After Hours, ๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ๐Ž ๐๐Ž๏ฟฝ...

By qryana

429K 8.8K 6.3K

in which, they take on a fun game of fooling the media, including everyone and everything in between. but wha... More

- ๐€๐…๐“๐„๐‘ ๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‘๐’.
000. | MIX-TAPE
011. | I PROMISE
014. | OH, IT'S ON!
016 | I LOVE YOU?
017. | MISERY
018. | OH, YOU LOVE IT
024. | TETHER ME


16.9K 361 248
By qryana


"Oh, fuck me," Lando muttered under his breath, his gaze shifting upwards towards the ceiling. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, signaling his realization of something that had only just dawned on him. Emery and he were walking together through one of the hotel hallways, headed towards their respective rooms, when this sudden revelation hit.

After a long and exhausting flight, coupled with the adventurous events at the airport, all they desired was to check into their rooms, collapse onto the inviting beds, and sink into a deep and uninterrupted sleep. The prospect of a peaceful slumber beckoned to them, promising respite from the weariness that weighed heavily upon their tired bodies.

Emery came to an abrupt halt, mirroring Lando's stillness. She rubbed her eyes, her expression transforming into one of blankness, likely a response to the annoyance that had welled up inside her. She couldn't help but anticipate what possible mishaps Lando might have caused, already envisioning how those scenarios could potentially ruin her meticulously crafted plans of getting some much-needed rest.

"Godsamme, Lando." Emery uttered, her voice laced with a mix of irritation and suspicion. She turned to face Lando, raising a skeptical eyebrow, clearly lacking trust in him at that moment. It wasn't a question but more of a demand for an explanation.

"Please don't tell me we're at the wrong fucking hotel. I just want to sleep. That's all I'm asking of you right now," Emery pleaded, her exhaustion and fear evident on her face as she closed her eyes briefly, seeking a moment of respite.

A fleeting smile crossed Lando's face, disappearing almost as quickly as it had appeared. His eyes tensed slightly before he decided to respond, fully aware of the weight of the situation at hand.

"So..." Lando began, his voice filled with hesitation as he took a long pause before continuing. "We, uh... well, we kind of have to share this room together," he finally admitted, his arms folded tightly as he avoided direct eye contact with Emery.

Emery narrowed her eyes, biting her lower lip as she glanced up at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts. She searched for more diplomatic words to use instead of the less-than-friendly ones currently running through her mind.

After an awkward silence hung in the air, Emery couldn't hold back any longer and broke it with her response. "It's almost as if we're supposed to be a couple, Lando!" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes at him, even though he wasn't directly looking at her. She criticized his seemingly oblivious thought process, believing that it should have been obvious that they would be sharing a room, considering their relationship status—a fact that Lando's team was well aware of, as they had granted Emery the opportunity to accompany him.

"Anyway, I am taking the bed," Emery declared, crossing her arms and turning to face Lando once they finally reached the door of their week-long hotel room. She raised an eyebrow and maintained her assertive posture, making her intentions crystal clear. It wasn't a question but an expectation she had firmly set. However, her attempt at appearing tough was somewhat undermined by a sudden yawn that escaped her, instantly softening her intimidating demeanor in Lando's eyes.

"What do you mean, 'you're taking the bed'?" Lando questioned as he swiped the room key against the lock, opening the door. They stepped into the room, and as Lando switched on the lights, he couldn't help but notice Emery's mesmerized expression.

"Cat got your tongue?" Lando teased, observing that Emery had yet to reply, a smug smile slowly spreading across his face. He watched her with amusement, taking in her reaction to the room.

Emery stood there with wide eyes, her gaze captivated by their surroundings. Lando could swear her eyes sparkled a bit, reflecting the awe she felt. The room exuded luxury, and the view from the window showcased the dazzling streetlights illuminating parts of the circuit and the breathtaking city skyline of Bahrain.

Emery snapped back into reality and started making her way through the room. Her suitcase following right after her.

Once Emery located the bedroom in the suite, she settled herself cross-legged on the bed, lifting her suitcase onto it. Lando followed suit, joining her on the bed without uttering a word.

As Emery opened her suitcase, she retrieved her essentials bag and an oversized shirt. Lando, too, grabbed his toothbrush and a pair of grey sweatpants, opting for simplicity. They both made their way to the bathroom, but just as Lando was about to enter, Emery swiftly turned around and stood at the doorway, momentarily blocking his path.

"I'm going to get changed first, Lan. You can wait," she cheekily smiled at him before shutting the door in his face and locking it. Lando took advantage of the momentary privacy to quickly change into his sweatpants, tossing his "dirty" clothes into a corner of the room.

He heard the click of the door unlocking and soon found Emery standing before him. Finally, Lando made his way into the bathroom, and in silence, they both brushed their teeth.

Once they finished, Emery swiftly applied some skincare before they retreated to the bed. Emery raised an eyebrow, her voice holding a playful tone as she addressed Lando.

"I believe I said the bed was mine," Emery stated matter-of-factly, flashing a smile at him. However, her smile wasn't mirrored by Lando.

Lando erupted into laughter, thinking that Emery was joking. But soon, he realized that she was entirely serious.

"We either share it, or it's mine. I need to race this weekend, Ems!" he protested, trying to convince her with a pouting look on his face. But it was a futile attempt. To Emery, Lando resembled a five-year-old begging for ice cream.

"It's only Tuesday. I'm sure you'll be fine by the weekend, Lan," Emery sighed, her exhaustion evident as she yawned once again. "We'll figure something out tomorrow, but right now, we both need to sleep," she stated, her voice tinged with determination.

She tossed some extra pillows and a blanket towards Lando, who had begun walking towards the nearby couch, not expecting to be hit in the face with them. But that's exactly what happened.

"Oops," Emery mumbled, realizing she hadn't meant to actually hit him.

In the distance, she heard a faint "Ow" before drifting off to sleep herself, and Lando followed suit shortly after.

Lando had woken up earlier than Emery, around 11:15 in the morning. Since it was Wednesday and Lando didn't have any immediate duties at the track, he decided to let Emery sleep in a little longer. He knew she was exhausted from their late arrival the previous night, and she deserved the rest. It was something he was used to, being the early riser in their relationship.

After taking a shower and wrapping a towel around his waist, Lando heard firm knocks on their hotel room door. Usually, he wouldn't answer the door in such a state of undress, but upon hearing Daniel's familiar voice shouting "Hey mate!" from the other side, he didn't hesitate. It was Daniel, after all, and Lando knew he wouldn't judge him.

Lando opened the door, and Daniel's eyes immediately dropped to the towel barely covering him. A mischievous grin spread across Daniel's face as he raised an eyebrow, silently teasing his friend.

Lando stepped aside to allow Daniel into the room, and Daniel's gaze shifted to the pillows, cushions, and blankets scattered across the floor where Lando had spent the night.  Because obviously Emery had won the argument on who got to sleep in the bed.

Unbeknownst to both McLaren drivers, Emery had woken up by this point and made her way over to them. Her long brown hair flowing loosely and an oversized t-shirt draping her body. Despite the casual attire, she still exuded a stunning beauty.

Daniel's eyes widened slightly at the sight of her, before he gestured towards the sheets across the floor, where Lando had been sleeping but hadn't yet tidied up.

"Why is all that stuff on the floor?" Daniel asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice as he tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at the pair, clearly stunned.

Lando positioned himself behind Emery, playfully wrapping his arms around her and planting a soft kiss on her neck, causing both of them to giggle. Then, he turned his attention back to Daniel.

"Rough night," Lando quipped, waggling his eyebrows suggestively, knowing exactly how it would make Daniel react. His cheeks tinged with a faint blush, unbeknownst to Daniel. However, Emery nudged Lando in the stomach, silently reprimanding him for his comment, a gesture that also went unnoticed by Daniel.

"Right," Daniel simply stated, a small smile creeping onto his face. "My little boy is not so little anymore," he added, joining in the lighthearted banter with a playful tone.

Daniel's eyes flickered with anticipation as he made his way back towards the door he had entered through. However, before he could reach it, a thought crossed his mind, causing him to pause and turn around. His face lit up with a bright smile as he remembered the reason for his visit to the couple's room.

"Heidi and I were wondering if you guys would be up for going on a little city exploration together! Perhaps the ladies can indulge in some shopping..." Daniel proposed, his voice filled with excitement and genuine enthusiasm.

"And later, we can find a charming spot to grab some dinner," he added, his words laced with an enticing invitation.

Emery's eyes sparkled with delight as she listened to Daniel's proposal. Her nose crinkled slightly and her lips curved into a playful smile, unable to contain her amusement. "Honestly, when you mentioned Heidi, you already had me convinced," she replied, her voice laced with a touch of happiness.

Her loking for Heidi was noticeable in her response, causing her to emit a soft giggle that filled the room.

Daniel beamed at the couple, his face radiating with joy. He was thrilled by Emery's positive reaction, knowing that they were in for a fun day. "Amazing!" he exclaimed, his excitement practically palpable in the air.

"I'll see you guys down in the lobby in about 30 minutes," he stated, his voice brimming with anticipation as he left before Emery or Lando could respond.

Emery quickly applied a touch of light makeup and carefully selected a cute outfit, ensuring that she looked presentable for the day's adventures. Meanwhile, Lando got dressed, choosing an outfit that exuded his effortless style and charm.

As they entered the lobby, their eyes immediately landed on the familiar faces of Heidi and Daniel. Emery eagerly embraced Heidi, their friendship evident in the warmth of their greeting. Lando greeted Daniel with a firm, "manly" hug, their camaraderie shining through their interactions.

The girls took the lead as they ventured through the bustling streets, their energy and excitement palpable. Emery and Heidi's shopping fervor proved to be a challenge for their high-performance athlete boyfriends, who struggled to keep up with their brisk pace. The group first ventured into several quaint local shops, where they purchased unique souvenirs to commemorate their time in the city. They then moved on to clothing stores, a particular source of excitement for Heidi and Emery.

Heidi expressed her desire to visit some designer stores, and although Emery accompanied her, she knew that the items in those stores were beyond her budget. Lando and Daniel found themselves momentarily caught up with enthusiastic fans at the entrance of a store, but eventually reunited with the girls.

Lando couldn't help but notice Emery's admiring glances at various clothing pieces, even though she refrained from actually picking up or trying on anything. Sensing her hesitation, Lando motioned for her to come closer.

Emery approached Lando, their faces close together as he whispered softly in her ear. "Don't you like anything in this store?" he inquired, ensuring their conversation remained private.

He knew Emery's interest in the clothing, but also understood her reservations due to the price tags.

Emery hesitated for a moment, avoiding direct eye contact with Lando. Her fingers fidgeted nervously as she replied, "Not really, no," a small fib escaping her lips. She glanced down at the ground, intertwining her fingers, attempting to hide her true desires.

"I know you do," Lando whispered back, his voice barely audible to anyone else but her. He wanted to reassure her without embarrassing her further. "Ems, I literally make millions a year," he continued, his tone filled with sincerity.

"Please, I don't even know what to do with that amount of money. I'd much rather spend it on you than have it sit idle in my bank account." He smiled at her, gently nudging her shoulder. Despite her attempts to conceal it, a smile escaped Emery's lips, a telltale sign of her true feelings.

"There's that pretty smile of yours!" Lando exclaimed, his affectionate gaze fixed upon her. He handed her his card, a gesture that brought out an even broader smile from Emery, causing her cheeks to blush with warmth.

"Please, make my pockets hurt. At least one of us should do that," Lando half-joked, running his hand gently through her hair. With those words, he walked back over to Daniel, who was once again dealing with adoring fans, leaving Emery feeling a mixture of joy, gratitude, and a newfound excitement for the shopping experience that lay before her.

Emery and Heidi both bought some pieces of clothing at a few different stores, Emery however did not spend that much. Because even though Lando offered it, she still felt kind of bad taking that from him.

Daniel, Lando, Heidi and Emery had decided to go back to the hotel quickly to change into a more proper outfit. The small group had decided on a joined dinner at a restaurant they found while exploring the city, earlier on the day.


also that lando p2, oscar p4??? that was AMAZING. hoping to see lando many, many more times on the podium and hopefully oscar as well! but yk, if even mclaren can improve, so should you ferrari !!!!

what song are we feeling today? for me it's a mix of:

- the archer, taylor swift. (lyrics too relatable)


- baianá, bakermat (reminds me of the dutch gp, which i'm SO excited for!!!!)

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