Dream // Van McCann


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Sequel to REM. Please read REM before reading this story or it won't make sense. "Look me in the eyes and tel... Еще

1. 8 Years
2. Where I Left Off
3. I'm Sorry
4. Day Off
5. You Can't Run From Your Past
6. My Own Two Eyes
7. You're a Fucking Genius
8. I'd Do Anything
9. Missed Call
10. Doll
11. It's Nice to Finally Meet You
12. We Never Forget
13. She Knows
14. She Doesn't Understand
15. It's Not Too Late
16. Not Again!
17. I'm Proud of You
18. Who Do You Think You Are?
19. More Complicated Than It Needs to Be
20. Be Careful
21. Mia
22. The Life You've Always Wanted
23. I Can't Be Upset at You
24. I Feel the Same Way
26. I Finally Understand
27. Stronger Than You Think
28. My Mind's Made Up
29. I'm Just Looking
30. I Miss Him
31. This Is the One
32. Congratulations
33. Blessing
34. Enjoy This Moment
35. So That's It Then
36. Everything I Imagined and More
37. I've Got Something for You
38. Love Always

25. Rafael

28 1 0

Each passing day made me realize how foolish my plan was. Did I really think I could fix everything in one trip? I severely underestimated what I was taking on. But then I realized I didn't have to necessarily do all of it on my own. All I needed was to be the catalyst for change.

My last encounter with Clara went well. I was worried she wanted nothing to do with me but the fact that we talked like the good old days was promising. I was still careful to not bring up the idea of her telling the truth too soon as it was still a sensitive topic but I know she feels guilty about it.

I told Florence what happened and she was shocked to hear about Clara's attempt to hang herself.

"Should we keep an eye on her?" Florence asked, her eyes wide. "Her poor daughter!"

I was starting to question myself. She saw how scared Mia got so I just assumed she wouldn't attempt again but you just never know. And the thing is that I'm not a licensed professional. Clara should talk to someone and Mia as well. It's tough when they're both in such a difficult situation.

"Ideally, I'd like for them to talk to someone but I realize that's not an option right now. I think Clara seeing Mia's reaction made something click so I'm not sure she'll do something anytime soon. But you just never know," I replied. "I think I'm slowly getting through to her and it's not a quick process by any means. I just have to steer the conversation towards having her talk to the police but I don't know how."

Florence sat next to me on the bed and I got a proper look at her for what felt like the first time in days. I've been neglecting her again judging by the bags under her eyes. She probably lost sleep worrying over me.

"We don't have that much time left," I said, feeling overwhelmed. I've been counting down the days left and trying to plan how each day would go but I knew it was no use. I decided to change the subject. "How are you doing? Have you been sleeping?" I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her towards me.

"I'm alright. I've practically been everywhere there is to go so I've been going back to my favorite places. I saw Matilde today and we had lunch together."

"What did yous talk about?" Florence seemed to shrink back in embarrassment when I asked her.

"She was asking me how it was going and I might've—um—told her some things. I told her not to tell anyone though!" she blurted out. I shouldn't be upset but I couldn't help but feel disappointed wishing she had talked to me before talking to Matilde.

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her how Mia came up to you in the park and let you in the house. And how your first encounter with Clara didn't go so well." What they talked about wasn't as bad as I thought but I knew she was holding back details. Florence scratched her head and continued. "She told me something interesting. Does Rafael know about you?"

"No. Why d'you ask?"

"Rafael suspects someone's been in the house and asked Matilde to look for anything strange."

I thought I left no trace behind but maybe I wasn't careful enough. And then I remembered how I ate dinner at their house and washed an extra set of dishes that otherwise wouldn't have been there. How could I be so stupid?! That, coupled with Clara's strange behavior, must've led Rafael to suspect something.

"Did he mention Clara at all to Matilde?" I asked.

"No he didn't but she could tell he wanted to. He admitted to leaving his daughter home alone and said he was worried about her safety. I just want you to be careful because I know you've been spending a lot of time there lately and I don't want anything to happen to you. We don't know what Rafael is like and what he's capable of. What if he thinks Clara is cheating on him?"

I groaned and put my face in my hands. The last thing I need is for Rafael to get in the way. I'm surprised yet not surprised he has his suspicions. Clara and Mia were probably keeping their lips sealed and it was driving him crazy. It's tough when your work schedule is opposite your family's.

"I'll be careful. I have to tell Clara." I reached for my phone and started the message, thinking about how I should word it to not set him off if he happens to see her screen.

Florence and I are thinking of piri-piri chicken for dinner tomorrow at Roberto's. Would you and Mia like to come along?

The text message seemed harmless. I went through the extra effort of naming everybody so if Rafael happened to read it, he knew it wasn't just me and Clara. It sounded like a friend reaching out, plus it'll give them an opportunity to meet Florence.

"How does piri-piri chicken sound for dinner tomorrow?" I asked Florence.

"Delicious, actually."

"I'm gonna pick up some friends along the way if you don't mind."



The next day.

Florence was visibly nervous. She's only met Clara and Mia in my dreams. Never did she think she'd actually meet them in person but neither did I. Florence first wore a dress but then thought it was too formal so she changed into something more comfortable. It was like meeting her parents all over again.

I was surprised Clara accepted the invite. Surely she'd be careful about showing her face in public but I'm sure the mystery of it all has died down and everyone has forgotten about her. If I'm being honest, I think Clara only accepted so she could meet Florence. I would too.

Our ride arrived and I confirmed with him that we were the ones who requested a ride and I told him about our little detour before heading to the restaurant. I had texted Clara the details earlier so she and Mia would be ready. I texted her again that we were on our way and again when we arrived. We were told not to wait in front of the house to garner suspicion so we waited a little further down the street instead.

The neighborhood was quiet and I wondered if everyone was looking out their window to see who we were and what we were up to. Mia was the first to emerge from the house. She walked to the car without her mum and I wondered where Clara was. She opened the car door and said hello.

"Where's your—" I asked but stopped once I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

There was a figure approaching the car from the other side. Clara walked briskly towards us and Mia and I quickly scooted over so she didn't have to walk to the other side of the car. Clara wore large sunglasses that covered up a good portion of her face and a bandana. It was clear she was trying to hide but to any ordinary person, she looked like a fashionable person.

When Clara opened the door, she was surprised to see me. She slipped into the seat next to me being extra careful to make sure our legs didn't touch. There was a hint of a teasing smile on my face but I figured it was best not to bring it up. I told the driver we were good to go and he drove us to the restaurant.

The ride there was quiet but the driver turned on the radio and I tried my best to strike a conversation asking if they've been to this restaurant before. Mia has but Clara hasn't. I shouldn't be surprised but I am. I'm sure Clara has significantly cut down on the amount of times she goes out to eat. It must've taken some getting used to because I remember how often we went out when we were together.

We thanked the driver and got out of the car. Clara made a fuss trying to pay me back for the ride but I refused. Rides here are relatively cheap compared to other countries I've been in. It wasn't until the driver left that Clara and Florence finally got a good look at each other, though I wasn't sure what Florence could see when most of her face was hidden.

"You must be Clara and Mia," Florence said awkwardly. "I'm Florence. It's nice to finally meet you." She held out her hand for both of them to shake. It didn't help when they both stared at Florence like she had three eyes. Florence is quite social but seeing this interaction was painful. It's never comfortable seeing your girlfriend meet your ex for the first time.

"It's nice to meet you. Van has told me about you," Clara managed to say and Florence smiled.

"Likewise. I hope you're both hungry."

When we entered the restaurant and asked for a table for four, you could see how tense Clara was to enter a small place full of people. It seemed like she wanted to run away but she couldn't because I was standing behind her. Mia on the other hand seemed quite comfortable which led me to believe she's gone out with her dad before.

Clara frantically looked around at everything that made a loud sound. Someone dropping a fork, boisterous laughter at a table nearby, shouting in the kitchen. I thought for a moment she was going to have a panic attack from being overwhelmed.

"It's alright," I told her. "People don't care who comes to the restaurant. They're more concerned about their food. They'll see you once and never again." That seemed to do the trick because she relaxed and then the waiter took us to our table, placing menus down in front of us.

Mia eagerly sat at the table and looked at the menu to see what looked good. The fact that even her own daughter was calm seemed to make Clara relax further. She still kept her sunglasses on which was odd considering we were indoors but this was the least of people's worries.

"Eu quero um hambúrguer com batatas fritas," Mia said, pointing to the photo on the menu.

"Claro, meu caro," Clara replied, smiling. "She loves hamburgers and fries."

It surprised me how fluent her Portuguese was, not that I didn't think she'd learn but it surprised me hearing her speak it so casually like it was her native language. Rafael probably taught them both.

"Do you know what you want to order?" Clara asked when she noticed me staring at her. I looked down shyly at my menu, embarrassed at being caught. I fumbled with the pages.

"I want the piri-piri chicken," I replied, mentally scolding myself for panicking and not remembering why I wanted to come here in the first place. I was in the desserts section of the menu, far from the entrees.

"That's a good choice. And what about you?" She was now looking at Florence.

"I was thinking the Brazilian steak. We can share. I just didn't want to order the same thing." Florence was keen on the piri-piri chicken as well but we didn't want to double up on it. That would be a lot of chicken.

The waiter gave us water and asked if we were ready to order. We all looked at Clara who said she was ready so we all put our order in. When the waiter left, it was very quiet at the table so I took it upon myself to talk.

"How's the food here?" I asked.

"It's one of the best in the city for their piri-piri chicken. Mia and her dad come here every once in a while and grab takeaway for me."

"How sweet of them."

It got quiet at the table again but I didn't want it to be quiet. I wanted this outing to be helpful in moving us forward with the situation but I didn't know what to do.

"I was just wondering..." I continued. "Has Rafael said anything to you lately?"

"No, why?" Clara asked. I looked at Florence and she gave me an encouraging nod to continue.

"Rafael suspects someone's been in the house and asked Matilde—your neighbor across the street—to keep an eye on the house. Luckily, she knows what's happening so she won't tell him. You don't think he'll try anything, do you?"

"No, not at all! He wouldn't hurt a fly!" She paused momentarily. "Okay, maybe he would but what do you think tipped him off?"

"I dunno. Maybe the extra set of dishes washed?"

"I guess it could be that but I wouldn't even bat an eye! Maybe it's your cologne."

"What?" I questioned, confused.

Florence laughed at my naivety. "It's exactly that. I often smell him before I see him."

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