The Summer is ours// JJ Mayba...

Autorstwa fantasybubbles03

18.3K 324 1.1K

// this story will not follow the original plot of outer banks, simply the characters and the setting. Been t... Więcej

1. Meet the Pogues
2. Truth or dare?
3: I hate you JJ Maybank, I hate you
4: You're not going to jump right?
5: Friends?
6: Um JJ? your hand is on my ass
7: Road trip
8: How...How'd you do that?
9: What the fuck?!
10: That's my fucking sister man
12: What is she doing here?
13: how could you...
14: I love you
15: Maybe you are the whore everyone thinks you are
16: I just wanted it all to stop
17: Amber Alert
18: Jo you gotta jump
19: Operation Liberation
20: The summer is ours

11: Will you be my girlfriend?

940 13 67
Autorstwa fantasybubbles03

Jo's POV:

"Come on Jo. RUN" JJ shouted grabbing my wrist and pulling me after him

"for fuck sake JJ, I fucking told you"

"and now isn't the time to argue about that" he called after me while we both sprinted down the beach

"Maybank, Get back here" Shoupe called after us starting to run

"oh come on old man, don't kill yourself"

"really JJ? He knows where we live" I yelled still sprinting feeling myself starting to grow out of breath

"here i know a shortcut" he said cutting up a small alleyway that leads off the beach and into a street of new build houses

"great. where now?" I said stopping looking at the dead end ahead of us

"ummm into a house?" 

"JJ thats even more illegal" 

"well i'm already on strike two with your brother and i don't feel like earning a third one"

"you're gonna get us a third one if he has to bail us both out again"

"quick we don't have time for this" he said running up to a door and effortlessly picking the lock

"i'm worried at how good you are at that"

"got a lot of practice" he shrugged swinging the door open "ma lady" he said gesturing his arm 

"not the time" I snapped running inside "ok now what do we do? He is gonna know we are in one of these houses"

"Uhhh follow me" he said darting upstairs

"JJ you seriously didn't think this through" i said following him

"i'm under duress ok. i'm doing my best" 

"you're an idiot"

"here! in here" he said pulling my arm and dragging me into a closet to hide

"well this is ummmm cozy" I laughed as i was pressed up tight with my back against JJ's chest

"Routledge, Maybank?" We heard being yelled from down stairs in the house

"shhhh" JJ said pressing his finger to his lips

"well no shit Sherlock, i'm hardly gonna shout we are in here" I whispered back rolling my eyes

"ok no need to be rude"

"You know Routledge, you already have a charge from trespassing" Shoupe called out "lets not make it two"

"don't fall for it, it's a trick"

"JJ seriously stop talking, also turn around"

"what? why?"

"cause either you have something in your pocket....or you need to turn around"

"......i'll turn around"

"yea good idea, jesus christ" I said rolling my eyes again

"well i can't help it"

"seriously JJ, shut up"

"Shoupe they aren't here" we heard someone else say

"Is that Peterkin?" JJ asked


"Hold on, let me check upstairs" Shoupe replied

"well shit" i muttered "great plan JJ, great chill little date idea"

"hey this is not my fault"

"this is totally your fault" I snapped causing JJ to turn around and put his hand over my mouth as Shoupe walked into the room. Holding my breath, i waited for the doors to the closet to open but it never came.

"its clear" Shoupe called out walking back out of the room and down the stairs

"ok onto the next house" Peterkin replied

"ew did you just lick me?" JJ removed his hand in disgust and I just shot him a grin

"ew did you just get a boner over us two being close to one another?" I shot back

"will you be my girlfriend" JJ spoke so quickly i nearly missed it



"What did you just say?"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything"

"JJ i heard you"

"You heard what?"

"What you said"

"What did I say?"


"seriously" he smiled

"So was that an actual question or a freak of the moment type thing?"

"was what an actual question?"

"JJ stop playing dumb and answer me"

"uhhhh" he sighed taking his hat off and rubbing the back of his neck "maybe?"

"and you thought us two crammed in a tiny little closet hiding from Shoupe was a good time to ask that becauseeeee?"

"I believe that is a trick question"

" were being serious?" I said now locking eyes with him

"did you want me to be serious?"

"JJ stop fucking with my head right now"

"Ok ok, yes I was being serious. I was gonna ask down on the beach but Shoupe interrupted"

"Can we at least get out of this closet to talk about this" I laughed

"Oh shit yea, he's gone" JJ laughed opening the door "shitty police work if you ask me, not even checking the closet"

"JJ stop trying to change the subject"

"sorry" he mumbled

"So you are seriously asking me you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"is this another trick question?"

"No JJ, i'm not tricking you"


"you want me to be your first girlfriend? Right after my brother just tried to kill you?"

"I....I guess?"

"and you want me-"

"for fuck sake Jo just answer the question. Do you...Jo Routledge.....wish to do me the honour....of being my girlfriend"

"you made that sound like a proposal"

"ugh whatever Jo" he said  walking towards the door but i quickly grabbed his hand and turned him around

"JJ i'm just messing with you. Of course I will" i laughed

"wait serious? You're not messing with me now are you? Cause if you are that would be totally messed up"

"Just shut up and kiss me" i laughed and with that he pulled me closer to him and kissed me passionately placing his hand softly on my cheek and the other on my waist as i wrapped my arms around his neck. As we both pulled away i started laughing to myself

"what? Whats so funny?"

"i think you just got your third strike" I laughed "but seriously we need a way out of here"

"oh shit yea"


"it is ten forty five, what the hell JJ" John B snapped as we walked in the front door giggling

"oooh strike four" I whispered to him causing us both to burst out laughing

"oh lay off them John B" Sarah said pulling him back down onto the couch

"no i said ten"

"sorry man we uhhh ran into some trouble" he laughed looking at me

"and what's that supposed to mean?" John B asked looking between us as we both kept laughing "are you guys drunk or high?"

"surprisingly neither....ohhh we should get high" JJ said looking at me

"i'm in" 

"oh i'm in too" Sarah spoke up

"really Sarah?" John B said disappointed

"ooohhhh papa bear is mad" JJ mocked "come on man, we just lost track of time. Look i'm sorry, i promise to have her home by bedtime next time" he laughed

"JJ stop" I laughed but i could tell John B wasn't thrilled about the situation

"are we gonna tell him?" JJ whispered in my ear

"about what?"i asked causing him to roll his eyes at me and lean in to whisper again

"the whole dating thing"

"oh uh....i guess we have to"

"Guess you have to what?" John B asked looking at us

"ummmm....good luck JJ, Sarah wanna come to my room?" I asked trying to avoid the situation 

"oh shit" she laughed standing up and walking with me to my room

"Seriously Jo!" JJ yelled after me

"sorry" i mouthed closing my bedroom and turning round to face Sarah "ok...i'm gonna tell you something and you have to swear to god you won't scream"

"pinky promise" she said holding out her pinky 

"ok ummm...JJ and I are dating" I said quickly

"HOLY SHIT YOU"RE DATING!" She squealed "oh shit sorry....holy shitttt you're dating" she said quieter

"SARAH!" I yelled at her

"i'm sorry I get excited easily" she said taking my hand and dragging me over to sit down on my bed with me "oh my god did he ask you down on the beach? aw thats so cute"

"No Sarah he didn't"

"what? Well how did he ask you? Did you ask him?...cause i love a good girl boss moment"

"no Sarah" I laughed "he asked me"

"so how did he do it"

"i can only tell you if you promise not to tell John B"

"my lips are sealed" she said fake locking her lips and throwing away the key

"ok well....we did go down to the beach, but it was closed. So i said we should go somewhere else but JJ insisted and out of nowhere Shoupe showed up"


"seriously Sarah i'm gonna kill you in a minute"

"sorry, go on"

"So yea we obviously ran for it and we hid in this random new build house in a closet and he just asked me"

"well thats not very romantic" she said disappointed ".....but very on brand" she laughed

"so yea"

"and did you say yes?"

"no Sarah I said no....obviously I said yes"

" is JJ out there telling John B right now?"

".....i hope so" i laughed

"oh shit....lets go clean up the blood" she laughed getting up off my bed and grabbing me into a hug "Jo....i'm so happy for you"

"are you fucking kidding me?" We heard being yelled from the other room

"i'll grab the ice" i said rolling my eyes and walking out of my room but shocked to find the boys on opposite sides of the room and not fighting

"whats all the yelling about?" I asked walking in confused

"John B dropped his beer" JJ replied simply

"did you tell him?" I asked but JJ stayed quiet "fuck, really? JJ you seriously have no balls"

"I don't like the idea of being punched again today, i would like to keep it to a one thing a day minimum kinda thing"

"Tell me what?" John B asked inspecting his now bust open beer can and shotgunning it. So with all the confidence i could muster, i stood tall, folded my arms and quite simply stated

"JJ and I are dating"

"oh yea I know" He said simply

"wait what you knew?" JJ said shocked

"did you miss the whole Sarah screaming in the other room thing?" He said causing me to snap my head round at Sarah and her to mouth the word sorry at me 

"And what? You're like cool with it?" I asked confused

"do you not want me to be cool with it?" 

"no I do....i'm just confused" 

"Jo, you've been kissing him for weeks was gonna happen eventually" He shrugged "i mentally prepared myself"

"its true, he did his walk around the room pacing thing when you guys left" Sarah laughed

"so i'm not getting a third strike?" JJ asked

"Not for that. But you got a third strike cause i heard that something happened tonight with Shoupe"

"Seriously Sarah?" I snapped

"I'm sorry, i don't know why you even tell me these things....i react the same way every time" 

"So? what happened with Shoupe?" he asked way too calmly for my liking sitting down across from JJ and I

"'s not like bad." I said hoping he would drop it

"Jo, it's fine, we have all had our run ins with the man" he shrugged

"ok.....well basically the beach was closed and we went on it anyway....and he wasn't happy about it"

"wait seriously? thats it?" he asked surprised

"well yea but then we broke into a house to hide"

"and there it is" he laughed 

"i'm still confused as to why you're being so chill about this" JJ asked still wary of the situation 

"because my friend" John B said standing up and clapping a shoulder down onto JJ's shoulder "she's your problem now" he laughed

"oh what i'm a problem now am I?" 

"yes...a massive one. And next time you get arrested your boyfriend can bail you out" he said walking over to lift a new beer

"not if he gets arrested first" Sarah laughed


"uh huh?"

"not helpful"

"correct....not helpful...but true"

"she's not wrong" JJ laughed looking up at me

"Na but seriously. I'm happy for you guys. But you hurt her and i'll hurt you" John B simply

"annnnnnnd he's back" I laughed



"JO! I swear to god will you hurry the fuck up" I yelled pounding on her bedroom door "we are gonna be so late"

"I'm fixing my hair!" She yelled back

"Jo you are working Midsummers not attending"

"so what I can't look good?" She asked swinging open the door with her hair and makeup done

"you always look good" I said giving her a quick peck on the lips

"and that was the most disgusting thing you've ever said to me, come on we are gonna be late"

"yes i've been screaming that at you for the last hour" i said as we walked outside and i threw her a helmet off the back of my bike "What Jo? What is the problem this time" i asked her as she just stood looking at it

" hair"

"oh for fuck sake Jo, it's either your hair or your head, get on"

"i don't like you" she grumbled putting on the helmet and jumping on the back

"well we both know that is a lie" I said setting off and heading towards the club


"why didn't you tell me how boring this would be" Jo complained going round the tables picking up glasses

"is work not always boring?" I asked

"yea but not this boring. I don't think i've ever seen so many Kooks in one place"

"well every last one of them is here" I shrugged lifting another glass

"yea except Sarah who is the only thing that could make this better"

"Hey JayJ" someone said making me turn to look in the direction of the voice

"oh uh....hey kie"

"and thats my cue to leave" Jo said lifting her tray and walking towards the kitchens

"come on Jo, at least try work it out" I called after her but it was no use she was gone

"Jeez what's her problem" Kie laughed

"oh i don't know, maybe the fact that you outed us to her brother" I said continuing to put empty glasses on the tray

"oh come on JJ, it wasn't that deep" she said walking round so i was forced to face her "Damn what happened to your eye?" she asked seeing the purple swollen bruise around it

"John B" I said simply lifting the last glass

"oh my god why?" 

"take a guess kie" i replied lifting the tray and walking away

"JJ don't be like that. I didn't know he would flip out like that" She yelled following me

"We both knew he would flip out like that" I said continuing to walk into the building

"well i knew he would be mad but not like that mad"

"kie just quit it, i'm trying to work"

"no you're trying to avoid me and chase after Jo" she said as i walked up the the door of the kitchens

"sorry. Staff only" I said simply walking inside 

"you're an asshole" she screamed through the door

"who was that?" my manager asked

"no one, here is the last of the glasses from the garden" I said setting down the tray and starting to leave

"you better not be pissing off the guests Maybank" he called after me

"i always do" I said walking back out the doors trying to find Jo, she's probably down talking to Pope and his dad

"hey Maybank" i heard called out from behind me. I knew before i even turned around that it was Topper

"yes Mr. Thornton, what can I do for you" I asked turning around. I hate every second of this.

"i'll take a beer in a chilled glass"

"sure thing can i see some ID" I said cockily

"just go get it"

"not a problem, I'll ask your mother if are you allowed it" I said walking away

"yea well at least i have a mom to ask" he yelled after me and i flipped him off walking away. What. A. Dickhead. That was just slightly unnecessary. 

"Jo there you are" I said walking down to see her with Hayward as I thought. "Where is Pope?"

"over there making friends with the enemy" she glared as he stood talking to Kie

"oh come Jo, you can't expect us to pick sides"

"oh she does, and you will Mr.Boyfriend" Hayward glared at me

"I told him everything" Jo shrugged 

"offff course you did" I sighed "and no i'm not gonna be taking sides"

"excuse me" she snapped

"wrong answer son"

"Hayward you don't need to chip in"

"oh i think I do"

"oh i think you don't. Look Jo, you can be mad at her sure, hell i'm mad at her too. But you guys will make up eventually. We can't all just cut her off"

"she did it to piss me off JJ, not out of the good of her tiny, shrivelled little bitchy heart"

"and I get that, but if i can make up with your brother then you can make up with Kie"

"my brother did nothing wrong"

"oh your brother did nothing wrong, have you seen my face Jo"

"ooh thats messed up" Hayward said looking at my eye and bust lip

"Who's side are you on Hayward" She snapped

"Look Jo, I think it's time for me to father you a bit cause JJ here isn't very good at it" 

"Hey" I said offended

"What i think he is trying to say is that eventually you guys should reconcile your differences. Not right now but only when you are ready to. Cutting her off doesn't fix anything. Did you ever take a second to think about why she was upset and did what she did?" he said

"Because she is an inconsiderate bitch" Jo replied

"no sweetie, maybe she was hurt. First of all you didn't tell her-"

"but we hadn't told anyone" she cut in

"You wait until i've finished speaking cause i know damn well you did not just interrupt me"


"and second of all. Maybe she feels left out."

"left out?"

"well yea. Pope has got his studyin and workin for me, Sarah and your brother are always together and now you and JJ are gonna go off together"

"well...we wouldn't have left her out, she didn't need to be a bitch about it"

"Jo....i'm gonna tell you something you're not gonna like ok and i want you to think real hard about it ok. She has her walls up. This happened to her once before as a Kook, she felt left out. And now it's happening again. Maybe she just reacted because she was upset and angry"

"but now i'm upset and angry"

"and you have every right to be. But she has the rights to her own emotions too. Now i'm not sayin that what she did wasn't out of line and that it wasn't hurtful. But i'm just sayin i think you need to open your heart up a little and put yourself in her shoes"

"yea i was totally gonna say that" I chimed in

"Pipe down boy you were not"

"yes sir" I said putting my head down

"But Jo. Take as long as you need to do that. But you'll forgive her eventually" he finished

"God i hate it when your right" she said grabbing him into a hug 

"then you must always hate me cause i'm very rarely wrong. Now you two get back to work. And send my son back over while you are at it"

"Sure thing dad" Jo said walking away from him "POPE. OUR FATHER WANTS YOU" she yelled not watching to walk over to Kie. 

"BE RIGHT THERE" he yelled back

"Hey so do you wanna-"

"i gotta go back to working" she said cutting me off and walking away. she mad at me? Oh shit, i fucked up already haven't I. She must have noticed me stop walking because she turned around and locked eyes with me

"no JJ i'm not mad. I just wanna be alone for a second" She said simply

"did you my mind?"

"'re like my anxious little child, i could feel it radiating off you" she said walking away "we are fine JJ" she called back when i still hadn't moved 

"ok cool" I shouted back. 

"Maybank. They need you in the kitchens" another worker said to me as they walked past

"ok yea, sure thing i'll be right up" I said walking up towards the kitchens but stopped when I rounded the corner. Stood directly in the hallway before the kitchens was Topper, Rafe and Kelce. Little eavesdropping never hurt anyone right?

"So what are you gonna do about it Rafe?" Kelce asked him

"yea come on man, you can't sit here obsessing  over a goddam Pogue" Topper said

"but she isn't like those other wasters" Rafe snapped "ok?! She's different. And now she's dating that Maybank freak"

"woah wait what?" Topper said shocked 

"yea man, can't make that shit up" Rafe replied

"then back to my first question. What are you gonna do about it Rafe?" Kelce asked him

"I don't know ok? Ever since my dad fired her she was fair game. Honestly been waiting to tap that ass for months" he said. Ok i've heard enough. My fist reacted before my brain could and next thing i knew i had rounded the corner and punched Rafe square in the jaw.

"What the fuck JJ" Topper yelled as Rafe grabbed me round the waist and tackled me to the floor

"oh what so she's just some object to you?" I yelled kneeing him in the side and elbowing him 

"Kelce don't just stand there go get someone" Topper snapped at him as he ran off

"She'll come crawling back to me, just you wait" Rafe said with venom in his tone so i hit him once again

"don't fucking dare talk about her like that" I snapped

"JJ!" was yelled at me before I was lifted off him. I looked down to see Rafe sitting up and spitting out a mouthful of blood. Then i turned around to see it was in fact my manager who had lifted me off him

"yea yea i know i'm fired right" i said untying my apron and shoving it into his chest before starting to walk away 

"yea how about you stay on your side of the island" Topper yelled after me

"yea and how about you tell Jo she's pretty hot for a Pogue" Rafe said standing up. That was it, something in me snapped. I turned fast on my feet running at him again but before i could reach him two large bouncers grabbed me and pulled me away "this isn't over Rafe" I yelled

"yea it looks pretty over to me" Topper yelled back as i was being dragged out

"come on man, get off of me, i can walk myself out" i said shoving my way out of their grip


"Jo" I sighed in relief when i saw her

"what the fuck did you do now" she asked noticing the bouncers by my side

"what these guys? Na they are just my new buds" I said patting one of their chests but he slapped my hand away "they aren't very friendly" I shrugged

"you just did something to get sacked didn't you" She asked folding her arms over her chest

"that I did" I laughed "i'll tell you about it when you get home" I called out as the bouncers started dragging me out the door again

"fucking child" she muttered rolling her eyes and walking back into the building annoyed

I don't care what anyone says.....That was totally worth it.

(3710 words)

AN// Holy shit that was a long chapter ahahaha, I just started writing and next thing i knew i was nearly at 4000 words. Hehehehe. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to vote and comment. As always, see y'all in the next one :)

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