Day Is Gonna Come

TheQuietHufflepuff tarafından

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Between the son of an archangel and an open portal to a different world, the Winchesters are in for more than... Daha Fazla

Aesthetic and Playlist
01. Lost and Found
03. Patience
04. The Big Empty
05. Advanced Thanatology
06. Tombstone
07. War of the Worlds
08. The Scorpion and the Frog
09. The Bad Place
10. Good Intentions
11. Unfinished Business
12. Beat the Devil
13. Exodus
14. Let the Good Times Roll
15. Stranger in a Strange Land
16. Gods and Monsters
17. The Scar
18. Mint Condition
19. Nightmare Logic
20. Optimism
21. Unhuman Nature
22. Byzantium
23. The Spear
24. Nihilism
25. Damaged Goods
26. Prophet and Loss
27. Lebanon
28. Ouroboros
29. Peace of Mind
30. Don't Go Into the Woods
31. Game Night
32. Absence
33. Jack in the Box
34. Moriah
35. Back and to the Future
36. Raising Hell
37. The Rupture
38. Atomic Monsters
39. Proverbs 17:3
40. Golden Time
41. Last Call
42. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
43. The Trap
44. The Heroes' Journey
45. The Gamblers
46. Galaxy Brain
47. Destiny's Child
48. Last Holiday

02. The Rising Son

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A demon was stumbling through the room, slightly drunk. "Protecting the throne, Drexel? Face it, we're done."

The demon offered Drexel his bottle of booze. Drexel didn't take it.

"Lord Lucifer promised he would return. He'll pull us out of chaos. He will make Hell great again," Drexel said.

"Do you even hear yourself?"

Electricity cackled and lights fizzled.

"What did I tell you? Hmm?" Drexel asked.

The doors opened with a bang. Asmodeus appeared with a thunder. He walked to the throne. "On your feet."

"Um... Who'd you say you were?" the demon questioned.

"I am Asmodeus..."

"Fourth Prince of Hell," Drexel added.

" to rule until such time as Lucifer returns with his son. And there are gonna be some changes. The underperforming and ineffective, the corporate lackeys in the Crowley era are being purged. The grand old days of fire and brimstone are back. The following will step forward... Mr. Drexel."

Drexel took a step forward.

"Mr. Harrington. Mr. Sierra."

They all took a step forward.

"As for the rest of y'all..." Asmodeus killed the demons he didn't call. He took off his jacket. Then, he turned to face the survivors. "There's a new sheriff in town."

His eyes flashed yellow.


The Impala down the road.

Jack was sleeping in the backseat, against the car window. Seylah was resting her head against the other window in the back.

Sam looked at Dean, worried. "Hey, we still got probably 12 hours until we're home. You want me to drive?"

"Do I ever want you to drive?" Dean shot back.

"Look... losing Mom and Cas, that's a lot to process, Dean, especially on no sleep. I know you need sleep. And the kid—"

"The "kid"? Come on, man, you know how this plays out. Look, when we try to bend the rules, pretend that the bad guys aren't so bad or that things will get fixed, that's when people that we care about get hurt. And then we end up doing what we should've done in the first place, which is end the problem. So this time, let's start with the obvious. Soon as I find a way to take care of... It."

"Dean, "the problem" might be our only shot at saving Mom."

"Mom's gone. There's no fixing that."


Mary and Lucifer were wandering in the desert.

"Mary, not to be critical, but if we are ever gonna find a way out of here, uh, you gotta pick up the pace," Lucifer said. "We got a lot of ground to cover, okay?"

Mary sat in the sand. "Not sure I see the point, since... no matter how this plays out, you're going to kill me."

"Why would I kill you? Oh, that's right. 'Cause I'm evil. Yeah, let me tell you a couple of things, all right? You don't get to defy God and beat the Cage without having a modicum of intelligence, all right? A game plan, i.e., I don't want you dead because I need you alive. All right, look, yeah, in a perfect world, I would probably kill you and your plodding sons and granddaughter. But life isn't fair. Your sons and granddaughter have my boy. So I'm gonna exchange you for my son."

"You can't possibly care about raising a child."

"Oh, you have no idea what I care about."

Suddenly, a fireball seemingly targeted them. It landed and exploded not so far from where Mary was sitting. There was smoke everywhere.

Lucifer stared at the point where the fireball landed. "What the hell? Mary?!"


Drexel entered the room, disheartened. "No trace of Lucifer."

Asmodeus was sitting on the throne. "Indeed."

"We scoured all of Hell. Even checked the Cage. Nothing."

"At this point, we must focus on the son."

"There's no sign of him either, sir. Maybe a Sudden Infant Death?"

"He is not an infant. New to this world, yes, but he is full of timeless knowledge and unschooled power. He lives. I know it." He inhaled deeply. "With Lucifer gone, I want him found and trained to rule. With me as his humble advisor, of course."

"Okay." Drexel started writing a note. ""Find son, but continue to search for Lucifer." Because if we didn't, he'd be upset, and I—I can assure you, from personal experience, that an upset Lucifer has a, uh, short fuse."

Asmodeus clenched his fist and Drexel started choking. "Are you equating your paltry acquaintance with our lord to mine?"

Drexel choked, "Uh..."

"Mine, which is born from eons of service and sacrifice?"

Drexel didn't reply. Asmodeus stopped choking him. "I know the perils of Lucifer's disappointment."

Drexel indicated the scars on Asmodeus' face. "He—he did that?"

"Long ago. Eager to please, I freed the shedim."

"You... Oh, I've heard stories about—"

"Oh, I'm sure you have. Hell's most savage. Things so dark, and base, God himself would not allow them into the light. But I, in my pride, believed that I could train them. Use them. But Lucifer feared them, as well he should, so he forbade it, locked them up again.
He was..." he indicated his own scars, ""disappointed" in me."

"Mm. Mm."

"The pain, the, uh, the total humiliation... it forged an eternal bond between us. I am his to command, as you are mine. Write that down."


Dean, Sam, Seylah and Jack were walking to their room.

"This is a bad idea. We should've just kept driving," Dean said.

"Dude..." Sam scoffed, "you were hallucinating sheep on the road. We need a few hours."

They walked into their room. Dean turned the lights on.

"This is nice," Jack noted.

"Let's ward the room, get a bite, get a few hours of sleep, hit the road first thing," Seylah told them, turning on the TV. "Ooh! I love this show!"

An episode of Scooby-Doo was airing. Jack was sitting on the bed, watching, mesmerized. "It's... wonderful."

"Hey. No," Dean said.

"But... Y—"

Seylah glared at her uncle.

Dean glanced at the TV and chuckled. "No." He turned off the TV. "And you're on the couch, sport. All right? So why don't you go over there? Sit down and..." He chuckled. "Here." Dean threw a copy of the Bible at Jack. "Read a book. We're out of here in a few hours."

Jack grabbed the Bible and started reading through its pages. He lingered on The Song of Solomon.

"Jack, hey, I can take the couch. Why don't—" Sam was cut off.

"No, no. It's fine," Jack interrupted, leafing through the Bible.

Later, Jack was eating a burger. Seylah had a burger and was sitting next to Dean who had a beer. Dean watched Jack. Sam finished warding the door and sat on the couch in front of them.

"You can slow down, you know. That's stuff's not gonna disappear," Dean told Jack.

"Ever seen you eat, Dean?" Sam shot back.

Dean grabbed and opened a bottle of beer. Jack imitated him.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. How old do you think you are?" Dean questioned.

"Three days, 17 hours, and 42 minutes," Jack replied.

Seylah nodded slowly. "Very specific."

Jack smiled at her and she gave a small smile back.

Dean drank the beer. Jack copied him before saying, "This book, it mentions my father. Not Castiel, but Lucifer."

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's—he's big in the Bible. Lotta screen time," Dean said.

"And you... knew him?"

"Well, he's not really an easy guy to know. He's, um, he's kind of rough around the edges," Sam answered.

"He's Satan."

"And that's... that's bad," Jack said slowly.

"Damn straight. See... he turned on his father, God."

"God, he's in here, too. Is he famous or something?"

Seylah nodded. "Yeah. Um, God basically... created everything."

"Yeah, and then he skipped out, leaving guys like us to clean up his messes like Lucifer," Dean added.

"So, God's like my grandfather. He's family, and that's... That's good," Jack said.

"Sometimes." Dean put a foot on the table. Jack copied him. "Okay, all right, will you stop?"

Seylah laughed. "He just wants to be like you, Uncle Dean."

"Isn't it last your bedtime?"

"You're not my dad."

Sam spoke again. "So, Jack, we know Kelly taught you things before you were born. And obviously, you can, you know, make people or things move with your mind. But, um... what else can you do?"

"I... don't know," Jack admitted.

"Okay. For instance, say you wanted to be someplace else right now. Could you?" Seylah wondered.

"Can you teleport?" Dean asked.

"Teleport," Jack repeated.

"Yes. If you wanted to be on the other side of that door right this instant, what would you do?"

Jack walked out of the door and closed it behind him. Seylah smiled as she sat back, crossing her arms.

"What... Great."

Jack knocked on the door.

"You know, it's possible he's more human than we thought," Sam told Dean.

"Mm—hmm," Dean hummed.

Sam opened the door. Jack got back into the room, smiling. "Like that."

"Come on. You're trying to tell me you didn't pick up anything before you were born? That your father never reached out to you?"

Jack remembered scattered and confused visions of Lucifer.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Jack? Hey. You all right?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah. Uh, good. I'm good." Jack answered.

Mystery man walked through the corridor.

"All right, I say we, uh..." Sam sighed, "get some rest. It's been a long day. We're startin' early tomorrow."

The floorboard creaked. Someone was approaching the room's door. Sam grabbed a gun. Seylah looked up warily. Dean opened the door.

Dean grabbed the man and threw him inside. It was Donatello.

"Donatello?" Sam and Seylah called.

"Sam? Dean? Seylah? Is God with you?" Donatello sat on the couch.

"You okay?" Sam questioned.

"Ah, pretty much. No soul of course, thanks to Amara. It's kinda like losing your appendix. You never really noticed it when you had it." He groans. "But now, when I come to a moral crossroad, I ask myself, "What would Mr. Rogers do?" And as soon as I nail that, I'm usually good."

"Why are you here?" Dean wondered.

"Yes. That is the question we all must ask."

"I think he's asking why are you in Wyoming?" Seylah stated.

"Oh! Uh, well..." He cleared his throat. "After God left, I said to myself, "Donatello, you are so retired." I mean, who needs a prophet of God when there is no God? So... a few days ago, I'm online, checking out condos in Boca, and I am knocked off my feet by this weird wave of power. Not exactly like God's. More like... something new, something fresh. I was drawn to it. It's here."

Sam and Seylah looked at Jack.

"Wow. Right here. It's..." he looked at Jack, "you. Who are you?"

"I'm... Jack," Jack answered.

"Jack is a nephilim," Sam explained.

"A child of a human and an angel," Donatello noted.

"Archangel, actually," Seylah corrected. "It's pretty cool."


"And Donatello here is a prophet," Sam informed.

"Which means he has a direct line to God, or Heaven," Dean explained.

"Yes, well, not so much anymore. But, uh..." Donatello turned to Jack. "Look at you. The waves of power... so intense."

"Maybe less human than we thought."

"Fascinating. You know, I've met your father. Your power's nothing like his. Not dark, not toxic."

"That so?" Sam asked.

"Not yet," Dean answered.

"If Jack is sending out a signal strong enough to get Donatello all the way out here... The angels are still out there. I mean, who knows what else might be listening? He needs protection."


Sam was showing the tattooist the design for an anti-possession symbol tattoo. "All right, so, uh... I'm thinking something like this, right about here." Sam put the tattoo design on Jack's chest. "Uh, you know what? Exactly like that."

The tattooist asked Jack, "And you're cool with this?"

"Y—Yeah," Jack said nervously.

"Turn the damn thing on and start buzzin'," Dean ordered.

"W—we're family. It's kind of like a family crest," Sam informed, showing his own anti-possession tattoo. The tattooist looked convinced.

Sam whispered to Dean, "So you heard Donatello. No evil vibes from Jack."

"Proves nothing, except that you and Sey are way too attached to this kid. You two need to see this for what it is, okay? I mean, what do you two need, a sign?" Dean said.

The tattooist prepared to do his work.

"Uncle Dean, whatever his powers are or will be... if we train him properly, they could be used for good," Seylah reasoned. "I mean, he's basically a newborn Vision."

As soon as the tattooist started working on Jack, his machine malfunctioned, and he was violently thrown back against the wall.

"Aah!" the tattooist cried.

"Well, there's your sign," Dean answered, turning to Jack. "Did you do that?"

"I'm not sure," Jack replied.

Sam went to check on the tattooist. "Hey. You all right?"

"It hurt."

"Okay, see, sometimes, things hurt, so you just man up and deal with it," Dean told him.

"Yes. I understand. Pain is a part of the complete human experience. Accepting it is a sign of maturity."

"All right." He turned to the tattooist. "I think your, uh, machine might've fritzed out there. You might wanna get that looked at."

"Uh..." the tattooist began.


The tattooist finished his work. "Okey-dokey."

Jack had an anti-possession symbol and a warding sigil tattooed on his chest.

Seylah smiled. "It looks good, Jack."

Jack stared down at his own chest. Both tattoos slowly disappeared.

"Well, there's your second sign," Dean commented, causing a frown from Seylah.

A demon possessing a homeless woman watched Dean, Sam, Seylah and Jack as they got into the car to left the tattoo shop.


Jack and Seylah were sitting on the couch, talking. Dean, Sam and Donatello were in a corner, discussing what happened at the tattoo shop.

"It was a reflex. He didn't do it on purpose," Sam reasoned.

"Who cares if he didn't do it on purpose? He did it. I mean, you didn't see Cas smiting someone every time he got his teeth cleaned," Dean returned.

"I'm right here, you know," Jack said.

"Yeah, and what about the vanishing tattoo?"

"An archangel healed himself," Donatello explained.

"Another reflex," Sam justified.

Dean met his eyes. "Or maybe he didn't want to be warded."

"Okay, look, yes, Jack is on Lucifer's family tree. But we have no idea if that DNA is stronger than Kelly's, or his connection with Cas."

"Oh, you mean the connection that got Cas killed?"

"I'm just saying, Jack doesn't have to be evil. We can teach him not to be."

"Ah. The nature versus nurture conundrum," Donatello noted.

Donatello patted Dean and Sam's shoulders.

"Hey," Dean said.

"Dude," Sam protested.

"Oh. Speaking not as a prophet but as a scientist, I don't think teaching him is in the cards. It's like asking a lion not to be a lion," Donatello told them.

"But this is not a lion! This is a human!" Seylah yelled from the other end.

"With a strong dose of God juice."

"Okay, that's it. I'm done, all right?" Dean decided. "'Cause he's not God, he's not Cas, he's not Simba. He's the friggin' Devil!"

When Dean turned to address Jack, he was gone.

"Jack?" Sam and Seylah called.

"Uh — oh," Donatello muttered.


Jack was sitting in a corner. He remembered his mother, Kelly, and her words.

"I love you, Jack." There were scattered memories of Kelly talking to Jack while he was still in the womb. "I love you so much. You are gonna be amazing."

Sam and Seylah found Jack.

"Jack? Hey. Hey, bud. We, uh, we've been looking for ya," Sam said.

"I'm sorry. I... Everyone was so angry," Jack replied.

Seylah nodded. "Yeah, and, uh... we suppose you wanted to be away from it."

"And suddenly, I was."

Sam smiled. "I'll tell you what. You got some special skills, Jack. That's for sure." Sam and Seylah sat on either side of Jack. "We just need to make sure we get a grip on 'em, so... so you don't hurt anybody."

"Is that why Dean hates me?"

"Dean doesn't hate you. It... Look, sometimes the wires in Dean's head get crossed and — and he gets frustrated, and then he mixes frustration with anger, and — and fear."

"Why would he be afraid?"

"Because Dean feels like it's his job to protect everyone. And right now, we need to protect you. But we may also need to protect people from you."

"Maybe I'm not worth all this."

"Your mom thought you were. So did Cas. So do Papa and I," Seylah reassured.


Dean was sitting at the counter, checking his phone. He'd been drinking.

"Getcha another?" the bartender asked.

"Yeah. Sure," Dean replied.

"What the hell? You aren't drivin', right? I've just—I've seen you around the hotel. Passin' through with... what, your buddies?"

Dean looked up. "Uh, that's my niece, my brother, and some messed up kid."

"Oh, the kid's messed up?"

"Mm-hmm, issues with his dad."

"The older fella."

"No, that's, uh, Donatello. Uh, he's a... guy we work with."

"I hated my old man. I ran away myself. See, my mom would never stick up for me. But..." the bartender sighed, "you know kids. No matter what, they still want the old man's approval. Well, that's how it was with me, just..."

"You know, that's, uh, that's how it was with me, too."

"I'm talkin' your ear off I'll — I'll grab you that drink."

"You know what? I'm good. Uh, I'm gonna take a walk." He downed his last drink and left a tip on the counter. "There you go. Thank you."


As Dean left, the bartender turned into Asmodeus, as the original bartender was dead. He got himself a drink.


Somebody was knocking on the door.

"Come in," Sam and Seylah called.

Donatello walked in.

"Hey. Hi," Sam greeted.

"Good morning!" Donatello said.

"How's Jack? Uh, by the way, sorry to stick him with you. Things got a little tense here last night, so I figured it'd be better to have him stay in your room."

"It's not a big deal. He's an interesting kid."

"Yeah. Yeah, that's an understatement," Seylah replied.

"Let — let me ask ya... Do you two have any idea how powerful he'll get to be?"

"We — we don't," Sam admitted. "No. But the, uh, the lore says, quote, "A nephilim becomes more powerful than the angel who sired it." In this case, the sire is an archangel. So..."

"Does he know about his father?"


"So, he's not bonded to Lucifer."

"He seems to have a real attachment to his mom, but only kinda a fuzzy idea about his dad."

"And his mom, Kelly, was a really good person, so that makes us think Jack can be molded the right way," Sam added.

"Mm, molded. I hope you're right."

"Yeah," Sam and Seylah agreed.

Donatello left.


Mary walked through the desert. There were dead bodies around. A hunter who was hiding behind a rock pointed a shotgun at her. "Who the hell are you?"

"Mary. Mary Winchester. I'm a hunter."

"Doubt it. Come here."

Mary moved closer.

The hunter continued. "You don't walk like an angel. They all walk like they got sticks up their asses. Well, all except one." He threw some holy water at Mary. "Not a demon neither."

"I told you," Mary said.

"I ain't never met a female hunter. Not many women, period, since the wars began."


"What rock you been under?"

"I'm not from around here."


"I don't know anything. I just got attacked by some kind of fireball or something."

The hunter laughed. "Angels, yeah. Always takin' shots." He stepped closer, creepily. "Maybe I can... help you find your way."

Mary walked backwards. "I'm good."

"Ah." He grabbed her arm. "Let's keep this friendly, huh?"

Mary punched him and they started fighting.

"Bitch!" the hunter cried, throwing Mary on the ground. He got ready to shoot her when... Lucifer killed him.

"You're welcome," Lucifer said. "Uh, Mary, in case you didn't notice, you left without me. What is wrong with you? We need each other! This is a win-win situation. Okay? We gotta get outta this... theme park, we both get our boys, you get your granddaughter back."

"You think I want you to win?" Mary retorted.

Lucifer sighed deeply. He snapped his fingers. Mary hunched in pain. Lucifer snapped his fingers again. The pain stopped. "Yeah, I'm — I'm afraid I'm gonna have to insist."


Dean entered the room with breakfast.

"Hey. Hey," Sam greeted.

"We should probably hit it," Dean said.

"Uh, Sey and I were just gonna call you, actually. Um, look... we are gonna be on the road a long time today. Right?"

"Yeah. Well, you know, we don't have to be, 'cause your new pal could just zap us back to the bunker like that." Dean snapped his fingers for emphasis.

Seylah sighed, looking at her uncle. "The point is, if we're all gonna do this, keep Jack on the right side of things, then — then we have to be on the same page."

"Okay. Well, that's the problem, though, Sam, Seylah, 'cause we're not on the same page. Like, at all," Dean said.

Sam looked at his brother. "All right. You know what? I know what's going on here."

"Oh. Okay. Well, please, tell me, what's going on here?"

"You're thinking Mom is gone and Cas is gone, and that Jack can't be saved." Sam sighed. "Dean, after everything we've gone through... We just lost people we love, people who have been in our lives for a long time. Everything's upside-down. I get it. But we've been down before. I mean, rock bottom. And we find a way. We fix it because that's what we do. And Jack w-wants to do the right thing. Jack's scared to death of who he is, and he's scared of you."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Sam called.

Donatello entered. "Morning, guys. Uh, got a minute? I, uh, wanna talk to you about Jack."

"We just talked about Jack."


"You were just here," Seylah said.

Donatello chuckled. "No, I wasn't. I was grabbing breakfast burritos. Extra spicy."

Dean, Sam and Seylah looked at each other. They walked to Jack's room.

"Jack?!" Dean called.

The room was empty.

"He's gone," Sam and Seylah said.


"Okay. Okay. So, so, so, so... who's got Jack? And who were Seylah and I—or what were we talkin' to? A shifter?" Sam asked.

Seylah frowned. "What would a shifter want with Jack?"

Donatello dropped his bag and started leaving.

"Where you going, cowboy?" Dean asked.

"He—he went this way," Donatello replied.

"You sure?" Sam and Seylah questioned.

"I can feel it."

"I'll get the gear," Dean said.

Dean went back to their room. He was attacked by the demon Sierra. They fought. When Dean was about to lose, Sam stabbed the demon in the back with an angel blade.

"First angels, now demons. Terrific," Dean muttered.

"I guess the word's out," Sam noted.


They ran out just to see Donatello being thrown against the wall by another demon. Dean killed the demon with an angel blade. "Well, housekeeping is not gonna like this."


The fake Donatello, impersonated by Asmodeus, and Jack were in the middle of a field, on a patch of soil surrounded by logs.

Asmodeus/Donatello said, "Jack. As a prophet, Jack, I speak the words of God. Do you know who God is?"

"Yes. Kind of," Jack replied.

"Well, son. God has a message for you. You must prepare yourself, Jack. Train yourself to use your gifts. To fulfill your destiny."


"Long ago, a troop of God's bravest soldiers were trapped in a distant cavern of a place called Hell."

"I've read about Hell. It doesn't sound nice."

"It's not. That's why we have to rescue the soldiers. They're called the shedim, and God wants you to set them free. To be a hero."

"I could do that?"

"Yeah! And so much more. Uh... You see that patch of earth there? Imagine the force of your will, drilling down into infinite darkness, the soldiers being drown to the surface. Do it, Jack! Do it for God! Focus!"

"I'm trying."

"Try harder, boy!"

The Impala raced down the road, following Donatello's instructions to find Jack. "Uh, turn! Th—This is worrisome. I'm sensing a power emanation alongside Jack's. It gets stronger then closer we got to it."

Donatello saw a sign: Jasper, 3mil. "Jasper, Wyoming?"

"Maybe it's an angel," Dean guessed.

"No. Something dark."

"Do you ever have any good news? All right, well, see if there's anything in Jasper that seems demon-y."

"Yeah, there is," Sam said. "According to dad's journal, Jasper is home to its very own Gate to Hell. It gets better."


"According to legend, this particular gate leads to, quote, "A place where unimaginable evil emanates from creatures too wicked for the Pit to hold"."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"They're really bad. Ah! Turn!" Donatello cried.


Lucifer and Mary were still walking.

"Are you tired? Really?" Lucifer laughed. "You know what? Let me tell you a couple of things. First of all, we gotta blow this taco stand before who knows what happens to my son. And second of all, you're the reason that we are even stuck in this literally godforsaken place to begin with. So I'm sorry you're tired. It's not my fault you were born a wimpy little human with your wimpy little lungs and your weak little legs."

"What?" Mary questioned.

"You heard me. Don't say another word on this trip, okay?"

A group of angels suddenly appeared.

"Just what I need. Angels. Hey," Lucifer greeted.

"I sense a creature that stinks of Hell," one angel said.

"Oh, yeah. That would be her."

"False! Identify yourself."

"I'm Lucifer."


"Not, I'm pretty sure I'm—I'm Lucifer." He turned to Mary. "You wanna tell this guy who I am?"

"False. Lucifer was killed by the archangel Michael."

"What? This place is nuts!"


"Oh, what are you gonna... Are you gonna smite me?"

The angel said to the other angels, "On my command."

"Oh, for the love of..."

The angels got ready to smite Lucifer. "Now!"

Lucifer snapped his fingers and the angels disintegrated into smoke. "Was he kidding? I mean, even in the land of Bizarro, an angel isn't gonna try to..." A fireball landed close to them. "Oh, come on!"

Surrounded by white smoke, was a man standing and the silhouette of a pair of wings. The man walked up to Lucifer and Mary.

"You should be dead," Michael said.

"Eh... Okay. And who are you and what spaghetti western coughed you up?"

"Don't you know me, brother?"



"Summon up all your will, Jack! Do it for God!" Asmodeus/Donatello cried.

Jack focused. The earth shook. His eyes turned yellow. He managed to drill a hole in the soil beneath him.

Asmodeus/Donatello laughed evilly. "You're doing it! He's doing it! Yes!"

The Impala raced faster.

Jack was opening the prison of the shedim. "It's working!"

"Don't lose focus! Don't lose focus, Jack!"

Jack focused on his task. The hand of a shedim began to crawl out.

"He's doing it! Keep focused!"

Sam, Dean, Seylah and Donatello arrived.

"Jack! Hey! Stop," Sam and Seylah yelled.

"Don't listen to them, Jack!" Asmodeus/Donatello ordered.

"Holy crap," Dean muttered.


"That's not Donatello!" Donatello told Jack.

"No, that's not Donatello!"

"Ah, screw this," Dean muttered, shooting fake Donatello. He turned into Asmodeus.

"Jack, he's a demon!" Seylah warned.

"Howdy, boys, girl," Asmodeus said.

Asmodeus started choking Sam, Dean, Seylah and Donatello.

"No!" Jack cried.

The shedim crawled back into the earth. The crack in the soil regenerated.

"Jack... They wanna stop you. Contain you. I can give you the world," Asmodeus offered.

"You're hurting my friends!" Jack's eyes turned yellow. The earth started shaking. Asmodeus vanished before Jack could hurt him. Dean, Sam, Seylah and Donatello stopped choking.

Sam looked at his daughter worriedly and she nodded, letting him know she was okay.


"You are Lucifer. I can feel it. But how is that even possible?" Michael wondered.

"Um... You know, alternate universes, interdimensional travel, blah, blah, blah. It's her fault." Lucifer blamed. "Uh, I'll buy that you're Michael, but you sort of seem like a cheap knockoff to the one I left behind, and he's a hot mess."

"I killed my Lucifer. Tore him apart in the skies over Abilene. But hey, can't get enough of a good thing."

"Um... Okay. Why not?"

They started fighting. Michael grabbed Lucifer's arm and twisted it. "Hurt?"

"No. It's kinda wimpy. Aah!" He groaned in pain. "What are you gonna do? Kill me?"

"Or... maybe not. Maybe I need you."


Sam, Seylah and Dean were having a beer, a soda for Seylah. Sam and Seylah were consulting the lore.

"These yellow-eyed things just keep on comin', huh?" Sam asked.

"Mm-hmm. And hopefully this fourth Prince of Hell is the last Kardashian in the family," Dean said.

"According to this, if that was Asmodeus, it's the end of the line," Seylah told them with a laugh. "I love unpurposeful Marvel lines."

Dean made to leave.

Sam's voice stopped him. "Dean, wait a second." He sighed. "The kid came through for us today. Jack saved us."

"No. No, whatever that was, that was a reflex. It was a sneeze. Maybe next time he sneezes, he kills us. Goodnight," Dean replied.

Dean heard a clacking sound coming from a distance. He followed the noise to Jack's room.

"Ah!" Jack cried.

Dean found Jack trying to stab himself with a blade. The wounds immediately healed.

"Okay. What the hell?" Dean asked, entering the room.

"Give me that. You — Don't be an idiot. Look, A, this is not gonna do anything to you, okay? And B, you... What the hell?"

"Exactly. What the hell am I? I can't control... whatever this is. I will hurt someone."

"You know, my brother and my niece think you can be saved."

"You don't believe that."

"No, I don't."

"So... if you're right?"

"If I'm right... and it comes to killing you... I'll be the one to do it."

Dean left.

Okumaya devam et

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