*Summer Heat* Outer Banks

Av Countrysweetheart39

533 13 0

Joanna 'Jo' Mills is a Pogue through and through. When her and her friends crash into a wreck they embark on... Mer

The Lucky Compass
The Forbidden Zone
Parcel 9
Dead Calm
The Runaway
The Bell Tower
The Phantom
Treasure and Secrets Preview

Spy Games

33 1 0
Av Countrysweetheart39

The group looks everywhere around the wreck with the drone.

"I'm not seeing the gold." Kie says.

"It's gotta be here somewhere." John B states.

Jo steps closer to John B.

"Look, the gold isn't down there. Someone had to have found it already." Jo tells him.

"Or it was never there to begin with." JJ states from the wheel.

"Let's just go, guys. We'll figure out what happened and come up with another plan." Pope states.

JJ drives the boat back to Heyward's.

Just as they get there, Pope's dad comes out with a piece of paper.

"Joanna! Your dad was just in here. He says to tell you he needs to speak with you at his house asap." he relays the message.

Jo turns to her friends.

"Alright, guys, I need to figure out what my dad wants, and I'll meet back up with you guys later." she tells them.

They do the pogue handshake, and she races off to her car.

She gets to her dad's on figure eight and just walks through the door.

"Dad! Are you here!" she shouts out throughout the house.

The back door opens, and her dad walks through the door.

"Joanna, good you're here," he says.

"Yeah I am What's going on?" she asks.

She finally notices all the people on the back dock.

"Come with me." he tells her.

He leads her out to the dock where they are lifting the Malibu out of the water.

Topper and his mom are standing out there already with the guy pulling the boat.

"Boats like this don't just sink, Dr. Thornton and Mr. Mills." the guy tells the adults.

Jo locks eyes with Topper and glares at him.

"How much is this going to cost us?" Jo's dad asks.

"Well, let's see, it was submerged for 24 hours, so you guys are looking at 25 maybe 30k." the guy tells them.

Jo's eyes widen at the amount.

"Insurance won't cover it?" Topper's mom asks.

The guy laughs.

"No, not for operator error. The plug wasn't in there." Topper's mom glares at him.

"Why are you looking at me?" He asks defensively.

"Why do you think?" she retorts back.

"I did not forget to put the plug in mom. I did not forget to put the plug in mom. The boat has been sitting in the water for a week. I haven't touched it!" Topper defends.

Topper's mom turns to Joanna.

"Well, what about you Joanna? Have you taken your friends on any joy rides without telling us?"

"No." Jo states briefly.

"I find that hard to believe. You both are 16 years old. I would think that both of you would have some decency to take responsibility for your actions." she scolds them.

"Mom, I did not do this. There is no way I did this. Do you think I'm that stupid?" Topper continues to argue.

"Yea listen, I haven't even been on the damn thing at all, so I don't know why you're yelling at me." Jo starts to argue.

"Joanna! You will not talk like that." her dad lectures her.

"I know it was one of you. You both are immature and need to grow up."

Topper's mom yells at them before she walks off.

Topper and Joanna exchange looks briefly.

He finally scoffs at her.

"I bet it had to be your little friends that you run around with." Topper accuses.

Jo shakes her head.

"Oh yea because me and my friends just go around and destroy boats. Real mature Topper."

Jo goes to walk away, but he grabs her arm.

"If this is about what happened yesterday, don't take it out on me it was Rafe who beat up your friend. Not me."

Jo pulls her arm out of his hold.

"You could have stopped him. We both know how unstable Rafe can be. He could have killed Pope. But this-"

She points to the Malibu.

"Me or my friends had nothing to do with. So why don't you quit being a kook and blaming everyone else instead of yourself." Topper glares at her.

"You're one to talk about being a kook Joanna. You work at the country club with a high promotion. You are treated like royalty here. You enjoy the benefits of figure eight too much for not being a kook yourself."

Topper's words hit Jo hard and she quickly storms off the dock.

As Jo is walking out the door Rafe and Kelce pulls up.

Rafe gets out of the car and rushes to Joanna before she can get in the car.

"Wait for a minute. I wanna talk to you."

He says stopping her from opening the door.

"I have nothing I want to say to you right now." she tells him.

"I just wanna talk to you okay? I miss you Jo."

Rafe tries to pull her closer to him, but she pushes him away.

"I dont wanna see you Rafe. Stay away from me."

She glances at Kelce who is watching from the car.

She quickly gets in her car and takes off.

She notices that her hands are shaking.


Jo manages to make it back to her trailer and finds her mom passed out on the couch with a movie turned on.

She shakes her head and walks to her room.

She grabs a change of clothes and quickly takes a shower.

She changes her clothes and leaves her mom a note saying that she is leaving but she'll be back later.

She leaves her mom some money on the counter and leaves the house.

She spots a police car sitting outside of the Chateau.

She quickly goes around to the shed and pulls out a lawn chair.

She puts it in the car and sees the cop car still sitting there.

She notices that the guy in the car is watching her.

She flips him off and gets in the car.

She drives over to the north side of the island where there was a movie screening happening.

Once she pulls up, she sees Rafe's bike and Topper's jeep.

She rolls her eyes and gets out of the car.

She grabs her chair and makes her way over to where everyone is sitting.

She manages to spot where her friends are sitting and heads in that direction.

She gets stopped by Rafe blocking her path.

"For the love of God Rafe! What do you want now?" she asks with attitude.

He smirks down at her and she can tell that he's high.

"There is no need to give me attitude baby. I only came over here to tell you that we know what your boy Pope did. I've tried to hold Topper off, but he's mad and rightfully so." he tells her.

"What the hell are you talking about? What did Pope do?" she asks him.

"How do you think your boat got sunk in the water?" he leans down to whisper in her ear.

"Think about that and decide who your friends are." he says before he walks away from her without a glance back at her.

She quickly rushes over to her friends.

She puts her chair down between Kie and JJ.

"Hey what took you so long to get here?" JJ asks her.

She sends him a glare.

"What the hell did you and Pope do?" she asks him.

He looks away from her with guilt.

"What are you talking about?" Kie asks joining the conversation.

"I just ran into Rafe and somehow he knows that Pope sank the malibu." Jo informs her friend.

"Look, I'm sorry but they had it coming alright. Do you know what they did to him?" JJ defends.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do know because I was there. You guys know better than to stoop to their level." Jo lectures.

She turns to Pope.

"Come on man, I know they hurt you really bad, but you're better than them." she tells him.

"I know. I was just so angry." Pope tells her.

"Let's just watch the movie. They're not gonna do anything in public."

She says before she turns to Kie to start talking with her.


As it becomes darker, Jo finds herself snuggled into JJ who has his arm wrapped around her.

She can feel eyes on her and she glances up and sees Rafe glaring in her direction.

She catches his eye and he lifts his cup in her direction in a cheers motion.

She rolls her eyes and turns back to the movie.

She knows that she made the right decision to end things with him, but a part of her misses him and wishes things could be like how they were before.

But she has moved on and he needs to too.

She notices Pope lean over to whisper to JJ.

"JJ I need to take a piss." Pope whispers to him.

"Hold it." JJ hisses out quickly.

"I can't I drank too much soda." Pope argues.

"You have to. We're too exposed out there man." JJ argues.

Jo leans over to yell at both of them.

"For the love of God just go to the bathroom. Nothing is going to happen to you." she hisses at them.

"They're blocking the bathrooms." Pope notices.

"Alright come on, I know where." JJ pulls his arm from Jo and stands up.

Kie notices them getting out.

"Where are you guys going?" she asks them.

"We gotta ring one out." JJ answers.

Kie gives them a disgusted look.

"What are you two gonna hold it for each other?" she asks.

Jo rolls her eyes.

"Just let them go. They're afraid theyre gonna get jumped." Jo whispers to Kie as the boys walk off.

Jo continues to watch the movie with Kie, but starts to notice that the boys haven't come back yet.

She turns around to look for Rafe and the boys, but she doesn't see them.

She looks back at Kie with a worried look.

"Something is wrong. The boys haven't come back yet."

She looks behind her to look for Rafe.

She turns back to Kie.

"Rafe and the boys arent there either. I think they did something."

Jo stands up and Kie follows behind her after grabbing JJ's bag.

Jo makes it there faster and goes behind the movie screen to see Rafe, Topper, and Kelce ganging up on JJ and Pope.

Kelce has a hold on JJ while Rafe is punching him.

Pope and Topper are locked in a battle of punches.

Jo quickly tries to push Rafe away from JJ.

"Stop it! What the hell are you guys doing?"

Rafe doesn't budge but turns to face her.

"You need to stay out of this Joanna before you get hurt." he warns her.

"Is that a threat Rafe?" Joanna challenges.

Rafe reaches for her face, but she moves her head.

"Don't touch her!" JJ shouts out.

Rafe turns back to focus on JJ with a smirk on his face.

"Oh let me guess, you have a thing for her too." Rafe steps closer to JJ.

"She's never going to go for you. Not as long as I'm in the picture. Ask her what happened the other day."

Rafe gloats before he punches JJ some more.

They didn't even notice that Kie had started a fire to the big movie screen.

The kooks finally stopped and Jo finally notices that Topper had beat the hell out of Pope.

Kie helps Pope up as Jo quickly checks out JJ's wounds.

"I am so sorry JJ." Jo tries to apologize.

"Come on guys we have to get out of here." Kie exclaims as she helps Pope to her car.

Jo quickly hold onto JJ and they follow behind.

Kie gets Pope in the car.

"Can you get JJ home? I would but I gotta make sure Pope is ok." Kie says.

Jo looks as JJ is leaning against the car.

They lock eyes before she breaks it and looks back at Kie.

"Yea its fine no problem." she tells her.

Kie gets in the car and drives off with Pope.

Jo sighs and turns to face JJ who is watching her.

"Are you ready? You need bandaged up." she tells him.

She waits until he gets in the car and she drives off toward her house.


They don't speak the entire way.

She unlocks the door and walks back into the bathroom.

JJ follows slightly behind her.

"Sit." She commands pointing towards the toilet.

He sits down silently.

She grabs the first aid kit and opens it up.

She grabs a cotton ball and some peroxide.

"This is going to sting."

She warns before she dabs the cotton ball on his face where the cut is on his cheek.

He winces but doesn't make any sound.

"Ok, I can't take this anymore. Say something damn it. " she exclaims.

JJ finally looks at her.

"What did Rafe mean by saying as long as he's still in the picture?" JJ asks her.

She puts the stuff down on the counter and looks nervous.

"Okay. I ran into Rafe at the country club the other day while I was working. He had just come back and asked if I wanted to grab lunch. He wanted to get back together but I told him no." she tells him.

He stands up suddenly and Jo quickly takes a couple of steps back until she's against the sink.

"Why didnt you tell me? We always tell each other everything no matter what." he looks hurt.

He takes a step closer until he is right in her face.

"I know how you feel about Rafe-" he cuts her off.

"That's no excuse. You should have told me." he says.

Tears start to pool in Jo's eyes.

"You're right. I'm sorry." she softly speaks.

They stand still for a minute and don't realize the other is leaning in until their lips touch softly.

Jo lets out a soft gasp causing JJ to freeze and start to pull away.

"I- I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."

He backs away from her.

"JJ wait-"

She stops when he puts his hand up.

"We can't. You are literally my best friend. I don't want to ruin that." he tells her.

She feels her stomach drop slightly.

"I understand that you don't wanna ruin us. But what if there is something there J? I have been feeling it for weeks now don't you?" she says with her heart beating fast.

She waits for him to respond.

She watches as he makes his face harden before he looks at her.

"Even if there is something there, we're pogues. We don't get with each other. What if we ruin the group? I'm not willing to take that chance." he tells her as it breaks his heart to say it.

Jo feels completely numb as she lets what he just said register in her mind.

"Okay. I understand." she tells him softly.

He looks like he wants to say something else, but doesn't.

"I'm just gonna head out and sleep at my house tonight." he awkwardly says as he starts backing out of the room.

She gives him a tight-lipped smile.

" Okay. I'll see you later." She replies.

JJ stands there awkwardly for another minute before he finally leaves the house.

As soon as she hears the door close, she lets the tears slowly fall down her face.


The next morning she is at her dad's house visiting for her weekly visit.

She walks out onto the back patio when she sees Topper and his mom talking to deputy Shroupe.

She walks out just as he tells them that they have video evidence of Pope sinking the boat.

"Wait a minute, I'll pay for the damages done to the boat. Pope doesn't need to go to jail for this!" Joanna argues.

Topper's mom glares at her.

"He has damaged property that we have paid thousands for. Something has to be done about this." she argues.

"I understand that. But jail is something serious. He is only 16 years old." Jo continues.

"He is old enough to know better. File the charges."

She commands as her and Shroupe walk back into the house.

Jo turns to Topper angrily.

"You know if you and Rafe weren't such douchebags and want to beat him up for no reason, the malibu would be just fine and Pope wouldn't have to do any hard time in jail."

Joanna steps closer with so much anger.

"You are the reason why the malibu is the way it is. You are so miserable in your life you have to attack other people to get some pleasure from life."

She watches as Topper's face changes.

"Why don't you just go back to your little criminal friends and leave us alone." Topper spats out at her.

"I swear to God Top, if anything happens to Pope, I will never forgive you."

She storms off back into the house.

She ignores the eyes of the parents as she quickly leaves the house to get to Heyward's to find Pope.


By the time she makes it there a sheriff's truck is already parked and Pope is being led out in handcuffs by Shroupe.

Her friends are following out behind arguing.

Joanna quickly gets out of the car and rushes over.

"Please don't do this Shroupe. My parents aren't pressing charges please!" she pleads.

"I did it!"

Everyone stops to look at JJ as he calmly walks forward.

"He tried to talk me out of it. But I was mad because he had just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from figure eight that I just lost my shit."

Kie grabs Jo's hand for support.

Jo couldn't believe what was happening right in front of her.

JJ comes to stand in front of Shroupe who is just looking at JJ.

"I can't let you take the fall for something that I did. You have too much to lose man." JJ says to Pope.

"What are you doing?" Pope asks in shock.

"I'm telling the truth."

JJ says before he turns to look at Jo.

"For once in my goddamn life, I'm telling the truth."

She feels the double meaning behind his words and it makes her heart flutter.

He turns back to Shroupe.

"I took his old man's boat too." he continues.

"What the hell?" Heyward comments.

"JJ come on-"

JJ cuts him off.

"Just shut up Pope! Just shut up." he yells.

Jo could feel her heart breaking.

"He's a good kid. You know where I'm from." JJ seals the confession.

Shroupe looks at everyone.

"Yea I do."

He says knowing that JJ is taking the fall even though he didn't do it.

"Is that the truth?" Shroupe asks Pope.

"Whole truth swear to God." JJ states.

"I know what you think damn it! I'm asking Pope." Shroupe interrupts.

They all hold their breaths and wait.

Jo squeezes Kie's hand.

"Yea that about covers it." Pope finally says.

Jo watches as the cuffs come off Pope and get put on JJ.

They lock eyes and she feels herself moving forward.

She grabs JJ's face and pulls him in for a kiss.

She feels him kiss her back softly.

Kie's and Pope's eyes are wide in shock.

"You're going to be ok." Jo whispers to JJ before he is pulled off into the police truck by Shroupe.

They watch as the truck drives away.

Pope throws his hat down in frustration.

"Pope!" Heyward yells out to his son as he watches him walk away.

Kie pulls Jo into a hug.

"What was that about?" she asks her.

"I'll tell you later right now we have to get down to the police station."

Kie and Jo get in her car and drive off.


Once they get to the police station, they see JJ being led into a holding cell.

"Maybe I can call my dad and he can convince them to drop the charges."

Jo walks up to the counter.

"Excuse me I need to speak with Sheriff Peterkin please." Jo asks.

"She's busy at the moment. If it is about Maybank you're gonna have to call a parent or guardian. I'm sorry." the receptionist responds.

"What's going on?" Kie asks as Jo pulls out her phone.

"Shit I can't call my dad. There is no signal." Jo starts to panic and Kie notices.

She pulls Jo outside.

"Take some deep breaths." Kie tells her.

"It'll be ok. JJ will be fine. We will figure something out I promise." Kie tells her.

Jo finally calms down and pulls away from Kie.

"I have to get to work. Are you gonna be ok?" she finally asks her.

"Yea. I'm just gonna go check on Pope." Kie tells her.

Jo nods her head and walks to the car.

She finally calms down and realizes that oh shit, she just kissed her best friend.

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