didn't want to see me... and I didn't want my presence make her distrust you as well," Discord added, and explained in full, sharing with his dear Fluttershy the thoughts going through his head.

"That's why I am going to introduce you to her. So she can see you've changed with her own eyes. Just keep it calm, everything will be okay," Fluttershy gently reassured. Discord still feels really guilty about that day, where he betrayed everypony's trust.

Then there is a knock on the door.

"It's open," Fluttershy said aloud. The door opens. Discord looks at the door is it opened walking through is the same cloaked pegasus, Adorabella. To Discord's surprise, Adorabella didn't try to run or fly away this time, she walks over.

"Hey, Flutters," Adorabella awkwardly smiled, as Discord is in the room. Adorabella pulls down her hood.

"Hi Adorabella," Fluttershy smiled back.

"Hello," Discord said casually.

"Ah- h- hey..." Adorabella shyly stuttered as she looks at Discord. Adorabella immediately extends her wings out, in case she feels she need to dart to the door and fly away. Adorabella also takes a few steps back. Her heart is racing, she remembers that Discord as well as Tirek almost took her magic, which would've taken her only attribute she had, flight speed.

"Look- please... I've been trying to say sorry, and have been for a few years. But you keep running away, which I understand. I don't ask for you to trust me, but for forgiveness." Discord is asking for forgiveness. For a moment there is silence. But then from Adorabella's mouth...

"I forgive you."

Hearing this made Discord's eyes widen. He did not expect to be forgiven.

"Thank you. Again, I am sorry." Discord lightly smiled. Fluttershy also smiles, because the issue that went on unresolved until just now. Adorabella at least forgives Discord and has no ill feeling towards him anymore.

"Again, I forgive you... I want to move on from the past." Although still skeptical, Adorabella forgives the draconequus.

"Oh thank goodness Ralph was right..." Rainbow Dash sighs to herself with relief walks through the already open cottage door and sees Adorabella. Rainbow Dash feels better knowing Adorabella didn't possibly run off in panic or anything like that. Rainbow Dash walks over to Adorabella, Fluttershy and Discord. The white pegasus is standing up while the yellow pegasus and draconequus are sat on the sofa.

"Heya uh, how are we all?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well... I forgiven Discord," Adorabella replied in slow motion.

"That's good, at least that there is no longer any beef between you two," Rainbow Dash nodded, looking at both Adorabella and Discord.

"Also uh... Adorabella, Rock and Catch have been charged and sentenced today," Rainbow Dash notified.

"Really? How much?" Even if the sentence is small, not having to deal with Rock and Catch for a short amount of time would be lovely for Adorabella.

"Rock and Catch admitted they attempted to do something uh... disgusting, to you... but they didn't as I got there on time and made them run away. So... Ralph and Catch... as they admitted to what the try to do uh... they got charged with sexual assault got seventeen years. They've also been put on the sex offenders list. They were also given an additional eight years for breaking a restraining order by stalking Sweetie. For that, they've also been put on the nonce list," Rainbow Dash explained in a low tone, knowing this is a very sensitive topic, especially for Adorabella. This news gives comfort to to the white pegasus. Rock and Catch are very unlikely to ever bother her again, especially hearing that they actually wanted to go through with doing that to her.

"How is your job going?" Discord asked Adorabella. Rock and Catch are finally dealt with, and Discord imagined Adorabella does not want to think about the 2 stallions anymore.

"Yeah it's good... I made friends with Muffins there... and she's... she's really kind," Adorabella replied. Discord nods as he gives a thumbs up using the thumb on his lion hand.

"Aw, she is a really sweet pony. She may be a bit... derpy, but she is still a sweet pony. Overall, I'm happy to hear you're doing well and even made a friend at your new job. I see that you're making a lot of progress, and you should be so so proud of that," Fluttershy lightly smiled, speaking with encouragement, wanting Adorabella to continue doing as well as she is doing so far.

"Yeah... I'm very happy... I never been so happy... but, there could be others like... like Rock and Catch. I cannot even defend myself because I cannot even open a plastic packet," Adorabella sighed. Rainbow Dash pulls Adorabella closer to her with her right forehoof.

"Sure there's unfortunately others like Rock and Catch out there. But you have me and the others who will look out for you," Rainbow Dash lightly reasured.

"B- but... but I cannot open plastic packets- I- I cannot even lift things that even foals lift... I cannot even win a hoof wrestle even if the other goes easy on me..." Adorabella said quietly, briefly looking away, and taking Rainbow Dash's forehoof off of her.

"We don't care if you're weak or strong or anything, it won't change the fact we care about you. You are our friend, we look out for one another," Rainbow Dash said in a gentle tone, lightly smiling.

"I know... but it would still be nice if I had some strength... physical strength," Adorabella mumbled.

"You... you already have strength, in the mind, a type of strength far stronger than physical strength, if you ask me," Fluttershy lightly reasured, sounding motivational, lifting up Adorabella's spirits. Adorabella lightly smiles, which Fluttershy smiles back.

"And if anypony causes you trouble... you know where to find me so I can sort them out and break their bones for you," Rainbow Dash winked, gently patting Adorabella on the back, who lightly chuckles in the comfort, feeling safe with the reassurance.

"I honestly don't know where I'd be without any of you..." Adorabella smiled while her eyes water. Being physically weak also starts to matter even less to Adorabella. After all, she has what she really wanted. Friends. Respect. That is what she is happy to have.

"Would both of you like to stay for lunch?" Fluttershy kindly offered.

"Yeah sure," Rainbow Dash nodded. She then looks at Adorabella.

"What about you, do you wanna have lunch here too?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Y- yeah," Adorabella accepted.

"Do you want my seat? I know you like your space," Fluttershy offered. Adorabella nods as she walks to the seat and sat down.

"Thanks," Adorabella lightly smiled.

"Can I make lunch?" Discord requested of Fluttershy, who was walking to the kitchen. She stops walking and turns around to face him.

"I want to... make things up," Discord added.

"That's thoughtful of you. Of course you can," Fluttershy smiled and nods. Discord gets off the sofa and walks a few steps forward, so his magic can work as the shard on Adorabella's necklace blocks magic. Discord snaps his eagle claws and a plate with everypony's favourite food on it appears. There is a bowl of salad for Fluttershy as well as a spoon for her to use. Then, there is a pasta and a potato sandwich on sourdough for Rainbow Dash. Discord took a guess and made a salted cashew and lettuce wrap with warm cheese inside for Adorabella. Discord knew that Adorabella specifically really likes cashews, so anything on top of that would be even bettet.

"There we go," Discord puts the plate down on the round table, and the 3 pegasuses took their meals. Even after finishing, saying thanks and Discord eventually leaving, Adorabella, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy decides to hang around together.

"That wrap was so good!" Adorabella exclaimed.

"My sandwich was awesome... mwah," Rainbow Dash grinned.

"I like salad because it's good for the body," Said Fluttershy.

"I wish I knew how to make that wrap..." Adorabella doesn't know how to make the wrap. The only way she could get another legendary wrap is if Discord snapped his eagle claws and creating one.

"I got a recipe book I can give you, let me get it for you," Fluttershy offered as she got off the sofa and trots into the kitchen.

"How are your Wonderbolt friends?" Adorabella thought of asking Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah they're doing great. One of the new members on the team... Vapor Trail, she is really promising. She is doing really good," Rainbow Dash shared.

"That's good to hear," Adorabella nodded. She is happy to hear Rainbow Dash's other friends are doing good.

"How is everypony getting on with working at the post office?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I only really talk to Muffins... and I definitely get why she gets called Muffins. Her Muffins are so delicious, I'll give her that," Adorabella lightly chuckled.

"Well, that's her for you," Rainbow Dash chuckled back.

"Here Adorabella," Fluttershy walks back with a small recipe book in her left forehoof.

"Thanks," Adorabella politely said as she gently takes the book with her right, then opens it with her left. She flicks and scans all the pages before closing the book and putting it on the table.

"Mind if I...?" Adorabella got off her seat and extends out her left forehoof. Fluttershy nods and steps closer, and Adorabella puts her left forehoof around Fluttershy, who does the same with her right. Then both step back and let go.

"Thanks..." Adorabella smiled. Fluttershy smiles back.

"But... maybe a little less tight, when hugging," Adorabella lightly chucked.

"Oh- I'm so sorry," Fluttershy apologized.

"Yeah Fluttershy is a lot stronger than a lot of ponies think," Rainbow Dash stated.

"No not really..." Fluttershy shyly hides her face behind her mane while smirking. Adorabella and Fluttershy went to sit on the sofa. Adorabella is sat between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Also while we're here uh, all pegasi are being allowed a week off of work from Monday, for preparation..." Rainbow Dash stated.

"Why's that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Cloudsdale needs to source rainwater again... I think you know what I'm getting at Flutters," Rainbow Dash replied, with a nervous look. Fluttershy definitely knew what Rainbow Dash meant, and she shook a little, but recollects herself.

"I did it before, I can do it again," Fluttershy said confidently.

"That's the spirit!" Rainbow Dash said aloud with a smile.

"W- what's this?" Adorabella nervously asked.

"Oh uh, every year Cloudsdale needs to source rainwater. A team of pegasi come together to combine their wing power to create this jumbo tornado to pull water up to Cloudsdale. Quite a good few years back, Cloudsdale chose our highland reservoir to get the water. This year they have chosen the same reservoir again," Rainbow Dash explained.

"The record of nine hundred and ten wing power set by Fillydelpha has still not been beaten. With you on board Adorabella, we'll easily smash that record," Rainbow Dash added with an enthusiastic grin.

"Adorabella?" Said Rainbow Dash. Adorabella froze. The light blue pegasus by now knew that this means Adorabella is scared or anxious.

"H- how m- many ponies will there be..." Adorabella shuddered.

"Even less than there was at the Wonderbolt show in Fillydelpha- Despite the past you went back there to watch the show like a boss!" Rainbow Dash spoke with an encouraging tone.

"Th- that is true..." Adorabella nodded.

"Now, you're gonna go even further than beyond this time... you're gonna have the hood on your cloak, down," Rainbow Dash said firmly. Adorabella went completely frozen, in horror.

"But the concealment makes Adorabella feel safe," Fluttershy protested for Adorabella.

"Yeah but that is because of fear. I am gonna help her overcome that fear so she doesn't have to feel she needs to hide herself all the time," Rainbow Dash responded.

"I'll be seen and... they'll find out I'm faster than you and... I cannot handle the attention..." Adorabella shuddered while murmuring.

"But that is something you can be proud of!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Well, Adorabella doesn't... have to show her full speed. Maybe she can use some wing power to she appears to be an average pegasus. I think we can still beat the record," Fluttershy proposed, finding some middle ground. Fluttershy saw Rainbow Dash wants the best for Adorabella, to push her boundaries and overcome her fears. Fluttershy can also see that Adorabella feels extremely uncomfortable and understress thinking about if everypony knew how fast she is, especially with the cloak's hood down.

"Yeah that is a good idea. Again, just little steps," Rainbow Dash nodded. She sees Adorabella ever so slightly nodding.

"That's what I wanna see," Rainbow Dash smiled. Rainbow Dash knew slight nods from Adorabella means she is at least going to try.

Eventually, Rainbow Dash and Adorabella did need to go. All 3 do a group hug goodbye. Rainbow Dash and Adorabella leave the cottage, with Adorabella closing the door. Then, the light blue and white pegasus take to the air, flying back to the Cloudominium.

"You and Fluttershy are so alike. I think you two could help each other," Rainbow Dash shared her thought. Both Adorabella and Fluttershy are shy and both have related to each other on that level. Rainbow Dash's thinking is that Adorabella and Fluttershy can help each other better as both of them are shy. Adorabella is definitely more shy and timid than Fluttershy, who has gotten better, and could help Adorabella overcome the similar hurdles.

"Yeah, and her voice, it... it's so relaxing that, that I always feel at ease," Adorabella nodded.

"Still anxious about the whole thing, with how we're gonna get the water up to Cloudsdale?" Rainbow Dash asked. Adorabella nods.

"Fluttershy was as well last time. She'll be there too. Ralph and De- well, Muffins. Ralph and Muffins will be there too. And Spitfire will also be overseeing the whole thing," Rainbow Dash explained. She referred Derpy as Muffins as Adorabella doesn't like to call her Derpy.

"Listen, we'll smash it, alright. And if you get too uncomfortable, you can always pop your hood back up," Rainbow Dash reassured while smiling.

"But I want you to try going with the hood down," Rainbow Dash added.

"I... I don't know if I can..." Adorabella murmured.

"I'll be with you the whole time, I'll keep you safe if you get worried or anything, alright," Rainbow Dash reassured, gently hugging Adorabella in mid air so she doesn't grind to a halt.

"Will you come to the Town Hall where I'll do the debrief with others or..." Rainbow Dash can already tell by Adorabella's facial expression that it's a big fat no. Rainbow Dash then realizes it may also make Adorabella have flashbacks of the classroom when she was a filly, then they'll turn into flashbacks about school and so on. So it's probably a very bad idea bringing Adorabella to the debrief. Rainbow Dash can do a debrief with Adorabella in private.

"Let's just head back to my place, we'll pick up on this later. What do you say?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"I kinda need to stretch my wings, so I wanna fly around a bit," Adorabella proposed.

"Yeah sure, speaking of, I wanna fly around too. We gotta do our flying routine," Rainbow Dash grinned. She notices a bit of enthusiasm when Adorabella said she wanted to go flying around. In very quick Rainbow Dash performs the Sonic Rainboom while Adorabella performs the Sonic Adoraboom. Adorabella makes herself go the same speed Rainbow Dash is doing.

"Y'know, you're a fun pony to fly with. I wish you were just more confident in showing off though. There's no shame in showing off once in a while," Rainbow Dash winked.

"Like... this?" Adorabella responded as she almost immediately disappears into the distance out of nowhere, then comes back. She then gets back to flying alongside Rainbow Dash, back to doing at the same speed as her.

"Dang!" Rainbow Dash's mouth is wide open. Meanwhile, Adorabella looks at her with a very cheeky grin, but quickly looks away in guilt and has a more depressed look.

"I know you feel guilty about being faster than me, but don't be, embrace that." Rainbow Dash has some understanding about Adorabella's body language. Rainbow Dash can tell Adorabella is feeling some kind of guilt, and the thing Adorabella is usually feeling guilty about is being a faster flyer. The white pegasus looks back, and sees the light blue pegasus is smiling.

"You doing alright?" Rainbow Dash checked. Adorabella nods.

"Awesome, let's continue our fly," Rainbow Dash nodded back.

Rainbow Dash just enjoys to fly fast and makes it very clear. Meanwhile, Adorabella sees being able to fly fast as a necessity for her own safety and keeps that factor about herself a secret. Rainbow Dash is also a member of the Wonderbolts and needs to be in top peak condition. Meanwhile, Adorabella originally used her speed to fly away from everypony else, but is now more using her speed to do incredibly well at being a mailmare. They have very different reasons and motives to be as fast as they have become, but they both need to keep their wings in check and fly often, so they don't slack and lose their great capabilities in flying. But one thing is definitely for certain, both pegasuses are extremely fast flyers.

Rainbow Dash keeps thinking about next week. She really hopes to have Adorabella help in taking part with getting the reservoir water up to Cloudsdale. She can see many opportunities in helping Adorabella over the many hurdles she still has if she does help out. Even with the progress, Rainbow Dash knows it is going to be harder to not have Adorabella freaking out than when Fluttershy did it. But Fluttershy is more confident this time, plus Ralph and Derpy should be going as well. Rainbow Dash hopes herself as well as those 3 will help Adorabella feel safe and comfortable. If all goes well on that day next week, it'll be a massive impressive step for Adorabella.
Small note:

I hope you all liked this chonkier chapter. I hope that made up for the wait :)

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