Yours? (BxB)

By CarpeDiem519

419K 13K 1.7K

Liam Green, an alpha with a secret who's ready to give up on the idea of finding his mate after 6 years of se... More

22 (18+)


48.4K 1K 276
By CarpeDiem519

Liam Green-

I sat on the chair, my hands under my thighs as I stared in front of me with a straight face.

No matter how many times I told myself to be happy today, I couldn't bring myself to smile for the happy people around me.

" Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Liam. Happy Birthday to you " Everyone sang in a weird way.

" Blow out the candles, Li " My mom spoke happily.

" Blow out da candles, LiLi " I heard my baby sister giggle as she spoke.

I stared at the simple cake in front of me that had 'Happy 24th Birthday' written on it with red icing, the word happy almost unreadable and the B in Birthday slightly smudged.

I will always find it a mystery as to why my mom lets us write the words on birthday cakes.

I didn't even ask for a cake- or a party. I absolutely hated my birthday.

Don't be a party pooper Elias, my wolf, laughed.

I didn't even know they had planned a party until 30 minutes ago, which was when I got home from letting Elias run through the woods for a few hours, letting him have full control as I hid in the back of my mind. Completely and utterly detached from the world.

I looked up from the cake, looking around the table to see my two younger sisters and my younger brother staring at me expectantly.

My mom and dad were standing behind me. My mom holding my littlest sister so she wasn't running around wreaking havoc.

I took a breath, leaning down and blowing out the 24 candles that were placed way too closely together.

" Yay, LiLi!!" I forced a smile as my littlest sister giggled and my other two sisters clapped like I had just done something amazing.

I was still seated on the chair, my hands still under my thighs as my father went to cut the cake. Which I assume to be chocolate cake since everyone in my family deemed vanilla boring and gross a long time ago.

I don't agree with that Elias hummed I like Vanilla more than Chocolate

Me too I agreed

My dad set the first piece in front of me, smiling as he stabbed a fork into it.

Thats a little creepy Elias spoke causing me to smile for a moment.

My siblings all sat down at the table along with my mom, my dad still standing and cutting the cake, setting pieces of cake in front of my family members.

I smiled forcibly, the cake in front of me left untouched as I folded my arms over my chest, wanting to disappear.

" I'll be back " I murmured before leaving the table.

They liked my birthday more than I did, which I don't understand completely. It's just a day. The day that my mother gave birth to me.

I don't really know why they cared about it at all.

If anything, a birthday should celebrate the one who birthed a child, AKA my mom. She did all the work.

But I guess that's what Mother's Day is for.

I shut the door to the bathroom quietly, putting the toilet seat down so I could sit down on it.

I didn't even get to sit down before there was a knock at the bathroom door.

" Hold on " I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face to get ready to face whoever was standing on the opposite side of the door.

I gripped onto the doorknob, opening the door to see my younger brother, but even though he was years younger, he was closer to my age than the rest of my siblings were.

I wasn't exactly close to any of my siblings. I hung out with Aaron sometimes but other than that- they all left me alone.

It was mostly because I was a good 7 years older than Aaron. 8 years older than the twins and 18 years older than my baby sister.

We had nothing in common.

My mom had me when she was young. 17 years old and my mom had to make a choice between ending her social life to take care of me, or have an abortion and pretend I never existed.

I have to applaud her for having me because I know it wasn't easy, but still, she stayed in school, held a job and provided for me in every way she knew how too.

And she did it all alone.

My biological father was never in the picture, I've never even met him.

My mom met my dad when I was two, and he didn't care that she had a two year old son. He fell in love with her and became my dad.

He's all I've ever known in that department.

" I told them not to do it " Aaron smiled, pulling me out of my thoughts as he leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

I rolled my eyes, turning the bathroom light off and walking out, pushing past Aaron in the process.

I was currently preparing myself to walk back into the room that my family was eating cake and socializing with each other in.

" You wanna get drunk with me? " I scoffed at his question, turning around to see him smirking.

" You're 17. Nice try. " I spoke, watching as he pushed himself off the wall.

He walked towards me, his arms falling to his side before he started to use one of his hands to dig around in his pockets, his brows furrowed as he did so.

Suddenly, he grinned, pulling a small card out.

" Fake ID. C'mon, I know a bar where the bouncer rarely IDs " he grinned, standing still for a minute before walking backwards, away from me.

My brows furrowed in confusion when he disappeared around the corner, walking into his messy bedroom.

" What are you doing? " I asked when he was out of my eyesight.

" Have you never snuck out before? " He snorted the second I stepped foot in his room, he stared at me with a grin before motioning for me to come closer to him.

I sighed, walking further into his bedroom. He had immediately turned around, his back facing me as he started to fiddle with the locks on the window.

" What the fuck are you doing? " I swore when he started to stick his head out of the now opened window.

" Sneaking out? " he said in a confused voice, popping his head back in through the window before looking back at me.

" They'll notice if we just suddenly disappear, Aaron " I say with a straight face " We can say we're going to the store to get more snack foods and be back in a few hours " I suggest

" Fine " he grumbled, crossing his arms when I moved to walk out of the messy room.

Even though he didn't seem pleased that I ignored his plan and created my own, he had still decided to follow me into the room where everyone else was.

" Hey, Mom, Aaron and I are gonna go to the store to get some more food " I smiled, stopping in my spot making Aaron bump into me.

" We have Ice-Cream and chips. Along with Cookies and Soda- so I think we're all good " My mom grinned, patting the seat next to her.

" We should've snuck out " Aaron muttered angrily, hitting my arm before walking to the table and sitting down with a sour face.

" I heard that " My dad glared at him.

I sat next to my mom, trying to drown out the multiple conversations happening at once.

The night was overall exhausting, I didn't even get to go to bed until about 1 am.

I was tired, and I didn't want the party in the first place.

What I wanted was to sleep through the whole day but I knew I couldn't.

First Off, my mom wouldn't let me and Secondly, Elias would always get excited on my birthday. I couldn't disappoint him just because of my own selfish reasons.

We were complete opposites, Elias was full of energy and loved socializing with others while I would rather lock myself in a dark room and sleep.

But the thing that I didn't get was why he loved my birthday, Elias didn't even appear until my 10th birthday- but still, he loved it and all the perks that went with it.

The cake, the party, socializing with everyone. All of it.

Plus, he got hours of running through the woods with no responsibilities.

That was my one present to him.

It was the one day out of the year that we didn't have to run a pack with hundreds of people in it.

I think that's one of the only good things that happen on May 3rd because to me- it was just another year I didn't find my mate.

It was another year that symbolized me being alone because each year that passed without them made my chances of finding them simply... decrease.

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