Meltdown Ophilion - Book One

Av jessemara12

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Adventure - Sci-fi - Fantasy - Action - Dystopian - Supernatural - Mystic - Apocalyptic Disturbing events tr... Mer

03_TUR-LAM 64
SUPPLIMENTAL_The Cholan and the Keneso
SUPPLEMENTAL_First Sighting of the Merenthaal
TABLE OF CONTENTS_A Glimpse of Chapters in Book Two


23 5 0
Av jessemara12

They settled into the plush seats on the Cholan deck – they had claimed a set of six reclining armchairs which they swiveled to face each other. Confidence in their current plan was low, but there were no attractive alternatives. They advanced by dead reckoning. They would later describe it as a matter of emotional investment and the mystical power of Destiny. There was no plausible way they could back down and give up the chase; as if a curse had been placed on them the moment they opened the sphere in the cave. Jenna would have been cursed much earlier.

Yet, there was a kind of inner peace with this decision. They all accepted that there were other factors in the equation; other forces. That was a consolation – these other factors outside of their control that they were not responsible for. At least they would be able to blame something else when it all fell apart. They could find a way to live with it. At least they would have done something of note in their otherwise inconsequential existences. At some point in the future, they would be able to sit back and laugh at their youthful impetuosity. It was a fair enough exchange.

Their transport began pulling out of the dock. This was nothing like the farm-zone port they had left from four days earlier. This was traveling in style, even though they were forced to remain on the inferior 'Cholan deck' of the ship.

They ascended to a sky lane and picked up speed, heading south-east. The sight was spectacular! A million lights glittered around them in the dark. Unending strings of transports crisscrossed in the night sky. The towers that rose above them looked like contestants in a beauty pageant.

"It really is amazing," Jenna commented, gazing at the spectacular scene before her. "I've never seen a com-zone from this angle before." She watched transports hurtle by at close range, above and below them. "It's remarkable there aren't collisions though."

"It hardly ever happens," Orion said, "all the skyways are com-linked and monitored so it's almost impossible to crash even if you want to," he chuckled knowingly.

"Almost," Fel said grinning.

Since there was nothing they could do to further their mission at the moment, they put aside their impossible quest and talked and laughed and eventually reclined and slept as the huge transport cruised halfway around the planet towards the com-zone of Portos-Caas.


Jenna woke as the first light of Hanthran was visible in the east. She took in the pristine beauty of the free-zone in the pre-dawn light – something she had missed in the last two calah. She knew that it was pointless to try to unravel the potential implications of their decision, so she relied on tradition: she made a prayer.

Togan, she addressed the Great Spirit as she watched the landscape slip by, I acknowledge the blessings you have bestowed on me and on this world. I am grateful for my home... she felt a pang of regret that she was not with her family now. She hadn't realized how much she would miss them. ... and my community. Her learning center came to mind – her friends would be getting ready for a sunrise meditation session on this day. I pledge to honor the Code to the best of my ability and seek for harmony and peace.

It was a mantra she repeated at the start of every day and it felt very good on this day. It was a ritual that helped to keep her world in balance.

She then sent out a telepathic message to the agents – in case they were listening. She focused her mind and projected. In case anyone is listening, I need some help. She waited. The last thing I want to do is endanger the mission and make things worse. She took a breath. It would be good if you could contact me. I hope you haven't lost track of me. I'm on my way to Portos-Caas with Orion, Celli and Fel. We have an idea of how to get the summons point, but, honestly I don't think it will work and I'm not sure how going into the asteroid belt will help.

She waited. Sometimes the agents would send an immediate reply. This seemed like an opportune moment, yet she felt nothing and sensed nothing.

After a few mec-tah she decided to review a text from Wisdom of the Wastelands which she had committed to memory.

"We know little of all there is to know. Let us be content in this – we will be all the more eager to explore and discover. Let us rejoice in every discovery – no matter how small – it is a vital piece of the great tapestry. Let us love and be loved – for love, in all of its forms, is the vital element of life. Let us give more than we take lest we succumb to the powers of greed and destroy what happiness we have. Let us meet each day with respect and with joy and with wonder; let us treat this day as a splendid gift, which it is. Let us live so that we are always ready to die with honor; then, let us take our Journey to the Stars."

These principles that Jenna had always taken as truths were being put to the test. She found herself wondering how relevant Aphias' Wisdom of the Wastelands was in the com zones. This was a big world with billions of citizens and scores of tightly controlled citizen centers which just might cease to exist in a single act of horrible folly. This had made sense to her in Filos-Paas, but now that she had spent two calah in a com-zone it seemed unlikely. The com-zones were, in fact, very stable; they worked like finely tuned machines. She had detected no cause for alarm in Kypro, nothing that could indicate that such an extreme catastrophe would even be possible.

At this moment Celli stirred and opened one sleepy eye, then the other. She was disoriented until she saw Jenna. "Where are we?" Celli asked groggily.

"I don't know," Jenna replied, "but we have about four mec-lan left till we reach Portos-Caas. How are you feeling?"

Celli sat up and shook her head trying to make sense of everything. "I'm not sure," she said with a weak smile. "I feel like I'm in a dream and that the life I knew before is in another world." She scrunched her eyebrows, "or maybe it's the other way around."

Jenna chuckled softly, "I know what you mean; I feel the same way." She turned and looked out the window again. "You can't imagine how strange it is for me to wake up on a huge transport flying through the air on the way to some unknown com-zone to meet up with someone I know so little about... to try to complete a mission that..." She shrugged and smiled then reached out and took Celli's hand. "Whatever happens, I'm glad we met, Celli."

"So am I."

The boys were still asleep so Celli and Jenna sat and looked out the window as the landscape was illuminated by their rising central star. Fel finally woke and propped his head wearily on his hand. He looked over and saw that the girls were already awake. "Hey, did you girls get any sleep?" He asked yawning. He pressed a button and his armchair moved automatically to out of bed mode into a sitting position.

Jenna and Celli nodded. "How about you?" asked Jenna.

"Oh, yeah," Fell answered, "slept fine; these seats are pretty comfortable, actually." He turned to look out the window. "What a view!"

Jenna smiled, "Yes, it is beautiful."

Orion was the last to rise. "Hey, you're all up already," he croaked, "I thought I was the early riser." His companions turned and smiled good morning. They all knew how important the next seventeen mec-lan were, and how uncertain everything seemed at the moment. For the time being they all just looked out the window at the beauty of the free zone and tried to prepare themselves for whatever this day would bring.

Without warning, Jenna felt a familiar probing sensation in her brain. She knew immediately what it was and felt both relieved and anxious. She knew that an agent wanted to contact her and that she would be required to translate for the others. She swallowed, feeling very inadequate at this moment. She looked up at them and the others sensed that she was going to say something important. They had come to respect her Regalan skills.

"I wish I could tell you more about how all this will turn out," she began, "but... l really don't know more than you do. In many ways, the future is out of our hands. We have done what we could, now it's time for the agents to take a step; that's the way it works." The com-kids were alert; they had experienced enough by this point to know that something unusual was about to happen. It was the tone of Jenna's voice. Besides, it was too late to turn back, the dye had been cast on their trip to Portos-Caas, and so had most of their credit.

"Maybe one of the agents is going to tell you something," Orion said. "Maybe you could do a relay. It seems our situation warrants it, I mean, this is it, Either we make it, or we don't." He looked at the others "We are doing all we can, right?"

Jenna nodded. "You're right. I just got a notice." She looked at each of the seriously. "So... I hope this works. The last time it just happened spontaneously, and we were in the free-zone; I feel different now, on this transport, but I'll do my best."

The com-kids prepared themselves. It was a mysterious process but they were willing to hope – and they were curious to see if it would work and what might come of it.

Jenna swallowed nervously. She sensed the familiar urge in her mind, but something wasn't right. She panicked. What if I can't do this here, on this transport? There is so much interference. What if I can't make the relay? Her heart was beating fast. For Jenna this was the worst moment of her mission so far; it seemed to eclipse crashing her transport into the cliff-side. If I lose my ability to contact the agents, then what?

It seemed to her that the two calah she had spent in the com-zone was interfering with her abilities. Telepathic relay with unseen entities wasn't easy even in Bonthran-Tel; it required a high level of concentration; one's mind had to be free from distractions and negative interference. At least that had been Jenna's experience so far. Still, she would try. If she couldn't connect, she couldn't connect.

Jenna motioned for the others to move closer. They did, and then waited. Jenna cringed inside while trying to keep a calm front. She wasn't succeeding. Celli reached out and took one of her hands. Jenna looked up at her. Celli's gesture gave her a boost of confidence but she still felt restricted somehow. She began to feel nauseous. "Okay," she said weakly, "I'm going to try to hear what the agent wants to tell me, then I'll translate." She looked up at them apologetically. "Sometimes it's easier than at others." The com-kids were not deterred and looked at her as if this telepathic relay was their last hope.

Jenna closed her eyes in an attempt to focus. She breathed deeply, employing a meditation technique to steady her nerves. She felt her mind becoming clearer, her heart rate slowed and her stomach began to un-cramp.

"Congratulations." A voice relayed the words of an agent. It was Celli's voice. They all sat completely still, as if to move would break the fragile link. "You have done well – very well. You made the right choice, although you cut it a bit close. We are formulating a plan – we think it will work.

"This mission is as important for us as it is for you. You do your part, we'll do ours. We regret that we cannot tell you everything at once; that is for your benefit – you'll understand later. We have trusted you with valuable information and artifacts and we expect you to trust us in return – if you do, I promise you will not be disappointed. When you least expect it the solution will come. You are on the right path – do not deviate."

The four companions sat silently, hardly breathing. Something changed in them as they were listening. It was the voice, not only the words, that gave them desperately needed confidence. But only Jenna noticed the other phenomenon. "Celli," she whispered, "do you realize what just happened?"

Celli looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"The agent; it chose you! You were translating the message, not me!"

Celli wrinkled her brow as she thought back on what had just happened. "Jenna, I don't understand, I thought it was your voice."

Jenna shook her head, "No, Celli, it was yours."

Celli looked at Orion then Fel for confirmation. They nodded, themselves only now realizing what had happened.

Celli exhaled slowly as she shook her head. A smile involuntarily appeared on her face as she re-lived the experience. "So it is true!" she whispered. "It was real! It really happened! I didn't realize it was me that was talking. Jenna..." Celli took her hand. "Do you think it will happen again?"

"They have chosen you, Celli." Jenna said, elated and relieved. She was no longer the only one bearing the responsibility of communication. "I don't see why they wouldn't speak to you again. It's not easy for them to find a relay, it takes someone with special mental abilities and a desire to reach beyond the natural world – you obviously have both." The girls looked into each other's eyes "It's amazing, isn't it?" Jenna said.

Celli nodded, her eyes wide. "Yes, it is... But it was real!" She said in wonder, and looked to Orion and Fel. "The words, what the agent said... that was real, right?"

They all looked at each other attempting to gauge what the others felt before answering.

"Congratulations." Orion repeated the first word of the message. "It sounds like we passed a level or something, passed a test. The agent said 'you have done very well.' I guess that's good."

"'You made the right choice'," Fel said. "They were talking about going to Portos-Caas, right? That's good, too."

They nodded.

"'Do your part and we'll do ours'." Jenna repeated.

"The agent said that they can't tell us everything in advance," Orion continued, "but we'll understand later. I wonder when that will be."

"It's kind of like they're making a deal with us or something." Fel reasoned. "They give us info and our pendants and maps and the projector and it's like a sign that we should trust them. 'We expect you to trust us.' That's a little scary in a way."

"Yes," Orion said slowly, "but it said that if we do, we won't be disappointed." He looked around for confirmation. "I mean, they haven't let us down so far... and the feeling I get is like..."

"Good." Celli said when she realized that Orion couldn't put his feelings into words.

Orion nodded. "Good."

It was what they all felt.

Whatever these dimensional agents were, they had not abandoned them. They were preparing the next step. The wild chase they were leading them on had a purpose. The young Ophilion were being used, that was clear, they were being led, almost lured in a specific direction, to a specific place, but at no time did they feel they were being forced. They could back out whenever they wished, but then, the chase would end, and they were becoming addicted to the chase. They had invested too much - they had to see what would happen next – what the grand conclusion would be, if, indeed, there was one.

"'When you least expect it the solution will come. You are on the right path; do not deviate'." Jenna quoted the last part of what the agent had said.

They looked around at each other again. The message was clear, but how their 'next step' would materialize – their journey to the asteroid belt and into zone ZL-31 in only seventeen hours - they found hard to picture.

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