revelation // luke hemmings au

Por 1ds_nutella_

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paramedics are the unsung heroes of the the healthcare world. every day they're tasked with doing the unimagi... Más

79 - the finale


123 3 0
Por 1ds_nutella_

The heat wave lasted up until a few days before school started up again, Luke on everybody's case making sure they were actively hydrating.

Sabrina had been to the doctor twice since her dehydration episode she still felt off and all that they could really tell her was that she probably had a virus or something and that it would take her a few more days to recover.

Luke explicitly worked nights in order to keep watch of Sabrina who kept insisting that she was fine.

It was Friday afternoon just four days until school was about to start, hitting 95 degrees and the humidity was awful.

Sabrina wanted to verse the kids in Mario Kart considering that she got beat the last time.

Sabrina was yelling and jumping up and down in victory every time she completed a lap Luke laughing claiming that he could do the races with his eyes closed.

Then the final lap of the race came and Eloise somehow took the victory, her high fiving her sister. Sabrina standing up "I don't feel good" her breathing was labored and she passed out again right on the rug Luke throwing himself out of the chair  motioning the kids to move away from their mother.

"SABRINA!" Luke shouted and she didn't respond and he knelt down quickly figuring out that she stopped breathing.

"Elliot get your sisters and go in another room I don't want them to see this"

"What's wrong with mommy?" Eloise cried out being shoved away by her big brother.

"Oh no Sabrina oh no!" Luke started chest compressions seeing that his wife's lips were blue.

He was down on his knees on the floor of their living room trying everything making sure his wife survived.

"ELLIOT I NEED YOU!" Elliot came running out from other room at lightning speed, "Elliot pick up the phone dial 9-1-1 and put it on speaker". He gave him instructions and Elliot did them Luke knowing the dispatcher who answered the phone.

"Veronica it's Luke from truck eight, listen to me right now, I'm at my house, my wife went down and stopped breathing. I'm in the middle of doing active compressions just send the closest ambulance. Tell them to hurry.." Luke gave explicit instructions to the dispatcher who did what he said sending the closest set of paramedics to his house right away.

"Elliot go take my keys from the table and go out to my car I think I have a defibrillator in there." Luke was still actively doing compressions as Elliot came running into the house with the bag Luke needed "that's perfect grab some scissors from the kitchen and come over here with every thing"

The sirens that were in a distance grew closer indicating that help was almost there.

Elliot jogged to his dad carrying all the supplies "okay I need you to cut off Moms shirt so we can try and restart her heart."
Luke moved his hands out of the way letting his son cut away at the material exposing his wife's bare skin.

"Unzip the bag take every thing out, take the sticky patches off." Elliot did everything his father told him and Luke placed the paddles on his wife telling Elliot to press the button on the machine, the two of them stepped back letting the machine shock Sabrina's heart.

"Sabrina come back to me please." Luke pleaded doing another shock, then a third.

The third one did the trick and it was just as the paramedics arrived.

Sierra's team was actually the ones to respond to the call rushing to where Luke was helping Luke stabilize Sabrina before taking her away on a stretcher.

"Elliot, go next door, knock on the door tell Lindsay that it's an emergency and that she needs to baby sit right now."

Elliot disappeared again, Luke looking pretty frightened fumbling as he placed the EKG on to Sabrina. Sierra saw him struggling feeling bad taking over completely Luke watching being sure that Sabrina's heart didn't stop again.

Luke insisted at wanting to help adjusting the blood pressure cuff on his wife's arm running his fingers through her long hair.

The baby sitter arrived as the ambulance pulled away, Sierra pushing various medications into the IV. "Does your wife have any history of heart problems?"

"No, not that I know of but she's been feeling sick all week, the doctors don't know what wrong."

"How long was she down for?"

"About five to six minutes."

Sierra continued to do her job Luke interlocking his hand with his wives hands praying that no damage had been done and that she would come out of this stronger than ever.

"Did you give her pain medicine yet?" Luke questioned looking at the monitors seeing the vitals were a bit high.

"No. Why do you want me to?"

"Yes please, I felt her ribs break during CPR I don't want her to be in pain."

"I'm so sorry Sabrina, I'm so sorry." He whined stroking her arm, Sierra doing Luke's request.

Back at the house Lindsey was dealing with three kids two of them who kept crying and asking for their Mom and she tried to calm them down.

Elliot seemed to react a lot differently, he just sat there silently just thinking about how he helped his dad and how he felt so grown up in doing so.

the hospital conducted loads of tests and the only explanation they were able to come up with was that Sabrina was experiencing extreme heat exhaustion.

Luke was by her side the entire time, his face being the first face she saw when she finally woken up helping her eat and drink.

"I thought you said you weren't going to scare me anymore?" Luke raised his eyebrow using the pitcher to refill Sabrina's cup.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Im sorry."

"I'm just grateful that you're going to be okay. You gotta be a bit more careful and take better care of yourself."

"Thank you for being there for me, I appreciate it."

"You're my wife Sabrina, of course I'm going to be there for you no matter what. You just rest now, do you need me to get you anything?".

Sabrina actually had a list of requests so Luke left the hospital for a little bit to go home.

the girls were still shaken up by the series of events and Luke saw Elliot and he wanted him to come in the car with him for a little bit.

"Elliot take a ride with me. We'll go once around the block." Elliot climbed into the passenger side and Luke backed out of the driveway.

"Elliot do you want to talk about what you witnessed earlier today?" Elliot was looking around the window watching the houses and trees go by not saying anything.

"Let me rephrase, do you understand what you went through today with Mom?"

There was still a silence.

"I want you to know that you were a big help today. You did a good job in following directions and staying calm."

There was a few more extra seconds of silence.

"Dad, why was Mom like that?"

Luke sighed deeply.

"Sometimes things just happen and we don't know but I can promise you that she's okay and is healing up."

"Dad were you scared for her?"

"Yes of course."

"You didn't seem scared. You seemed very brave."

Luke turned the corner going down their street to be able to drop Elliot back home.

"Was that like you were at work?"

"A little bit, yeah."

"Is that what you do at work all the time?"

The car now pulled into the driveway, Luke looking over at his son.

"Sometimes, not all the time."

"Dad, what made you want to go out and save people every day?"

"I don't know, Elliot. I think it was just a natural instinct."

"Dad, I'm sorry for being quiet with you."

"Apology accepted."

"I'm sorry for ever thinking that you were a bad dad because you aren't. You are amazing."

Luke smiled at his sons words.

"It's okay. You're a good kid. Today you proved to me that I can always count on you. Thank you for being so brave."

Luke kissed his sons head.

"I'm happy to have a dad like you in my life, you've taught me so much. I look up to you."

Luke was taken back, feeling like he's done everything right in raising his children.

"You look up to me, Elliot?"

"Yes I do, you're a hero and I hope to be like you one day."

Elliot's words made Luke smile the whole rest of the day. Those words meant the entire world to him.

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