Protect me

Door AnnieWelshh

109K 1.9K 291

Taylor is a 14-year-old high schooler who's had a very traumatic childhood. All of her trauma has caused her... Meer

Oh no
Let me go!!
Why do you care?
Why won't you eat?
The escape
The rescue
The secret
The babysitter
Your dead mf
Im Stuck
The calm before the storm
The last straw
Whats going on?
Who's in control?
Hold me
The Nightmare
The meeting
Portect me
The first steps
The Hospital
The Diagnosis
The Fall


4.6K 79 16
Door AnnieWelshh

"Stuck" Taylor replied simply.

"Can you elaborate baby?" asked Anjali.

"I can't get out. F-feel stuck." She tries to explain.

"You feel like you can't run away from the situation?" Asher chimed in.

Taylor nodded her head with three fingers in her mouth. She's gotten to a point where she doesn't even realize when she's sucking her fingers.

"Sweetheart you're not trapped. Sure you're going to be watched a lot more closely, and you're not going to be able to leave the house without supervision, but you're not trapped. You will always have the freedom to talk to me, Okay?" Asher soothed whilst pulling Taylor's slobbery fingers out of her mouth.

Taylor didn't reply in any way. She just gazed at her lap with teary eyes.

"Alright" Asher cheered, lifting Taylor off Ajali's lap with enthusiasm. "Time to eat some lunch!"

"NO!" Taylor fought.

"Taylor, no yelling in the house" asher scolds, setting her down in the portable highchair.

The moment Taylor's patted bottom hit the seat she began to kick her legs in full tantrum mode. "NO CHAIR" she cries.

Asher managed to wrestle her into the chair and strap the seat belt on, but the fight was not over. Taylor then tried pulling the restraints off which asher quickly put an end to.

"Taylor!! You need to calm some before your put in a timeout. Why are you fighting me?" Asher parents.

"Why can't I sit in a normal chair!!" Taylor whine's, making grabby hands towards the seat on her right.

"Because those chairs are for people who don't try and run away every time I turn your back. Your just too little." Asher hinted.


"Taylor!! Inside voices."

Taylor huffed and crossed her arms on her chest. Asher then placed a sectional dish with a PB and J sandwich, strawberries, and carrots. On the side was a sippy cup full of apple juice. Taylor sat and stared and the food. No way she was going to eat that.

After a few minutes, Asher looked up from eating his sandwich with Anjali, at the same table as Taylor. "Baby, is there something wrong?"

Anjali just sighed, she was doing the same thing she did to him this morning. "Taylor you haven't eaten anything in over 24 hours, you have to eat."

Taylor gave Anjali an annoyed gaze before slumping back in her chair.

   "Taylor is that true!?" Asher verified. It was unclear if his voice was concerned or angry.


   "WHAT" He yelled before she could even answer.

     Asher pushed his chair so he was sitting directly in front of Taylor. He made strict eye contact with the frightful girl before breaking his silence.

   "Eat or i'll make you"

   Taylor felt torn, she didn't want to make Asher mad, but she couldn't eat. She always felt this tremendous guilt every time she put food in her mouth. It felt wrong. She decided that she should just eat the food and throw it up in the bathroom. It was the only option.

Taylor picked up her fork and stabbed it into a strawberry before bringing it into her mouth. Asher's gaze softened, and a reassuring smile formed on his face.

"Good girl" he praised before pulling his chair back to its original place.

Taylor ended up eating a slice of the sandwich, 3 strawberries, and 4 carrots. Her stomach felt as if it could burst. She's hasn't eaten this much in years.

Asher finished the dishes before walking over to Taylor's seat. "WOW!! You did so good eating your lunch!"

He picked Taylor and her sippy cup up out of the highchair and led her into the playroom.

   "So, what do you want to play with?" Asks Asher.

   "Can I use that bathroom first?" Taylor requests.

   "Sure, follow me." Asher holds out his hand for Taylor to grab. He leads her to the restroom and waits till she's inside.

   Once Taylors is in, she scopes out a hair tie in the bathroom cabinet. She ties her hair in a low ponytail before crouching down on the toilet seat.
--------------(⚠️ED WARNING⚠️)--------------

She took one of her fingers and began to gag herself. Taylor hated throwing up, it was one of her worst fears, but beauty is pain.

After about a minute of trying to make herself gag, it finally worked. She threw up the contents of her stomach before dropping on the floor.
-----------(⚠️ED WARNING OVER⚠️)----------

She felt extremely dizzy and light-headed. She lay on the cold beige tiles of the floor trying to push herself up, but her arms felt shaky and weak.

Taylor used all her upper strength to push herself up and off the floor. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands and face before exiting.

Emerging from the room she was met with a concerned Asher, his arms were crossed and he had a small frown on his face.

"Hey, you alright? I heard coughing from the bathroom and you look very pale." He inspected, placing his hand on Taylor's shoulder. The high difference between them was massive, with Taylor looking like a young child compared to Asher's tall frame.

   "I'm f-fine" She made out I'm a shaky voice.

   "You sure baby? you look woozy."

   "Yes I'm sure"

   "Why do you have your hair in a ponytail?"

    Taylor gasped before quickly pulling the hair tie out of her blond hair. "O-oh I was just trying something out" she quickly tried to cover her suspicious actions.

  Asher blew it off and walked with Taylor back to the playroom. "So, you want to play with some toys." Asher talked down to Taylor in a childish voice.

   Taylor didn't know what to say. So to get rid of the pressure she stuck her thumb in her mouth. Asher was quick to act upon this. "Taylor that's a no-no." Asher scolds pulling her hand out of her mouth.

Taylor whines and tries to put her hand back in her mouth, but Asher wouldn't let her. "Baby do you need a teething ring." Asher realized that Taylor was still growing in some adult teeth, and that could be one of the reasons she keeps sucking her thumb.

   "No" Taylor refuses.

   "If you do it again you won't have a choice." Asher cautions on a tone of authority.

  Taylor makes a pouty face before walking away from Asher. She walks over to the area of the playroom with a large selection of blocks. She stares in awe at a bin full of multi-colored plastic blocks with tiny objects inside them.
The blocks she likes ↓

P.s my childhood

  Asher walks up behind her and smiles at what she's staring at. "You want to play with those?" Asher asks with excitement.

  Taylor realizes how childish she probably seems and quickly shook her head no.

  "Sweetie don't be embarrassed! I know you want to play with the blocks and that's okay. You need to remember that you'll never be judged here."

  Taylor nodded, even though she doesn't believe a word asher says.

   He pulled out the bin of blocks and sets it on the plush carpet. He sits down and pats a spot next to him for Taylor to sit. Taylor sits down and watches as Asher dumps out the blocks.

"So, what do you want to do with them?" Asher asked with enthusiasm. Ready to go with anything Taylor likes.

"Can we organize them by topic of the block? Like, sports go together, food ones go together. Something like that."

  Asher smiles at her idea. He loves that she's finally starting to open up a bit. "That sounds amazing!!" Asher praised.

Taylor blushes before beginning to organize the blocks into small categories.

   10mins later they only had a few blocks left to organize. Asher gazes over in Taylor's direction and noted the red slobbery block Taylor held in her mouth with one hand, and used the other to organize.

  "I'm going to grab something baby, you stay here I'll be right back." Asher darted to the fridge. When He was scanning the freezer Anjali came behind him,

"Yo Asher, I have to head to practice it's almost 3:30. I'll see you Monday at school!" Anjali concluded, hugging Asher.

  "Alright, thank you so much for the help today. I appreciate it."

"No problem bro, if you ever need more help with Taylor you can always call."

  "Of course"

  They said their farewells before asher went back to searching through the fridge. He found what he needed and walked back into the playroom.

  "Here you go," Asher said, handing Taylor the frozen object.

  She looked at it with confusion then looked back at asher. "It's a teething ring baby" Asher explained. "Since you keep chewing on your hands or other objects, this will be best for you."

  "Don't want" Taylor whined.

"Would you like a pacifier instead?" After offered. Taylor quickly shook her head no and then back to organizing.

   5 minutes later they finished their project and began cleaning up. Asher grabs some infant toys and Taylor's hand before walking to his office.

Asked picked out infant toys because it matches best with Taylor's headspace. Taylor doesn't seem to be into any type of imaginative play, so simple things like blocks, rattles, and sensory toys are the best fit for her.

The two step into the modernized carpeted office which belongs to Asher. Asher sets the toys near the lounging area of the room and kneels to Taylor.

"I have to work on my presentation for a bit. I want you to stay in here and play while I work."

Taylor nodded her head, even though she had no clue what Asher was talking about. She was way too focused on the two chairs in the corner of the room. They looked like the same chairs she sat on when... they hurt her. All the memories sorta came back, the lighting, smell, texture.

"Taylor?" Asher snapped her back to reality.

She jumped a foot and looked at him again. "You alright" Asher cautioned. Taylor again nodded as Asher walked over to his white desk positioned a few feet from the windowed wall.

She trailed over to the small pile of baby toys. She couldn't blame Asher for treating her like a baby. She acted and looked like one, but some of the stuff asher does still hurts. She doesn't like knowing that people see her as a big baby.

She looks down at the colorful pile until something catches her eye. A yellow ducky with tethers for hands and feet.

   Something about the gentle nature of the animal drew Taylor in. As she picked it up the soft and silky fur melted in the girl's hand. She instantly felt a deep connection to the stuffy.

   Since Taylor never trusted people, she often made friends with objects. She would tell her secrets to sticks. She'd pretend her pillow was a person comforting her to sleep. Objects cant lie, stab your back, or abandon you. That's why Taylor loves them.

   Taylor held the stuffy to her chest and hugged it tight, it was perfect. She made her way over to a corner of the room away from asher and the two chairs. She brought her knees up to her chest with her stuffy in her hands and laid her head on her boney kneecaps.

She brought the tether attached to the ducky's hand to her mouth. After she violently puked everything in her stomach into the toilet, she felt very tired. As her food consumption dropped, so did her energy.


Taylor flinched in surprise after being awoken from her deep thoughts. She looked up at the concerned and slightly confused asher standing above her.

"What are you doing over here?" he awkwardly smiled. He quickly caught a glimpse of the duck stuffy in her mouth. He thought it was so adorable that Taylor found a connection with the stuffed animal.

"Nothing" Taylor mumbled.

Asher only worked for about 10mins before he noticed Taylor. Since she appeared fine he decided to continue working.

Taylor stayed curled up in her position until a strong pressure pushed on her bladder... She had to pee.

Taylor already pretended to use the bathroom a little while ago. Asher would be suspicious if she used it again so soon. She would just have to hold it for a few hours.

She began bouncing her foot up and down to try and stop the noticeable ache in her bladder.
It was becoming too much, she needed to get to the bathroom.

This has been happening a lot recently. Every time she had to use the bathroom it was urgent. Taylor doesn't know why, but her bladder control seemed to be slowly slipping away.

Taylor then felt an extremely powerful pressure and witnessed a spurt of urine fill her pull-up. She panicked and ran to the bathroom ignoring asher's rules of staying where he can see her.

Once in the bathroom, she sprinted to the toilet. She successfully made it before a disaster.

She washed her hands and cautiously exited the bathroom, but on her way out she ran into a hard chest.

"What do you think you're doing?" Asher said looking down at Taylor with a strict voice.

"Using the bathroom, obviously" Taylor sassed back.

"Watch your tone, little girl. I strictly told you when going over house rules, I said someone should be watching you at all times. You can not just run off like that. Next time you try something like that it's straight to time out for you." Asher instructed with authority.

Taylor rolled her eyes whilst adjusting her skirt uncomfortably. She had a small accident while trying to make it to the toilet. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to make her uneasy. Taylor was super scared asher would find out. It would be incredibly mortifying if be did.

Asher quickly noted her awkward stance and began to question her.

"Are you alright"

"Mhm," Taylor smiled while pulling down her skirt.

Asher caught into her strange behavior. Caring for many littles had taught him a thing or two when it comes to behavior.

"Taylor, did you have an accident?" Asher asked gently, leaning down a bit to Taylor's level.

   "N-no" she lied blushing a rosy pink.

   Asher wasn't falling for the act. "Taylor, tell me the truth or you will be put in timeout."


   Asher swiftly put his hands under Taylor's armpits and lifted her into his arms. She kicked and pushed on Asher's chest, trying to weaken him so she can run.

  Asher kept a tight grip on her with one hand and used the other to check her pull-up. As he predicted, she was wet.

  He carried her to a corner of the living room and set her down, keeping a firm grip on her frail arm. "Taylor, since you lied, hit, kicked, and shouted at me. You get 10 minutes in time out. You're expected to sit here until the timer runs out."

   Taylor flashed her teary blue eyes at Asher, she was terrified of the punishment. She didn't want to be beaten. She still has healing wounds from the last beating her landlord gave her.

  Asher made his way toward the sofa and pulled out a timer on his phone.

   Taylor bit down on her fingers logged in her mouth. She was shaking in fear, was he going to hit her? She was curled up in the corner of the room trying to hold in tears, but the flashbacks started to fill her mind. Taylor began crying through shallow hiccuping breaths.

Asher noticed the distress and quickly went over to her. "Hey, sweetie are you alright?"

"Please don't hit me!! I'll be good I swear!!" Taylor sobbed.

Asher felt tears well up in his own eyes. It broke him knowing that someone was abusing Taylor. He couldn't begin to imagine how evil a person would have to be.

Asher sat on the floor next to Taylor to seem less intimidating. He tried to pull Taylor onto his lap but she suddenly jumped, letting about a frightened squeal.

"Please don't!!" She continued to cry out in fear.

   He slowly led her into his lap and let her cry it out. He rubbed her back and swayed her back and forward. She just cried her little heart out for a good 10 minutes.

    Taylor's crying slowed down and she began slowly sucking her fingers. Her eyes were droopy from the exhausting panic attack.

   "Your safe" Asher whispered. "Your safe now."

    Taylor didn't respond in any way, she started at the floor with a lifeless gaze in her eyes.

   "How about we get you changed now?" Asher asks. Taylor again doesn't respond.

   Asher stands up with the small girl in his arms and walks her to the bathroom. He pulls a pull-up out from the bathroom cabinet, then sets Taylor on the floor.

  "No" Her voice shakes.

"Baby, you either let me change you standing up. Or you'll be forced to be changed on the ground."

"Myself?" Taylor attempts to explain.

"No, you can't change yourself" Asher denied her offers.

  Asher quickly slipped her out of the dirty pull-up and into a clean one. He pulled down her skirt and gave her a pat on the back.

  "All done!" announced Asher.

   There was a long break in conversation before Taylor spoke. "Why am I like this..."

   "What do you mean?"

   "W-why am I such a baby."

   "Oh..." Asher stalled, not knowing what to say to Taylor. "Sweetie, as much as you hide it, I know you're going through a lot right now. Your brain is trying to cope, and its ways of coping are causing you some side effects. It's going to take some adjustments but I can help you through it. I'm here for you. You'll never be judged or bullied here. I truly mean it when I say... I'm here for you."

"You'll just leave me" Taylor muttered so quietly Asher could barely hear her.

"What was that?"


Asher took Taylor back to his office for about an hour before heading to the kitchen. He was going to make some pasta for dinner, so he needed to find something that would occupy her for a little while. He turned on the movie Tangled in the living room for Taylor to watch while he makes food.

After a while, the meal is finished, and Asher goes over to pause the movie. "Dinner time!" Asher cheers.

"I'm not hungry"

Asher sighs, will he ever be able to get the girl to eat? " It's not a choice, you know the rules."

Taylor, defeated, dragged herself to the table where she sat.

"No-no-no" Asher scolded. "You sit in the high chair."

"But why" Taylor whined, genuinely upset about the new rule.

"You too little, now come here so I can strap you in."

Taylor rolled her eyes, not feeling like putting up a fight.

    Asher strapped her into the highchair and placed spaghetti and a sippy cup of apple juice on her tray. To avoid questioning, Taylor ate the food without any hesitation. Asher was overjoyed watching her eat. He was so happy to see her improvement.

   Once Taylor finished her meal she requested to use the bathroom. Happy with her behavior at dinner, Asher gladly took her.

   Taylor was led to the bathroom. She quickly close the door as she got in and ran to the toilet. She leaned over the side and began to gag herself. In no time she spat up all the contents of her stomach. She cleared up the remaining evidence and left the bathroom.

   She felt extremely dizzy. Everything was fuzzy, and almost not real. Her head felt heavy, yet everything else felt as if it wasn't even there.

   Taylor stumbled out of the bathroom and crashed right into asher.

   "Someone's tired." asher joked around.

   Taylor nodded and followed and dashed upstairs to a guest room. She remained seated on the bed while Asher picked out some pajamas.
Outfit Asher picked out 👇🏻


    Taylor tried to take the clothing from his hands but he pulled them away. "Nope, I dress you."

"But why" Taylor groaned.

"Taylor, you do as I say. Now how closer so I can change you."

"N-no" Taylor whimpered. She did not want Asher to see her boney body. She also was uncomfortable with the idea of an 18-year-old guy from her school seeing her boobs (even though she didn't have any).

"Why are you so scared, remember, I don't judge."

Taylor took a deep breath and stepped forward. When Asher took off her shirt he was stunned. Sure he has seen her partly naked before, but the bubbles from the bathtub were mostly covering her. But seeing her chest completely exposed was terrifying. Every single rib on her chest was exposed. Every dent in her hip was on display.

Asher's mind was racing, was she so poor she couldn't afford food, did her landlord starve her? He has no clue how a person could get this way.

Asher had to pick through his thoughts and continue changing her. He lowered the baby blue shirt over her head and pulled down Taylor's skirt. She turned bright pink knowing she was standing in only a pull-up.

"Are you wet Sweetie? It's best if you tell me now."

Taylor shook her head. Thankfully, she wasn't wet.

Asher pulled up her shorts and blue socks And finished the set with a matching blue hair bow. He cooed at how cute she was. "Alright, let's get you in bed."

Taylor crawled to the front of the bed and got inside the covers. Asher tucked her in and walked over to the light switch.

"Wait!" Taylor cried out.

"What's wrong"

"C-can I... Umm... Can I please have ducky"

Asher's heart felt as if it was going to explode. He couldn't believe she was already found a comfort item.

"Of course baby!! I'll get it right now!!"

   He quirky returned a minute later with the stuffy. "Here you go!" Asher announced handing the stuffed animal over to Taylor. She held it to her chest and closed her eyes.

  "Goodnight" Asher concluded after turning off the light and closing the bedroom door halfway.

   Taylor stayed quiet for a few moments after he left. Once she knew he wasn't coming back, she opened her eyes. She curled up so her body looked like a little ball and brought her stuffed friend up to her face. She held the stuffy tight and began to sob into its fuzzy body.

   Taylor cried and cried. She wanted to escape this horrible place, but she had nowhere to go. No one wanted her, liked her. No one cared for her. In her eyes she is worthless. She's nothing...

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