Nothing Like Us | Yoonkook

Por yoooniebae

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Yoonji and her twin brother, Taehyung moves to Busan after their grandmother passes away. New environment mea... Mais

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

126 12 2
Por yoooniebae

And this is where they are right now. The party. While being at Namjoon's house hours before, he let her borrow his mom's makeup to touch-up her tear stained face. Although Namjoon told her he prefers her without makeup, she insisted to hide the puffy skin under her eyes.

It is now half nine in the evening, the party started an hour ago, but they decided to arrive later, because they'll be leaving before twelve, since the twins have a curfew.

The party is packed, probably full of Juniors and seems like all Seniors are here. Yoonji had a glimpse of Hoseok dancing with a girl among all the other people. Taehyung's hand is in his twins' in a seemingly tight grip, still angry about Jimin standing his sister up.

"I'll go find Yeji and get us drinks", Namjoons yells over the loud music, "You want anything?" he asks the twins.

Taehyung turns to Yoonji, "You can have a drink if you want. I won't tell dad." He winks.

Yoonji laughs, "So suddenly? What are you getting?"

"Namjoon, get us something not too strong. It's our first time."

"Sure, meet me at the couch, I'll be back." And with that, he left the twins alone to find their way to the lounge.

Taehyung leads the way, still holding onto Yoonji's hand, and tries avoiding the dancing maniacs. After a while, they see couches gathered in a circle, accompanied by some people. Taehyung sees a three seated couch, and heads over to it with Yoonji behind him, looking at the people drinking, playing beer ping pong and some making out against the walls.

After sitting, Taehyung looks over to Yoonji who has her eyes set on someone playing beer ping pong. It's Jimin.

"That fucker. Want me to beat him up?" He asks while clenching his fists.

Yoonji can't help but frown. He asked her out, he made reservations and has the nerve to not show up, and this is what he's doing? Playing a stupid game, totally forgotten about her?

Before Taehyung could stand up and head over to him, she grabs his arm, "Hey Winter Soldier, calm down, I'll deal with him Monday." He looks at her and softens his eyes with an 'Are you sure?' face. Yoonji nods and drops her head on his shoulder. "I'm okay."

Minutes passed and Namjoon heads over to them with a worn out Yeji in his arms. At this, Yoonji stands and takes Yeji's face in her hands.

"The hell? What's wrong with her?"

Namjoon huffs, "I found her at the back yard with a bottle of beer in her hand, crying because Hoseok isn't dancing with her."

"Don' like 'im anymooore" Yeji slurs, wasted.

"Fuck, she's gone. She came here with an Uber, so what do we do now, Joon?" Taehyung asks.

"I-I don't know. I have to take her home, she can't stay here. But then the two of you must stay here."

"No problem, just get her home safe please. You know where she lives right? She told me her parents are on a business trip, her older brother is at home, so I guess it'll be okay?" Yoonji asks.

"Yeah that's okay. And yeah, I remember where she lives. Help me to my car?"

"Sure", Taehyung grabs the other side of her, and while they walk, Yoonji follows behind them and makes eye contact with a guilty looking Jimin staring back at her. She averts her eyes and focuses on Yeji.

When Namjoon drove off, the twins headed back into the house and grabbed drinks. "Not too much, Tae." Yoonji says, taking a sip of a pink liquid.

"Wasn't planning to." he replies, scrunching his face up at the taste. "So, you want to dance?"

"Uh, no thanks. I'll just sit and watch you and wait on Namjoon, so you go ahead."

Pouting, Taehyung nods and leaves after saying, "Okay but if anyone tries anything, shout for me, yeah?

"Sure Tae, go enjoy yourself." She says while taking a seat on a couch, sipping on her drink. She takes a chance to check her messages because her phone kept vibrating.

(6) Messages from 2 contacts

She clicks open the first one she sees, her dad's.

Cool Dad😎

-Cool Dad 😎
- enjoy your Night pumpkin,
don't drink too much, or both of you
are sleeping outside tonight.
Seen: Sat 19:58

lmao no worries, I'll take care-
of myself. see you later, love u!

After she sends her message, she goes into the second person who sent her a message.


-Hey, I'm so so sorry Yoonji
-I didn't mean to fuck up
-I was caught up in a lot
today, fuck!
-Please let me explain
to you Monday.
-I really didn't mean it
Seen: Sat 19:59

Not bothering to reply, Yoonji rolls her eyes and exits his chat, feeling someone sit next to her. Not looking up, she decides to scroll through Instagram to by her time.

The song 'Get into it (Yuh)' starts playing and she smiles because she knows this is Taehyung's favorite song to dance to. She lifts her head up to spot him, and of course he is dancing like an idiot with Hoseok. Yoonji chuckles when she sees Hoseok look her way and winks.

Just then, all the lights go out and gets replaced with glow in the darks, colorful lamps and even Christmas lights. She gets startled by the sudden change and looks around but other people just carry on being normal like that never happened.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Yoonji hears from someone on the seat next to her. She looks to the direction of the voice and her breath hitches when she comes in contact with Jungkook.

Now really seeing Jungkook up close, there is no doubt that this male is gorgeous. He has curly raven hair that falls under his ears, a thin top lip with a more plump bottom lip, his nose a bit larger than most, but definitely fits his jaw structure and sparkly eyes. Yoonji feels a bit imitated because Jungkook gives off a very dominating aura, but kind of feels at ease because his face has a childish look to it as well. It is very cute.

"Who?" she asks.

He nods over to Hoseok who is laughing with Taehyung at the snack table.

"Oh, no, no. He's just a friend" she whispers because she can't believe he's talking to her...

"Ah", he rolls his tongue against his cheek and looks away.

A bit awkward, Yoonji looks over to Taehyung who is now looking at her.

Taehyung spotted Jungkook next to his twin before the lights shut down, but decided to not intervene. He doesn't really want to be the one who tells her who to talk to or not, so he leaves her to decide for herself. He'll just watch from afar if she's okay.

Taehyung points at her then points his thumb up and down, asking if she's good or not.

With a smile, Yoonji points her thumb up and waves him away to enjoy himself. Taehyung nods and grabs himself another drink.

"Why aren't you dancing or anything?" Yoonji hears Jungkook's smooth voice. She looks over to him and sees him raising his eyes up to hers, quickly.

Blushing, Yoonji replies, "I-I'm not really the dancing type."

"Oh wow, would've fooled me, considering the people you hang out with are dancing people."

"What do you mean?" she asks, not understanding.

"Hoseok and Yeji are dancers and party people."

Confused, Yoonji replies, "Well that has nothing to do with me. This is my first party, and dancing is not for me."

Jungkook chuckles softly, "If this is your first party, go enjoy yourself" but stops talking when he sees her frown down at her hands. "You okay?"

Yoonji sighs, "Yeah I'm okay, just upset." still frowning.

Jungkook turns a bit on the couch to face her and puts his arm around the couch, behind her head, still being mindful not to touch her.

"Look, you can speak to me about anything. I'm not one to carry on stories."

Yoonji grins a bit and looks at him over her shoulder that immediately makes Jungkook blush. She has never smiled at him before, and might he say, he loves the sight.

The song 'Love' by Lana Del Rey plays in the background, and they hear some people groan, probably pissed that the hyper music is put off. Yoonji looks to the dance floor and sees Namjoon has arrived and whispers something into her brother's hear that makes Taehyung bite his lip.

"What makes you think I can trust you?" Yoonji looks back at Jungkook who has been full on staring at her ever since the song started playing.

"I'm good at listening." He whispers.

Giving up, and actually in need of someone to talk to, Yoonji starts speaking, "It's just... all my life I've never been the type to be interested in people because no one has shown any interest in me, so the hope of finding someone for me just went out the window and I kept telling myself that it's better to be alone because I'm happy this way. But now, I moved from my original hometown, and now attending a new school, I kind of had that hope and expectation that I will maybe fall in love? I'm not saying I'm in love, it's just, I met someone that I really like and he asked me out. Our 'date' that he planned was today but he never showed," she breaks eye contact with him and looks down at her hands, saying softly, "now I'm just thinking if dating is really for me or not. I was thinking today would be special but, now just thinking about it, I get angry because... will I ever be happy?"

Jungkook sees a tear roll down her cheek that he was reaching out to wipe away, but Yoonji did it first.

"Your first date." He points out.

Nodding slowly, Yoonji smiles a bit through her tears. "At least I got asked out, ya know." She tries to joke but just cries more.

She gasps softly when she sees Jungkook stand up and walk away. She was beginning to get angry because how dare he ask her to talk but then just walks away?

But her anger subsides when she sees him walk over to Taehyung and says something to him. Yoonji expected Taehyung to wave him off, but was surprised when she saw her twin nod to whatever Jungkook asked him.

Then Jungkook walked back to her and removed his black leather jacket to put around her shoulders, making the girl shy. He then reached his hand out to her, as if expecting her to take it.


Startled a bit, Yoonji looks up to him with her big eyes and asks, "What?"

"Let's get out of here" Jungkook simply replies.

"But, what about Taehyung..?" she starts. while looking over to her twin who is smiling at her.

"I asked him if I could take you somewhere and he agreed. So come. Do you trust me?" He asks while looking her in the eyes.

After a moment, Yoonji puts her hand in his, allowing him to help her up and immediately he pulls her close to his chest which makes her cheeks redder than it was before.

Still maintaining eye contact, he laces his fingers with hers and leads her outside to his black Mercedes Benz GT 63. He unlocks the car and straps her seatbelt in the passenger seat before entering the car himself. He starts the car and drives off.

"Is this when you lock the car doors, kidnap me, and drive off with me to kill me and bury my body?" Yoonji teases.

"What kind of movies do you watch?" Jungkook chuckles. "I'm taking you over to my house."

At this, Yoonji raises her eyebrows which Jungkook notices when he looks over to her. "Relax, I won't try anything."

"Didn't think you would." She replies and pulls his jacket to cover her some more. "Why did you even give me your jacket? I wasn't getting cold."

Jungkook rolls his eyes at this, "Don't guys do that in the movies or something to a cute girl?"

"Oh, you think I'm cute then?" Yoonji laughs at a now flustered Jungkook.

"Yeah," he sighs, "I mean, I was trying to be nice."

Not understanding why that comment hurt her a bit, Yoonji just shrugs and says, "Okay."

After a few minutes, Jungkook pulls up to a nice big house and parks his car in the driveway. While Yoonji is gawking at the house that is way bigger than hers, she doesn't notice Jungkook who exited the car and went around to her side to open the door for her, now disrupting her from her day dreaming.

"Thank you." She says after he helps her out and places his hand in hers, leading her to the front door.

After unlocking the door, they enter and he removes his shoes, she doing the same, and put on slippers that were already at the door. She removes his jacket from her shoulders and hands it over to him, immediately feeling warm in the big house.

"My mom is visiting my grandparents for the weekend, so I'm alone." Jungkook points out.

While Yoonji walks around and gawkes at the house in aware, she answers, "Cool."

"Are you hungry?" Jungkook asks the cute girl.

"A bit, yeah." She shrugs.

After the cute duo ate their ramen, and drank sprite, they decided to do a bit of karaoke, so now they are dancing around with microphones in their hands, singing karaoke to Bruno Mars' 'Locked out of Heaven'. They are surely enjoying themselves.

"I can't remember the last time I had such fun!" Yoonji exclaims with flushed cheeks, now resting on the couch while watching Jungkook putting an end to the video.

"Me neither." Jungkook laughs, landing next to her on the couch, too tired to dance more, his chest heaving up and down from all the adrenaline.

Giggling, Yoonji slaps his arm playfully, "Are you sure your neighbors won't complain from all the noise?"

Jungkook scoffs. "Who gives a shit? This is literally payback for listening to their awful taste of music every weekend when they party."

Yoonji just giggles some more and takes sips of her left over sprite.

While watching her, Jungkook takes a deep breath and asks, "So is this what you imagined your first date to be like?"

At this, Yoonji widens her eyes and blushes at Jungkook's blunt question.

"Wow, you're really confident, aren't you?" she bumps her shoulder with him. "But yeah. To think about it, I was disappointed for being stood up for lunch earlier, but this is actually what I needed? I guess? Because, I like that it's not awkward at all, and and comfortable." She smiles at him. "You really made my day, Jungkook. Thank you."

Jungkook flushes pink, "I'm glad I made you feel that way then." He then looks at her, but really looks at everything about her. She has full lips that are on the thinner side, a perfect button nose that he can't help but notice it keeps scrunching up when she's unsure or embarrassed, and the prettiest cat-like eyes. Yoonji's bangs' falls beautifully over her forehead, some even over her eyes but are perfectly styled to fall with the rest of her hair that falls in her neck. To Jungkook, Yoonji is beautiful.

"Are you about to kiss me right now?" Yoonji whispers, staring down at Jungkooks lips that seems to be moving closer and closer to her own.

"Are you okay with that?" He whispers in return, staring at her eyes while occasionally moving his gaze to her lips.

Is she really okay with it? Is she ready to have her first kiss with someone she didn't think would have been her first? If she takes this step, what will happen then? Will he ask her out? Will they date? She barely knows Jungkook. Is she safe?

"Yes." With that, Jungkook places his lips on hers, making her rid of any thought that this will ever turn out bad.

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