PS I H8 U!

Door JRJPoks

27.4K 696 12

Jennie Kim seemingly has everything, she is beautiful, has handsome boyfriend and is the most popular girl in... Meer

1. Jennie Kim
2. Lisa Manoban
3. Animosity
4. Solitude
5. Hurt
6. Acrimony
7. Confusion
8. Seduction (M)
9. Lust (M)
10. Temptation
11. Clarity (M)
12. Determination (M)
13. Uncertainty
14. Desire (M)
15. Cracks
16. Regrets
18. Astonishment
19. Partings
20. Fur Elise
21. Confession
22. Epilogue

17. Glee

953 27 0
Door JRJPoks

"OH MY GOD. I can't believe you made me do this Lisa." Jennie squealed, gripping Lisa's arm tighter as the subway started moving again. Lisa looked at Jennie's terrified face and couldn't help but chuckle.
Jennie sent one of her recognizable glares at the blonde who only smiled in turn, and leaned closer to her ear, "Mmm I love it when you glare like that at makes me" she whispered in Jennie's ear.

She was doing this quite often now, shameless flirting with Jennie felt so natural and she used every opportunity she had to wind up the brunette. Retreating to look into Jennie's eyes she noticed they were glazed with lust. Lisa smirked victoriously to herself. But her gloating didn't last too long since
Jennie squealed again.

"What now?" Lisa asked amused.

"What is that man doing?" Jennie wrinkled her nose in disgust as she tightened her grip on Lisa's arm.
Lisa glanced behind her back at the man in worn out and ripped clothes, who had his hand in his pants scratching himself absentmindedly, and then again at Jennie who looked like she was about to throw up.
The blonde threw laughing fit at Jennie's face.

"Ewwww, Lisa stop laughing, I'll vomit if we don't get the hell out of here right now." she glared at the blonde again, whose face was red from laughing.

Jennie didn't even know why did she agree to this horrid idea. She has never taken a subway before, and now she was certain she never will again. People were rude, smelly, and some even sent creepy glances towards Lisa and her.

"We have two more stops and then we are leaving.
Ok?" Lisa smiled at her.

"Fine, but you will pay for this." Jennie said demonstratively turning her head away from Lisa.

"I can't wait for my punishment." Lisa whispered huskily to her again. Jennie flushed herself close to Lisa, burying her head in her shoulder. Lisa noticed a couple of people giving them curious glances but she didn't care, if every subway ride was like this she would gladly ride it the rest of her life.


Fresh air finally... well as fresh as it can get in New York, Jennie thought as they emerged on the streets again. Big snowflakes were adding up on the thin blanket of snow that covered the ground. Their boots screeched leaving prints as they walked towards Lisa's parents coffee place. Jennie glanced at Lisa who had buried her nose in her scarf. Her cheeks were adorably rosy from the cold. A little crease was nestled between her eyes, and her gaze was directed towards the ground, her long eyelashes almost brushing the top of her cheeks.

Jennie noticed that Lisa wasn't particularly a fan of snow. On the other hand Jennie really liked snow and the Holidays that came with it. It was one of the rare times that she spent with her parents, mostly because they had to uphold the image of a functional family in the face of their upper-class friends and acquaintances. Jennie loved dressing up for classy Christmas parties and receiving lots and lots of attention for once. Jennie wondered what was Lisa's Christmas like. There were so many things she didn't know about her friend, and she was looking forward to discovering them.

Since Brig passed away, she has spent a lot of time with Lisa. Jennie smiled glancing at the blonde, her smile hidden by her scarf. Jennie never felt happier and she couldn't stop the riot of fuzzy feelings inside of her even if she wanted to. She realized that in the short span of time, Lisa became not only her lover but also her best friend. Since Lisa came into her life, she didn't feel alone anymore. Even Brigitte's leaving was somehow easier to handle with Lisa by her side.

Jennie had to admit that these feelings scared her, she never felt like this in her life, and it made her feel insecure and vulnerable. Sometimes all of this seemed so surreal to her. She not only let someone in her life but that certain someone was a girl and her so called nemesis. But despite being scared of uncertainty and these new feelings, Jennie had to take just one glance at Lisa to know that she wouldn't hurt her.

But another question that Jennie reluctantly had to pose to herself was what if she ends up hurting Lisa? Jennie never had to think of that, other people weren't her concern, she didn't give a damn about anyone just as they didn't give a damn about her. But Lisa, she was caring and gentle, and Jennie was afraid that one of these days she would do something to break her trust, hurt her, and then all of this, this beautiful thing they have will scatter in little pieces and she would be left all alone again and Jennie admitted to herself that was the last thing in the world she wanted to happen. She couldn't imagine a day without seeing those warm brown eyes, that breathtaking smile, and those dimples. Lisa has become a part of her life, and Jennie had to admit she never felt as vibrant as she did in the past month spent with the blonde.

"Here we are." Lisa broke the silence peering at
Jennie nervously.

Why is she nervous? Jennie looked at her in wonder noticing blonde's anxiousness. The bruentte broke the gaze looking at the coffee shop in front of her. A big sign on the top said Ivy's and Jennie looked through big windows, noticing people sitting inside.
The reason she was here today is because Lisa had to work and invited her to help. In some other conditions Jennie would have probably said no, because why would she want to work for Christ's sake, but since it was Lisa who invited her, of course she said yes. So here they were now, entering the small coffee place, the warmth, smell of pastries and fresh coffee hitting them pleasantly. Lisa inhaled deeply, probably satisfied that she was safe from the cold finally.

"Come." she motioned for Jennie to follow her. They approached the counter with a middle aged plump lady standing behind it.

"Hello ma." Lisa said, leading Jennie on the other side of the counter and kissing her mom on the cheek.

"Hi sweetheart. And who's this?" the lady smiled politely at Jennie, her cheeks revealing familiar dimples.

"This is my friend Jennie. She's come to help me today. I hope that's okay?"

"Of course honey. And it's nice to meet you Jennie.

Lisa's mum shook Jennie's hand.

"You too Mrs Manoban." Jennie smiled back at the lady, with a real smile this time.

"You can call me Chittip."

"Ok...Chittip." Jennie reluctantly said her name. She didn't really have many informal conversation with adults, and she really wanted Lisa's mom to like her so she felt slightly uneasy. Sensing her discomfort, Lisa pulled her by the hand in the back room of the shop. They left their stuff in the lockers, and Lisa handed her an apron.

"So what do we exactly do now?" Jennie asked.

"We'll make some pastries." Lisa said. "I don't really like doing it, because I suck at it, but my mum is making me, so yeah. Get ready to get your hands dirty ice queen." Lisa smirked at Jennie.

Jennie shot her a dirty look, eliciting a giggle from the blonde.


Two hours later, with a lot of flour on their aprons and some on their faces they were finally finished.

"Well, this was strangely interesting." Jennie exclaimed wiping her hands on the apron, after finishing the last dough.

"Oh yeah? Feel free to switch places with me then."
Lisa said sarcastically.

"Oh don't be a grouch babe, at least you had me to make you company." Jennie said cockily.

"That's true." Lisa slightly blushed at her admission, and smiled shyly at Jennie. Isabelle couldn't resist planting a little kiss at the edge of Lisa's lips, lingering there for a second before retreating. Lisa quickly glanced towards the door, checking if anyone saw their little intimate moment. Biting her lip she returned her attention towards Jennie who was placing the muffins on a baking tray.

Hugging her from behind she kissed the back of her neck softly. She was happy. Things were finally progressing with Jennie. She even thought of telling her she loved her soon, she was just waiting for the perfect moment.

Hearing the footsteps from the front, she quickly moved away from Jennie, and started lining some croissants on the other tray.

"Oh girls this looks perfect. Thank you Jennie, I suspect most of this was your doing." she turned towards Jennie conspiratorially and whispered
"since I know Lisa's pastries don't look this good

Jennie let out a small chuckle thinking I like this lady.

"Mom that's mean. You know how hard I try." Lisa pouted at her mother feigning offense.

"Yea yea honey, I've heard that one already." Chittip patted her daugter's head in a playfully patronizing manner. "Jennie thank you again for the help, and if you ever need a job, you are more than welcome here.
Now go Lisa treat your friend with whatever she wants in the store, she deserved it." Chittip smiled at both of them and proceeded on putting the trays in the oven.

After cleaning themselves up, Lisa served them both with a coffee and some muffins, and they sat at the table in the corner.

"I really like this place." Jennie said, taking a sip of her coffee. "It feels so...homely, you are lucky Lisa."

"You know you are always welcome here Jen." Lisa squeezed her hand briefly not wanting to attract unwanted attention. "Hey, why don't you come over at my house for a sleepover?"

Jennie looked a bit surprised by the question. They were usually hanging out at her place, she has never been over at Lisa's. She found herself to be excited at the prospect. "I would love to." she smiled genuinely at the blonde.

"You know, you are mesmerizing when you smile like that." Lisa admitted in a low voice. "It's my favourite thing about you." she added after a little pause.

Jennie wanted to kiss her so badly at this moment, and she barely kept to herself. Her chest filled with warmth at Lisa's words. She beamed at Lisa,
"Thanks Lili."

Lisa blushed at the nickname. It was the first time hearing Jennie call her like that.

Jennie smirked, loving that she was the cause of her blush. She took a bite of blueberry muffin, her taste buds reveling in taste. "Mmm this is really good." she said and took another bite.

They chatted a bit about school, and then the topic of Annual Christmas Gala came in the conversation.
"You are going with Taehyung, right?" Lisa asked with a bit of sadness in her voice. Jennie pretended not to notice it. She was thinking about the dance too, and she didn't even look forward to it that much. I will be stuck with the stupid Taehyung the whole night, and she will probably be in someone else's arms...instead of mine, Jennie thought bitterly.

"Mhmm." she mumbled. "You?" Jennie gulped hard, not really wanting to know who will have Lisa on their arm that night.

"I kind of promised Jungkook we'll go together before we broke up, and he asked me the other day if the date was still on. I didn't want to go and plus I don't even have the appropriate dress but ehmm...I have to keep my promise..." Lisa rambled. "But we'll go just as friends." she added quickly as she noticed the brunette stiffening in her seat.

Jennie knew she didn't have the right to object, after all she was going with her own boyfriend, but she couldn't contain the green mist of jealousy clouding her mind. Just the mere thought of Lisa with someone else infuriated her and especially if it was someone she had history with.

"Why did you even break up with him?" the words escaped her mouth before she even processed the implications of her question. Now she will know that I am jealous (which I am), and that, Jennie thought as slight wave of panic washed over her.

"Umm know...ugh it didn't work anymore." Lisa scrambled after a few panic stricken attempts to explain without revealing too much.

Jennie shot her a suspicious look, wondering if the blonde was lying to her. After couple of minutes of awkwardness Lisa broke the silence, "Let's go."

After saying goodbye to her mom, they went outside.
"Urghh." Lisa groaned as the cold air hit her in the face. She peered at Jennie who seemed deep in thought. Taking a risk, Lisa grabbed her gloved hand and squeezed it gently. Jennie looked at her, her feline eyes glowing under the street light.

"Jennie are you. are you jealous?" Lisa couldn't resist asking, hope just barely recognizable in her voice.

Jennie averted her eyes from the blonde, not saying a thing. Lisa pulled on her hand gently, stopping them. She smiled at the frowning brunette, and pecked her lips quickly, "Don't be."


Lisa was cuddled on Jennie's chest, listening to her heartbeat. After their moment outside, Jennie softened and they went to her penthouse to get some stuff for the sleepover.

They had a nice evening watching some movie on Netflix. Jennie met Lisa's father, who was just as pleasant as her mother. She had to admit she was jealous of Lisa's family. When looking at Lisa's family, she couldn't help it but compare it to her own, and that only saddened her. It made her realize how distant and unloving she felt from her parents. The only one who showed her love was Brigitte but she wasn't around anymore.

Lisa broke her reflections with a question, "What was our first kiss like?" she asked out of the blue, causing Jennie to giggle at the memory.

"You mean the one you, oh so conveniently don't remember?" Jennie teased, brushing her fingers through blonde strands of hair.

"Yea that one." Lisa groaned, admitting unwillingly.

"Hmm let me think. Well first of, there was almost visible cloud of alcohol around you." Jennie teased,
"and you cornered me, and forced yourself on me." she continued teasing, causing Lisa to slap her thigh playfully. "I did not. I am a gentlewoman."

"Yea, well hun that night you were all but a gentlewoman." Jennie giggled, brushing Lisa's hair out of her face. She sighed looking at the ceiling. "But truth be said, despite being sloppy and forceful, something happened that night when you kissed me Lisa." Jennie whispered the last part, her heart skipping beats as the she was baring her soul to Lisa.
"In its own particular way it was beautiful...It's a kiss
I'll never forget." she said returning her gaze at Lisa who turned her head so she can look at her.

"I wish I remembered it." Lisa whispered.

She propped herself on the elbows kissing Jennie deeply. Their lips moved in perfect sync, Lisa's tongue brushing Jennie's plump lower lip. Jennie hugged her close, flushing their bodies. Despite wanting her as always, they couldn't do their favorite activity tonight, it was too risky with Lisa's parents in the apartment. After their mini make out session, they nestled together under the covers, their fingers intertwined as they drifted off in a peaceful sleep.

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