Por strxwberrychocolate

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"I'm sorry" she muttered into his neck, giving up His arms around her waist tightened, keeping her in close a... Mais



1.1K 57 34
Por strxwberrychocolate

—[ t r u s t f u n d b a b y ]—
{ i can't help be wrong
in the dark 'cause i'm overcome
in this war of hearts.
i can't help want oceans to part
'cause i'm overcome
in this war of hearts }
war of hearts; 02

c h a p t e r t h i r t y s i x
「 e p i p h a n y 」

4 months later

They say most traits children inherit are from their parents. Physical, yes but also other traits. For example, certain mental illnesses tend to run in the family, for example, autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia. Habits can also be inherited. How easily you lose weight, how easily you gain weight, when you hit puberty, your laugh lines, your ability to focus— so many traits children inherit are from their parents.

Tsukasa and Gigi each got their beauty from their mothers— as well as the obsessiveness and the terrible trait of loving too hard.

But children don't inherit all their parents' traits. That's not how you create a new person. You can't be a complete copy of someone else down to the bone even if you're twins, even if you've come from that woman's womb. It just doesn't work like that. Siblings especially don't share the same traits they've inherited from their parents. One can get it and the other may or may not.

Tsukasa and Gigi both may be a bit obsessive but it was only Gigi that got the crazy trait that even the blonde's mother had. Tsukasa and Gigi may love a bit to hard to the point of self-destruction but only Tsukasa was a rational thinker(Gigi was too but not so much).

Sometimes, these traits can be amplified in some cases.

When Ume Miyama found out her first boyfriend cheated on her in high school, she drained his car of oil, slashed his seats, snuck into his house and put hair remover cream in his conditioner and put saran wrap over his toilet seats, as well as cut out the crotch area of all his pants.

When Gigi Miyama found out her boyfriend betrayed her...

Oh, it wouldn't be fun to tell you just like that now, would it?

"eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, fracture for fracture... the one who inflicted the injury must suffer the same"

"It's your first party Tsukasa! It will be fun! Ryu-san always has good food at his parties" Gigi tells him excitedly

The blonde is lying in his room, the huge king-sized bed making even him seem smaller. Tsukasa's new room was right in front Gigi's in the Nakamoto mansion. His room was decorated much simpler than hers but had just as many pictures up. Today was one of those rare days when none of the other boys were over and another rare day when Gigi and Tsukasa were home ever since they healed from their injuries and Tsukasa was finally in walking condition. "I thought you said you hated these parties" Tsukasa was holding his phone above his face responding to the mass of texts Fujio was sending him as the ravenette was out with his other group of friends

Gigi jumps onto his bed and Tsukasa's phone falls on his face. "yes I do..." she says and pokes his cheek

Tsukasa groans and picks his phone off his face then looks at her. Gigi's eyes are lit up with this different kind of mischief. Not the same kind of mischief when she wants to go set something on fire but the kind of mischief you'd see in a serial killer's eyes just before they explain their plan to their accomplice. Now, if Tsukasa was a good person, he would probably tell her to stop and maybe get a hold of herself or try therapy. But Tsukasa Takajo is not a good person so he will not tell Gigi to stop. "uh-huh..." Tsukasa rubs his cheek were his phone had hit "something special happening at his place?"

Gigi smiled at him. If he didn't know her that smile would be terrifying but because he knew her, it wasn't. So, Tsukasa smiled back, amused. He turns onto his side and faces her, resting his head on his arm. "so something is happening?" Tsukasa asks

Gigi is laying on her stomach facing him, fringes a mess in front of her face and her chin resting in both her palms looking at him. "uh-huh! It is" she tells him excitedly like a child that was finally being taken to the playground after asking for so long "so you have to come"

Tsukasa had moved in around 2 months ago after the paperwork for the transfer of his custody had been accepted. He had been a bit sad that there was no fight on his mother's side but he didn't expect too much from his mom in the beginning of it so he got over it pretty quickly. It wasn't to hard transitioning into living in the Nakamoto house, it was a little weird getting everything he wanted at the snap of his fingers. Now he understands why Gigi bought them all so many gifts when she just moved in. She had no idea what to do with all the money given to her so sh spent it on all of them. Now Tsukasa was doing the same. He'd just bought Nakagoshi a new phone since he shattered his during the war and bought Shibaman new headphones. Tsukasa had no idea where to spend it himself but Gigi told him he'd get used to it eventually. "you're planning something aren't you?" Tsukasa asks her

"planned something" she corrects with that same crazed grin "Kōhei's coming to the party tonight"

Tsukasa's eyes widen. They've seen Ryo a couple of times— he apologized profusely to Tsukasa for a good hour the first time they met after the accident. They aren't friends but don't completely hate each other either if that made sense. But there had been zero sign of Kōhei. Ryo says both of them properly made up and had a very very long talk and were friends now but even to Ryo Kōhei doesn't say a word about Gigi or Tsukasa. "he... is?"

As far as Tsukasa knows, Kōhei has been avoiding Gigi and anyone from Oya, Suzuran and Housen. The fact that he was coming to this party knowing that Gigi never skips Ryu's parties is very surprising. Ever since coming to the Nakamoto mansion Tsukasa hadn't been to any parties and Gigi hadn't attended any since he arrived as well; ever since coming here, Tsukasa learned rich people liked to throw many meaningless parties. "uh-huh, he is which means tonight is going to be fun" Gigi tells him

Tsukasa doesn't see the owner of the mansion very much. But when he does, the man just gives him a wad of cash and asks him how his day was and if his ribs felt okay along with the things that were going on at Oya High. It was a little weird. Tsukasa's never had a father figure before, especially since his father apparently walked out on him and his mother when he was to young to remember him, but this man didn't seem to bad. He was getting money and a conversation with someone who wasn't completely fucking crazy like his friends at Oya so this was fine. "now is it?" Tsukasa says with a scoff "why was I not aware of this before? I thought we were doing this together Gigi"

Gigi smiles so innocently at Tsukasa this time. Tsukasa. has always known Oya High kids lack a certain kind of normalcy and Gigi was no exception to that. He knew she was crazy but it seems the breakup as well as the grade 2 concussion and getting stabbed made her even crazier. He wonders exactly what she has planned that she didn't consult with him or any of the other boys before she went ahead and did this. "Yeah... But, I'm older than you which mean I can't have you do all the work" she tells him, reaching over to pinch his cheek "you know, 'cause you're a little baby—"

Tsukasa slaps her hand away. "You're older by a week Gigi don't give me that stupid shit"

He grabs her arm that her chin was resting on and pulls it towards him quickly making her head fall from the sudden lack of support. "ow you meanie!" she whined and rolled over so she was laying on her back on his bed now

Tsukasa sighs in half annoyance and half amusement. He shifts closer to her and then lays next to her on his back. They just stare up at the white ceiling. Ever since Tsukasa moved in, he doesn't really sleep alone. He wasn't used to it. Whether at his own house at Ghost Tower or at someone else's place, he never slept alone. Even now, Gigi and him constantly have sleepovers which were really just them changing whose room they were going to sleep in every day. Of course every Friday the other boys come to the Nakamoto mansion and they have a huge sleepover but even when they aren't here they never sleep alone(Fujio being himself, he crashes at their place more than once during the week and even once spent an entire week at the Nakamoto mansion). "you're not gonna tell me huh?" Tsukasa asks

"Nah-uh" Gigi sounds like a kid "It's a surprise Tsukasa"

Tsukasa turns his head and looks at her. Gigi's still staring up at the plain white ceiling. Looking at her side profile he can see the resemblance to himself. Yeah, they were definitely related. "can you at least give me a hint... Or I don't know... a vague idea?"

Gigi thinks for a moment then hums. "you remember in middle school when teachers actually cared for us?" she asks him

Tsukasa hums in response then she continues. "Remember those random religion classes we used to have and they were teaching us about the bible but no one was listening? There was nothing to do that day since it was raining outside so I opened a random page and started reading it to you, Jamuo and Yasushi..."

Tsukasa remembers. It was mid-April and it was pouring rain outside. The kids as usual were being rowdy. Fujio and the other guys were in other classes so they couldn't even go see them. The four of them were a bit too tired to go run around the class and wreck havoc so Gigi being the amazing reader she was for her age, started to read the bible that had been passed around to them in class. "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, fracture for fracture... the one who inflicted the injury must suffer the same" Gigi said repeating what she read to him, Yasushi and Jamuo all those years ago "remember that line"

It made no sense to them at that time but one of the student teachers doing an internship at the school explained it to them. It meant revenge. "uh... I think so. I don't know where it's from though... What about it?" Tsukasa asks, curious where she was going with this

"I don't think that's fair... If that line is right then that means Kōhei will only get stabbed, a concussion and thrown down 15 feet twice" Gigi was saying it as if that wasn't enough "doesn't sound fair to me"

Tsukasa can see why she wouldn't think doing the same that was done to her was enough revenge. Number 1, Gigi was fucking insane, number 2, it didn't make up for all the other shit she went through while with him. The cheating, the betrayal, the manipulation. It just wasn't enough in her eyes that Kōhei would get off with just being stabbed. Tsukasa grimaces as he realizes he's starting to think like Gigi— to be so desensitized to violence to the point that nothing was ever enough and you never knew when to stop. Tsukasa thinks he should admit her to a mental asylum and himself in therapy, but he won't. This was just too much fun so, Tsukasa only offers his arm for her to lay her head on which she takes with a smile. Gigi's laying comfortably between his shoulder and upper arm. They're pressed together side by side. "what sounds fair to you then?" Tsukasa asks curiously

"I'm going to hurt him but... He will be doing the hurting himself"

Tsukasa is confused so he waits for her to continue. "Did you know you can think yourself to death?" she tells him and Tsukasa looks down at her in shock "I read about it... A man went to go fix a freezer room but he got locked in... A few hours later the guard finds him and he's dead"

"h-huh? From being frozen to death yeah?" Tsukasa says

"no... He went to go fix the freezer. The freezer was never on but he thought so hard that he was going to die that he really did. He was so afraid and so stressed out that he just... Died" Gigi said it like she was telling him some fun fact about otters or something cute

"So... You're gonna make him think himself to death?"

Gigi grins like a madwoman and looks up at Tsukasa. "Fear is a powerful thing you know... Once I make him feel it the night has begun and so has our revenge. He won't be dying though. Death is too light of a sentence for what he dared to do to me and to you"

She's crazy. Fucking crazy.

"I get front-row seats, yeah?" he asks her, a hand coming up to card through her hair that's grown a bit past her shoulders

"Of course you do... All of this is for you after all"

Gigi is fucking crazy but it's okay. Tsukasa thinks he may have also inherited the crazy gene; after all, no sane person would listen to all that and not call the police.

Tsukasa looks around. This is the first time he's been to the Tatsuhito mansion. He's met the new heads of Kuryu and found it a bit weird that these were the guys that were sword's biggest threat for a while. Ryu Tatsuhito was of course pretty scary but the rest weren't all too bad. "I feel out of place" Tsukasa muttered to Gigi as they mad their way across the huge backyard to where the host of the party was sitting

He watched Gigi pass polite smiles to the men and women around as they walked through the large backyard of the Tatsuhito mansion. Tsukasa fought the grimace that wanted to settle deep onto his features. "You think I don't?" Gigi muttered as her heels clicked on the pathway

Tsuasak could tell the small talk was agonizing to her, especially since the only topic everyone wanted to talk about was her and Kōhei's breakup or if she or Tsukasa was going to be the heir of the Nakamoto empire.

It took some time but they eventually managed to escape the throngs of guests and finally made it to the host of the party who was sitting at his own personal table, overlooking all the guests with cushions and just a very comfortable-looking place to sit. "You look like you've been through hell Tsukasa-kun, the party has barely even started," Ryu said with an amused grin, wine glass in hand, speaking in a polished calculated tone all these rich people used

He wore what looked like a modernized version of a yukata. It looked good. "rich people shit isn't for me Ryu-san" Tsukasa said with a sigh and Ryu picked up another glass of wine off a tray a butler going passed them was carrying and handed it to him and it seemed Gigi already had one in her hand

(Ryu felt a sense of déjà vu wash over him as to how similar the scene was from a few months ago. He wonders how this night will play out and if Gigi's plan goes how she wants)

Tsukasa was wearing an all-black suit but without the tie, the top few buttons of his shirt undone showing the chain he was wearing resting on his collarbones. Tsukasa will admit he spent a while checking himself out in the mirror before he left because wow he looked good. Gigi was wearing an all-black silk dress that went down a bit past her ankles, cinched at the waist and a huge slit that went from the floor to her mid-thigh and had thin straps holding it in place as well as sheer black gloves that ended at her elbows. Tsukasa told Gigi she looked good and she only gave him a smirk saying "yeah I know"

Tsukasa admires her confidence. It was like he blinked and Gigi already finished four glasses of wine, a butler taking four and leaving one for her. "Gigi, your mother's staring" Ryu says and gestures his head toward the woman

Gigi turns her head and sees her mother giving her a glare of disapproval for chugging down to many glasses of wine. Gigi only grinned and grabbed the glass off the table and chugs it down too, making her mother sigh tiredly before going back to talking to the other rich moms. "This isn't that good" Tsukasa said with a grimce after taking just one sip of the red wine "you rich people drink this shit all the time but tastes like shit"

Gigi and Ryu shrugged. "I think it's fine" Ryu said

"You get used to it eventually, it's the only thing that will bring you joy at rich people parties" Gigi said then eyed the food that was starting to be placed "other than the food of course"

"What about your plan? didn't you say you were going to do it tonight?" Tsukasa asks

"Yeah I am" Gigi says then looks at Ryu "is everything in place?"

Ryu simply nods before taking a sip of his wine. A while later Genji and Ruka show up. "Oh Gigi-chan, sorry we couldn't visit you in the hospital" Ruka said holding Gigi's face in her hands "are you feeling better?"

Gigi of course, basked in the attention. "Yeah of course I am. And this is my cousin, who I recently found out was my cousin, Tsukasa Takajo" Gigi introduces the blonde to the couple

"Their moms are twins which makes Gigi and Tsukasa genetically half siblings" Ryu says

"I can see the remblance" Genji says looking at Tsukasa and Gigi then back at Tsukasa "nice to meet you Tsukasa-kun. I'm Genji Takiya, I used to go to Suzuran"

Tsukasa's eyes widened. "Like GPS Genji? The one Mercy and Kamui talk about" He asks

"Well I have no idea who Mercy and Kamui are but yeah that's me" Genji says with a shrug

"He's acting all humble but he's excited people still know who he is" Ruka fake whispers to Tsukasa

Gigi laughs softly. Finally, Gigi gets to ask about old Suzuran and Genji tells her all the stories. Like the time his friend had brain surgery, when Ruka got kidnapped by another faction, when he accidentally re-started the war against Housen and when he lost against Rindaman for the 100th time. The stories were exciting. Gigi and Tsukasa both wish they were there to see it. "Say Gigi-chan, since that little shit stabbed you and cheated on you and did some other shit... Aren't you both getting revenge?" Genji asks them

Gigi grins. "Apparently it's happening today but she hasn't given me a proper answer about what will happen" Tsukasa tells him

"You guys should stay a while after the party if you want front-row seats" Gigi says with a grin "It'll be fun"

Genji and Ruka look at each other and smile. "We'll be looking forward to it Gigi-chan"

Sometime later Ryo and his family arrive. He only gives a short greeting to Gigi and Tsukasa as well as everyone else before he goes to sit in some corner and just drink while observing everyone as he usually does. "Oh and here comes the special guest of the night" Ryu says amused

Kōhei as well as his mother and father come in. The news about Kōhei stabbing Gigi hadn't exactly been quiet due to Ume Miyama storming into the Amagai mansion during some party Kōhei's mother was throwing and threatening to set the mansion on fire if Kōhei didn't come out right that moment. So, yes, everyone knew about it. Although it didn't seem many of them cared about it. It made Gigi laugh and Tsukasa wonder what the fuck was wrong with rich people. "Ryu-san" Gigi says with a grin "Shall we start?"

Ryu only lets out a little chuckle before he waves his hand and one of the butlers approaches Kōhei with wine, a single glass on the tray. Kōhei takes it of course. Kōhei and Gigi make eye contact and she smirks at him, twirling one of the silver knives in her hand around expertly. Kōhei looks away and drinks all his wine at once then immediately gets another glass. "Oh this is gonna be fun" Gigi says with a sigh

"I... I don't get it" Genji said

"The wine" Ryu simply explains and Tsukasa whips his head around to look at Gigi when the realization hits him

"You're... You're actually going to kill him?" Tsukasa asks urgently, the word poison floating through his head

There were so many people around. Gigi was going to actually kill him? "Holy shit Gigi" Tsukasa says "You can't—"

"Chill out Tsukasa... It's gonna be fun. It won't happen right away" Gigi tells him with a shrug "slow poison"

Genji, being the yakuza leader he is, begins to laugh. "Oh I should definitely recruit you Gigi-chan. Would you like to join Ryusei?" He asks with a grin

"Senpai" Ryu says with a frown "I already claimed her"

Gigi narrows her eyes at them. "And what makes either of you think I'm gonna join a fucking yakuza?"

"Yeah Genji, don't be like that, let the girl have a nice job" Ruka scolds her husband

"What other job will take you when you're as bloodthirsty as a serail killer" Ryu deadpans

Gigi pouts and Tsukasa can't help but laugh. He knows he shouldn't but Ryu's got a point. Besides, Tsukasa thinks yakuza wouldn't be too bad for Gigi. "I thought yakuza doesn't take woman" the blonde asks

"We don't" Genji and Ryu said at the same time

"Gigi-chan would be an expectation" Genji said with a shrug "besides, my wife likes her. Would you like to join as well Tsukasa-kun? I've heard you're a good tactician"

Tsukasa would never had expected for people to try and recruit him to a yakuza at one of these rich people parties. He should remind himself to not let Gigi bring any of the other boys along now that her secret of being from Oya High is out. That idiot Fujio or Yasushi might actually take Ryu or Genji's offer. "Um... I'll think about it Takiya-san" Tsukasa mutters and sips at the wine he still has

Gigi was right. You do get used to the taste.


Kōhei's heart visibly stops. Everyone was gone by now. Ryu was stalling the Amagais while Tsukasa was talking to his new legal guardians while keeping an eye on Gigi and Kōhei, Ryo also there with the blonde, his parents having left a little earlier. Aya was here to with her parents probably waiting for Kōhei's family. Genji and Ruka are sitting at one of the sofas, talking quietly between themselves. The rest of the Mighty Warriors had arrived to, sitting on the couches while watching the exchange between the ex-lovers. So there was virtually no one left or no one that would help Kōhei in case Gigi tries something was left other than his parents and Ryo. "um... Hi" Kōhei mutters awkwardly

The butlers are all cleaning up at this point. "How have you been? I hit your head with a wrench is it fine?" Gigi asks curiously with a gentle smile on her face but look in her eyes makes Kōhei shiver

She looks fucking angry. "uh... just a concussion" Kōhei pauses seemingly hesitant to ask his question but asks anyways "are you...?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine Kōhei. Just a long scar" she point to the left side of her stomach, parallel to her belly button then traces down to her hip "nothing to bad. Oh and a concussion"

Kōhei winces and stares at the place Gigi traces, probably trying to picture what the scar looked like. The scar wasn't too bad. The scar tissue has slightly risen her skin and the scar turned brown after months of healing. Not too bad. She'd have it for the rest of her life but it made her look badass so Gigi wasn't too worried about it. Unfortunately, the scar didn't look too good with a belly button piercing— different aesthetics and all so she didn't get it re-pierced. "um, it was an accident Gigi I didn't mean to stab—"

"Ryo already told me" she says cutting him off "so I'm here to tell you... I forgive you"


Gigi turns to the blonde and smiles. She fucking smiles and it makes Kōhei want to run and hide and possibly move to a new country and change his name. "Of course I'm forgiving him Tsukasa" she tells her cousin "You should always forgive someone before they die so they can die in peace"

The yard goes quiet. "What?" Kōhei's mother exclaims "what do you—"

Gigi tunes the woman out. That woman never liked her anyways even when she was dating Kōhei. Gigi can see Aya's eye widen at the implications of her words. "You crazy bitch!" Aya says and begins to walk over but Jesse stops her with a crazed smile on his face that just makes Aya run back to her parents

Gigi's own parents are watching with an amused look. Ryo looks conflicted on what to do. "What—what do you mean?" Kōhei asks frantically

"You're gonna die Kōhei, that's why I'm forgiving you" Gigi says as if it was the most obvious thing "you didn't think I was getting let you off with just a concussion for using me, cheating on me, almost killing my friends, torturing my little brother and stealing my pictures, did you?"

Kōhei's eyes widen in shock. "So what are you gonna do? Stab me back?" His voice is trembling

Gigi still has a smile on his face. "no silly" she tells him "that's no fun. You know I like having fun. After all, you've probably heard the rumours about me being a crazy bitch. You should know I'm not one to do these things the easy way"

No one moves a muscle, not even Ryo. "then? Then what are you gonna do?" Kōhei should run, he knows he should run but he stays put to save what little pride he has left


His heart starts beating really really hard, it's hurting his ribs. "What?" he asks not sure if he should believe what he heard

"the wine," Gigi says as if it was the most obvious thing "I had them serve you poisoned wine. Why else do you think there was always only one glass on the tray"

It's completely silent as everyone processes what Gigi just said. Her mother is the first to speak. "Oh fuck" Ume Miyama says and starts to laugh crazily "Ah you're for sure my daughter! Fucking crazy! I love it Gina"

Gigi only smiles at the rare praise given to her by her mother. Kōhei begins to violently cough. hitting his chest and attempting to make himself throw up as he falls to his knees before he ex-lover. Gigi begins to laugh maniacally. She sounds like a fucking psychopath. That triggers the yelling of Kōhei's parents to call poison control and Aya's loud sobbing. It's funny, so fucking funny and Gigi just keeps laughing. No one is able to get closer as they are stopped by guards that show up out of nowhere. "Soon," she says between laughs "your throat is gonna close up and so will your lungs and you'll start to cough up blood. Then you won't get enough oxygen to your body and your heart will stop..."

Gigi walks closer and grabs him by his hair to make him look up at her as she stops laughing. "Your heart will stop just like mine did except no one will bring you back to life"

Kōhei clasps his hands together and starts to beg for his life as he coughs violently, already feeling the poison begin to work, his throat feeling tight and air barely going into his system. He begs and begs and begs while Gigi only laughs as others yell and beg for Gigi to spare Kōhei's life. Tsukasa watches with widened eyes. Yeah, Gigi was fucking crazy. Tsukasa genuinely hopes he hasn't inherited the crazy gene. Kōhei's on his damn knees, begging— he looks like he's praying, praying to a god to spare his life. Gigi lets the begging go on till she feels satisfied. Kōhei begs and apologizes to her, to Tsukasa, to Ryo, to everyone at Oya High, to Housen, to Suzuran and to everyone he's hurt in this war. After a while later of begging, coughing and yells, she feels satisfied and grabs Kōhei by his hair and tilts his head back so he's looking right at him. She leans down a bit. "You want me to spare you?" She asks with a crazed grin

He's breathing heavily. Very heavy. Kōhei probably doesn't have much time left. "yes, yes please Gina" he's whimpering, it makes something sadistic in Gigi's heart sing a happy tune "I'm sorry Gina, please"

He's still coughing. Gigi hums very slowly as if thinking then she smiles at him, a little warmer. "okay lucky for you Kōhei I have the antidote" she tells him and there is a look of relief behind his panicked eyes

His face has turned red and he looks like he's about to cry. Gigi only smiles harder and speaks slower. "and since we were dating at one point, I should give it to you" she speaks agonizingly slow as Kōhei's breath gets heavier and his coughing grows to sound ever worse, like he's dying and that makes Gigi smile harder "the antidote... Is on the... balcony... Over the pool... In the center of the table... In the wine glass"

Gigi lets go of his hair and Kōhei makes a run for it inside the Tatsuhito mansion, stumbling as he went. Gigi of course calmly follows behind him. The guards keep everyone outside in the yard. Kōhei stumbles up the stairs, and soon makes it to Ryu's room then rushes inside. Gigi laughs watching him struggle to open the doors to the balcony but once he does, Kōhei runs to the glass that is on the table in that balcony and drinks the whole thing. "see, now you'll live" Gigi says walking into the balcony area, heels clicking menacingly with each step

Kōhei's sitting against the railing, the glass in his hand empty. Kōhei's still breathing heavy but more even and he's not coughing anymore. "you almost killed me" he says through heavy breaths

Gigi only smiles at him. "that was the point Kōhei... I thought it would be fun. Everyone should experience getting poisoned once in their life" she says it like she's talking about sone fun activity

It's scary. Kōhei is about to say something but Gigi speaks first, crouching down in front of him. "did you ever really love me?" she asks

Kōher immediately looks sad. "I did... at one point I did" he's telling the truth, she can tell "I broke up with Aya after the whole thing was revealed to you... She still thinks we're together though"

Gigi smiles. "see if you had just been this honest in the beginning this wouldn't have happened"

Because Gigi had imagined her whole life with him— graduation, university, the proposal, the marriage, having kids— she thought of it all and all of it came crashing down at her because of petty school rivalry. "I'm sorry" Kōhei chokes out

He's crying now but Gigi's still smiling. "I know you are..." she tells him, reaching over to stroke his messy white hair gently but then she grabs his hair roughly "but it's not enough for me"

Gigi pulls him up to stand and presses him against to rail, forcing him to lean back into nothing. One more push and he'd fall over 20 feet to the ground. "Gigi!" Kōhei's voice is breathless and everyone below them is yelling

That only urges her more. "Oh Kōhei... I loved you so so much" she tells him sadly "I'm not mad at you for not loving me, I'm mad at you for pretending you did"

Kōhei's trying his best to push her away but due to the weakness from the poison earlier it felt like his muscles were jelly. "I did love you Gina! I fucking did!" he yells so everyone can hear it "I loved you so much I was gonna drop that shitty plan and just stay with YOU! I was going to leave Aya and just be happy with YOU! I just... I just let my pride come over me. I'm sorry Gina, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stab you, I didn't mean to break Takajo's ribs, I didn't mean for it to go that far!"

Gigi's eyes soften. "It's okay" she tells him and loosens her grip on him

Kōhei sighs in relief. "Thank you" he whispers and stands up straight, no longer half dangling over the balcony

"Just kidding" then, Gigi grins at him manically before her hands make contact with his chest and push him off the balcony.

Screams sound from the yard and Kōhei falls down 20 feet into the pool below the balcony with a loud splash.

Gigi Miyama wasn't a trust fund baby like Kōhei but she sure as hell was fucking insane.

well... I hope the revenge satisfied you guys.

the next chapter is the epilogue. I'm not sure how long it will take for me to write but I will also be posting the facts about the fic as well as the final notes at the same time so keep an eye out for all three parts. I can't believe we're at the end, wait a little longer and I'll have the final out soon.

Also by the way guys, I'm not Christian so don't take the bible bit in the chapter seriously.

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Not all light is good Not all dark is evil. Hotaru Nakajima was not born to be soft. She was born to make the world shatter and shake at her fingert...