Yoonmin FF - Contract Marriag...

Per Yoonmin_Fanfiction_

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Yoongi is 24 and goes to university. He has a soft spot for his classmate Park Jimin (22), but shows it in th... Més


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Per Yoonmin_Fanfiction_

Jimins POV:

"Mum, I'm going to uni," I shouted and picked up my backpack. "Bye, Chim, have fun!", Mum replied. I drove to the university where my best friends Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook were already waiting for me. "Chim chim," Tae beamed and hugged me. I smiled and broke away from Tae. Someone jostled me violently. I stumbled forward. "Hey, what are you doing?", I cursed. The boy turned around mockingly. "Sorry sweetie." I looked at him disparagingly. "Don't call me that, Min Yoongi." Min Yoongi, an 8th semester, grinned at me. "See you later, cutie!" He emphasised the word "cutie". I sparkled at Yoongi and then left for class without another word. Afterwards, I went to my locker. That's when someone slammed my door. Yoongi grinned at me. I looked up and gulped. "W...what do yo...you want?", I stuttered. "You," Yoongi replied firmly, looking deep into my eyes. I snorted. "Get lost!", I said, pushing him aside. Tae came over to me and grinned meanly at Yoongi. "Oh, the bad boy got a brush-off from Park Jimin."

Taehyungs POV:

Yoongi's eyes sparkled angrily. "Shut up, Taehyung!" he hissed. Jimin stepped in front of me. "No, you get out of here! Don't you have to practice your guitar to seduce the girls?" Yoongi grinned. "Jealous?" Jimin snorted. I looked to him. "And are your parents still bugging you about coming out?" Jimin sighed. "No, they keep trying to introduce me to boys so I'll 'finally' get married." Jimin made goose feet in the air. Yoongi snorted. "Who would like to marry you?" His friends grinned meanly. I grinned too. "More than you. No one touches you with pliers." Jungkook stepped up to us and giggled. "Let's go," Kookie said, pulling us out. Yoongi tripped Jimin up. "Oops," Yoongi grinned maliciously as Jimin fell to the ground. "I'm so sorry about that."

Yoongis POV:

Jimin's head hit the locker. "Jimin!" cried Tae in horror. My heart skipped a beat. My friends laughed. I grinned. "Oh, did little Jimin hit his head?" Jungkook pulled Jimin up. I pursed my lips disapprovingly. Jimin went to the bathroom. I followed him. "Did baby Chim have ow, ow?", I grinned. I caught sight of the wound on Jimin's head. I felt guilty but ignored the feeling. Jimin raised his hand to his wound and blanched when he caught sight of the blood. "B...b...blood," Jimin breathed and slid to the ground, unconscious. I cursed up. Jin, Namjoon and Hobi entered. Tae and Jungkook followed them. "Jimin!" shouted Taekook. "Get out of here," I ordered. "You should!", Jungkook hissed at me. Jungkook lifted Jimin up. "Little baby Jimin needs to be carried. How cute!", I grinned. Jungkook hissed at me. "He's fainted, you idiot!"

Jins POV:

"Let's go, Yoongi," I said. I saw Yoongi watching Tae and anger flaring in his eyes. "Yoongi!", I said firmly. Yoongi turned away and walked to JK. "Give him to me." Jungkook hissed. "Get lost!" Tae slapped the latter's hands away. "You keep your filthy hands off him." "Oh the baby needs looking after," I grinned. Tae and JK lifted Jimin up and carried him away. Yoongi looked after the three of them angrily. I tugged on Yoongi's arm. "Let's go. You need to distract yourself. How about the girls from the bar? That little one's got a crush on you." Yoongi nodded and we visited the Moonshine bar that evening. "Yoongi-ah!" purred Maya, putting her arms around Yoongi's 

Hoseoks POV:

Jin, Namjoon and I giggled. I looked up when I saw 3 familiar people enter. "Yoongi," I said, pointing my chin at Jimin. Yoongi grinned and kissed Maya. I glanced at Jimin, who icily ignored Yoongi. Jimin pulled Tae to him and danced with him. "He should be home. He was passed out," Yoongi growled. I raised my eyebrows. Maya looked up at Yoongi with wide eyes. "What do you care about Park Jimin?" Yoongi kissed Maya again. "Sorry, sweetie." I stepped up to the bar and ordered a drink. Jimin stepped next to me and ordered himself a drink. "Hey," I smiled. Jimin sighed. "What do you want?" I looked at him seriously. "I need your help." Jimin grinned widely. "Oh can't your boss help you with that?" I grinned as well. "Well, my boss isn't the one to make anyone jealous." Jimin raised his eyebrows. "Kai." I looked at him in surprise. "How do you know?"

Jimins POV:

I thought for a while and looked into the crowd where Yoongi was watching me. "Alright." Hobi pulled me onto the dance floor. I raised my arms around Hobi's neck. Hobi rested his forehead against mine. "Is Kai watching us?", I asked Hobi, who nodded. "Good," Hobi said, embracing my face and kissing me. I shivered and snuggled up to Hoseok. "Oh, is Hobi taking care of baby Chim?" grinned Yoongi meanly next to us. I grinned at Yoongi. "At least he kisses better than you." Yoongi's expression turned angry. I took Hobi's hand. "Come with me," I whispered insinuatingly, but loud enough for Yoongi to hear in Hobi's ear. Hobi looked nervously at Jimin, then at Yoongi, then at Kai, who was watching us the whole time. I pulled Hobi over to the bar and sat on his lap. "Jimin, Kai..." I smiled. "Isn't that the plan, to get his attention?" Hobi pulled me towards him. I lifted my arms around Hobi's neck. I was about to kiss Hobi when Yoongi spilled his drink on my shirt. "Hey, what are you doing?!", I hissed.

Namjoons POV:

Kai came over to me and Jin. "Hey Kai!", I greeted him. "Who is this?" asked Kai, glancing at Jimin. "This is Jimin. He's a baby," Yoongi said. Kai looked angrily at Jimin and Hobi who were hugging each other "in love". Hobi was cleaning Jimin's shirt. I grinned. "Maybe you should teach your babies a lesson. Look, there's Maya," I said. Yoongi sighed.

The next morning:

I went with Jin to pick up Yoongi for class. "Yoongi!" his mum called him back. "Mum I have to go to uni," Yoongi said. "Stay here, I need to talk to you!" his mum said sternly. Yoongi sighed and lowered his bag. "Can you leave us alone for a moment, please?" his mum asked. "Mum! You can stay. What's wrong?" "You're getting married!" said Mum, beaming. Yoongi's mouth dropped open.

Yoongis POV:

"Married?!" I asked, horrified. "No!" Mum sparkled at me. "Your dad and Jihon's dad are good friends and your marriage will strengthen that. Jihon's boyfriend left him and you're such a light bringer for him." I sourly picked up my bag. "I can't marry him." Dad came and got angry. "Yes you can and you will!" "No dad, I can't!", I objected. "Why?" demanded Dad. "I already have a husband and I love him." "What?" exclaimed Mum, surprised and aghast. "You're married and you didn't tell us?!" raged Dad indignantly. "How long have you been married?", Dad wanted to know. I gulped. "His name is Park Jimin and he studies dance and literature. We met and fell in love at university," I lied.

Jimins POV:

The next day I went to the university where Yoongi was waiting for me at his locker. "I need your help," he said without further ado. I walked past him. "Thanks, not interested." I was about to go into the lecture. Yoongi reached for my hand. "Sweetie, please." I yanked my hand free. "Let go of me, Yoongi and I'm not your sweetie!" I slapped Yoongi's hand away. "Please Jimin, I need you!", Yoongi pleaded with me. I wanted to leave but froze at the words. I walked into the lecture without paying any further attention to Yoongi. "Oh there's Jimin," Tae called out, hugging me, then his eyes moved to Yoongi. "Stay away from Chim chim!" hissed Tae. Yoongi snorted, "What would I want with this baby?" A stab ran through my heart. "Then I guess you don't need my help either. And I was thinking of giving it to you," I breathed hoarsely, looking deep into his eyes. Yoongi looked at me coldly. "I don't need that. Not from you."

Yoongis POV:

Around noon, I was in the music hall at university composing a song. I thought about Mum, Jimin and the big lie. I began to play the piano absently. My mind drifted to Park Jimin. Wait, Park Jimin?! I walked to the dance studio and caught sight of Jimin dancing gracefully through the hall. I followed his dance steps with my eyes. His body moved gracefully and confidently through the hall. After the dance, Jimin looked at me. "You call that dancing?", I exclaimed. "It looks like you're swaying around the room." "Well that's because of the music. My lecturer gave it to me. Who composed that awful music? Oh wait, it was you!", Jimin mocked back. "At least I'm being ensnared. The same cannot be said of you," I hissed venomously. "No one even comes near you with pliers."

Taes POV:

"Come on Chim, let's go," I said, pulling Jimin with me into the canteen. Jungkook joined us. "Here's your food." "Thanks, Kookie," I said and he winked at me.Three weeks later:With Jimin and Jungkook, I sat in the canteen. Yoongi joined us and shook out his water glass over Jimin. Jimin stood up and glared at the smirking Yoongi. Jimin took his soup plate and shook it out over Yoongi. The crowd roared. I grinned in satisfaction."Oops," Jimin said, "did you fall into the soup? Yousmell really strong...you should take a shower," Jimin wrinkled his nose.Everyone burst out laughing. Yoongi was pissed off. "Bye," I grinned,pulling Jimin along. Yoongi raised his voice. "You shouldn't have donethat. Although I would, with your looks, pass on eating," Yoongi sneered."No one ever wants you as a boyfriend. The girls are looking for talentedboys."

Jungkooks POV:

Jimin lifted his chin. "That's not a problem, Min Yoongi. I'm not interested in women anyway. After all, my partner won't think in the future I wasted my time at university unlike your girlfriend with you." Yoongi grinned with a smile. "Of course you don't. Like you'll ever find a partner." "Min Yoongi!" a woman's voice rang out in horror. Yoongi cursed up. "What do you look like!" I giggled. "So now where is my son-in-law, Min Jimin?" Jimin, Tae, Hobi, Jin and Joon stared at Yoongi in horror. Yoongi looked to Jimin, "Mum..." Jimin turned and left. I hurriedly followed Jimin. "You should go. And tell your mate to stay away from Jimin," I said angrily to Jin.

Yoongis POV:

"Yoongi, why is your husband leaving?" asked Mum. "What did you tell him about us?" I jumped up, ran after Jimin and followed him into the locker room. "Jimin...", I began. "SON-IN-LAW?! What the hell, Min Yoongi?" shouted Jimin, confused and angry. I walked towards him. "Shh, Jimin, please keep your voice down," I breathed, looking back at my parents who were nearby. "What's going on here, Yoongi?", Jimin wanted to know. "Yoongi? Jimin?", Mum called out and stepped towards us. Oh shit. I clasped Jimin's face and kissed Jimin lovingly. "Oh how sweet," Mum breathed. I broke away from Jimin. Jimin sparkled at me. "You ass!" he hissed. I covered his mouth. "Min Yoongi, why didn't you tell us you were married? And why didn't you invite us to your wedding?" "What? We're not..." began Jimin. I stopped Jimin in his sentence. "Mum, I'm sorry. We were so in love, we couldn't wait." I pulled Jimin to me. "Right babe?" Jimin swallowed. "Yoonie." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Jimin blushed heavily.

Jimins POV:

"But Jihon..." began Yoongi's mum. Yoongi sparkled at his mum. "Mum, not here in front of my husband." She nodded. "Sorry Jimin," she turned to me. I just nodded, overwhelmed by the situation. "Mum we still have seminars. We have to go," Yoongi said, pulling me along. "Come to me after uni," Yoongi told me seriously. I snorted. "Why should I? Good luck maintaining your fake marriage." I started to leave, but Yoongi pulled me back to him. "Jimin, please, I need you!" Yoongi stroked my back with his fingers. I blushed and looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "Oh is baby chim shy?" he teased. I tried to disengage. "Come and see me later," Yoongi asked. I raised my eyes. "Why?", I asked suspiciously. "We need to talk about our marriage," Yoongi said. I snorted. "What marriage?" "Ours," Yoongi replied tersely.

Yoongis POV:

I drew up a contract for Jimin and me at home. Around 6pm, the doorbell rang and I opened it. I looked down at Jimin and grinned wickedly as I saw a sweaty Jimin in front of me. "Did little Jiminie run? Did you want to see me that badly?", I sneered. Jimin glared at me and leaned casually against the doorframe. "You better watch out Yoongi. You need me to keep your lies straight, not the other way around. I can keep your lie up too." Jimin was about to leave. "See you Yoongi." I grabbed Jimin's hand. "No, please Jiminie." Jimin turned to me. "A contract?!" I nodded. "Jimin, we're not really married to each other. So we need to establish rules of conduct." Jimin snorted. "What, are you going to stipulate when we kiss?" I raised my eyebrow and sat back, amused. Jimin turned bright red. "You want to kiss me?", I asked Jimin.  He stayed still. "Come with me," I said and took Jimin's hand to pull him into the living room with me.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi put some dumplings in a bowl in front of me. "Here eat," Yoongi said. I shook my head. "No thanks. Show me the contract," I declined. Yoongi scanned me. "Are you checking me out right now?!", I asked Yoongi sceptically. Yoongi snorted and wrinkled his nose. "Why would anyone check you out?" A stab ran through me. Yoongi shoved the contract at me. "I kept it simple." I began to read the contract:

Point 1: The marriage between Min Yoongi and Park Jimin is only a sham in front of their parents.

Point 2: Both parties agree to perform necessary acts, such as holding hands, to maintain the sham marriage on the outside

Point 3: Both parties will not say a word about the marriage not being real

Point 4: Physical contact in public will be avoided unless the situation requires it (visiting parents at Uni)

Point 5: In the event of dissolution (divorce) of the "marriage", no one is entitled to any "benefit" from the former "spouse"

Yoongis POV:

Point 6: If the fake marriage involves physical acts, it is "faked" or happens by mutual consent.I saw Jimin's eyes widen. I grinned. "Afraid of physical contact?", I grinned. Jimin looked at me. "I don't want you touching me." A stab ran through me. I didn't know why, but the statement had hit me. I swallowed. "I won't. At least not when we're alone, but Jimin my parents must think we're totally in love and happily married.That's why we come to 

point 7: In the presence of the so-called "in-laws", the following acts are necessary to preserve the sham marriage:

1. holding hands

2. hugging including kisses on the head

3. touching the waist

Jimins POV:

4. emergency: kiss on the mouth

Point 8: Both "spouses" live separately in their own flats, unless the parents-in-law come to visit.

Point 9: If the in-laws come to visit, the so-called spouses will sleep in one bedImages popped into my head - Yoongi and I in one bed, snuggled close together. 

"Jimin?" sounded from a distance. "Jimin!" shouted Yoongi. I winced. Yoongi had his hands on my arms and was shaking me lightly. I flinched back and blushed. Yoongi grinned. "Well, had dirty thoughts?" I looked away. Yoongi grinned even meaner. "Any more comments?" asked Yoongi. I replied in the negative. I lifted my gaze. "Who's Jihon?" Yoongi's grin disappeared. "The son of a friend of Dad's. I met him once when he was still with his ex. Nice guy, but he's not my type. And I don't want to marry someone who's still mourning his ex. If he shows up at our door, Jihon will be gone." Yoongi looked at me. "I don't want him to break my heart."

Jins POV:

Namjoon, Hobi and I rang Yoongi's doorbell. Jimin stepped out. My mouth dropped open. I grinned wickedly. "Well, well, Park Jimin. Did Baby Boy find his daddy?" Yoongi stepped out, grinning. "You've got to be kidding, Kim Seokjin," he snorted. Jimin looked at Yoongi. "Too cowardly to stand up straight in front of your friends." Jimin dropped the contract at Yoongi's feet and walked past. Yoongi picked up the sheets and ran after Jimin. "Jimin, wait!" I looked questioningly at the others, then we followed the two. Yoongi held Jimin back. Jimin struggled and tried to break free, but Yoongi clasped Jimin's hip and kissed him on his mouth. I heard a car door close. "Oh how cute," Yoongi's mum gushed. Yoongi disengaged and blushed! Jimin looked down at the ground, embarrassed. Yoongi leaned over and whispered something in Jimin's ear. He blushed and nodded.

Namjoons POV:

"Mum, this is Jimin. My husband," Yoongi said. "Your WHAT?" asked his dad, appearing behind his wife. "W...What...but Jihon?" asked Mrs Min, totally horrified. Yoongi looked at her. "Mum, Dad I told you back then when you told me that marriage was to improve the business relationship that I was married." Yoongi's mum faltered. "Wait, Park Jimin? Yoongi was always talking about you. How did he convince you about him? Because he can be obnoxious sometimes." I grinned widely. Jin elbowed me in the ribs. Jimin looked up. "I've heard him play the piano. I've been watching him play and the way he gets into music is so cute." Yoongi looked at Jimin and I spotted something flashing in the latter's eyes. Yoongi's dad disappeared for a while. Yoongi said he was cooking something.

Jungkooks POV:

I looked at Jimin and pulled him along. Tae followed us. "Jimin, what's wrong? You and Yoongi can't stand each other." Jimin blushed and bit his lower lip in embarrassment. Yoongi stepped in and said warningly, "Babe." Jimin glanced at Yoongi. "But these are my best friends..." Yoongi glared at me. Jimin walked up to Yoongi and raised his arms around Yoongi's neck. "Please hyung," Jimin pleaded, kissing Yoongi gently. My mouth dropped open. Yoongi pushed Jimin away from him. "Jimin, the contract..." I exchanged a questioning look with Tae. 'Contract? Jimin looked at Yoongi disappointedly. "Is this about point 3 or point 7.4?" "Point 7 in what?", I asked. "Nothing," Yoongi said quickly. "Point 7.4," Yoongi opined without thinking. "Oh," Jimin said, "so you didn't like it." "No," Yoongi replied.

Jimins POV:

I leaned forward. "Well then. I'll be off then. Your parents are going out later, after all." I turned to Yoongi's parents. "Mrs. Min, Mr. Min, I have another literature lesson, please excuse me." I bowed and was about to leave. "Yoongi, aren't you going to kiss your husband goodbye?" "No, Mum," Yoongi said. My stomach tightened and I laughed fake. I left the flat and took a deep breath. What the hell was I doing? Absently, I followed the literature lesson. After the lesson, Yoongi came up to me angrily. "What the hell was that about?", Yoongi hissed at me. I looked at him indifferently. "What exactly do you mean?" "My parents doubt our love," Yoongi hissed. I laughed. "That's because you don't act like it." "What do you want me to do?" asked Yoongi sourly. Annoyed, I raised my arms. "Haven't you ever been in love?" "No!" exclaimed Yoongi.

Yoongis POV:

Jimin sighed. "Tell your mum you have to pick me up at 7:30 p.m. because you don't want me to go home alone. There are a lot of dangerous guys hanging out at those hours and you want me to get home safely." I snorted. "That works?" Jimin sighed again. "You get me home, unlock the door while we 'make out'." "What, why?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Are you stupid? Your parents probably won't want to be in the flat while you're 'making love' to your husband." Jimin made goose bumps in the air. "Point 9 Yoongi, or are you going to blow up the lie?" I raised my eyebrows and then wordlessly walked home. I went into the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients for dinner. Mum stepped up to me. "What time do you have to pick Jimin up?" I glanced at the clock. 7:45pm. I cursed up and ran to the car.

Jimins POV:

I stepped out of the university and looked for Yoongi. I sighed in annoyance. This marriage will never work. It started to rain. Way to go. "Jimin!" exclaimed Yoongi. I looked to the side. Yoongi ran towards me, drenched, and pulled me along to the car. "You're late," I said. Yoongi hissed, "I made dinner. What do you expect me to do?" Anger rose in me. My voice trembled with anger. "Nothing at all. Nothing can be expected of you!" Yoongi snorted. "No wonder you're single in truth. " I snorted. "You of all people say that!" Pissed off, I got out of the car at home and walked to the door. At the door, Yoongi pulled me tightly. I cried out in surprise. I caught sight of Yoongi's face and my heart began to leap. Yoongi's eyes sparkled with anger. "What?", I shouted angrily. "Point 7.4 Jiminie," Yoongi said. I snapped my eyes open. Point 7.4?!

Yoongis POV:

"I thought you didn't like kissing me," Jimin whispered, his cheeks slightly red. I just snorted. "You said we'd drive them away like this." I pulled Jimin to the door and pulled him to me. Jimin looked at me with wide, uncertain eyes. My heart melted. I ran a thumb unconsciously over Jimin's plump lips. Jimin raised his arms around my neck. 'You should get changed so you don't catch cold,' I heard myself say. What the hell am I talking about? "Okay daddy," Jimin breathed. My heart stopped and my breath hitched. "Yoongi, is that you?", Mum's voice rang out from inside. I heard footsteps. Without thinking further, I grasped Jimin's waist, pulled him towards me and placed my lips on Jimin's, who gasped for air. The door opened. I embraced Jimin's face and parted his lips to intensify the kiss. Jimin moaned helplessly. I felt Jimin playing with my shirt buttons.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi pushed me into the flat. I had undone his shirt buttons and wanted to push his shirt down. My heart was racing, for whatever reason. Someone cleared their throat. I widened my eyes as I realised what I had done. I was staring at Yoongi's flat, hairless chest. Wow. I blushed. Yoongi's dad cleared his throat again. "Well I think we should go, dear." Mrs. Min nodded happily. "I'll tell Jihon you can't marry him because of the angel here." I looked embarrassed. Mrs & Mr Min hugged us and disappeared. Exhaustion gripped me and I slid to the floor, trembling. Yoongi looked at me impressed. "Wow, your acting skills are impressive." Wham! It was as if Yoongi had slapped me in the face. I stood up. "I'm going home." I grabbed my jacket and left. At home, Tae stared at me. "Chim, where were..."

Taes POV:

I looked into Jimin's face, which was streaming with tears. "Jimin?" I asked, horrified. "Kookie!", I cried. "Come here please!" I took Jimin in my arms, who was sobbing unrestrainedly. Jungkook stepped up to us. "Jimin? What happened?" Jimin clung to me. Jungkook asked cautiously. "Are you heartbroken?" Jimin's head jerked up. "What, no, not because of HIM," Jimin snorted, but his eyes betrayed the opposite. "Come I'll make you some hot chocolate,'" I said lovingly. Jimin looked up at me. "With cream?" I laughed. "Anything you want, sweety." I pulled Jimin to the dining table and handed him the hot chocolate. Jimin looked into the cup and said nothing. "Who broke your heart? What's the XXX's name?" "I'm not in love," Jimin said quickly.

Jungkooks POV:

I raised my eyebrows doubtfully. "Then why are you crying?", I asked Jimin. Jimin did not answer. I looked to Tae and his eyes twinkled in need of help. "I don't want to talk about it. Can we do something?" asked Jimin. I nodded. "Anything you want." "I want a dr!nk," Jimin said. I stood up and got something to dr!nk. Soon we were dr/nk. "Jimlim, 'ay wat wlong(Jimin say what's wrong)," Tae slurred. "Somelone is usiiing me to avoad getting mallied. (Someone is using me to avoid getting married)" "Who?", I asked. Jimin said nothing. "Jimin?" Jimin looked up. "Yoonli." I felt like I was sober again. "Min Yoongi and you are together?" The doorbell rang. Tae opened and shouted, "What are you doing here?!" "Is Jimin here? He wasn't at home," Yoongi asked. I went to close the door again. Yoongi stopped me. "Wait..." I glared at him. "I don't know what you did, but Jimin is all fucked up because of you! So get lost!" I slammed the door in Yoongi's face.

Hobis POV:

Next day at the university:I saw Jimin, Tae and Jungkook enter the university. "Oh look who's coming," I grinned meanly. "Hello Jiminie," Yoongi greeted Jimin with a grin. "Yoongi," Jimin rebuffed him. I looked after Jimin. "Come on," I said and we followed him into the bathroom. "So so Park Jimin," I grinned. Jimin lifted his head and swallowed. "You look like you've had a rough day. Did someone turn you down again? I mean did Yoongi give you one?" Yoongi grinned nastily. "That should be normal by now." Jimin ignored us. Yoongi pushed Jimin against the wall. He contorted his face in pain. Jin and Namjoon entered. "Yoongi stop it. You're playing being bad," Jin said. "What's going on between you?" "Point three, Yoongi," Jimin clenched between his teeth. "What do you mean?", Yoongi asked us. Jin snorted. "Something's wrong here. You say you don't like Jimin and then you kiss him. In front of your parents you say Jimin is your HUSBAND?!"

Namjoons POV:

"It's just fake," said Yoongi. "What?" asked Jin, confused. Yoongi took a deep breath. "My parents wanted to marry me off, I didn't want that, so I told them I was already married. To Jimin." "That's why the conflicting behaviour," I commented, "but it's all an act." Yoongi nodded. Jimin looked sad. I felt sorry for him. "Yoongi, can it be that it's not fake for you anymore?" Yoongi said nothing. Tears came to Jimin's eyes. "I have to go home," Jimin breathed in a choked voice. Then he left. I looked to Yoongi. "Go Yoongi. We've known you were in love with him for a long time." Yoongi snorted. "I'm not in love with him." I raised my eyebrows. "Are you lying to me or yourself here?" Yoongi looked sad. "Jimin doesn't like me." "The way you treat him, I'm not surprised," I replied.

Jimins POV:

I was in the dance studio and I was dancing. I felt two hands on my hips. I caught sight of Yoongi in the mirror. "Don't touch me!", I screeched. Yoongi swallowed. "Jimin, please." I looked at Yoongi. "You're such an idiot." Yoongi turned me around and kissed me. I pushed him away. "We wanted to keep this a secret. And you violated point four." My heart raced and I was bright red in the face. Yoongi grinned superiorly. "And you liked it." I pushed Yoongi away sadly. "And what if I did?", I breathed. Yoongi's mobile rang. "Mum?" he asked. "Um no, Jiminie's training right now." He turned to me. "Mum and Dad are taking us out for dinner." I went to my gym bag to change my shirt. "What time?" "Seven o'clock," Yoongi replied. "Why did you kiss me?", I asked Yoongi. Yoongi looked at me. "Didn't you like it?" I said nothing. "See you Yoongi," I said and left.

Yoongis POV:

Around 6:30 p.m. I picked up Jimin. I rang the bell. Jimin stepped out. He looked teary-eyed. I got out of the car. "Jimin? What's wrong?" Jimin shook his head. "Nothing. Let's go." "Jimin...", I began. "Drive!" shouted Jimin angrily. I gulped and drove off. What was wrong with him? Ten minutes later, I parked in front of the restaurant. Jimin wanted to get out, but I held him back. "Jimin, what's wrong?" Jimin smiled fake. "Look, your mum is waiting for us." I got out, walked quickly around the car and pushed Jimin against it. With my thumbs I wiped away the tears. "I hate you!" breathed Jimin. I leaned forward. "Just for damage control," I breathed and leaned in to kiss Jimin. Jimin pulled me to him and kissed me back demanding. My heart was pounding like crazy. Jimin looked at me. "Yoongi, your shirt is sticking out." Jimin took out my shirt and slid into my pants. Surprised, I gasped.

Jimins POV:

I pushed the shirt into Yoongi's trousers. I heard Yoongi groan softly. I ran my thumb over the baggy fabric. "Jimin," Yoongi breathlessly breathed. "Hello, you two," chimed in from beside us. I hastily pulled away. "Hello Mrs Min," I smiled angelically. She laughed. "Call me mum. Come on Dad's waiting." I took Yoongi's hand and pulled him into the restaurant with me. I chatted amiably with Yoongi's parents. Dad asked, "How did you two meet?" I looked at him seriously. I chatted amiably with Yoongi's parents. Dad asked, "How did you meet?" I looked at him seriously. "In college. Yoongi was always teasing me. And then he needed my help." "With what?" asked Mum, looking sceptically at Yoongi. "I had to be his fake husband." Everyone stared at me. I put a hand on Yoongi's thigh and laughed out loud. The faces of the three of them were just too good. "Oh you're joking," Dad said, looking sceptically at his son. "If he did that, I'd be disappointed. Jihon is a good boy. But you're a better match for him. And I see how much you love my son, Jimin. If only this were a fake.... "

Yoongis POV:

Dad looked at me warningly. "It's not," I said firmly. I pulled Jimin onto my lap and kissed me. "Stop with the jokes babe." "Okay Yoonie," Jimin pouted. We had dinner. I chatted with my parents. Jimin got bored and pressed his bottom against my abdomen. Slowly he circled on top of me. I began to sweat and my body began to sweat. Around 10 pm, my parents said goodbye. I quickly got up and took Jimin's hand. "Come with me," I breathlessly breathed. I felt the sizzling desire and pushed Jimin inside. "What are you doing? Earlier you say you hate me and in the restaurant you're fondling me in front of my parents," I hissed. "Have you forgotten point six?!" Jimin walked up to me. "You liked it," he stated, looking at me with his innocent eyes. "Hell yes!", I exclaimed, widening my eyes.

Taes POV:

Days later
I was sitting in the canteen with Jimin and Jungkook. "Min Yoongi!" a girl shouted angrily from the door and walked towards him. Everything was silent. "How can you turn down my brother for such a Looser?" she screeched. Yoongi stood up angrily and was about to say something, but Jimin had already stood up. Jimin stood in front of her. "Excuse me? Did you just call me a looser?" The girl looked down at Jimin dismissively. "Unattractive is more like it." Jimin and I tried to pounce on her, but Jungkook and Yoongi held us. "Min Yoongi!" the next angry voice rang out. Yoongi's parents stormed into the canteen in a rage. Mrs Min was holding what looked like a contract in her hands. "Min Yoongi!", Ms Min angrily screeched. Mr. Min lashed out and slapped Yoongi hard across the face. "Yoonie!" cried Jimin in horror. "What the hell is this? You were going to lie to us?" hissed Ms Min. "And you took advantage of poor Jimin to do it?! We know you used to tease him. You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Jins POV:

I stared at Yoongi in amazement. Jimin knelt down to Yoongi and stroked his cheek lovingly. "Yoonie," Jimin breathed. Yoongi's gaze slid up to Jimin. "I'm sorry, Jimin. Mum is right. I'm ashamed of it. You deserve better." "Go my dear. Be free," Mrs Min said, "I'm sorry for what our son put you through." "Go," Yoongi breathed. Tears came to Jimin's eyes. "No, I'm Min Jimin."
"Jimin, you don't have to keep pretending..." began Mr. Min. Jimin ignored him and went to Yoongi. "Go," Yoongi said quietly. "The contract is void. I have to go through this alone now. Please go." "Go my dear," Yoongi's mum said. Jimin looked to Yoongi, who nodded at him. "Okay," Jimin breathed softly.

Jungkooks POV:

Yoongi looked to us. "Bring him home safely. Please." I nodded and pulled Tae with me. I knocked on Jimin's flat door. I heard a sniffle. Jimin opened the door. "Chim," Tae breathed worriedly and hugged him. Jimin began to cry. "Tae, Kookie," Jimin sniffled, "I...I..." "You love him," I finished Jimin's sentence. I looked down at Jimin's hands where he held the contract. I smiled. "Smart move." Jimin looked at me and sniffled. "What?" I smiled. "The contract, especially point 6 & 7 made Yoongi keep himself under control. Jimin, he teased you, yes, but because he likes you and was too cowardly to stand by his true feelings. Teasing you and forcing you into the contract was Yoongi's subtle way of telling you that he likes you." "What?" asked Jimin, confused. "Look, point 6 states that if the fake marriage involves physic@l @cts, it is 'faked' OR happens if both sides agree. Why would anyone put something like that in the contract?" "He wanted to touch you but he gave you the choice."

Jimins POV:

I jumped up and ran to Yoongi's flat. I banged on the door. A neighbour looked out. "The Mins are not here. They've gone to church. Their son is getting married today." Kookie and Tae stared at me wordlessly. "What?" breathed Jimin, horrified. "Where?" Kookie drove me to the church. The priest was just saying, "...or may he forever be silent..." I caught sight of Yoongi staring blankly ahead. "STOP!", I exclaimed loudly. Everyone turned to me. "Me, Min Jimin, husband of Min Yoongi order the wedding ceremony to stop!" Yoongi's gaze shot to me. "Jiminie?" I stepped up to Yoongi and pushed the guy away. "You think you're just going to get rid of me?!"
"Point one of the contract is that Park Jimin never lets his husband go." Yoongi looked at me confused. I lifted up a piece of paper. "I am your husband!" "What? No!" began Mrs Min. I rested my forehead against his. "Marry me!"

Yoongis POV:

I smiled happily. "I think the contract is void. I want to make you my real husband." I looked deep into Jimin's eyes. "I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. I just wanted your attention." Dad interrupted. "You are going to marry Jihon now. Jimin please go." Jimin had tears streaming down his face. "No," Jihon said from beside us, smiling at us. "What?" our parents asked. "Those two belong to each other." I nodded at him gratefully. I pulled down Jimin's "fake wedding ring" and knelt in front of him. "Park Jimin, will you take me here and now..." That was as far as I got. "Yoongi what are you doing?" asked Dad. I turned to him. "I'm going to get married, but to the man I love, not some guy to improve your business relations." Jimin smiled at me. "You like me?" Yoongi snorted. "No." Jimin looked crestfallen. "I LOVE YOU!", I said firmly. Jimin's tears ran down incessantly.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi knelt down in front of me. "So I have to ask you, Park Jimin will you marry me here and now?" I snapped my eyes open. "W...what?", I asked breathlessly. My heart was hammering as if it wanted to say goodbye to me. I looked at my mum, who smiled at me, then I looked at Yoongi.... Yoongi looked nervously at the guests and swallowed. "Park Jimin, you supported me when I needed you most. When you kiss me, I feel like my world stops and I'm only alone with you. I want to make you happy, make your wishes come true. So I ask again, will you, Park Jimin, become Min Jimin here and now?" I just looked at Yoongi. "Jimin? May I ask for your answer? My knee is starting to hurt," Yoongi said nervously. I pulled Yoongi up to me. "Finally put this ring on me, Min Yoongi." Yoongi put the ring on me and kissed me lovingly. 

Yoongis POV:

I kissed Jimin lovingly. Jimin ran his fingers through my hair. I looked down at Jimin. "You put on the suit especially for the show?" "No, for our wedding," Jimin replied, pulling me close by my jacket. "Are you sure?", I asked Jimin, who nodded. The priest began to say his lines. "Min Yoongi, will you, Park Jimin, have as your wedded husband? Will you love, honour and care for him in sickness and in health? Then say 'yes, I do' now." Jimin looked at me with teary eyes. "Yes, I do," I said aloud. Shortly after, Jimin also said, "Yes I do." I kissed Jimin lovingly. Applause rang out. I lifted Jimin up by his lower legs.

Hobis POV:

Yoongi carried Jimin past us. I clapped with a smile. We followed the two of them outside. Jimin clung to Yoongi like a baby. "Never thought I'd say this, but those two are really cute together." Jimin laughed as Yoongi twirled him around in circles. Yoongi's mum ran to Jimin and hugged him happily. Namjoon stepped up to me. "He might as well have said he liked Jimin."
In the evening; restaurant:
We had a good dinner when Yoongi's dad got up to give a speech. "Hello dear guests, dear groom and groom, I am pleased to be here to give a speech. Jimin, welcome to the family. I am so happy to have such a cute, kind, smart son-in-law like you. If Yoongi treats you badly, I'll take him down for you." "Dad!", Yoongi was indignant. I grinned.

Namjoons POV:

I stifled a grin. A hand came to rest on mine. I looked beside me and saw Jin, who was blushing. I smiled and intertwined our hands. Yoongi's mum stood up and gave her speech. "I hope to receive the joyful news of becoming a grandma soon." "Mum," Jimin whined. I saw Yoongi's mum light up. I grinned widely. Yoongi leaned down to Jimin's ear and whispered something to him. Jimin's eyes snapped open, but his eyes flashed wantingly. Jin leaned towards me. "I think their night is going to last tonight." I nodded with a grin. A moment later, loud music sounded. Yoongi pulled Jimin onto the dance floor. I glanced at Jin. "Come on, let's dance." I twirled Jin in a circle. I smiled. I pulled Jin to me and kissed him. Jin sighed and returned the kiss. "How sweet," Jimin smiled beside me. I winked at him.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi had put his hands on my hips and began to move in a circle with me. I looked deep into Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi pulled me to him. "I love you, Yoonie," I breathed. Yoongi embraced my face and placed his lips on mine. I danced with the guests and at 2 a.m. I fell tiredly onto Yoongi's lap. "Hey baby," Yoongi murmured with a smile. I looked down at Yoongi and kissed him lovingly. "I want to go home," I murmured. Yoongi smiled. "Jimin, there are guests here. We can't just disappear from our own wedding." My hand went down. Yoongi swallowed. I felt Yoongi's body change. "Please?", I asked with wide eyes. "Let's go," I murmured. "My God, Yoongi, get out of here with Jimin and finally give us grandchildren," Mum said. "Told you so," I pouted. Everyone laughed delightedly. Yoongi drove home with me. "You should sleep," Yoongi said lovingly. I pulled him into his bedroom and kissed him greedily.

Smut Part

Yoongis POV:

"What are you up to?", I murmured at Jimin's mouth. Jimin looked at me eagerly. "I'm going to undress you now and then I want you to take me to your bed." Jimin slid my jacket down and began to unbutton my shirt. I stopped Jimin in the process. "Are you sure about this?" Jimin raised his eyebrows. "That I want to have sex with my husband?!" "Yes, Jimin. Right about that," I said seriously. Jimin nodded. "Yes, I am Yoongi." Jimin pushed my shirt down. I kissed him lovingly. Jimin took my hand and pulled me to the bed with him. I wrapped my arms around Jimin's hips and fell onto the bed with him. I forced Jimin's mouth open and gently slid my tongue in. Jimin groaned.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi kissed my neck. Sighing, I looked to the side and my toes clawed into the sheets. "Let's go take a shower first," I breathed. "Are you scared?", Yoongi asked me with a slight smirk. Sadly, I looked down. "Hey, baby," Yoongi said worriedly, pulling me to him. I pushed him away and groped into the bathroom. "Jimin, baby...," Yoongi said, following me. I opened the shower and pulled Yoongi in to me. I kissed Yoongi and pushed him against the wall. "I'm sorry. I love you, but sometimes I'm still the same asshole you met." My hands slid down Yoongi's well-toned body, then I knelt in front of him. "I guess you need to be put on the right track," I murmured, bending over, then opening my mouth. "Jimin!" exclaimed Yoongi, groaning.

Yoongis POV:

Jimin sucked even harder. I absently moaned and ran my hand through Jimin's hair. Water poured down on us. "Yoonie," Jimin breathed and stood up. "I am the bottom. I want you inside me. I want you to love me." Jimin's hands gripped around my erection. I trembled in Jimin's hands. "I want that," Jimin murmured against my ear, "inside me." In love, I gazed at him dreamily. "You're crazy, but I love this." "We need to start slowly," I agreed. Jimin knelt down in front of me again and took my erection in his mouth. Jimin looked at me with wide eyes. "Like this?" Jimin's tongue probed my erection. Jimin pulled back and stood up. "I've always wanted to do that to you," Jimin breathed, leaning his forehead against mine. I pulled Jimin tightly against me and my hands clasped Jimin's firm buttocks. "What exactly?" "Making you regret ever pissing me off like that. My idiot bully," Jimin murmured dangerously.

Jimins POV:

"Your baby Chim is pissed," I twinkled. My fingers sought Yoongi's glans. Yoongi moaned. "Sorry Jimin." "That won't do you any good now," I hissed, teasing his glans. Yoongi's eyes snapped open. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I pulled back sadly. "Don't you like it?" Yoongi looked at me questioningly. "What's wrong with you?" he repeated. "I thought you liked it," Jimin said quietly. I looked at him. "What's wrong?", I asked for the third time. "I want to prove to you that I'm good. And maybe I want to punish my daddy too." "For what?" asked Yoongi. "For how much you teased me. For making me sign a contract to PLAY your husband. For kissing me like that for nothing. That was my first kiss."

Yoongis POV:

I kissed Jimin apologetically. I looked at him in love. "Then punish me," I breathed with a smile. "Oh I will!" growled Jimin angrily. Jimin bent over my abdomen again. My fingers slid between Jimin's buttocks. At my ear, Jimin whimpered and his legs trembled. "May I?", I asked Jimin, who nodded. I gently slid my finger into Jimin's tight hole. Jimin's whole body trembled and he whimpered helplessly. I lifted him up and carried him to bed. Jimin kissed me greedily and his fingernails clawed into my chest. "W...wait," I said. Jimin stopped and looked up at me with wide eyes. I smiled and pointed to the bedside table. "I don't want to hurt you." Jimin opened the bedside cabinet and pulled out lube as well as condoms. "We'll need that later," I smiled. Jimin grasped my centre and massaged it. Slowly, I slid more fingers inside Jimin. I kissed Jimin and enjoyed the whimper that escaped him. I sat up. We were now kneeling in front of each other. I kissed Jimin lovingly. Jimin's hands moved to my centre.

Jimins POV:

I kissed Yoongi greedily and pushed him onto his back. "You're so hot, Mr. Bully." Yoongi grinned meanly. "Oh yeah?" I pulled back. "Why are you always such a jerk? One time you're sweet and hot, but when I tell you to be, you go back to being such a cocky asshole." "Baby," Yoongi started in a soft voice and began to move his fingers inside me. I tried to get off Yoongi, but Yoongi held me back. "Baby, I'm sorry." I pushed him away and groaned when I felt a breath of air down there. I started to cry. Yoongi clasped my face. "Jimin...", I breathed. "I'm so sorry.""Yes you're hot," I breathed to Yoongi. "Punish me, now!" demanded Yoongi. I sat down on Yoongi's hips and gave him the lube. "Prepare me," I breathed. Yoongi clasped my hips and manoeuvred me under him. Yoongi's hands ran over my bare thighs. "Yoonie," I begged my husband. Yoongi pushed my fingers inside me again. I felt a chill inside me. I heaved a sigh of relief.

Yoongis POV:

"Are you okay?", I asked Jimin, who nodded. I spread my fingers inside him. Jimin whimpered and kicked his legs. Slowly I circled my fingers inside him and felt Jimin begin to dilate. "Very nice," I praised Jimin. Suddenly, Jimin pushed me onto my back. Jimin sat down on my middle. "Jimin?", I asked. My fingers continued to circle inside Jimin. Jimin's fingers clawed into my chest. "OMG Yoonie," Jimin exclaimed. "Come inside me," Jimin begged me. "Are you sure?", I breathed against Jimin's mouth. The nodded. "Yes." Jimin lifted his legs. I took them and fastened them around my hips. I picked up the lube again. Jimin took it from me and put a little of it on his hand. Jimin grasped my aroused member and put the gel on. Jimin pulled me to him and greedily pressed his lips to mine. I pushed more fingers into Jimin. Jimin's inner contracted and let go again.

Jimins POV:

"Yoongi, please!", I begged my husband. Yoongi found my pleasure spot. I widened my eyes. "Yes, there Yoonie!", I spurred him on. My hands clawed at his back. I felt myself widening. Four fingers were now inside me. Yoongi's other hand was pumping my aroused, stiff cock. "You're beautiful!" said Yoongi in a raspy voice. Yoongi bent down and kissed my neck. I whimpered as Yoongi began to suck on my neck. Yoongi's fingers continued to probe me. My legs twitched out of control. Yoongi found my pleasure spot and pressed lightly against it. "Min Yoongi!" Yoongi smiled in satisfaction. "So that's where I need to go." I began to sweat. Again Yoongi lightly pressed my pleasure spot. I jerked trembling under him. Yoongi pulled out of me. "No!", I exclaimed. "Sh," Yoongi reassured me and pulled the condom on.

Yoongis POV:

"Daddy!" pleaded Jimin. "All r...", I began, but Jimin had had enough. Jimin pushed me onto the bed and crawled over me. "Jimin?" Jimin's bottom stretched out towards me. "Chimmy?", I murmured excitedly. I let out a startled sound as Jimin put his mouth around my er€ct c°ck. I groaned as Jimin began to s/ck. I pushed Jimin forward and knelt behind Jimin. I looked up and caught sight of us in the wall mirror. "Yoonie!" pleaded Jimin. Groaning and sighing, I slid into my husband. Jimin knelt up. "Jiminie?" Jimin pushed me onto his back and began to ride me. I watched as Jimin's released me and then took me deep inside him again. "I want more," Jimin pleaded. I manoeuvred Jimin under me again and knelt behind him.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi clasped my hips and held them tightly as he began to move faster inside me. "Is that more?", Yoongi murmured to me. I nodded with a moan and my fingers clawed into the sheets. "Good, then let me hear you. Loudly," Yoongi breathed against my ear. I wrenched my eyes open and whimpered loudly. "Louder!" commanded Yoongi, driving himself hard into me. "Go baby chim." Yoongi pulled back. I felt empty. "Yoonie?" Yoongi kissed my buttock. "Baby Chim." Yoongi pushed a pillow under my hips. Spreading my legs, I lay on my stomach under Yoongi. "Yoongi," I pleaded. Yoongi parted my buttocks and ran his tongue over my irritated hole. "Oh my God," I breathed.

Yoongis POV:

Hard I slid into Jimin, who shrieked. I froze. Something was different, but I didn't know what. "Yoonie!" pleaded Jimin beneath me. "You're so wet and tight," I gasped. Jimin whimpered. My hand slid to Jimin's €rection and pulled him up so he was kneeling in front of me. Hard, I pushed into Jimin, who shrieked my name defenselessly. I parted Jimin's buttocks and watched my penis slide in and out of him. I slipped out of Jimin and lay on top of him. I laid Jimin on his back and lifted his legs to spread them. "You're so hot!", I murmured in Jimin's ear and hard I rammed myself into him. Jimin whimpered lustfully. I began to slide in and out of him. I grasped Jimin's bursting member and 'milked' him. Jimin's bottom contracted, teasing my member. "Jimin!" Jimin's hands clawed into my bare chest, resting his head on the back of my neck with a moan.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi kissed me and moved faster inside me. I whimpered as I climaxed. "Yoonie," I cried out in relief. I felt Yoongi let go too and something warm filled me. Exhausted, I collapsed on top of Yoongi. Our breaths were rapid and we gasped. "Wow," I breathed, panting. Yoongi grinned. "I knew you'd like it."

End Smut Part:

I felt something tighten inside me. I sat up with a groan. "Was this your plan from the beginning?" "What?", Yoongi asked me, confused. "To take me," I said tonelessly. "You wanted to sleep with me to prove something, not because you love me." I stood up, whimpering. "Jimin," Yoongi whispered. I limped into the bathroom and slid down the door, crying. Why did Yoongi say he loved me? Why did I believe and really marry him?

Taes POV:

There was a knock. I opened the door. "Jimin?" I asked, confused. Jimin was standing in front of me with a suitcase. I looked at Jimin's hand. No wedding ring. Jimin glanced at me. "That thing with Yoongi was a mistake. He only wanted the one thing." I glanced at Kookie, who looked back, perplexed. Jimin laughed, "I should have known from the beginning. I'm so stupid. I thought he really had FEELINGS for me." Jimin went to the kitchen and took a drink. When Jimin sat down, he contorted his face in pain. I knelt down by him. "So you made love." Jimin glared at me. "How...?" I smiled and blushed. "Well, Kookie and I..." Jimin's eyes snapped open. "Since when?" I swallowed. "A few years." Jimin looked at me hurt. "And you didn't tell me?!" "Sorry Chim," I muttered. "Can I stay here for a few days? Yoongi doesn't know where you live." I looked to Kookie, who nodded. "Of course," he said immediately.

Jins POV:

Yoongi sat absently in the cafeteria. I looked meaningfully at Namjoon and Hoseok and together we sat down with Yoongi. "Yoongi?", I asked cautiously. "Did you and Jimin have a fight?" Yoongi said nothing. "Yoongi," I said again. "I was an idiot," Yoongi breathed softly. "Why? What have you done now? Where is your husband?", Hobi asked him. Yoongi looked to us. "We had sex. My baby was beautiful during it... I guess I was a little too cocky in the end. When Jimin breathed 'wow', I became my asshole self again. Jimin thinks I was trying to prove to you guys that I could get him into bed." I sighed disapprovingly. "I don't know where he is, but I want my husband back." I glanced at Yoongi. "You need to talk to Jimin." Yoongi looked at me sadly. "I don't know where he is." "Now where does everyone go when we want to talk about a***?" asked Namjoon, smiling slightly. "To our friends," Hobi said. Yoongi looked to Hobi. "Jimin is with Tae and Jungkook?"

Namjoons POV:

I nodded. Yoongi jumped up and wanted to go. I stopped him. "You should give him space." Yoongi sparkled at me. "I want my baby back! What now? Should I talk to him or give him space?" I looked to him. "Give him some space. Look, there he is," I pointed to Jimin who entered the room with Tae and Kookie. Jimin looked badly battered. Yoongi stood up. Jimin caught sight of Yoongi and tears came to his eyes. Yoongi tried to walk towards him. Jimin whirled around and hurriedly disappeared from the room. Tae and Kookie caught sight of us and looked at us contemptuously. "Come," I said and followed them. I heard Jimin ask, "How did Yoongi react when I left?"

Jungkooks POV:

"What do you care?" Tae snorted contemptuously. "Tae!" I said indignantly. "What?", Tae hissed at me. "Yoongi only wanted Jimin's body. Forget about him Jimin." I looked at Jimin. "He looked like his heart was broken. I've never seen Yoongi so vulnerable." Tae hissed. "Kookie!" I raised my eyebrows. "What?" Tae sighed. "Let's go." We stood up. We entered the hallway. Jimin froze in the hallway when a music sounded. "Yoongi?", he breathed with tears in my eyes. Jimin ran to the music room. Hastily, we followed Jimin. Yoongi began to cry. "My Jiminie," Yoongi whispered. "Yoonie," Jimin breathed beside me. Yoongi stopped and turned, "Jiminie." "Let's go," Tae said scornfully, pulling Jimin with him. "I feel sick," Jimin choked, and then he slid to the floor, unconscious. "Jimin!" shouted Yoongi, Tae and I as if from the same mouth.

Hobis POV:

Jin, Namjoon and I walked towards the music room. We heard the others shouting "Jimin!". I hurriedly ran over to them. "My baby," Yoongi cried. Everyone stared at Yoongi a little dumbfounded."You really love him," I stated. Yoongi looked at Tae and Jungkook. "Please let's make peace. I love him." Yoongi picked Jimin up and carried him to the couch. I smiled at Taekook and offered them a hand, which they took. Namjoon and Jin did the same. "What's wrong?", I asked worriedly. Jimin was pale. "I don't know," Yoongi murmured worriedly. Jimin woke up. "Yoonie, I have such a stomachache," Jimin whimpered. Yoongi sat down by Jimin and pulled him into his arms. "Take him home, Yoongi," I said gently. Yoongi lifted Jimin up. Jimin fell asleep. With Jin and Namjoon, I exchanged smiles. "Those two are so cute!" The two nodded.

Yoongis POV:

"I'll take you back to my house," I said and drove Jimin home. Jimin vomited over the toilet. I carried Jimin to bed and got a damp cloth for his forehead. "Darling, what's wrong? Why are you feeling so bad? I'm scared for you, darling." Jimin had fallen asleep. I lay down with him and hugged him. I woke up when I heard Jimin in the bathroom. I jumped up and ran to him. "Go away, Yoongi," Jimin gasped exhaustedly. I ignored him and cleaned Jimin up. When I opened the bin and looked inside, I frowned. Something liquid had spread in the bin. I paled when I realised that the condom had burst. I closed my eyes, cursing. "Yoonie?" asked Jimin chokingly, "what's wrong?" I swallowed and smiled playfully. "Nothing, baby. It's all good. How are you?", I asked. Jimin sighed, "I feel tired." I ran my hands through my hair in complete disarray.

Jimins POV:

I felt different. Yoongi lifted me up and cleaned me. "You need to rest," I said. I looked up at Yoongi. "Can we cuddle?" Yoongi smiled. "Come here, baby." He reached out his arm to me. I snuggled up to him. "I think I'm sick. I feel woozy and my stomach is going crazy," I breathed weakly. Yoongi kissed me. "I'll get you a warm towel." "Okay," I whispered. The next morning, I woke up and caught sight of Yoongi's mum beside me. "Mrs Min," I breathed. "Mum!" she objected indignantly. I felt my stomach rumble again. Hastily, I jumped up and ran into the adjoining bathroom. "Yoongi, go after him. I'll make him tea," I heard Mum say. "Baby," Yoongi said, cleaning me up. "Go take a shower. Maybe it will relax your stomach a little."

Yoongis POV:

Shortly afterwards, Jimin stepped out of the warm shower. "Yoonie, I feel different somehow. Something is wrong with me." I stood in front of him and hugged him. "Tell me what you need, baby." "Sleep," Jimin murmured. I carried him to bed and kissed my husband lovingly. "Sleep then. I'll be here if you need anything." Jimin fell asleep. Mum entered. "What's wrong with my son-in-law?" "Mum...", I began, looking down lovingly at my husband. "I think we're expecting him a baby." "WHAT?" whispered Mum excitedly. I looked to Jimin, "I didn't mean to. I just saw today that...well in the bin..." "I'm going to be a granny," she beamed at me. I looked up at her. "I'm sorry I lied to you. But I do love Jimin very much." Mum smiled. "I'm sure you and Jimin are totally happy." I glared at Mum. "Mum, Jimin doesn't know he's pregnant. I'm not sure either, but all the signs are there."

Jimins POV:

I woke up. I felt better and toddled into the living room. "So I'm going to be a grandma. Oh, Yoongi, we are so happy. I know originally you wanted to avoid marrying Jiho with Jimin, but you fooled yourself with that. You fell in love with Jimin." "We're pregnant?", I asked. Yoongi and his mum whirled around. I raised a hand to my stomach. "I'm sorry," Yoongi breathed. The joy that had lit up inside me disappeared. "You don't want a baby?", I whispered. Yoongi kissed me. "What I want is for you to be happy. Of course I want a baby, with you." "Really?", I breathed. Yoongi nodded and kissed me lovingly. "You're pregnant," Yoongi beamed happily at me. Time passed and my belly grew and so did my mood swings. Yoongi became his old self again. He started throwing mean things at me. "So I'm ugly?", I whispered. "YES!", Yoongi hissed at me. "I see," I breathed softly and went into the kitchen.

Yoongis POV:

I closed my eyes. Damn! I went back to Jimin, who tried to push me away. I pulled him tightly towards me and kissed him demanding. "I'm sorry. You're not ugly! I was just mad." Jimin pouted. "Your mood swings are driving me crazy," I grumbled. "Then hit..." I stopped him with a kiss. "I won't! I love you and our baby together." Jimin moaned and returned the kiss greedily. "So now listen to me: I love you and I'm staying with you and our baby." Jimin beamed at me. "Okay." I sighed and shook my head, smiling. Time passed and the birth was near.


I was sitting with Jin at dinner. Jimins eyes lit up. "Burgers!" he beamed. Everyone started giggling. Jimin jumped up and ran to the bathroom. A moment later, he came back. Concerned, I looked at him. "Are you okay, baby?" Jimin nodded uncertainly.

Taes POV:

"Um Yoongi," I said, pointing to the floor under Jimin's legs. Jimin and Yoongi stared at each other. Jimins water broke. "Let's go to the hospital!", I ordered. We helped Jimin into the car. "I'm with you, baby," Yoongi promised Jimin. Jimin's contractions began to come. Jimin whimpered out. Yoongi held Jimin's hand tightly. "I love you, Jimin." Jimin glared at Yoongi. "Shut up!" he hissed. Jimin whimpered and tears ran down his cheek. "That hurts so much!" cried Jimin. Yoongi kissed Jimin and dabbed his forehead. "You can do this Jimin. Our baby is coming. I know it hurts, but you can do it!" Jimin shrieked out in pain. He was sweating and pale as death. Yoongi was crying too. I saw how it pained him to see Jimin like that. Jimin fell back into the pillows with a sigh and closed his eyes. "Jiminie," Yoongi breathed anxiously.

Jimins POV:

A new contraction ran through me. I gripped Yoongi's hand tightly. "You can do this Chim," Yoongi encouraged me. Hours passed without the pain going away. Yoongi kissed me lovingly. I cried and cried, then all at once the pain was gone. A baby cried out. "Oh my god she's beautiful," Jin breathed. Yoongi looked at me lovingly. "How are you?" "I'm fine. Is it a boy or a girl?", I breathed tiredly. Yoongi smiled up. "A girl. She's beautiful just like you." "I love you!", I breathed to Yoongi. Yoongi beamed. "I love you too. And I love our little one."


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