The Heavenly Demon

By Alastor6376

25.8K 411 81

The heavenly demon. The almighty one who is heaven's equal,Ruler of darkness and madness and the son of Artem... More

the heavenly demon. The ruler of the heavens
chapter 2
episode 3:first words/Ares' abduction
episode 4: Ares' abduction pt.2
episode 5
episode 6:meeting Pandora
episode 7
episode 8:shipping gone wrong
episode 9
episode 10:two Loki's?! pt.1
episode 12:Two Loki's?! pt.3

episode 11:two Loki's?! pt.2

1.1K 29 8
By Alastor6376


Y/n:fine then. I'll accept your offer

Heimdall grins from ear to ear

Heimdall:perfect! Let's get this started!

MEANWHILE: Odin is seen walking out of her home only to find a large crowd gathered

Odin:what in the nine realms....

Making her way throughout the cloud and beginning to hear Heimdall's taunting she finally makes it to the front and stands next to her twin daughters and comes face to face with Y/n of all people struggling against Heimdall

Heimdall:I must say, I'm quite disappointed!

He blocks a few punches sent by Y/n before shoving him away

Heimdall:when I heard you were a fierce warrior, I didn't think I would be seeing a pretty boy playing hero!

He says while swinging his sheathed sword as Y/n brings his gaurd up, only for Heimdall to fake it and shove him back once again, the Greek gods irritation slowly turning into anger

Odin:what is going on?

Thor:oh hey, mom. Heimdall kinda-

Loki:he challenged N/n to a fight when really he's just being his usual dickheaded self!

Thor:couldn't have said it better, sis

She says while low fiving Loki as Odin looks around to see Asgards residents cheering on Heimdall as Y/n is shoved towards the crowd who harshly shove him back into the fight

Odin:is Y/n really having trouble?

Loki:by the looks of it...damn that bastard and his eyes...

She says while biting her nail while looking towards the two fighters

Thor:he isn't

The two female gods turn to look at her bith their eye brows raised

Thor:if N/n was taking the fight seriously, Heimdall would be dead. It's just his egos to big to know that

Turning back towards the fight they see Y/n graze Heimdall's cheek with a side kick as the crowd goes silent actually hit me!

Y/n just looks at him with a raised brow as he put his leg down

Y/n:(I barely even touched him-)


Before he could finish his thoughts Heimdall uses his sword to hit Y/n right across the face causing the Greek God to go down to one knee and attempts to hit him again only for Y/n to glare at him through his hair making the Norse God step back. Y/n's hair covered his eyes as blood began to run down the side of his head

Y/n:okay then....

Y/n would look at him a twisted grin on his face as he slowly stood up and used his thumb to wipe some blood away and would lick the blood on his finger and look back at Heimdall, as a smile found its way onto his lips, a pair of radio dail like eyes appear behind him his left eyes scarly having become red and his iris having become gold

The boy would slick his hair back while grinning from ear to ear at the Norse God infront of him as his blood was smeared across his hair

Y/n:I'll play with you~


Y/n got into a fighting stance and lightly bounced on his heels

Heimdall:what? Putting up a pathet-

Y/n instantly appears behind him. Heimdall quickly turns to him


Nearly everyone's jaws dropped to the floor, well aside from Thor and Loki, they where completely surprised by the boys speed and strength

Loki/Thor:(that's my hubby)

Y/n the appears right infront of Heimdall once again and sends him flying with a powerful kick and right into a wall

Y/n:hm...I was expecting him to be able to take more than a couple of hits but...I guess I'm just as disappointed as he is

He says while appearing infront of the unconscious man and grabs him by the back of his collar and begins to drag him away

Y/n:alright. That's enough of that

He says and drops the defeated man to the floor and looks at the twins

Y/n:let's go

SMOLL TIMESKIP: the twins and Y/n where now within Midgard, Y/n having to wear something else due to his previous outfit being messy thanks to Heimdall. But the only thing he had on him was a skin tight black shirt that left his arms out in the open with a Kimono and baggy black pants, only he left his top half out in the open and let his Kimono top around his waist and tied with an Obi and with a sword on his hip and with his hair in a high pony tail

Thor and Loki where basically drooling at the sight of Y/n as the boy rested his hand on his blades hilt

Y/n:so mind telling me what we're doing?

The daughters of Odin quickly snap out of it, well Loki did and looked back at the boy

Loki:we're going to visit a gaint by the name of Utgard Loki(and you fuck my brains out as I rock you entire goddamn world!)no relation with me obviously and maybe go sight seeing

Y/n would nod his head as the three of them continue to walk around, the snow crunching under their footsteps. Sadly however a blizzard decided to show itself


They say in unison as the daughters of Odin are immediately affected by the cold

Loki:achoo! I hate winter!

Thor:*freezing her ass off*

The two would hug themselves trying to stay warm as Y/n remains unaffected and removes his Kimono and draps it over them

*fwip* *fwoosh*

Y/n:here this will help. You two stay here while I try to find shelter

He says as the two girls would half mindingly nod, too busy taking in the boys scent

Loki:(ahhh~ it seems just like him~)

Thor may aswell been a goddamn blood hound with how hard she was sniffing

Thor:*hard ass sniff*(Aaaaahhhh~ I think a tear just went down my smells just as good as senpai does~!)

MEANWHILE: Artemis was busy at home enjoying a nice cup of coffee while at her desk. You see she kinda got a job among the humans, while raising Y/n she had to provide for them so she decided to get a job and work among the humans, while still being a badass God


Artemis snaps the pen in her hand and nearly damn well breaks her mug

Artemis:my mother senses are tingling.....

She says as her grip tightened around her mug. One of her coworkers ended up slowly backing away from her, terrified

BACK WITH DA TRIO: having found shelter in a peseant family, who where kind enough to allow them to stay toll the storm died down. Sadly however they weren't exactly well equipped to handle Thor's or Y/n's appetites

Extra:I'm deeply sorry, M'lady, we don't have enough food

Thor:nah, it's okay I got a salution

She says while waving him off before pointing to her chariot pulling goats. You know whats about to happen

Y/n:(oh god...)

Thor:we can eat them, however we gotta leave the bones alone so I can resirect them faster or maybe N/n could

Y/n's jaw would drop as his eyes where the size of dinner plates and slowly turned to the goats and made eye contact with them

Y/n:(I'm sorry you where born)

Loki:the fact she said that so nonchalantly tells me that she has done thid more than once...(Petas definitely gonna be on our ass)

So Thor ultimately would kill the Goats, poor guys, and would eat the goats along side the rest of the family, well aside from Y/n and Loki, both where traumatized from the event

Thor:*burp* ah~ that was filling!(probably not as much as Y/n will be once he and I get together!) *yawn* time to hit the hay

She says as she turns to see Y/n already asleep along side Loki, who was cuddling him and had a sly smirk on her face as she opened her eye slightly at her sister and blew a silent raspberry before closing her eyes once again

Thor:(that two timming, Trickster!)

Laying down with a grumble and pout, electricity sparking around her, the thunder God would close her eyes frustrated at her sister


Thor feels something wrapped around her and looks down to see Y/n's usually prehensil tail wrapped around her and pull her close as Thor's head was laying on the Greek gods chest. A blush slowly finding its way on her face

Thor:(best. Day. Ever!)

Snuggling closer to the boy, the thunder God would slowly begin to doze off before looking at Y/n and kiss him on the cheek before laying her head back down on his chest as she and Loki had one thought in their minds

Thor/Loki:(I love you)

MEANWHILE:MT OLYMPUS: Pandora was seen in her room, enjoying some late night reading before turning her attention away from her book and towards the direction of the Norse pantheon

Pandora:(I feel like punching someone suddenly)

MEANWHILE: CHINA: Sandy and Pigsy stood before a sight they thought they wouldn't see. An annoyed Sun AND Xuangzang

Pigsy:what's with you two?

Sun:*grinding teeth*Nothing....

Xuangzang:*jealous*I'm just feeling really annoyed is all

The Horse, Pigsy and Sandy would glance at one another before shrugging. Women where just being their usual confusing selfs

REALM OF CHAOS: Macaque ended up shooting up from her now shared bed with Y/n and would grip the blankets

Macaque:(I feel a disturbance within the force. SOMEONE TRYING TO TAKE MY MATE FROM ME!)

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