A Marriage Of Convenience

De Tiyeon_Jung

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Kim Minjeong morely known as Winter was born into a family of alpha's, she had already set her heart on being... Mais



720 41 4
De Tiyeon_Jung

"Oh shit..."Giselle muttered as the room turned silent
"What? You what?"Minwoo asked and looked at Winter who looks at her feet and Taeyeon immediately smacks their siblings for being nosy
"Then this deal is over"Eugene said and Karina turned to her, everyone was shocked by the sudden announcement
"You're cousins!"Minwoo exclaimed and Winter lifted her head, staring at her father in horror
"D-dad... What do y-you mean?"Winter asked
"Eugene is married to your uncle, My brother... Those are their children"Minwoo said and pointed at Karina who was as shocked as everyone in the room
"Minwoo are you in here? I've been hearing commotions from down---"
Everyone turned to the figure and Karina widened her eyes before running to the man
"Dad"Karina called and she turned to Winter who had called the same man
"What... What's going on?"Taeyoung asked, confused with the sudden "get together"
"I'll tell you what's going on, your daughter... That alpha kid of yours is trouble"Minwoo replied and Taeyoung turned to him before looking at Karina
"Alpha... Rina you've gotten your gender? Since when?"Taeyoung asked as he realised the scent was much stronger from Karina and the aura with his daughter was for sure different
"Just... Today..."Karina replied and Taeyoung nodded before looking at Eugene
"What exactly is the problem if my daughter's an alpha?"Taeyoung asked, the difference was not subtle at all, Giselle noticed it
Although Taeyoung was a strong alpha, second to Minwoo. He seems to give off a gentle aura rather than an intimidating one, his words also pierced right through the Kim children as it was that one question they've wanted to hear from their father, specially now with Winter
"She's seducing my daughter"Minwoo replied and Winter's eyes grew from the wordings that her father put together
"She's what... Aren't your kids alphas?... Wait... That means... Winter is an omega?"Taeyoung asked and Winter nodded slowly
"Karina you're seducing her?"Taeyoung asked and turned to his daughter who immediately shook her head
"What a second this is all so confusing to me... So Karina is an alpha, Winter is an omega and you're telling me that there's something between them?"Taeyoung cleared out and Minwoo nodded while the others shook their heads
"Even if not... I don't see what's wrong... It's normal for omegas and alphas to be attracted to each other"Taeyoung explained and Winter sighed in relief
"They're cousins for Pete's sake! That's your child, you're my brother!"Minwoo exclaimed furiously
"Well no... We terminated our brotherhood when we fought for Eugene, you don't remember?"Taeyoung asked and Minwoo stopped, taken aback
"You did what? Why don't I have knowledge of this?"Eugene asked, clearly surprised by the revelation
"Well it was a talk that we had before, no matter who wins or lose... We're not brother's anymore... We were both prideful before so it ended that way, that's why I'm a Yoo... Not a Kim"Taeyoung explained and Eugene stares at him
"So uncle you mean... These two are not related anymore right?"Giselle asked
"Well yes... It was a blood pact afterall"Taeyoung replied and everyone turned silent
"It was a blood pact? We seriously need to have a talk about all these because I swear Taeyoung I will actually end you"Eugene said and Taeyoung chuckled awkwardly
"But I still don't allow it, I will never let my children marry any of yours"Minwoo butted in
"I don't allow it either, I won't allow my children to be a part of your family knowing how your ego is"Eugene replied and pulled Karina
"Well... This is awkward..."Giselle muttered
"Let's go... And we're having a talk"Eugene said and eyed Taeyoung who could only nod as she pulled their children out of the house
"I'm pulling you out Taeyoung, after all this mess I don't think I ever want to see your face again or I'll definitely make it unrecognisable"Minwoo said and Taeyoung only smiled
"Great, I was hoping you'd pull me out sooner but this is fine too... I'll have more time for my family, you did me a huge favour"Taeyoung replied and patted Minwoo's shoulder before heading out as well
"Well I have business to run so... I'll just quickly get out of here now too"Giselle said and immediately made a run for it
"You're all grounded... And you... You're not allowed in the training grounds anymore"Minwoo said, glaring at his daughter who lowered her head in fear
"You're being a terrible father"Taeyeon said and Minwoo only scoffed
"And you're terrible children"Minwoo replied and went out of the room, leaving the siblings behind
"Sorry... We shouldn't have done that..."Taehyung said and patted Winter's head
"No it's alright oppa... It's not like it changed anything..."Winter replied and headed out, going straight to her room and laying on her bed
"No no, you have to lift your leg first before you punch"Taeyoung said and Karina nodded, she followed her father's words and earned a nod from him
"Why are you also here? She's the only one supposed to train"Minwoo asked and Taeyoung turned to him
"I'm her father, I have all rights to be here"Taeyoung replied and Minwoo furrowed his eyebrows at him, all the while Winter sat alone in the back, not knowing what to do as she was supposed to train Karina but instead... The two most powerful alpha's were fighting to teach the girl
"Dad I think that's enough"Karina said and Taeyoung looked at her, defeated while Minwoo smiled in triumph
"Also I'm sorry Mister Kim... But didn't our families had an agreement yesterday?"Karina asked and Minwoo crossed his arms
"Yes and what of it?"Minwoo asked back
"Well we already agreed that Winter would train me... So I don't see why both you and my father are here"Karina replied and Winter stiffened upon hearing her name
"Well I can't leave my daughter up to this job, I train my subordinates"Minwoo said and Winter could only lower her head
"Yeah... But I'm not your subordinate... I'm just here to boost my strength and learn how to be a proper alpha... I'm not here to be part of the Kim Industries, I'm here as Yoo Clan member to learn for my own sake"Karina replied and Taeyoung chuckled before putting his arm around Minwoo's shoulder
"You heard my daughter... She's quite the smart one huh?"Taeyoung asked, a hint of teasing in his voice which made Minwoo irritated and push his arm off
"Yeah and I can tell she didn't learn it from you"Minwoo replied and looked at Winter who was still looking at the ground
"Train her properly then"Minwoo said and Winter flinched, she looked up to see her father staring at her
"What are you waiting for? Don't st--"
"Alright why don't we spar? It's been awhile right?"Taeyoung cutted him off and immediately pulled him out of the training grounds
"You didn't have to protect me like that... You would've learned so much more with them..."Winter said, her voice a little low but Karina still heard it
"But it would still be against our agreement and weren't you the one who suggested to teach me?"Karina replied and Winter looked at her
"Also... Didn't you hear? He said he can't leave this job to his daughter... He wasn't looking down on you, he was looking after you"Karina said and Winter stared at her, confused
"He meant he didn't want to leave you alone to train me, it didn't mean that he didn't trust you, he just meant that he was the leader so he should be doing his job as one"Karina added and Winter slowly stood up
"Do you know the most important thing in being an alpha?"Winter asked and ofcourse Karina shook her head
"The most important thing is to have something to protect... Every alpha looks strong from the outside but every each one has a weakness"Winter explained and Karina listened carefully at her every word, eager to learn
"When an alpha has something valuable to them, they want to protect it at all cost... No matter what it took, it boosts the senses of an alpha... Because they're more wary that way"Winter added and looked at Karina who only stood still, listening intently to her
"What's something you want to protect?"Winter asked
"My family"Karina replied immediately and Winter nodded
"Remember them at times when you feel a threat... It heightens your senses to levels that even a dog has no chance of reaching"Winter explained and Karina nodded
"Usually when alphas heighten their senses their memory becomes blurry but with people who have more control over their emotions it's the opposite, they remember every bit of detail in something"Winter said
"If you're reckless however, you won't be able to heighten your sense before the danger arrives"Winter said and suddenly threw an icicle towards Karina, Karina immediately dodges it and looks at Winter with eyebrows knitted together
"Wow... Usually when people listen to me explain they let their guard down"Winter said and Karina fixed herself
"If you talk like that I become even more wary of everything you say, it's called paying attention... It just means that those who listened to you explain didn't have a clue as to what you were saying"Karina replied and Winter chuckled
"I would've thought you were in my classes with how spot on your words are"Winter said and Karina walked closer to her
"So you knew?"Karina asked and Winter nodded
"I'm not dumb to not notice that they weren't listening to me... The reason why they attended my classes was because they thought I'd take on my father's role..."Winter replied, her voice getting lower as she finished
"Well I'm not here for that... So rest assured that I'm listening to every single word you say"Karina said and sat behind Winter, Winter looks at her before sitting beside her
"Then... What's something you fear?"Winter asked
"Losing my family... Why?"Karina asked
"Because when alphas have a fear it means that they're aware of actions that would lead to their fear coming true... It's a way for alphas to be honest with themselves, if one said that they have no fear they're simply cowards who can't understand themselves"Winter replied and Karina nodded
"Was... There something you feared? Something you wanted to protect?"Karina asked this time
"Something I wanted to protect?... My siblings... I feared... My father would come to hate me... One I can't do anymore and one... That I've already done"Winter replied
"He doesn't hate you"Karina said and Winter smiled, she was atleast trying to comfort her
"I'm serious... He doesn't hate you... He hates the fact that you couldn't become someone to take over him... He wanted you to surpass him, not because he wants to use you... But because he wants to see you grow"Karina added and Winter only stared at her
"Why do you think he trained you so hard to the point where he appointed you as the next leader of your clan? Because he had trust in you, he believed that you could do it... He believed that not even your siblings could surpass the talent that you have"Karina explained further
"Then... Why?"Winter asked, her voice quivering as Karina explained more and more
"Why did he treat you like his puppets? Why did he not become a great father? Why did he not pay attention to everything with you and your siblings? Because he had trust in all of you, he trusted that you wouldn't do anything that would harm yourselves, he didn't become a great father because he was afraid that people would use you to target him, he treated you like puppets to make it seem that you were nothing to him but Infact... You guys are something he wanted to protect... You guys were the ones he feared would get hurt if anyone knew that he wanted to protect you guys from the world... Why do think he didn't speak about all this to the whole world? Because he fears that once he reveals that you're an omega, you'd be the target of every alpha... They'd want your hand in marriage... They'd want you dead... Then by time your father would be powerless... Because he'd lose you, he'd lose your trust in him, he'd lose what he wanted to protect... That's why Winter"Karina said and as soon as her words ended, Winter's tears fell, she never thought of things that way... She only thought that their father only wanted to become the strongest alpha... That he only wanted to use his children to continue his legacy, it was the reason they grew wary and away from him... Because they thought that they were being used to have his name up on the most powerful alphas
"H-how do you know? W-what if you're lying?"Winter asked
"Because your father was once a brother to my dad... And the one thing they share other than their second gender is that... Their eyes don't lie, their cold blooded eyes always softens whenever they try to hide their feelings"

(A/N:Sorry this took so long to update (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ a lot of things have happened to me this past days, weeks I guess? And I'm still not through everything just yet but I'm trying to pull through it, Hopefully things get better from here but yeah... Anyways, sorry again for the long pause of updates)

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