Flashpoint (Season 3)

Angela_Tillson tarafından

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(Book 3) Alex isn't the baby anymore. But with the team constantly watching her every move and making sure sh... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Unconditional Love
Chapter 2: Follow The Leader
Chapter 3: Jumping At Shadows
Chapter 4 - Acceptable Risk
Chapter 5 - Collateral Damage
Chapter 6: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 8: I'd Do Anything
Chapter 9: Fault Lines

Chapter 7 - Terror

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Angela_Tillson tarafından

"Another day, another dollar" Eddie laughs cheerfully as he notices Alex walking in through the main doors of headquarters, dressed in her gray tactical pants and a black long sleeve shirt.

"Oh yeah, super exciting" Alex sighs as she walks towards him and gives him a hug.

"Come on, kiddo. It's only one day of a drive along and you'll be back with us your next shift" Eddie smiles as she kisses the top of her head.

"What fun" Alex says sarcastically as she spots her father walking around the corner.

"There she is," Greg says as he walks towards them.

"Hey, dad," Alex says with a small smile. Greg then stops and hands his clipboard over to Eddie before placing both of his hands on Alex's arms.

"I just want you to know that I don't hate you" Greg jokes, causing Alex to roll her eyes.

"This is just punishment for going against rules last shift and yelling at a victim" Greg continues.

"Who deserved it," Alex whispers.

"It doesn't matter, Alex. Whether he deserved it or not, that was not part of the job" Greg explains as he takes the clipboard back from Eddie.

"All you have to do is get through this one day" Eddie says.

"Yeah, I know" Alex sighs as she spots Spike walking out from the hallways where the changerooms are.

"Spike!" she quickly calls out, causing him to stop and look towards her with a smile.

"I have to go," she then says, looking towards Eddie and her father.

"Your ride gets here in ten minutes" Greg calls as Alex runs towards Spike.

"Okay. I'll make sure to get out there at fifteen!" Alex yells sarcastically.

"Alexandria Parker" Greg warns, and Spike laughs.

"Full name. Someone's in trouble" Spike jokes as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her in close.

"Yeah, it's going to be a boring day for me" Alex sighs.

"I heard. A ride along?" Spike questions as Alex takes a step back.

"Sadly" she says.

Alex then takes a deep breath and looks up at Spike, showing a small smile. "Listen, later tonight, I have something I need to talk to you about" Alex says quietly and Spike smiles and nods his head slowly.

"Okay. I'll see you later tonight then" he simply says.

"Okay" Alex whispers.

"Alex!" Greg then shouts and Alex closes her eyes, annoyed, causing Spike to snicker.

"You better get going" Spike says as he leans forward and places a soft kiss on Alex's forehead.

"I love you" he then whispers, and Alex feels butterflies in her stomach as she looks up towards him with a smile.

"I love you" she whispers back.

Alex turns around and walks slowly towards her father and Eddie once again and sighs. "I hope both of you have a very quiet day" Alex says bluntly and both of their smiles slowly fade as she begins to walk towards the main doors.

"That wasn't nice!" Eddie yells sarcastically.

"Clearly!" Alex shouts back the cool morning air hits her body.

Alex then notices the unmarked car sitting right out front and walks over towards it, getting into the passenger seat. "Alex Parker?" the officer questions curiously. Alex shows a small smile and nods.

"That's me" she says as she puts on the seatbelt.

"Perfect" the officer says, before the car begins to drive off.

It takes a couple of minutes, but Alex eventually notices the two males in the back of the car with their hands cuffed behind their back. "Wow, I didn't know you started without me" she jokes, and the officer snickers.

"Yeah. sorry. I had to pick these two up" he simply says.
"That's alright. I was hoping for a more laid back day anyway" Alex admits.

"So, SRU huh?" the officer asks.

"Yup" Alex answers.

"You're the one who's dating Spike, right?" he then questions Alex nods slowly.

"You know Spike?" Alex asks curiously.

"Yeah. I was his training officer" the officer explains. Alex then leans forward and looks at his badge on his shirt.

"You're Oliver MacCoy," Alex smiles.

"That, I am" he says.

"Yeah, I know who you are. Spike rode with me the first two years out of the Academy. He really looks up to you" Alex explains.

"He shouldn't" Oliver then whispers quietly. Too quiet for Alex to even hear.

"We screwed up, man. Big," Alex then hears one of the guys in the back say, but she ignores it like they're trained to do.

"Jay, would you chill?" the other male in the back says.

"You said it was gonna be a couple packages, not ten keys! Ten keys, man. That's serious" the young male named Jeremy explains in a panicked tone.

"It's gonna be alright" Jay assures.

"No, man. It's not" Jeremy whispers, looking back out the window.

"I don't wanna do ten years, man" he then says.

"Yo, officer, you missed the exit to lock-up" Jay states and Alex looks out the window, and he was right. They did miss the exit. She then looks towards Oliver and notices him looking emotionless out the front window.

"You're not going back to lock-up" he says, bluntly.

"Oliver?" Alex questions confused.

"Why not?" Jay questions.

"Hey, I said why not? Where are we going?" Jeremy then asks again, leaning closer towards the cage that blocked them from the two front seats.

"Your uncle Paul has arranged for you to go away. You're getting out of the country" Oliver explains and Alex's eyes go wide with shock.

"No, Oliver. That's not our job. We have to turn around!" she says loudly, but is completely ignored.

"What? Hey, no way, man" Jeremy says, begining to panic.

"Hey! No way, man!" he screams as he starts to lift his legs up to kick the cage.

"Hey! Turn us back around!" he screams.

"Hey, hey! Just sit back and shut it!" Oliver screams, turning around and looking towards the two in the back.

Suddenly a loud horn is heard and Alex looks back out the driver's window and notices the bus that was coming straight towards them. "Oliver, look out!" she screams loudly, trying to grab the wheel. Then everything goes black.


"Team One, hot call. Shots fired at the scene of a car accident that involved a Nationcrest bus and squad car" Winnie's voice says through the headset, as the team dives down the busy streets of downtown. They all then turn on the lights and sirens before stepping on the gas pedal.

"The driver of the police car's okay, but trapped in his vehicle. First responder took a bullet" Winnie continues.

"Any I.D. and status on the officer?" Greg questions as Spike sits next to him in the passenger seat.

"His name's Fletcher. Dispatch says he's taken cover, but is pinned down on the scene. Fletcher's pretty sure the passengers on the bus are now hostages" Winnie explains.

The team eventually arrives to see a bus fully flipped on its side and a young officer sitting down in front of it holding his leg. The command post truck pulls up next to Greg as him and Spike jump out of the SUV and run towards Wordy and Eddie. "Can't get a visual inside of that bus" Eddie states as he lowers his binoculars as EMS and Fire crews arrive behind them.

"The officer in the unmark's gonna have to wait. We gotta get Fletcher out of there" he then says.

"Uniforms have set a perimeter and they're holding traffic" Wordy states quickly.

"The bus went over less than twenty minutes ago. There has been no contact with the shooter" Sam explains as he runs towards them.

"Okay, Eddie" Greg says quietly, and Eddie turns and nods his head.

"Wordy, Sam, let's figure a way to get Fletcher out of there" Eddie says as him, Wordy, and Sam walk around the SUV.

Greg turns to look at the bus further up the road and holds up his megaphone. "This is Sergeant Greg Parker with the Police Strategic Response Unit. I'm here to help you and everyone on that bus" he says, as he notices a door opening on the top and gun shots begin to go off.

"Get down and cover! Take cover!" voices say from behind Greg and he turns to look at everyone.

"Fire and EMS, you gotta fall back. Fall back now!" Greg shouts as he runs towards the command post truck.

"Okay, not ready to talk" Greg sighs as he enters the command truck and throws his megaphone down on the desk.

"Who are we dealing with?" he then asks turning to look at Spike on the computer.

"Bus manifest shows only the driver and six passengers on board. None with a criminal or mental health record" Spike answers.

"Winnie, have we got an I.D. on the driver of the unmarked police vehicle?" Greg questions through the headset.

"Yes. It was driven by a Sergeant MacCoy from fifty-two division" Winnie answers.

"Oliver MacCoy?" Spike quickly questions.

"Copy" Winnie states.

"Well, what's his condition?" Spike asks curiously.

"Dispatch can't raise him on the radio. Last report was conscious and responsive" Winnie advises and Greg looks down towards a shocked Spike.

"You know this guy, Spike?" Greg questions.

"Yeah, I know this guy. There's no one like this guy. He was my training officer. I rode with him my first two years out of the Academy. He was the first one to call me Spike" Spike explains typing onto the keyboard.

"Well, maybe he can help us out," Greg suggests.

"Dispatch says his radio's still down; they can't reach him, but he carries a cell" Spike states as he pulls open a pocket on his vest and pulls out his cell phone.

He then dials a number and puts it through the headset to hear it ring. "Officer Scarlatti. 'Bout time you called" Oliver's voice says.

"Mac, you okay in there?" Spike asks curiously.

"Yeah, it's just a knock on the head. It's no big deal. What's the condition of that first responder?" Oliver asks concerned.

"He's shot in the thigh. He's pinned down on the other side of the bus. Any idea who the shooter is?" Spike explains.

"Yeah, a couple of punk dealers I was taking from fifty-two back to lockup. Names are Fawcett and Bullard. Must have got my shotgun when I was out cold" Oliver states confidently.

"All right, Mac, sit tight. Promise, we'll have you outta there in no time" Spike smiles as he types onto the computer.

"No promises. I taught you better than that" Oliver states and Spike laughs.

"Yes, sir" Spike jokes, and is about to hang up but is quickly stopped.

"Spike" Oliver's voice says quickly.

"What's up, buddy?" Spike questions.

"I'm sorry" Oliver says quietly and Spike looks up at Greg confused.

"What are you sorry for? It's just an accident, Mac. As of right now, everyone is okay. We're going to try keeping it that way" Spike explains.

"Right," Oliver sighs before he hangs up the phone.

"Rookie mistake. Make no promises. Cops are human. We can only do what we can" Spike says and Greg nods his head.

"He's right," Greg agrees.


A sharp pain courses through Alex's body as she slowly begins to wake up. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke fill her lungs, as the whimper of someone crying appears beside her as she tries to move her hands from behind her back, but they were taped together.. "Boss, the cop's waking up!" a man yells, and Alex could hear loud footsteps approaching her.

"I've always wanted a cop to play with" A different male voice says as Alex is quickly picked up and thrown onto a table, causing empty beer bottles to fall and shatter on the floor.

"What do you want from me?" Alex mumbles as her vision stays blurry and her head begins to hurt intensely.

"I don't want anything from you, sweetheart. Your just leverage, that I get to play with" the man says as he takes a fist full of Alex's hair and drags her off the table and onto the floor with a thud. Alex winces in pain, before suddenly she feels a boot kick her in the stomach, causing her to cry out.

"This is going to be fun," the male says sadistically.


"What's up, Jules?" Greg questions as him and Spike walk towards her next to a cop car, causing her to turn and face them.

"Fletcher's lost a lot of blood. Says he can't walk" She explains as they keep walking down the road in between fire trucks and ambulances.

"How are we getting out, Ed?" Greg then asks as they approach Eddie.

"Only one way to do this. Turtle formation, use the shields, use the bulrushes as cover" Eddie explains quickly.

"Once we get to him, we'll be exposed" Wordy states.

"I wish we had eyes up there" Eddie sighs and Spike's eyes go wide.

"Maybe we do," he says, causing everyone to look towards him.

"Alight, let's get the shields" Eddie demands and they all walk towards the SUV's.


"What can you see, Mac?" Spike questions as he stands behind an SUV holding his cell phone up to his ear.

"Hold on," Mac says.

"Fawcett's at the front of the bus with the SLP. If you guys approach from the rear, you should be okay" Mac explains.

"Guys, Mac says you're clear. Fawcett's still at the front of the bus" Spike then says into the headset as he watches his team make their way closer towards the bus with their shields up in front of them.

"We're coming in, Mac," Spike then says into the phone.

"Don't you worry about me. You know protocol. Get the injured officer to safety, and then secure the civilians on that bus" Mac explains.

Eddie, Wordy, and Greg all hold up their shields as they slowly walk through the field of long grass for cover. Jules walks slowly behind them holding her gun up, as they approach the officer sitting on the ground, still holding his leg. "Hey, buddy, can you stand?" Greg questions as he leans his shield up against the bus.

"I don't know," the officer answers.

"Holster your weapon" Greg then states as he watches the officer reach down.

"Boss, that fuel tank is ruptured" Eddie whispers as he stands in front of Greg and the officer behind his shield. Wordy then hands his shield over to Jules and walks to the other side of the Officer to help him up.

"Okay, on three" Greg says looking at Wordy, and he nods.

"One, two, three!" Greg says before they both lift the officer to his feet.

"Spike, get your guys outta there; he heard them" Spike hears Mac say on the phone.

"Boss, you gotta move now!" he says into the headset as Greg and Wordy begin to walk towards the long field of grass, followed closely by Jules and Eddie holding their shields up. Gunshots quickly start going off, hitting the shields and the ground next to their feet.

They all finally make it safely behind the SUV's and lower their shields as the gunshots stop. "That was way too close" Eddie states.

"Look, there's smoke coming from under the bus!" Wordy quickly shouts as they all look towards the bus that was now on fire.

"Must have caught a spark from the shotgun. Couple minutes and that whole thing's going up in flames. I can't let the fire trucks down there with an active shooter" Greg begins to explain as he grabs his megaphone off of the seat of the SUV that he brought out of the Command Truck.

"The bus is on fire! You need to get everyone outta there before it explodes!" he shouts into it, before he lowers it again. He then looks towards Eddie and they both nod.

"It's still ours, Eddie," Greg advises.

"Let's move! V formation! Suppression tanks, masks on!" Eddie shouts as they all run to grab their equipment from the backs of the SUV's.

This time Wordy and Jules walk through the long grass with their masks on, holding up their shields to cover Sam, Spike, and Eddie.The black smoke was engulfing the bus as the flames grew larger. "Hold Position" Eddie says as they all crouch down to the ground.

"The window is opening" Wordy states as the window on top of the bus opens and a woman with shoulder length blonde hair crawls out of it panicking, followed by more civilians.

"Where's the shooter?!" Wordy yells.

"We don't know!" the woman yells back as she stands on top of the bus.

"Let's get this fire out. Let's go! Let's go!" Eddie shouts as they all rush towards the back of the bus and begin to spray it with their fire extinguishers.

"Please help the driver! He's unconscious! You have to help him!" a woman says as she climbs down the bottom of the bus.

"You have to lead the way, single file up the hill, okay? Go!" Greg explains to a man in a suit as he gently pushes him to start moving, and watching them run up the hill towards the SUV's.

"Boss, Sam and I are going in!" Eddie's voice says through the headset.

"Copy" Greg replies.

"Bus is clear! No sign of suspects! One civilian down!" Sam says as he jumps into the bus, followed by Eddie.

"Sam, this thing's gonna blow! Let's get him outta here!" Eddie says loudly as they walk towards the unconscious driver at the front of the bus. Sam throws the driver over his shoulder and follows Eddie towards the window they entered from. Eddie climbs out first and Sam lifts the driver up to him gently. Once Sam is out of the bus, he climbs down off of the bus, and Eddie hands him back the driver, which he then throws over his shoulder again and takes him quickly towards the paramedics.

"Spike, Jules, let's get the water canons down here! Let's move out! Let's go!" Eddie shouts, as he turns to follow Sam up the hill.

"Jules, wait, we've gotta get Mac!" Spike quickly says, taking off his mask, and turning to run towards the unmarked car in the ditch.

"Mac!" Spike shouts, as Jules runs after him.

"Mac!" Spike shouts again. But when he got to the car, no one was in it.

"Where the hell did he go?" Spike questions confused.

"He musta gone! Come on, Spike!" Jules explains panicked.

"Where the hell did he go!?" Spike asks again.

"The bus is gonna blow!" Jules screams, as Greg and Eddie watch from behind the SUV's.

"Mac!" Spike yells looking around the car.

"Spike!" Jules shouts with frustration.

Eddie then looks towards Greg and shakes his head slowly. "Alex, just had to say the word. Didn't she?" Eddie sighs, and Greg snickers.


"Usually, I don't allow cops into this place" the male says as another hard kick makes Alex gasp for air.

"Please, stop" the female voice wimpers, and Alex could hear the man laugh.

"She's only here because your dad thought he could make a trade. But he was wrong. Now I've got two reasons for him to do what I want" the man says, before he walks away. Alex lays on the floor in pain as the room continues to spin around her.

"Are you okay?" the quiet female voice questions with concern, as Alex slowly turns her head to look up at her.

"I-I will be. I always am" Alex whispers as the taste of blood covers her taste buds. Loud male laughter could be heard a few tables away and hands slamming down onto the table with frustration causing the young woman to jump scared.

"What's your name?" Alex then asks, causing her attention to once again be on her.

"L-Leslie" the woman stutters.

"I'm Alex" she breathes through pain, but tries her best to ignore it.


The fire trucks eventually come down and quickly put the fire out, as Spike and Jules make their way back up towards the SUV's. "K-9's on its way. We've got a chopper coming with infrared. How are we doing on containment?" Greg questions as he walks towards Eddie with his laptop open on the hood of one of the SUV's.

"We've contained this area here down to this point in the highway" Eddie states as he points at a spot on the screen.

"But, over on this side, the woods connect to an industrial park next to the airport" Wordy explains, pointing at another spot.

"We just don't have enough manpower to contain it yet" Eddie advises as Jules walks back towards the group.

"Jules, what do you got?" Greg questions.

"All the passengers are accounted for, but nobody saw Fawcett or Bullard take off. They must have escaped during the rescue" Jules explains.

"Any luck?" Greg then asks, looking at Spike.

"His phone's in the car, but nobody saw Mac come back this way. He just disappeared" Spike says, concerned.

"All right, until we know better, we've got to assume that Fawcett and Bullard have him" Eddie states.

"Took him as a hostage," Sam advises.

"They can use him as a bargaining chip if we corner them again. Okay, Sam, Jules -- Bravo team -- moving southwest. Wordy and I -- Alpha team -- moving northwest. You guys stay sharp. By my count, there's still another five rounds left in that SLP. Spike, don't worry. We're gonna find him. Let's move out" Eddie explains and everyone nods.

"Copy" Sam agrees as they all separate.
"Winnie" Greg says through the headset.

"Yeah, boss?" Winnie answers curiously.

"Contact narcotics. I want to know everything they have on Brett Fawcett and Jeremy Bullard. Everything and anything that's not on their sheets" Greg demands politely.

"Copy that. I'll let you know what I find" Winnie replies.

Greg follows Spike into the Command Truck and watches him throw his equipment onto the table angrily. "The chopper will be here any minute" Greg advises as he sits in the chair next to him.

"Right" Spike sighs as he begins to type onto the keyboard.

"I shouldn't have let this happen. I should have got him outta that car" Spike then states, and Greg takes off his hat and places it on the table.

"Spike. You did exactly what you were supposed to do, Exactly the way you needed to do it. You got those civilians outta there safely" Greg explains. Spike then stops typing and just looks at the screen in front of him before taking a deep breath.

"Boss, Oliver MacCoy wasn't just my T.O. He helped me through a lot of stuff those first couple years. My father wasn't too big about me being police; my mother never wants to take sides, so I didn't have anybody. But I had Mac. Mac was there. He was one of those guys who teaches by example. He's one of those guys I wanted to grow up to be. And he saved my life more than once" Spike states, looking towards Greg.

"Okay, officer. It's time to return the favor. Let's get on with that chopper and figure out where he is" Greg says and Spike nods his head in agreement.

"All right. Copy that, boss" Spike says.

"Alpha one, clear. Heading west" Eddie's voice says through the headset.

"They've been through here. There's fresh blood on the trail. It looks like they're heading north" Sam's voice then says, causing Spike to close his eyes and take a deep breath.

"Mac only had a knock to the head. If it's his blood..." Spike begins to say.

"Let's not jump to conclusions, buddy. One step at a time" Greg says, cutting him off. Spike nods his head again and turns back to his computer.

"Imager's got something. Over there" Spike listens to Wordy's voice say through the headset.

"Boss, we've got a bloody t-shirt here. Somebody's in pretty bad shape" Eddie's voice then says and Spike stares at his screen shocked as Greg leans back in his chair.

"Yeah, copy that. We'll notify hospitals and local clinics in case that's where they're headed" Greg replies.

"Boss, I've got something on Fawcett and Bullard" Winnie's voice then says, causing Greg to lean forward in his chair again.

"Go ahead, Winnie," he says.

"Seems they were arrested last Friday trying to move large amounts of heroin. They're each facing at least ten years" Winnie states.

"That's reason enough to run" Greg admits.

"They were also flagged by Guns and Gangs. Turns out Jeremy Bullard's uncle is Paul Bullard" Winnie then says and Spike looks towards Greg shocked.

"Paul Bullard. Leader of the Bedlam gang?" Greg questions quickly.

"I'm sending you the file now" Winnie says as a mugshot appears on Spike's screen.

"There he is" Spike says.

"So these guys are drug dealers?" Sam questions curiously.

"More than that. Bedlam runs drugs, guns and prostitution on the whole west side" Eddie states through the headset.

"Weren't Bedlam suspected in those pipe bomb killings a few months back?" Jules asks.

"Yeah, those and a dozen others. Gang unit's been trying to put Paul Bullard away for years" Greg advises.

"If these guys are tight with Bedlam, that changes everything. They make contact, we are into a whole new mess" Eddie explains as a beeping noise appears on Spike's computer.

"Boss, I got something. Chopper's picking up heat signatures in Bravo four" Spike states as Greg leans over closer towards him and looks at the screen.

"Sam and Jules, that's about three hundred meters northwest of your position" Greg says.

"How many? All of them?" Sam questions.

"Looks like one. It could be Mac" Spike quickly says.

"We don't know that for sure. Approach with caution" Greg then adds as he looks towards Spike.

"Copy that" Jules states.

Jules leads the way across a stream and towards more of the woods, with Sam following close behind her. They hear the copper overhead, as Jules looks down at the compass to make sure they are going in the right direction. "That's it. Another fifty meters" Spike's voice says through the headset, and Jules points up the hill, telling Sam to head up there. Sam then quickly runs in the direction as Jules continues to search the low ground.

"Just go careful. Please, guys. They've already shot one cop today" Greg demands.

"Copy that, boss" Jules answers as she holds her gun up, looking around.

A gunshot quickly goes off causing Jules to jump for cover behind a tree. "Bravo? What's your status?" Greg's voice questions with concern through the headset.

"No harm. It's not Mac" Jules states.

"Subject's on the run" Sam advises, as him and Jules immediately begin to run after him.

"He's headed west!" Jules states. Suddenly, Eddie jumps out from between two trees and tackles the man to the ground.

"We got him, boss!" Eddie says, as he cuffs the man's hands behind his back.

"Where are they?!" Eddie then questions, roughly.

"I don't know!" the man says as he squirms.

"Come on. That's not good enough!" Eddie shouts.

"When the bus caught fire I helped Jeremy out the window, and by the time I hit the ground, they were halfway to the trees" Jay states.

"Where'd Jeremy take the officer?" Eddie asks as he leans down closer towards Jay.

"Man, you got it backwards. It was the cop who was taking Jeremy" Jay explains with a small snicker.


Eddie slams the door to the SUV shut before walking back towards the Team. "He's sticking to his story. He said he saw MacCoy drag Jeremy Bullard into the woods" Eddie explains and Wordy nods his head.

"Fawcett took off in the opposite direction and he hasn't seen them since," Wordy adds.

"Well, he's gotta be lying. He's trying to throw us off" Spike says, not wanting to believe any of it.

"Just got a report from a woman over on Massey who was carjacked near the industrial park" Sam begins as he walks towards the team.

"She said a Police Officer pulled a gun, threw her out of the car" he continues and Spike shakes his head.

"No, no. Mac wouldn't do that" Spike states as everyone turns to look towards him.

"Spike, how well do you know MacCoy?" Jules questions, slowly.

"As well as I know any of you guys" Spike quickly answers.

"Okay, Sam, did you get a make and model of the car?" Greg asks, looking towards Sam.

"And a license plate -- there's an APB out" Sam advises.

"All right, let's get over to that industrial park" Eddie demands as they all run towards their SUV's. Jules and Sam, Wordy and Eddie.

"Spike, you're with me" Greg says, as he looks towards Spike, who still looked shocked.

"Winnie?" Greg questions as he slowly begins to walk towards the SUV.

"Yeah, Boss?" Winnie answers.

"Contact fifty-two division. Anything you can find out about Sergeant Oliver MacCoy" Greg demands and Spike looks towards him quickly.

"Copy that, Boss" Winnie states.

"To find out what's going on" Greg simply says, causing Spike to nod his head slowly.


"Any luck with traffic cameras?" Greg questions as he drives the SUV down an almost empty road. Spike shakes his head as he looks down at the small screen beside him.

"Not this far out, but that car they jacked comes loaded with a Journeypath GPS tracking system" Spike explains.

"So you can pinpoint the car's location" Greg asks curiously.

"Yeah, I'm uploading to the server now. We'll have a location in five minutes" Spike advises.

"Boss, I found something on Sergeant MacCoy" Winnie's voice then says through the headset and Spike looks up at Greg.

"Go ahead, Winnie," Greg says.

"I contacted fifty-two division and it seems MacCoy wasn't scheduled to be on that transport detail" Winnie explains.

"He switched shifts?" Greg questions.

"First thing this morning" Winnie answers.

"People swap shifts all the time" Spike quickly defends.

"According to the other officer, Sergeant MacCoy pulled rank and then ordered him off the detail. Then he insisted on going alone" Winnie continues and Spike shakes his head.

"Okay, thanks Winnie," Greg states.

"Boss, this doesn't make any sense. Mac's a decorated police officer. I can't believe he'd plan this" Spike says and Greg sighs.

"You know of any connection between him and this Bullard kid?" Greg questions and Spike closes his eyes.

"Wait, Jeremy Bullard got busted for dealing, right?" Spike asks curiously.

"Heroin" Greg nods.

"Okay, Mac's got a daughter, Leslie, and she's had a pretty serious drug problem for a while now, but the last time I saw them both, she was clean" Spike begins.


"Why are we here, Leslie?" Alex whispers, as she lays the side of her face down on the cool wood floor.

"It's about my dad" Leslie answers nervously.

"I don't know what they have him doing or why I'm here. But, they keep mentioning him" Leslie continues and Alex closes her eyes feeling tired.

"Your d-dad is Oliver M-MacCoy, isn't it?" Alex stutters and Leslie looks towards her shocked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Leslie questions.

"Lucky guess" Alex whispers.

"Who said you could speak!?" an aggressive male voice asks, as he approaches the both of them slowly.

"N-no o-one" Leslie stutters nervously, before a loud slap is heard and he falls towards the seat next to her.

"Then shut up!" the male hisses, watching Leslie whimper in pain.

"Leave her alone" Alex mumbles, slowly opening her eyes back up.

"What was that Officer?" the male jokes as he leans closer towards Alex smiling. Alex ignores the pain coursing through her body as she quickly sits up and headbuts the man knocking him onto the floor.

"I said, leave her alone!" Alex shouts annoyed, gaining the attention of the many other men in the room.

"She's feisty" one man smiles, wickedly.

"I'm going to kill you!" The man on the ground growls as he quickly jumps up and wraps his hands around Alex's throat laying her back on the ground. Alex struggles and tries to breathe, but is unable to as the room slowly begins to get quiet.

"Let her go!" a male voice screams and the man quickly lets go of Alex, causing her to take a deep breath and roll over coughing.


"Mac paid for the place. He even helped her find a job" Spike explains and Greg nods his head.

"Three Oaks. That rehab's not cheap" Greg advises as he continues to drive the car.

"Mac's wife, Rose, died a year ago and Leslie took it pretty hard. Mac tried everything and that was the only place that worked" Spike states calmly.

"So if Leslie did relapse and Mac knew who sold her the drugs, maybe he's looking for some kind of a payback, somebody to blame" Greg suggests and Spike shakes his head.

"But he knows it doesn't work that way; he's a cop" Spike states.

"Spike, he's also a father," Greg says as he looks towards Spike sincerely.

"Ed and Wordy, you guys keep looking in the industrial park" Greg then states through the headset.

"Copy that" Eddie answers.

"Sam, Jules, head over to the daughter's place. Maybe she's got something that can help us figure out what's going on here" Greg explains quickly.

"Got it. Location?" Sam questions.

"It's an apartment building in Bloor West. 2015 Drewry" Spike says.

"Copy" Jules answers.


"We've found MacCoy. Satellite's have a location on the car. You're looking at a warehouse at Balmoral and Ross" Spike advises through the headset.

"That's six blocks from here" Wordy advises as he looks down at the tablet in his hands.

"Spike, which way are they headed?" Eddie questions.

"Tracker says the car's not moving" Spike explains.

"We're on it. Let's get him before he starts moving again" Eddie says as he turns the lights and sirens on in the car.

"We're right behind you" Greg advises as he does the same.

"So what's the call here?" Eddie questions, causing Spike to look towards Greg.

"Until we know otherwise, we treat him as hostile" Greg states and Spike looks down towards his laptop pissed off.

Both SUV's speed into an empty parking lot and quickly stop, and everyone jumps out with their guns in their hands. "What do we got?" Eddie questions as he backs up towards Spike and looks down at the tablet in his hands.

"The satellite shows the car should be parked just around back" Spike explains as he points in front of them.

"Let's move" Eddie then says, and they all begin to run behind him followed by Greg. Eddie then stops next to a shipping container and everyone stops behind him.

"Okay, let's hold up" Eddie says quietly, before they all run out with their guns held up in front of them. They all look around and slowly begin to lower their guns.

"Spike?" Greg questions confused.

"I don't get it. The tracker says it should be here" Spike explains.

"Spike!" Wordy then yells as he kneels down towards the ground and picks something up.

"The car isn't, but the GPS is" Eddie continues as they all walk towards him.

"He pulled it out of the trunk," Wordy says shocked and Spike looks towards Greg.


Sam and Jules walk down the hallway of an apartment building and notice that the apartment door is slightly open. Jules then looks towards Sam as he knocks his fist against the door, causing it to open more. "Leslie MacCoy? It's the police!" Sam shouts, but there was no answer.

"Leslie?! We need to talk to you about your father." Jules calls as she knocks on the door. But, still no answer.

Jules then pushes the door open more and they both slowly walk inside. When they do, they notice the floor was wet and clothes were thrown everywhere in the room. Suddenly, a rustling noise comes from the bathroom and they both pull their guns out of their holsters and point them up in front of them. "Leslie?" Jules questions again as they walk slowly towards the small hallway. A male mopping the floor then backs up out of the bathroom with his headphones in and they lower their guns.

"Sir!" Sam shouts loudly.

"Sir, it's the police!" he shouts again, and this time the man turns around shocked, pulling his headphone out of his ears.

"Whoa, whoa, what's going on?" he questions confused.

"Who are you?" Jules questions.

"I'm John Dixon. I'm the super" the man states nervously.

"Where's Leslie MacCoy?" Jules then asks and John shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't-- I don't know. I got a complaint from downstairs saying water was coming in from the ceiling. So I just... I let... I let myself in" John explains as Sam walks past him and into the bathroom.

"Have you seen Leslie?" Jules asks.

"No. No. But the front door was open and the bathroom faucet was running" John explains as he points towards the front door.

"When was that?" Sam questions curiously, walking out of the bathroom.

"About an hour ago. And judging by the amount of water, I'd say it had been running awhile" John states as he picks up the mop bucket and brings it to the kitchen.

"All right, we're gonna need contact info on Leslie. Employer, friends..." Jules begins.

"I think she works at a coffee shop on Fifth. I got that number on her file downstairs" John interrupts.

"Get it, please," Sam says bluntly.

"Yeah" John nods.


"The employer hasn't heard from her?" Greg questions curiously as he leans against the SUV.

"She never showed up for her shift this morning and they still haven't been able to reach her," Jules explains.

"Cell phone's still here. Four missed calls" Sam states through the headset.

"Hey, boss, it looks like she left this place in a hurry, and my guess, it was not by choice" Jules advises as Greg turns to look towards Spike.

"Leslie disappears the same day Mac takes off with an escaped prisoner?" Spike questions, causing Greg to nod his head.

"Bit of a coincidence" Greg sighs.

"The only way Mac would do something illegal is by force, and I know he'd do anything to protect Leslie" Spike states confidently.

"So somebody took his daughter to twist his arm," Sam says.

"I've got a pretty good idea who. Head of Bedlam -- Paul Bullard" Greg admits looking right at Spike.


"Now that's how you break" the male in charge says as Alex hears pool balls knocking into each other. She then hears a cell phone ringing as she continues to lay on the ground tasting her own blood in her mouth.

"Yeah" one of the other males says, as he answers the phone.

"It's him" the same male says as he hands the cell phone over to the man in charge.

"You're late," the man says bluntly.

"Accident? Is Jeremy okay?" he then questions concerned.

"No, no, bring him over here. I'll take care of him" he quickly says.

"Then you better get him over here or the deal is off" Alex heard him say as she closed her eyes again.

"Are you giving me orders, officer?" he then says, and Alex opens her eyes and looks towards Leslie who had tears running down her cheeks and dried blood on her lip. The man then walks towards Leslie and holds the phone out for her to take.

"Now tell your daddy how well we're taking care of you" he smiles as Leslie raises her hands that were taped together and grabs the phone.

"Dad?!" she cries.

"Dad, I don't know what's going on" she explains quickly as she looks up nervously at the man in front of her.

"I'm so sorry, Dad. I'm so sorry. I...I stayed clean and paid my debts. I don't know these guys, I swear" Leslie says, before the man grabs the phone and walks away from her.

"You see? She's in good hands. Now I want Jeremy here in exactly twenty minutes" the man says calmly.

"Well, that's too bad. I mean, after all you've done for your little girl, it would be a real shame if she relapsed and accidentally OD'd" the man smiles wickedly as he looks down at Leslie and hangs up the phone.


"Any sign of MacCoy?" Eddie questions through the headset as he drives down a dirt road with Wordy in the passenger seat and Jay still sitting in the back.

"Ah, nothing so far. Nothing on the APB either. This guy just vanished" Greg explains, annoyed as he drives down a street around a large plaza.

"Guys, you need to see this. It's from a security camera outside Leslie's building" Sam states through the headset as video footage begins to play on Spike and Wordy's tablets.

"This was the only angle," Jules advises as they watch two guys carrying Leslie out the front door to her apartment and towards an SUV.

"And nobody saw anything?" Spike questions loudly.

"No one we talked to. Time stamp was six forty-five this morning" Jules explains.

"We're sure it's Bullard's people?" Greg asks.

"Not a hundred per cent" Jules answers as Spike begins to type quickly on the small laptop beside him.

"I got partial plates and...Right there. I recognize him from the file. John Delany" Spike says as a picture of a dark skinned male appears on their screens.

"A.K.A. Big John" Greg states.

"Big John?" Eddie questions.

"He's one of Bullard's main lieutenants" Greg says.

"So Bullard's people grabbed the daughter before MacCoy's shift, and forced him to spring the nephew" Eddie explains slowly.

"But why target MacCoy and not the cop who originally assigned the detail?" Wordy questions as he turns to look at Eddie.

"More importantly, where'd they take the daughter?" Eddie questions as he looks in the rearview mirror at Jay in the back.

"Hey, buddy, where is she?" Eddie questions.

"Where'd they take her?" he then asks.

"I'm asking you a question!" Eddie yells.

"Who knows, man? Who knows?" Jay says annoyed and Eddie shows a small smile.

"Okay" he then says as he looks at Wordy and notices him nodding his head. Wordy then places his hand on the dash and pushes himself into the seat, as Eddie steps on the gasp pedal before slamming his foot on the break, sending Jay into the back of Wordy's seat.

"Hey, man, what the hell?" Jay mumbles as Eddie takes off his seatbelt and opens the driver's side door. Wordy then gets out of the car as well. Eddie quickly walks around the SUV, and opens the back door grabbing Jay and dragging him out of the car.

"Hey!" Jay shouts as Eddie slams him against the hood of the car with Wordy standing right behind him.

"Start talkin'!" Eddie demands.

"I got nothin' to say to you!" Jay screams back.

"Where's Leslie MacCoy?!" Wordy shouts.

"Like I said, I got nothing to say" Jay argues.

"Let me ask you this: How do you think Paul Bullard is gonna react when he finds out that you left his nephew in a burning bus?!" Eddie questions as he looks towards Wordy who was standing next to him with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't imagine he's gonna be very happy" Wordy answers.

"Not happy at all," Eddie says quietly.

"That's not how it happened," Jay defends.

"Well, that is what he's gonna hear unless you tell us what we need to know. Now!" Eddie screams.

Jay looks back and forth between them before taking a deep breath. "I didn't know the whole plan. I did find out that cop, he was gonna let us go" Jay begins.

"Keep talking," Eddie warns.

"When he picked us up, I thought he was just going to go straight to lock-up. But, he didn't. Instead, we ended up picking up another officer. This one was a female though, so I wasn't complaining" Jay smirks, and Eddie looks up at Wordy.

"There was another officer?" Wordy questions.

"Yeah" Jay says as he looks down at Eddie's outfit.

"You know, she was wearing the exact same pants as you. Minus all the tactical equipment though" Jay explains and Eddie quickly looks back towards him.

"Alex" he whispers.

"Yeah! I think she said her name was Alex...Alex Parker" Greg hears Jay say through the headset and he quickly looks at Spike.

"They've got Alex" he says shocked.


"When we landed, the door was open and the one cop was out cold. The other one wasn't there. It was weird, but we had no time to question it" Jay continues to explain.

"So why was Jeremy afraid to go see his uncle?" Eddie questions.

"That "H" we sold... wasn't exactly ours" Jay admits.

"It belonged to Paul Bullard" Wordy states and Jay nods his head.

"We found some other buyers willing to pay more. We thought we'd show Jeremy's uncle Paul that we, you know, had some savvy" Jay says.

"And these other buyers were cops" Eddie then states and Jay takes a step forward.

"It was entrapment, man" he states as Wordy pushes him back onto the car.

"It was you being an idiot," Wordy says.

"Where's Paul Bullard now?" Eddie questions as he grabs hold of Jay's jacket in his fists.

"I swear I don't know. I'm not high enough up on the chain to know where they are" Jay advises and Eddie quickly swings him around and pushes him back into the back seat of the car.

"You know what? I'm not buying it" Wordy quickly says as Eddie slams the back door to the car.

"All this so Bullard can kick his nephew's ass before he sends him away?" Wordy questions confused.

"Bedlam doesn't mess around" Eddie states.


"So we know Mac's taking Jeremy to see Paul Bullard" Spike states as he looks over towards Greg in the driver's seat.

"And we can assume the daughter and Alex are being held someplace secure" Greg states calmly.

"Winnie, contact Guns and Gangs. We need an updated list of any properties known to belong to the Bedlam crew" Greg then says through the headset.

"Copy that. And boss? I have something else might be relevant" Winnie's voice says.

"Go ahead" Greg answers.

"There's an I.A. file building against Sergeant MacCoy" Winnie states.

"Internal affairs? What do they want with Mac?" Spike questions concerned.

"They said it involved unusual bank activity. I.A. uncovered regular payments from an investment company suspected of having ties to the Bedlam gang" Winnie explains and Spike closes his eyes annoyed.

"Thanks, Winnie," Greg says quietly.

"So that's why he didn't call when Leslie was taken. He was afraid we were gonna find out he was working for Bullard" Spike says.

"He probably thought he could take care of it himself... before the accident" Greg advises.

"When his wife was sick, he flew her all over the country looking for treatment. And then when he was trying to help Leslie get clean, paying for rehab, supporting her...Why didn't I see it?" Spike questions with frustration.

"Because you always see the best in people, Scarlatti" Greg admits and Spike looks towards him.

"But, he took Alex. He took her, and he gave her to them" Spike states, pissed.

"We'll find her," Greg nods.

The team all meet back up and continue to drive through the city as they try and figure out where to go next. "Boss, gangs unit just sent me a full list of addresses known to be associated with Bedlam or any of its members. I'm forwarding it to you now, But, boss, there's fifty places on this list" Winnie states through the headset, as Spike types on the keyboard.

"We know he's headed downtown, so we can eliminate everything that's west of Kipling, north of Dupont" Greg advises.

"That still leaves us over thirty properties" Spike says.

"Even if we split and get backup, there's no way we can check 'em all in time" Eddie informs through the headset.

"Boss, if we talk to Mac, we could tell him we know about Leslie. He might let us help him" Spike explains and Greg looks at him and slowly shakes his head.

"Spike, he left his phone so we couldn't track him" Greg says.

"Right. And he disabled the Journeypath GPS for the same reason, But there's a chance he didn't unhook the intercom, the one for roadside assistance. I might be able to route a call directly through the Journeypath server" Spike explains and Greg nods his head.

"Okay" Greg says and Spike quickly begins to type once again.

"Sergeant MacCoy. Sergeant Oliver MacCoy.It's Greg Parker with the S.R.U" Greg says through the headset, as he continues driving. No one answers causing him to look over towards Spike and nod.

"Mac, it's Spike. If you can hear me, we know about Leslie. We want to help. We also know about Alex and that you're working for Bullard, That you're on his payroll. Internal Affairs has been building a file; they've been tracing payments. Unless you tell me otherwise, Unless you tell me Bullard's just trying to frame you, trying to make it look like you did something wrong, if you tell me that, Mac, I'm gonna believe you" Spike says, getting louder with each sentence, but no answer.

"Mac! Please!" Spike then begs.

"Spike, you've gotta know I'd never do anything...that would get anybody hurt. I have no idea what their plan was with Alex. They needed more leverage, and she was an easy target. It got Bullard, not just one cop but a whole team if I messed this up" Oliver's voice then says, and Spike takes a deep breath.

"How could you, Mac. You know how important she is to me" Spike calmly says.

"And you know how important my daughter is to me. I would do anything to protect her, Spike. That's why, when they offered Leslie's life in exchange for Alex's, I had to take it. But then, Bullard didn't keep the deal. He stole Alex when we crashed and left the rest of us there" Oliver explains.

"You took her, knowing that she would die?" Spike questions shocked as he looks over at Greg, with a worried look.

"She didn't mean anything to me, Spike. Leslie means the world to me" Oliver's voice says bluntly.

"She means everything to me, Mac! And I told you that!" Spike yells.

"I'm sorry, Spike" Oliver whispers.

Everyone stays quiet for a few seconds before Spike lets out a deep breath. "Why did you do it, Mac?" he questions quietly.

"It was just information. If one of their places was gonna get hit, A Bedlam member was gonna get picked up, I'd let 'em know. That's it. I never meant for any of this to happen" Oliver explains.

"Mac, you took an oath" Spike advises.

"I spent every penny I had trying to save Rosie and she died anyway. I couldn't face losing my little girl, Spike. I had to do something to take care of her" Oliver's voice says through the headset.

"But this? Taking Alex? Letting two convicts go? How'd you think you were gonna get away with that?!" Spike questions loudly.

"Ah, a couple guys overpower me while I'm getting gas, who's gonna blame me? Besides, when Bullard asked me to do this, of course I said no. Of course! But I had no choice. He's got my little girl, Spike! You know she's my whole world!" Oliver states.

"And you stole my whole world..." Spike informs as he looks out the window towards the tall downtown buildings.

"Tell me where she is, Mac. Let us help you. Tell us where you're meeting Bullard, okay? We'll back you up" Spike demands.

"Triangle Lounge, Queen Street" Oliver's voice says after staying silent for a couple of seconds.

"Triangle Lounge on Queen Street. You got that?" Greg questions through the headset.

"On our way" Sam answers.

"Copy" Eddie says as he once again turns the lights and sirens on and follows behind everyone else.

"Okay, hold on. Our team can be there in ten minutes" Spike says loudly over the noise of the sirens.

"I can't do that. I gotta get the kid there in less than five, or Bullard's gonna kill my girl, and yours" Oliver explains.

"I'll drop the kid off. I'll give him to his uncle. I'll make sure Leslie and Alex are okay. I'll try to stall Bullard as long as I can" Oliver then says and Spike nods his head at Greg.

"All right, Mac...Okay, Mac, it's gonna be okay, okay? They're gonna be okay. I got your back" Spike says hesitantly, feeling Greg step on the gas pedal.


Alex looks up at Leslie who was sitting in the chair with her arms taped in front of her. "We're going to be okay" Alex says quietly as she feels her throat still throbbing from the pain.

"How do you know?" Leslie whispers looking down at her laying on the ground, covered in blood from the cut on her head.

"I just do" Alex simply says as she tries to move her hands again, but is quickly stopped as the tape feels as though it tightens around her wrists.

The sound of something falling causes the men in the room to stop talking and look towards the empty doorway. "Ronnie, go check that out" a man in a bandana says as he looks across the table at another man who quickly gives him an annoyed look, before sighing and standing up from the table. Alex listens to the footsteps echo on the wooden floor beneath her, until they just stop and everything goes quiet.

"Ronnie?" the man in the bandana shouts confused.

"Yo, Ronnie!" He then shouts louder as he stands from his chair, and a small smile appears on Alex's lips.

"S.R.U! Put down the weapon!" Alex hears Eddie's voice screams as many footsteps could be heard on the floor boards.

"Get on the ground! Down on the ground!" Sam and Jules yell in unison.

"Get on the ground!" Eddie then screams.

"Spike!" Leslie then whimpers as things begin to quiet down again.

"Leslie!" Spike quickly shouts as he runs towards her, and Alex feels a pair of hands sit her up. She then looks up and smiles.

"Dad," she says.

"You're going to be okay" Greg smiles as he pulls out his knife and cuts the tape from around her wrists. Once he does, Alex quickly throws her arms around him and feels him pull her close.

"You're okay" he whispers as he puts his hand on the back of her head.

"It's okay, it's okay" Spike's voice says as he tries to calm Leslie down.

"Where's you dad?" Spike then questions confused.

"I don't know, he never showed up" Leslie answers as Alex releases her grip from her father and he slowly helps her to her feet.

"Boss! Mac never showed up!" Spike shouts, looking towards Greg and notices Alex.

"Alex" Spike then whispers as he quickly stands beside Leslie and runs towards her, quickly wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Spike" she whispers back, wrapping her arms around him.

"Are you okay?" Spike questions as he places his hands on the sides of her face and looks down towards her.

"I'm okay" she says softly as she places her hands on top of his. Spike then leans forward and kisses her forehead before pulling her in for a hug again.

"Where's Bullard?" Eddie questions as he kneels down on top of the man with the bandana.

"Where's Bullard?!" Eddie then screams louder and the man smirks.

"Okay, one last time: Where did they take Jeremy Bullard?" Eddie asks quieter, getting closer towards the man.

"I don't know, man. I haven't seen the little snitch!" the man in the bandana hisses.

"Snitch?" Eddie questions, as he looks up towards Greg and releases the man over to another officer. Greg shrugs his shoulders as Eddie stands back up and slowly walks over to Alex, pulling her into a tight hug.

"You okay, Kiddo?" Eddie questions.

"Yeah. I'm okay" she answers softly as she looks around at her team looking towards her.


"Nobody's saying anything about where Bullard is" Eddie states as he walks towards Greg, who was standing next to Alex. Alex then winces in pain, as the paramedics clean her wounds.

"Staff sergeant from fifty-two Division says Jeremy was down there with his lawyer and the prosecutor" Greg informs as Wordy then walks towards them.

"He cut a deal" Wordy agrees.

"Reduced sentence for testimony against his uncle" Greg then adds as he looks towards Eddie.

"And somehow Bullard found out" Eddie nods.

"He's not planning to send Jeremy out of the country" Alex then says and they all look down towards her.

"Hey, boss!" Jules says as she runs towards the four of them.

"A uniform on a drive-by reported seeing that truck from a security camera" she quickly says.

"Where?" Greg questions.

"Outside a garage, other end of the waterfront," Jules answers, out of breath and Greg turns to head towards the SUV's.

"Spike!" he yells as he looks towards Spike who was with Leslie.

"Jarod!" Spike yells as he waves over another officer.

"Leslie, it's okay. It's gonna be alright, okay?" Spike says as he looks down at Leslie who looked up at him scared.

"Dad!" Alex's voice quickly yells, causing Greg to stop and turn around, followed by Spike.

"I want to come with you" Alex says as she walks towards them.

"Alex" Greg says.

"What? I'm okay. Yeah, I was tossed around a bit, but I'm fine" Alex explains as she reaches up and places a hand on her dad's arm.

"I promise," she whispers, and Greg looks towards the paramedics and they nod their heads.

"She got lucky" one of them yells back, causing Greg to take a deep breath.

"Okay, but you're not doing anything. You're just riding along" Greg explains, and Alex snickers.

"Just like my day started" she jokes, and both men shake their heads and laugh as they all walk towards the SUV.


All three SUV's speed down a dirt road towards an abandoned factory. Alex looks out the window from the back seat as dust covers most of the view, before Greg quickly steps on the break and she immediately reaches her arms out in front of her, to stop herself from hitting the back of Spike's chair. Once the car stops, Alex looks out the front window and notices Bullard and two others running out of the factory with their guns in front of them, but they all quickly drop to the ground as the team shouts and runs towards them with their guns raised as well. Alex opens the back door while the three of them get their hands cuffed behind their back and she walks around the car to notice a smile appear on Bullards face as he sees her. "I should have killed you and that girl when I had the chance" he says, but quickly leans over in pain as Spike punches him in the stomach.

"Spike!" Greg shouts as he pulls him away, and pushes him to follow Jules into the factory.

Alex smirks and walks closer towards Bullard, and stops right in front of him. "I win" she simply says, causing Bullard to growl. But then he looks down towards the ground and smiles.

"Are you sure about that?" he then says, causing Alex to follow his gaze, and she notices the blood covering her pants.

"Look like we both lost something important today" Bullard whispers wickedly as a tear escapes Alex's eye and she quickly wipes it away.

"Alex?" Eddie whispers with concern. She doesn't say anything, and Eddie walks Bullard towards one of the SUV's.

The adrenaline disappears inside Alex and immediately she feels the pain in her stomach and winces as she falls to her knees. "Alex!" Greg shouts as he runs towards her, followed by Eddie.


"Over here! We need help!" Spike hears a voice scream as he enters the factory. He then holds his gun up and runs towards the voice.

"Mac!" Spike then shouts, as he puts his gun back in the holster and notices Oliver laying on the ground with a pool of blood behind him. Oliver raises his arm and hands Spike his gun, and he quickly takes it and places it behind him.

"Officer down! Officer down! We need medics in here right now!" Spike yells into the radio as he kneels down beside Oliver.

"Leslie?" Oliver questions quietly.

"We got her, we got her. She's okay, okay? You just hang on!" Spike says quickly as he unbuckles the vest around Oliver.

"S.R.U. swoop in for all the glory" Oliver begins to say before he begins to cough, causing Spike to look down at him worried.

"Spike...You gotta take care of Leslie. See she's gonna be okay" Oliver says as he grabs a hold of Spike's arm.

"You're gonna do that yourself, okay? As soon as you feel better" Spike reassures, placing pressure on the wound.

"Spike, promise me she won't be alone" Oliver demands.

"I'll do what I can" Spike quickly says and Oliver aggressively grabs a hold of his arm.

"Promise!" he grunts.

"I promise! I promise!" Spike says as tears begin to fall from his eyes. He then watches as Oliver slowly falls to the ground, and his chest stops rising.

"Mac?" he questions shocked, staring at the now lifeless body in front of him.

"Mac!" he yells, before he slowly takes his hands off and sits on the ground.


Spike slowly walks into the women's locker room and towards Alex's locker. When he opens it he spots the positive pregnancy test laying on the bottom. He takes a deep breath as he grabs it. He then sits on the bench and looks towards it, letting tears escape his eyes. Greg then enters the room and sits down next to him, placing a hand on his back. "You should take some time" Greg says and Spike looks towards him.

"I-I didn't even...have a chance to know..." Spike stutters, as he looks back down at the test.

"Spike, she knew how you would feel. So, she wanted me to tell you that she only found out last shift" Greg begins to say, and Spike quickly looks back up at him.

"She was going to tell you tonight" Greg then says and more tears fall from Spike's eyes.

"She would be okay, if Mac didn't take her," Spike says, as he wipes the tears from his face, and Greg slowly nods his head as he leans forward and rests his arms on his knees.

"Most likely" he whispers.

"He was a good cop" Spike advises as he stares at the lockers in front of him.

"Yes" Greg agrees as he sits back up and turns towards Spike.

"That's why, when he saw a young man facing execution, he did something about it. You know why he was able to do something like that? Because he knew you had his back. He knew you'd be there for his daughter. You know what else that guy did?" Greg questions.

"What?" Spike asks quietly.

"He taught you everything you know about being a good cop. And you're one of the best I've ever known" Greg says before he gets up off the bench and begins to walk towards the door.

"Why aren't you pissed off at him?" Spike questions curiously, and Greg turns to look at Spike with a small smile.

"Because he was a father, Spike. He was doing what he knew was wrong, but to protect his daughter. And I know that both of you will get through this, and I'll be here for the both of you...Always" Greg says and Spike shows a small smile and nods his head slowly as he watches Greg walk out of the locker room.


Alex lays in the hospital bed, looking towards the city skyline, when a sudden knock on the door causes her to quickly look towards it. "Hey, you" Spike smiles as he slowly walks into the room, causing Alex to smile and quickly wipe away a tear.

"I'm sorry" she whispers and Spike shakes his head as he lays down next to her and pulls her closer.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he whispers, brushing her hair with his hand.

"I should have told you when I found out, at least then you would have had a chance to be happy about it" Alex says quietly.

"Alex, listen to me..." Spike begins, before taking a deep breath.

"Yes, I'm upset because we lost the baby. I'm pissed off, because of what happened to you to make you lose the baby. But, I'm entirely grateful that you are okay. And that you're alive" Spike explains, as Alex sits up and looks towards him with tears in her eyes. Spike shows a small smile and raises his hand up and places it on her cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb.

"I love you, Alex Parker. Always" Spike says softly and Alex smiles.

"I love you so much" Alex says as she quickly lays back down on Spike's chest and holds him close. The comfort she felt from feeling the warmth of his body and hearing his heartbeat is exactly what she needed, and she felt lucky to have it. 

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